The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 24, 1891, Image 6

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i :
The Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, $2.00
L. J. Simiin;:!.-;,
Entered Rt the Harrison post o;fii
THTESDAY, SliPT. 24, 161.
It is estimated thai Russia will bnv
to spend $ 60,000,000 in the next twt-hv
months for tlie relief of tbe poverty
stricken in tlie districts where tlie crops
Every newspaper in Nebraska is invit
Dg the east to come to Ihe west and see
what a granary Nebraska in this year.
Lincoln Call.
The Call evidently does not exchange
with George Walker's Herald. That is
only newspaper in the state that does not
Deneve m "coaxing' people to come
(Jreat Agricultural
iy From
The fourth annual reunion . of the
northwestern Nebraska Veterans associa
ciation will be held at flay Springs Oct.
i ui, ffinanu win. An interesting pro
gram has been prepared and a good
time is expected. The F. E. & M. V.
has made a rate of one and one-third fare
for the round trip which will doubtless
be taken advantage of by many.
A tin concentrator of 250 tons daily
capacity is being built in Chicago and
will be put in operation at Hill City, S.
D., within a few months. The indica
tions are that with the increased pros
perity that prevails all over the United
States the mining industries of t!i north
west will be greatly remined and en
larged. The nation is entering u(jon an
era or prosperity such as iias not been ex
perienced for years.
The reports from Europe arc to the
en"eot that war will be prevented on ac
count of the lack of food. The grain re
serves of Europe are exhausted and
famine stares the populace in the face.
This fact more than anvthinsr else will
prevent bloody battle fields and scenes
of carnage. The feeling between the
powers of Europe is ripe for war, but
with starvation staring them in the face
they will curb their desire for blood, and
the fighting will be deferred for a time.
Sioux county's pros;Ki v
and resources were pr.-Nc-iti iu
a separate, exhibit, disconnected from
agricultural hall. "The old lug cabin'
was their drawing card, representing t
primitive style of dwelling commonly
used by the pioneer homesteader of that
county, it was very substantial! v built
from pine loirs and artistically decorated
over tne entrance with the green foli
of the cedar and pine (native tmilet of
the county) out of which peered two
pairs of monstrous ox horns, indica'Jn
that the cattle industry is an iiiijxiHaut
feature of production in Sioux couuty
The interior walls of the cabin were me
chanically thatched with all kinds of
u nthreshed smal 1 grains and grasses so ar
ranged as to show plainly the full trowth
of straw to the test advantage, oats that
measured live and a half feet straw
growth; wheat, four and a half feet and
glasses of the blue stem varieties that
towered above the heads of the visitors.
Their exhibit of mammoth Californir
wheat that tests sixty-four pounds, and
in size of grain is fully three times as
large as the ordidary varieties of wheat
was a novelty in grains. The general
average of the wheat crop of the count v
is conservatively placed at twenty-two
and one-half bushels per acre; oats, for
ty-live to fifty bushels. The roots and
vegetables were all fine specimens, fullv
establishing the claims set forth by
northwestern Nebraska iu general pro
duction; potatoes, cabbage, turnips,
pumpkins, tomatoes, onions, Iieets, es
pecially were the sugar lieet varieties
good, fully establishing the certainty of
that section of the state for the sugar in
dustry. A big turnip measuring tliirlv
seven and one-half inches in circumfer
ence and weighing sixteen pounds at
tracted the attention of visitors. Sio"x
county does not make are special claim
to superior corn production. The corn
prospect is, however, encouraging, and a
good yield will be had this vi-ar, il frost
holds off ten days longer. The samples
of brick and building stone were of ex
cellent quality, and with the abundance
and cheapness of wood for fuel made a
good impression with land seekers. The
irenlemen in charge of this display were
Eh Smith, C. E. Holmes and J. A. Green.
J A dp 'aid t heme was planned by the
i denim rat of the 11th district to at-
After all tr tilw
Kcpiililican Judicial Con vent ion.
The republican judicial convention for
the 15th district met at Valentine on
luesday and nominated candidates for
the judges of this district. Judge M. P,
ivinKaiii was named as camlirinfo fY.r
his own successor and Hon A Id! P... -
tow, of Chadron, was nominated as can-
uiuate ior ms associate. The convention
was very harmonious and the nomina
transportation u.
' .i.,l. ........ ; . .
i' tempt tJ capture one of ttie district
' iu. lints. long ago ik-uiiou were;. , ...
