- w nmU WITT'S J10 -.--krm. Bllloai ' m' " -7 i. FlITTLE- ffr S.U r ri. b iot KfM Wits. An eldeily u,rt,i .dy m fevfwd . .--.- i(.r.,Krfy iu her uwa'riKlit Lad r , i T" "H" utru site is couuecM, Llu.1i,al,. tH"', oft. red. and, kii oruii.i:!v ,,. ciely .determined on T-Writir .-7 "iie, the minister, committee, tiiwit lor Km. Th , Ut-S.l !tj 1 ctiU -l.i'K ""- ruelitl-" e"l jV a million ooiiuis i' liin the Chicago world's t-jl ta'.ion; bmn; adequately Tbe B"'r "Standard.' rtKJar-i nf female loveliness i .r ...r.i rvmntrM una Uitidual ruuio I IDii OUI' "1 .'l"- Ul end .ylph-hke and some T. i v mntflan. liut V SOU 4urrni - r ... ..f i,a f'nucnaian race. ttol beuty is always admired- L dear ntl fpouw" """r";"" C . .k. f.mnle be of the blonde, tor bawled type. This first L!j by a pure slate of the blood. iSir good appm "m""""! i'hn-h r secured by the use of Gntttewl to accomplish all that tj lor it, or money refunded. It Lid btv a clear, lovely omplei- float 'UitionB, room paicnw., L U.wery." Kitico&l Medical wwocioUon Lrtima.Bik-d to congrwa to ,'W-iiiiDct offlcer to b Lil The Secretary of lJutUo r - niiji unciiiiinra in r,.j nxjiU-ling tU-s nni-t;n; h..u a ( liiuriuan of tbe Mriiiug t aiini on ucr r a t onlriniili,,!, i.rcsfiiU-d wiih a tliwk f..r I- jrl -. f;yi1w!i v. out h-.tue hihlv t.rul.t tut a bt, , (.trihiy aba, k die Uxl day whrnthe lady i ImsLanJ aD.J 6,a cnlled to j.niUM xiusl bj r munififinct. Tbcr de l:;r,xl that she had n.H Uwn in har richt nmd fur a long lime, M(1 didn , kno u-hiaahewaadoiL- when khe yielded to U undue lnHutm-e brouKl,i u bear upo j mew tlmt the was as sane as her husband to aav tuf! least, and that the contribution was IKrfcclly voluntary, yet a disinclination to irumc mixed up in legal proceeding which were hinted at, induce! him tobend baik the money. So far, so good; but tiow cornea the sequel. 1 be buJ.and re- ccuuy aoiu a unci ot land. I ne dei-d quiv urawn. maned .... irr,i.ii(.il Tliront. h.(ir Coltl, "ilroirn's Bronchial yf are onereu wiiu mo iu m in their elticacy. toia vmy rttnsrkable old men In this couo- M B. H. Ijtthrwp, a Uultiumre r, ia enjfAiri? cxc;llotit licalth uifiatiil tx) went at tlx) a'o of i-cizht. anil one of the active kin ImoIr'rovWenco w Ml Awmworw nlr.etv' Old Undor BUcli Hatiikws, who baa ben aJ i;-U,i. flnda that it pertaina ex ,;y to civilized countries, and l" ordanuo with tho degroa 'htiiUm, WAS .&..vu, auu oeuieu uy tne .ranlor, who pased It to his wife to i?n t(.T the rr !llUM!ivl.ir.,.t i.f Am 1... . bin a-tormb merit she inlerpcied a slight objection. "Mo, 1 am not In my right mum, juu iitjv, sun my ai would be void," wan her reply, and, in spite of all tolicl.aticns. hbe refusia the conrtpmr r,i tier til it.trrurtli and tl.j rAA ,t the land on his hands intenl nf the 'Hip Itat Qnestion. jmails to so t Jjust their freight rates I ir:' a ' aii - j that tile out, oiug rate toward the east i,.,-, ;.,,:,.,. ,f , , . , : mi ruarkeU ahould be lower than the , Z tt, , 1 alna KwUlTy.h.BtHt; tiat sells more thau it buys. : f. a subject of absorb'tig interi-st T he ; . , . . . ,, ... , ,, , 8 11 1 his state ia engaged principally in - tott ,nedto be wrought 1 ! raishlg p 4iu audVoc.k and it wants to .he.na.ter there Ix-nigtwofaons.,, ,tot.k ratLer tliau buy Ulc ii'e- T 3 coff,e. His