The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 17, 1891, Image 4

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A cottage, all fitted and furnished,
BiHtuig chtiotiiy over tt- wh ,
Ami ixert; tt yuuuir pair to turn keeping
I'tune promptly tit- nxt day uf May;
The pia-e senuHl hurueiike ami coxy,
Tbfc sua bhf.ti? liribt on tin? t1.r,"
Yet Df drwy eieianK saw iht-ni p-Unting
A rue to bloom u er (fit; tUci
Ah, how they watched over it growing1,
AudtrniDtrd it Wiifl tndctn'tft ans.
Atnl swirt ad iu hrijt-ht bud- mil. Mel,
'i he Jove of borne tin-w m their Umuk.
The husband came home in the eve uiu,
AH weary and woru from the tutor.
To hnd the wile' welcome t be sweeter
For roses that bloomed o'er the dour.
Butthey sav, 'Move fiie out of the window
When poverty enters the door.
But ajrainst all trials amu troi!iiie(
The two younjf hrts jrurneml full .store.
For, when fell the hush of the twilight.
They hiered anew hu e's sweel lore,
Wove closer the btiri-teol utTeetiou
dentil rose that bloomed o'er the door.
And when the dark hiys closed around them,
To kw p tii oor home howiiiey fttrusrtfled,
Where the n-s Hi(nfi o't thetMior.
And now, h'A their Trial time" en.W.
They duit in the suniijrht orui' iuon
And live tu'ijj lit! v riitri3 on lite hearthstone
w Here rooj bloom over tho uuor.
Ye new-mated pairs who are buildinjr
Your huiiK'-m'-is ii'iw h..L 1 iiiipl'-rt
This U-sut Vmi ime hitirera
When. rjis l.-i-iotii over the Jimi.
So ye who count home mure than s-iilUr,
Plant Vre the bi ilit Mruiirtime is o'er
To make home rlie bright. -or and Uaivr-
A roue to bloom over the door.
The Comte de Saint Germain one day re
lated that he ls:ul lnvn on friendly terms
witn rontms Finite at Jerusalem. He
very minutely described the house of the
Roman governor, and said what dishes
had been served t;t table (lie evening he
supped tit his place. The Cardinal de
Rohan turned to the comte's valet, an
elderly, gray-headed utau with a frank,
open countenance:
"My friend," he said, "I have some diffi
culty in crediting what your master savs.
That he should be 2,000 years old mid have
seen Pontius Pilate is rather strange.
Come, tell me, were you tlnae also?"
"I? Oh, dear, no, Monsieur," can
didly replied the valet, "Mliat was before
my time. I have not as yet, lxt-n over
400 years in Monsieur le Comle's service."
The conversation then fell on Mine.
d'Esuermeuil, whereupon the Comte de
Saint Germain, full of verve and prattle,
disclosed the following as yet unpublished
facts concerning the incident which
brought about the lady's arrest and subse
quent execution:
"ilme. d'Lsnerrncuil," said the Comte,
" was the most beautiful woman in Paris.
She was a widow? and verv fond of me
at least I thought so. I received more than
one love missive from iter, and passed
many a pleasant evening in her chanuing
villa at Versailles.
v "One day she sent me a very gracefully
turned epi-tle inviting me to a ball which
was to lake place tile same evening at her
villa. The handsome widow begged mo
to appear iu my most elegant costumes to
enhance the brilliance of the fate.
"I felt much flattered by this request
and tned my best to comply with it. You
may believe me when I nay I looked a tri
fle younger than I do now.
"I put on my apple-green dress coat
which fitted me perfectly; each button on
It was a diamond worth 1,000 louis. The
pearls that adorned my hat could not have
been purchased for 20.000 louis. I may
have represented 1,000,000 lousin jewelry.
In the evening 1 got into mv state carriage'
Five lackeys attended, two leading the way
with torches. AVe soon reached the villa
of my lovely lady friend at Versailles.
"I was surprised on arriving to find
"j ii mi; niuuunsuaiK, ami no ap
pearance of a ball. I inquired of the por
ter if Mme. d'Esnermcuil wk t
He answered In the affirmative, and asked
me to enier.
1 found the lady alone. She appeared
as muuu umazeu 10 see me as l was im to
una company. u
comte, said she, 'to what do I owe
uie pleasure or your visiti;
" 'As invited I come to vnnr lwlt
" 'Impossible, Comte, you have mistaken
wit: uay.
"'I never mistake.'
"An,ITll- .1.. ,
"uxiuva iuc niviiauon irom mv
YVVlrAr r,.l r-l.nn-n.l " f 1 , ts . .-"
ttuu Buunm u) mme. o jjsnermeuil
iou are right,' she said at last, 'the
error is mine, fray excuse me. Comte
and do me the honor to stay to supper
with me.'
" 'But you know, madam, that I never
cat- auyuiing.
' Hut you drink. I have delicious Cor-
mm wine; you must taste it,'
"The haudsome widow handed me
glsslul. It was nol distrust people are
uuv ouapiciuus wnen in love hut an old
namt wuicli induced me to take hold of
uie giass witn my left hand, on the mid-
uiB uuger oi wuicli i wore a taHsmanic
nnrr that TTI., a C'l.i ., u.iuB ocmomo me same you
call Solomon had given me. On the
unucr siae oi tne ring was an abraxas or
liasihdian stone, with gnostic inscription
and hardly had it touched the crystal sur-
lace inan tue glass was shattered into a
uiousana pieces.
