! dorm a n vrup ! r ' I tnA riti tMU v V.., p that Umsuun- .'V..-ic. In P'.:',l..f bring in the con- & creatures living in the V i.n'ii-.css there and 5Jtv as catenas do ;u" the leaves of trees. The phlecrm that is V Pinched up id those i'. tX tie lun-js J53, - ..1. li i v i la-e-n V II I - - j .i,.cirftvi'(l. These Is . .i, r,fnif4 are railed. a.- ti . . . ... u- sj-t-ii with the V3 . . -ri vt-rv ninth but '-j " , ' .lino. anu euier ibc fuUU, luv: i.r...i.Tii 1 he Dores of Me'i. .ft into the df-ualiy arrive at the lungs .' ?.iiti with l in, loosens im the ni. heal Use -places ! . ....l, --iul illlll :n '. ... j i ... - '"in s.s lv ri: ' His '..uuai;li,. was the faih,.r. such us handle barn and .,,.,:. i ,,,a. i . . ii'TUMiian and the other a ji.ii.ii, nit; )ount r son brothi- one t . the Ucvt, t tne ill out jtlu y who cheerful, mir grandfathers ; high Gou, delegating perhaps to uncon i "!! graii.lmoili.-r usei m,K -(lehet.. ' secratwl men aud women this most Hiieu lii. v were mcdative, then , solemn and most delightful service, board theetilnr house raiiT it. va .,. .., n ,.. f,;i;ra t uUi m H-f and t. Euumid's.": the duty of sacred song. We want uerethev t;!rn.-lf n, ....... i. ...m. ........ i . .. - - i. . ' - """." gic.a eacii laiuuy oi our congregation uiue , irnu 'I Ht'. In..- f... u' .... ..1. " . . ........ vuts tl i r t ! u ' uuu:mi k. a siiiguiij sctiooi. CUU016U peiuiauce, organ buil.ter. lit- s'art.-fl tl.. r . ! , "'l'l't-u in visions ol Uin oliduracy and intractability would be wuii that luilt-u fr,)llt t'woilr.wl ' me i imrcli, they sang ". ion." soothed if we had more singing iu the ihhtrnm.Md willWl has ,..," m i ( ";; 'JV.-rb- with U. love .Ind hoMs-hu;d, aild then our little one would ! with the ttursJ.ii. of Uit- a- !, ! i ., '' -"V "An.-l. And be pn-pareil lor the great congregation v.hat improv.iii.-ot h-, iw? . . f ,llr:i' v.-e certai:i tunes on Sabbath day, their voices uniting ! t.,. ,l i : i::;:,::: i ;;r 1 -t'y-thourvoieJ'huhe nai lVni,,r,M s..i. ........ V 1 h,m'llv"-'1 l"''"'-' a Rreat. v:.:iU; tl.es : Lord. After a shower there are a score ,, ' -".. ;i.oig.-, two old i-o.l.-. and ive haven,, ri "x-h.ustmn, Uufii.ai.d (.oig. ind ,lo.i.h liix.tli' ...i.i 'r... t - 1 tl... r 1. .1 1 . h, u.m imjju .laruine ol our own city. I do not wunder that v.in n the l.r: lull .,ri;an that e read of as given in by un eii,jt.:(irof tlie mat to a kil.;r o! Vi.ua:,; i,..ii:iiittl t. itu itj full ''' "T a v.oaia;i l. Ii n.t tO '1 .i.:r:l Ii,.f to,a. 'Jin lit, bccmc" ltMI."!. ,.,.t ,.,, i 1 . ifc. n m M ITS PiliS lkl'i,ia.il 10 r-s"liw.y. a a iiil YftlE&BiCKFOHD. Attorneys, llfc.i- ' ' .... .. ..... uturwa 1.1 ir !'" ' ' " - rnrrn cuseo to stay cured. drrwol f vrry uflrr'r m she 51 RliiH f.EuB-.c.i;.'r JURE FITS ! I ki ear 1 4" . a""". nl Mmmla 4 o"' wi . KOOT. t J- i f". m.t .1. 1. r.rn"ith-yj''i'"iri i' iwlliig rmwlv f-r : i in rtxm ur I"' Ibe lt:;s- rt(iC",i"',,'1 ln r":"m'Dlilc " . wlU fti nMfTt'f.r. 1'BICK tJl-- iiuuLry l.l' in n.ii Aiji'inliii'. j m'' euautrr l.o iravelcr n.iHt ..irliriiar. nincli let" :.( liiiit; mti, lie IIUHl U')t rxn.'Cl io nun i-Dt aiimnjr the liiliabitantf. Wl,o!o df'ii'U b;tivly stillicn to bu tiw combat Saiiit t!W eie- k Mill. I camiot nfriin iriin it!io imiirrMton of n'hM!i. and t iiijiiui.-i-a be (he oigbt of the mimI coh.nie d the ..uiijiil, anil Iglioitisenf the life that Ihe iiibsib iu lr.il. V.'iitv the- m -ijnriiy live e ti.au billies! for they have not s Ik clean !v itiittinet of the be:its be licld. 't'hi'ir Louies are Jc.-s pb!e to the eye than an lxiu: b'l but. Tiie (vbv they nniltr.-at ruimili is uli'UJninl' lo behohl. Ely do you h Hie face of a ln". .rel.ihl that does not wear a lai an.) b-roeioiH fXrelon. lo riliajrci ihero arts no elubi. no pnn, no ehurohe. no iinelsi, rare- ! SKin.nl. I'Iib men and women eat, and sleei., mid their only fMoa U the 'TO-vWrt beftuiHty. Nia;' and drinking in the pulperfi. Eow-iiionaUy a 1(1 lie killing aim iver-liriie-. During my whole a ti e Ar,;'.'iitine, aud lu all tli s pi that I visited. 