The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 24, 1891, Image 4
JESSY. It was night The cabin, poor, but warm and cozy, was full of a haif twi light, through whieh the objects of the interior were but dimly visible by the glimmer of the embers which flickered on the hearth and reddened the dark rafters, overhead. The fisherman's nets were hanging on the walL Some homely pots and pans twinkled on a rough shelf in the eorner. iieside a great bed with long falliDg curtains, a mattress was extended on a couple of old benches on which five little chil dren were asleep like cherubs iu a nest By the bedside with her forehead pressed against the counterpane, knelt the children's mother, the was alone" Outside the cabin, the black ocean dashed with stormy snowftakes, moaned and murmured, and her husband was at sea. From his boyhood he had been a fish erman. His life! as one may say, had been a daily flight with the great water for every day the children must be fed' and every day, rain, wind or tempest out went his boat to flab. And while in hie fotr sailed boat he plied his soli tary task at sea his wife at home patched the sails, mended the nets, looked to the hooks or watched the little lire where the fish soup was boiling -as soon as uie nve children were as leep she fell upon her knees and prayed to heaven for her husband in his strug gle witn the waves and darkness. And truly such a life as his was hard. The likeliest place for fish was a mere speck among the breakers, not more than twice as large as his own cabin a spot obscure, capricious, changing on the moving desert, and yet which had to be discovered in the fog and tern. pest of a winter night by sheer skill and knowledge of the tides and winds. And there while the gliding waves ran past like emerald serpents, and the gulf of darkness rolled and tossed.and the straining rigging groaned as if in terror there, amid the icy seas, he thought of his own Jenny; and Jenny, in her cottage, thought of him with tears. : fshe was thinking of him then and praying. The seagull's harsh and mocking cry distressed her, and the roaring ot the billows on the reef alarmed her souL But she was wrapped in thoughts thoughts of their poverty. Their little children went barefooted winter and summer. (Wheat bread they never ate, only bread of barley. Heavens! the wind roared like the bellows of a forge, and the seacoast echoed like an anvil. She wept and trembled. Poor wives' whose husbands are at sea! How terrible to say, "My dear ones father, lover, broth ers, sous are in the tempest!' But Jen ny was still more unhappy. Herhusoaiid was alone alone without assistance on this bitter night Her children were too little to assist him. Poor mother! Now she says' ''I wish they were grown up to help their father!" Foolish dream! In years to come, when they are with their father in the tempest, she will say.with tears, "I wish they were but children still!" Jenny took her lantern and her clock. "It is time," she said to herself, "to see whether he is coming back, whether the sea is calmer, and whether the light is burning on the signal mast.'' ne went out There was nothing to be seen barely a streak of white on the horizon. It was raining, the dark. ccld rain of early morning. No cabin window showed a gleam of light All at once, while peering round her, her eyes preceived a tumbledown old cabin which showed no sign of light or lire. The door was swinging in the wind; the wormeaten walls seemed scarcely able to support the crazy roof, on which the wind shook the yellow' filthy tnfts of rotten thatch. "Stay," she cried, "I am forgetting tne poor widow whom my husband found the other day alone and ilL must see how she is getting on." She knocked at the door and listened. No one answered. Jenny shivered in the cold sea wind. "She is ill. And her poor children! fche has only two of them; but she is very poor, and has no husband." She knocked again, and called out, 4ITT I Ll MS 1 a. . ney, neiguoon uus me caDin was still silent "Heaven!" she said, "how sound she sleeps that it requires so much to wake her!" At the instant the door opened of it self. She entered. Her lantern illu mined the interior of the dark and silent cabin, and showed her the water falling from the ceiling as through the