The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 24, 1891, Image 2

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L. J. gIM MOSS, Proprietor.
Ob af lb llaat Netanla Crlmaa la tha
HI. tar? f K lm
Hcaoros, Kak, Sept. 18. The case
cf the state against James Brennan,
charged with the murder of the noted
Sam Wood last June, was commenced'
Thursday in the district court.
The feud whic'u led to the murder,
the crime itself and events following it
ware of the most exciting and sensation
h! character and such it was supposed
would the trial be. Judge Botkin, how
ever, before whom the trial is being bad
determined that it should not be. To
enforce this determination he has issued
peremptory ordere to the court's
bailiffs to maintain order in and about
the court. He warned them that they
would be held accountaDle for any dis
turbance that might arise, and toid
them that it was their duty to see that
no man entered the court room with
weapons on his person, Not only were
they to attend to that, but tbey were
specially charged to see that no person
carrying firearms of any description
was allowed to approach the building,
especially the windows. Should any
one attempt to do this, after they were
warned, the bailiffs were strictly en
joined to place such parties under arrest
for contempt of court.
The time of the court was occupied in
examining jurors. A jury had not been
selected when the court adjourned fo:
the day.
The killing of Sam Wood was one of
the most notable crimes in the latter
history of Kansas. Its remote cause
was the enmity which arose between
the citizens of Hugoton and Woodsdale
over the location of the county seat
which afterwards resulted in a battle
between the people of the two towns,
in which four men were killed and sev
eral wounded. Following that and as a
result of it occurred the noted murder
of Sheriff Cross and several of the depu
ties. During all this time Sam Wood
'and Judge Botkins were on opposite
Bides of the question and were bitter
enemies. Finally Judge Botkins gained
an upper hand by defeating Wood for
'district judge on the republican ticket.
Then Woods joined the alliance and
was ejected by thai party to the lower
o'jae of the Kansas legislature, where
his knowledge of parliamantary usages
induced the alliance caucus to appoint
jhim a steering committee of OLe. While
the legislature was in session be caused
impeachment proceedings to be brought
'gainst Judge Botkins. alleging all sorts
of judicial misbehavior. Judge Botkim
iwas acquiuea, out ine trial lniDiiterea
the old feud between the two and their
(friends. Just after the close of the
legislative session Sam Wood went to
'Hugoton to attend Judge Botkin's court.
He had entered the court, looked over
the docket and was leaving the building
when James Brennan an acknowledged
friend of Botkin shot and killed Wood.
A peculiar circumstance of the trial
is that Judge Botkin presides.
, The friends of Sam Woods have sworn
fhat justice must be doue in this case.
jThey say Brennan must suffer the death
jpepalty if not by judicial sentence then
ty the sentence of Judge Lynch. All
sorts of threats have been made against
pudge Botkins and it was on that ac
count that the judge issued his stria
'gent orders regarding the disarming ol
all attendants of the trail.
H Might .Consider 11 1 rata If (Uncharge'!.
Denver, Sept. 18. There is war in
the general offices bere of the Denver
& Rio Grande railroad. It will be re
numbered that sometime ago President
Moffatt and General Manager Smith
tendered their resignations, but Mr.
Smitt agreed to remain until his suc
cessor should be appointed. Mr. Smith
and Mr. Coppel, chairman of the board
jof directors, held a conference, during
.which Mr. Smith used some very sharp
language to Mr. Coppell. Mr. Coppell
eid thst no employe of the road could
talk to him tHfct wav, and that Smith
'might consider himself discharged.
Mr. Coppell issued a ciruclar instruct
ing thst sll reports formerly sent to the
general manager aod president should
(be sent to him until new ameers could
be appointed.
The T -rlgation Caagraas.
Salt Lake City. Sept. 18. The irri
gation congress met here with 430 dele
gates present. Governor Tnomaa wel
comed the delegates in s somewhat
lengthy speech on behalf of Utah and
the mayor and the president of the
chamber of commerce also delivered ad
dresses. C. C. Wright of Calif ornis was
sslsotsd as permsnsnt president, and F.
K. Gillespie, secretary. Mr. Wright de
livered short speech on the matter of
ceding arid land to ths state or territory
in which it is situated and ths bast
means to suggest to congress for so
doiag ; also ths bast methods of irriga
tion to be suggested. The matter of
memorializing oongrsss on ths subject
' was mads s special order for Thursday.
