The Sioux County Journal. 'EsTA ill. SHED ISsS. OFFICIAL COl'STY PAFEK. BE-T FAPEK IX THE COOsTY. J1AS THE lUSliiT CIHCX'LaTIQX OF ANY F.UER rCBUSMED IN hloTX COCSTY. O Subscription Price, $2.00 L- J. Siuiwons, - Editor. Filtered, at tlie Harrison post office u ee iud class umtUi-. Thursday, Sept. IT, Kepiiblicau County Cuuu-iilioii. The republican electors of siout couiitv Xeb., are ra,u.-s- to-d t- acud delegates f rom their several prs-incis to meet in couveii t ion at I he court bouse, iu Harrison, Neb.. I fin September i'J, Mil, ut 11 o'clock-, a. in. Ai'l'OBTlOSMEM. Tuc seyci-al pr.-eiuct.s arc entiCc.1 to rep reseiilalioii as folio n, l-insc ba.sed njiou the vote for Hon. t.eo. 11. ltatiiifr, lor ut tur ner eeueriil hi giving one delegate at targe lor each precinct ami one for each ten votes anil the major fraction thereof : , The primaries tor the several precincts will be held at tlie following times iind 4ace?i on Saturday, September 1'i, lstd : Antelope At the residence oi i. It. story, from 4 to ii p. in. ; 1 Ueleal. Andrew-At tlie residence of J. W. Kobin son, from 1 to 6 p. m.; 1 delegate. Boweu At the ollicp of i. Oiithrio, from 4 to 1 p.m.; 5 delegate. Bodarc At school house iu district So. it, from 5 to T p. in.; .1 delegates. Cottonwood-At school house in district So. 4, from 4 toC p. iu.; 2 delegate-. Five Points-At the residenc of Frank f inkiiam, from 4 toC p. in.; t delegates. Lower Running Water At t'.e, rusiden,-. Ot O. J, Coney, from 3 to 8 p, in.; "dclcgat Hat ( reek At the residence of ('. F. 'ott from 4 to 6 n. m.: 2 delegate. Aionlroso A Jlontrose school house, from 3 to 6 p. in.; ;i delegates. Running WatarAt tlie residence of A Mcoinley, from 4 to p. iu.; 2 delegate. Snake Creek-At ltei ncail's More, from 4 to 6 p. m.; 1 delegati). Sheep ( reek At the residence 0f -p. l:. Sny der, from 4 to 0 n. m. : 1 dcleiraie. White Hiver- At tlie school lioue in school iistnct No. 1, from 4 tofi p. in.; 3 delegate VVarlioiLiiet-At the Wiubojinet ranch, from 4 toe p. in.; 3 delegate. A. W, Mojie,, y. G, Horcn, luurnuin,. Secretary. A iiri Exhibit. tlmaiui JJ.-e. j No man cua see 11 magnificent gr.- cultural exhibit at the suae fair without pride in the state. It is not alone taste fully arranged an(j attractive becau-e it is artistic, but it is a convincing proof of the gmitutss of Nehi-aska. Not kilt tle eounties iu tiw stutt are ivreseutfc4i, but we undertake to say that no otie r lmiUing at any other state fair of the s;tnie jirojKirtionM can t-mitre with l!te agricultural kill at Lir.coln for tlie uum ler. size utkl jna!ity vf gntins, veue lableii uihI ana i4il.ired. No Kt.-ita t-.vejt Ni-liraka couhl raise failure ' iu u xiute year to such signal wijwiior- i ty. The Nebnuskju who tan doubt iU: future of his st ul.U Ims essin:iti' tncneies wLirlif will in:I e !iim iue-timi tie ftermtv of ! i- i " . t party de NOEPEHOENT PARMENT. ' !,.n V- exi'utni iret ! t ,,i.,l out !iP-t luotut t V. ,IL. r inai SiUlllH'Ils., of .s..n. 1 the liotub ir l"et or in sfime j cciilin-.l iu ' Is thai htors i loa Hmucu aif. Sakinc;,,f r jimlly !i'jroiMat- j.lare uutii tlier unfa 8a"u WBmie- frtK, tin i:ix-iiiiit to u-i tnai eveiiastmc; i ave written at of 'OBI , North I.akota,,,1 few rialfi is nut with tiicin new! to lie jurrwl Kiuidoiil y in- J goocl to a tv i.ll t!ou of w hdv we are. As it ' startin- it as , ,s now nolfulv T.n at allani , s a but tlie nietlKxl iiroicl it uot j imt . f .rrt-,,, . ". "r t Siohn r wive a nM ir at ieai m . writm- in o.i.ntiis. Ot cour- e an iiave our I hale t it, lmt tliow of us who eri?t in ,m ctiovintr ur Pitt ire Mtue for mouths i i to b.tilnj In tlif ' ttic iwl i.niily i ntral t en "' li:ib JH'Kui lit I'-i ut was jlltfsCPt N"oice to Corni1 .tiidpjits. ti.':i!V- ,!ld Mtio'l ic ' tt i :t !1 f-LiH.'