openings of a sieve. At the end of the room an awful form was lying a woman stretched out motionless, with oare feet and sightless eyes. I f er cold white arm hung down amoung the pal let Me was dead. Once a strong and nappy mother, she was now onjy the specter which remains of poor hu manity after a long struggle with the world. i New the bed on which the mother lay two little children a soy and a girl slept together In their cradle and were smiling in their dreams. Their other, when ibt felt that she was dylaf, had laid her cloak ara-cw their feet and wrapped them In her dress, to keep then warm when she herself How sound they slept in their old, tottering cradle, with their calm breath and quiet little faces! It seemed as if nothing could awake these sleep ing orphans. Outside the rain beat down in floods and the sea gave forth a sound like an alarm belt From the old creviced roof, through which blew the gale, a drop of water ieil on the dead face and ran down it like a tear. What had Jenny been about in the dead woman's house ? What was she carrying off beneath her cloak? Why was her heart beating? Why did she hasten with such trembling steps to her own cabin without daring to look back. What did she hide in her own bed behind the curtain? What had she been stealing? When Bhe entered the cabin the cliffs were growing white. She sank ujon the chair beside the bed. She was very pale, it seemed as if she felt repentance. iter forehead fell upon the pillow, and at interveals, with broken words. she murmured to herself, while outside the cabin moaned the savage sea. -My poor man! Oh, heavens, what will he say? He has already so much trouble. What have I done now? rive cmaren on our hands already' Their father toils and toils, and yet as it he had not care enough already, 1 must give him this care more, is that he ? No, nothing. I have done wrong he would do quite right to beat me. Is that he? No! So much the better! The door moves as if some one were coming in; but no. To think that I should feel afraid to see him enter!' men sue remained absorbed in thought and shivering with tke cold, unconscious of all outward sounds, of the black cormorants, which passed shrieking and of the rage of wind and sea. All at once the door flew open, a streak of the white light ot morning entered, and the fisherman. dracrtHntr his dripping net, appeared upon the threshold, and cried, with a gay laugh iiere comes the navy!'' "You!" cried Jenny; and she clasped her husband like a lover, and pressed her mouth against his rough jacket. Here I am, wife " he said, showing in the firelight the good natured and contented face which Jenny loved so welL "1 have been unlucky," he continued ' What kind of weather have you had?" "DreadfuL" "And the fishing?" "But But never mind. I have you m my arms again, and I am satislied have caught nothing at all. I have only torn my net The deuce was in the wind tonight. Atone moment of the tempest I thought the boat was foundering, and the cable broke. But what have you been doing all this time? Jenny felt a shiver in the darkness .:T HM l .. 5 .1 . . . ... a r sue saiu in trouDie. "Oh. noth ing; just as usuaL I have been sewincr have been listening to the thunder of the sea, and 1 was frightened." xes; me winter is a hard time. iiut never mind it now." Then, trembling as if she were eointr iu cumuli L a crime: iiusDana, sne said, "our neighbor aeaa. cne must have died last niirht soon after you went out She has left two little children, one called Wiluelm and the other Madeline. The bov can hardly toddle, and the girl can only imp. xce poor good woman was in dreadful want" The man looked grave. Throwing into a corner his fur cap, sodden by the tempest: "The deuce!" he said scrauming nis neaa. "We already have five children; this makes seven. And already In bad weather we have to go without our supper. What shall we do now Bah, it is not my fault; it's God's doing. These are thinirstoo deep for me. Why has He taken away their mother from these mites? These matters are too difficult to under stand. One has to be a good scholar to see through them. Such tiny scraps of children! Wife, go and fetch them. If they are awake they must ba fright ened to-be alone with their dead mother. We will bring them up with ours. They will be brother and sister to our five. When God m that ,J .1.1. !!..