The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 24, 1891, Image 5
-7 l . r .av. 99 lugust (11 xTTfATO 1U VY VI .a vcan , , ' UfliLS UUUU.v, - I' ..,r t. strr tit liv a time uuui-i f - He fcnauy. auc ( I I "v U lit 1. ? I - .4 " Oi'H I INt I. HI f IS AMI Mil u '''. Iit liltle wcuH U- ,..,L. '7 lamns two pieces of contrast r.l.lous, ,.at,, ,.,,, , , ; cor J to louse at I ii i Hii I.:: ii 'mi:: n-out In U. ' fi.r t. .-Ihl 4,d fur n,i, (.ri.Vit-ij I ate. I waa, ana con- 1'lovvc; has en- said stomach was about I would liave to tl' . r,rfid for a time at ),CJb ---I- I :cu d " - - Finally j r . ,:..., I rrli,,lnd ii-d flO! 4 11"-"' ' your j .reparations with ber.v-i;c.l re sults, I procured a kittle u' August F'cwe.. ;.t com- L using it. Ii -nxd to do r.j ,t mire. I earned in cTa-id Ccfeh rapidly ; my ap f became good, an 1 1 sllTere,i U like a new 11., Aiu- cared me ol Dy!cpMa m lU ;form. J"1 K- I-KUEKIClf, ernes, New York B. Utscy. St. George's, S. C. y ' J have u-I your August trior Dysiicpsii aud find it an lat remedy. ,7.wlt.i Hfiv-rool iftvor Adlcr, f Paris, electrician Itmitioual rfputatlon, lnw built H macliine in which elwlrbnl ( pity an imj'ortuiit parL He inflated h form of a bird In lip, Tlie wings iiave a spread o (ert, and are ma le of wicker covering. The propi-llor is tt. M. Adler says lie luw traveled ii bnndrwl leet at a distance or itti from the jrrotnid; that he 4 without trouble, mid that KDdtd simply because the lu'cimi 7 feeding current to his ihom r aliauslwl -New Y'urk MWii'n I5n in liiul Tro lie " tliete jironcbitw, Asilhiiia, Ca a.d Throat DiM-aw. When It Hurl. vmj surgeun lu the late civil ad occasion to lance nn abscess poor felJow nt f'amp Douglas, mid isore was obstinate it lx-eame wry to ue the knile twice. The M waf not a very painful one apatlent declared that it nearly him, and when a third resort to iiitet was priiosed he protested ie could hever go through the op- iii alive. (surgeon promised to make it !jr him. arid cuSUim no a few of hirers niicf ordered uo f them kS lunik over the imticlil'ii Wiwo others to craP his hand" V "This arrangeliient," explained Tvor, is sam 10 nrevein, pain m norftlioii. Now lay jx-ifectly i when 1 say '.Now! prepare mrgwnat once began quietly :a rk, and in a short timu hml fctedthe oratlon without Hie trouble, the patient lying aa quiet tb in sleep. ...... i .. .... l.,!,i pai au was uone, uie surgeon iuu tt knife and said owr Mu'u iciine from the lins of tho sick fa seldom heard from any hu- m. 11 striiffBled to free bim- Wdj '-Oh doctor, you're k iiltti k'a of laughter soon drowned his Whe was told the operation had Wow before tho siirnal was civ- t m a good ioke: but ills doubt- 11 ioor tullow could ever be to believe tlmtlift did not feel aii- Vn immediately after that fatal Medical .News. 1" )bg k ti IVi.i: I v. r ii A iti,bi, A 1.0 a i'. I J ) ou i-thii.a m i'ii 1 1 I tuiln im ill'ltMitllill; WlSli !hr I. I. Vou li r.iU'i i lUllllkr ),,u , Now ttaiu! ki t t l! II 1 lime uu,.l.,., , i ...i Y" t,l ..ur br,,ul -i,.!,' w 1 uar ... -k , ,ttr ,U;i Uui 1 rrljiiM-f yr .,.r, !u u , Aiiil pun s I,,,,,,-,, ))Ut ,ai. 1 .1 . . f.UTh J,.,- i!i-,l t j l.i-li f i !'ll"iitt mr; .r n. If u iuiau ( n.jal. nil!; J'mii uimioiiaua ljrf A ftKU,ntrt:ii you're tnut 1 Wiuit & Mii.g f r.tixkliii: and an flii'l ii kiujf' Ulna rur thf l-i,u',fl f nd ii. i in rnlW.l Luiiiii. "i al. Ui..t t in.i, r. iik uj,i, M it rt., Uie Ut,, .' mi ). It u rT)r t,i; t.iii llr mill i,: in. i,t t'ii r.i- a 111 faiU I rorn tin- ,..,,... ..i.u..b . i " ' n"-. iHieu.iv; . I I you h,r ,f tl, -ii -mi,! t) IravM, I oii i t-a 'mill a (,i,mi.,f .Uf I 1 "iir lifurt at, m'ijii ...i I mm lniim h mv ll ti.i, A luviii notiiHii tluii 1.,-aVfn or Jiell lln tli day .he I" ma in a brlilo I TMjuIrr nil tlilii", n.nt aru ainl trill!. All tlilima (tiAt m i,,H li iu.. )r u gH tlii, all I Bi.jlil ,iaUe my li rt lo I all sou ileum:, ,1 uf inn. If t"Uiau du (1,1. -a iuiindrc-Kt, a ciwlt You i an lilrrt with iili in i. liut a woman ' htart mA a auuunrn lira Art nol Ui l u:i thai way. Mew Oienpatliina for Wiimcin. Ilie nul'lic i so Bci UHtuiiKid lmunilnvii to K.iiiii wouieu di iald tilings toward wiili'uttie llieir "niiheri! that surhri-e and ciiininint reunrdini; new attain- IiienU have almoht ceaaeit llowev one uccaKionally still hears (if women w ho make momy in sucli a iiractical and oriKiiiiU and at the same time womanly way that their work seems es pecially worth mention. This is true of two New York ladies w ho are making BMilendid success bs professional house cleaners, Thev take entiw chargn of a liouw, bring with tln in a nuiuler ol well selected asiosUiits. who clean the paint and windows, swi-ep, taku up, eleiiu and put dow n carpels, and do all the other work required. I'eople clo.i inx their houses for a seaaou employ them to arrange things preparatory to their leaving, and those coining back have them put things in order for their arrival Then there is a bright young English girl who has thought of the novel ohui of becoming accountant aud auditor of large families, and she finds many who would much rather pay well for having their household finances looked lifter than have the trouble them selves. To dependent ud derailing women here, there, and everywhere, these ways of earning a living may help suggest a meaus out of uuhappy circum atances or finaucial difficulties. iff Lady' Willi Paper llaikef. )n whola nasteboard. a half yard of scarlet silesfa, a yard of dress binding, a vr,l niu a lia f of sliaiiej greon nouon, tome flowers, needle and thread, a bus- ket of lichens scaled off in as large pieces as posiblo from oll decaying logs or fence rails; with the-o and two hours of h-isure a pair of deft hands can make this pretty, useful writing drak append age, llring the ends of the pasteboard together and secure them in a flat seam. Cut a round piece to fit the bottom of this cylinder, sw it in, and cover the seam ...;n. ii.,. Now begin at the bottom, crowd chwely together, and sew securely round lifter roiinu oi u... lieheiis'tintil the whole surface is cov ered with them. If caro has been tauen vciirr bag. 1ach end. Then duublt the'ii b:c";, forming a bag, but allowing the two nick ends to extisiid a little beyond the fr.tit ends, Kuibroider, with heavy " T'ue of feather titching where me two rililious J in. With tlie same Sloss, in button hole s'.itch, fasten the i b-siof the bag. Fill with cotton, add uig saeliet powdi-r. and tie with a nar row i ihuon ii few inches from thn ton This leaves the four ejuls (which may be cut to suit the fancy) Rjose at the top of .1 1... r ., . . . . , , , , iuk uai;. i an- jnns auu oiue riooons smbroider d with dark maroon fluns and tied with pink or blue, would hi pretty. Scout with heliotrope or wood violet, a To Itemove fiurierfliioiK Hair. Depilatories are very dangerous remo lies unless kept in the baud of very careful persons. They are liable to not ,nl v lake off the ifTiniiini, hair, lint also the s'.iin as well mid leave uglv sores to heal aud form scar. The Turkish women are naiil to li1 Verv Ttroficient in the use of depilatories, as thev have no hair on their bodies, with the exception ot ine lieao. Nearly an lorms or aopua- toiies denend unon some of sulphides of I he alkaline earths. Probably the safestainongtheeffective ones is made from the ordinary quick lime. It should be Blacked with two parts of water and then saturated with freshly made Kulphureted hydrogen. This mixture muit be used a few c!ay after it U made, Care must always be taken to see that tho paste does not cover more surface than it is necessary to freo from hair. It is also a wise pre caution to spread but a small space at a lime and w ben this is deprived ot hair ireat a fresh portion of the surface, 1 Pharmaceutical I'.ra. Tlt Flower Oance. Tim flower dance which has been for some