The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 10, 1891, Image 4

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Text, Daniel xL, 32: "The people
that do know their God shall be strong
and do exploits."
Antiochus Epiphanes, the old sinner,
came down three times with his army
to desolate the Israelites, advancing
one time with 02 trained elephant
swinging tlieir truuks thU way and
that, and 02,000 infantry and 6,000 cav
alry troops, and they were driven back
Then, tlie second time, he advanced
with ;o,0do armed men, aud had been
again defeated. But the third time he
laid successful siege until the navy of
Home came in with the flash of their
long banks of oars aud demanded that
tbesiegobe lifted. And Antiochus
Epiphanes said he wanted time tc con
sult with his friends about it, aDd 1'op
illus, one of the Koniau embassadors,
took a staff aud made a circle on the
ground around Antiochus Epiphanes
and compelled him to decide before he
c;.me out of that circle; whereupon l.e
lilted the siege, home of the Hebrew
h:;d submitted to the invader, but some
of them palsied valorously, as did
1. .'razor whei. lie had swine's flesh
f- HL-d into his mouth, spit it cut id
. th ugh he knew he must die for it, aud
ti.l die for it; and others, as my text
says, did exploits.
! An exploit I would define to be a he
roic act, a brave feat, a great achieve
ment "Well" you say, "1 admire sue
inmgs, oui mere is no ciianee tor me
in ne is a sort of hum-drum life. If
had an Antoiochus Epiphanes to ligh
. i aiso coma ao exploits. l ou are
right so far as great wars are concerned.
There will probably be no opportunity
to distinguish yourself in battle. The
most of the brigadier generals of this
country would never have been heard
of had it not been for the war.
Neither will you probably become a
great inventor. Nineteen hundred and
ninety-nine out of every &J.000 inven
Hons round m the patent oflice at
Washington never yielded their auth
ors enough money to pay for the ex'
pe"es of securing the patent. So you
will probably never be a Morse or an
Edison or a Humphrey Davy or an Eli
Wliiiney. There is not much probabil.
it y that you will be the one out of the
hundred who achieves extraordinary
success in commercial or legal or med
ical or literary spheres. What then?
I an you have no opportunity to do ex
ploits? I am going to show that there
are three opportunities open that are
grand, thrilling, far-reaching, stupen
dous aud overwhelming. They are be
fore you now. In one, if not all three
of them, you may do exploits. The
three greatest things on earth to do are
to save a man, or save a woman, or
save a child.
During the course, of his life almost
every man gets into an exigency, is
caught between two fires is ground be
tween two milliitones, sits on the edge
ot some precipice, or in some other
way comes near demolition. It may
be a financial or a moral or a social or
a political exigency. 1 ou tometimes
see it in court, rooms. A young man
has got into bad company and he has
offended the law aud he is arraigned
All blushing and all confused he is in
the presence of judge aud jury and
lawyers. He can be sent right on in
the wrong direction. He is feeling
disgraced and he is almost desperate.
Lt the district atiorney overhaul him
as though he were an old offender, let
the ablest attorneys at the bar refuse
to say a word for him because he can-
uot afford a considerable fee: let the
judge give no opportunity for the mit
igating circumstances, hurry up the
case and hustle him up to Auburn or
Sing Sing. If be live seventy ye rs he
will be a criminal, and each decade of
bis life will be blacker than its prede
cessor. In the interregnums of prison
life he can get no woik and he is
glad to break a window-glass or blow
up a safe, or play highwayman, so a
to get back within the walls where he
can get something to eat and hide him
himself from the gaze of the world.
Why don't his father come ami h
him ? II i talhex. toUd? Why don't
his mother come and help him ? She is
dead. Where are all the ameliorating
and salutary influences of society?
They do not touch hira. . Why did not
some one long ago in the case under
stand that there was an opportunity
for the exploit which famous
in heaven a quadrillion of years after
the earth has wind? Why did not the
district attorney take that young mau
into ins private oflice and say: "My
on I see that you are the victim of
circumstances. This is your first crime.