"The precious wine from Corinth, which
my lady friend had offered me, was poi
soned! At once I saw as clearly through
the whole thing as if I had looked into a
magic mirror. But the more embarrssed
the lady became the more free I felt and
the more unrestrainedly I continued to
chat. I heard the rumbling of a carriage
irom the door. Was it my own which had
been ordered away?
"Alme. d'Esnermcuil noticed that I lent
an attentive ear to the noise of the wheels
as the carriage receded in the distance. She
said with some confusion:
"It is my old uncle who returns to
Paris. I knew lietter. It was my car
riage, which had been sent away by th e
lady's maid; the coachman and servants
were to come for me at 10 o'clock the
next morning. The lovely widow soon
got so con fused thatshe could hardly speak
I heard a noise in the corridor, followed
by the heavy tread of men. Madam turned
pale, and rose in a hurry to leave the room.
" 'You would not leave me, dearest?'
said I, without further concern.
"She stammered:
" 'Excuse me, comte. My presence Is
required elsewhere. I shall come back !
uui oeiore sue had time to leave I
darted into madam's eyes a magnetic
glance in wliich iny whole power of will
was at once concentrated.
"Mme. d'Esncrmeuil stood transfixed
Immovable ns if In a cataleptic lit. 1 mes
merized her forehead with my hand, and
be sank drowsily into an armchair.
"In this state of somnambulism I could
aiw from bet inmost being her most
Mcret thoughts.
one was forced to answer all my ques-
"Aud what next, bavin faiird in
" "I shall Lave you murdered.'
" 'By whom?'
" l'y my servants.' "
" "Are your servants ready for the ag-
gressh m t
" 'They stand out in the corridor readv
armed, and await the ringing of my !.!!
Uj rush in upon you.
" 'How many are there?'
" 'Five."
" 'And when I am killed f
" 'Your splendid diamonds shall le
"I rang the licll violently,
"immectiateh' live rulh'ans. armed with
swords, burst into the rxm.
"But I held in my hand a j Ktol, the
magic propel ty of whoe load, w hen ex
ploded, rendered motionless in thtir sev
eral attitudes all tho e who came within
reach of its charge. I tired on the intrud
ers who were all live instantly brought lo
a deadlock transmuted, as it were, into
i turned toward Mine. d'Esiwrmcuil,
who w as still in g trance, and asked
whether these men were all h-r accom
"tShe nodded in the affirmative.
" 'Then,' said I, 'they shall witness
vour punishment '
"At once collecting my mental and phy
sical inergies I put the fair widow into "to '
deep a stale of trance that her l owers f
clairvoyance were increased a hundred
fold. I iiusmeriAd her until her Ux-tu
clattered, and nk her w here siie w as.
"She sighed deeply, and muttered:
" 'In a region of thick ice and intense
cold!' And she wruuir her hands and
gnashed her teeth.
1 continued mesmcilzing her until the
tips of her fingers quivered and curled
" 'Xo what do you .see?' I as'ccd.
"A slitled groan escaicd her lips:
" 'Fire!' she wailed, 'a plai e where there
is nothing but fire! Oh, have nuTcv!'
' 'Not vet.' I g:tid. 'descend still "lower
and tell me w hat you w e.'
1 gave her a few more
Soon she foamed nl her moth and her
eyes started out of their sockets.
.Now, said 1, 'where areyo i?'
'Oh, horror of horrors!' she ihrii-kcd
while her whole frame Khook ami writhed
in the most niipnllin? manner: "I ,ini in
hell, and surrounded by all the sniiiis of
ujc uainueo :
Of course, while this scene.. l.L-led her
accomplices, although unable to move,
were fully alive to the significant of the
awful cxjerience their mistress had under
gone, but they could render her no assist-
ance. ith a few more wavci of mv
hands I might have sent her soul down
forever into that abode of wretchedness
and despair on whose brink she now raved,
but I reversed the mesmeric fluid nml t,v
slow degress brought her back to her first
"Like pillars of salt the nice little party
stood rooted there, with Mme. d'Ksuef
mcuil. like the late Mrs. Lot, by their side.
1 cast a last look at tho group, wrapped
myself in a dense cloud of incense, and
(lew away.
"The police, when they came on the
spot, found Mme. d'Esnermcuil the next
morning surrounded by her braves, still
planted where I had left them. They
were with difficulty restored to a proper
sense of their situation.
"Cardinal Mazarin, whose acquaintance
I had made through Marin Mancini, gave
our gay city of Paris the amusing specta
cle of seeing the handsome widow hanged
by her fair neck, and her whole gang of
accomplices broken on the wheel in the
Place de Oreve. then the usual place for
executions of this sort. Anne of Austria
me, queen mouicr, and t lie entire court
were present on this occasion and enjoved
the sight exceedingly.
' I take n single drop of mv rejuvenat
ing panacea on every chaugeof the moon,
and it agrees well with me, as I am now
2,uS0 years old."
The Many u!ti
ixumMHl by tbs Prince Hon
The f.ill tots! of uniform? naval, mili j He 1
tary, civil, and ii.isieilaiieous, includni.', - soft in :'''
of o,ir-c, those ertaiti:n!' to the varion are mz:
orders of kuiglithuod the Prince of Val--i : nate.r i.
hold anuot 1 less than a hundred, saw any Lra'a
a Jondon w riter. This may seem a star.- i-it -I, -
lin:r 1 at t to some of mv readers, but I ui n" ; 'j'
- l. v'"
ii n-!