time past an especial feature of IiOitdon gayelies, appears upon tins side with some n.'wand improved ideas, vhicli promise for it a successful run. t, hoiwe in converted into a rose ear ien. while the buds garland their vapory -v.. nin ir rnlien with a network of the ' o . . mmt frairaut blossoms. A prize is fro. mieiitlv offered for the most effective ctettime. The buttonholo bouquet worn i, tl.o f.iir one's escort matches the flowers that enrnish her gown. Banks of roses fill every nook, while fairy like rose draperies form a charming canopy as they are drawn from the center lights to each corner ot the room. risen variety is used, from the blushing wild rose to the velvety Jacqueminot. HOMK MATTERS. tag. the n,t tlut move Wr, Stomach, and Bowels, f Dr. Piprrp'a P easant & have done their work. healthy movement, too ural one. The organs tot forced into activity H to sink back irho a state the next. They're and retrulated mild- quictlv. without wrench- 0r griping. One tiny, r-coated Pellet is all that's as a ovnt1f laxative: to four act as a cathar They're the smallest, kipi me easiest 10 iae. r Headache, Bilious Head r5ntipation, Indigestion, Attacks, and all de pots of the Liver, and Bowels arc ,jptly relieved and cured. yarrTt wabtk basket. . . ,. i. . ., . ow,At. i v. t ie resunwiu topatineiuow....- reward the pains m ' i. - .i. o. .in- he seam- beautiful. waKe v. .'" ft. -J - and gathering wiiu a . ..i it n. so that the top, ami - ..... win i now. a. J"" meroHv . ... ,, . ,0 MVed from last fa .. ? "K ; h8S a Liai flowers a iii rki ! l by the ribbon J-biose , rlliasset f you should wish. ome .rt'asbouquetreceiverina corner of the room. M wonder, "said a young woman who ... g- v: I nttfinutru rW w,,,ta T,,,e l,1rfl' a. the most brilliant, but the red was the .. , l(ja white wns m red At the former i u BnJ wtin coats, wiiii Ti,e ladies d. Hk. lock. .. d Alull0dec. wore white w.". . , . A lintlffiuun ' Z "and H l and the . it.fons were all of the same T Tt Tho while ball eve. color. At t"'o w WlliUS. . .. a and i.,Iihi. of course, ... i . ii r. ,lrenes ..r'JIZ.oVth. nobil- JZ:r nd attrsctlvo Uy' V I w. told, a hlack nan Ai a novelty. WB" th8 IIlen and ouceSiv;n, '' " ' ;-;)ieB being the wldto 7e?i'rtor. adore doing n,yrel,t' ; tblngs-they ought to try 4iiMniiabla Snsitliin and KverydftJ 11 1 i,l. lo I'ravillmil IIouBekoepera. For faded green blinds rub on a little linseed oiL Half a teaspoouful of sugar will often revive a dying fire. Clipping the ends of the hair once a ionth has a beneficial effect. Knirita of turpentine will take grease r.r iimm n( paint out of cloth. Apply till the paint can be scraped off. m:n. L oo,l aenuent of Quinine and will disguise its bitter taste. Five grains may be dissolved in two or unee uu.. of milk. ,ii ivw filled with lime ana placed on a shelf in the pantry or closet will absorb dampness aud keep the air :.. Mmii.l. drv and sweet. Ill LOW j - , , i, .i. i.iio of nn ecc be mixed with o cunful of beef tea and heated to 160 V 1 . . . knf Ion lit degrees the value oi vim - greatly enhanced, says the Lancet. A cood camphor ice is mane oi ounce of spermaceti, one ounce ot ca.n- nlmr. ono ounce ct aimonu , cake ot while wax; melt all togoinoi and turn into molds. Do not light a sick room at night, by meaus ot a jet of gas or a kerosene Imiin burning low; .thing, mpovoriahei tl,e air sooner. Use iperni candies oi tapers which burn sperm on. If soot falls upon . ,7 rot attempt to sweep o, uu. ---- covered thickly witn ury tan, . v then bs swept up properly aud not o iln or ginesr will be loft. a ii excellent cold cream may be made of nn ounce . . nllf ounces of spermaceti, a ha. pm t o rose water, and almonus eiio. l. u.. u inirni i('r wen. To loosen stoppers oi io . . -i n ,miil the stopper and Afler a time tap it genuy, " lu ioo,en add another drop of oil Abottleof boumou : m n.o house to auu to r V01) will also find it exceedingly