true that our '!,-';i;;U "f ra;t8a,.'dUM' othrr ue;!ariils; ; qeopte i,.,, , ear ana coffee and huud ' ' busmess pon. y for rt(iaoiih,r gmall COInmoditie8, but to purine at this tin u to let ' tbut ct,,lstitute3 but a small proportion r:es alone and -stop tvl.at , interpret u ou, busiliej!a lraU8actjolls. and the .iti.u i'.s hi c.ipiuu, ,i! unr man f x- t-regst-d it. The business men ie let alone policy, while urged ex-County An AfA Mala. font Tr.m T!r..l.a,, . II 1 farmer livinr on the F renti Prr.a1 oenr lloyd i i reek, Tenn., it the owner of a while mule 45 years of age. The veoer able beast ws kept in ibe harness until iww tvui ny, nu'u ntz was reureu on a tciuuon. He has been in the nossession nf the mule for thirty live yeari and can vouch for hit age. "German Syrup" Croup. We have stk-cted two or I three lines from letters freshlv received from pa rents who have given German Syrup to their children in the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because they come from good, sub stantial people, happy it finding what so many families lack a med icine containing no evil drui,, which mother can administer with con fidence to the link, ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry them through. Bo t. Wn.UTS.of Mn. Jas W. Kiat, Alma. Neb. 1 rive it Daughters' College, to mv children when troubled with Croup and never mw any preparation act like it. It u imply mi raculous idiburc imt denended upon it in attacks of Croup with my lime aaugn ter, and find it an in valuable remedy. :uiuu, - alf of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child hood, whooping cough, croup, diph .i tVi. Hanirerous tnnanitna- lUCIld O dons of delicate throats and lungs. M THE PERSONAL DEVIU Bordrtt. Dl.eoor.es on Th.ologUl Koujoet. Do 1 Micvc in a personal devil, son? IWtl? I don't know of any creature in the universe more given to pr than this tame dU to whom you allude I believe In demoniacal imsesslona. I . t i r . it .i.n men iiosHOsed wttn ae- IlKnilV Willi a wuiuan ,1,111 which " u....." , ,..v let health. But all tunc- n,yif - ---- - 1 i-vil 11111 r. iii, i y J ,1,-. ' . . ..,.,: .n mm but vea- WOtnen tcrdny.piihly to day; more than likely l. .1 1 1 tr . 1V 'o i" , ,,,. o-,.t tin in mneir mnrL' ou neeuu t w ,v. mv wy, " i"u "v-r ? , VtW n. Vu-rr. Fa- the mornini; with a r,,: j. iin.ui. ii. .v.-- - ncrversitv 01 nateiume, :'- Prescription comes to XL. you? yja.ra5l V rescue as no other medi- lM L. 1l s.1 , '.. . dutiful : noliody eve in unit tlie Oiuci, ni 7 , in, ana fin of devil of perversity . u - , jal derangements and dis- Jers peculiar to m. it uurus UIV.-1... . l,"hm' " ord evervUKiyinthedining cal pains, prolapsus and 'ranily U. you a, you airpmJnts. bearing- 2 TU u-e bluer. r.1'' r , - y " ie 01n your lip. to W Iflo , eU:0 .mvJ yo y w frn.lh words that a rful, restorative & EyK S anrf nArvm imnartinff . 1 .i,n.-L ; our maintained ft surly. me wnoie avaicm and A to ,,IIVC y,m neve, ,oving . , . .1 mean, cruel u.oi.i , ,, icrai, and to tne utcnuc . lnokin? up !nro uu' .V heevd 1 1 if tri'mir IU and appendages m par- t ! 