!Uiiiu-.:nns l3 i'ls-iire imli't' In leis column noist reach the s,-ci, ' i:ru-! ;, i en i.'V liiHiii oi i-ai-u v k. oil,, lie ci'le i.l pHJT only; nit'' t "st I lem; l- hriet and to the )Mii:it in sat':ncnt s. A' Id less ail iniitler to J. M. UomvsOV. sec fo. I en. Colli. leti'e s llet. !':Oty, llalison, Neli. tilt l'lulinim oi'lhe Ciltrillx i t'ourcr--l;i iu to e;-:i-rience it" licjtuliIicMii Jmiii inl Convention. The republican judicial convention for the 15th jndk ial d istriet will ! held at Vnl mtinc, Xeinaska, on ft'ptcinix r !!' Itfld. nt JO a. in., for tlie mriose of nominating two canillclates lot tla- office of judge in said dis trict, and for tlio transaction of siielt other business as shall cojno before tile conven tion. The comitie coinpoaing xaiil dislrict are entitled to representation ax follows : Box Butte. Woyit ltrown i 'lverry . 'iiawcH- 5 Holt Keya l'alia Hock a . 3 -J.1 Sheridan (1 sioux . 2 liy order of the Judicial central commit-tte- W. W. Wood, Chairman. J AS. 11. Dwskik, Secretary. The state fair of 1891 is past. Now is the time to begin to prepare for an ex Siibit from Sioux county in 1893. Tiie republican judicial convention of the 1'ith district will meet at Valentine next Tuesday to nominate M. P. Kinkaid and some other good man. forjudges and to transact such othep business as may Jirojierly come before the convention. An Adams county farmer estimates (his sttpar lieet crop at twenty tons per 'acre. He is to receive .4 )er ton, or at the estimate he has placed on the yield, ;?S'0 per acre. lie says the expense of iraishiK will not exceed $20 jer acre, 'which will leave him a net prolii. of $50 iper acre. TJm-jln Journal, An epidemic of diphtheria is racing in the province of Tambofi', Russia, and mothers pui-poly place their children in the way ot hffection, preferring to see ithem die df ihe disease rather than see tbejh starve. Tlie food supplies of that 6"untry must he exceedingly meagre, land much suffering must lie in store for the people. aradise w hen lie I deliii-bt. A stril-jijr future of the great exhibit is the marvelous showing made bv the frontier counties. TV- far west does herself proud. The counties which last year were sorely distressed !.y alesolute citizens actually suf feivd for the necessaries of comfortable existence are on hand at the lair with Sicein)ens of this years crops winch make those of some of the older counties seem almost insignificant. The figures snowing tiie yield per acre of such grams and roots as have lieen liarve:,ted are almost lieyond belief. They simply prove what we are nearly all Ijegining to lieHeve. tiiat Nebraska is better than u gold mine from the Missouri river to the Wyoming state line. The great western half of the state w ill pay for develop ment and not disaiiiioint the saturnine pioneers who have entered upon the task of conquering it. The exhibit at tlie sh.le fair shows that the scheme proposed by the State Business Men's association for nit adver tising train can lie carried out most sue. I cessluily. 11 nothing troes into the cars except selections from wltat is displayed at Lincoln the traveling exhibit will talk louder for Nebraska tlian periodic:)!:;, orators or even liarvest excursions. The showing at the fair and the univer sal surprise it occasioned among visitors is positive proof of the value of the plat. under consideration by the Business Men's association. 