Herbert Spencer, the sociologist,
has lived up his three score years and
ton. He is now a man of 70, though he
looks tea years younger. He is of tne
liuiB staturehad his head is bald, except
sr a thin fringe of hair. He has aa
aquiline nose, a ruddy skin and arianteV
Great Loss of Lives. Thousand
Perish In the Floods.
Sural Ua Star Tkaaa la U t'ao.
Madrid, Sept, 17. Ths floods which
have caused so much damage and which
are already known to have resulted in
the loss of thousand cf lives, had been
general in the south of Spain. The
damage done is simply terrible in ex
tent. In the province of Toledo the
rush of water from the Consuerga river
was a sudden and unexpected that hun
dreds of people were drowned in their
beds. The aspect of the town is posi
tively frightful- Four hundred bodies
have already been recovered and at
least 100 corpses can be seen floating in
the swollen rivers. A national relief
fund has been opened. Wine and grain
crops have been destroyed through the
flooded section of the country.
The overflowing of the Consuegra
threatens to be the cause of further
ilamsige. Two-thirds of the houses
practically destroyed are still standing,
but their foundations are sapped and
threaten to fill at any moment. The
families saved from drowning are in the
greatest distress from want of food. A
moderate estimate places the total loss
of life at 2,000. A large numoer of
corpses still rest where they were found.
Unless soon interred an epidemic of
fever is feared. Municipal and goern
ment authorities are exerting them
selves to the utmost is order to relieve
the extreme distress existing. So far
as possible the drowned are being
buried in trenches dug for their recep
tion. Many bodies found are entirely
nude, showing that they must have
been washed from their beds or as
drowning people jumped from their
windows only to meet death in '.he
swollen waters surging around them.
The utmost praise is due to the troops,
physicians, clergy and sisters of charity
who, in this emergency, have shown
themselves capable of almost superhu
man exertions on bshalf of the sufferers.
Months of terrible privations and ex
treme suffering are before the utterly
impoverished survivors. Crops are
gone, cattle swept away, houses and
household furniture ruined, and all that
would enable them to earn their bread
has vanished beneath the torrents of
water which have rolled over the towns
and villages, fields and farms. The
gripiogs of hunger have, in several in
stances, driven men to desperation and
they have been goaded to pillage their
luckier or more wealthy compatriots.
Bands of desperate men, determined to
obtain bread at any cost for their desti
tute families have been driven to mak
ing raids upon and pillaging buildings
where they expect to frnd food. In
gome cases the rioters were successful
in obtaining a limited supply of flour
wheat and corn. In most cases they
found the wheat bad been removed to
a place of safety or distributed or sold
to the starving peasantry. The troops
have been instructed to take the most
severe measures to protect property.
Two thousand kilos of army bread
have already arrived in the flooded dis
tricts and the commissariat corps is
working night and day to supply pro
visions to the starving people.
At Almeria the number of dead is
still unknown, but it is admitted that
over 000 houses have Nien destroyed
and a large number of people perished.
It is impossible at present to get full
details of the disaster But, in addition
to places already referred to, at Andaras
the stream has overflowed add is ruin,
ing the grape crop, and the village of
Puarto, Lapiche and Villsfranca have
been severely ravaged by the floods.
The queen has subscribed $20,000 to
the relief fund and the Bank of Spain
has added $6,001 At Almeria the flood
has stopped operations at the electric
light and gas works and the city is in
total darkness. The river Andaray has
overflowed its banks, converting the
valley into a vast lake. It is estimated
thst over 5,000 head of horses and cat
tle were drowned. The police have sue.
ceeded in suppressing pillage. Food is
rapidly ' arriving for the sufferers.
Fresh corpses are being discovered all
ths time. The bodies of sixty persons
have been found in a public hall, where
they had been overtaken by the flood
in the midst of a wedding feast.
A Murderous Assault.
St Louis, Sept. 17. When Eugene
Shire, who was incarcerated for miking
a murderous asssult upon bis paramour,
Maggie Dolan, secured bis liberty, he
went to 71 Morgan street where he
found the woman. Throwing bis right
arm around her he pinned her against
the wall and whipping out a knife
slashed her throst from esr to ear. Be
lieving that he had killed her -cut his
own throat. The couple were removed
to ths hospital. Little hope is enter
tained of their reoovery.