You are sorry. 1 will bring the person
you wronged into your presence, and
ou will apologize and make all the
reparation you can and I will give
you another chance." Or that young
man is presented in the court room,
sod he has no Mends present aud the
Judge says: "Who is your counsel?"
be answers: I have none." And the
Judge says: 4 Who will take this young
Bum's case? And there is a dead halt,
od no one often and after a wliile the
lodge turns to some attorney, who
jsrver had a good case in all his life,
and never will, and whose advocacy
mold be.enough to secure the condem.
of innocence Itself. And the
iaeotnpetent crawls up
leoaer, helplessness to ree
0rr3t WbM taw ought to be a
s.ruggte among all the best men of the
profession as lo who should, have the
honor of trying to help that uuf. - rtu -
urtie. 1 low much would mii-Ii an
toruey have received as his fi-e for
suchau advocacy? Nothing in dollars
but much every w ay in a happy con
ciousuess that would make his own
life brighter, and his own dying pillow
sweeter, and his own heaven happier
the counciousuess that he had savd a
man! "
So there are commercial exigencies
A very late spring obliteiates the de
uiand for spring overcoats, and sp ing
hats and spring apparrel of all sorts. J
Hundreds of thousands of people say:
it seems we are going to have no
spring, and we shall go straight out of
winter into warm weather, and we can
get along without the usual spring
attire" Or there is no autumn weather.
the heat plunging into the cold, aud the
usual clothing, which is a compromise
between summer and winter, Is not re
quired. It makes a difference in the
sale of millions and millions of dollars
of goods and some over-sanguine young
merchant is caught with a vast amount
of unsalable goods that will never be
salable again, except at prices ruin
ously reduced. The young merchant
with a somewhat limited capital is in
a predicament What shall the old
merchants do as they see the young
man in this awful crisis? huh jour
hands and laugh and say: "-flood for
liiji. He might have known better
hen he has been in business as long
as we have, he will not load his shelves
that way. Hal Ila! He will burst up be.
fore long. He had no business to open
lus store so near ours anyhow." .Sheriff's
sale! lied flag in the window: "How
much is bid for these out-of-iashion
overcoats and spring hats, or fail cloth
ing out of date? What do I hear m
the way of a bid?" "Four dollars."
Absurd: I cannot take that bid $1
apiece. Why, these coats when rirsi
put upon the market were offered at
815 each, and now I am offered only
$4. Is that all? Five dollars, do I
hear? Going at that! Cone at 5." and
he takes the whole lot. The young
merchant goes home that night and
says to his wife: "Well, Mary, we will
have to move out of this house and sell
our piano. That old merchant who
has had an evil eye on me ever since I
started has bought all that clothing,
and he will have it rejuvenated, anj
next year put it on the market as new,
while we will do well if we keep out of
the poor house." The young man broken
spirited, goes to hard drinking. The
young wife with her baby goes to her j
father's house and not only is his stor0 1
wiped out but his home, his morals
and his prospects for two worlds this
aud the next A nd devils make a ban
quet of tire and fill their cups of gall
and drink deep to the health of the old
merchant who swallowed up the young
merchant who got stuck on spring
goods and went down. This is one
way and some of you have tried it '
But there is another way. That
young merchant who had found that
he had miscalculated in laying in too
many goods of one kind, and been
flung of the unusual season, is stand"
ing behind the counter, feeling very
blue, and biting his finger nai's, or
looking over his account books, which
read darker and worse every time he
looks at them, and thinking now his
young wife will have to le put in a
plainer house than she ever expected to
ive in, or go to a third-rate boarding
house where they have tougli liver and
sour bread five mornings out of the
seven." An old merchant comes in and
says: '"well, Joe, this has been a hard
season for young merchants, and this
prolonged cool weather has put many
in the doldrums, and I have been
thinking of you a good deal of late, for
just after I started in business I once
got into the same scrape. Now, if
there is anything I can do to help you
out I will gladly do it Better just put
those goods out of sight for the pres
ent, and next season we will, plan
something about them. I will help
you to some goods that you can sell far
me on commission, and I will go down
to some of the wholesale houjes and
tell them that I know you and wil
back you up, and if you want a few
dollars to bridge over the present, I
can let you have them. Be as econo
mical as you can, keep a stiff upper lip
and remember that you have two
grieuds, God and myself. Good morn
ing!" The old merchant goes away, and
the young man goes behind his desk
and the tears roll down his cheeks. I1
s the first time he has cried. Disaster,
made him mad at evey thing, and mad
at God. But this kindness melts him
and the tears seem to relieve his brain,
and his spirits rise from 10 below zero
to 80 in the shade, and he conies out of
the crisis.
