The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 01, 1891, Image 2
.-4 if I r f ' 5 I.: n I THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL U J. MMMO.VS, Proprl.u.r. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA SieM Fna 8 ti ! Vauoocteb, B. C, Sept 26. The steamship Empress of China arrived from Hon,? Kong and brings the follow ing advices. J. A. Leonard, United States consnl geneialat Shanghai, telegraphed Ad miral Helknap September 3: "A Shan . ghai morning paper has a telegram re ceived saying there was a riot at Ichang at noon September The mission and all foreign property was burned; no lives lDSt." Aciu'.ral Belknap 6ent im mediately the Alliance and I'aloe to Yang Tse. A special to the Japan Mail of Sep tember 3, says a rioi occurred at Ichang. All the foreigners' property at this point was burned, but no lives lost. Foreign residents are under arms. A few cases of cholera have appeared in Kiobe, Japan, and a general break out is feared Twelve cases are reported in Yamaga Chi, with four deaths. A landslide occurred near Togiro September 2, burying twenty workmen. Four perished. In Oita prefecture, Japan, 3,000 eases of dysentery are reported, with 700 deaths. During the celebration of the Feast of Lanterns at Jokotecbo, Akita pre fecture, a bridge fell owning to the pres sure of the throng, and more than 1XI people were precipitated into the water. Over twenty were injured and several lives were lost. .London, Sept. 2C. A dispatjh to the Times from Singapore says: r-hanghai advices to Sept. 12 prove that the Ichang riot was an organized outbreak on the Dart of Hunan Boldiers. The central government was powerless to quell the riot, except by tending troops from a distance and risking civil war. As gunboats asceud the Ichang a mer chant steamer will take the British murines. Placards issued to students in Nankin accuse Christians of gross crimes. People at the treaty ports say that nothing but the landing of a well armed force of foreigners will quell the troubles. A dispatch to the times from Foo Chow says that a secretly organized scheme to capture the arsenal has been discovered by foreigners employed there. Foreign residents consider the presence of a gunboat imperative. They Will DliOmnd. Trimdad, Cole, Sept. 26- The mem bers of the Trinidad fire department are having a big demonstration, which will laEt until midnight, when the apparatus will be turned over to the city and the various companies disbanded. This leaves the city without any protection against Are. The action of the tire boys is due to the fact that the city council refused to compensate them for time put in at the fires. Headed by the bund playing a dirge, the four com pazine marched through the principal streets, the boee carte draped in mourn ing. At the head of the prosession was a transparency representing a coffin. The citizens are in sympathy with the members of the department, who have been very shabbily treated. The only recourse for the city now is to oigani.e a paid department. A Terrible Murder. Dcrasoo, Colo., Sept. 26. Edwin liny, a miner, returned home from bis work nd upon entering the cabiu found bis wife lying upon tbe floor of their bed room dead. Her brains had been beaten out with a bammer, tbe blood scattered over tbe room showing she bad not died without a terrible struggle. Tbe things in the room were disarranged but noth ing stolen, which proves that the pur pose was not robber'- On the kitchen table was a note from tbeir 20-year-old son Ralph saying hia mother had been murdered and he had gone to capture the inurdeters if it took him ten years. Some think be is the guilty person, while others believe that he also Las been murdered and that tbe note was left for the purpose of leading the offi cials to believe that be committed the crime. Tfeejr Want a Bfelver. Watbrivoo, la., Sept. 24. -A petition asking the appointment of a receiver ' for the Life Indemnity and Investment company of Siou City was filed in the district court. The petition is lengthy, alleging various misdemeanors of the company's officers, prncipal among which is tbe use of $20,000 of the com pany's endowment fund for the pay ment cf death losses. The company was organized in 1881, as the Mutual Life Insurance company, and did a large business throughout Iowa and the ad joining states. The plaintiffs in the suit are Dubuque parties. ' A