. Ju ', 'I m : duied wit hni.t u ....
i M nt .out in fwvor of A. VV . i r.U-n as a ,, ., urkllis a
lite raiirr.rLil . ......
(undulate for judge. Some of the demo- . , . w'"lGie. f,i
cralu-county Conventions of ttie district i, " 1
I . - , , matter thoroujrtiiv ...
!' - - - , w tot they arc uiliu.,
conveiitiun and in favor of Kinkaid and ! . ""S
dependent judicial convention met
Edit 'd liy the (oui:tv ( (Vmniiitei
tlie J'p'ij.Je's luui'lii uOeut 1'iirty.
could not
was f or-
Notice io C'0!H'-i.nmUnts.
A!! coTnnmiiieations iitxure jiul
in llii t-M!tii:in unit n-itcli tin- i
:tiee liy Tui-l;iy umi tt euch w
on one Mie i( pai-r on!v;
itiMn; tie brit-f and ti lite xi)-:t i:
s,tuteujel:t-i. A'lUn-bS nil tn:ittrtn
J. M. lioisj M
Hf C. Co. Cen. t'lil. PwjKU'V !nl. I
t.irv -
V l.
The price of wheat still remains low.
The cause of this is the vast amount
that has rushed into the market The
short crop which prevailed all over the w;is very narmnious and the
country pot many of the farmers in close ti0"S ke excelieD' satisfaction.
circumstances and no martpr
they desired to hold their wheat for What Accomplished.
a rise in tlie price they were compelled Thursday Eli Smith arrived from
to sell it to meet their obligations. The ms tnP ln connection with the Sioux
reports show that the foreign demand county exhibit at the state fair. The
for ITrftin will ho Ol'on nranfA I whfllfi nsrlu nro firrM In 41... Ulf it...i
o - vuaii wiiwi 1"- ... .1 ,ii uic ucuKi uuu a
expected and there is no question that fe'reat deal of good has been accomplish
n.Kiry nuvances win occur in the price in awu " snowing certainly is good. J. C.
trie near future.
The republican state convention meets
today in Lincoln. The only candidate of
importance is one for supreme judge.
There has been a good deal of specula
tion as to who will be earned, but it is
more than likely that it will either be
Judge Cobb or some one who has not
been mentioned i connection with the
possition. There are a great many men
la the ranks of the' state who would fill
the office with credit, both to them
selves asal to their party, but
necessary to chose a man who is known
iroughout t he state. It is to be hoped
that the convention will act wisely and
elect a man who will leai ti!e party to
Tictory in November,
Noel who came up with Messrs. Holmes
and Green, spent some days looking over
the south part of the county and before
leaving for home on Monday he nut. a
homestead filing on a quarter section of
land near Koyville. Mr. 5oel has been
in Nebraska since 1803 and he knows
what a ihw country is and what diflieul
ties have to be met and overcome and he
saysbioux county contains too much
fine land to be allowed to lay idle very
much longer. He says there are a num
oerot ms neighixrs navme hitrh rent
it will be t KeulDB l,rea oi it and want to
r ...i j-x .
ft'ii, wuere uiey can get some land of
tlieir own and it is more than likely that
they will come to Sioux county. Mr.
Noel got his first 'idea of this country
from n circular of the Nebraska Security
oompany, and he says that on lookin
over the country he found" everything
just as represented in the circular.
.11 Smith reports that a man will be
here in the near future with a view to
putting in a flouring mill and others ex
pect to come and see thq country. The
committee reports that the exhibit at
the State fair attracted a great deal of
tfofice and people from as far east as
hftew York obtained samples' of the grain
and vegetables and some of tlie printed
matter to show to their friends at home
Another indication of results is that
parties are corresponding with our neo-
pie with a view to cotnine here to estulw
ill ilKVIY .... w
that peace will now settte over the scene l,sh a brewery tho quality of hops
Ofthe.late trouble. which grow here and the excellent barley
produced in this locality offer advan-
. , , uiges ovr ouier localities.
uumuer VI IICODie Wno In til m:iv nf nMm ;... it.
