The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 10, 1891, Image 2

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L. J. SIMMONS, Proprietor.
A Gmtfrud.
Levekwobth, Kak., Sept 4. For
be vend weeks this vicinity has been
flooded with circulars of a so-called in
vestment company, vhose head office is
in this city. The company issues 91,000
bonds, the purchaser pays $10 ca re
ceiving his bond and 1125 per month
thereafter . Of the 110. $1 goes to stock
holders and the balance to the i fficers
of the company. One dolHr of the
monthly dues, also goes to the credit of
the stockholders. As soon as 11,000 is
credited to the stockholders it is paid to
the person holding the lowest numbered
bond on which all dues have been paid.
The officer of the company advertise
that their scheme has been examined
aod approved by Governor Humphreys.
Insurance Commissioner McBride and
Attorney General Ires.
A letter was received by the editor of
the Leven worth Time from Insurance
Commissioner McBride saying tbat at
one time he had examined the scheme,
but instead of approving it had de
nounced it in unmeasuted terns as a
palpable fraud, without one redeeming
ing feature. He also says that he has
not suppressed the company because
the attorney general decided that he
had no jurisdiction over the company.
Ciiculars of the company have been
sent to the Postoffice department at
Washington. It is said that there are
many of these companies operating
throughout the state.
Fatal Accident while Ballooning.
Oswego, X. Y, Sept. 4. George R
Woods of Union Square, this county
met with a frightful accident, at the
Oswego county fair grounds yesterday,
which resulted in his instant death.
One of the attractions was a balloon as
eension and parachute jump by Prof
J. J. Frisbie. Woods was one of a num
ber of volunteers engaged in holding the
big gas bag on the ground while it was
being inflated with hut air. When
everything was in readiness and Prof.
Frisbie was getting his parachute ready
smoke was seen issuing from the bal
loon. The cry was started that the
balloon was burning and the volunteers
all let go except Woods. In an instant
he was whirling in the air and the hor
rified spectators saw that he was en.
tangled in the ropes. When about
twentr-fire feet from the earth he part
ly disengaged himself and let go the
ropes. The ropes, however, were en
tangled around his legs and he was
soon shooting rapidly upwards feet
first. He was picked up dead. About
10,000 persons were on the grounds and
witnessed the accident Woods was 22
years old. He fell a distance of about
seventy feet.
Newg from Honcluln.
Chicaod, Sept. 3. Hon. L. S. Thurs
of Honolulu, who is in the city, said to
a reporter that the McKinley bill has
had the effect of uniting the native and
foreign population of Hawaii upon the
subject of annexation. He has just re"
ceived one of the native newspapers,
which advocates the formation of a re
public or immediate annexation to the
United States. This fact is remarkable
as it is the first time in Hawaiian his
tory that 4he natives have publicly
favored such a thing. While it is true
they are weary of the monarchy, yet
nothing but the blow at Hawaii's sugar
industry could have brought them to
favor annexation. The hope of planters
there is that the president wiil net
year exercise the power given him to
place a duty again upon beat sugar for
from such countries as have not recip
rocated with the necessary free entries.
This would relieve the burden, but at
any rate the Hawaiian are preparing
to negotiate with the United States for
free trade. Thurston saya now that
the sugar industry is no longer a great
source of income, it is intended to bring
the Islands prominently before the
world as a land for tourists.
Elj-bt l.lTf LottT
Halipx, N. S., Sept 4. Eight mem
bers of the crew of the British steamer
Duntnurry of Belfast, from New York
for Antwerp with grain, lost their lives
through the capsizing of the vessel in a
hurricane. Captain McMarron, her com
mander, and the other , ten survivers
' have been landed here by the German
oil tank steamer Hanskurst from New
York torBotterdam. The Dunmurry
left New York last Wednesday morn
ing, and at 4:15 o'clock on Saturday
moraine ran Into a terrific hurricane
from the east southeast The storm
cam up with gnat fury and within a
lew minute the steamer was thrown
upon her beam end, in which position
aha lay until noon, and then sank.
Harrow Escape Vnm Diownl g.
Sah Fbahcisoo, Cau, Sept 4. Th
schooner Ada airived Tuesday from
Cooper river, Alaska, with 18,000 cases
of salmon. She brought down Harry
liaadon and W. tL Boyle, two of the
ww of the British aealing schooner
Beatrice, which arrived at Victoria a
taw days ago. Th men ware lost from
the vessel during a gal. Their mail
boat was overturned ud a third man
aaaaaul UmLt wee dimiuJ 'Pit tiM
euoooodad ia mewing laad and wan
I for bv tba Indiana.
U Beluced i ld r
Ntw Yoek, Sept. i An unconfirmed
report reached the city yesterday from
Santiago that Balmaceda, ex-dictitor
of Chili, has been killed in the moun
tains while trying to effect his escape.