con- ;.JBt where a clear soup and vou do not care io u" and you u . i.ritri,tened by lnB0,er U!" " f .: aenofulol .!... .ll una waici. -- . Utoalargebasinofw A New Phase. J. D. Calhoun in Linooi ; Herald. a new phase of "he railroad problem has been thrust for consideration upon intelligent people by the present finan cial stringency. As is well known the vast mass of railroads bonds and stocks are the backbone of capitalized invest lneut If these securities, suffer every thing else languishes. When railroads are making money stocks are buoyant capital is confident and everything booms. On Ihe other hand, when railroads are bard up, losing money and skipping dividends, capital hunts its hole, confidence is lost, times be come panicky, enterprises suspend business is paralyzed and everybody suffers. The peculiar relation of railroad securities to the universal business of the country is very forcibly called to the public attention just now. Three peculiar features co exist: A severe and general business depression in one. .Railroading is being done with little or no profit, stocks being at the bottom ligures, is the second, the third is a vigorous and prospectively successful war upon the railroads i'or a general lowering of rates. Xow let us state two propositions tentatively. First: The rates will be lowered, the prices of securities will de cline still further, depression will con tinue, capital will go deeper rtnto it lair, and general disaster will! ensue. ?eeoiid: The war for reduced rates is declared off, crops begin to mbve the railroads make money, securities go up confidence is restored, foreign capital comes in cash as plenty, good times come and wo all lly high. Whichever of these two propositions a render may accept or reject, the fact remains aoparent tbat the rail roads are intricately connected with the weltare ot every peisouiinitlie country The panic o 18Td wavs due the un provable character of railroad invest ments by Jay Cooke & to. There would have been no . distrust of American securitiesand 'no drain of cold to Europe itour railroads had been earning and tending' comfortable dividends over them Atlantic. 'The ultimate solution lot this very delicate problem J is thet government ownership of railroads soUhat it will make little or nodilTereiieolin the flnan cial world whether iney are run ao prolit or loss. GovernmentV ownership would eliminate theniU'roro.tlie financial problem, liberate all the capital now locked up in them ail restrict its oper ations, for a time atleast to enterprises of less public concern. '2be reduction of rate charges is .'the smallest benefit to follow government ownership. Jiut what is to be done for the im mediate present? Are we to stamp the roads still further j into financia mire, and let them dragievery interesi alone with them? Or shall we let them alone for a few (months to undis' turbedly haul our bigjerops at a profit ; ti,o linne that, tbevwill therebv ire on tirm ground andftake the country with them Tho lobster Catch. Xova Scotia and, Prince Edward Island advices go toehow that the lob' pter catch for the season which closed Auir. 1 was the most'successful of any season for the past ten or twelve years. Ksneciallv is this the case witn the factories bordering on tire Northumber land straits. A gentleman interested in lobster canning makes the statement timr these factories will on the whole average a net prolit of about $4,000each Tnkins into consideration the fact that the season for catching lobsters is i,v law restricted to dune and July, this profit must be regarded as enormous The benefit of the short season is now l eenmiiiL' iimiHrent in the increased catch, which is almost double that of ro-ouinns vears. while the lobsters are inut tlie riirht size for canning pur Mich has been the rapid spread of the caimaries that every available tlift ahorea of the Straits mv..0 of Northumberland has been