- ... . . -."- "? ub ieu iu is ii me irin ann hnv u. sides our own He wilflet U3 take more mm. as ior me, i will drink water. I will work twice as hard. Enough! Be off and get them! But what8!. the matter? Does it vex you"' You are generally quicker than this." uis wire arew back the curtain "i.ook!" she said. Trannintwi mm the French of Victor Huge for Strand Fishing: In Arctic Regions, j Whenever there is a level field of ice ; inclosed by lines of hummocks the fish j are sure to be plenty. .Such a field as 1 TALHACE'S SERMON. Text. Genesis h: "And they Jsaid. we caunot until all the flocks b this, about half a mile long, practically 1 gathered together, aua uii iney nu afford a living to most of the people in ' ton(" frola ttw weil s rao"u,; the village during the season of 1S3, the s!.e-p. because that v.r th i rr i There are s-me reasons why it is at- favorable for sealing and food was very I propria! a that I should accept tue in scarce in the village. The fishing 13 i vitiitiu i to preach at thij great inter carried on - Mostly by the women ami ' state f.iir, and to these throngs of children though one or two M mm I country mm and citizens, horsemen jnst generally go out and one or two of the 1 come from their line chargers, the king younger men, when they cannot go sealing and food is wanted at the house will join the fishing party. tach fisherman is provided with a long handled ice pick, which he fre quently leaves sticking in the snow near the fishing ground, a long line made of strips of whalebone, reeled lengthwise on a slender wooden shuttle about eigh teen iuches long, and provided with a copper sinker and two iar shaped "jigs" of walrus ivory, armed with four barbless hooks ot copper, and a seoou or dipper made of reindeer antlers with a wooden'handle about two feet long. Hardly an Eskimo, and especially no Eskimo boy, stirs out of the house in winter without one of these scoops in his hand. To every party of two or three there will also be a good sized bag of sealskins generally made of a piece of an old kavak cover, for bringing home the fish. Arriving at the fishing grounds each j proceeds to pick a hole through the ice which is about four feet thick, clearing our. chips with the scoop. The "jiirs are then let down through the hole and enough line unreeled to .keep them just clear of the bottom, where the fish are playing about. The reel is held in the right hand and serves as a short red, while the scoop is ueiu in the loft hand and used to keeo me noie clear of the scum of new ice, wmcn, ot course, is constantly forming ine line is kept in constant motion, jerked up quickly a short distance and then allowed to drop back, bo that the little fish that are nosintr About ti.w white "jigs," after the manner of cod iish, are hooked about the jaw or in the belly. As soon as the fisherman feels a fish on his hook he catches up a bight of tne line With his seoon Mm a.,r,tl,r below this with his reel, and thus reels up the line on these two sticks in loose coils until the fish is brought to the suriace, when a skillful toss throws bim oil the barbless hook on the ice, where e gives one conclusive flap and instant ly freezes solid The elastic whalebone line is thrown off the sticks without tangling" and paid out through the hole again for another trial. If fish are not found plenty at the first hole the fisher man shifts his ground until he '-strikes a school" nieyare sometimes so plenty that they may be caught as fast as they can be hauled up. One woman will bring in upward of a bushel of little fish they are generally about five or six inches long from a single day's fishing- ihe fishing lasts until the middle of May, when the ice begins to soften. A good many are also caught along the shore in November in about a foot of water, when there are no tide cracks iu the ice. Cor. Forest and Stream. Sings Sweetly Though Nearly 80 Years Old. Mrs. Emma Bostwick, once known as the American Jenny Lind, has prob ably retained her voice to a greater aire than any other public singer. She is now seventy-seven years old, but her voice is sun pure ana rresh, and she sings in admirable time and tune. She is the daughter of an English violinist named