The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 17, 1891, Image 2

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L. J. SIMMONS, Proprietor.
Jmy Gooid la UillmU Health.
Nkw York, Sept lO.-'The Record
wye: "Jay Gould iu oa Wall street
Wednesday for the first time ainoe hia
western trip! Hia appearance im
startling. He looked haggard. He was
deathly pale, and hia eyes were sunken
Hia hands were trembling and his voice
quivering. 'An overworked man,' was
the coment of those who saw him.
When he stepped from his private oar
he was congratulated on his improved
looks. Three days had wrought a mar
velous change in him. Five years ago
last January Mr. Gould gave up busi
ness on account of his 'health. His at
fairs were taken in charge by his eon
George J. Gould, and conducted with
ability. The panic of last November
and the succeeding events drew Mr.
Gould back into the financial maelstrom
His DhvBical do w era were gone, how
ever. The trip to the-west' followed.
and from bis looks it does not seem too
much to say that he must give up busi
neas cares entirely. His affairs will b
put in the hands of his sons, Geoige J
and Edwin, both men grown. Mr
Gould appreciates the importance of hit
health. He keeps with him almost con'
stantly Dr. John P. Munn, a physician
of high reputation.
LocomotlT Boiler Explosion.
Owes Bat, L. L, Sept. 10. Th
boiler of a locomotive of the regular
passenger train on the Long Island rail
way, scheduled to leave here at 7:06, ex
oloded Wednesday morning with ter-
riflo force while the train was standing
at the station. Engineer Donaldson,
Fireman Dickenson, and Brakeman
Mahonev were instantly killed, their
bodies being thrown some distance and
horribly mutilated. Ihe locomotive
was completely wrecked. There was a
large numer of passengers on board the
train, but so far as known none were
seriously hurt The windows of the
cars were shattered and some of the
passengers were thrown to the floor, re
ceiving slight cuts and bruises, besides
being badly shaken up.
Another Br the Gas Beats.
Toledo, O. Sept. 10.-At 8 o'clock
Wednesday morning James Boyd and J.
B. Elsase of WaynwburgJStark Jcounty
Ohio, were found asphyxiated in a room
in the Hotel Jefferson in this city.
Boyd was dead when found, but Elsoas
" will nrobablv recover. They came to
Toledo Tuesday night on business and
retired about twelve o'clock. The
chambermaid noticed a strong smell of
illuminating gae coming from thei
room in ihe morning, and knocked on
tbe door. Failing to receive a response
the door was forced and the men were
found as stated. It'is a case of carelees
turning on or blowing out gas. They
were respectively president and secre
tary of the Waynesburg brick company
and came to Toledo to close a large coo-
tract for supplying tire brie for atreet
paving purposes.
Important Decision.
Dubuque, Ll, Sept. 10. Judge Nej
of the state district court tiled an im
portant decision of a case of the Iowa
railway commission against tbe Chicago
Milwaukee k St. Paul railway company,
Fengler and Schwaegler had shipped
to them some time ago several car loads
of fuel oil from Lima, O. The cars
came from Chicago over the Chicago,
St. Paul k Kansas City, and as the
yards of the consignees could only be
reached by the Milwaukee road, the
latter had to switch the cars in about
three miles. The Milwaukee company
charged from 113 to 915 per car for
this switching, the charge being greatly
in excess of the joint switching rates
fixed by the state railroad commission.
Ob complaint of the consignees, the
commission ordered the company to
switch the can at the rate fixed; the
costpanv refused and the case went into
court. Judge Ney holds that the con
tract between Fengler and Schwaegler
and the oil oompany at Lima, O, is an
interstate oommerce contract, and the
board of railroad commissioners of Iowa
ha no jurisdiction to remedy the griev
ances arising thereunder and the plain
tiffs petition is dismissed. The cast
will now go to the aunreme court on
iMcatlaaslaa- Paaaan Caaal AflUra.
Paris, Sept 10. The houses of several
premoters of tbe Panama canal com
pany were visited by ? the polios
with a view to obtaining additional vi
danoa for use in the investigation of the
affairs of the company.
iTlahe. .