'it'.fe l;:irnd, nltoii iio'.j the alliance e mdidate for district judge led out iu the I'fht for re:'mcti(m in a very iipgressive manner, M. A.J. (instil opened the aiguinwit sltowinc; that there is a difference in tli system by w hich eastern and w estern roads clas sify their freights and that such articles as fertilizers, ilax straw, tobacco dust glasswure were lifth class on the other side the Missouri river, while on this side they were fourth chs. lie claimed that th-rale 1 n tinware wa, quoted at double find c iifi-t and asket? the the railroads to exphtiu why they mtl tinware as double first class while It U only 11 ret class east of the; Missouri river. To this Mr. Monroe traffic manager ot the i 'liion Pacific road responded, explaining that the double first class rate on tinware shipped in packages was to discourage the shipment of tinware in that way as it was liable to be damaged in handling and the company would suffer more loss on damaged goods than the freight chaiges would amount to. He, how ever, further explained that tinware put up in boxes or barrels was only second class, while if in solid packages it is only third, class. As a rule tinware is shinned in solid packages and pays only third class freight. Tkis answer I seemed to surprise Mr. Gustin and he retired temporally from tbe argument. Atthistoiul in the discussion Mr. Holmes, a Kearney merchant, arose with considerable leenn?; aim wiDi much force, urgitg that u was not to the Merest of Kearney nor the state at large to attack railroads while the state was yet new ana neem-u friendship andco-operalion 01 ucuoau and railroad buiiueni. jib that friendship, and not Hostility .1 1,1 ebitcterize. public ueiitiimmt toward capital that had come west to grow up with the coumry. " farmers and bus.i.ess men had suffered tart year through crop failt.ro so had the railroads, ...id their constantly drinking value should not be shll further deposed by tlie anno , nceu ... throughout the country that the state " .w.MnU had dealt a harder mrougu i . "--- . . : 1 ... .in. lino loev nvii. D10W Jltai a 1, ' , to be able to recoup themselves by the .....!.. nf the nrosent crop. Farmers business men mid everybody expect .OI.r to retrain a part 01 iy """J" . . ..... ll, mil 1.1i.1ci voir and WHY nut. o'"" IVDI. lliuw J - , . eoa.ls to recover from depression on tbesau.e plan that other peopie uo. Mr Holmes staieu umu u... railroad agitation was no u. a... -W. the seuUuient or wisnes o, . business .. and the progreseive (0rCts of this state ana v - thatuioa Yrholiau uu..- . , i i.i utuiwi tin auu ica.ou at state suouiu - -r lW9 sentiment ofl.ostil.ty w . leh 1 alone until it got conrol ot w -i of the state would ultimately do a groa ,ieal of mischief, lie spoice m oc... of Kearney and the progressive sp nt 0fherpeo:de.indsaid.Mr.Gustmdnl , nt thn sentiment of the not repienw - ,MmM town In which ho uvea. ... -"..-.....t.J to tlM board an address Zed by - .uun men of Kearney 9'81RU " .. rar tb ant -railroad remonstrating uBa.Up : cry which he said was driving back the CIy liuu ,J . prowdltltr tide of prosperity lnstou i S'onlrd. .Holmes argued further . fAreea in boc.cvt, i..i.,i,i a are'u"'ti SoUstatea,oits ...... v,ii,lintr forces. 