The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 17, 1891, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal,
VOL. 4.
I. J. N'Bimon. Editor and Proprietor.
T.T. I M. V K. ItTimr UluV.
4iln t. .oln hat.
Kniitwl So. , mixed
Satisfaction Guar
anteed in all in
KhllKAsK A.
Ii' the
Nebraska Security
1 InrnriHirntrd.
a rninwjxi) Capital
ttlU IP (.'AI1TAL
OlMili t IKnEMtK, I'r'wtdfnt.
I,HI t.KKI.Aflll, Vlee I'lrsldent,
H. II. ui, Swtvtury.
f. K. rtiiTir, Trmumrer.
II. T. Coxlkt, Allonipy.
We now have on our lists over thirtv
CHOICE FARMS In this county
which we can sell on LONG
MENTS. Parties wisliing to buy or sell should
e the Sw reUry,
lamls bought knd sold on commission.
',' Address,
llnrrlMin, Srbraks.
-Highest market tirie taid for grain
Wtln Harrison Lumber ard.
When von want . irood smoke en In
W'naiwltry one of the "Uiarmer"
n ,.... i
. ... ......... "'lawiil three incnes in diameter ana
wnglum sold two tU of tuu-ncte on w(jihs ab,nlt tUfvC I)0ml,,s ( grew we
"-WaKTVIC TWi l'IUl V.VUwt'l.ntiliei'S
oot. Good waires.
RlCtlAUD DfW. I material from w hich the sugar is formed.
-TDK JM'KNaI. and tlie Wetkhj Iin- Such liel,s when fully matured are cer
w now until January I, 192, for ". I tain to yield a good ht cent of sugar.
W, cash in advance. j On yesterday J. C. Noel, of Ashland,
.-Only 75 cent in cash will secure j Neb., arrived at "Harrison. Ho saw some
iWJw rxaI. and tlie UvA7y live, from i of the advertising matter of the Nebrus
ew until January 1, 1801. ' I ka Security Co. somo time ago and had
Ji,i . .c... . ...... ,i ;., Kome correspondence with them in re-
MKdrioreasI of tl,a ,t,M. fl wl...n vo.i !
"iu v I'imri ...HI. LIIH !RU IH'I M1U in
s ave, liair-t:ut or sliarnfKio.
-iiiake liedroi k price on groce-
Come and see if we don't.
-tCMBKH. First-rlawi native lumliei'
Jai inzles constantly on hand at my
bill o East Boggy, VI miles east of
""W. J. K. Altsr.R.
Snuictc n rinn lum'cl the ini-
fWtuienUon Ukj land recently flbtd on
WJim and now h:w the place and all
"J to go living,
"iktm is to
bo a grand lnll at the
port horn
on rrnlay evening. .N'liV.
The matter w w. 11k. In.iidu of 1).
"tWtandli. A. Cnnmngham and a
p" time is assured. AH r invited to
lan article published in last week's
Mr. Walker seem to reflect on
rjT nuin who lias lieen doing business
e loan companies. VAtUn Walker
liable to bo charged with crimes of
2th Even a loan com
r? Very cantHius as to who shall
"w iV money for investment.
.-Advices from K. Paul. Minn., urge
"Miner to hold their what. The
Clone as follows: "Mold your
? You cannot get left Wheal is
tl-W this yir. You will soon
rt8.0r In view of such tfd
rir farmer will do wfill to hold
"3oriis wtttut in order to get the
Ljf"1 Tlmrsilav E. L. Ormsby arrived .' j
TWWesL H hn a Imnl of 8.000
""eh lie will (vinter ft few miles!
i , . ' " - - - ,
tof town. Tm vimou are be-1
l"re and fSouUi Aiss and are'
lkT1' tf reach Uieir winter nuarlers ;
county about tUt llrsl of No-
Mr. Ilrfi.ul,u ul i.tiul will. IMni
jJJ0" last April and has Iwen on
y,ver since. Tlw Indications are
. tnetv win m nmr,y thousiuids of
1' I8hin nulntti in li., m'.r fo-
Sa.i '!SW of vrf,V "nt' Krain condi-
Wt) ."l B,,, ol,t Uw ,nrU
wKrWii h jfrt-nter tlian was
Tr1' l it i nmlictwl Unit wheat
Cr! tt.Ha and mrUmm
kJT" "lUlfcl a rery short titn
short time,
ul"' Klven to the rarrtti
farmers io
to d'
a set-1
f-T Kurorie mm nownere to m
izPply (Awpt to thdUniUdj.i
except w un u m " i
..a-l '"U.HU-ll Week
1111(1 nn ,n.
ursnale to
take tliem
lMoine as t
Iiere will l ,.i ,.
against ..... " 'nfs
- "". no I
Have not ordered Hie
-V00 to
loan on f:ir....- :
tlllr.T,?' Fa,K0'H Wts whI shoes,
"H! liest m tlie country.