. y. it
v. t.
remind them that of military, miliiiu.
magnetic l
volunteer uniforms his itoyal lliglme-s
has or should have thirty nine. ! -t
pciple are aware that he is Colonel ;ii
t hief of each i f the three regiment -f
Houseliold Cavalry, of the Tcnrb lluars,
and of t'ie i'i.le Brigade, but it it not -ji
generally kuo'vu that he is also heno:ary
Colonel of eleven East Indian regiments,
inciudimj the Sixth Bengal Cavalry, tie?
Cuide.s Corps, and the second Obonikh:.s.
Of coinmissions in militia and volunt- T
regiments he holds vcvcnt.n in all. an i, !
ns everyone knows, he is honorary (Vo;a-l :
of the I'onieraiiian llus-ars ( illucher's !
Own), as well as n Field Marshal in'
the German army. Ani"ng the 1'riii' f-s
niijre miscellaneous uniforms may ! '
reckoned tboe attaching lo his Vilite'
as a Lord of the Ides (if, indeed, 1
this cilice entails even thi artoriul n : -:i !
siliilitvi. Hih Stewart of Plymouth, Hoc- !
tor of Mu-ie, Gran 1 Mason of the i"iv-;
masons, Elder Brother of Trinity II. nw. :
T'ommotlorc of five yacht club;, i'n-i h nt '
of the Society d Arts. (Jovernor of Char-
trrhouso, and Bencher of the Middle Tun -j
pie. Thus it will lie seen how easily a
three figure total may be reached, an 1
granting that iu a liberal perccnt.iL'e of !
cases no uniform has ever to le worn tlieic I
tnust Ijc still a sufficient numlier of var !
ied costumes left to con-ititute in limn- 1
selves a very large wardrobe and oncn--ed- j
ing the most systematic care in the method j
of its arrangements. I have doubts, how-1
ever, whether the sunge.tion of a kind of
Mme. Tussaud's devoted entirely !, tae ;
exhibition of the Prince of W.-des iu his !
various uniforms wituld be a popular!
show, even if admirably carried out. It -is
well to remember the moral of the say '
ing, "Toujour perdrix," which, being i
translated freely, means it is possible to
have too much even of a good thing.
late tw
in our noi
h.:i i
in A
until '
(i. k T
a. tile a
r-t pa- '
skBbetrfT iv.. it" AdmU r""
,.l Ilia Mru.
i i.tiaarv ireiimsiancrs, "
,i i . o--,!!. i but there
i i ia I. is s-iui bai)HloUS
i' r l.inicapaiih of almost
J.e i- ( a- t
. r oi. li.e Hu-i-oi Mildicr.
iioioHcl darintr the
,.t l.e Jews aie mio
1 1 leir witii-s to the sv
I,' ,--!:, n - aiitit, and the
J hv inc l i.rcMiiiiini.
oj.e .1 Ismva an i m ;
io.v that, at all I ' M
tm even t u "'' -'
th. x.l.i.i-r. P. tu.t,.4
jiiaitty a- a
i.'!.:'!i a ! i
!j,e loi-n
a wtiO'T.iit
I,:. I he ii
;t! c
: his
i!,-Ll of
II on
V(d M
ie s.e h
s;.oin. i" -
enftm! wa
tt, c in -ei;':' 0 .t-'-s
l:,.. -! i He b;t'
t!.,-ir svn.t-all.ies
, i..riif ui h ii.e r-i!.ii an I I
asn,V, iher i::i-itii" iiual has ev, r
...,tr...l !t wr. r-koi-l".'! V- ho lOlidii. t -l
the pursuit and hairy ing of tin
1 i,ii,ii 1 i uremia. us u r jm
I if ,1, senla l l-V his ll
Ameruan eorre-pMi 1,1,1 -Mac-1
;t was !.i.!s li.M 'who. aft, MUG
,- ,k Tepe and the rout '! It
i, f iider-. fan.' I Arntv loi r
' !:.( -ity lo liis exeiti-d s,!
t;,rir wicked on p. i- a"
,f the deft nsi-less fai,,ilu s of
iispusid 'run en. an Siioln,, ii Itior
iimlefsio.. 1 tils tin ll, an I ret-i.i.i-
Mf:l he,t
n. so i id
,d dial ad
mirer. T l II
(iahaii. .Ml.
stunaiii-.' of I
Ii:... i
hoi:i- i nip!
dii is lo w,.i'I-.
and property
h-he.l Lis e,,i!tio! a- iii-iilx-1 a cly as Ju- r-iu;il.-d
iinhridh-d Ii eii-e. For i:,nW
teun -four hours liie captors of o -k
Tel- were iincoii'rollid, within six lours
of tin- ti iiiiiiatiiiii of liiat period two s,,.
(li.Ts wi le shot fui -trilhiii (rimes. This
circuaist.-mee, i oi.ple 1 with the fuel of
bkolx-I, -,'!' - m at poptilaiity in the army,
gives a striking iifiieaiioa of llieeharai o r
of the liu-ian so! !i, r, as judged by the
man who kutw him best.
Ilir Fiol nt
" 'Madam,' said I, 'yon meant to poison'
m with your Corinth wine?"
" 'Yes, I did, it contained prtissic add.'
XThf Ho TVan Arqnltted.