11 "'"J and prosper iuc, 6- .. , v till tV Of to the iiuai"-'"' - , Tlley have faculty -:- -lhe avera; e farmar pays but a small pit lance of freight charges (admitting for sake of. argument that the consumer pays the freight) on his annual pur chajfcs of these s'aall commodities, but the farmers principal transportations coBsist In selling the products of bis fai in aud he is interested in having a lo'A' rate on east bound farm productst and that is just what he gets under the qresent policy of the roads. A gentleman whose name was not announced arose in the amliance and isaid that the consumer always paid the freight. "Then" said Mr. Holdrege ' if the consumer pays tho freight sure ly the consumer of your farm products pays the freight at the eastern end and it would be no relief to save a still low er rate on the eastern shipment of these products . "So," said the gentle man, "'''he farmer pays the freight wr the eastern shipments of his products- Then," retorted Mr. Jloictreuge, "u you iiwi-a on having it tnai, 11 mo farmer at this end of the line pays the freight on shipment of his corn and cattle to the eastern market, it must follow that the eastern man who sends his goods to Nebraska pays the freight at that end of the hue." "i say," said the gemleiiuui, raising his hand m-; piratically, "that whenever freight, rates go down the prices go up.". "Then," said Mr. lloldredge, "il rates were reduced on hard coal, the price, of hard coal would go up wouldn't it?". And so they had It back and forth; until half a dozen men on either side were firing shots at eacli other in uuicK . , s 1 succession. The boara iuijouiueu. ia, meet at Norfolk on the utn. Hied fa Millions of Homes AO Years the SundarJ IT is reported and Is probably relia ble, that tbe last of tho Uorgiaa died last week in Germany a poverty-stricken street beggar. This degenerate de scendant of an infamous ancestry was a photographer by trade, and His wiie washer woman. Terrors of a Niehtmare. A London artist of eminence has the nightmare occassional ly, but with him it invariably takes one form. He seems to to be awakened by a sensation of coldness, 1. Q i,.t.. .-.0ncf.1l liv tlie Kndden ad- BUC. ao 11111:11. uv '"..--- j mission ofoutdoor air, and, at the same time sees a man s nana misy won i"u window-fastening, ife slips quietly from his bed, takes up the poker, conceals him self behind the window-curtain, hears the fastening of the window tbrust Daca, ana with a sensation of spiteful glee raises his . , i. .j ..11 l.io weapon 10 uring 11 uuwu nuu m. force upon tbe bead which lie knows will in a minute or two be thrust into his room. The window is softly and slowly raised, and be is in a quiver of eagerness to deal the vengeful blow, a grim smile on his face, a fierce flash in his eye, when lol tho head appears. lul nonor 01 uoriois: iuaLu.Liai.ouii- it.A o.-r.. in t.-till nnil l-in-id- be CJin UOt iaini.il Hi 111 1.3 Di.i strike tbe blow. Aud the lace then turned toward him is one ot lnaeous niocaery and scorn, with a protruding tongue, the fangs ot a wild beast and the expression of i! 1 A .l . l.n p.m.iiim fllfp tn fftPft a ilCUU All.) .li iwumua ' with his friirbtful enemv, utterly Iielpleas and in a stale of indescribable torture. The effect of nighlmare m this lorni is, no tells me, an almost maddening one, and he cau only account for its frequent repeti- Oi.. .... iinnuiiollv nnu-pr. 110Q as lusuiliujj j.uii. an uuiw.iui.j ful impression 'made upon his memory in conjunction with its curious ally, the im