LoKDOjr, Sept. 10. Steamship City of
New York frem New York, Sept. 2, for
Liverpool, passed Brown d. Her
time to Faetnet was 6 days, 22
boors and 30 minutes wJtish breaks the
Pabib, Cnt, 10. In the academy of
medlstno IS Prooai aanonnosd that
feoSm (, tbe east was Bearing
iUetM 7 i CH great danger to
lwnag fc-.otmen gnK.
Ibt Wfestvti tttj Bk CO oot fcw
to se&er M titan they do ler an in-
tike mow la winter arewU
kit te Mfg tart m&r
A Tremendous Explosion Just
Djeaaite Beridlr FoUlo to (he Boar.
New Yobk, Sept 1L General Abbott
and Colonel Mordecay arrived at Fort
Hamilton shortly after 10 a. m. We J nee
Jay and mad a final test of tbe new
chemical high explosive compound
known as terrorite. Holes were dug in
tbe ground six feet deep at the north
western corner of the fort A hollow
shell of copper was then filled with
twelve pounds of tbe explosive end
packed sith cotton. The shell was
then placed in the impovised pit and
covered solidly with earth to the sur
face. It was exploded by means of an
ordinary prime. The detonation was a
long, muffled one, without any smoke
but a volume of earth, weigbing fully
a ton was hurled through tbe air in al
most every direction, risicg to a height
of twent-tiva lo lifty feet The enorm
ous force of terrorite was evidence by
the crater which it made around the
pit, and which measured nearly twelve
feet in diameter. The same quantity
of dynamite or nitro glycerine would
not have done half as much damage.
Four shells were fired in all with prac
tically the same results, while the
weight of the charge was changed in
each instance:
In addition to its greater destructive
force the new explosive offers advan
tages heretofore sought in vain. It can
be handled more safely than gun
powder, which adds to ita value in war
fare. Its force can also be regulated,
and it is claimed to be at least four
times as powerful as dynamite. Ter
rorite is not effected by jarriag or jolt
ing, and so its transportation in cars or
ships does not endanger life.
Dynamite cannot be relied upon after
it has been stored for a Lumber of years.
The inventor of terroite claims that its
quality will not deterrorate unde- any
conditions. This of course is a matter
of conjecture, as the United States en
gineering crops has not yet been able
to tost this claim, frequent changes
of temperature, even below the freez
ing point do not effect terrorite to tbe
came extent as dynamite, nor does it
disintegrate in contact with iron, copper
brass, zinc or and other metal,
i The chief value of tbe new efplosive
is that it can be used for artillery pur
poses. It can be safely fired with gun
powder from any rifle or mortar, At
the moment of explosion tho shell
bursts wita greater force than if it
were filled with ordinary oowder. Ter
rorite can also be used in charging tor
pedoes or submarine mines. A shell of
solid steel weighing 1,000 pounds
thrown from a twelve inch Bteel rifle
and filled with this explosive would
not only pierce sixteen-inch armor, but
mould prove very destructive, when
ite contents were distributed.
Terrorite is an American invention,
Tbe Mexican government has pur
chased the right to use it both on land
and water. Mexican artillerymen say
they are highly satisfied with the result
Kmith Will Not be Removed.
Dfsver, Sept, 1L George Coppell,
chairman of the board of directors of
the Denver k Rio Grande railroad, ar
rived in Denver Wednesday morning.
He was seen by a United press corres
pondent ' this afternoon. "As has
been announced, the resignation of
President Moffat and General Manager
Smith have been accepted; but Mr.
Smith will remain in charge of the road
until his successor is appointed. Who
will be tbe new officer I cannot say at
present but the people of Colorado may
rest assured that a man will be elected
who is well acquainted with the west
and in whose hands the interests of
Colorado will be safe. The report that
another company has secured the con
trol of tbe Rio Grsnde is without any
foundation whatever.
Settled at Lest.