Balmaceda is- dead. The end was
fcroaffht about By his own hand. De
posed from hi ctfice, deserted by his
friends and defeated by !vs enemies he
put an end to his life by blowing out
Ws braim He left a statement in re
gard to the government of Chile during
the laxt eight months in which he states
tWat 8e believed he was iVisg what was
right and that he had been working in
the interests of his country. He further
states that Patrick Egan, the Minister
from tlie United States gave hirii good
advice, which was not heeded until it
as too late. It is more tlian likely
- " ' wuo in uie way or premiums at the state
Hisbed into the territory recently thrown fa'" Leopold DeBuck took flfst on hops
moat a rtratition of th r..K m.,i. - r..-. . A portion of tlie collection at the state
.M .ik.ii J air was wwen ny trie committee who
yeais-ago when the flrst of the land was have charge of the matter of tbe great
OfMMd for settlement. The failure of advertising train which is being prepared
crops there last yea and the suffering for a of tlle ast and as lias been
mongthe settlers did not check the 1." teom ot,M!r
j. ti.- u... . i papers the exhibit from Sioux county
-" peopie wanitoinas elicited great deal of favorable
irn wdbtb uiey can ootam government comment.
Had. The rapid development of Nebras- TkeB altogether the exhibit at the
SrP'0 PPL0.' better exSiWtnexJ
. f; . . r"'.? l 1 ,vear- - collection this year could
- - ..w ...o win u y nu . . AIW IXJIWCUOI
" V' TJX? " there stUl re-1 iiave been much better
i i wu, mv,uw mK-nm suojeci to en
try in Sioux comity alode- and people
. will be glad to get it a sooftuthey U
ome a war of What they cu oktain.
Whea tiw adTMtages pomeased i Oris
Bhrt of tfaevtaU orer what the older net-
ILJ MAiMfa .L. .i. L.l I- IL .
i tth ininirn p
Mi of TtteJ and lumber become known,
- nwn. vwiin,! im UJablr
oeen taken bold of earlier in the season
and a larger number interested thetu
selves in the work, but the exhibit will
no doubt be the means of "coaxing" a
good many people to Siourx county to
settle on the Hundreds of thousands of
acres of government land vet open to
sBtuaweni. titer is a stronar feel nir in
Uwl a. 1. I P.
iiMn utohMif rm.. bIia . - . " - ".." m
4Zi 7. "Liu w '"Vr . pounty agncuitura socety
tftatwMS, Ji talTTf 1 V' t W will
r'litirr.. taaur bemee of l taken bold of and an organisation per-
riatfiirm f lite lui iiiiiii Coui
1. That In view of tlie rrt wn-iiil, in !
trial and economic revolulion now ilr. J in .
UMn the civilized world and the in-w an
llvinir ii-ui'e eonfrontiitar the AiM-rir:ui i-o
pie, we IM-Jit've inut iiie time h;e. nrriv.- i ii;
M ervtii iZiil tun ,il tin' miHi ii..,l ri-turi.i f (ire...
of our eiiuntry Mild the lirm;it!on nf whi!
hould l? kmiu li ax thi IVmiU'V I'.irtvul tin
t' lilted Statt'rt of ATileriea.
2. That w-e most hearlilv enilitrwi. tlie 1 1 1 : : t
forillH I1M Hlllllltl-il hi .! Ir.lllw . l in is-'.
OckIo, l-la., in 1.. unit (Hiiiilm, .i-Ii.,I:i I'M,
llV 1 ll illll llwl rl-i I uri .i. 1 r.l im.d tui.r.. r. iiri-
st-n ted, ijUiiiiiiai-izeii as foi!uw-i:
A The ritrht to mate and Ikh. mrini-v 1.. .1
sovereign jkikit to lie iiiHhilaiard hy tl.i-
lieopie K,r Hie eiitnliion lieiu-nt, hi'iifi- vm' !
inaiiil tin: ntx.lii.ion iif thi iiatiiiaiil lunik-..-
bunkxof Usiie, mid un h HUliiiitiile I or n.i-
tional liu.ik I'ljte.-, e ileiiiiiiid tlnit h-nil ti ::
!er tri-axniy tow, Ihkiu1 in Hinheli-!:t vol-
uuie to .rallsuet the tttwimmir lhi-i-.i-intrv
Ol) M CM-ll ll!lli K'i.ll.tllt il.iin..ri. t.f -.,r..-')
ad v.tntaife tu any clu or c-alliliu, mu-ll noli-
mj oe li'al tcniler In oavinHnt .if all 1 1 iu.
public or private, and eui-h notun, u hi-nde-
inaiiileu l.y the a ople, hhull la- ioa:,.-d t
them at not more than 2 jierc-ent per annum
uHn lion-IH-1-Khnlile iii-imIii.-i. iih imlii il.-il
ill the HiilitreiiMury plan, and hImi iiis:i 11m
renl etal i' u il Ii nrnib-r I i i it i i 1 1. ... mi.... tt.i.
quantity of land and amount of inu..i y.