1. Thai iu iew of the irreat trial and ciKiHuuric reolutioii now !r;,ttiiii-r npon the cii iiiM'd wore! and je tn-iv iui': Ml iii'.' ' -sii,. eonf Ivuitiii-J tile Aniel'n ai! jm-i i!i-, iic iH'liiui'lliiit ihetiTne tins a rri cl 1 a cr slally'atioli ol t lie Milit leal r, jorni I'trci s in out cootttl y illid Ihe formulae! ot ulial should i' known as tiie i'.M,,u'!s (' irty e! tiie t lotetl Mate's of America. 2. That we m.ed In-ai t'Iv ciidcrse I'm'- jiiit foi iiis a-ailcnted t si i.o'iis. "(o.. in -3iH r':a., in i-'M. ami I'liinlnt. Neli., ni is;! i Hie industrial ol'iraui. itious tiieje rejai- 1 eiued, suimiiarizei! an ti.lloi'. : t A - Tlu riirht to nutke nnd issin. iti.niev is a ! t,-- t...n I tils ! i .1... ,-oi,le when tin proiiii-' wi 1-- - , 1 . i. . ..1 , timstin' a lew oRi trsWCiv im i"' i . us week irom wiiicii me ie-.w:i wiiettier then- has been any n- .-m .n til.- !:iui! admun-ir.iiion o: ounty. , Tlie liL'iires civcli i-low .ire Uie miourrts .-Ttir,-, !,,, ih. v,u,,t-l by the .-.ruier.ountv otb.ers tr the term ..I Jxss alid P-t. audi ne ui-ioniits i roiK.7'. bs t:"- present for the tini" 1 ey aiv m and ovei .-ight nionllu: .!Wir :orl .i,lUtH -lit 1 1, (fen I -,, -U--. I ..i.nty oi! , olli. c'olli" : i i ri'ht. TliK X KXM. lias made a number of elf oils to gH this light t.toptl but without avail. A few iiioiiU.s ago W. H. Hivis t'i.ti oiitrol of tlm Jl'julilam J" iif trreeii L'rnsa .. '. ,Jf t "Will wnudge that will Klv mi !e in every dirt tda is that In-at Iroi,, o -inir-U, Heat a-,eIJU, ( .innof I .I.e....:. ... . w .... -'----''MM over . I lr . " ers ear it was a new T as if the light was at state of hi s i o-.-i f :l ill ', I tries! the effe ,.t avl a v,h-flt crop 1(i " mile distant as imix. th smoke." f' 1 u; -r coin !OIC ' -. -i'Hii'r. former sui IT.-, ut -:;t K.inucj- ii IT.--, at ,i .il)n ; mo -IIIM-T ilitc hiifi i I VHl elflil. el. 111. iiiffcrcuc ...i.,i: "i -.ri fci . . f-ilK ,'l . . !t. in t :iT'J Vi . . -a i the e de li 1 1 d to I At the republican county convention 'of Holt county last Saturday Judge Kin !kaid was honored by being allowed to 'select the delegation to tin; judicial con vention. Judge Kinkaid is deservedly .popular in his home county as well as 'all over the district and the jieople know that he has filled tlie high position honor ably and have no desire for a change. The Wyoming pajiers are urging the advantages of tliat state as a farming country and invititur settlers to com :and convert the wild prairie into crop (producing farms. The tide of emigra tion is still (lowing westward from the over-crowded cities and high-priced farm lands of the east and it w ill not lie long 'until the greater portion of free land will be taken up and made to yield returns to the tiller thereof. The settling of west ern Nebraska and Wyoming will create more demand for the coal, oil and other deposits of the northwest and prosjierity for all will be tlie result. A Letter, OnroswiiOD, Sept, 9, ls)l. Editor JoraxAJ.: Having read several articles in the Bwahl from this part of the county that were in no way compli mentary to our present county "-ofiici- ary and being unable to even guess where -those articles were written 1 be leave to occupy snace in vour miner for a few remarks, 'ihe Herald lias rejieat edly asserted that the county oflicers were robbing the county and charging unreasonable and unlawful fees, vet our taxes for tlie year 1W0 were much less than for the year 1880. The Hit aid has never stated the amount of fees each or all of the county officers have taken dur ing their term of office. If tlie Herald