Terrible Wreck. MAOBio.Septae. Tbe express traia running between Burgee and Baa Se bastian collided with a passenger train. Fourteen people were killed audi twenty four wounded. VkeMery of tenet Bepatetiea. B. B. Hayes, who can distribute bushel ei chicken feed among on hundred hens and four rooster with the result of giving more universal mUs faction than any other man in the fjaitea States, is now selliag thirtae rra to the docea In Ohio. Greatness, U waAsr, always finds its lml CnokljB Eagi A NEW CLASS OF CIT12EN EoflUh, Reottk, and Tanadlaa CettlaJ KaturallEaU. The movement anion; Enilbhmen, Scotchmen, and Canadians throujruout tie xmnury to become ciuzcni is one of great jnporiance. They constitute the only jalionalities or nationality, for they are practically one who show a high order of auelligence. and who yet have to a large : txteut retrained irom luucumying uiem I wives fully with their adopted country, t Their number is rnvuer than m iuv real ize. It is iiinuted tbut there are in Massachusetts more than L'i.OOU unnatural ized Kneiblunen and Scotchmen. In the City of New Haven alone there arc said to be 3,St'J. The chief center of interest in :hia qutstlon just now is 1 hirnrro, where aine Enirlish societies are co-operating to ward tais end, and expert the .Scotch, Welsh, and Canadians to join th"rn. The figures of the size of these element are necessarily only approximated, but they show that this movement may have a de cidedly appreciul lc effect upon the vote in that city. There are said to be 10,l0 male adult Canadians in Chicago, of whom only 1,21 H) arc naturalize!, ruJ 10, .D0 English and bcotch men, of whom even a smaller proportion are believed to be citizens. Even allowing for exaspera tion in these figures, it w.ll be seen that this element might do a pood dad morn than hoid the balance of power in some of our cities, ar.d with their vote cajt uu the tide of public honesty and municipal econ omy, as most of them doubtless would be, they could cxerciso a great influence for gxd. In the public utterances thus far made by these bodies in diiierent parts of the luion they have shown themselves strong friend of the common school sys tem, and especially determined to check public corruption. Americans, and all patriotic citizens, will giadly welcome this new element into the great fraternity of citizenship. The very strength of their attachment to the mother country, which has probably been their chief reason for continuing their al legiance to her so long, will make them the best American citizens when they have once been naturalized. They are among the moat intelligent of our alien residents. I heir traditional sturdmess will make them independent in political action. No one will ever hear of a Hosa carrying the English, or Bcotch, or Cana dian vote in his pocket It is only fair to ray, at the same time, that their assump. liou of their lull duties as American citi zens has been delayed long enough. It is time that they should vote, serve on luries and perform the order of duties of citizen ship with the rest of us. When so many of the vexatious problems of our National' life arise from the presence In the country of great numbers of uneducated and even, lawless foreigners, It would be eminently1 appropriate, to say the least, that all Intel J ligent and law-abiding foreigners should do whatever lies in their power to help along the cause of good government. The proportion of the English element in our population is not fully realized, per haps, by many. The censusof 1170 showed 1.030,7o3 persons born in the British Em pire, including British America but ex cluding Ireland. Iu other words, the', number of persons born on the soil of Great Britain and the Colonies was only' 219,816 less than the number born in Ire laud. In New York City there were by the censusof 1W0 more than 46,000 per sons born in Great Britain and the Colo nics, excluding Ireland. How many of these are naturalized?. It would be inter esting to know. In Philadelphia there were more than 35,000 such persons. At the present time these figures would need to be considerably increased, as the immi gration from the British Empire has been large during the last ten years. It hat reached a point where it much exceeds the immigration from Ireland. Up to the 1st of August there were 9,500 more Immi grants from Great Britain this year than from