15e .leuiaild the free and niilimiL-.l
coinage of silver.
f We deitlflllll t', I..-,.
tiihitiiii; alien ownership of laud, and lhat
l'lilli-T-. 1 .1 In-,...-lit u-ti.ii. , .1.. .!...
plan to iil.tain ail land now owned by alien
niii iii.i-iu Mr Mini i-. anil I lnr a am n
1 by raiiro.idn umi oiln-i- conior.itionM iu
exet-Mi. of wmii m.i. actually ii-a-d ittni nii'ilivl
bv thi'm lai f, ii.uiil hi.- 'tin. ..... -i. .....I
and held lor actual settler: only.
11 llelii-v'-i hi tlui fliM-lfitw. .,f ..ii,i..l
rights tu .o . id spi-c-ial privileges to nunc.
H'f dcuiand Lhnt LitmiIjiu . n. ti....,il i.t..i.. ....
tnuaijdptil imll nut !m- n-ed to build up one
iiiterewt or clans at the e.-iiieiise of linotlier.
K AVe de.:tiaiitl thatall rev-enii.. i..,.-.!
Htaic or roitnty Hhull be liuiiu.d to tin
UeccSrtarv i-xiii-mii-ii ,.f l-,n ..i.t..i..
eeoiiomitnlly mid honestly administer, d.
r e dclmimt i Inwt ,.niilt..l .l.i
of graduated tax ou inctiuios.
li-Wp(ll'lliaiHl till' nni.t I'lli-lil Ik. ....a
jii-i iniioaai control and nupcrvlnion of tin1
ineanx of public eoinmiiaiiuiliou and Iraiw
portation, ami If tiiin control and iiii-er
yi.ioii dia-H not remove the abuses iiowexift
iuir. we demand tin irocn-n mni.t .m ,.....!,;,.
of such means of counminicatloii and train-.
H "We demand the el.-ci bin nt i,rewi!i.iii
ice priMi.letit and United htatea scnntorn by
direct vote of the people.
spirits" the relief committee
help il. Tiie silent, ho- . ver
) ..i ... ...n is a.-k- were
Hiancu i- .ii -
and the labor oiinei ted tliwvv.itu cnti-r-fiillv
rforniwi williout excuse to any of dmyafje. Iiie re.ison ( r
lad .hipping the wheat to (hliereut ar
ta'oii arcimiit of tiiv' i;trtl ulur
metlHxl of distribution reipi.rt-1 I
The statement and ullabvit and
iiad to lie returned to tlie county
. i, milt.. ami from them
relief committee. If one pally distri
buted :t in rtion of the wheat and was in
tios-ev-.,..! of the record
lion it Ins inn- lie. esvirv
mrtv to i aish the tlistn
Ihe state
For Judge of the fuirctue Court,
J. W. KlKiKHTON, of Omalia.
For Uegents Stale University,
K. A. II.VDl.pjy, of Scotia.
A. D'AI.LEMAND, of Furnas County.
For Treasurer,
For Sheriff,
For County Clerk,
For Suiierfntendcnt of Public Instruction,
For t'oronor,
For Coanty CoimnissionerSnd Diatrict,
They Will Bolt.
On the 80th day of July, when the
People's Independent Party was organ
ized in Sioux county,- there were present
some parlies who had things arrang-ed to
.in, Ik .1 ... 3 ..I
oiiib toeuiueives aim wno were not in
or the same
ution or if ht
.. .. i,",..i ... t o-.i tlin linsines ovi-r til an
other, he e iiild do so without consulting
tlie coium.tiee, hut the . oiumitt.-e i ouh!
i :iot easily turn tiie distribution over to
1 another ' without consulting the first
imrtv The n-i-onl would tf llkelv to
liecoine s- iiievvhat mixed, as the ond
: itu-tv would not know to whom wheat
hi..l lieeii liehveretl and Uw- aioi h. The
j wheat, however, appears to have been
.iiti-iliiitil oi tiie s:il is ai l ion ol all con
cerned, and if tl.' frei-l-t money was not
returned to the Pine Top res dents, it i- the f:inlt of the committee, as bet
stated, hut the partv to whom tlie money
was paid.
The Siluaiiim.