yelper shows by figures, records and law (as le is a great hand for record evidence) that tlie present oflicers have been defi icut or delinquent in the performance of then duty (Walker's appointment as county attorney excepted! or tliat it has cost more to run tlie county since they nave been holding office than for a cor responding period of time during the ca reer oi tlieir nredessors. then the weiirht. of tiie letters published in the H'mhl will have more eil'ect. Unless this is done all the reflection cast on the present county officers by the Jferald and its co workers will amount to nothing and every roan who voted for those officers t--o years ago will sfand bv them and more will be added to the list. Ixdepe. sOCCeii"'! lmMir 1i. 1... ,... i ri 1 ii m.,1 people for tile common benellt, hem t v. mlsii'l tiie tl lw ill J-ji .a ol the ual eie:.; hro liituKxoi issiie.nud a substitute u: bunk notes we demand thai .ei:, der tveasiii y notes- be issued in sultit-n-.i; lime to trails!,,. t the bn-iuesaof tic en. I on a casll I.i. ls, without damaKe i.r -.p advantage t, anr class or callinpr. sil'ii ; to be lciful tender in payment ol llii d liublio or pi iviit.-. and siieii noti-.. w niandiHl by the jicplc, sludl be loan liiein ut not more than '2 percent jn-r .miiuiii umiu uou-perishaiile prndnt-ts, it ilelii-uted iu the Kiilui-eHsury )lan, hiu! also upon tin-r-al i'si:itc W illi jiron r liinitatiou i!p.m the quaut;t ol laud ami iu.iount ol moin y. !".-Wc deiaand the- free nud tin! ueit'-d eoinaiii' ot siH er. i'-Ve demand the pa.. aire of 1 llibilimr alien i.u-iii-r.iiiii ,.T ..,il .n ,i ti. ,i congress take prompt action to devise ...isie tdaii to obtain all Ian-is now owned nv aiieu and toreir, syndicale-, and that ali" i nc!s lield by raiiroads and oilier corixiriiCen-in excess Ol Slll-ll 1K is at'tll .In llid Hint del I byliicm ta- reehiilued hv'tiie i;o : iih.e',1 an'! held fornctual settlers onlv. Il-UelleViiiir 1m II. e il.w.l.,.,. , ,1 rilii to ail and special privilege to iione. we demand that taxation - national, - tale or muiiicijiHl- shall not la used to build up one interest or class at tlie expense of K -"c deimind that all revenno -m-t i, state or county -shall be limited n the necewary ctx-nsi-s ,,f the homthh.-i ut econoinicaliy and honestly admi tisi. ;ei. V - We demand a Jn-1 and equitable -.e-b m ot Ki'a'luated tat on Incomes, 5 We demand the mi, riiiid. holie-f nml ju-l tlalioniti control ami siipeevj -in:, o.' the means of pub lie communication ami ;i,uis porti.iion, and if this cntroi and super vision does not remove the abuse., now eit iiiK, we demand tlie liovcniinout uwuershib ot such means ol conimuiiic-.'.tion ami tran, IKirtntion. !l-Vc di'inaiid t!.e election ol nie.idc t, vice pnssident and t'liltitl stales se-,atnr- hy a direct oteif tlld JM'Ople. nirt. tl. -' ' ' ...'( si- .. sin m 'renee. 111 tilt -. lil amounts drawn and the present itated isas follows: Ss'lTs .-,7 ... J.-Vl s.'i alm c show Speaking Of the stoc k business and development of the country tlie Casper, (Wyo.) heirwk nays: "There wan a time when Wyoming Wa a range country, but that time is ipwrt, and the sooner this is realized the Jooner will we tiegin to reap tlie profit from our labor." That to the sentiment of a great many (people sad the wprk of urging settlers to locate , ia , Wyoming is going or. in good ibaM. It will not i otil tit vaet territory of Wyoming "which feaerfaiply bew a range fdrnttx k uwiwn wihi tartn nouses occupiei A company has re?ntly been organ ized in nox tJiitte county for the purpose of advancing the settlement of the