Washington, Sept 1L The Star
says that the Itata is to be returned to
the Chilian government in accordance
with the terms of compromise effect
ed at a conference between Ex-mayor
Grace of New York and the Chilian
congressional representatives here on
one hand and Secretary Tracy and
Attorney General Miller on the other.
It is an unconditional surrender of tbe
vessel, and a simple back down on the
part of tbe United States, though i is
generally agreed now that the
Itata could not be held by tbe United
States. The terms of the agreement
are that tbe Chilian government is to
pay the United States a sum equal to
the expense incurred in pursuing and
capturing the Itata and that the case
will be nolle pressed in the court and
the veseel. turned over to the new
Chilian government
Oaae Ordered.
Rone, Sept 1L The Italian govern
ment baa seat an urgent order for 3,000
rifles to the Tern I factory and has in
traotod General RleatU to minutely in
apeet the forta in the Aliine district
VxanvA, Sept. iL The welling of
toWBmBteiaatfeeaMbat caused oon-
bniUc- loa of Hfe and property.
fU$j factories were destroyed and sev
C?i PVMM drowned. .,
A Bloody Plot Polled
BoeTON, Mass., Sept 11. The arrest
of James E. Cutler by the Boston
police has spoiled a diabolical scheme to
murder and rob, and brought to light
a collection of infernal machines suf
ficient to blow up half the city.
Cutler's sister oarrel Lutber II.
Rowe, a wealthy manufacturer. Mr.
Rons' home is at Melrose, but b:s
manufa'tory if at Haverhill. Cutler
was angry because Lis wealthy brother-in-law
refused to advance as much cuh
as his extravagant tastes demanded and
tried to take hia life. In 188 he made
the first attempt and wax arrested and
sentenced to two yearn' imprisonment.
As eoon as he was released he again
laid his plans to secure his brother-in-law's
wealth. He loomed on Chancers
street and after his arrest tbe nature
of his plot was revealed.
His original plan was lo blow up bis
victim. He laid in a big stock of giant
powder, nitro glycerine, dynamite nd a
regular arsenal of firearms. In addition
to these weapons be has mary bombs
ready fcr use. Hie original echewe was
to conceal a bomb in an umbrella and
leave it in Mr. Howe's hinds. Upon re.
flection he decided that there was too
much danger to himoelf in that plan, so
be abandoned it for the plan of blowing
up the bouse. But that might involve
the dettsuction of bis sister and that
scheme was gives up.
Lost Wednesday he confided his plan
to an old friend, William Butler, lie
and Butler bad worked together in the
same shop. He asked Butler's ass st
ance in removing Rowe, and promised
him half of the money that waeexpected
as a result of the crime. Butler at first
thought the whole matter was a joket
but when be discovered that Cutler was
really bent on burder and robbery, he
pretended to approve of the scheme in
order to hold the man's confidence and
tben be revealed the plot to the police.
Cutler's plan was to have been
put in operation. He was at the
rendezvous waiting for bis accomplice
when tbe police arrested him. He and
Butler were to have proceeded to Mr.
Rone's bouse in Melrose. Butler was
to ring the bell, and it was anticipated
that Rowe would answer the bell in per
son. As soon as he opened the door,
Cutler was to shoot him. If be missed
his aim. Butler was to open fire. Then,
having disposed of Mr. Rowe, the two
were to cover Mrs. Rowe with their re
volvers and fon-e her to give up all the
money and valuables in the house. In
case she refused, she, too was to be
Thry Hare been Arrated.
Pailadelphia, Sept. 11. Warrants
were issued Wed net day afternoon for
tbe arrest of the merchactile appraisers
of f niladelpma. The warrants are
based upon charges by City Treasurer
Wright that the appraisers, Meters
Patton, Crawford, Houseman, Hunter
and Belle, have unlawfully conspired to
cheat and defraud the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania by making and return
icg false lifts of taxables and false re
turns of the classification of such t ar
ables; by making unlawful exemptions,
by adding the names of dead and flcti:
tious persons to tbe list of tsiab'es and
receiving fees therefor, and in other
ways cheating and defrauding tbe com
monwealth, with intent to make great
gains for themselves. .Patton and Hun
ter having given bail for their appear
ance Monday. Tbe others bave not
yet been found.