-Mr and Mn. J(m.,,, Klastnev wel-
their home last Tuesday.
lTWe j" ri1veT"K J'H year
est ualenuelon. A r.,ord of the weight
ni.nV "" " '"Klrt in Willi kept
audita award made at the close of the
M'i.ll fin iwlnrwl ,
ti..n.l;.. I . I1MI1M .4.111-
....... , me iraruaiifllesand tlie reKult
may w ar jn t)0 ,1Klr futjre T)je
ar.i.ud .a, ew hi, li has existing all
over Euro, fr so lonp a time cannot 1
t-.i,t.ii.ul mm I, longer and when trou
r. J . il is n"1 aI'1 to "lP ""til
",T ("'iiucai maj) or Europe is very
much chan-e.1. A tfreat ileal of excite
ment was caused hy the action of Great
-The following rcorts of crops have
ln recfiVHl: (;eorKe Walkers outs ,.i bushels is-r acre: Eli Smith
threshed l.V'.J bushels of wheat and 18-t
bushels of oats; Alex Steele threshed 120
bushel of wheat from 4 ai res; Win.
S hluyerpot."."! bushels of wheat from
1 bushels of seed. II. Konrath sowed
"OH K)iinds or seed and threshed H00
hush. Is from the crop. Carl Kroening
had a hltle patch of wheat which yielded
at the rate of over .TO bushels to theatre.
Such returns h:ul oii(,'ht to satisfy most
any one. We want more reort.s as fast
as the threshing is done.
-C. E. Holmes and J. A. Green ar-nv-isl
from Lincoln yesterday. They are
feeling good over the work done at the
state fair. The exhibit from Sioux coun
ty attracted a great deal of attention and
lied forth a ;reat many favorable
comments. Ihev believe that the result
will lie that Sioux countv will secure a
pood many new people. Farmers are
'getting tired of paying from $:i tt "i an
acre rent each year w hen they can pet
land of their own for nothing. Eli
Smith has not yet returned, having
stopped at other ioirits to do missionary
w ork for Sioux county.
As un item of what ran lie done by
raising good stock the following w ill be
of interest: II. H. Hussell, of Glen, was
offered f-IOfl.OO for ten three-year-old
stM;r and declined it. Parties ay that
Mr. Russell ha Uhj lwst cattle in the
county, Thoy are short-hofns, nearly or
quite lull-blood. It costs no more to such cattle than it does to raise lit
tle, ratty enters that will not brincr more
than twenty-live or thirty dollars a
head, .
On last Saturday R F. Thomas
Wouplit " a supar ueet winch comes as
near Ij.ii ng a irfoct specimen of what is
desired by the sugar manufacturersasone
couici uesire. ii is xuiriv incnes long,
nnileifcrouna antl iaiers mceiy irom uie
.,. ,),.. -,l i oi,,,,,l,.l it- i (I ,n al.nn.l.
mice of larire leaves, which dniw the
' .... ,
P"'1 to the country
When he went to
the state fair he bunted out the Sioux
county exhibit and was so well pleased
that he came up with Messrs. Green and
Holmes to see for himself. He came to
Nebraska in HM and knows what a new
country is. He says there are a number
of his acquaintances w ho have been pay
ing high cash lent in his locality and
tbev want to get some land of their own
amf he believes he can find what will suit
both himself
and his friends in hionx
county. It will not he long until iois oi
luml-seekers will be here to spy out the
Fi. B. Smith was in town Saturday.
He returned from his ttrij) east sfime
ilavs vious and at once opened school
in'whMe River urefinct. While absent
he distributed several thousand circulars
relative (o Sioux county nnd the harvest
excursions, many of which were dis
tributed at the Iowa State Fair at iJes
Moines. He s-tys he feels confident that
good will result from the work. A great
ninny Iowa farms are lieing pur
chased by people from Illinois and
the result will lie that the Iowa people
will, in many instances, move to Nebras-
l. .....I I-.1 lint- til. Iff. All northwest Ne
braska is at work to get new settlers and
the prospects are mat me cnorus o.
rewarded by the si-curing of many new'
residents for the northwest counties of
. . ,i .r. ...Ill
the suite.