agination, which is in mis taai;, uuo ui more than usual power. ACADEMY AND Select School OF THE Holy Child Jesus, LINCOLN, XEBKASXA. rfclInstitntionnr.dnctedbyttie8Mtorsc tin Holy Child Josas from Sharon Hill, l'lilladelphia Pennsylvania, will open as a Boarding and Select Day School tat Youut; iauict, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1891. Prnt wiU find in this Academy all th fe tnree of a lecluded an.i ref:ni home for (Ml danghters. A ti oroliKh, ;fnl and W pliBbed fducaiion is impur!i, , and parUeolM itn :b bestowed on the moral improvement "offFeenceof rnliffion no otatacU to th t oiauon of pnpila. lor pai Uouiara, adareM Rev. MOTHER SUPERIOR, Convent of the Holy Child Jena. I4tu. and U SireeU. . . . NKBRA8KA. 137-8 LJHCOLM, m Free Trade Prices J $45 from 'lice and figure but adds 1 to your lite. It S guar- in mv cntifartion in case. If it till Unsold Books in Paris I'arisians-if we are to judge froln; some statistics published do not ak; so kindly at present to fiction in look', i.nn l'ormerlv the vellow .vered' novel, which costs usually about half "., crown or a little more whe' just issued; was to be seen on every taie aim in, the hands of numerous travelers by; boat, rail or car. There is now, how ever' a crisis threatened in the book, trade and novels are at consnierauio- discount. n ia Pitimated that there are trotu. nrtpen to twenty popular authors' whose hooks fill the requirements of, .!. ....i.iiai.ora To attain this end at- LUO JJLlUlw.". least thirty thousand copies of a work ,. iiomiW 7.0 a ana a lew omeia UIU.ll ti.ia nnint easily, but it Ins hap .,,,1,1 hitelv that one of the most eel ,.t..,. ,i of tbe latter-day nictionibis Cill.ll - i.,i mifnrt.iine to find that u,uw, liJ.o of bis last production were re wii"," ' - --- ... . . . .. . i. V. M nenn .u,l to f lip, niiblisners uy too Liuiiv v r - .. ...i,ii. 1.1m tbp. mnnonolv Ot liacnewe, lyiiiv... ..ii,vnw bookstalls. ' Of a splendidly bound book by a fa mous author, ornamented with designs artists and advertised in UT .1 i mnnimi. the most extesive ana eiauoi.11.0 ....!...., onlv one copy was got off. Ut anotner 1. t.o onmo 1 esermiion. uui icoo TOUUluiomiii." r , .nivA oniv six copies wore sold, the remainder being handea over at a .:,ii,.,iinnar.riceto tlieseconanaiia oooa. sellers that one publisher in Taris lias now on band 3,000,000 volumes w.mc. i.o eannot sell-London leicgiapu l.VI Popularity of tlie lime. The sale of roses in this country amounts to fully 1,000,000 plants a year at the present time. There are no statistics by which the exact number can be learned, v.... Vr.,i0..iliro nf .flip, extent nf Cllltiva- uub a auuiiivuv . - i... i.o .-.vininiil i-irnruurjilnrs enables us to estimate roughly as above stated. The probability is mat, tue annum sate ca ,i nnni,t,riililv riitber tbnn falls short of tlin amount. mese iiauw iuc iu.u . ii : 1 . no lin.l. wnony raibcu ou iuuu vju iuum, u. ded plants, which at one time were quite common, nave laueu luiu uuuci.uu; will now scarcely commana a purcnasei. The popular judgment in this respect is no doubt ri"-ht. and will be sustained. Budded plants, except with 'some weak growing varieties, will never again be iu vogue, and tbe number of excellent varieties of vigorous growth is so great Jbat delicate