I n; 11 Be Rrcaau.
Cleveland, O., Sept 11. Bishop
Leonard, of tbe Episcopal church Tues
day made public his decision in the
case of Rev. Howard MacQueary of
Canton, O , whose attorneys recently
moved for a modification of the sentence
passed upon bim Bix months ago. Mr
MacQueary was originally suspended
from the university for six months, to
be deposed at the end of that time if he
still refused to recant his heterodox
utterances. The bishop now changes
that sentence to perpetual suspension
until Mr. McQueary shall recant
This does not conflict with tbe canons
of tbe church, and while it leaves tbe
accused still .a minister he cannot
preach until he has conformed to the
bishop's orjer.
Dhuutroiu S arm.
Halifax, N. S., Sept 11. A fearful
gale which prevailed in this re
gion Monday night was very disastrous
to shipping on tbe coast, several vessels
being dashed to pieces in this harbor
and other damage done. Half of the
Intercolonial railroad bridge, at the nar
rows disappeared and the grain stored
at the Intercolonial elevator was carried
away. Trees and fences, telephone and
telegraph wires were b'own down in
the city and a vast amount of damage
done. Advices from outside the city
show the gale was felt in ag parte of
the province, but no serious damage
' Co). Joke. U. Lee Dead.
New Yobk, Sept 1L Colonel John
G. Lee, formerly of tbe United 8tetee
army and division aid on the staff of
the major-general commanding the na
tional guard of Pennsylvania, was
found dead in bed Wednesday morning.
Death was due to apoplexy.
Tee Meek open.
London, Sept 11. Alexander k Son,
oern brokers, have failed. Liabilities,
1,870,900; assets, 27,000. They at
tribute their failure to losses incurred
sHanlnf, Vfsv in seeculatioaa in mdn
A Wealthy Vouiiar Lady Has Had
Her'e TlireaU'iie I, and
It is Feared Sin Has
i e tu Harm.
Tried to Ki. h t.ortord of Ihe
Mum of blc;o.
Chk-aoo, Sept li-M.os Ave, a
w.,.ithv English woman who tame to
Chicago recently to raie the slandand
of living in the slums, is reported to the
police as missing. She has ben stopping
at the residence of Rev. Dr. Bolton.
Last evening Miss Ava and Mrs. Bolton
drove to the Jesuit church, on the west
side. Miss Ava eutered the building,
telling hercompaLion that she intended
having a few minutes conversation wth
the priest. Mrs. Bolton waited a half
hour and finally became alarmed when
Mips Ava did not return. She re
n,?uiueied the missionary liadepoken t.f
receiving Utters in which
and feared she had come to harm. Mrs.
Bolton at once notiiied the police. De
tective who were sent out learned from
the priest at the church that Miss Avo
had called and after tifteen minutes
oonvertation about religioua matter
had gone away. All attempts to gain
any clue to her whereaboutB after that
time have thus far been fruitless.
Miss Ava is Baid to be very wealthy
and baa devoted ber time and mone) to
indulging her hobby for "slumming."
Her frimds say her crusade against
wrong made her many enemies, who
have threatened her Ufa She came to
Chicago the lirst of last month to carry
ou the work which she had aeciuii-ed
fume for doing in London. Several days
Ho she bought a house nn the wvst
t.dc Francis Mingay and family who
have charge of the house, are much
mystified over the disoppearnce. Mr.
Mingay said he could not imagine what
had become of Miss Ava. When she
first came here he said she (
complained that she was afraid the
Catholics would take her life. Tuesday
she received a lett-r and when she rend
it she became excited. Mingay has no
idea why she should have gone to the
Catholic church.
Mrs. Dr. Bolton in an interview said:
Miss Ava was received into ber hus
band's congregation (the Centenary
Methodist) on probation about two
weeks ago. They were much impressed
with her zeal in missionary work and
her Christian character. Mrs. Bolton
sa:d she had accompanied Miss Ava to
the Jesuit college a number of timeei
Out there was nothing in the young
lady a life to show that she waa in any
way partiul to the Catholic religion.