GlUingham, and began her ca reer on the concert stage when only ittcitc jvmtm vi age 1W uie UIDO She was twenty she was widelr and fa. ably known. Her voice had a range of a rising young violinist waa among wMJse woo tooa part in her concerts. She waa married In UM but aa m retire from the concert stag. For a number of years she was the soloist of toe New York Philharmonic aw.ut. 8ba5a",n?w,un,n r. and wwuuwuui urvaervauon 01 net TOtOS is to be attributed nartlv to tW nH partly to the cure sue has observed In her diet and mode of Ufe. Exchange.' Ked Headed Imigrant Ciirls. When the Bridtish steamer Lord Gough arrived at this port from Liver pool and Queenstown it was noticed of the 375 female immigrants on board over 300 of them were red headed. Not only is this fact alone enough to make every white horse in town balky, but it will also prove an mtersting question to thinking people. Are nearly all fe male immigrants red headed? Do red headed girls make the best servants If not, why do so many red headed girls emigrate? Was it simply a coincident that so many of the female passengers on the Lord Gough were red headed? These and a hundred other questions will naturally arise. The commander of the Lord Gough did not notice anv thing particular on the voyage over except the facts that there were several rainbows at night, and although the weather was quite calm there was an unsually Urge number of white caps. i-nuaaeipnia itecord. j of bea-ta, fcr 1 take the crowa from the lion and put it on the brow oi i.i--horse, which is iu every way uoalrr, and speak to the shepherds just coine frmn their fkveks, the Lord himself i'i one pl.u-e is e;illl a shepherd and in air other place called a Lamb, and all th. good are ehrt-p, and preach to you cattlemen come up from the herus your occupation honored by tiie lac'. that God hutseif thinks it worthy oi immcrtul nvord that lie owns "the cuttle on a thousand hilis." It is apr priate thit I come because 1 was a farmer's boy and never saw a city unii I was nearly grown, and having bee:; born in the country 1 never got over it, and would not dwell iu cities a tiay it my work w us not appointed thwe My love to you now anil win n 1 get through I wiy give you my hand, for though 1 have this summer shaken hands with perhaps 40.UM people in twenty-one states of the union all the way through to Colorado and north and south I will not conclude n:y summer vacation till 1 have shaken l ands with you. You o!d farmer out there! How you nuike me think of my lather! ion elderly woman nut there with cap and si c tacles! How you make ux think of my mother! And now w hile the air of these fair grounds is filled with the bleating of sheep and the neighing of horses and the lowing of cattle, I can not find a more appropriate text 'than the one I read. It is a scene hi Meso potamia, beautifully pastoral. A well of water is of gnat value in that region. The fields. around about it white with their flocks of sheep lyh.g down waiting for the watering. I hear their bleating coming on the night air, and the laugh ter of young men and maidens indulg- g in rustic repartee. 1 look oil and I see other flocks of sheet) comintr- Meanwhile Jacob, n stranger, on the interesting errand of looking for a wife comes to the well. A beautiful shep herdess conies to the same well I see her approaching, followed by her father's fiock of sheep It was a menr orable meeting. .Jacob married that shepherdess. The l!ib!o account of it is: "Jacob kissed liaehel and lifted un it voice and wept" It has always been a mystery to me what he found to cry about But before that scene oc- urred. Jacob accosts the shepherds and asks them why they postpone the tkmg of the thirst of these- sheep, and why they did not immediately proceed to water them. The shepherds reply to the effect: "We are all good neighbors and as a matter of courtesy we wait u-jv til the sheep of the neighborhood come up. Besides that, this stone cn the well's mouth is somewhat heavy, and several of us take hold of it and push aside, and then the buckets and troughs are filled and Urn sheep are itislied. We cannot, until all flw ocks be gathered together and tih ley roll the stone from the well's mouth: then we water the, rWn ' Oh, this is a thirsty world: Hot for 10 head, and