About tnree years after this young
merchant goes info the old merchants
store and says, "well, my old friend, 1
wes this morning thinking over wha
you did for me three years age. You
helped me out of an awful crisis in my
commercial history. I learned wisdom ;
prosperity has come, and the pallor has
gone out of my wife' s cheeks and the
roses that were there wheal courted
her in her fauier's house have
bloomed again, and my buisiness is
splendid, and 1 thought I ought to let
you know that you saved a man." In
a short time after, the old merchant
Who hi boei) Wd while shaky in
I llU htllhs ari(, wLo LaJ ,MM(f fcpells, lj
fCH,,.nl tl)e woflr awi one
J lll(Vlling after lie li! reaI tin twei.ty-
at. !.,.:..t , , ..... r
Miepherd," he closes his eyes on this
woiid, and an angel who had been for
many years appointed to watch the
old man's dwelling, cries upward the
news that the patriarch's spii 't is almt
ascending. And the twelve atigeW.
who keep the twelve gates of heaven
unite in crying down to this approach
ing spirit of the old man, 'Come in and
welcome, for it has been told all over
these celestial hinds that you saved a
Fy!Tli'iu i n Mo.mstune.
One bright afternoon this season at
Xarragansett Pier at lecst a score of
men and women among the promena
ders on the beach have made themselves
noticeable by picking up pebbl s and
examining them critically. They're
only wanted for moonstones A IS'evv
Yorker took his hatful of pebbles to a
shanty oa the pier, which for several
seasons the single lapidary at the resort
has made his headquarters. He had
what appeared to be a workshop at the
back of the shanty. Two assistants
were always at work there, apparently
polishing moonstones. This year a
woman has been manging
the monnstone factory. It was
to her the Xew Yorker displayed
his hatful of pebbles. She looked at
them critically. "Yes, there are several
dozen good stones in the rongh there
that w ill make line moonstones when
cut and polished,'' she said. "Jt will
cost you 81 apiece to have them nicely
finished." Hundreds of women paid
this fee and came the next day and
secured moonstones that they exhibited
with pride to tlieir acquaintances. A
lapidary examined some of the rough
stones to-day and pronounced them
pebbles. "1 suppose the reason why
this swindle has thrived so long," said
he, "is the very natural dislike people
have of admitting that they have been
taken in. The moostone fakir began
his business at New port half a dozen
years ago, and he made a booming
success of it before the Newporters
began to grow suspicious. lie gave
out the same old story at the start that
moonstones had been discovered there,
ind offered to identify moonstones
free of charge. Whenever he identi
fied them he usually got an order to
polish them at SI a cut. He never did
cut them though but probably threw
them back on the sand for some other
dupes to find. He substituted real
moonstones of the cheaper sort that
cost him about 40 cents apiece. This
left a profit of 00 cents on each stone
In the winter months he migrated to
Old Point Comfort, aud the shores
there suddenly became strewn with
other moonstones in the rough. He
got $1 eacli again for throwing them
away and substituting a 40-ceut moon
stone. The yellow pebbles were more
profitable. He called them topazes in
the rough, and he got as high as i for
substituing cut topazes worth 1.5 J for
pebbles. 1 believe this clever fakir
died in Newport three years ago. The
woman who says these pebbles are
moonstones now has succeeded to the
business and is clever at it Chicago
The Future of Russian Des
potism. Russian refugees in Paris are in gen
eral people of a kindly and humans
tempJr, and certainly not naturally
inclined to violence. They give
the impression of being represen
tatives of a race worthy of a high civi
lization, and which is nevertheless gov
erned like the degenerate races of ti e
east There is an evident discreunncv
between the laws and the men. No
force can prevent this state of things
from falling into ruin. And certain
ly this immense empire, these 120,000
000 of inhabitants, this slow, sure, and
indomtable propaganda, represents a
mysterious and terrible force, a force
that will surely astonish the world, aud
have an extraordinary influence upon
the' destenies of the European race
The "World has there an incommensu
rable uuknown quantity, an epopee in
the germ which will be the astonish
ment of our sons, terrible perhaps, as
considerable as the prodigious dissem
ination of Europe in America, as far
souuding as the i rench revolution.