1 wt rtrae-: by siler aUenee of moral restraint, w tiw hard maleriaiity of t'") firf tii people, from lh liihest l the IokmL-Iheodore Child, Vvptr'i Mugnsine. An Anoiant. 1 Ul'lil.Ulll reason v.s i.e. or re- ijesty oi a yreat orL'an. nk: iluiiy ptaj, d, it ahnoit too much or unman endurance but how much the ::;itniin":it lias iiuiie in the rei, . lol laoel,: ol l.ivioH s, i i ice it wilt take ail ti.au and ail ttiri.it-.- to celebrate. J A l-al, wh'-n vb d.dieated this ehurcli to the service of Almiirhtv t.od. mir oi r;.iii v. ,ii not more than half done. Hle.H new cou.e ioin.ir cui.!;,'.ctiou ti...t tn.H ii.oriiii.ir 1 tin -a. -h a a-niion '.at .try ot this i.ii.ty tbrei.e of ed Round. It fleets the eve us well a.s t...- ear. Ih hoM llu:t mountain of Hiinenr.d '1 Ins forest of hosaunahs! Its hl.it.oiy lij j.eruhar. 'J here baa U-eu ni.ivh discus-ion as to ..hero music v,-.u barn. I think tintl a' tin.' beginning, v. h. n tiie morn- 1 li (4 st,.rs san togetaer, and the huiis cd le d siiouied lor joy, that the earth l.iard the .rhii, 'iiiy cloud on wbicli the angeii stood to ((-lebrate the crea tion, was the bhtlipiace td song. In animate nature is lulled (iou'ss'.ringed and v.iiid instruments. Mienco itself peiii ,. t b..''iice -is only a miihical rest in (htd's great autheui of vsoiship. Wind aiiioiig the leaves, inn. cts hum ii.iul.' in thrt Miininer air, 'ho rush of biiiow upon bt-.u-li, llie ocean far out tuundu.g ill everlasting psalm, the bobolink on tlio edge of the lorest, the tjuiul l.i.tlii.Ki tram the grass, are music. On U.aeii vveh's island 1 heard, mining from a window of the lunatic nsljuiii.a very fewcet son . it was sur.g i,v't,in! who had lost her reason, and I have come to believe thai even tne de rate.'wl and disdrdeied eh mi lit of na ture would make inm.iu to our ear if we only l-.ad aeilleltess enougii to listen. 1 suppose that even the hounds m nature tiiat are discordant and repulsive uial.t- judoascar. i ou Know mat uie to near to an oh-ium.... d.i aie liiiiimd instead ol. think uu stand so iiarmouy oii may c that the foi ,,),.aiiirable: :tnd 1 near devastating storm and Inghtlul whirlwind that, we cannot hear that which makes to God's ear and the ear of the spirits above us a music as com plete as it is tremendous. he day of judgment, which will bo a day of uproar and tumult, 1 suppose will bring no disonuance to the ears of lho.,e who can calmly listen; although it be as when some great preloriner is ex ecuting ii boisterous piece- of music, he sometimes breaks down the instrument u w Inch he plays, to it maybe on that ..,..( ,!-.n lhal l ie Kiauu manuoi the lingers oi unu.ma .o... uul coiihiU'iauon, may P Eajlisu naturalist who nut in Jtwata boarding house, spent Wit live iu tracimr the bodbuz Mo his nativa lair. Ho found per- BMthi'utic information 10 prove P Ike hiM-et existed mid whs full of in the year 120 1!. C. Ho wan Vfcanii in i'Iih cantii of the army, PMwar fleet wm deemml tilted out iiber-il snrinkliu. 1 draw portal Unit i'. r enesti All RnlTeiinir from r-'mf the Thn,at and llourm- r'1'! be agreeably surprised at the ?Je rehef afforded by tho use of t" BruHiMal Troche." com J boxes. Xha!3 Blavatsky islead. Sh P'tudentof theosonhv. whioh Is klrid of lunacy into which people r'h who laek ambition to indulee pPracUcaUffairi of life, or ta.sU ("I kind of social dliwlllon, drift. f "reputed to ba brilliant, diain f ad learned in many languages, f'lllieiil. lww.nno iha world "' interpret hjr mvtlcinm, and "aticr could she make herself un I'hora ar torn like br lB Mjaopin rcctoI that tho Prince of l . "wuriv tipri w i nuijtuit inn " ?l height, and would shin a