In the discussion of putting in crops
bv the furmers the plan or drilling ap
pears to be in great favor and Hs W"-
InritV seems U) 1 lucreasm. ... "
!:.. :.t .t-:iiu il.i.t known as the press
tin 111 ill II m i"'- ; r.vorile. This machine puts
I. tl.?. siirne as a corn-
Tnte'r i .uts in corn. The grain goes
',.... ,i shoe which cull down
,i, .il nnd each shoe is followed b
whecd which cks the earm
a press
finnlv over the grain. 1 us prous is n
from' 'he heul ami holds the moisture in
, ground and also insures a goo. c ov
er Zk aial .n.-vwita the wind from blow
fngthedii'toir the grain. By using a
2 smallor anti.y. of
ircd and hencethere TIk
g, nenil i.h NoenM U 1 ' ravo' of dr II-
h, eiist and west in this part .of he
llnlW Reexi-
itsirls oi ,1piM ood fai
of (lie suite : . ,,
w" . . . ...... r..n nh would be a fail-
ways neiu i i . e- ",.... furro.
re. in
Mini"), M. . " , ,
rs wqiiiu
flrn it to men a'"
" ; " r ",- -kigf
- HA:RBIS01T, USTEIB., SEPT. 17, 1891.
rroui what c:m I. .....i i
,m, .I,- . . ., isrreu concern
K g the c,-p Uwre WHS a, .
Lilian gram
luiwested on the tal.U
'Jiiu in i),e vu-mitv of
Harrison, and a
much laiver n,-r..o. i- .i...
lin- i .,1,1. r " U,B a ,e' l"ere
... uiuion u. the small
b'rain a
Til'T . co?m tlle JatU-r locality.
m , 1aUle 1S "lated io
l JEF .'!JS";S r licre and ,he other
v.. ,et,es w,I g,ve equally irood retorn.
''King the posit ion that all the small
pram on tl... i.i.i :u . ."
, , - "- '! mil i wortti as
......... a, urn wiieai a woo d be eouiv-
a nnt to 24,000 l.ushels. FigngXf
H7;T"'f, 11 -?Ji'Hngto
"ein sum ot HAM), In
addition to this there is qu,te an ac reage
;f corn and vegetables wbicb represent a
good deal of values,, that the crop on
be able land m this locality is worth to
ne farmers something over '.0,000.00.
n the valley the wheat is threshing as
"(-.. as miny imsl.els per acre and other
. , """'"on, so that it is safe to
o.i e T"I'S "' Sl0ux 'ounty for
represent ,,ot less than fciO.WM). (X
With only one-sixteenth of the land in
u.e county proved up on and a great
deal of cultivated laud ling idle this
rar n account or the high price of seed
InM spring, the aliove figures make a
pretty good showing. In all probability
Hie value of the crop next year will
double that of 1HH1 and the proswrity of
in- i ..uuu-y will
year after year.
increase right alonf
Mr. and Mrs. T. 15. Snvder
town last Saturday.
were in
Sam Tebhet contributed
tion Saturday.
on subscrip-
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cook were in
the first of the week.
H. T. Merriani contributed on sub
scription Monday.
RoWt Wilson pave us some cash on
subscription Saturday.
Mrs. H. A. Cunningham went to Agate
Springs yesterday for a short visit.
John iJaut arrived from California on
Monday to again make his home in Sioux
Wm. A. Rilcott, of Mount Vernon,
Ohio, was in town the (irst of the week
and called at this ollice. He expressed
himself as lieing favorably impressed
with the prospects of Sioux county.
A Difference of Opinion.
Editor Walker says, "do not coax peo
ple here, this has already been done too
much." We venture the opinion that
there is not another individual who pre
sides over the columns of a newspaper in
Nebraska ho holds to such an opinion.
The state business men's association is
getting up a grand advertising scheme
for Nebraska and thirty-five counties
have prepared to take art in the work.
The plan was submitted to a number of
officials and business men at Lincoln and
heartily approved by the governor, sec
retary of state, auditor, judges of the
district court, mayor and others, while
the leading men in many of the counties
are liaru at worn on tlie plan ana will
carry it to 'success. Perkins county
which has not so many advantages to
offer to settlers as has Sioux county,
"coaxed" llfty men who came out on the
first harvest excursion to buy farms.