taken up and parties desirous of investing money in the business are withheld by the dilliculty of procuring a favorable cove or beach. A good idea of the profits of lobster canning may be gathered from the fact that while a pound tin put up ready for shipment at a cost of about nine cents they are taken from the canneries by wholesale dealers who pay seventeen to twenty cents per tin .An American llrm owning fourteen factories ships its entire product to the Trench and English market direct, and all its tins are labeled "Machias Bay Lobsters," notwithstanding the fact that the contents were caught in Do minion waters, put up on Canadian soil and by Xova Scotia worfcmen. jlontreal tlazette. i ffiR 15)1(5) Bf&ic!' cs8 Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard The number of immigrants into the 1'iiileii States during the year lS'JO was rather more than 4113,000 that is more than the population of St. Louis Baltimore or Boston. Sixteen thousand more immigrants arrived during the corresponding months ot lh.. I . , ii.. I-,- w, Those who ueneve jo. b" catarrh liemedv will cure them are more liable to get well than those wiio don't. . If you happen to be one of those who don't believe, there's a matter of i?otXl to help your faith. It's for you if the makers of Dr. Sage's remedy can t cure you no matter now oau or ui uu standing your catarrh in the head may he- , , . The makers are the World s I nspen sarv Medical Association, of Lutlalo, N. Y. They are known to every news paper publisher and every druggist in the land, and you can easily ascertain that their word's as good as their bond Vnn whirl vour watch once a day. Your liver and bowels should act as regularly. If they do not, use a kry. The Key is Jr. rieices 1 1"". Pellets, une a dose. The surveying party upon the upper Yukon river in Alaska has completed its labors, and returns to St. Michaels hv boats as soon as possible 111 order that it may return home 011 the revenue cutter Bear. liarthworuisiii the Now World. It is a remarkable fact that in two kinds of earthworms inhabitants of the New World, the little britlles, which are the locomotive appendages, are greatly enlarged in the tail segments, in one of these, the i.iaclui'ta windlei, the bristles in question are euortnousdy enlarged and of a hooklike, form, so that the creature must be able to retain a very firm grip upon the soil These facts are surprising, as an eaitnwoim in lip.rhaiis an animal in which we should not expect much manifestation of intellect; but, on oilier liuuu, in. Romanes discoveries about the intel lectual possibilities ot .Niny, uie cnim panzee, may be regaraeu as imviny moved the whole animal creation up a peg or two in mental caliber cnam- bers, Journal. A Forgetful Spouse. ivfru Bilkins I never saw such a for getful man in my life as you are. The dock has stoppeu again. Mr. Bilkins-That s because you for get to wind it. Mrs. Bilkins lluin 1 ou snow veij well Mr. Bilkins, that I told you to re- ..,i,i me to wind it anu you iorgoi about it -New York Weekly. tup American Statistical association reports more than 10,000 business fail ures last year, of which 4 per cent, were due to fraud, 10 per cent, to inex. M 1 1 ner cent, to neglect, ia pe- cent. to 'incapacity, and all the rest to a desire to make money too tast Woni 'ii ofSouth America. Love making apparently is t'-e sole industry aud art of the women of South America. Latin blood is the root of the populat 011. I'ntil invigorate 1 by healthy immigration or until war de populates, as did our late rebellion, culling off the supply of 'Prince Charmings," women thinkers, bread winners in the higher walks, are liable to be unknown in ;-outh America, says the New York Tribune. The delegates sent out bv the ladv board of managers will probably ue ac corded a hearing. Their story of the marvelous growth and power of Ameri can women is almost a Munchausen fable founded on fact, to which these southern womeu may listen with the awe of children, but with little or no desire to imitate us. "Women, ladies work in the United States earn their own clo bos and pay for what they eat?" asked the wile of a South American dignitary. 