$40,000 fir. I
PosTLAite, Ore, Sept. 13. Firs
destroyed the rspsir buildings of the
Southern Pacifio car shops, togsthsr
with four coaches snd several thousand
feet of lumber. Loss about $10,000.
The Ra Mleakad.
BAMBsrirXD, Cel., 8ept. 19. Tunne!
17, near ths scene of Tuesday night's
collision on ths Southern Pacific rail
road, has caved in and it is thought tho
road will be blooked (or several days.
Will B Haa-a.
Memphis, Tenn, Sept. 19. Unl
the supreme court shall interfere in tis
behalf Colonel H. Clay King will be
hanged in this city on November 6 neit
for the murder of David IL Poston on
10 of last March.
The chapter in the life of Colonel
King, so far as the criminal court of
Shelby ountr is concerned, was closed
Friday when Judge J. Dubois of the
criminal court, after a lengthy opinion,
said: ""Let the motion be overruled."
The crime for mhice H. Clay Kit
stands convicted is too fresh in te
minds of the people to need rehersiLg
in deta'iL Between 10 and 11 o'clock
en the 10th of last March Colonel King
stepped from a doorway on Main street,
opposite Court House square, and shot
down Lawyer D. Poaton, who was hurry
ing t J the court house on important
business. He died a few hours later.
Kirg at once gave himself up and was
committed to jail without bail and his
trial, a few months thereafter, lasted
thirty-two days, the longeut and most
celebrated criminal trial in the hifctory
of the country. The jury after nearly
two days' deliberation brought in a ver
dict guilty of murder.
A new trial whs upplied for, and Fri
day morning JuJge Dubois, delivered
hie opinion, overruling the motion.
Every exception in the prisoner's be
half was overruled. King sat perfectly
stolid with it broad fan pressed tight
against bis bps. Judgd Green, King's
attorney, exevpt d to the judgement of
the court in overruling the motion.
There was another pause of a minute,
when Judge Dubois, looked up from
the mani'script he had been rearrang
ing, said: "Let the prisoner come for
ward." Instan ly King rose from his chair
and with a nervouB but fixed and im
movable countenance stepped a few
paws toward the bench and looked
bteadily in the judge's fuce. In a dis
tinctive voice the judge said: "It is the
judgement of this court that you, II.
Clay King, shall be committed to the
body of the county jail ant there safely
kept by the sheriff until the Gih day of
Nov., 1891, when, between the hours
of 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. the sheriff shull
within the jail, take you to a gallows,
therein constructed, and hang you by
tho neck until you are dead."
The prisoner stood as a statue through
tho dread ordeal of words, and wher. the
court had finished he turned on his
bee's and walked firmly back to his
Major Watherford then arose and
said than au appeal would betaken to
the supreme court.
Colonel King between two deputies
was taken back to jiiil.
Inducing Molnlure.
El Faho, Tex., Sept. 19. The govern
n.eut raininQsers had everything in
readinrs for the irreat test Friday. At
1 o'clock in the afternoon John T. Ellis
if the expedition went up in a balloon
o miles to measure the humidity of
the atmosphere. The balloon bounded
inward w hen turned loose acd up into
he biQe sky it wen unlil it looked like
i huge bird. When it was up hue mile
i number of ex)los:ons were set off on
ho ground. The balloon fell in the
Mountains thirteen miles from the city
naif er the bullion nor o-xunant havt
joeu beard from.
Since the b;avy explosions, Friday
Heavy dark clouds have gathered above
Mount Franklin, from which point the
ttombiirdmrnt took place.
Mr. llli3, of the raiu-making party,
who went up in a ba loon to measure
the humidity of the atmosphere, has re
turned lo the ciy. Sensational reports
-ent out by special correspondents that
lu was lost in the mountains and hurt
ere not true.
Maklujr. Mors Dlinrg.
Washimutox, D. C, Sept. 19. Con
gress, ut its last session, authorized the
re:oinage of the uncurrent fractional
silver coin now in the treasury abraided
below the limit of tolerance, and made
an appropriation of $1D0,0U0 to cover
the loss tj the coin by abrasion, etc.
