The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 01, 1891, Image 1
The Sioux County Journal, LO,ulcin. t ,IL. . ul for 1 -.V !oW6'flSfil i3tft in .4f l,,a' h lat F. -nt. UIEso.V, rcial E UI'IiATEB, A SACTE0.J LEV, La all If kd . and U. ully (Iran 'oiirl liou. KKBWATt S, Vice ?! n al pi THE SIOUX COUNTY I j, Shtaiont. Mitdr. Proprietor. . l I S. V R. B. Tim table. liNo. e. mixe.l-....S IBIUW XF. YANDERS. LEADER Of MERCHANT TAILORING. LATEST STYLrJi, LOWEST PRICES, PERFECT FITS. fifltisfaotion Guar- t" . ... ftnteed in all in stances. IiTPfiOMrT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL UKIJ&lfn. CHWKOR'J B A LUAXCK. NKBl'.ASK A. . . . . . . ... . . . BOUGHT AND SOLD by the Nebraska Security Co., HARKLSON, NEIi. Incorporated.) AmifjRIZED Capital -riO,0OO.0O ',000.(0 Pil Vf Cahtal 0111 rers: CmaD I.isiikh, I'reHldont. Li itsKi.CH, ice rrvwnt. S. II. Jusrx, wcretnrv. C. K. VtiTt, lti-immr. II. T. Oixi.Kr, Attorney. We now have on our lints over thirty LMUH.KrAlUia In Huh county nhioli we cau sell on IJNG TIME ami EAHY PAY MEfcTM. Parties withiug to buy of soli should lee the Secretary. UoJ bought and wki an commifwic tDRRESPON'DEXCE SOLICITED Addrwa, VCIiRAAR A : VKIl'Y tt). llurrleii, Nrlirftnka. -Horse hbnkeU at the ILurnewt Slioj. ky and gt a Impiin. -Ui)rlist market prL im.ii! for graia t the Harrifton Lumlr Yril. -Adau'hUr arrived al llifi home of Kr. and Mrt J. E. Wulhico a fow days go. When vou want a food nioln? CO to Tnrner'aand try ouo of the "( harnier" eprt -The farmer rcort tle ground inex tellent comlition for plowing utid putting io(all);rain. WajfTED: Two tfood wood-chopers Moiice. (irxxl wages. IllfflARH l 't'NN THE Jfrt.nNAL nwl the Werkhj ll'f from now until Jntiuarv 1. lW. for 7) tnU, cash in mlvanca. -Only V cents In cmth will secure ftnJorRNALanJ the WttUa i fwU Bow untilJanuary 1, 18M. -Don't forget that the linrlxT shop i door east of the potrtofliw, when you ADt a shave, hair-cut or huioo. We make bedrock price on gToce- Come and see if we don't, i Giuhwoi.0 & Makhtkujck. -The potato crop in this locality will k Immense. The size uml quality of tubers (frown in Rlou it count v are hard to beat. Lrmuoi. Fintt-clms native lumber d riiinirles conhtantlT on hand at my Bill on Eat Bwrirv. 13 niilen eiwt of Harruon. J. K. Arseh. -H. A. Cunningham has purohaned tl rwidence property of 8. H. Jones. Tl'ta i a nice piece of property and will Mr. Cunningltara a nice home and prove a good invent ment John Pieteraen waa in town the flmt Of the week with some aamplea of corn bich he rained on bin farm on Indian "k. The ears were large and well Ikrf and it la eetlmated that it wit) from fifty to aeventy-flve bushel PWfccre, That la pretty good for a new oontry. v -We aduow ledge the receipt of prem lmlUtofU Con vera county, Wyo., 'Wr, which will be held at Manville, Oc toUr6,7aid8. The T. E. A M. V. has raU of one fare for the round Up- We extend thank for a coropli tar ticket -In the Jat iaaoe an article headed "&oux County", relaUng to tlie exhibit M tht etale fair ahould have been cred Wto the Omaha Worll-IIerald from Wch It waa copied but by ao oversight not crediUil. We re-puhliab tlie nr "cW this week giving profr crwlit. i. wbal oUiertUtiak f Htousuounty. r FARMS SOTICE. ! c serai n il a vw..i vte send mil ' . """"ueroi extra v.iu . Ji ? . Al-'at'n and , of Tut I,-..,, .. . ' no one I --'. iriuw to tika tl. "em flora the limi aj. there wj be no charires A--insi any t0u a ve not ordered the 1H lTBLWHEIt. VjlllMK-f V 5.j0 to loan on farms in small Ilank , , "l'l".vai once at tbe of Iliirriiou. shoes, i W:iSwol,D & MAJi,TKlJ.EK. w. u Hcyt has purchased the coal bumnei of fJrant Outlme and will look after tlie needs of the ople' in the fuel T!oti lue future. r-H-ii.e Hriinsiuiani cnild of Mr. and Mrs. .1. ! ('. Xorllin.n l, .t. I, . ..: i , -"v w sick ior tlie lt -k, but is thought to lie a little N-tter this morning. Tll liL.r.l ,.f 1.. .... , iimmj commissioners will meet in regular session on next Tuesday, Oct. 6, which will he the lust regular session of the year. i ne n earner tins morning is quite damp, a falling mist filling the air. The sems apar to 1 changing the same as they n;,ve in all other portions of the sUite as thq country was settled. The attendance at tfie dani last Friday evening was not large. Tlie weather was threatening and people were very