'What a niggardly set of men they must be! And she affectionately patted her rich laces, admired tlie jewels lasing on her plump brown lingers and doubtless secretly dubbed Juan not a bad fellow. Minister Phelps has hopes of in ducing Baron Krupp to exhibit some of his immense guns at the World's fair. Baron hrupp hesitates, for he says it will cost him 830,000 to make an exhib.t creditable to his establishment. XX-' 3.rC3XJ HAVE Malaria or Piles, Kick l?edaehs Costive rioni'ls Iltimh AKne, Sour Stomach Hud Itel.-lihiS ; if j-oiir food does nut aasiuiilate and you have no Rpiietite, Tutt's Pills will cure these troubles. Trice, 5 cents. VALE&BICKFORD. Attorneys, . 7 -.7 z. ., Jit r vAiit.r:TO.. u br-KO.AT, AT1K.N Ill's OIVKN 10 H-D. MINIS AX1) IMJIAN mmiUAliua CRAGIN CURED TO STAY CURED. We want the name and ad- dresHof every sufferer in the HAY FEVER O liflTUMn U.S. and Canada. Address, & MO S nilllt P. Harold flayw.M.D., Buffalo, consur.iPTioN. I hv a poitia remedy for the abon dlaeauo ; bj ita use thoasaada of eaaes of the woret kind and ol long standing hais been cured. Indeed o strong is my tilth in its efflcacr, that I will nd TWO BOTTLIS FMtE.with a VALUABLE TREATISE on tliii, diaeaoe to any suf ferer who will aend me their Express and P.O. address. T. A. 8locuin, M. C, 181 Peari St., N. Y. I leading remedy for all H.J I unnatural oucn,i ""? private dlseasea of men. A certain cure for the deb II tatlng weakness peculiar to women. . CINCINNAI ,u.c . BTr,NFI, n .Dectu,Iil u-- 'JT'lfJ! -wliaau HOIfll bj w ii. In f, ,r.TT,Vva. MrdonlT sy '. - Vftra- Vh N. Jl. U. -NO. , r A O fresh by rolling in brown "r" . hi. ....tar then in o PT" T "1"!! acooldark J;".P Itefore preparing it for Ui. placf. ' M w,ter and lei h"rSuo, tounJ ll si ano - very crisp- I suffered severely with face neu ralgia, but in IS minutes after appli cation of St. Jacobs Oil was asleep ; have not been troubled with it since. No return since 1882. F. B. ADAMb, Perry, Mo. 'ALL RIGHT! 5T. JACOBS OIL DID IT." A II n w OUR SPECIAL 1 x ttTMTS. Jr'tvCJivi.i a on" ) WE CARRY IN STOCK Grain and flax Testers, Boots, . Fnnnincr Mil4 i, Cnp and Bolts, Snouts, f! HorsePowers, spouts, " Pulleys and Sprocket .m c..i, Shattinir, Hamrers, Boxes anrt Collars, l Rubber Pipe 8team FittinffS, - w. .)iottwr Brass Goods and Packing, Belting : j Leather, Fire Brick, and Clay. Complete Steam Outfits Promptly Furnished or Reoaired. Ill Kinds of Castings and Machine Work. f York Foundry & Engine Co., Vorlc. Nebraslca. Pottery 13,000 Years Old. i riiiro-inir out the colossal statue o Barneses II, nine feet and four inches aniiiiafnrl Xile mud had to be re Ol to"""' , niovsd before the platform was reached. This platform was laid l.Mi years ue- Hence, three and one-half inohes of this eonsolidated mud. represents a century there having elapsed 3,-215 vears s nee then, unaer uio pu l.r.r',,11, r thirtv feet of Nile mud had io be penetrated before sandy soU was reached, aud according to this, 10.000 'mere years must have elapsed, l'leces of iiottery were fouud there that show; fthe Egyptians to have possessed enough civilization to form and bake vesiieh. or clay 13,000 years ago, - U. 8. DALE-TIE MACHINE. a. 1 .... .In with nn, tnnVPTTient Of the lever. Saves 40 Ptu cbst. in cost of bsle ties. No delay in waiting lor ties ; make thorn yourself, auaiinuse. U. S. HAY PRESS SUPPLY CO., KANSAS CITY. MO. ft c ft J 1 X k.-li ti nJn Kw PhvaielariR. Bert Uouffn Meaicine. itoiiii-! Ti . . Cure, where all else fells. Pleasant and agreeable to the Vu. 7J? m j ..l. it .stkmit nhiection. Bt drURgisU. laSie. niturcii . - - -jr-arTMs- 3 ISLaJ ' 1 j ;' I ! 1 1 ! 1 Nice ball. I . it i. -