blistering for the feet :wd parching for the tornnir. Tt, Curious Passover Custom. The painting of a hand on the houses in Tunis, Algiers and other oriental countries is not wholly a Jewish cus tom, but Is common to the natives of an. it is always an emblem of good luck, and In Syria, also in Naples, is a charm against the evil eye. Hands are ranged in the form of a branch are merely an sssthetlc form of the charm The reason the Jews paint hands on their walls at the time of the passover is because at that season of tho vear . i i uieir nouses are renovated inside and out. Captain Candar remarks that the hand charm was used by the Phoeni cians, and that it occurs on votine steles at Carthage, whenoe it is supposed to have spread to neighboring cities and countries. Hands are found painted on the walls of fct Sophia at Constantino pie; are common all over India ith band In that country being sunnoaed to Lbe that of Bwa). The same curious charm is found in various parts of Ire land and in the Moorish temples in southern Spain. Exchange. ia all orld's great want is a cool, re fresh in tusfyiog draught. We wander around and lind the cistern empty. Long an tedious drought has dried the world' fountains, but nearly nineteen centuries ago a Shepherd, with crook in u shape of a cross, and feet cut to tl bleeding, explored the desert passages oi mis worm, ana one day came across a well a thousand feet deep, bubhlin and bright, and opalescent, and looked to the north, and Uie south and the east, and the west, and cried out with .v,uB auu musical tuat rang through the ages- "Ho; every one that iinrsietti, come ye to the vvaiers!" Now a grent (lock of sheen hub,,, gather around this gospel well. There emu many thirsty soul i wonder why the (lucks ot all nation, rtn no; g.tumr-why so many stay thirsty aim v.niie i am wondering about its my text, ureaks forth in the exnh.,,., uua, Buying: - ue cannot, until '"- K"";ieu lomner. and m io;i me stone from the well's mourn; men we water the sheep." onif.u cone ton mey ungrny jostle each othe. for the nrecedenpp-. if u . , , U,j j r r fmnn wen, mey uoolc each other back from the water, hut when thn n,.,i, littnnlt riAuwi f!,...l. , . shall be disapinted, they only exurm I by sad bleating, they corns tn.,.,,. peacefully Wc want a treat n.ntrt.,,,... come around the toslKii . know there are those who do not like ..u-u.ry imnK a crowd U vulgar they ore oppressed for church it makes, liem positively in. p hent and belligerent Not g0 Jw Oriental shepherds. Th-, until Ml the dock, were gathered, and the more (locks tliatcam n, ' . ,u Anu "w we ought to beanx.ou. that all the peonle conic, (io out into t. i.i-i . i , . uiguwnys and hedge and compel them to come i oio me rich and tell thorn ti. Ineiwnt without Uie gospel of Jes, io to tin puT Hil l t U t!.t..l tlHJ nice therr is in Jiriit. t.oto:ie winu nd tell them the touch that gives .WnaJ i liiuniistioj. (i'tothe lame a d tell them of thfr i'-ys that will uike the lame man leap like a heart (lather ail the sheen off of all the moui.t.iii'S. None so torn of the uog .-ote so sit-t. lion so worrfcd, none so .'viiur as to I omitt'-d. When the fall r echnu j come the w hole land is scoured :or the votes, and if a man is too weak r to walK to the jo.l.s a carriage ii si at for him, but w hen the question :a whether Christ or the devil shall rule this world how few there are to come out and set k the si. k and the lost a';d ihe buffering and the bereft and the niie. und induce their suffrages for V Lord Jttms, Why not guthor -e:t flock? All Ann rica in a flock! II the world in a flock, lids well of '.h" gospel is deep enough to put out the burning thirst of the fourteen hun dred million of the race I Jo not let the church, by a (spirit of eicluaive-ne.i-, k.