Ireland, as shown by the figures of the Bureau of Statistics. Obviously, the British-Americans can be a power in our politics and in a way which no one can find any fault. A llrnve Defence. A Manitoba paper contains the follow ing accouut of a brave little boy's defence of a wounded brother, who was attacked by a cougar. John Kodenberger is a farm er who lives near Shelton's Point. YV. T., and his four children the youngest 4 and the eldest 9 go to school. The school house Is on the road between Big and Lit tle Bhookum Bays. The other afternoon, while the children were going home, they were startled by an awful screech, and the next instant a big cougar launched himself from the over banging limb of a tree, right upon 6 years old Jesse, who was sturdily tramping be hind the other children. The little boy was dashed to the ground and the heavy paw of the cougar peeled his scalp down over the right side of his face, and lacerated the cheek and ear. But the cougar had no chance to do further barm. John Rodenbcrger, 8 years old, had been walking juat in front of Jesse, car rying a big bottle, in which had been the milk that formed part of the children's luncheon. He threw himself upon the cougar, grabbed him by the ear with one hand, and struck him with the bottle as hard as he could. The animal raised its head from its victim, and Johnny gave It another blow with the bottle. It reared to attack the brave boy. but another blow nearly knocked him over, and with a yell it turned and tied. The children took tbe wounded boy home, and the neighbors set out to hunt the cougar. They found and killed It near the place where it had attacked the children. It was fullgrown, and measured nearly nine feet from tip to tip. Wonderful Production of Dakota. Among the contributions to the Minne sota State Fair from Dakota were the fol lowing from Bismarck: A Dakota banana, or species of cantelope. three feet and a half long, and a musk melon three feet long. Forty five bushels of wild grass, twenty-five varieties, a rare collection. There is a bunch of alfalfa, three and a half feet high, lowed tbe 26th of May; millet, five and a half feet high. Hunga rian grass, five feet four inches. Black bearded wheat, very fine, and four feet high. Samples of Bcotch Fife, four feet, four feet six, and four feet four inches, re spectively. The beards on this wheat are long and" remarkably well filled. A bushel of potatoes, Beauty of Hebron, weighing two pounds each. A squash, "Queen of the Missouri Valley," weighs 129 pounds. It is a wonderful specimen. A mammoth Hubbard squash, weighing seventy-five pounds. A large sample of tobacco, four feet high, well leafed and blossomed. A mammoth queen pumpkin, weighing only elibty-flvc pounds and parsnips with leaves five feet long. Aav 9m Mar Vereeast Beath. Aitomdla tit D PklanflUklL mm avtvanr. dtaary opening ef fee eyelids, which gives tsfteyei the aapearaaee (of protrodlag from their orbits, Is soatetiaiei esea in who apparoatlr have leu to ure. fropuaa la liny aa lalaaa. New Vukk, Sept. 25. A Washington special says: It is reported here thai the administration H considering the advisability of making overatures fr the acquisition of the island of St. Thornac, V. I., as a naval and commer cial station. The Mole St Nicholas is still looked ur on with favor, but in tbe light of d'flic iittes encountered in secur ing it, tin re is a ft !ing aaiongthe ciem tiers of the admin at ration that we had better turn our attention in the interim to St. Thomas, which Admira! Porter referred to 83 the kiytne of the W tst Indies, and which is rartie.1 by many naval experts as tne most desirable site in that section for a naval station. It has been known for some time that Germany has its eye on this harbor, an J it i6 doubtlees with a view of cl.wk matiiig the inperial government thit the administration is now moving in th matter. It is understood that the negotiations have now reached a point wuero the United States bus been yivou the refusal of the is'and at ntcut .he 8'iiue price it was offered io ltC7. Pres ident Harris n wiil no doubt rocommetd iu Ins annual message to congress r,ex". December a sufficient appropriation for the purchase. The advantages of this island as a rendezvous for our West Ind aequaurun have long boon recognized. It lies right io the track of all veiBois from Europe, Brazil, West Indies and the Pacific