All the world loves a hero. Let a man
defend his country in any hour of need
and he may be sure of enthusiastic indul
gence when he is perhaps most in want of
it, Mr. II. U. Stanton tells, iu his "Kan.
dom Iiccollections," the following inci
dents, which occurred in one of our
A Revolutionary soldier had been in
dicted for passing counterfeit money
Charles M. Lee defended the silver-haired
veteran on his trial. Theevidencengainst
him was clear, and there was not :i shadow
of doubt of his guilt. Still, he was a man
who had followed Qcn. "Mad Anthony"
Wayne up thecreggy steps of Stony Point
on the dark night of July lo, 1779, when
that fortress was carried by storm.
Lee summed up the case with rare vehe
mence, graphically described the bloody
attack on Stony Point, an I, with tears
dripping down his checks, implored the
jury to acquit the old soldier. It was
uui men Known that the foreman of the
jury had been with the defendant on the
iiemous njgiit. i lie jury were out an
hour. When it returned the clerk asked:
ucnticmen ot tue jury have you airrecd
, "We have."
'Ho you find the prisoner ,( n, l
guiiiy or not guilty 7
"Not guilty, he helped to storm
oujiiy x-oini: snouted tlie foreman.
recall arit lea of tho Innc.
Keeper Maest of the Erin cn.mtw r v says that in his experience one
of the peculiar freaks of insanity is the
seeming reversal of natural tendencies
for instance, he savs. "we hv in ti,
male wards fine collections of potted
plants and climbing vine? which grow so
luxuriantly that they curtain the windows
1 he men lend these carefully
the dead leaves, stir up the dirt iu the pots
prune the vines, keen them ciirpfiillu- -.o!
ercd and in divers other ways manifest tho
tenderest waatcbfulness. Not so with the
women. Every attempt to introduce plants
and vines aSNi feature of the female. wrU
save in the cottage where the mildest cases
are confined, has proved a flat failure. Tho
women pull out the plants by the roots,
tear down the vines, and manifest other
destructive tendencies cntirelv at.
with tbe nature of the sex in general."
A M Irsmlona Fainting.
A copy of the naintinc known tbn
"Sacred Imaee of the Mother of fJnrvl
Counsel." in the town of Gcnazzano, Italy,
was unveiled at mass in the Church of
uur Ldiuy or uood Counsel, in Madison
street, near Ralph avenue, Brooklyn, re
cently. The painting originally appeared
in a church at Scutari, Albania, and was
lljcncc transferred to Genazzano on April
23, 147. It was susiKnded in mid air,
was visited by many pilgrims, and many
miracles are said to have been performed
there. It represents the Virgin and In
fant. The face of the Virtrln rfnl,.
she is particularly pleaseii. This copy is
said to have touched tbe original is
placed on tbe altar of the Blessed Virgin
Popes Pius and Leo are said to have de
rived inspiration from it. j
A Teleplionn Tor Wrllan,
One of the most beautiful of modern in
wwtrms it remains to be seen whether it
is as useful as it is beautiful Hie instru
ment devised by Mr. John liobert.son h-r
the transmission of writing by electricity,
was exhibited at the American Exhibition
in London. Out of (he top of a box,
which is about the size of an ordinary dis
patch liox, protrudes what has the appear
ance of a stylographie pen. This, how
ever, is nofa pen, but the handle of the
"transmitter, ' and its lower end is fixed to
a light brass perpendicular bar. Anv mo
tion given by the hand you hold it just
like a pen lo the handle" of the transmit
ter is communicated by this bar to two
feries of carbon disks contained within the
box, and, after various adventures: anion.'
magnets, etc., is carried atraiu to the topi, f
the box, where it is reproduced exactly by
a small ink-holding pen, whose point Vests
on a while paper tape. A clock-work ap
paratus pulls this tape along atagentie
pace, and after a little prac tice you find
that it is ouitc easy to move the handle of
the transmitter so that the pen shall write
legibly on the moving tape. Now, w hat- i
ever is written on the ta before von is
w ritten simultaneously a mile off. or it
may lie fifty miles off, on a similar tape by
a similar instrument at the other end of it.,'
wire. The instrument is very compact and
apparently efficient, and as it isquile silent
mere seems no reason w hy a reporter sit
ting in the House of Commons could not
straightway w rite off his report of a debate
to be instantaneously read off in Printing
House Square or Northumberland street.
A name will be wanted for this machine.
Perhaps the "wire-writer" will do.
I'renliliMit I.lm'olii'a Slurr of
Sk' Hog.
When Mr. Lincoln laaid of the si alp r
insrof the Cou!e,i-i;;te-i under 11, -e, 1 and
C n. Thomas he wits reminded of Ihe fob
lowinsr tory: "Out in lower 1 11 i.i-11, in a
lillie vi!hiv;e, there was a b:it her named
Sykes, v. ho had a large, ii ke.'lmi-clei y
ous bull dog, which was regarded as. a
town iiiiisiiin e. Fowl were killed, rlothes
wcrcpiilad from the lines, meat houses
were robbed, children were seared. Mid
Sykes' dog' was blamed for nfl uraj
blamed justly. Now, there w as a man
named Henderson who had a fine turkey
killed by this iIol' of Sykes, and he twor'c
revenue. So he took alx.ut a quarter of a
pound of jaiwder and did it up in a piece
of buckskin, tying tip a piece of pun!,
s i that it projci'-ted out of the little bun l.e
of powder. Then he put the bundle in u
lar'.'i: piece of corn I'read mid had it 111
n -uiliuess. It was not long Is-'ore St ke.'
do? 1 aine trolu'iii' along, and Ileiid'-Iv.n,
lighting Hie purl; wim a (igar threw li e
bit of bread to the cur, u 'so gohliled It at
a mouthful. Th" next minute there was
an explosion. The dog's head was blown
river a fence into the creek, his hind U";n
and tail were sent up and lodged (,n Hen
derton's poarch, his fore legs were lluown
across the street, ami the rest of the b ,.