growers will be discarded for this fault alone, no matter what other good qualities tney may possess. , xne rose is me uiosi uiguiy cu.., . il. a.nniiim llw. llint. O-pnenillV HeAl lO ... gcmiiium. t) cultivated flowering plant. These remarks apply to amateur cutuvuuou. x ioiiuu i .innate mnkp rnsf'-prnwintr a very prominent part of their business, and lm- f;il tlwrpra orn mipd rlnr- meuse ijuiuuuu ui..v..a ---- irr ii,o mlntpr season for cutting. Ibe statement is made by a competent authori r . . ,nr .i......j. ;u m nun ty mat in 1000 uio-uuuc oom cut roses." This indicates, to some ex tent, the popularity of this particular flower. Iu.. Pmlnrll.inl No MnnopOllff 1 Kewinsr i nmvlr I P lr!iiii.-l onlv J) I u W!, era now fcfil n.r OUT Western improved Singtr Sewing Maciiine same hs cat- complete vith all ftt-.ar-hmf-ni and warr;inta 4nr e vears fnr onlv $16. g a anA rr fiill 1 and other styles to M. A. Souil" Lake at., unicago, aiu I lsrrinlifin of th i: tllin & Co., iv3 v. VALE & B!CKF0RD. Attorneys, WitSUl.UTO. l BPK01AL AT'lENilON 01VES TO AMD INDIAN PErBKDATION CLAIMS. cragin; U14 ' SI Itl.KT, ' IS THE BEST MEDICirit fnr tlp General Ailments ot Horses, Cattle, Hon lrn She" They purify the. blood, prevent and ",,7p iltsease Honest ana reuanic, in nun. itite uiscasc. ,.....,,,i f,rnvi'r twenty packHEes ; iuku . " , sh(ml(1 .a,N F.vervone owiiiiiK iiwi v"vv i :: ,V . . ...J..I Uiuhv K.U M R riw it. Do.. Clilcauo. ikiit 1'ROriUIiTAliI Sold by all druggists. m vt'douiTtir . Ell T,,,C.ea.rU!OI 00 emciyf.,o.MI Birr O Is the n'',??"i lotdlng remfily lor all toj unnntural dlcharie nj private disewesot men. certnl n cure for the a;!1 tatlQS weakneai peculiar to.women. I prenctioe nnn '"'"'T In roconimeDQlnf l all ounerero. I STnMFR. M n..0cCTUI.I Bold tT DrnSjrta" HAY FEVER CUREO TO STAY CURED. We want the name and ad dress of every sufferer in tae A ATU1I A U. S. and Canada. Addrew, U Ad I nlHH r.iu.Mby.M...tbia,u Oil vigor the state frit, lC l7ouW done some mc . ibl b vour better nature revolted? me at whi u our ia. , ,NTr. nL W for and were ,ai. 'v Zrmll even as. you Uirtured L.Jllllli" J rtiraci, 'V"t ,-, those wno." "",,-,, wr.hcd in the money is returned. "'"y i Ah, yes; .you . rversity, ob- OOCbUi, dutcb.ot iuouv auJ un i 1 humor, ... M-D York Neb 144 III. . meDl?1, in the human organ!- Wm TT 1mm health, and there to m w e tjon 0f iiltt s Hair DVG i,B "'i1 ,nxs-i" wiii-,d: tf mWJ V vital aellon, wbUU '' when I tagla anpllimtlon of thU n.l . V . I l..fKllUM- f Mnn.iHliu nothlriK lMjnr.o.M to ttao i W at. driiKeUU, or lent hf ??Jlptof orl..l0. oau. aw --.MW,,,,, iuik. . Tiwrorn ''nai fcotoarocbi lomriTift nrtuu - V WMOt LIST MM. XmtT.WAUACH fcCtt im f.kek av CkloaW. ill huu.r. i"y'" -,- out tenable ''IVud'cas(ootUie 'il,.you ts owing topbCJ hear you ' ,.n witi It, because health hs no.m ff t)ie WOru omcof 1,etave ten entirely free 0f tbe meanest men , a whilU llv'etl Tkn w yoli that when yon J"'.. "ltZ arc posset o a devil 11 V LV-Urin him? My if. ni'w' . i. r difference mn ... o n w in .be toothache or . . Mme oVxbarho is 'Tmc an" the man And. beiweea you . i ,Ue world 'bV'bciievelnlt. with Theyuavei..-.. - lhe necnl ur force and energy r o f enmmerce. A state dsa;.nanaKedbyaS andprogrniensa.- and progressive-..