Box Butte county has an organization
which has sent a numlier or men east to
"coax" people to come and locate in that
county. iJawes county is working to be
represented in the advertising train
which will pass through the east to
"coax" people to come to Nebraska and
other counties and cities are doing like
wise, while George Walker and his Her
ald sit back and say tlo not "coax" peo
ple to come here. The entire state of
Nebraska bits wen seiueu uy coaxing
people to come and locate and what but
a few years ago was considered almost a
desert; waste has been transformed into
one of the greatest producing states of
the nation and its resources have been
but partially developed.
Fifteen-sixteenths of Sioux county is
yet vested in the United States and until
a great deal more of it is secured by in
dividuals there will be little or no in
crease in values, hence it is to the inter
est of every prorty owner in the
countv to use every opportunity to
'coax" people to come here to live.
A Coining Pleasure.
Miss Svlvia Chapman, of Oakland,
Cal., will arrive on Saturday on a visit
to Mrs. J. II. (look. Miss Chapman is an
elocutionist of rare merit and has al
rmiAv won distinction in her profession
and during her stay here will give an en
tertainment to our people. The exact
date has not yet lieen decided on, but due
notice will be given and none snouiu tan
to hear her. The following from the
Oakland (Cal) Enquirer will give some
idea of her ability:
Really, one finds room but for com
mendation in Miss Chapman's reading.
It is rare, as raro as refreshing to dis
cover a reader who gives no olfense, of
ranting, of mannerism or had form in
some resjiect. Miss Chapman is just a
"natural born" reader, devoid of aff ecta
tion, simple, picturesque- She dresses
in perfect taste and carries herself with
the easiest grace imaginable. In dra
....;,.,.(;. .f limb and of face, she
iiiav. U..I.IW..
was always nuem. "' .."n-j.
magnetism is strong. Her sway
her hearers is perfect.
The Primary.
The republican primary for Bowen pr
cinct was lield at the ollice of 0. (Juthr
1.... tt.ktnriFnV from 4 to 7. There wei
There were
..... 4i,.,.,la in (lie field.
,as. ., , , ,. . .lf ,.e
Walker-Hough faction was composed of
E. G. Hough. Geo. wainer, n.
auist, J. cf Northrap and W. R. Smith.
The ticket of the opposition was com
posed of 0. Outline, C, h. Verity, P.
hartlett, Robert Wilson and George
t"w primary was organized by the elec
tion of 'l. E. Beld-n, W. a. Patterson
nnd. W. Hester , as judges, and U.
...u-s- ..a a.,nr,. Walker as clerks.
There were 83 votes cast and- wlien they
were counted it showed that G. Guthrie
had received 1H votes, W. It. Hmiui l,
ami each of the other riinmo.iiw L7?'3 j,
Mr. Smith and leaving the other eight a
Tlie Wralker-Hough faction had every
man they could muster in the precinct
except one; while the opposition to that
faction had a half dozen or more voters
who did not show up. The strength of
and opposition to the Walker-Hough fac
tion in the precinct is thus clearly sliown.
Had the same effort been made by the
opposition that was made by the Walker
Hough faction, the candidates of the lat
ter would have been defeated by several
votes. The matter has not yet been
settled and remains just as the count
Sioux County at the State Fair.
The exhibit of Sioux county displays
both taste and enterprise. It consists of
a log hut trimmed with corn, oats,
wheat, rye and in fact every species of
grain or vegetable raised in the county.
The logs in tlie hut are varieties of tim
ber grown in tlie county while there are
boards and shingles of the same material
manufactured in the county. There are
also samples of building rock found with
in easy reach of the principal towns.
The exhibit is in charge of J. A. Green
ot Royville, Eli Smith of BodarcandC.
E. Holmes of Harrison. Omalia Bee.
Sioux county was in the "old log
cabin," a building about sixteen feet
square, built of pine logs and shipped in
tact to the state fair grounds. Their ex
hibit was a great drawing card in many
features. It was in charge of J. A.
Green of Royville, Eli Smith of Bodarc
andC. E. Holmes of Harrison. World
Herald. A Card.
As my name was used in the conven
tion held at the court house Aug. 15,
1891. 1 wish to say to the people of Sioux
county that I declined the nomination of
that arty, and so notified their central
committee Aug. 28, 1891.
Very Respectfully,
A. R. Dew.
Nittlce Tfemestead Entry.
IT. 8. Land Okfick, (
Ciui.ho.v, Nkuiiaska.
July 24, 1891.