ocean. It is the central point from which any or all of the West Indies can be assailed, while it is iinprevious to attacks from landing parties and can be fortified to any extent at a men normal cost It has often beea referred to as a small Gibrulter t.tat ould only be attacked by a naval for.e. Being sur rounded by reefs and breakers, there is no opportunity for landing troops, and every point near which a vessel or boat could upproach is a natural fortification. Tbe islnnd is owned by the kingdom of Dejmark. A ItlondleMi Iiuh. Guthrie, Okl., Sept. 20. The blood shed that was looked for in connection with the opening of landa to settlement did not come. A couple cf cowbovs told u negro that ho had better move on, as thay had killed a couple of negroeB already. The frightened darkey, fresh from Texas, who spread the story, and as it went down the line it was that two men had been killed. A dozen other stories of the same na ture occupied the tongues of everybody. Only a fe v tenderfsec believed it. The rush was not accompanied by a single killing. The negro colonists were not very successful in the rush. A few of them got good claims, but in a majority of cases a white man will contest the claim. Three, or four negroes would settle on a claim and will prove up 40 acres each, but the white men all want 1G0. Chicago, 111., Sepr. 25. Adjutant General McKeever of General Miles' staff, received a diapatch from Colonel Wade, the commandent at Fort Reno, saying everything was peaceful among the boomers in the Cherokee strip and he would return to hie post. General McKeever discredits the report that serious trouble has occurred among tbe home seekers. "There are five companies of cavalry and three companies of infantry on the uround ti be ready to quell any dis turbance." said General McKeever, "and I am sure if any one had been killed we should have been apprised of it. The truth of the matter is the boomers and other people down there would rather lie than tell the truth, and it is, I have no doubt, the way the report of con flicts originated." Wh it Will Itie Ilialiop Say? New i ork, Sept. '25. A question of great interest to the Koman Catholic church and its relations to secret soci eties has been revived by a dispatch from Addison, If. V., stating that one Dennis U'Keefe of that place was at once a Catholic entitled to all the privileges tf the churcbrand an Odd Fellow in good standing. It is stated that the question as to raising the ban against certain secret societies had been referred to Archbishop Corrigan. The Archbis hop is nt present out of town, but Father L .Voile, his secretary, said that I while be could not say positively as to Archbishop Corrigan's decision in this particular case, he believed that it was no longer against the law of the Roman Catholic church to be an Odd Fellow. A Kat 1 -. Willi Trampi. Owosso, Miss., 23. Five tramps called at the home of Engineer Finch and insisted that Mrs. Finch should buy a ring. At her call for help her hus band came, but was obliged to retreat before a tramp's revolver. Returning to his room he secured a revolver, and from a window openod fire on the tramps. They returned the fire, wounf ing Finch in the arm. He fired five shots, three taking effect. Two tramps are seriously and a third severely wounded. All five are in jail. Worth a Mlat of Money. Willis, Tex., Sept. 25. The rain which fell Wednesday is north hundreds ot thousands of dollars, in that it has extinguished tho forest fires which have been raging and which threatened the annihilation ot a vast area of pine timber. Crop Uaaaagad by Stoim, Los don, Sept. 25. Reports from all parte of the north of Wales, England and south Scotland tell cf irreparable damage to crops from the storm. SACSiriCHITARADL rir. :)"t"t,,,' rtct lVt val- oiir.i ... i:v ir A",ru" "d Nlny Hr)udrl I". (, iti.AT DAM U, K DONE. .i. i Vt 1 1 ii 't ,,' ht . 2 -" Io the maiafi e..t haru-t fo t.wl paraJe terd.iy one if ! t-.l a i'"'rJ ,;'6i';:i1 th:,i i t the lire o-iMirai.t-nl. '1 hi lire apparatus u- i by the lire laddies, a -cinparm-d th.f li at reprt- seatmg i i')' r.ud pr.-rperity, u..d wmrd to '-W-J "ur V-' . . i.. . , ,.r.. ! , VI, u" hucb at lea,t- .: Ui jnedgw the mi.l if ff, u.eJ to l.c.r iiii-1 api.rove and nobly lu.s ti at p.-i--o twn kep. this day." Witniu the Ut is-.:! -four hours aiVr t! at h&:id.