big by doing , be could regain tho ao proud of twenty yr ago my sccouDt for the fact turn mess was, mornlnff sod rrt- wu disv .to be mxn on Iho roads of Horn JWjorlout.ly proiielUng blinttelf about l"9cle. Tbo trirTele sad tlio Prince's J! suit of flannel were a perfect Jto Ibis Oenoan watering placs. . ) rear U wrwidromlv dull, and TJ-M (or Anertt-ans who chased jfjjj? Uilther it would bars been well- i-i.r-ei by ri l-.tl h:i At! llllioll Which the urea u" ' , . . niti'oC is executed. Not only is inam . u-nauue loll of music, but t.od has witdertullyorgani.ed the human voice, w that in tne Plamest tb.oi.t and lungs there we fourteen direct muscles which l i. Ver Vm diii' ielit ivoumi?, thirty indirect muscles which can make, It has Ueen nire thi.n lol.WM' W e"iluu3' wbei.tiodhasso emisuu ... '-. i. . ..a If., lull I led uinan voice, uim.. whole earth witu uar.uu,,,, , recognued it in the ancien 1 have aright to come to the 1 . , . . n.uuil music. conclusion u.a.uuue, - , the tirstargumeui , tv.im tiie lacL .hJ euuimanded it. Through . ...i.,.,,it.li one an- lUI llo tells Ui iu aum 1111 1 l..i,mi and stunt- other in 1V''" " "7.,,. lie cries auongsiandtnniugu.. - . ... j.. to liOU. II" J v Pl'-ry of ( i,n,t, they sang "An in thosi dav j In, re were cert a marri. 1 t-j ! :ta.ii hvnms, have llvnl two old to divorce thro, -vi,-j. :...) i,-..ti. to joined together :, t i; ,,m lmt asuniler.' Hut how- hard-hearted we must be it all this sacred musk- of tiie past does not start us heavenward. Jhit I must now speak of some of the obstacles in the way of the advance ment 01 tnis sacred music; and the first is that it hits been impressed into tl.e service of snperstitutiou. 1 am far from believeing that music ought always to be positively religious, lie-' fined art has opened places were music has been secularized, and awfully so. The drawing room the musical club, the orchestra, the concert, by the grati fication of juire taste, and the pro duction of harmless amusement and the improvement of talent, have be come great forces in the advancement of our civilization. Music has as much right to laugh in surrey gardens as it has to iii i.y in X. 1 aid's. In the kingdom of nature we have the glad song of the wind as well as the long metre psalms of the thunder. Jlut while all this is so, every observer has noticed that thhj art, which (lod in tended for the ear and the voice, and the heart, has often been impressed into the service of f'aise relgions. False religions have depended more upon the by lulling of their congregation than upon tho pulpit proclamation of their dogmas. Tartiui, the musical composer, dreamed one night that .Satan snached from his hand an instru ment and played upon it something sweet a dream that has often been fulfilled in our day, the voice and the instruments that ouidit to have been devoted to Christ, captured from the church and upphed to purposes of su perstition. Arfother obstacle in the advancement of this art has been thueroneous notion that this part of tho service could be conducted by delegation. Churches have said: "Oh what an easy time we shall have. This miniister will do the preaching, the choir will do the singing, and we shall have nothing to do." And you know as well as 1 that there, are a great multitude of churches all through tins land, where the people are not expected to smg, mo wuote work is done by delegation of four, or six, or ten persons and the audience are silent. Jnsucli a eiiurcn in oji.ic.uac, an old elder persisted in singing and so tho choir appointed a committee to go and ask tho 3411 ire iflio woulli llot stuI' You kno.v that in a great multitude of churches the choir are expected to do all tiie singing, and the great mass of the people are expected to bo silent, and if you utter your voice you ti.rl'r.riiiL'. There they Sulil't with onera glass dangling at their side nornr'nock of Alien, Cleft for with tho same spirit that tho night be . 