Complaint having been made at this office
by Harvey II. Kusscll against, Marriot G.
liowc for failure to comply with law as to
homestead entry No. i!0 dated August IS,
lssU, upon the. hw' neX-soX nwV neX wX
hwK acHf section :ti, township 31, range 54
w., in Sioux county, Nehraka, with a view to
tlie cancellation of said entry; contestant
alleging that the said Marriot G. Howe has
wholly abandoned said tract that ho has
eluinged Ids residence therefrom for more
than six months since making said entry,
tLat said tract is not settled upon and culti
vytcd by said purty . required by law, that
claimant has never . .tablislied a residence
tSereon since tiling on same. The said par
ties are hereby summoned to appear at this
office on the 24 day of September, 1891, at 10
o'clock a. ni., to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure.
Testimony of witnesses will bo taken be
ftfjv ft. It. Jones h notary public "t his office
in Harrison Neb on the 1, (l iy of sept. 1S91 at
Ma. m. T. F. I'OWKi.oi lteceiver.
Ji.T. CONLKT, 146-21
Contestant's Attorney.
Estrav Notice;
Taken up by the undersigned in Harrison,
Neb., 1 bay horse, weight about 950, branded
60 on left shoulder nnd something like N ou
right shoulder; 1 brown horse, weight aliout
1,000 pounds, branded something like N on
right shoulder, white stripe in face and four
white feet. 49-2 THOS. HEIDV.
Dated, Harrison, Neb., Au 17, 1891.
Notice to Land Owners.
To all Whom it Mat concern:
The commissioner appointed to establish a
road commencing at the southwest corner
of section 5, township 32, range 5:t in Cotton
wood precinct, Sioux county, Nebraska, run
ning thenco cast on the section line between
sections 5 and 8, 4 and 9, 3 and 10, 2 and 11 to a
point 10 chains east of tho corner common to
sections, S, 10 and 11; thence southeasterly
through the NWK and SKS( of said section
11 to the S W corner of tho 8 E X of the N E H
of the same ; tlience east X mile, terminating
at the H corner on the west, side of section
12, township 32, range S3 has reported in
favor ot the establishment thereof, and all
objections thereto or claims for damages
must be filed in the county clerk's office on
or before noon of the 21st day of November,
A. 1.( 1H91 or said road will be established
without reference thereto.
1-4. County Clerk.
All business entrusted to his tare will re
ceive prompt and careful attention:
Grant Guthrie,
Dealer In-
Geo. H.
We have now on hand a first
class stock of Clothing, Hats,
Caps, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons,
Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, High
Patent Bon Ton Flour always
on hand, no better in the land.
Corn, Oats, Chop, Bran and all Kinds of Peed. A complete stock of Hardware,
Tinware, Barb Wire, and all kinds of Farm Machinery,
Which we will sell at Lowest Prices possible. We invite
1 ail to call and look at Our Goods before buying.
We Shall Endeavor to Treat all Fair and Square. . -Respectfully,
A ticket given with every dol
lars worth of goods you
purchase for CASH.
ooQoo '
8 Tickets gives you a Silver Plated Sugar Shell, worth 00
10 Tickets gives you a Butter Knife, worth 1 23
12 Tickets gives you a new style Lace Pin, worth . 1 5fj
25 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Teaspoons, worth 3 WS
85 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Knives; Worth 3 75
35 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Fbtks, worth ... i... ....... 3 73
50 Tickets gives yoti a set of Roger's Tablespoons, tvorth 6 00
or please Come and see the goods.
Our fall stock of Dry Goods, Boots?
Shoes, HatSj Caps, Gloves and Under5
wear has just arrived;
Complete stock of Clothing of Latest Styles just
received, to which we call your special attention.
Low Prices and Fair Treatment Guaranteed.
Ranch Supply House,
MacLachlah 8c Cook, Props;
Dr. Leonhardt
Limits his practice to diseases of tlie
Nervous Systern,
(Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo
tion and Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen
eral Nervousness, and all forms of
(As shown by Shortness of Breath,
Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb
ness in region of the Heart.)
(Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces
sive Paleness or Redness of the Faoe,
Faintness, Dizziness, etc.)
14S2 O ST, - .-. - VNCOIN, NCf.
WMtwtion this paper.
Will practice before all courts and the
S. Land Office. Business entrusted to
Care will receive prompt attention.
Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser
Everything in his line done in a ueati
and artistic manner.
Razors and Scissors sharpened and put
in order at reasonable rates.
Give him a call.
First door east of postottice.
Hakrmon - Nebraska.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Repairing done on thort notice.
Good work and reasonable charger
flbop south of livery bun. .