county and men have been sent east to advertise the county and get people to come and settle. That will benefit northwest Nebraska as a whole for'all that can be said of Box Tin tte county can lie said of the adjacent counties and the men w ho hare taken hold of the matter are to lie complimented on their enterprise. It, will not lie long until oeo- )le from the east will lie Hocking to the government land and cheap farms of northwest Nebraska. A petition lias been filed in Pawes county with the requisite mmilier of signers asking that the question of town ship organization be submitted at the coming election. " There are a number of counties in the state in which township organization has been tried, where stens are being taken to get back to the com missioner system. Under the present law township organization is an exnen- sive luxury. In Jlawes county there are seventeen precincts, so that a session of the board would cost i a day besides tlie mileage of the seventeen suoervisors. whereas under the commissioner system tlie exene of a meeting of the com missioners is 99 a day and mileage for three members. There are a number of other points in the present law or town ship organization which make- it exjien- ive. Townsliln nrnniinlinn ,rnt l r n ...... i.guuy j thing under tlie right kind of relations. out noi mi ii i uie law is iiuum iUllereiit ri-:n!'!,K's i x it ,:r i:iik.t .state For Judge of the supreme ( onrt, 4 J. W, KlK.KllTON, of Kor KvjfMHK state rnlvcrslty, K. A. IIAUI.KV.of tk-oli . K'AIJ.KM ASH, of Kni ;- lermt r t Pies.- il , ei-.v (lit!, l t : ' . r-ii . r I'M-ell! I Hit!' Tiie difference by tin- former otlicia lor tiie time a- abovt j 1 tirliit r ;(dc iiM-l : alion f I'ie-elit .iiC'i.iii-IMliinli lliflereiue j it. will In- seep Irom the f in that nearly T'i"'"' 77c )ir( ! were saved to tli" tax-jmers by the presiint ailunnistnit ion m the ,Vtf, ; h,i j I "-.4 njin ,:i ooc , witlioiit Udolig into j onsalt'ititioii other matters. ' What does t li s iiieiih. if in t c-foi in in j 1 he IlliJillcial inllliifiistKitioil of tlie county y Certainly, there nr.- tin-,. I mouths yet lor tl,.- present iuiii.ii:ia jlion 1 draw money from tlm coui.ty, j but the amount tint will Li; drawn m the next three luoii'lis will nof exceed sfMJO.IK,, leavingstii; a jn f.,Voi . the present adn.'tit-tnitiou ol nearlv ; THHEK Tll(M,.:ii i tol.l.A lis. I Tli-county ir..i amr receives Ins (my in a certain fr c'-i't. on the colle, tums ' made, and th-r-iori' more taxes he . collects 1u itior..- is? rc-eivcs, :ind pre ! seals no bills excpt for j-ost.-i-.,. j, isa small aim unit. The present county attorney is draw ing only si pe- p-o'ith. and the foniii-r 'ounty at1o, i-y drew sfll.fif,- jr mouth win. h . ' iiic-nti.iiicd in the '. bio iioiigh is shown to y liiii--;nind,-i:l per-tt tliat ii Ii- f.-i-ni aiid that too with If present eoiiiiiy olli-v-.s. Ii;it , In !).. ii inje of : f we;-,, t - . .r : ifovsV Ii. II )!l!FWSTl ', I'lesid, 'K.f t IIAK. c. j MKS(,v I .e.;,-. tl x, f.,iv it-.-..!., r.f l.i liioii-uiiihii'n tltJt lit. HIT ...t ...... e-, . . IV.ItH j.iriiuf ttotN ;ital it l.'jrnti to IfHik P",J and it an etui, but that , i . - ;'" '".' tie affairs did ti't suit Walker ami ribitors and a daj was ln:ule wheivby lieorge Walker lca;ne iht"r of the II, rnlil, and all liojies of the light stopping were at an end. The fill is lluit all tliat W.ti'ce! and his allie care l,r is to keep up a low anil retard the growth and development of the county . When there is a grand eil'ort lining ntiule bv jiorthwes! xebr.i la to -fs ure nevt settl-'i LUO lli-mhl Oiakes