-;i the world out let down all the. bars, swing ojn-n all tho gates m atter all the invitations: "Wliosoever will lei him come." Come, white and black. Come, red n en of the forest Come, Laplander, out of the snow. Come, l'atag uiitn, out of the he it Coine in furs. Corno panting under pa! in leaves. Come one. Come all. Come now. As at this well of Mesopu tami i Jacob and llacliel were betrothed so now, at this well of salvation, Chri.i! our Miephero, will meet you coming up with your long flocks of cares and anx ieties, and He willstretch out Ilia hand in pledge of Ilis nlTcctlon, while all heaven will cry out, ''iiehohl, the bride groom cometh; go ye out to meet him.' You notice that this well of Mespo tamia had a stone on it w hich must le removed before the sheep could be wau ii-u. And 1 lind on the v. il u, wilvaiion today impediments and nb swcics which inusit lie removed n, order that you may obtain the refresh. uieni - iinu me ot mis gospel, in your case the Impediment is pride of heart You cannot bear to come to so demo, cratic a fountain; you do not want to come with so many others. It is to you liko when you are dry, courtig to a tow n pump, as compared to sitting in a parlor sipping out of a chased chalice which has just been lifted from aBiiv er salver. Not so many publicans and sinners. You want to go to heaven, but it must be in a special car, with your feet on a Turkish ottoman and a band of music on board the train. You do not want to be. in company with rustic Jacob and Rachel, and to be drinkiug out of the fountain where 10,(100 sheep have been drinking befoie you. You will havn to remove the ob stacles of pride, or never find your way to the well. You will have to come as we came willing to take the water of eternal life in any way, and at any hand, and in any kind of pitcher, cry- ing out : 'V. Lord Jesus, I am dying of thirst hive me the water of etenml life wether in trough or goblet, give me tho water of life; I care not in what it conies to me." Away with all your hindrances of pride from the well's mouth. Here is another man who is kept back from this water of hfo by the stone of an obdurate heart, which lies over the mouth of the well You have no more feeling upon this subject man u ood had yet to do you the first kindness, or you had to do find the first wrong, seated on His lap all these years, His everlasting arms sheltering you, where is your gratitude? Where is your morning and evening prayer? uuere are your consecrated lives' say to yon, as Daniel said to Celahazzar: "The God in whose hand thy breath Is my way.uiou hast not glorified " if you treated anybody as badly as you have treated God, you would have maueju apologies-yea, your whole oum nave Deen an anoh.n-v Three times a day you have been .ti at uou s table. iSnrincr. summit tumn and winter, He has appropriately apparelled you. Your health from Him, your companion from Ifim ..1.11.1 r ... :'mic" lro,n your home from vuine ungnt surrounding ,.f m,c 'nn. J man, what dost muu wan mac hard heart? Canst. th not feel one throb of gratitude toward the God who made you, and tho Chris redeem you. and h,.i Ghost who has all those years been jpui uiuing you? if you w,i,i .it down five minutes undr tho tree of a Saviour's matvdrom ' '" vu i i J3 warm life tricklin and cheek and hands, methiuks you wouiu get some appreciation of wh-i you owe to a crucified Jesus. IWt of (tone, relent, rWit, ee Hi bod. manned, rent, , Wb wiUi a gm ot i,,, Buifsl 1001, Wart UlJ0doMf v ruoinn u, U)nill f on- Jacob with a great deal of tug and mo Bwneirom iimwt.ii. that tho flocks might be are 2.4 r.incli .!.....,,...... . -":uil Wilt, lk as the celebrated frw,:!, fuu W dure the misfortunes of t - Jv 1 hp said: -Atlo'chx-ktiiusfuli I shall int an r,rf t .... time for the sustenance of m. , Ami w.nt m. i . ' laa up tot" And Lu wro tui liia i . , , wi until clock struck four, when f,, luuimu ins eariuiy jjf,. men nere wno ere TW J --vie M perfectl A- 1 tel.teJ I .. .... . ' v "'l , i-vi ' lepmr teday. to be unhannv i iv 'u.rTtr. nr. J you come to this gos;,i u.,.1 Z sa lsties the soul with a !iig-;1 ,j 1 a., v.1Un,M.!acl. comes and it offers the mo t Bnf nate man so much of tint woryT' best for him. um! th -ou. n , nto the bargain. JU wi,k Cpihus; and of all the ItoUiscLiia, oulyapot.r, niiscrabl-i shilling M. pareu wun uie eternal iwinm J Christ offers you tod y. J, ,u,J it !'.... ...... 1. . "- I WHO US d 0B V(-Sr til tl.t n ...!. ... .il...rC;.i,i, ' -v" . uu awiues wera placed ind si!vi-r and tram.. i...i . liiutl-u. eiif..J vvtrt. ril.'i,A.l .. i.,.t... .. . 1 , V1.V...3 iu u,iiaiife tso i-: K.... .. . ... ' hilu, mi n close orthti weiirfiin.I lliw t..,. " H v'vonuit-3 wereiurowo atiion't1 , v. .., .