But in what cortege of bloody or pitiful
events will it be developed? This is
the secret of the future the enigma of
the great sphinix which none shall
guess and none shall read 'until after!
Jly J. II. Hosny in Harper's Magazine
for August
How linn . rtoinis Travel.
The rate of travel of thundestorms
has been studied by Herr .Sceonrock
from the record of 197 such storms in
Russia in 188a The velocity is found
to have varied from thirteen to fifty
miles an hour with a mean of 28.5 miles
an hour in the cold season. It was
least In the early morning, increasing
to a maximum between and 10 p. m.
The storms traveled most quickly
from southwest, west and northwest
One of 'the queerest names of a
street Is that borne by a public thor
oughfare in the annexed district of
New York called Featherbed lane. It
is supposed to nave been so christened
because it la full of rocks. The name
occurs In the city directory.
ins Miliar.
l-aniierslieview: Asa imn.m
0IS to the vu-rld s Uir l'il '
..!.. . ( ,. .ri, :i ( e.l I "
a hi,!--
i. ,.l it, I Iliiioi-i slate
I of
Bin nil lire IMS u-1 ni'
ri. i-iiii-dto JioM "c
...... ..,F t. la. l,eiu ill j "!''
the iir.'l'leui to he
solved is ceruiMy
the.n .er living. t our own people are
bio n "take the f;-'i the gi )'r"
vide tl.eui," and which lie at the door
A greater variety of food can le pie.
par.d l:oni maize than from wheat,
fr.-n: the boiled or fried uiusli of our laWcii through a long list of
cons batter cakes. torn puiies.hoe cakes
Johnny cases, corn ureau, coiu h.c.u
iiiutliiic, hominy, etc., to me .u.u
com meal puddings and Indian puiind
cakes of our dinner tables. Willi corn
at Lut hali or less than half the pi ice
of wheat, is it not idle for our people
to plead hard times et insist on the
same manner of living as when times
were Letter and the necessity for econ
omy not so press ngV More can be
done now in the way of teaching for
eigners the value of Indian corn us a
food product and thii3 increasing their
demand for it, towards lightening Un
burdens of our people than in any
other way. For txauiple, not a great
many years ago the wheat growing
area of the world was comparatively
limiud: today the great plains of India
and liiiSMa supply most of thecclicieii
cies of the countries of wistein Kurope
and our people must expect a decrease,
ra'dier than an increase, in their ex
port;iUoi.s to these countries m the
fului c.