I wow was laid about in small pin i-x.
j 'Whorra!' exclaimed a looker-on, "v.,u've
j '"'I"' r used up Sykes' dog, hain't ye', II, u
; dors,, if Yes," replied Hender-on. 'I
j rather think that as a dog Sykes won't find
I him of much use." And so of the ih Ik-1
j army." added Mr. Lincoln, with one of h
sail smiles, "as an army Hood won'i fin,
it 01 mucn use.
Hl Wire Wm Mtnncini Ftlilor.
Down from a secluded mountain villago
comes this story of one of the ornaments of
the Athenian pulpit. The Key. Mr.
is enjoying his vacation with his family in
one ol the most quiet and charming vil
lage in New Hampshire. The other day
hejwns out on an all day fishing excursion
with his young sons and a visiting layman
from town. During his absence his" wife
received a large parcel of new piqiers and
magazines from town, and, according to
her habit, began marking as she skimmed
the articles she thought would Ik most
helpful to her husband. He returned at
night successful. He and his friend had
caught plenty of fish and were in as I1M1
spirits as the boys who went with them.
After supper they sat down to look over
the mail, and the visiting brother saw the
juenuiiii pioneer pencil-marks of the min
ister s wile.
"How's this?" he asked, jokinMv
"Aren't you allowed to read anuhmn-Vv'
cept the thingc Mrs. M picks out for
2 ou r
"No," answered Mr. M "V,rf
thing. My wife is the managing editor of
roy pulpit, and she is getting ready for the
"And while you go fishing "
"She stays in and looks after my inter-
uu aim Keeps ucr watctitul eye on the
i'i i"iu air. m , quicKly,
Teach (he Children How to S.-.
Every girl and liov thould be provided
with a box, in which there are buttons
suneu 10 ineir clonics, thimble, necdies
aim uiieau. jiinny noys learn to sew on
buttons,, but will'not use a thimble- if
they accustom themselves to its use w hen
they Ugin, it will Ucome necessary, as it
is, to rapid and safe sewing. Without it
tue seconu unger receives many wounds
noiii me ucau 01 uie needle, which is dis
couraging to a beginner, and uncomfort
able lo any one. A few poiuh) given at a
r ciuijr ttgu ui oe, sumcient, such as
The old threads must be picked off the
dom or out 01 me pulton, it there are any
A needle that will easily slip through the
eyes of the button should lie chosen and
thread of suitable color and strength
thread the needle and draw the ends of the
thread together, and lie a knot on the end
Sew through the holes of the button three
times two ways, so that .a cross, or letter
X, will be made when it is
011 the wrong side with three back stitches
and cut the thread. Children can be
taught to sew on buttons perfectly when
tbeyare 6 years old. There nm
grown people who never learn to sew them
on properly. . ,
The New rnntaKe stamps.
The new series of uosim in,. .
to be issued will vary verv litti v, .1..
designs now in use. The vignettes will
not be changed at all, and the portraits on
tbe new stamps will be Identical will,
now in use. The chief object, of tho
change will he to make tbe new scries of
adhesive stamps conform to those embossed
upon the envelopes now used from tl.
partment. To tiiis end there will I, Mv.
eral changes in the colors emnlov,! 'ri.n
most noticeable of these will be the 2-cent
sumps. This is now brows,. In the new
series it wilt be of a milori Rrecn
A I ! ! Alter nrJoua '"
Aii.lrH -A "'" Wl,h
I i. -t fi work him to Ilia front, with
,l. 11,, "s 1 ,,f ihe paik riuging. pealing.
iiirig in 1, stasv. and the I use shooting
Imekwai l a-- if on wings; pt Walh-rton.
liieiitw, ,i:h, and Cameron, over a flight of
,ii into an H-n wm re me nouinn
lonil bn over the two smaller kan-
,r,,.. 'Ihe old msn, meanwhile, head
,-rut 1, apin-. Uiuiidiiig away, cowing at
h-a,t'ck'hict ti feit at jump. Kaiutnjr
a ,.,sl lead. 1 passed the hounds at full
lot.d nidi cIiiti'. and they, leaviiig the
, . .... i.t .-li... tit ll,, Ywiner
their throats wctlcl with their kill and for the nobler game; so fairer, in
deed, that they outstripped me, although
my h.-rse was riinniiig u if in a finish. A
.hill disiam e ahead I saw the dark line of
a 'dried reourse. At this the old man
went, and with a gigantic bound cleared it
and . apied on utldaunlwl. At it went the
ho iinds-some n'-. r, some in and out. As
mv turn enme I s-tendiul mv horse and
st iit him at it with a thotit. He rose rh-ar,
and in a ser ond' flash I saw the rocky
Wittom fur Ik low me. We strnr k with a
slide ill front, a scramble It hiild. and a
tunibliii! tectivery, but H.fely ov r; and
ui 1 threw m self "baik iu the saddle I caw
the o:! man s'landiiig high against a gum
tree at 1 ay or. as the Australian.- ha.c it,
"st,n k 1, p." .