1 . .. . ...a- n.n i- oin t fore on the stage, mey 1 iu tho "Grand Duchess" or "Don Gi ovanni.'' My Christian friends have we a nt ileleeaielo others 1110 uisiai.u s- DBPRICE'S ! k rrfalti Baking : I UJGVsdei: iit ; of streams that come down the 1 Used in Millions of Homes AO Years the Standard. tain side with voices rippling and silvery, pouring into one river and then rolling in united strength to the sea. So, I would have all the families m our church sent forth the voice of prayer aud praise, pouring into the great tide of public worship that rolls on aud on to empty into the great. wide heart of God. Jsever can we have our church sing as it ought until our families sing as they ought, I want to rouse you to a unanimity m Christian song that has never yet been exhibited. Come now! clear your throats and get ready for this duty or you will never heartho end of tlus. never shall forget hearing. a Frenchman sing the ".Marseillaise" on the Champs Elysces, J'aris just before the battle of Sedan in 1870. I never saw such en thusiasm before or since. As be sang that national, oh, how tho. Frenchmen shunted' Have von eve.nill ail Kn- glish assemblage heard a band pwj "God Save the Queen?" If-you know something about the enthusiasm of a national air. Now 1 tell you that these songs we sing Sabbath by Sabbath .'irnthe na tional airs of Jesus Christ and of the kinedom of heaven and 11 vn. 1 do not. learn to shur them here j - . " how do vou ever expect to sing song ol Moses aud the Lamb? 1 should not be surprised at all if some of the best anthems of heaven were made up of some of the best songs of earth t.,,r c.vi iiwruflon our reverence for I hristian psalmo'ly ana Keep us nvm disgracing it by our indifference and frivolil V When Cromwell s army . . .,...1 1. 1- 41. lu.-wl went into oaiuene swuu m of them one day and gave out the long meter doxology to the tune of the 'Old Hundred," aud that great host, company by company, bat talion by battalion joineu in the dox ology : Praise (iod from whom all blessing tlow; 1'iniM! ilim, all creatures hero Iwlow, I'rnio llim alnive, ye heavenly host, Praia - father, Son and Holy tihost. And while they sang they marched and while they marched they fought mid wnile they fought they got a victory. Oh men and women of Jesus t,.iot let 119 err. into alt our sonuicis V ol ion, -u d ' si Th Maes or tTalm' Wht It is an open secret that the Prince of Wales is borely exercised about his in creasing weight, and would sien a big cheek if by doing so he couta rrgum mc waist he was so prouu 01 iweuir j'8 Perh spa this may account for the fact that bis ltoyal Highness was, morning and evening, to be seen on ine roaus 01 huui- burg laboriously propeuiug u-an on a tricycle. The tricycle and the Prince's suuff -colored suit of flannel were a perfect odsend to tins Uerwaa waierir piacc. which this year is wonaroutty uun, ma were it not for the Americans who chased the Prince thither it would have been well nigh empty. fussy impulse of imnressiou would The bruskne and rlavn of false rate down till as worthless because on is unworthy. As it mere were ..0 motes in sunbeams! Or comets among stars! Or cataracts in peaceful rivers. lieca-use one remedy proiesses what it never was adaptea to uo, mc ,.a remedies worthless? Jiecause one u? tor lets his patient die, are all humbugs '. 