This sum, it is estimated, will cover the
loss ou about 4,000,00J of the coin, and
this amount is now being coined into
quarter dollars and dimes, for which
there is a very great demand, particu
larly tor the dimes, as the fall ap
proaches and trade becomes active. The
recoinage into standard silver dollars of
the $0,000,000 (in round numbers) of
trade dollar bullion, which the last con
gress authorized, is also in progress, and
will be completed in the next two
To Macecsd a Thlrf.
Cuattakoca, Tenn., Sept 19. Chas.
J. Kirschner of Toledo, O., was elected
supreme treasurer of ths Catholic
Knights of America, to succeed default
ing Treasurer O'Brien, whose stealings
mounted to a little over $71,000.
Important Olscavcrles.
Halifax, N. S., Sept. 19. Chief Lse
of the Boudoin college expedition to
Lsbrsdor, which arrived here Friday on
ite way home, expressed himself as
being more than silisfled with ths re
sults of the expedition. Hs had satis
factorily solved the question of ths ex
istence and grandeur of ths grand falls
of Labrador, a subjsat whioh had here
tofors been a legend to ths aoiantihe
world, and a race of Montangaines la
disns have been found. This is the
first discovery of that race known to the
wUita man. ..
IbeBritlfth Mariners Po
..,4 i i,iilslaml ar the
ALd ,ir.. K-"ou "
Euuli.h Hl.
CONM-A.VT1.NOPI.E, Sept. 1G.-A detach
ment of blue jacket mincers from s
British ironclad, accompanied by a baV
tery of light Held pieces and several
gattling guos, landed at Sign, on the
island of Mitviere, formally occupying
that place in the came of the queen of
England. There is a good harbor at
Sigri and it s supposed the British
naval officers at M.tjlene intend to
fortifv the island to mke it B coahcg
station and renuezvous for the Lritisti
Med.rranean fUet. Sign is on the
coast of Mityiene and is about ixty
piihs from the mouth of the Darda
nelles. Lo.Nuos, Se(it. 10. -Soon as the re
port of the occupation of Mi') 'ieL by a
Brilit-h forte was received herttlier.waa
considerable excitement. The general
opinion seems to be that if the .'ir.tssii
forces had not landed 'n the neighbor,
hood of the Dardanelles neither the for
eign oiliee nor the admiralty would
have refused to deny a rumorcalculateJ
to awaken the grav. nt apprehension id
financial and diplomatic circles.
Infant 1'ruiii Trouble.
Kansas City, M-, Sept 1C The
blowing up of his houte in Armourdale,
Ka?., and the strange death of bis wife
hy poison have seemii.gly crazed
Joseph M. Juvenal. Thiee he insanely
attempted t do murder.
It as the day set for the pieliminary
hearing of Miss Miliie Plcff man, charged
with blowing up Juvenal's house with
dynamite. Miss I'lotfman was the
young woman whom Juvenal jilted for
the woman who subsequently became
his wife, and who died from the elTects
of arsenical poisoning last Saturday.
The arraingements for the trial were
unique. The crowd of people who
wanted to hear the trial was to great to
be accommodated in the small oflice o
JuBtice Herring. There is a large lodge
room over the justice's office which
could be procured for the hearing at a
rental of 7.50, and, so as not co dis
appoint the hundreds of people atxioua
to hear the trial, the judge announced
that if the necessary sum ;ould be raised
among the crowd to pay the rent, tie
would adjourn court to the lodge room.
Two const allies iassed around their
hats and soon the desired amount was
raised. The justice then announced
that court would be held in the room
Tlie case had attracted wide attention
in Armourdale, and among the friends
of the parties interested the feeling had
run high. As a pecautiooary measure,
therefore, the justice ordered that every
male spectator should be bearched for
weapons before being admitted to th
court room. Two coustables were
stationed at the entrance and they made
the Sbaroh. A half bushel of revolver
and other weapons of various kinds
were gathered from the crowd. Juvenal
gave up two revolvers, and John Hale,
attorney for Miss 1'fofTman, gave up
one. The search, however, was not a
very exhaustive one, and the constables
failed to find a dagger which Juvenal
had secreted in an inner pocket und a
derringer which Hale had placed be
yond the Bearchers' reach.