According to the story Ba'maceda left
Santiago on Saturday night before the
rioting commenced, ile took his fami
ly with him and carried a great deal of
personal property, including a consider
able sum of money and some valuable
jewels. Whsn he reached a point a few
miles outside the city he and his family
abandoned the carriages in which they
had been traveling anl took a special
train which was in waitine to convey
them to Los Andes, thirty two miles
northeast of Santiago.
Here Balmaceda left his family and
ft ilh a companion started on Monday
ni-ht to make his way across the moun
tains his ultimate purpose being to
reach Buenos Ayres. The weather was
bitterly cold and the snow on the
ground made travel very difficult Bal
ceda rode a mule, which was the only
animal that is of any use in the moun
tain pass through which he was making
his way. Tuesday morning the mule
teers began to grumble and wanted to
turn back, as the weather was becom
ing so severe and the enow so deep that
they feared they would lose their lives.
Balmaceda, knowing tbat almost cer
tain death awaited him if he returned,
refused to turn back, and in a fit of
passion struck one of the muleteers,
who retaliated by drawing a pistol and
shooting the ex-president on the spot.
His companions tben killed Balma
ceda's companion, and after rifling their
pockets, made their escape.
The bodies, according to the story
sent here, were found by a party of
mountaineers and returned to Los Andes
.No further particulars could be ob
tained. The news created great inter-
eat in this city, but no one seemed sur
prised, as it was generally believed tbat
the unfortunate man would either lie
killed or perish with the cold before he
reached a place of safety if he tried to
make his escape by crossing the Andes
Mr. Fowler, the manager for W. R
Grace & Co., admitted having beard the
report but said tbat he had received no
confirmation of it
Held op tba Trail.
Cairo City, Col., Sept 3. Seven
men held u p the east bound Rio Grande
train Tuesday night near Catopan. The
highwaymen compelled ths flagman at
Texas Creek to give up all the torpe
does in his possession and forced him to
flag the tain. As soon as it stopped the
engineer and fireman were held up at
the point of a rifle. The fireman was
relieved of his fine gold watch end was
then forced to pick the lock and break
in the door of the baggage car under a
fire from the express messenger. The
mail car doors were all broken in, but
nothing was taken from the car.
The express messenger made a deter
mined resistance and used bis revolver
to good advantage, but whether anyone
was killed is not known. The tight was
a fierce one though it lasted only a few
minutes. The masked men tben com
pelled the messenger to open the safe,
from which they took $3,000. Horses
were in readiness and as soon as the rob
bery was accomplished the desperadoes
fled to the mountain valley. They did
not disturb the passengers.
A posse was summoned and left for
the scene at once. Trinidad was wired
for tbe blcodhounds that have been in
strumental in running down
criminals. They will be hurried to the
scene on a special train and put on the
trail as soon as possible. With tbe ef
forts being made it is thought tbe rob
bers cannot escape.
Desveb, Sept. 3. A number of Pink
erton detectives were dispatched for
tbe scene of the robbery oa tbe Rio
Grande road.
Minister Egan Heard From.
Washington, D. C, Sept 4. At last
the depai tment of tbe State has heard
directly from Minister Egan. The news
came in tbe form of a cablegram from
Santiago dated September 1:
Decisive battle Valparaiso twenty
eighth August: Revolution entirely
successful. Even thing tranquiL
The delay in receiving this report is
owing to the fact that telegraphic con
nection between Santiago and Valpa
raiso, the western cable terminus, has
been cut and just restored, and that the
line eastward from Santiago to Buenos
Ayers was interrupted by I he heavy
snows in tbe mountains. Although the
telegram indicates the succeee of what
Esn describes as the revolution, he has
not yat informed the Department of
State whether a government has been
set up tbat may be recognized as the
government of the people of the country.
Accordingly the department will prob
ably await further detailed information
before according formal recognition of
the new government
Jay Gould has discharged general
freight traffic manager Leeds, for a
triffiing disobedience, but tt is claimed
that there is an unseen scheme in it and
that Leeds will draw his salary as here-
The heavy decline In wheat baa caus
ed a dull market for flour, aad tbe big
mill are not turning out their usual
quantities. . The output last week fell
off 36,50 barrels. One mill at Minnea
polis of a daily capacity of 2,000 barrels
as stopped altogether.
Order l e ng Itetored After Hie
JJIwMiy Itatlle
Balaaarrda't Compaalout Captured aaa
H Monty Couli.lnll.