ri u'w:uil a company organvii! for Ibal purpose. When t!w work w is goieg on to g -t up ' ,iii exhibit for lb,- state fair it did not re-! icivt one word of eii.ounigeiiK ut front! tlie editor of tin- H-nihl. The only aim and object i f ( ieoru-i- Walker a'iirs to I In keep iij. a light an I try to get even w ith some of ho against whom lie bus a iersoual spite, ami he govs at itii ganl ff ss of truth, fai ts or words, li the i-ditors of northwest Nebraska can form ulate some, jiliitj of plugging up Walker's in: d-hattctvs or ioii;e! that uwlividiial !i Ih-coiiiv more intimate with the truth tie; bglil can s.oi ijt Mopi!, bill so long as the Hrialil continues m its pres ent course all may it-i nsure! that TfiK .hn t:Al. will do all in its power to give Commercial W the 'Opl; matter. th stl .lit fa in the General Banking Bus! -Tl!,'NSAcn;i,, ' IlAltltlsaiN, I'm- tin- ( iimpaigi). ,ive evert Wlif o opool t unit V t ! above lig-ur ; convince i there has )K KT.Ja big "H". j cials are tin. ! tlie Croat C l -lit i 1 1 V rEofi.Ks i;.ki-,:mi!.-i i i- tu kkt lor Treasurer, m. t.AVn i:t, For sheriff, . T!lt).fA It 1 1 1 1 V . For ( (unity Clerk, CONRAD 1.ISDK.M AS. For SupiTSnteiideut of Piibii,: lii-truelion, A. SOt'THWoitTll. For ( 'oronm-, oKOlttiK J. S..,i ForCounty oiiiiulnsioiier 2nd lii-trict, A. lij.oon, Jr. FACTS AND FIGURES. REFORM ROBBERS' REVIEW. Nearly Three. Thousand Dollars Saved ! Til K MFFKRKXO: I.X COM' Til Til K roi'XTV Oi- i!Ir. I'liKsKM' COI NT, u. pj, pj--, A.VIl THKIU I'KEIlW:fsoRf.. X "ii'liV.X !V THE I!K Ix)ng liefore there was a candidaf placed iu nomination for the county offi ces and ever since Walker failed to se cure the nomination for count v t. torney, as frequently stated, and as is known to lie a fact, there has been a howl .set up that the present county ofli cers were not caring for the cost of run ning the county, that all they cared for were the ofllees; that they were hist n bad and reckless as tlieir predecessors and in some instances worse. Every oo- portjinity that presented itself to crentA a bitter feeling against the present ad ministration was taken fidvant.-o-e of and the sjitirks of suspicion were fanned into Hames of predjudice until the lsul. ers of the opposition consider their chief justified in calling the officers thejves robbers, swindlers etc. Any nerson who wished to be favnrml be i ,.i ",1 sow lAllAUl oi commissioners in the locating of some . hp. but not until the U Our CorjMirattou, Under o itvn-y i Ti-uii'stai,,-, , in new count ie.. genetvilly, iu.itittifioits like the Nebraska Security t ompany of Har rison, would no), he tlisi ussed in connec tion with the imlitical all'airs of the county, but here in Sioux county it is different. The Security i ompany was! organizl to encourage settlement of the county. There are quite a number in this county who feel as though the county was too thickly settled in it is. and the He, aid in its endeavors to please iatt-r, ami its editor in his desire t0 even with individual members for tion supiKirt m his political aspirations, xvill stoop to the lowest steps iK;:sibie to check the company in its, work, ft is amusing, however, to notice the stni" glesofthat sheet to publish v,)at 7t deems necessary to please the men who " Hi muT me uuie Iwoths on election . .M ami man.: x aner names of cua uates lorjniblic oflice and at the time not injure the feelings of tin Mcioi-unie crowd. In one ksm. i, ...;n ;.... i .. . . - "oi ,,.,uc,. us readers u, lWt j,lvitln I their eastern friends to come here to starve, and a few weeks later H will pubh.