The trial was about to begin when
Juvenal suddenly drew his dagger ami
made for Hale, Before he could reach
him, however, he was intercepted by
the bystanders, who disarmed him
Hale was expecting the attack and
drew the derringer. He, too, was dis
armed After a hasty consultation
with Ihe attorneys Justice Herring ad.
journed court
Juvenal was arrested nnd taken to
the police station, where lieporter Hut
ton of the Times followed to interview
him. Whan Mutton was admitted to
the con-cdor Juvenal seized a heavy
stove iron and would have beaten the
reporter to death but for the interfer
ence of the guards.
It is believed Juvenal has become in
sane as a result of his troubles.
CounUtifolte lAr.eil,,
Kansas Citt. Mo. 1C A gang of
counterfeiters have been arrested in this
ci. George E. Xeel and Mrs. E. S
Wilson were taken Saturday evenijg
for passing spurious 3oin. Neel lives on
a farm near Lawrence, Douglas count
Kan. The sheriff of that couuty was
telegraphed to search the farm huse
and on doing so he found a complete'
outfit of dies, f ursaces, crucibles, acid
metals, etc., usually used by counter'
feiters, Charles Chipwood of Lawrence
was also arrested, charged with being
so sotximpliceof the counterfeit.
P raooaocad Null anaf Vols.
Chicago, Sspt. 19.-H is snnouncsd'
that the clandeostins marriage at Lake'
Oeneva, Wis., lost June of F.Laa RUitl
son of s wealthy E.u Clsirslumtsrman '
and Miss Gertrude W. Potter, dsughter
of O. W. Potter, president cf the Illinois
Stesl compsny of this city, wu M
night declared by Judge Horton of this
city, sitting privately, null and vtil
Ths ground on whioh tbs decree was
granted was that tbs Irids was s
minor and bed contracted the alliance
without ths knowledge of hsr parente.
The action was brought by ths elder
Rust, with the constat of ths bride,
saetaac Cat Horn a.
Chioao , Iix, Sept li-A cablegram
from London announces that ths see
tetc-of the notorious Amerioau forger,
A, Miu iii Jell, hs ben cut down sad
tUt he will be released February next
A liham Pir.kerlon. who tffeiUjd Bid-
eh's capture, when shown tne cable
gram yesterday, expressed bis eolire
;.ti faction at the remitting of the seo-
-The p or fellow has been in prison
almost tei.ty year," said Mr. Pinker-n.-siul
he is, I thick, sufficiently
niched for his crime. 1 hat rorgery
no of tiie greatest on record. Bid-
s.-'.l u:ai his brother formerly ran a
,ii.. ly ft. r on Madison atieet in this
ci:;." Tney went sway and tinally cou
cei'vlll,e plan of looting the Hank of
Ki g.and. A number of Li'U of ex
change were counterfeited an 1 flX'V
0UU were secured on them, l '" forgery
was discovered that ul.t aa.l ti e pw
hie went to work. I'revii utly I Lad
furnifchel the London poiico with pho
tographs of the gang and by tries they
were eiiablgd to fix the crime where it
Austin Uidwell made his escape to
Cuba, where Pinkerlon caught him in
company with his brde. Bidmell es
cad but was recaptured and taken to
England where he was tried uud sen
tenced in 1371. A cipher latter t Uid
well gave a clue which led to the, re
covery of -Jj0,0u0 of the money which
had been converteJ into Uuited Slatoe
bonds. In tLe meantime the older Bid
well brother had been captured in Scot
land and was sentenced for life. Be
coming paralyzed while in prison his
pardon was procured. Since that time
he and other members of the family
have been tireless in their efforts to be
cure the release of Austin, who was but
25 years of age when he was sentence!
A Iiucl WiUi hworda. j
P.i'Mito.nk, Mi: Sept. IS. A duel j
with swords took place here between
Tom Allerton aud James Arrownrnilh,
two farmers, between whose families a
feud of longstanding has existed. As
Miss Arrowsmith was returning from
town last Suturday she met Tom Allor
ton. As she passed him he called her
father khiiks. The young ludy told her
brother James and he demanded an
apology. Ailerton refused and a duel
was agreed upon or this morning with
swords as weapons. The fight wac of
the most ternfio character anl while
both cut, it seemed as if neither would
gain the mastery. Suddenly Allerton
dropped his sword, when Arrowsmith
made a savage lunge, cleaving the left
side of his opponent's head onen. Al-le.-lon
dropped to the ground in a heap
Arrowsmith nave himself up to lha
eherifT and is rotaijad in custody aa it
is not expec'.ed Allerton will live.