busy which accounts for no mow lieing present. A good time was enjoyed by those who were present. G. II. Turner haq a potato of the Hlue Victor variety, which was raised by Thomas Doyle, which weighs 'i pounds anil l i ounces. IT there is any thing, in tlie jiotato line in the state that can lieat that we should like to hear of it N Frank Nutto l;as purchased a fine black jHilleil bull of J. II. Cook to put in his herd at Antelope Creek, Thesse are line cattle and Mr. Nutto knows that it pays to raise good stock. The progres sive stock growers are all arranging to improve the grade of their cattlo and that means increased prosperity. At the republican primary for Lower Running Water precinct the following nominations were made for precinct olli- cers: assessor, w J. uowey; jusucesou the jwace, C. E- Gowey, W. S. NichouK. Married. son; constable, W. A. Sfatteson; judges of election, B. f. Moore, L. Larson, Geo. Englehrecht; clerks of election, W. A. Matteson, W. S. Nicholson. While Sioux county does not pretend to be the best corn county in the state, still good corn is raised within its bor ers. D. II. Hamlin has 25 acres which jartiea who are in position to know say is fully matured and will average 40 bushels per acre. Many of the r.tolks have two good sized, well-devekled ears on. That is pretty good for a new country. On Sunday II. A. Priddy and family arrived from Iowa where they have been for some months. Ho says they have coma to stay and now occupy their home northwest of town. Mr. Priddy says there are ft number of families in the lo- ulity where he was who aro coming to Rioux county, some of them being on the road now and others will come later. Many people are disposing of their farms in Iowa and preparing to come west. We are informed that a colony of ten families aro getting ready to come to this locality from one county in Iowa. Such news is good news to every prop erty owner in the country. When peo- le come here and establish nomes u m- , ll lwi rvfniKrtv in creases me vaiue ui " i-"i j - the vicinity. If every one does all tie can to "coax" more people to come here, it will not be long until property values will be greatly increased. Let Hie good work go on. The entertainment at the church last Saturday evening was well attended and enjoyed by all present. Miss Cliapman demonstrated that she possessed a good deal of ability as a reader and by study i,a r,remred lierself to appear before the ... ; . crdiible manner. After vis- ting here for a time Miss Chapman .n-t. to mil-sue her studies and .i.,H she ever visit Harrison again it it safe to say that the people will welcome her with pleasure. Go Watts, of Seward county, was here during t past week visiting ac quaintances and looking 4,.u i- Investing. Mr. Watts lo oted in Seward county in the early days awl pa.-1 throuKb the PS 7 .., ! settlement of a new country 8d he remarked that Sioux county pos .JmnlaiKit which that part of tlie Ite could not offer to settlers, and pre. Sed that it would not be long nt,l reaUstate n Sioux county would be- i valuable. " TZ Sr sectlon of deeded land w nc he wi. likelv in' rcliase in n' ... . . missionary work for Sioux I! rnMurnhoforheh. . . i;ilv come nero wno '""v jn, what they tan K- 5ISO:N". 3STEB.. OCT. 1, 1891. PERSONAL. C. H. Wcller is attending the fair at vnaiiron. C. E. Holmes went east Saturday business. Mrs. G. li Turner returned Friday iwiu ner yisi in tlie lulls. li. liedd is in town this morning on ay nome irom Wyoming. Judge Barker went to Rushville Frl day and returned yesterday. i)r. Oihbs was up from Crawford on profesMonal business on Tuesday. Otto Munson called on Saturday and Kae us soma cash on subscription. Suiifoid Shores called on Tuesday and aoued ins name to our list of readers. G. A. IJove called on Saturday and ordered Ihk JorRSAL sent to his brothei N. F. Dove. v v f .i i . " ""mn revurneu irom lowa on Saturday, accompanied by bis bride, and they will make their home in Sioux county. , S. 11 Jones has accepted an offer of clerk to the Indian agent at the agency in Oklahoma, and he and Mrs. Jones will start for there the first of the week. Their many friends here regret to lose them, but wish them success. They will still hold bioux county as their home. On last Tuesday Sanford Shpres ar rived from Custer county on the noon tram. County Attorney Conlcy took