Miss Ava never told Mrs. Bolton the
object of her visit to the college and
the latter hod never asked. Mrs. Bol
ton SRya that the day Miss Ava disap
peared she waited at the door for fully
two hours and a half and when she did
not &Tic;ir she made inquiry which was
Father Fitzgerald, president of the
Jesuite college, said: "About 0 o'clocjt
Thursday night Father Kelley, who s
pastor of the church connected with
this institution, informed me that he
had been paid a visit by a lady shortly
after 7 o'clock, and after an interview
led her to tbe church connected with
the building, that she expreesod a de
sire to pray and that he left her in the
church. He noticed her carriage still
at the door and, at my suggestion, we
sought for her in tbe church. The
Priflplimon Innn.i.i.. ..1. .... .1
w. ...... ocaiiUK BUOUl lIBl timij
and expressing fears for Mine Ava's
safety, we made a thorough search of
the entire church, but found no tac
if her."
On The Lunkonl fur War.
Londo.v , Sept. 12.-A Berlin dispatch
ays that the utterance of M. De Fley
cinet, 'he French miniate' for war, in
favor of peace, are not regnrdoo as of
much weight in O rmany, owing to the
fa-;t that tbe Bttitcde of the French
people remains so resolutely hostile and
that that of Russia is virtually aggres
sive. It is not believed however, that
war will beg.n on 'he Franco-Prussian
frontier, but that the drama will be
open at Constantinople. The news
from that point has for several days
overcome in iaterest anything heard
from France, and the opinion is openly
expressed that a collision will shortly
take place between tLe British and the
porte, unless the sultan chooses to yield
to England! demands. It he defies
Lard Salisbury he may expect to see
the Russians, under pretext of assist
ing him, promptly occupy Constant!
nople, and if he doe. give in to the
British then the Rn..l.. u u
uowiue nis
enemies. Ihe sulten is.aid to be most
ro.jMeieu over the situation and angry
at tbe dismissed
. a, wuuiu U ao-
ousei of Laving got him into the di.
Ida mm at
Be.lnedoa Acoou.t of Poor Health
St : Louie, Mo, 8ept U-S. H. Son
neschienofthweity, one of the best
known Jewish rabbis in the United
States, his tendsred hu resignation u,
U the temple hugrently lmptir4(1 bi.
health .o much so, i fMt th,t h(
rtiigaation and a long rest were imper-
He) will ko to Europe.
A Brilllaol A Voir.
I'asia Sept 1- A banquet was giv
en VauoVvere by De Freyclnet minister
of war to the French generals taking
part in tbe army maneuvers, and to tie
military attaches watching them, was s
uit brilliant afTair. Ia fact the ban.
quet may be said to have been more
than a mere complimentary feait It
m apparently selected as the o caiou
for the French government through
De Freycinet, to give utterance tc iU
view upon the peace prospecU of Eu
rope. De Freycinet during the course of a
speech, made special reference to the
Pacific tendencies of France. The lead
ing idea of tbe maneuvers, he said, waa
to throw light on and give exercises in
the duties of commander-in-chief. The
result showed that supreme command
worked salibfact-irily as to army corps
and diisional commands. This was a
very considerable reault and be con
gratulated every one on it, from the
soldier in the ranks to the commander
Xext year, cmtinu-1 the minister of
war, the territorial will for the
tirst time take part ia the army maneu
vers, and he trusted tbe generals would
continue their efforts tj perfect the
army, which was the principal element
of France's influence in ti e world. The
progress made by the French army was
clear evidence of the fict that the gov
ernment of the Republic, in spite of sur
face changes, waa capable of long con
ceived deKigrjft,
Nobody, M. De Freycinet said, now
doubts that we are strong or that we
shall prove to be wise. We know how
to maintain our calmness and dignity
.n the days of misfortunes which have
paved the way to recuperation. Loud
.The Kuseian General Frederick, dean
of the foreign military attaches, pro
posed a toaMt to De Freycinei and Gen
eral Sausbier, to the splendid French
troops and their valiant coun
trymen, who had received the foreign
visitors with such cordiality and cour
tesy. The toat was drank w ith great
The Awful Convulolons of the KarUi at
Son NoWoflor.