-::.e j.a -i- :itv b been visited .:; a great a.fsr and o: Iv ti,n.u;ii tne i. ole ai.'i .-,f-s;ft,T.-c-i;.g iil-ili of tho lira artmeut and alter rerioiie injury ii.d -j.fc.Uy death of several of the brave liruueu aa the thn atei.e.l d.f- irier avert d. MM. oL.M:.Mi MM; OI.T. A brisk ard I... v.:.u bio inland !.: a: oV.oek tl. alarm bell call-d the department I" t..e corcercf X.Kth avvcLe.SoJth and Thud Etrreta, it was evidwit there was ork ahead work of ll.u i. ardent kind. The tire was ir. the lin--.-.t.rry bri :k building of the Moore Cui viug Machiije cimpatiy, and tiiu ii.tlaiuabie of the goo. is u.d b'.ock caufed a rapid spread if the tlaaie.-, Aliich quickly burst through the windows ar.d rulitd rapidly up through the LUiiojug. Within lifteeu minutes the tiro burbt through tbe roof and the building wa doomed. The firemen had to g'Ve tlitir attention to adjoining properly to pre vent the f.prcnd of the llame. K.evaior C stood close behind tbe i,u bliiz in building mid the flames seized bold of it in Hpi'm of the many streams of water. Soon the loof of the elevator wuaon fire, and although but liiteen minutes from the start of the tire the Moore building was gutted and the tire me 3 hud barely f scaped from it when the walis cii-lap.-ed. To better tilit the fir,) in : vtitor C a score of llreiii' d wcro :m il.c roof of the anrex uneor.&cious of the danger beneath them. KM KUM-i D IS M.AMI'S There was a Bud.leu explosion ai.d a t;real stream of lire burst from tho fin', juickly followed by one to tho left of the men and through the roof and then on the right The great crowd was ap palled as the dozan liremen Were shut from view by the columns of llame ai.d siioke that lolled up. I K1I1T1NO POK THK1K LI V lis. A momentary break bhowed that the men were lighting for life in an attempt to got on three ladders which stood near together. The break a. sieted them but a groan eeenped from tbe multitude as four fellowa jemped from their nar row fooling. Again the siuoke arose and there, on the very edgeatooda fireman, apparent ly dazed not knowing what to do. "t'lide on the hose" jelled the crowd. The man heard, and grabbing the big hose at hia feel, ho slid dow n through the shooting flames and reached the ground iu safely. The work of rescuing tho firemen was prompt from necesaity. For a time it was thought the men tiad been dropped into the llamas, but all haves'nee beea accounted for. Elevator C was owned and operated by Pratt Jt Porter ;.nder the nau:e of .be Empire Elevator company. Toe ca pacity of the tlevato.- was 140,0tX) bush els and the stock of wheat on hand when lue fire broku out was about7o,00Ut,ustb els. There are t o large annexes to the eievator, whose combined capacity is (3JU00 bushels. Thess were leased by Hie Milwaukee road of Pratt A Porter the loss on the eievator and contents i8,OJU insurance. The Moore Woid i carving Machine Company lost niucn aw.. i,"::i:rm; , ching . .M iuouiuuub oi oaiy 1(91,000. Ind nimMiikra l!al, Poun.i), Ore.. Sent. ' n - A !... . -ved by the Associated press from , AifLsKa, under date of Kepteru terl2,say8: InUlligence has yMi been waived here from the upper Yukon ttiat a band of hostile Cbiloata attacked astnall party of two white, and Rvt In dans, and several wre killed. H is Uought there that the party is Ewing EanscIifT, a prominent citizen and jour' 0,Jist of Missouri; Ilorbert FarlisclitT a tmog Englishman and five Indiane. All ware armed. No particulars ootid be lned from the Indians who br uht ! win it.. i n M. Stanley's visit to the king of thl 'igiansis to rosiifn hia ,;.;.. ... " - iUDIMUU II la jvemor of tbe Congo state. Braolt o. a Woman-, n... . l i. -- " , Joi.IET. Ill ntr . . .Chkn.vee and brick, were used , suiting in the killing of 8 cirred at Marley, between Go Allum and August DlunU Th. . caused over the Use of water from j town pump, where the wive, Jt Th9Rlent hand U Kellum threw a oruk t fi J l-h,m.nd killing hi. iu)a wKe'r'- Joined la whtones,cor0.cutter.andolu A,' Tin- 1U I n -.t itriation . The investigation befoje the alaUs board of tiaiisiHirtaron at Lincoln re cently brought out tho following facts: Mr. lavrt, an attorney i Lincoln, ' .... ftpiaritig tu the n:u.rney oi uw aiio, made mi argnineut lor ui" n d.ictionof rates bast-d on tli propo sition that the pr-se!it rates tnd o re tard the internal development of tbe st.ite. lie cited Jo a rates a an ex- IMIII. , and t laiM ed that if we