A MtinHjfn Hun nf l.urk.
Nkw Vokk, Sept. IS. Schult I.d
wardo, au actor in the "June" company
at Madison tiiuaru, on KCidiy
issuiJ, went lo John Duty's p ace in
YVeatTwenlY-uinlh slree', and began to
play roulette. Keeping to the red end
Lhijk, in less than half nil hour he run
ullO note up to .100. Then it is said,
ho began to piay faro. He made a
Swell bet of 8100 at every turn of the
cards. Ho played no system, but just
pla -od Ion money on the spur of the
Ilia money doubled, treb'ed and
quadrupled until at the end of two
bourn' play he is reports ! to have been
87,1(00 ahead of the gums. Then he
stopped playing, as his luck began to
change. The bank wwi a very heavy
loser that night, as many of the oh'
time players in the quickly ob
served the strange run of luck of the
actor and played just as he did.
Afier Kit Year
Pirrsncna, Sept. 19.-Government
Detective W. C Negus, left for Port
land, Ore., with little Harry C Whit
be;k, aged seven, w ho was kidnapped
'from the resident of his father (Jeorge
Whitbeck, a millionaire of Portland, six
yeorsago. At the time of the kidnap,
ping Harry was only fourteen months'
old. No cue of the child was found till
six months ago when the directive got
oclue at Omaha, followed it up to
Homestead, six miles from this city
and located the boy in the family of a
mill-wor'ter named Long. H9 reoog.
nized the child by a birthmark. Tbs
woman who brought the boy to the
Long family died some lime ago. Mr.
Whitbeck ho spent 30,(joo looking for
the boy. The detective will receive
$"',000 re war j.
Katlawtd tha K ranch Ai in v
Pabi., Sept. 18.-Preidcni Csrnot
ond his ministers of slate Vitry Ls
Francois reviewed th French army
consisting of 110,000 men, which, since'
September 3, have been maneuvering
u .p east, unaer in direction of Usn
srsl Baussier.
A California ...!
8ai Fhasciboo, Sept. 18.-At a late
nour list night a freiimt ti
Into th. of the Los Angsles sxpress
wsst of Qirard. Ons man was killsd
and several iDjuri. Xh- mm
Cobsel William Harney, managsr of the
Golden Uste woolsn mills. Mia. 8
...inuia was severely bruised.
A MIM K.rthqaaka.
ali I r1?' 18-8SWS
sght shocks of earthouaka
here Thsndsjr about 835. N0 daman
haa .1
- otwu uuaa
A i vn.k.....l. I . t
cox this week.
A camp of Modem W J
laOSan firrraniiu,! s JUM
.Morse i;!uil
Mead ii . -
, reritii
ings continuing all last
There is a scarcity of faftl ,
renorted in Wut a l..i . A
..r ...j.. , ana COUUt,
The Fremont V. M. ('
Incorporattd niidi-r the s.ate H
rre.nomsiiew electric rt
been turned on and give iat:s
Canvassorsfor pro; erin tai
Ing rods are abroad in ('um;
Numerous grain thefu ar(! ,
in the northwest portion ,f
"Harrison, Sioux count, ,
C e have c
"JMeill fjyj
coumy neraiu.
IJzhllll!!S7 slrnrlr i .
C Irrigation
longing to J. V. Ijii?,
rege, and bured it I
MisiAda Thomas f i.i,,J
Cum; hi
r 1
has been adjudged insane and hJ
avui. iu nit! l,lll('Oln Iingpjtd
I I'i.l. !.
i nine cniiu i Herman V
pnuonof tb
.rsiog tlie mii
fcager. Tlat
'(lortrw. iv
pjj bi.ti. wut
jith ni.'ht!t
v tprfiins o
ij5 o'tl'K'k. tl
nuaiuro, t
of Shelby was run over n
wagon and j.rubably fatally jDiJ
Mrs. I'sinuel lUack of Nora
ftllt I. Ill mi nn fi.U . f
i'" " i i a Wip4
was seriously injured by 1,
Cox Untie county wjlHit ruM
twenty to forty-five bushel to tj
while onis go lrotu thirty-five t
Over 1.1'JO scholars w-rc enru
the opening day of the. Hasting,
a Kin of luu over the optiung
.'AA )tr
Thi litt'o fhrfeyiar-old
( ou..ty ( oiniiiw.sioncr Jtr of
dinlix;;iid hl elbow and broke
while etigned in playing.