San Salvador, Sept IX Millions of
dollars worth of property and many
lives were destroyed in this republic by
nn earthquake Thursday. Whole
towns were destroyed and as far as ad
vices received here indicate, hardly a
city in the country except thoKe along
the coast escaped the awful elTecta of
the com ulsion.
The panic stricken people of this city
flocked to the ojien grounds ouUtide the
city, where temporary shelters were put
up. Here many horses have fallen.
The towns throughout the country suf
fered more severely. Analvuinto and
Comaaagula were completely destroyed
while Con jutepeque, Santa Toe I a, San
Pedro and Masahut were so badly shak
en that they arcrpractically ruined. The
Bhook waa plainly felt and did some
damnge at Saatu Aim and Susimpeque
fully fifty miles from here.
It iB impossible now to form any idea
as to the number of lives lotit. To
people were killed there, though there
were many almost miraculous escapoa
from death. It ia feared many people
were killed la the siiiallor towns.
Imiirop rljt Aptl!e I.
Ottawa. Out., Sept. l'i-The railway
committee has prepared a report on the
''act respecting the Baie de Chaleure
Railway company." Regarding the
charge that out of certain n.oneja
amounting to f'JSO.OOO authorized by
the government of the nmvmn ,.t
Quebec to be paid to the company on
accouiitof subsidies granted by this
legislature, a sum amounting to 817.". -
000 was retained aud properly applied
to purpoees other than the construction
and completion of said railway, the com
mittee linds that the charge is proven
and that among those who profited by
the misapplication were Hon. M. Mr-
cier, premier of the province of Quebec-
non. v. l'e;ietier, Hon. C. Langlier, Hon
FrnrxMir Langlier, J. I. Tarte and E'
Criminal Mai profiler.
Lynn, Mass., Sept lZ-I)r. W. II.
Jackson, a botanical practitioner and
worm powder manufacturer, waa ar
rested, charged with having caused the
death of Mrs. Flora Tagney. a widow,
on vV'ednosday afternoon, by criminal
malpractice. Jesse A. Mason was ar
rested as an accessory. Jackson waa
known to have been intimate with the
wom-in and when she died auddnnW nn
Wednesday an outopy was held which
revealed the fact that an abortion had
been committei, Jackson and Mason
will have a hearing.
Th Foneral ororevy.
Paris, Sent 12. The f.m.r.i .
O . ....... ,
revy will take place on Monday at
Moat Souis, Vaudrey. unless the cabi
net dec des for a funeral with publio
honor-, io which the deceased is en-
uuou as a rorraer president
Almoetllut rolled.
Detroit, Michaept,Bsrtha Mo
Pheraon , and Ella Whitney, notorious
colored thievee, ne,r. pTimi' "
-ten. m the floor of lW W.yn.P J
nil lburaday u.ght with a bath tub
eg and a large spike paesed in to them
by colored frendV Turnkey BoanUu
heard suspicious sound, in thenSiht.
lork ' Wti0n ut "p to the
work. If th. women had suooseded i
amoving the atoae they wMhavVsJ
looted an escape for thirteen iailUrZ
Th bu-inef j mt.u 0 j-
an increased trade.
Awn of ILLowreyof KtaJ
his thumb badly luas & -J
a clothes wringer. 1
. M. lWker of hjivrt CJ
UUu h.iju) up shts-p ura, vldlJ
A. W. VanXtvMjofMiurtj
the orvund time beta acquitted I
charge of rape. ' I
"Com is rapidly maturkj-l
encouraging report that comJ
all part of the state.
The 12 year-old jya of ,1
fjett of Wakefield had LU arm I
)v a f-dl from a horse. I
Clay Center has a ntw race J
which ber citirens are very p,J
is said to be us good u to. J
state. 1
Several farmers in ti. ricJ
Harvard rejiorted Laving Q
and threshed over twenty bmj
llax to the acre.