With com :hc case is entirely diliw
eut. Aotoidy it there leu com raised
iuliji.M- (outlines than wheat, but
tlieie ;s if r.oraiiee of lis use, aud
if v,e can educate these Joi.-iguers to
an appreciation l it, our corn v. ill hud j
an easy maikct ill many couiitiR"1
ucie it is now almost unknown. Illinois
stands second among the coin-pro.
ducing htales of the union, and to her
is giwn the privilege of" extending the
right hand of It liowship to her Kuro-
penn, Asiatic and Alncan brothers, as
w.-l! as to these of the isles of the sea,
a -.d surely in no way could her earn.
eU. ess and good will be belter shown
than in opening their closed eyes to
the value of this wonderful food
Hannibal IU mini's i rout Krook
Mr. Hamlin was one of .Maine's noted
ii-ihennan, and one little yearly excur
sion of his used to puzzle the knowing
ones not a little. Every year he pre
railed upon the olliciais of a certain
Maine railroad to let him off an eariy
norning train in the middle, of a dense
forest lie would disappear in the
oods, and when the train returned in
tho evening Mr. Hamlin would he
found waiting beside the track to be
taken ahoaid. His basket on these oc.
cusions was always found to de filled
with magiiihtt nt trout weighing any
were around a pound to two pounds
and over. Nobody else knew of a
trout brook in the vicinity that gave
promise of any such trout as he got,
and as the old gentleman always per.
(isted in going alone, the exact locality
nas always remained a mystery.
Lewiston Journal,
Not s Fitfthioahl Color,
The following from the Resources il
lustrates the color craze that controlled
sertain class of .Shorthorn breeders a few
fears beyond a limit of good Judg
toeut and consistency:
"1 will not buy him. His color is
not fashionable." These .were the
parting words of a herd bu'l buyer
who had visited a man having a supe
ior roan bull for sale. This buyer had
me to the conclusion that he would
aot buy the roan, after having exain-
ned carefully a large number of his
tet all of uniform good quality, heavy
ttick meated, and of fine Juicy confor
mation, that could not well be excelled
by any beef animals of any breeding
anywhere. Not only had he seen the
mcklers rich in the good points
tiandedjlown by their sire, but ho had
also seen the yearlings and two-year-olds
as well as grandchildren, and
wlmost without exception, merit was
istinctly visible in every animal. As
i-e said himself, 'there was not a runt iu
the entire lot; beautiful calves ihirb
rieated line limbs robust, and the very
seine of goodness, but there were many
roans among them." 1 1 seems too bad
that a man will pass by a superior an
imal, particularly when he is so pre-
l-oieufc iuuv ue impresses his good
tninlitlM Qtlrf avtallauft ..1 . . ..
i - -"vmv iimiacierisiice
upon, not oniy nis immediate get, but
upon the second and third generation
ii.mply because he happened to have a
roan coat The ideal As though the
ot was to be eaten. The gentleman
we have in mind at present ignored
this roan bull, went across the state
line and bought a ted animal beautiful
:n tolor, fair only in conformation
joining extra, and his calves were like-'
wise only fair. He knew all these
things, made the selection with his
J wljto VD nd be, as an intu i
'e'oh .M'er to October 2, a j the fai t (ha! it is prrfuman-e that we
;!',1,;i;oU,con.ww.whuli,l1al!.,i;re after. Then whether the an.mal
in owi'iMenefs of detail and executi -in j 1 a roan or red, or a h.;. it matters
anjth.ngof the kind heretofore devi-d. j ,,t it is the genuine worth, the in
Wi'ti the masses of the people cr) ing ; ,riiisic merit that is wanted,
fo. higher wagis. one of lie- factors i: careful in feeding the new oats; an, ami Kit on- U'uind
,;t!i4twa BUiri. m.-e.f ""I '
I ci.f'W iiMti.n, pivpMMiry
an.ln.rythiog.nlho Uautit.u
,l..r. it is t.. l .e! that men
, th u a (.o!()f
' !;o' IV llllo rUI v- I mi '-.
I" - ..
crae. Jl IS UK Hie w on- ri-
time will come when
; liu-iauue,
,j,lu will fully realize a'ul appreciate
horses not m condition are tauy
iiijiiici by indigestion, feed spanng.y
an give salt in the feed.
l-uultrjr ',!.
if your stock is in close pens, don't
forget green feed. Lawn clippings and
lettuce are valuable.
i"reh water tins month for your chick
Feed early these hot days. Five
o'clock is lu st.
Millet seed is a nice change for the
young chicks.