1 si di.wn and m-1 my hoise going, ton
gratiilating mt-lf mi Is ing alone at the
death, when tilentworth shot pat me Willi
the iiiimo. si lt-w al that had ever charuc
tirizisl hi- dreaded run in, and dismount
in.:, hilly in hand, made his way through
the dogs' and stood Ik fore'thc kangaroo. I
foil rued his example, nrnfe for Ihe first
time enjoye I a struirle with a 'raliic o'd
man." He stood with hie I ,n ii firmly
pressed against the tree, his lu l l up. mid
Ids eves gleaming: he kept I i., short fore
legs moving somewhat after the fashion o
(I nervous Isixi r. and 11s the hounds pie-sni
upon him he would -Itike with one of hi
legs a blow si hard that the hound i:
reached ran a fair chance of never again
resjK.iiding to his huntsman's nidi , for thttt
swift, dean reach would strike him in the
throat as he rose to his leap, and the sharp
( law. tearing through rib and sinew, would
leave a wound so deep and jagged as lo 1m
far beyond the reach of the primitive sur
gery at hand.
During the time that Glentworlh and I
had stood inactive three dog. had Ix-en put
horn du combat, and now i ion Juan, the
pride of the paik, had reached the kanga
roo's throat, and, uiiiuitnlful of the blow
that partly rliscmbow led him, refused to
loosen his hold. Seizing my opportunity 1
rim iu and w ith a tierce blow of my loaded
club, or billy, ilelivi red 011 the head o! the
kangaroo, I dropped him, i-;h the degj
finished him iu short 1 rder.
mal Srrnunt r Tt,M "f
'Afti r residing f.,-
saiil Jir. limmley, (
-on can rest asMinl 1 iIir
aikiug about wheo U,1
o iMior into ll,i ,., .', "Tut-
ire t illy wab hint; t,J ; ltl
In SineaiHire. B.,,,,1,,1 yl
Tnrlotia nlt.F lj
every tajly out: and J'l V M
...... 1 -S'TW
evt is Ji,.
from overruni.ji, .. r
They ran n ver bom,,. ,.; ";Ir m
(i., ... 1 , ,H tin.i
will nit allow anv i ,
and 1
'"l'l"i fcj
time, cu.'.toms,
"Such men as Vieer... r 1 t.
and Marouis Tm-ii?.
of advaneitur win, ii... . "Wul
ps-wcrlus. to effect any rail'M
mul tli-lr Sinn, m(T,.. . ' Wl
- .. - - s . iii.,1,. -,jea 1 J
railroads or introd 11,-1,. rr f. ...I
U I 1 .1 """"''SBlStBa
Amilher iint that retuni. i.m,,
tW-t Hi ll tho nltl.M.. ... . '
' " t" -it rWi
,m i eeiii (iivy in ailvain e !,,(,
.mow any improvement
l'ii-- in w inaugurate .,,,,1 1
1 ,..-. 1. ,.,1(1(1.,,
1 be lower chuts, w hi
t-t tho populalioii, liv,
111011111, averaging hay pi
a wild
' "filed
. ne 0 en e,J
Ki-eplnj: tlip fiili-mlnr.
o nouht most jieojiie remember the
milliner 01 nays m any parlicular month
iiy recalling uie rhymes which they lean
en 111 school. Another method isprae ice
in T.).,n.l .....1 o :.. ... ? , ' , .
... ti, iu,,, uuo u is so simple and liigen
niusas io pe worth knowine, Mr. M
cai e givra 11 in his hook, "The Oxonian
hi lecianu.
isiiui iue iiM, ami let the knuckle of the
one imger represent January with i
thirty-one days, and the depression Ix-twet
nun iiiiu iue next knuckle will reiii-csj.i
February with its less numUrof day
And thus every rmajth that corresponds' I
a knuckle will be Wind to contain thirt
.lo itflv-o ,,!
...... an't uveiv 11 on in,,t
ponds to a depression a less number 0f
Oil .
The little finger will represent July, and
!""'."'". .' with tlie fotc ii-,
K.iucKle, it stands for August, and from
m ,,. f ? " f'("1,ltlnS trough the
.-1. ..1...... ,t , JVUI.
I1TP'I a Trick on Ills Patient.
. ceiei raie.1 j-reucli physician, li ord
! i .1 i"''' ""'"S a,c boulevard
... ..ins, ,uu ue met an old cent Cin
wno was very rich, but who was nt the
-..I... uoicu loriiisextremeslinginess.
xUU ui man, who was somewhat of a
hypoediondriac imagined that he could get
some medical advice from liicord without
!!,.of'lor' nm fRe!inK v'ery poorly;
V here do you suffer most "
"In my stomach, doctor "
o--. 17Ul wul your loni'ni
so I can examine it closely " lonoue:
1 he invalid did flU hrt U-no 1.1) A r
he hud we,-,,,,! "iui"- A"t
"vv .ooeuiiy lor llliout ten tto'n
ules, he opetiH hi. P.-L ,i ?,'
self surrounded by a 'crowd w " .. """
New re for nftu
seh,, V'"lWK'er0f K,
known as
H I ,a n....l.. , -
v iias mr several v,rii i .,
birge evft!ora.or o what , re
eider app .-s " ti ' V"re
. - IJIiH IlllII'D
thoroughly dry th. .,, .1 " 1L""' .
wis'a,r,: i";, i!m
1 . . I "-""' MI.U II HI It If ll. t..,,
pies, j are hen l.ii.i.,i a, 1
sugar barrels
can be pressed
die rmmu.
where they arc i . 'T."' t :,-.", r"' "l'"jr
is generally undtrsu od tr,CMer; it
enter, into the T "01 So J1 "f '
RWnc, and oth r X f '"""'lne,
An'hsh nnncr in. . , ...
an old German who 1 a i ' , R,J0nt
that on its lock Limf . nvcnlc'1fts,ife
throws open Cfoo
nlfin In
Pl to Europc-fro Ta H lY '"P-
ports. A few years i 1, , m
I'rrullni 11 leu of (icorsla C I r I .