Levi Kice, a car;x-iiter of J
was ad judged itisaue by J
board of conimiusiotitri atdJ
Mitit to the asylum.
'Ihe )rd national Laiik Laa J
dcred its charter and oTjjaiiutd
the slate law. Joh'i 1". Baron, J
limits to be cashier for the inJ
corn. 1
William ISowcn, near MaartvJ
from a load of hay and iJighirtl
the aharp tJm-g ol a fork in nrtl
nor that one ol his legs wai J
lacerated. 1
Thire)- & Indian girls J
through Columbus on their wajl
Denver, where they have U-ea 1
inii school, to iJovil's take, 1
where their tribe reihlfs. 1 tSirmht-rs are kd
work in close proximity to M
Mr. I). Wolfe, a farmer iu that r J
has sold the llobteiit gram J
l.tJXJ bushels of hU grain. I
(ieorge W. Trcneni, mayor of I
eu l!ow, and a prominent fc J
man, has absconded, lie is fc-J
to Ihe extent of S:W,m Hu J
partner, W. Hewitt, h m failei I
consequence of Trenern'a rascaL'.i
C. T. Harts of 'Wakefield rwttj
and for one-third of tftu crop. I
all c-xpeimcs wcru paid Ins share ol
crop netted him 5 per acre, or II
cent on land worth $.".u jr acre. I
Peter Pearson of Moaience hwJ
near Fairmont, who some weeks J
whik riding on a load of f'.ai frJ
breaking his leg and receiving icj
injuries, died from their eltects.
, (Jus Wellner, a Chevetino count?
nier, sowed twenty bushels vl (j(
and thiesl.ed fcvO bushels, five of
and threshed 270 bushels, two bu
of oafs und threshed 121 liU&Utk
cau beat It?
A. I 1J xby of Columbus had a
young colt In C. H. Sheldon's ja
aud waa informed that home one
shot it In tho breast. The gun :
have been dose to the colt, a
wounds are all iu the pace of a li
J. P. Parr, who was shot by a
by the name- of .Scliultz near li
Inland a few days ago, is in a crJ
condition. One ball has bent real
from him, but there Is another in
body and It depends on the couri
took as to whether or not lie will
'J'lie mortgage indebtedness
merit of County tlerk liieckuiai
(ward county for llio month of dhows that the a-uount of ini
ednesif paid oft' whs nearly twice
amount of new mortgages lik-o.
is a most excellent showing, and
too before the new crop has come
Mr. and Mrs. Lovall of Itasi
met with a creat bereavement In
loss of two children from diplitln
One died .Monday afternoon, the o
at 11 o'clock .Monday night. 1
were buried at 4 o'clock a. m. Tue
as the sanitary rules require a pm
Mineral and burial at an early how
the morn in;;.
The ot her eveniuff while John, a
tie son of Ho. J. 1). Jenkins of F
inont, was handling a pistol beloui
to another boy who was with mi",
gun was accidentally discharged tbe
ciiterinj the palm of his baud, rati
upward and backward and iou
near the surface on the bac oi
'J he other day Dr. l'arker eJ
to tho residence of Hugh Moa'1 l
ber to caro for a little boy vv'io
bwn bitten on the forehead and i
at the fnfu liv n larfe dot'. AIM!
tlwboy is getting along nicely,
doctor ex Dresses some fears of th
mil. (ln nf thn tnetb. be tears, n
I II... 'I'l.a hoV iS 1
three yeais old.
Sohn Hans, a farmer living
miles southwest of Heward, wa
i....... I.t .., Illi a nnw Illl2kji
I t urn Cft
wmcn ue baa ins who uu i
drea, a boy 7 years old and a 'tll A
aged 3 years. When they arn
borne Mr. Hans got out of the bug
and commenced unhitching the u
when two dogs commenced Hw
under the buggy, frlghteiiteg the t
which got away, colliding with
barn and aroashlng the buggy to piw
lr. evened Without lerlOUl
Jury, but the little boy bad a tog H
en and the Utile girl iuttaineu . n
scalp wound.
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