-uiwuh h onrmti i lie scales, and on the olhar side are ) um umuitj oi ine un verse says: "Ail are vours-alt i.i.,i.( J l .1 ii . . '""8"S J 4r,.ii,.ui breadth, allele. nity; all are yours." We don't r. ,.i i. . . ... fn tut.: mo j.rornisei 01 Uie gospeL Whea! an age i CMrgyuinu was dying-, very ciiijient in tlm cburch-a yoaci thcoloiital student Stood hy hlsii4 aim ajei m:in looked upand n l it Islt. i nt .... . " gio ine t-rtji cumior; in tny tJymg hour?" s i.uuib young man; -I can't talk to 1 l-'-'s :.:--t; you know aU. no it it. mid liavj known it so lorn' . .. . I . . . .. , o.;iu inu uymg man th.mi.t niomcnt, and ho camti to this prumi Aim uiixKi oi jesus Christ ileaiueti from all sin;" and the old man dappwl his hands, and in his dying moment saiu; -limit just tin- promise iiava own waiting for. 'Tim blood of (. lirist cloanssth from all sta' un, un warmth, the, tas mairiiihceucc of tho j rotnisei: Din, some one guys lu the aiidlan .loiwiuisuiiaing all you have said this morning i find no alleviation Im my troubles." Well I am not thront-h jew 1 nave ii;it me most potent con- HUieration for tho last. I m eoiinr to RooLiieyon Willi the thought of heaven. However talkuttvo wo may U. ti,,ra will come 11 timo when the jtoutest and most emphatic interrogation will eroko iroin u no answer. As soon a w iiave dom-d our lips for the final sileueo 110 power on earlh can break that tac iturnity. Hut where, O Christian, will be your spirit? In a sceno of ihlinite giadness. The spring morning of heaven waving its blossoms in the bright air. Sectors fresh from batUs showing their scars. The rain of earthly sorrow struck through with tho rainbow of eternal joy. Ia ona group, God and angels and the redeemed -ran! and Hlaa, Latimer and Itldley, Isaiah and Jermlah, I'fiyscn and .Join Miitoti, Gabriel and Michael, the arch. angel. Long line of choristers reach ing across the hills. Kmuj of joy dash ing to tho white beach. CoiKiuerors marching from gate to gate. You among the in. Oh. what a great flock of sheep God wilt gather around tho celestical well No stone 011 tho well's niouUi while tlia Shepherd waters the sheep. Thre Jacob will recognia Itachai 1, the she pit erdess. And standing 011 01m side of tho weil or eternal rapture, your Chris tian ancestry, you will be bounded oa all sides by a joy so keen and grand that 110 other world has ever been per mitted to experience it. Out ot that one deep well 0f heaven the .Shepherd win uip reunion for the bereaved, wealth for the poor, health for the sick rest for the weary. And then all tho flock of tho Lord's sheen will lie down in the green pastures and world with out end we will praise tho Lord that on tho first autumnal rabbalh of 1S1 we were permitted to study among the bleating flocks and lowing herds of this fair ground the story of Jacob and Iiachael, the shepherdess, nt tho well in Mesopotamia. Oh, plunge your bucket nto ting great Gosnel well and let them come up dripping with that water of which if a man drink he never again shall thirst push took mouth watered. tere(L.A.,d I would that today rm. ord, blessed of Gel mii.t ' .7 the hindrance to your getti g up the VeUtakeitforglteiM evorkisdont., and now like Oriental Mieitto, I proceed to water the.hJrJ Come al y9 tniri,ty, Youhavean uudelined longing In your soul. YoJ Wed moneymaklng; that did n aUrtjr you. You tried office Jl?r govorment; that did not JS, .a Jou Wed picture, and vSj'Z lu,ofartdWnofttaf, C Cork for WI110 Jiottlo Manufacturers of corks ((.redirecting their uttention to trie production, if possible, of a cork that shall be im penetrable, when used for wine bottles, to the various types of worms which infest the latter. This Is truo in es pecial of one descrlptl on or genus, the grubi which feed on the fungoid growth that forms on w Ine vats and mouldy corks, tho insect boring and forming galleries in the cork nearest to the glass, and through the holes thus formed the air gains access to the wine polling It Various methods have been resorted to overcome tho difllculty one of these being to soak the corks in hot water and then in brandy, dry them and when they are put into the bottled coat the top, with a layer of parafline wax previous to sealing them with or. dinary wax, such coating being intended to prevent any entrance Into the cork Itself of grubs or Insect.