John floinar of Tojx-ka, las
prepared himself and is now ready for
work as a pigeon Judge. He has the
linest loft in the west, having many
imported birds.
What's the use of spending five
cents ou common stock and making
ten cents, when the same time and
trouble ieiit in marketing the tin
cents would make you a dollar in
straight stock '!
If you aie careless and let your sto;k
get stunted through .July and Aug-JSt
from hick of pron r care and attention
to feedtg or watering, they will no'
produce full-sized birds. 1'erfec
specimen1) or at least the best, are kep
growning continually from shell to
f ull maturity.
There is one kind of protection of
which the farmers should lie in favor
namely, (he protection of their slock
chickens, and grams. The man who
iieylects to house any or all of these
frolli (tie r.'iiti :imt tin. .ittit i iu !
not yet acquired the complete art of
fanning. He has something to learn.
Let him straightway resolve that none
of his belongings shall remain us a
prey to inclement and inhospitable
Special care should betaken in select
ing sound, cweet food fur your fowls the
year round and esjH-cially so though
the hot uionlh ol August. The letter
the variety the better (he health of
your stock; and it is especially di-s
irabie to have your slock sound, well
and vigorous to slart in the full and
winter months.
Mo-f AiiprnptliitR Than lhi lioll.n
Antiuiiarkiustelliis that the wooden
Indian is a tobacco siirn, because
tobacco is an American weed and that
it was originally used by the Indiam
but tins same antiquarian gels tanaled
occasionally and tells you that tobacco
has been in use for over 3, 000 years
among the Unnese. Meyen, in his
"Geography of I'lants," is of the opin
ion that the smoking of tobacco is ol
great antiquity among the Chinese
uecausene nag observed curving of
tobacco pipes upon monument whose
ages run back into the thousands of
years, and they are exactly like the
Celestial tobacco nine tn-rhiv t..
If this is a fact it would de much
more appropriate to use the liinire of
a Chinaman in place of the wooden
iidmti now used by dealers. ,st Louis
The Ceu t in ics Make a Difference
When a freshly buried corpse is duir
up for purposes of dissection we cub
it "grave robbery." ,il wll,,u tu,
bodies of those who perished centuries
ago are exhumed we speak of it as
"scientific research" Consequently
everybody will be glad to learn that
the Egyptian mummies recently fouud
in the burial place of the priests of
Am mon, at Thebes, are being examin
ed by exjK-rts at the museum,
Cairo. The first mummy opened was
splendidly preserved, the head, with its
handsome profile, still relaninir arnulef
on the teinples and netk. Iiiscriutlon.
showed that the body was Uiat of a
priest named Djauefer, sou 0f t)je
i'rincess Isls Emkeb, whose mummy
was found some years ago in the royal
tombs at l)eir-el-Uahri.
feed tor Egg,,
An pgg is largely nilrogeneous. The
d..0uu.ii meyoik contains phos
phoric acid and mineral substance and
the shed is composed mjsllv nt n..
The ben is a small animal Eggg are
not a miraculous dispensation, thev
come from the food a hen t .,.
ton veils into egg, the 8ame as anv
animal converts its food into products
Corn alone is not a suitable food for
the production of eggs, as t does not
possess enough of the constituents tc
make egg. Hens red on 8uch f00dwll)
getfat Hens like every other JZ
n ut have coarse food to distend the
stomach and bowels aad for this D ir!