There are now four tickets in the Held
in Sioux county and the voter who fails
to find a c hoice among the candidates
will have : a chance to write the names
on his ballot. This outrht to be satisfac
tory, but still there i- considerable dis
satisfaction. There was an extraordin
ary effort made by several Icadini; man
ipulators to control the republican and
democratic jmrties, iu order to represent
themselves as jolitical lt:.-es of the
i-ouuty head'iiiart.-rs and th y i-ucceeded.
hut they failwl in accoiiipiish n.' what
they n?pres.:iited to individual vosrsof
the resjiectivf jiarties to be their o' j.-ct,
nan.cly, to solidify both parties and nave
an election on the "straight bartv line"
order, it was too flain that the" same
iiifluence was lieinr used in the shaping
and managing of tie; two last conven
tions and one of the former nricK. TI
same men that promised nominations at
one convention, promised them at an
other and another. The Kame nomina
tions were faithfully promised to many
different individuals, and all that was
wanted in return was a preciiu t dele
gation that would favor tlie rieiif. land
of a delegation to -ud to the Ktate and
judicial convent'. The consequence
is there are a ,. number of disai
nointed Wuiild-lie . iiintv nil ici;llia with
the certainty of nn additional number
after INovemlier 3rd.
"tie people will have the choice to con
tinue the present admi-.-.tniti nn rif
cotintv affairs bv re-el lw nnant
county ofllcers, and we cvrta.uly mistake :
me situs u i, lev iail in ( Oimrso. vvoh
all the howling, lviur and lnisrenresen
talions, tl.a ;.posil:ari are losing ground
daily, and by the time election day rolls
aiouuu me vruui in re.,anl to certain
matters will become known, und those
wno were inclined to make a change in
me county administration will 1 imiin.,
its strongest supporters, and assist in re- hid lUKseui ouicers oy iianusome
The in
at Valentine last week and I. X. liar
laugh, of l.we county was noniinaUsI
ajil in an attempt to place a sweend
tame on the ticket aow ensued and tlie
(.'ritet element, headed by A. J. Habcock, and the n-sult was tliat tiiesetond
place on the ticket was left vacant and
the central couniiiitv'e given (jower to
lill the va.smey on the tii ket, Tho fact
that Harbaiigh was a rival of Crites af
jars to have irritated tlie latter and
from the Iklirtt C'niniij J'lUm-jl it is
learned tliat TriteK liiudo an unmanly
and iitigeiitlemanly attack or. Mr. Ilar
luiugb from the liich, and his actions
mdn ateil that lie is K)s-essts ,f a dt
cid.sllv narrow mind. Mr. ILirbaugh lie-
ing county attorney of Ifciwes county
had asked Judge Cr.tes to t liange the
date ofthe term of the district court so
that he might attend the convention.
Judge ('rites refused to do this. Mr.
IlarUiiigh tlieo arranged with the other
attorneys to have civil cases ready for
trial the lirst days of the term, and this
alfonk-d the ojijiortunity for Al.eii-Knds
appointee to cut loose. It requires a
good deal of gall for ('rites to pose as a
tion-parlisau. By the grace of Grover
Cleveland he got into the Cliadron laud
oliii e and shortly after losing that job lie
was appointed district judge by Alien
Uovernor Iiovd. Men w ho get into office
by appointment do not usually lajast of
their non-partisan proclivities. The at
tack uikju an opponent in a imlilical con
test by a judge of the district is a dis
grace to the bench nnd it is tsife to say
ilutt on election day the voters of the
15th district will decide that A. W. '
CiiUs shall put "ex" before his title
after his present term of olllce shall have !
il, r.,-.
made l
I.,.. ...i.. : . 1 i, . I
me Uir-n,,,,
w the board ha decid-,),;
cannot consistently he nia
raws, win prevail tore
Tiie republican convent
day waa controlled i...
Hough-McGinley conill
j hi i uji Kuhki men. xi.i.y iv
putupariy of the old g.,,,,
Uiat the republican 0f ,Y
not iitaud any such dosf.
jiuhlican nominee in olfiu, J
me county will 1 tLi.-
ing io law, and that n Wal
CilAS. C. JAJIKsOS, c,
Commercial E
WO iRIIjUated.
General Banking Bu(
All biisinesH entrusted to bla care will re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
Will practice in ail lbs lJ
and federal courts, and U,
Legal pajers carefully drain
JS" Olllce in court lu.
HarhisciN, - -Si
Uolstzk linos.. New York City
I'liir National IIask, omahn.
Hank of (, t lmdron, Seb.