nan low a TAl-s this t'tato would develop more r:i:-.:div The railro.i 1 people aiiswi'nHl 'th:, by a.,kii,i.' Mi huwes to explain why it is that tb" iu'-eilial development j of Iowa, under her present system, b:w remained htagiiaiit and lift-lens during 1 the la.Ht decade, while the material de j elopiuelit of .ebrak. has Ueli tiu- preci teliteJ Hi toe History ui iim-si."o. Mr. liawci jiroduc-d vohninii'us figures to show that on several liundrdi small commodities such as jelly, canned inu', Migar, rice, tc the raU-s are. lusher in this state than on the la: ." roads iu Iowa. '1 he i;.i!roiid men present resioiided to this that m.iy l percent of the roa.'s 't: riass "A" roads and that there, r.v only 20 -r cent of tho Iowa iitople were IcsiehUd by the low rates on these eoiiiiiioiiit.cj. Mr. Hold:. ". i Mr. s if it is not H ue I lie: l.n.K of the fanners of this nat,- aie j.ay.i;n Mii:.tauti.U- the mine late to slii) li.cii' gram, laltl-s and i.o. s (i I hlra' tiie lartneis ot western Iowa a,e jajin. and fit d the 1, ict that in the towns of western Iowa j-raclically the sati.u nce is paid the. tanner lor his produce a3 is l'l"'! lotlie Nebrasl.a lanners. Mr. lioidiedye canned that it is not a ijuestion ol w hat freight thu larnier pays on l is sugar, coll ce and clothing, but of Jie cheapness of freight on w h it. the I'ai mer ships to the tli.::a, -iii.iikel. Mr. said he. was n.t making his h. i,t agiiinst thu rale on farm pruducl.s, but more particularly on the small commodities such as lie enumerati d. Mr. Harrows was present at tbe meeting, and when called on Bind he had only appeared as a hpecta tor to hear Mr. llawes, who represented the alliance, and theii he himself knew jiotliing about rates, not even as much as "the man in the union," were bis words. Mr. Holdredge nked Mr. lUiiriiws if it were not a (act that he (i urrowsj could ship his corn to Cli cago at very marly the ttatmj rata that the Iowa iariuer pass. Mr. Har rows retorted he did not ship his c-.ii bill converted it into beef and poii,. There were several live y lilts In which both side showed consider able leeliiig. Gen. law ley of .he Klkhui n made a very earnest and force ful argument against nwhiction ol rates. Jle claimed that the railroads had been an important factor in devel oping the statu and that up to Ihiu time they had spent all the momy they had made una much more in ex tending their lines and that now to re duce their rates would be to rob then, of the blood and of their existence and to drag thein down and to deprese their values would be to di press ihv values o! all the prpoerlv in the liUte flu: Coming Came in I.nglniKl At tbe Queen's club, West Kensing ton, an txhibtioli gien of the new lawn game, tenia, which lias recently been introduced. '1 he game, which can be played with ejual enjoyment by both hexes, possesses many claiinsti, popular favor. t can Us followed in any season, and by as few as four or a mail v as loitrti.i.n ,,,.r.-,,,.,. ... ' i""""" at once. kill, ag lily and a good eye lire lai won: leiju.mie man mere phyMtai strength, and the proper inanipulaiion of the wand by means of quick wrist turns develops and renders lleriblo Ulfc muscles of the arms and waist, A screen of wood or canvas, fixed on 'a light frame, and having i,i tie C(.llU.r a circtdar nurture eighteen Indies in diameter is erected. Behind the hole is fixed a bair net. and the inntn ,1. !.... 'of the players, wlio stand some distance away, is to throw a number of colored balls by means of tho wand into this bag. The wand has at one end a pecu liar shaped crook for holding the halt but some little Kk-lll in ................. reiiun tho ball iu it for the purpose of making the throw. Thu number' of "put balls" to be scored by each side be fore it can complete the llrst stage of ...u vviicnijunos wiux tne number of players on each side. When either side h ber of "pot balls" agreed upoujt enU-rs ..,,.1 me arc-unu stage ana it once ob tains a single, "zoiied" ball ivi.n.i side then llrst succeeds in scoring its "zoned ball" wins the game. The nub- ll .T l.f ..f II.. . '' i iiiu new pastime was witnessed with Interest and a favor able opinion of Its menu was expressed by many of the speciator.