- - d railr, cZmen. vvho follow and by 8econd class men, w try to unite ou - ; d;velo.)mellt schemes aim p- la88 and progress . s ai vB: ; .l.lA t.0 WlllCU U.D ......a-- '"'-' . oiif jo IV. lia lanu world never , lifeless and dull, and l-ii a particle ot - - h'0 -Micv "nV.. ibl believe I vmv0) iia WIU NorWITHSTANDINO Jjr V cm iuJv will ma"6 A aver, be very nfiitwsi . -rrirvrT A T - O WITHOUT AJN -eau- CURES TRADE ' MARK KFM RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Swellings, PROMPTLY AMD KtHBiaticniw.. WOUU . i(g toW SB oesbo(!Bing - - ' '" , 11 IV ta-" - peoplemaura ; i0 tQ this Mr. Holn.es sam - of 8Ute because it u- - ftU being a I'e" y - valueshad ne " wftUM U e Hiidhad the rp;:dvigorto "get there" In the, 'too at these suu;- said Mr. Holmes. Waving b u direction of the coniW pa"1 b rmintr community ldl 1 red as . o oth whoaaTepros. . )jU community eve. WtW'y BtUl." minnl'aclle ex Tim Mvstcr.v of Inheritance. nf an individual animal or plant is to be regarded from the point of view of bereaity, w"s i two distinct elements. These are germ .....I. .,,.ii lmdv cells. the lormer uevoieu to the important work of reproducing -u. .p thn latter const iiuliuk actual bodily material, and discharging all the ordinary luneuons huub which the individual lite is mmuui... Inheritance is a matter 01 u.e rth irerm psalm or germ cells uiiandud down from one gen- Wiov;.. LlJ t. .....i.in to another in cumuiiauve i.u ca'rrying with them in each case . not the features ana quanuea v.. predecessor and parent, dui vi u -..,1 ur (TAniTHLlLIUa. Assuming that the germ psalm is . vbibit varatlons, we can see how and why such variations can be ..fitted tn new trenerations; but we rriinaui.vvv. u .. , bavo also to take into account iu fluenceonthe germ cells ef the body to which they belong. mw, inheritance preserves through the con- 1,1 - .. ..11 l.a au.,llltV tiniiity of the germ ceuo of the race, it gives the rein to v.in atlon, and by the comuineu iuu.u actimr on the indivia ....i ..ponies the world with new and A.....,i.. forma of lite.-Dr. Alex- ever vwj" ander Wilson in-Harpers. II A iiiif mmm mmm "smMSssiiiissisfsj w -Sf a rt i S XI I -v PROMPT SHIPMENTS, -WE CARRY IN STOCK Grain and Flax Testers, Boots, .,,. Fanning: Mills, Cups and Bolts, llorse Powers, w,,,, SpoutS' Pulleys and Sprocket Wheels, Shafting, Hanjrers, Boxes and Collars, , vine, Steam Fittings, . I IVII If I ICTl a ji ,1 llnnlrlnrV Belting: Leather, 1' IjII.K. Cwwilete Steam Outfits Promptly Furnished or Reoaired. ' All Kinds of Castings and r'ias hork. York Foundry & Engine Co., York. Nebraska, Chalk manganese and graphite have i.i. found in ijouee wj, ... ...!. .... ia Plllllll LO Willie UIJ" !!,. n u blackboard, and tlie lor wim -- - , b ack grapliite writes on a paper equal mineral is a hard black substance, llludl resembling in weight, color and pores black manganese. 1 ri,c.i m Diamond Brand A Held br all Letel nr 't' U. 8.ALEOrTE MACHINE. " Tyrr . rn.nnlp.te tie with one movement of c I the lever Savks 40 teb cent. In cost ot oaie- g o A A ties No delay In waiting for tics ; make tUcm j, fl .nnrself. !WB In use. X1 - ft U. S. HAY PRESS SUPPLY CO., VP KANSAS CITY. MO. " " ""VTTTiiaO'S REMEDY FOB CATARRH. Best. East- II enre is certain, r or izzZ-am' 1 .srrys,- u 1 M. 0. niwi" tf tbe Italia finance