Cwed1tJla), ;?d
hIbo just the thing for an ewfo,t
get eggs, reed hens to
g-yP.l. CurtiKirhyaoaie;
Haw I nglUh Waa
J greatly admire the Kne!k!,,
; for her utter refusal to be w0rii . ,
the onswjnwce is thft she look, .7
at filly, writes Edward W. lloki,, T,'
1'"viito insula (journal lor AUgtjj
undertakes no more than she cn
fortably carry out and thorough u
Sieves in the coming of another day
l.'y this I do not mean that she proeras
filiates; she simj ly will not let the dome-slit-
machinery grind her down u, nj.
healt h and early old age. She is a ;re
uiienl bather and regards health -a
prime factor of life, to Le looked aftei
before everything else, though the
breakfast might be an hour la'e.
sleejis nine hours and takes a nap
ring the day at that She arranges her
day's work in the most systematic
manner, and her little memorandum
slip always shows two vamit hours,
they are for rent. Hie eats heartily
but the most disgestible food. In t
most modest home, no matter how
,i it le there may be on the table
there is nothing but the best. Slf
would rather have a mouthful of g.d
food and go partly hungry, than eat ,
whole meal'of cheaper tilings, M,e ij
a true economist; regulates her
penses carefully, aud is a true lliever
in the allowance system. There are
(ome things about the English woman
which her American sister dislikes ju,t
ai it is vice versa; at the same time,
there are others which would -make our
American woman happier and health
ier if they Imitated,
Trai hlnf aUIrl loSwim.
In deep water, under the care of an
xporiencel jorson, a young girl may
be taught to swim in a much shorter
lime than by practicing in. shallow
streams, says a good authorily in the
August Ladies' Home Journal A
rope can lie fastened around her
breast in such a manner that it wiil
neither tighten nor unloose, and if
courageous enough, she can, thus pre.
pared, pllinge iu head first Tuo
teacher will show her the proper way
to use the arms, and, finding hermit
protected by the rope, she will feel
more faith in the exertion made. The
aid of the hand is, however, far better
than this, as it cau be relinquished
insensibly. The best method of teach
ing ou this plan is for a good swim
mer to ciir-y the learner In the arir.3
into the water until breast high, laying
her nearly flat upon it, and supporting
her by placing one hand under the chest
at the same time giving instruction as
to the proper motion of hands, arms
and feet In a few days tbe hand may
be gradually withdrawn, and tho girl
swimmer able to do without ft
There are ever so many" don'ta" about
swimming. L'nlfke I'unch.s, thej
begin after the act Is signed, sealed
and delivered, and you area fairr
swimmer. The most important piece
of negative advise is, Don't ever lose
your presence of miud. With that you
are mistress of the situation, and,
other things not over-whelming);
against you, can reach laud again.
The first Australian woman who
took a degree at the London university
was Adela McCuliough Knight, who
recently died in Vienna. Although
only twenty-five years old she had
taken honors at the university, and at
the school of medicine had received tha
highest prize given in tht-irrJepartiiieiit
for women, bhe had been appointed
resident physician in a new ho.mi tal
for women as soon as she received her
degree, and had been entertained by
Die Princess of Wales at Marlborough
Sausage or fresh pork may be kept
sweet and nice iu summer by frying it
as if for immediate use and packing it
in large jars iu lard. In harvest and
other busy times when it is dutiable to
have hot meat for su pper, and it is too
warm to have heavy hot tires, some of
this meat may be unpacked and heated
up ou an oil stove to the satis fateion of
every one.
Iced tea a la llusse is a refreshing
summer drink. This is made by mix
ing green and black tea. Jtrew the
mixed leaves quickly or the ten wtfl
he v.ViI ana squeeze in
't a little lemon juice. After it is iced
by being kept iu the coldest part of ma
refrigerator till very cold, serve in long
glasses, with a slice of lemon in each
The costume d" iuterieur is of mouse
gray Sicilienue, The corsaite In
blouse cut, and is fastened at the waist
by three buttons. The vest is niacin of
gold lace.
Home of the beautiful tints in canary,
tea-roses, honeysuckle and corn yellow
are even more becoming to blondes
than brunettes, which is saying A great
A French seashore dress which came
over with one of our American women
who went to London for the season and
has now returned, was of most unpre
tentious homespun, in shade a light tan
Dress collars are worn either very
high or they are sot worn at ail. Tliere
Is really no medium. Of the highest
ones the lowest are two inches. The
highest are nine Inches in the back aud
m high in front as toe ladles ohla will
pernjj, ,
V,; .