1. rnxn .00 Q tl II A PVP. 11 U lll.ri Uiam to discriminate-to draw the different al line. . . ... ,a 'They say' that or. nerces ..umco Xedicrl Discovery ana in. iinw Favorite Prescription nave cuitu luuu- sands. , . -.. . "They say' tor a weaK systeui uieic nothing better than the "Discovery and that the "Favorite Prescription is the hope of debilitated, feeble women who need a restorative tonic and brac ing nervine. And here's the proof Try one or hoth. If they dont help you, tell the "World's Dispensary Medi cal Association, of Buffalo, N, i., and you get your money back again. Wumrd by m Cow. Two prominent men the other morning were waiting at Willow creek, in Modoo county, California, for the Susanville staff to come from Bleber on its way to Bosan ville, where one of the parties was to go.; The distance was a !od one, and the stajs leaves unusually early in the morning la order to make the trip. The Kentleman had remained in Adln Thursday night and driven out to meet the stage. To get there on time the parties left Adin at about 2 o'clock in the morning, and as it seemed warm both were thinly clad. In an hour , they reached the stage road and com menced a patient wait for the United States coach. They became tired and chilled, and in walking .around one came in contact with an old cow lying down, and found her to be erfectly gentle. He therefore called Ins friend, ana Dom nat down in the dust, with their backs against the cow, in which position they remained until the stage arrived at 5 o'olock. One can imagine two men Lassen county's present District Attorney and the ex Superintendent of Schools hugging thai old roan for over two hours to keepw'arm. William says: "Perhaps it didn't look nice, but felt so." Hint for Bud Spoil"- "How do you'spell deceased?'' asked the sereeant of the doorman. "With a i, I guess, ' returned the door man. , , . . . "Come off! mere is no z ui u. W'here is tiat dictionary ?" I rtnn r. Know. .sir. ocir - r.g for it last night." "That's tough. I'd That's tough, l m not sure auu that word, ana i aon i waut w - "Follow Sergt. 's plan, then, sug gested the dqprmtm. Whenever he gets Stuck on spelling a word he wnics it pho netically and quotes It" are in- tho four ri of" this duty which God demands of us? Suppose that four woou-tnrusnrs should propose to do all the singmg some origin day when the woot.s are ringing with bird voices. It is decided that four wood-tlirusnes sua" the singing of tho forest. Let all other ! ten silent. How beautifully f0ur warble. It is really hue mll8ie. But how long will you keep Um forest still? Why, Ohnst would t.m(;illU) that forest and look up as he Ued through the olivcs.'and he would ve his hand and say; "'Let ever - at, iiin " - - thing thii and keeping time iwith the stroKe of ngin'g the praises of God, and then instead of falling back as we otten uo from defeat to defeat, we will be marching on from victory to victory. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the begiuing, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. " Swimming in Deep Water. At many points along the sound, in the vicinity of Port Chester, good swimmers can enjoy a plunge from the rocks into deep water and avoid the ,-.iir nrocess. which makes Coney is land and Rockaway unattractive for i,thnra who like to know that the sand i fiv fathoms beneath their feet. One would naturally suppose that greater danger exists in deep water bathing places than where an ordinary sized man has to walk out the eighth of a mill) to submerge his shoulders; but tins is not the fact, if tho experience of a landlord who has kept a hotel on the Westchester shore of the sound for n.ii-tv voars is to be trusted. "tsiesa vou." said he' "we don't have ; o,.f.idnnt. here once in live a urowo.oh , , t . , years 1'ou see, nobody but a fool would jump off those rocks unless he was a prime swimmer; and when the fool comes along and gets in there are always half a dozen fellows there that 'ire as much at home swimming as 'walking, aud he's sure to be fished out .,uiorAhelias time to urown. uul m How Lincoln Kan for Conre. The r.nmnaitm was carried on almost entirely without expense. Mr. Joshua R,imv1 told the writer that some of the Whiirs contributed a purse of $200,which Rn,.7l hnnded to Lincoln to pay his per- evnenses in the canvass. After the pleriion was over the successful candidate handed Speed $199.25, with the request ih.t h return it to the subscribers. "I did thp. monev." he said. "I made .h r-nnvas on mv own horse: my enter Itainment, being at the home of friends, icost me nothing, and my only outlay was 75 cents for a barrel of cider, which some farm-hands insisted I should treat them to." l. ,. Wnli' Heir. "' '' In everything except the indispensi- ble tawny beard that talis line a roil oi dead gold silk lo the extremity of a mass ive chest, 1 nnce Atoen vicun, mc cium. son of the Prince of Wales, models him self on Ouida's heroes. He is as fond of kuickknacks as a lady. His private apart ments are the nearest approach to the tal ented but vulgar authoress' ideal of a young guardman's room. He would not brush his hair otherwise than with an ivory backed brush to save his life. Eau de co logne and other perfumes have their place in Uis bath. To write a-note on paper that was not the triumph of the perfumer's art would, in his own imagination, be unwor thy of his taste and position. He has cirti in life, in fact, like an exquisite of CorfBitMT,i9o7, A prompt return of your money, if you get neither benefit nor cure. Kisky terms for the doctor, but safe and sure for tho patient. Everything to gain, noth ing to lose. There's just one medi cine of its class that's sold on theso conditions just one that could be Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It's a peculiar way to sell it but it's a peculiar medicine. It's the guaranteed remedy for all Blood, Skin, and Scalp Diseases, from a common blotch or eruption to the 'worst Scrofula. It cleanses, purifies and enriches the blood, and the Gdorgc IV. type; but luckily for him- cures oalt-rneum, letter, jMJzeina, self and -for the nation, he is preserved Erysipelas, and all manner of blood- e f k V.tAtir.nallln t.rnit ,J . 1 . t irom sumo w tamt8 trom wnatever cause. it. of the "First Gentleman s character oy the sensitive shyness of his disposition. He diners again from most exquisites in haviuc a praiseworthy desire to pay promptly for the luxuries in wmcli he in dulges. Indeed, he worries his attendants to worry his tradespeople to send In their bills sharp, and frets and fumes if the as tute shopkeepers alive to the value of having the future King of Englapd upon their books within decent limits delay in delivering their accounts. Like his father, he gets clothes and pbnty of them from Foole. Prince Albert Victor's idea of dlg nifiod mufti, is a frock coat and lavender or gray trousers. He seldom wears a cut away coat, aud when traveling hardly ever appears in a suit of dittoes. On the whole he may be described as a very stately and solemn young man. costs you nothing if it doesn't help you. The only question is, whether you want to be nelped. "Golden Medical Discovery" is the cheapest blood - purifier sold, through druggists, because you only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more? The "Discovery" acts equally well all the year round. Made by the World's Dispensary Medical Association,, at C63 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. N N. U. No. 146 fork, Neb out: hundreds 1 il...... urn -i . ..otii, " Alia UH-io t eVpagesl might na,ne preying of other pa-s... 0 tf that it is.um.ic i a u. - - i HSU ,H ' Ve nU Jommandsinthe think taere aie nwre c .rf H, human ulce. Gml not on,? - ask8 and the . ...i t . .. .11111 X ii ,.o t no orKi"- tne y v''111 .. n, trumpoM tlio lime, meuis of music, vvhetu- iii the ab e wings, there would be o,W S voices leaping into the harmony this delegation t,n.,i in heaven: formers were d ;j tllill loui "i Suppose pcrforu suppose irv to do temple. Hush the singing of the upper now, turouea minions and principalities. ulill. thOUKliyUu wmo t- iael." Paul! keep Ul AU. " vou nave c (j nt music. butforliiHirum - : . ,i... . vinLlll. "'iu . " lor ii v trumpet gupposu u,.. ,. thetrumpe . ....... t !