It is a fact that young ladies iu the
various communities have many n ays of
handling their tongues, and in" Mime in
stances unanimity makes a cert-tin move
ment elinr:teteri,tie. People v. ho have sat
next to Hesleyan College girls nl a musi
cale will Ix-ar witness lo the fact that their
tongue movement is never hu extension,
but vibratory, like the concert of grena
dier bla kbirds.
On the other hand, the Atlanta girl
talks fast, and as she gasps for breath iu
Ihe periods where she ferns inti rttiption
thrusts her tongue out to its fullest length
and begirn the next sentence with and,"
which is thrown Iu a a claim upon vour
The dear little Savannah girl rattle,
away like infantry In a pitched Intttie, and
ihtersjicrscs her conversation with laugh
ter, during which she throws her head
back as if lo have her tonsils examined,
and lets the musical member Sag in its
The girls of Augusta mid Albany are
very much alike in many things; among
others, iu the way they conceal their
tongues. They smile and converse gently
and the ripple of their laughter i Viln n,
soiinu 01 a iinsiK running on pebbles hi
tinner u rns ami clinging willows, but m.t
n glimpse 01 woman's weapon dolhey per
mil. '1 he Augusta and Albany girls marry
very young. J
i he .Macon girl chews guni, and gives a
...... eAoioinoii 01 incpuik end of her
dainty tongue. The memlK r is worn in
the shape of a Fr. Iich roll while she mas
ticates the unresisting hut indestructible
quid; and as s,c labor, (mSi cuKenire
seml-circhu inclose her mouth like brackets
around an interpolation, and she i for the
tune being voiceless, for the "gulick, gui
lt k, gull, k." that if Ixmie to the ear is not
a voice but merely Miction cauws! by
Ihe teeth entering d leaving the chewing
gum. Anybody who has beard a cow walk
through a mudhoh: win understand the
sound attempted in the th script ion Ju,
a d that the Macon girl uLre she 1"."
PKuni waslhc.wtx-testliitle creature In
, ",rl11. J no one ever thought eo,.
.Km her tongue, after catching sight o
whh V P .l'y('S' . n0lie W,1,lt fciie
with it. Perhaps she will reform some
i , - sa
" i"rins the
root liaj
The filth and stpiahir of f',
, eis-"-.""i loois ry arc t, J
v..,.,...,,.. u me pi,,,,, on ms
! . .isi air me
power 111 lbi: l.unj, ami K f,
i-l.'itts Ihe-n- gentry have
111:11 11, e iri-nsure wi
thfilin it ion in Mifcty
ineiu .uncial,), magistrate., and ,,J
' "s-oin. ciavs. J 1...
(picuiiy very ra ti and try t K. tuJ
' I , ti.... ....... t , 1 r
1 .'lien OUT! i, I long ( jmi
vr,.- ,.! f t 1 i.:. . . s- 'i.
. .. ...... . ........ 1 nun 10 : a virvtiJ
mini Ul II ll-liow. JU I i,;e.e jljjj,
rl- I'" l uii.i, in, anil Is 1 in. pviJ
.,ii. 1 inn 110,, lie. ne k t, !v r((.i
IH'IKI-S a visit to Yk;!l j cokuI
iM-iween fMi.iitiu and f7h,"u. J'M J
ia 11 i w i alien ion ai u.t.
i.ncienl city. Ho pr.dt
wiiu liett lo Anient a and Am
i ticro are stili mo, 10c, ,,f
laud not taken tin in Chi ,:., mul tU
vet jitim lor lour tuiii proetu
tat on; luit once let th, , know f 1
ttij icw Know at M,-eiiii
r- 1 1 if .,,! (1. . I r ' . . ,
.' '"v 101 iiiaiiiiif m
nere, 1111,1 iiit-y wouiil pour in In
tnillii.tis, by fair or foul mums. ',
tbat our retn lion n' t cannot
b'y carried out''
i '.l fJ
' f 1'HB iJ
: tl l
A Girt a a Car r.,n.i..
dAn.A,nS"!'la J0U"K htly nl 'occasion to
SCt S3 COIldllClnr nn . .1 .1
ot.,. i,i . , ears
;. v ce unucr itecu arcircum
fiance. In company with another y Z
lady she was rid in fr. it.-....... Jn
fndby mistake in ZT:
with on unusually loud sound that
the driver lo lake his ev ir .1... .
.ti. ,'.r. , . r.'-. u
, ' Hner willing t;f ,ow-
hey also nothwl fill
J lift niftrif. n.. L.,1 t . . .
i" i"o c mem in llie direction
W'X As his optics csught
the glass tolioggKn
ouUtretchitl ha. ,1
of Change," Tl, t..t. .1.7. V "
hr to collect three, hrvtZ"
gm as they entered the c" Mco & Z
wou d dobMM .r,y "" W
wh 1 '1 d,;d ha liwe- "od from a tri.
who boarded t in t r -u 1 .. ' " ,rl
loneliZ', ln two n""l' oflj".'