C. 1). Cooper of sterling rani
ing machine over a i-st of bumb!
aud was so badly stunx that be
thrown info spiums. He will
The assessed valuaiion of ( ov
precinct is equal t almo,t 11k
valuation of Dakota county lv.
it is the smallest precinct in the
Thiraiid army reunion for X
west Nebraska, to take, plaie at
Springs, will be held on the last
September mid the two first dii
September 12 the liaj.tbt (buret
grefc'dje-n and Sund.iy school of I:
township, Adams county, will h
picnic at Ilurtou's grove, two
east of Hastings.
The U. 11. camp lueefnig which
in progress for two wt-tk at Mi:
grove in Seward county was a
success! ut one, many in-w mm
nulling with (lie church. Salnave, a farm hand woi
forlieWIlt Kajjer on his farm
.Leaver Crossing, Seward county,
kicked in the fare and side by a
and died from the injuries reoeivi
Slieri IT Peters of Stanton courilr
arrested Kills Meiger, who was
for Oeo'ge Haines of Stanton. Ii
burglary eoinuiited in Arniiiigton
six week ago. Meiger has cent
A gaiij of lifty men are noiv at
ou the large new block bring w
by Messrs. Dutton and Huney in
!ngs, and work will be f .rosccuted
vigor until the building is couipii
The Cliudron water works i;i
will be changed from the ptiniimi
ihe sravltv svstem. 1'nder the
system tho city will derive a net
nual revenue of.?',ti M Mr. F. L.
rell of Fremont will niuke the
In nystems.
Ths Seventh Day Adventisti
holding a loci.1 camp meeting at
City, .Nebr., coniiueiiciiifr Septem
and continuing until Monday rep1
bcr 21. I'leuty of family teuU
pitched upon tho ground to accoi
dale ali free of charge
While playing with matches a tli
year old oii of I'rank Hali'inan of
ler was badly burned. Hm i'otl,w
gone to n neighbor's house, leaving
small children alone, and when si
turned she found the younger with
clotlies burned off. lie cannot live.
A petition was filed the other da
the clerk's oiliee nominating iliu
delis Maika for county gupi-riiiU'udi
Tho petition is signed by lifty 8'
names, moally from ( hadroii. Ann
thfain we notice such republicans
11. t arley and such democrats a
llr. Stanley, who lives three w
west of town, has sold to the iu
elevator coiiiiiny H'Jl worth of
from four iutcs of ground al
twenty bushels left for seed, and
pastured his hogs on it till two wj
before Imrvest, Let us fiu lu
Who Unit can lieat tills.
A peculibr accident occurred at E
inout Wednesday. Au empty box A
got away from tlie yard wii'"'"l
and ran out on the main track Jl J
the fust stock train WSJ coming .
town, the two coming together ou t w ,
south end of the l lieyenno river brl
The car was smashed Into klndj
wood and the engine suffered the
of iU pilot, and smoke stack beM
some other alight damages. T. J. l ?
Hams, the engineer on the stock Wt
was silgnu lnjureu in juupi --.
l)rtttrtinS 1
i .....inlV II
c.u SUP
tl "
1, uwf'Uiii
,t breexe
re pre
imoke. 1
ul- CD tli
!y rtlUCll
;,reA S
iuit of in
our m-B
ii Kiinil
,1 Auf ut
u iiv
leiifK -i
j, irry wv
iniiktl llw I
(nx, at I
: tin- hour,
r tlw ra
wol inl
aw in tb!
JktUIV "il
jut Oil t
nil Hi
nywll '
! Illt t
i fettling
Tte follm
Ki Uw p. rut.
wOn ii,u
A tuau bi
Mi but Hi
Wiyhte li
ri luUy ;
ch i)im'
ka l!a tut
M grain.
kit, ai.J :
the ci
bjtct n
Hit ban
i tlv
St iif
; The,
it i
. Jim
his cab to avoid the coUaion.