-i.ondon ' x. T Da Ac Arab lCitlii - School. You have heard whatsplended horse men are the Arabs, and you know that their horses are very flue anlraala. An Arab is exceedingly ,roU(i id fond of his sleed, and every care is taken of Iu training. It is brought up with his children, and the Arab babies play a niong the horse's legs without injury tho beautiful creature is so good tempered. Should an Arab rider be thrown from his ho so and hurt this faithful four fooled friend will stay pa. tiently by his side until he issulliciently recovered to mount ngain. The Arab boys are used to horses from their earliest day, a;;a W,ni Uie arewild enough ther are triiin. fi less riderfc-JS'ew York Advertiser. MDIMiA SIAIE $ Ti.e HfW M. 1 J": Ai , i.earlv cou.dxti J, -iUl 1' "IV...... .... j ,,!u, Mt 5.. -JWl I re Ti e 1 n il g r. U'll.g enlurgi ,1. 1-n.t ,:fi Pn.nk Di- rker of Hebrcri for ti .i The "vutor .rk i tende-l V it o I - ,i r t,i i., ,. arm tJ lUM-K-U OI . j i oroKtm uy ti;i ki i.f ., tlr. A nruHimn f'nl. ... . i7.tHl at hutton with ti-arij 'ij.J A gorl deil of ticUri-M U . . and around lirewsVr, l::s Mwj' j V ork will III rir, ..i... .:..n .. t t, . The first full car of fru . , from Beatrice left for .S..,UI p4 1 Tho elevators at Evr!,v,i!,uJ dany. i rei huunvm ship;,,, t( load of wheat r;.it. , !a Jjuti this lui.r. A littlo daiighbr 1 1 ;,;r p ner of l'r.(i,oLt was b i ,.v ,.A uciousdog. Ihn American fli-g (nitlitln, ll) now f! ),iU over li.u l -h y l'lu'Jsiiioiitli. E. P. Vfitera of ;,.l,lU. '.ounty bad the miifrtu from his pocLet. Mas Carrie Urak(:ield of K-d baa a;';epled a poeit.on ai teac:.e.- , city schools at Eiuo li. I. Tho trolley car and tao aj. ! for Norfolk's electro t;re,t- have toeii received. A load of po.ioiies tiuss-l Ot ktato line in Hmi'h eour.y Ko. mo ni. rKi i in iJiih'iuiijgtoi!. A Lumber .f tiMit.ij; 1,'inei brought fraat Kansas toi-i.ttr tht ul the Eiiliuoro county f...r. Alfred Carlton of S. . ti linger broken by being t a'i.;htitt i too! on whch ho was citini. A little eon of Augu':'. Shult, HOUtliOiWt of WllcOX, l:kd h.ilTOiil broken ly failing out of a v,;.fnx -Nei NeiM-in of J.-ig'a t,:.i raof typhoid fer :n h, fnm, of whom nro nearly r. . overeil. Owar Kent o' Ilepi.lii ci.n (V.; riding out was thrown 'mm Ins and received a broken coll ur . The barber shop of P. K. Picon' Uuililln wiui entered by antiik ti, who secured teveral baes cf c;gr.n Mrs. Pjifis of iras'.ir;gi was bail!; ; u red by iM-ing thro." u frmu a car which was overturned ba a rui. team. E,i:l Wilcox left tbn other dv Pougakt-eiisic, X. Y., to entiboJ studies in tho Kiverljn B. acadeniy. Misa Xellie Huntirgton an.l llelle Ehlredgd of Stuart left the morning for Jvohh, w hero tiiy f enter Ihe college. Jove Mjor(f Wpoping raltr arrt-Btud chtirgd w.t'i an ub-uult an attempt to kill Law l-r, a far: that vicinity. The Tliurston county autlio have one tracled for tie erection neoak and iron iirii'" '-'' Kattlesnnke fcoiilh of IVinler. Fred Uhodea of Fremont pli'id f ' r j to l',e cberg f bung ubiirive aw uniting language and pai a tiu cola amounting to tl l.:J. A 13 vear-old bov. fcon of E Hull livirsir rear liavard. Ch! county, bad his idiou'der broker. being thrown from a horHO. Three thousaud buHiiela ot were sent into llox Ilutte county Hd liv tht rnlinf com m istiion. It Is timaled that from tliia there threshed 00,000 buuhelB as a a retu Frank Owens of Ashland had n.iufortuno to loove his valuable ning bow, Archie II. The horse some wild rye seed down its wind and choked to dektb. Oaklfiv Jiihmon of Clay u threshed from eight acreo of ambw wheat sown on hia place 210 tusl He has already b(Vun towing M of the same variety. The daughter of a gent.emaii li near Fairbury was bilten by a thA IsIia wiia lutn in Mr Ttvtiurn of 1 tnont, who applied h madstono, but would tot a .beie to the wound. ti. K. Davis sold twenty three-M the. ,.,.rn.. ,.r u .! i. n,l F.'la strMt Beatrice last ween to a. Ijongfor'-1 Leas than a year 1130 double t arnoun'. of ground was offered for ' 33,000. Hon. D. h. Riflmrt's of Frement, rirtenlat f,.f hnrMm tuat. No. 4.C Km with a nice lot i Us wa irvounda and the velerana will nt oil inaugural n mo emeu t to buililietr In ha umhI urOB all put uPl ocean as Grand Army lica1n,uartor.'. t wt , rri vn at n u ujivii r tun y. " r comer of Bitth and "Court BtrwU Itenlrion for Ihs benefit or the im sit-year old child now being cirrf (!. .li. A v.l!tinn was bik takeoj at th. sana time for tbe child's ber Thm IVmiUr 1 And donated lt for th oooaaloa. -;.v'v-----'-' v . v . j. .... A. '. ' .l' "A-