Jjonol.,000 tons were shipped to Lly
nf a.h.i svhuiot me amoiiii:
of her deficiency, thus balaneimr 1,..,,.. ,
wnu the company's treasury. 0
Th Koin - M . an
holy nr,f..r """ "Y sisters of 1
a distlmniisiL Wk 'u 01 '
the .lle uS it wSFttffi
hatl followed III T. b
l.on.loii Unwl ." Surri-illoJ
to Iu Trcu tm ftit.
ll would lie interesting if n lensmi
to U- taken with a view to a-u-namn
treatment of scarlet fever wsiim
vogue imioiijf pmctllioiiirs today.
mxsi-l Hint not n Inc. hsid - raLk- pirf
01 ium line nouill lull In Ihe M ul
juxiam-y, by whtt h tiin-t l, ucJm;
tlie hIim-ik of tiny attempt to aj-.-ot
cour-c ,t iik; malady, ecmhinoi i
gleat wtilchfulnets ot the v. icsflOM
.v ii.nioiciii in me iiiii-i, cuiL'rrou,
iiik Hioroiu lUieiioiiieiKi. ,,. tin-J
1 , , r - .. .. t
ep.ueillie IS lor III" lllo-j ,ari a
nature, mil consulerab!'- attention Iim
lie !fi veil to the throat. H,h Mt-m
sillier in a marked tngree, tlie glami
neioiig iieing rorre-isindiriirtv uisrk
Hence it wd! be found that trsrgjesof
kinds, tintl csH-cially those of mi anlU j
nature, lire freely u-ed. logi-tlwr witlm
l "'v"'! of viirituis tlegn , of hml i
inoisiure npidted to the net k. lhl p
iitiontra, evert thoso of ih. ino-t n;4
ant scfatHila, employ b.picat ai-!ii!:
to the throat and no. Many artfcle
used 10 relieve the tliirst ni .l m-ii-.HiiJ
dryness, hut nothing is mtite tffefj
than ice and a little rasplierry viuegar
is iiiiMiiiniii, to keep tin- mxfl
Hiid iiasiil passages st and
for ctrebrat symptoms, duUJ
Is IM-Iter Ihtin ihe
tton of cold, cither in the mi'il forni
hut wmkt-d In ice water and applied to
shaven head, r,r in the more i itx-lino
11,:. . . , ....
none tuoes, wiin irrigation, ( nmpreH
oi ttie carotid arteries am bin, in
st ldoiu practiced nowadays, either in 4
let or any other fever. .Void' in mis
dow-s, fretiiieiilly repeated, is (-till the
vorile drug of many nnu, lititi
employment needs fheextrci-c of cliM
diM-ntlmn. esjiecially in childn n. Artj
bathing in cool or tepid water is prsriJ
tiy ma lew pbysichms, though I lie i
U-rof pbysh inns who recomuienil the
of cold or tepid fixmgitig, the pa!
tying ln l.u on a mackmlosb, tiniicars
be largely on the Iik Mo-t of j
alleged srxxlfic and curative agents hi
long since lapsed Into distrcdit. Rl
tlonim finds but few adherents and carl
ate of Bmmoula almost none. CousidJ
able difference of opinion exist uo
merits of inunction with fal. cold eral
and the like, two of the most recent
thors on tho diseases of children Uki
opimslte views. Dr. Goodhart advocstt
and Dr. Augcl Sloney opjosiiig tbe ul
versai inunction, lliough tlie taller see
oojcction lo rellevln-r Ihe leiision ot
palim and soles bv the ntiiilinitioD
geoline or vaseline scented with tueslj
roltonail br CIrMt-.
Walter Pierce, a young man of I
whose home is at Gloversvillc, N. V., H
a close call recently. He is addicted to
gareltes, and took advantage of his visit
Albany to enjoy bin self to his fullest'
pacity, smoklug several pm kngm 'I'
Of Jute lie has complained at times of h
ing tirowsy, nml thought tlie eignri-ii
notjifrree with him The seiiuel shf
that they did not. One day after break"
be smoked nlmiit nfiifii no l then 1
Into the narlor of bis mini's house to I
down. When rnlh-il for dinner he
found in an unconscious state, wi1
body perfectly rigid. Tlie frightened f
ily called in Dr. Schill, who r.s ognit
the symptoms, and after working overl
victim lor several hours cut lilin in n
tiallv ooi mal condition. The doctor i
the young man w ill recover, and Uicytm
mau says lie is done with cigarettes
A Rnra-lar llolil.
A Portland (t lr,-,r,,iil luiiehir. "I
raid Intra honu on (Vinirress s! reel. '
ened a young woman In one of the ru
The gallant jimmy put his bund over'
mmiili lfUtt nn',-ii,n,,o-lv nniltw
..... , Binw, Mv, .,,',.....,,, ..
"Kieil mill uie I a-oii'l hurt villi. AH
wlillt iu llMt lrl..tu,u " Klin imillHged
" - - lilX.l.. .....w - .
rouse ilia bouse, when with a P1"'
"fi.Mu' . Ill.rlll uie " ! DllHIKr from S S"'
dow, .iviiig'eveiy porta ble art it Ieofv
in iue inom and mm 01 money.
bis hul behind nn,l it wes hung n
rack In tbe front hall to give the poli
clew, nd tlm faini v He n r. I red. '
tho burglar returned and ioW the hat-