1 N ( ' I it PO II AT K 0 1" S 1 1 K K sTATl
, Counted Out
At the republican convetition, Satur
day last, while the nominations for nan
d;dates was going on, there took place a
transaction winch remmded some of the
old settlers of the days gone bv. In the
second formal ballot for candidate for
county clerk James Clark, of Montrose
preenct, received 12 votes, and there
were oolv till dele"
gttve Uark a majority of one vote, en
titlmg him to the nomiiiafion. There
had been no motion or resolution passed
j ..o toovcuou prior to tlio liallot tte
clined to transact their political business
open and above borsrd, and after arL'uinir
J " i V P f'fintfiin tnn rn ... l..iti WIUUIU3, lijiv r, TflP in Lthot fPcr. T hit iln. t ... .1 ,
bolted. Thev called , " , ,
. . " " ...viiii.wi, uuu "' no- ma utnl Mr J'fNsrr-inn
n, !, ;.):,.;..i t... ,iviu.? .
m 11 was "'covered that
Mr. Clark hail received a majority of tlie
Vm.A. fttorsa onn,J 1 11 ,
- J --tj,tt-,it w
selected delegates to attend the judicial
wn.ciiuiju, uuu 11, appeitrs iiom the re
ports in the daily naners. that, thin. .ti.i
not go as ome of the same bolters had
decided beforehand that they sliould go
and they bolted again. The only way" to
Keep that outfit bolting, gentle
men, is to let thAm
gram of their bosses.
Thai Seed Wheat.
Tlie county commissioner who iVire.
sents the district in which Cottonwood
precinct is located was notified when the
seed wheat arrived at Harrison that the
same had arrived and that lie should
make arrangements tn ii,
... vu DCICIiU
farmers come to Harrison nn!
y on account of tlie fact that it had
been deeded beforehand that Clark was
not to receive the nomination, and then
the chairman of the convention ordered
l liat the delegates present cast the full
vote of their resj.tive precincts. Had
such a ruling or order been made before
wJlT,1 lm."?t Whi:h Mr.
Clark had been token, the matter would
inder i, f k not tlw "'Wate
U Ztl li '1? w-?, certahi
y looks like old tncks with which Mr?
Clark has reason to bo farnilar. 1
LARS is considerable to be saved for a
JOHN A. LUCAS, Pkkidkst, cilAS. E, II0LfES, Vick-?iI
Transacts a General Banking Busii
Buys School Orders, County and Villajro Warrants,
Earinterest Paid on Time Deports.
Loans Money on Improved Farm
inesame. He notified one of the jus-! conntv li , T 7 , I0r e
tices of t.h in ...i.i .L- A. , I U'nnty hke thls- bu the present admin
... . 1 "v"uu w '"atier istmtion sftvivi it i , . . .
officers ahme.
5bta.n.T save Mi lha .
wuuuiy uy
the present administration of the sherds
and the justice with two neighbors drove
iu ziarnson to save the frehrbt. I.v l,m.l.
ing the wheat with team ti,-
but two wagort, and as they could not JJ"
rma ihrr .1.- . .. OlllCe.
, uie - apportionment of I
"vv, li precinct, the balance wasi xl oo.ou to the county bv
j reKs oeing loaned to I CPH .' "7' ,"""'" uniy commission-
the committee by one of tbe Harris ' for l,.IRlr rvices onfr. and
merchants, rt. i .,.., .! "Zf..?? comM to remain in .ission
nuunr hi. iimt imj ji. i w tn t -
time that there would he m.e tersover whV iTL-. l,int ."f"
shipped to Sioux County. Shortly after- , , $389. 10 saved to the count i
warn wow was received by tlie county I Z " 01, """MMon of ' tl
relief committee that there would be 800 S"rmU!ndeBt of public instruction,
bushels more of wheat siin,H 4 ti- L.f T-SQ exndl bv the nr....
county, and word was sent tot, county ! T.7j "Z0
COmmisHinnm ,A nut a . . I ' 8
. '"wooa precinct
that such won the case and that lie
should ee that nair w. , .
, " lurwurueu
and the oortion tnr r-r.t t j .
unuuu precinct
Vouldbe forvartkd. The sack. r:wi
to arrive in time and the justice of tlie
peace who &'.tn.i...i in" n,. .1: . ..
. . . m uiKiDDUUOn
wm disappouited as we, th.o who
called for wlat, and if the whole outfit
Kt drtin" "to" reViVrf thm i-
laafi.ilQ W in f- ,1 ..
USA'" 15.7. 3K
Make the Bottom Prices on all
Goods in Tlieir Line,
p Make a Specialty of Groceries
. Our Prices Beat Everybody
Our Line of Hardware is Compl
Yours Respectfully,
C! !