(. . ill e. CUUlt"! v" service of ..mlali theinstrnn ertl.ey hava uc. ... i,,utby ri'''-''i!';;:;;;;v:na;th;fe,t their masters.." , tho of Christ, anu u. Mlf. l.urch's tn-.mp". - thoLotdl fi-ritng ii"0 ". , " P voices, rraise. Ilim with stringed with organs. . muBic of ourowndayvi. , ... ,ch lm3 luncoof chrcl. 1 ! , ;hedt)Volion9 ",,w Ktrn come down fragr of other out than i . ...,u HI IM-D ....i.iiriii tuiio - no moio when our Ihein they were worn on. . , p 0IK ti.e.u ureat-grandf ath-rsU from ll ... old souls and do David! be the sweet singer quiet, though to that crown oi ie- Unxter! keep still, everlasting n.n.imr. Bii'.hard ' ... - ..... WSuilllK UiT its now do all the Put l ow long would heaven singing, hit ll(W' "Halleluiah!" bequietr "",,, Methodist ltw." , .,,rtvrs from among W0U1U S111B , . i.'i'ii'iiikH be the thrones. -"..,. T7i: md spirits would mtiitituuo nnmiu into 01 VU.'-o" , , , a u.o ,.iib hundred and iu.vj . ..i st.on thai, iu"" into one acc.aim. - : t Mopi w " . . miid. as well try 1 ou "- . . 1...! it li Hit PTHlllffll the surt at many "j that there won't be one good summer n.,wM,r (ift.V. I 1 I l. .L 1L... " O a.iv,iinir lies in all sorts of sicknesses .....traeted bv staying ioo ionS iu u.c Se i In shallow water a man doesn't Jim much, and there is nothing to tire him so he often paddles about for more He.,. :m hour; but where he can t rest ,., w m. .t he bottom, and has to swim " . ., : ...inn. h i nrettv sure to come out garter or that time, lle is fnh and warmed by bis exercise m Ires".; ,.ri in the other he is faint d blue and shivering. 1 tell you, the shallows take 60 lives for one the deeps take. Jsew unto God a great singing' hear me. to beat drown tho for every SOul ..,! In (10 US OW" church pews ) 8lWhe.i how tbey llst J t0 8" 8 back the roar of the sea, in leaven n as d have singing. A as - cannot tried on earth that W oining d in heaven, " . of the most all our voices in the pM OUR SPECIALTY PROMPT SHIPMENTS, WB.CAR11T IN STOCK nnnta Grain and Flax Testers, BCp8 and Bolt,, SSuf HorsePowcrs, hpouis, Pulleys and Sprocket Wheels, Sliattinsr, Maimers, Boxes mid Collars. ( Rubber. Pipe Steam Flttlnps, Ritinr 5 l Mlber rass Goods and Packing, Belting, j Yer Flre urlcU, and Clay. Co!ete Steam Outfits Promptly fpm nr Repaired. All Kinds of Castings and auime Work. York Foundry & Engine Co., Vorlc. Nebraska, U. S. BALE-TIE MACHINE 4 Sun Spots. Tho npriod of maximum is approach nnd lirofessional ing u ",1.vv .;,... ,.r ,i,Q astronomers in an uui..a ulobe are direating tneir leiescupca tiie orb of day in hopes that his small poxed appearance will be more than usually interesting. -There is an ex cellent chance for amateurs ui m.a oa of observation. The comparison of aolar disturbances with the variations of the magnetic needle forms an abund ant field for useful work. The owner f thn smallest telescope may discover something which will send his name down to posterity in the astronomy text books.-New YorK uecomer. Mabe3 a complete lis with one movement ol the lever. Saves 40 Pen cent, in cost of bale ties No dclav In waiting lor ties; make them yourself. SOOi) ln use. U. S. HAY PRESS SUPPLY CO., KANSAS CITY. MO. r At! Chichcstcr'S English, fffo Cross WMonftM .T . ,r ru I. B.fU n etAiahl Pill (br Itlfl. o l It.il ht Dll.r. mJ.ji1. "llelfcr lr UidlM." '.! ." BU bj all liniBSi i, 4-, V7 " -rrama ovxtTW Vfn C ATATIRH. Best. Easi- est to uso. Cheapest. Kelief is immediate. For Cold in the Moan u n n I I cure is certain ft mail. no equal. It U an uimmcni, ui w mt r -, - - 4 v to the nostrils. Price 50c. Bold b, -ir or to Address: i . him..j-i - ' x;- 5 ii 4- t 1 1 i ! t i i : i. i I I Jie.e.i''