-l, the result of a threshing at some progressive farm, mentioning t.lw um.' her of bushels ,r at-re thrched nod close the item with the remark; Vul, want anything tietter than this?" Ueseoimty company was instrumen tal in causing the fact ofbux count A prrxlucliveness in the lino of farm pr, to he known in hundreds of owns and ban, els iu llltrtois and Iowa th H iii some ot u,e eastern tenants should come out here to secure homes T of he,row, each individual ,,mi the company w tl ,.Xert himself to pi locations for them. Thcv will tell tiw . of wheat fiehts that yielded "v.! v bushels to the acre: lltv --.n . i iM 1 1, St ,1,.,.. ' : ,'' "Will , ""i snow- thi ut te:.j:?,v, ihtr the," "'","uu UK w"''at in 1 he bins. Irti uew-coiuersare not satisfied the' win whisper in their ear ia,i t,v ' ': , , 1-olieve Mellxmrnp M ' V 1 il,,.V W iHtywill work for settlcmt ,t " l 'trWaiid a few c.iho-. ... ., . l: notwithstanding. i" , ".';o,llRir- emn,ent,m. government la,, 3 the new-mers, thcv will , ir ,,H"U de-slwl I-,,,,! with . i.:.?. . "w rpi . , " v" "OllOlil H,Ot1'- ihe win nr. ."y1 , p -e ...j.n.n nl(M.K e, e not,,roi Iu onler to braslia and b posted on ti. pror in Ixith thes,- s:,)e offer the Hi :,i tins vear for t your orders t-ai ly. Two '(.dial's il! ai.-ceptetl for : i jiw ot t. n iiiiiiiei Tin: H-,:i. i'i i;i.,-iii i o,,, (linnhi,, .Nel, SULLIVAN &cuNU-;y Will prnctici m Ol th: e have ileculed to ''c for (be balance of i lit V-live I -'lit s Send in N'- i keep aiiisiign and fedenil ouru. V. I i r . . ))( ; i,egai pnpeist carei.iuy tlrjur ' I i "flice ill 1 .Mil ! him ' H tlll:t-m. K to!l!fl'OXtKM - Kol'STK linos., Sen York Cly f HOST X VTIoSJt. 1I.ISJJ, llolRhH. I! ,si o, c itu.iio, t hndroii. . i!:coi:inuTKfir.Mi. it -rvii JOHN A. I.U AS, iVilIiKM. ch.i:li:si: THE BANK ( Has. k. iiul.Ms. i. M'u VE1UTV, Casaikk. HARRIS ; i.-T,ii,isiii:n iM.; nuiiusov. m:i!imska. ii- sanie anti- the tlie AirniOUIZKI) CAPITAL. S2()()(i j Transacts a General Banking Busin i i I Bll.vs eschool Orders, ( ,utity and Village Warrants. ;?:"l! pan) (,) Tmia lJcposit. Loans Money on Improved Farm ont Foi - -THAT GRISWOLD & EARST Make the Bottom Prices on all Goods in Their Line, fagin. Ne- Of j . - , . ""s""n oi Home road in his neie-H,r bood ni .... ol the illegal proceedings commenced, .vs.vou oc icqueswiu to proceed in the proper- manner: nersona whn 1....1 1 have claims against tlio county, and could not procure warrants for o.m legally, without, 1 road overseers who were accustomed to uieir accounts allowed and receive warrants 011 th muni f,....i . , ....n luin 01 tlio county instead of certificates on the dis trict road funds; partiea who were dam aged by the location of roads demanded by their neighbors; and others who had petty grievances were pelted and urged to make .1 tlm RU.U .7 ... could aiict the present admin istration, and figures were juggled to gether in such shaiie as to deceive those who were in doubt as to the truthful ness of statements made, and U10 "fiir tires don't lie" phrase added s tts to cut on luruier investigation. . l 'm u"! """iittid w-ill i 1 . , Hie risers of uWifZhl l-ill' 'f fully Sec. 3AI11 r n " ,Tl ,r dtxlueted from vih. , r ,eKti, i"d no the shirker, but it does fowL lit 14 Ux if that iS eough:f!Zi:u w":tn,i,.7u ment Ije entered against it J Jk I but havp. J f " fI.lJ''lt I ,l-k'-' demand. You certain!; did n "t nfVe Make a Specialty of Groceries -A.ISTID Our Prices Beat Everybody. Our Line of Hardware is Comple YOU CANNOT 1)0 BEHER THAN TO DO YOUR tradingHvitji Yours Respectfully, emsroLD a wtelle -ii' 4 rmt ' 1 7T t i'l ': i 1 -' i'''" 1 1 , mmm "