him out southeast of town and he select ed a quarter section of land and filed on it and took the evening train for home and will return with his family in the near future. Mr. Shores says there are a number in his locality who will be up hero in the near future to look up a loca tion. The tide has turned and new peo ple will soon he flocking to the govern ment lands of Sioux county. Keep right on "coaxing them to come. Only three minor countries in Europe have raised enough breadstuff this year to supply home consumption. The United States must supply the shortage that exists in all the rest of the nations of Europe. Lincoln Cdl. I aS.ver Beans. At the residence of the bride s parents in Crawford, ISeb., on Thursday evening, September 24, 1891, by Kev. Curren, Sir. John E. Arner aud Miss Emma Beans. The bride and groom are both well and favorably known to the people of this place and vicinity, where they have re sided for a long time and tlieir many friends extend congratulations and best wishes for a long and prosperous voyage over the matrimonial sea. An Important Decision. The supreme court in the ease of state ex rel. Wessel vs. Weir has very clearly interpreted Sec. 3-1, Chap. IS, statutes as follows: "The legislature by the above section, (Sec. 34, Chap. 18) has limited the power of county boards, in incurring county indebtedness. They can not lawfully in cur an indebtedness against the county, in excess of the tax levied for the cur rent year." Further on in the opinion the court makes a clear distinction between the kind of indebtedness incurred by the statute as follows: "As for the claims for making the tax list and the salaries of the county clerk and county attorney it is safe to say that the provision of Sec. 34 in so far as they limit the power of county boards to create county indebtedness and bind the county for its payment, have no applica tion. The salary of a county officer is not an indebtedness of the county which is created or incurred by the county board. The law makes it the fluty of the county clerks and county attorneys to discharge the duties of their; respec tive offices imposed by law and they can not refuse to perform the same in tlie ground that the tax levy has ibeen ex hausted nor is the county for tlit reason releivedfrom paying the salaries of said officers, but must provide for the pay ment of tlie same." Under tlie opinion a large pei cent, of the county indebtedness is void, s lso quite a per cent, of the Wessell Jaims on proper proof to the court. Tlie court says "there is an entire absenoj of proof to show that when the indebtedness was contracted the levies for 188(Were ex hausted." The issues were nude up in November, 1890, and L. O. i lull, who was county attorney failed to ,ut in the certificates showing that the evy was exhausted at the time the im cbtcdness in controversy was incurred. In order ing the writ to include the cla ms in the estimate of 1892 the court nakes the following statement; "If the indebtedness was so arge that its navment would absorb s much of Kenuesof the county J, to leave the county board practicalli without means to meet the current ipenses of county government, we migW be called 2 require only a fusion of the plaintiir's claims to be parf li one; year and the balance out of futiA tax ev ,i pi. mil the milter in such . l. will I1L' Ol Wnus utu nr nuoided. wlMCh Will DO an Bvuib . i 1 The conditions in Russia are becoming more appalling as time passes. In some districts the inhabitants of entire vil lages are dying of starvation. The" doc tors arelprescribing corn instead of medi cine. The crop was a failure and now a new insect whose ravage are worse tlian the Hessian fly is at work and a plague las broken out among the cattle. Terrible suffering is in store for the peo ple of that country and heavy imports of food will be necessary to prevent tbera from starving and the Russian govern ment will have to furnish the means with which to purchase the supplies. Notice to iaud Owners. Tq all Whom it May concern: The commissioner appointed to establish a roa! commencing at the -southwest corner ol section , township 34, l-gne ai in Cotton wood precinct, Sioux counlv, Nebraska, run niiiK tllence east on the section line between seetioim 6 hud s, 4 und 9, 3 und 10, and 11 to a point 10 chains east of tlie oomer common to sections , 3, 10 and 11; thence southeasterly throiiKh the N W J and N K K of said section 11 to the S VV corner of tlie S K of the N Etf of the same; thence east X mile, terminating at tlie a coi ner on the west side of aectron 12, township 32, range 63 has reported In favor ot the establishment thereof, u net all objections thereto or claims for damages must be tiled in tlie county clerk's office bn or before noon of the tint day of November, A. 1)., 1H91 or said road will be established without reference thereto. Conrad Likdeman, H. Cpuuty Clerk. GEORGE WALKER, Attorney-at-iaw. Will practice before all courts and the U. S. Land Office. Business entruxtud to my care will receive prompt attention. nAUlUSON, - - NEBRASKA. B. L. SMUCK. Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser Everything in his line done in a neat and artistic manner. Razors and Scissors sharpened and put in order at reasonable rates. Give him a call. First door east of postofflce. Harrison - Nebraska. L. E. BELDEN & ! ON, Wagon and C.rriage Makers. Repairing dono on fchort notice. Good work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery h rn, HARRISON, ... NHBt B. E. Brewster, C. F. Coffkk, President. Vice Pres. CHAS, C, JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED. A. General Banking Business -TRANSACTED.- Harrison. Nebraska. Grant Guthrie, -Ocalcr In Lumber, Lime, Coal. ftmif llitl fortune hiiMtoMiiMdcat work for ua, by Ann Tag, Aattlfl, '('. mil .Inn. lloMn. Toledo. Ohfo. (He cut. OthtnrMlolfHrwell. Why not you? Rome earn ovtr ttOO-M t inonth. Yon can do Ihe work and Ihr at hont, wtiffrrvtr rou are. Evta be ginner art MtUy tarnlna; from M M uftoily. All tt enow yoaejow and Marl you. Can work In tnant tlnw or all th tti. Dlf enontT far work Mi. Failure unknown amonr tbm. K r wr nH fHrnil. Pnitlcalari fre. $3000 A TEARI f an!mia to hrlHfT iMcb any ralrlf lntIllfaakton of althar mi. who can raad and writ, and who. tftar Inilrurtion.wlll work Indaatrlonalf, how to cant Thraa Th and Dalian a TarlailrownlofaHllM,whertirrthay tl.l will laofumlah Ik Mtatto or fa(iloymml,at which yarn can am thatamonnt. No moinj V ninlMmecartilataho. Raaflyand quirk If mm alrwlj taupM tnd prolddwlUi mpta.mfiit Urn dttr bat on wrkr from aeb dlairlcl orsovaty. I Oiai1FHp.rilaUnrailiai. AddrrHMCM. i ma kin r ovar VfVM jmt aa wn. ii . imWd WW tun Geo. H. DEALER IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. "We have now on hand a first class stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gloves. Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, High Patent Bon Ton Flour always on hand, no better in the land. Corn, Oats, Chop, Bran and all Kinds of Peed. A complete stock of Hardware, Tinivare, Barb Wire, and all kinds of Farm. Machinery, Which we will sell at Lowest Prices possible. We inv.ite all to call and look at Our Goods before buying. o We Shall Endeavor o Treat all Fair and Square. Respectfully, GEO, H. TURETIEjIR. ilverware GIVEN AWAY A ticket given with every dpi-, lars worth pf goods you purchase for CASH. ooQoo 8 Tickets gives you a Silver Plated Sugar Shell, worth.. ........r..$ 00) 10 Tickets gives you a Butter Knife, worth 1 25t 12 Tickets gives you a new style Lace Pin, worth. 1 5ft 25 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Teaspoons, worth 3 00, 35, Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Knives, worth 3 75, 35 Tickets gives you a set pf Roger's Forks, worth.... 3 75; 50 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Tablespoons, worth 6 00i tar PLEASE COME AND SEE THE GOODS. Our fall stock of Dry Goods, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, wear has just arrived. Complete stock of Clothing of Latest Styles just received, to which we call your special attention. Low Prices and Fair Treatment Guaranteed COME IILST ATSTD SEE US. Ranch Supply House. MacLachlan & Cook, Props. III fO.K. TJTraiTArf jToNE, Touch ggjftANO Factoril;H 2STO. 3. Turner. Gloves and Under PERFECTION IN BUTTER MAKING. The 0. K. OUTfJT EXCELS THEM ALL. CREAMERY Hu the larceet eeollnc earthce take lea eeelta amterlalr le.. labor, and gives Best Kmnlta. All cream nlxd between UJdn BMitmlne Glaes whele depth of eaa, ehewlae conal. tioe of milk wlthmt teackiae Creaanrr. Send tor O. K. Catalogue.. wnn . vAriTER, sol Manfr, SYRACUSE, N.Y. I 1 I ! lit I I !! . V i P. (-1 : .. v ?-r