Valparaiso, Chili, Sept 0. Balma
ceda w.ll not have as much money when
be reaches Europe as Le thought he
would by over 10,000,000. One of his
most arde-t supporte.s and closest
friends, Denuty Verduga, was captured
today at Falca while he was making
liia way out of the country with the
purpese, it is supposed, of joining hia
fleeing chief, either at Buenos Ayers or
in Europe, lie was taken to Santiago
and turned over to the authorities. He
Carried with him 1300.000 in Chilian
bank notes and ?80O,O0O in drafU on
This of sourse was p-otnptly con
fisciated by the representatives of the
junta. It was at first supposed tbat
SenorVerJuga had accompanied the
late president in his flight over tbe
mountains, but a sharp lo kout was
kept for him and (be funds neverthe
less, and his capture filiowcd. There
ia little doubt but tbat Balma eda is
making his way over'the Andes moun
tains through the sou ih pass. It would
te impossible to stop him now.
Minister Egan's friends are doing
'heir best to dispel tbe impression that
he has acted offensively as a partisan of
the late government One of them an
American by the name of Spencer, is
authority for the statement that it was
largely due to Mr. Egan's efforts that
the president decided to turn over the
government to General Baquodano and
give up the struggle. This was done
iccording to Mr. Spencer's story in the
face of the opposition of Balmaceda'a
ministers, who insisted that the
victory of the revolutionists at Plaoilla
was not decisive, and were desirous of
keeping up tbe fight despite the fall of
Ile this as it may, the bitter feeling
against Mr. Egan in particular and
Aoiorn ins in general sbows no signs of
abatement. The concrecsional leaders
profess to be puzzeled at tbe continued
refusal of the State department at
SVashington to recognize their envoys
lit the capital, and are generally in
clined to attribute the tardiness to
ulterior motives, though just what they
may be they do not say. There are
vague rumors of fat contracts and ni
irale beds in the air, but nothing
lefinite is specified.
Xo further nwa has been received
boro from thi mob stricken town of
.oroneL ' I am assured, I owever, that
the provincial government has taken
steps which sill result in ,the restor
ation of ordefthere in a shcrt time. It
is altogether probable that it may re
quire some fighting to get tbe rebellious
soldiers and miners- under subjection,
and it is perfectly safe to say tbat tbe
ringleaders will be shot as soon as they
are captured.
Elaborate preparations are being
made for the reception of the members
of the junta, who will arrive hereon the
steamer Arequipa from Iquique. Their
arrival will be made tbe oecaeion of
general rejoicing.
Many of the bdie8 of tbe dead which
have been lying on the battlefield near
Placilla were buried, and the balance of
iheni will be cremated. About all the
vounded in the various fights which
fallowed the landing of General Cantos
army at Quintero bay have been brought
in and are receiving proper attention at
the hands of the volunteer ambulance
corps. Temporary hospitals had been
fitted up wherever possible and room
was made for all of them.
Intendente Walker Martinez has got
the city government here in fair work
ing order and Valparaiso is gradually
settling down into its ante-bellum state.
The same is true of Santiago, where the
leaders of the government are now
waiting tbe arrival of their confer res.
A proclamation has been issued
to the effect , that any per
son who is harboring men who were
not officials under Balmaceda and fails
to give them up to the authorities will
be shot
I have just received word from Santi.
ago that Balmaceda in his flight left bis
family behind. They are now being
cared for by Senor Dominingo Torres
brother-in-law of the fugitive president
but who is himself a strong supporter
of the congressional ists.
Many instances of the unreliability of
the late government, so far as abiding
by its promises ia concerned, are coming
constantly to light One of the latest
is the killing of tbe valuable herd of
blooded cattle belonging to Senora
Edwards. Balmaceda promised Minister
Egan and Consul McCreary last June
tbat this herd should not be interfered
with, on tbe grpund that nearly all the
improved cattle in Chili were bred from
it. A dispatch received from Ranch
Mailla says that on August 2 1 an order
from Balmaceda was presented, in ac
cordance with which eighty-nine valu
able imported cows were killed.
Mississippi will have a contest for
the next United State aonatorship from
that state. Senator George desires a
re-election on the straight-out demo
cratic lino, and ax-Congrewman Barks-
Ama la ntumnUln m. ,k. .111
1- - "Hi'wwui muiua bu miianco
principles. Each is canvassing the
state In behalf of the respective views
they espouse. Tba oanvaaa la becoming
very Interesting and later on will grow
red hot
rlorr bie Pruaa.
relation of cruelty t SL VilmM
Paul penitea.a'-y ha ooam U, hisbt
. - .1 ., ..I r Tu.t itinnc'. bo
liiroujju a u.u-f" --- 1
limped into a hotel in this ;ily and t k
inrf uff his dusty shoe took from .
latter fmm James IVrry, tow serr.; a
6vhi veers' seuteD. .o the insUlut.un
Out of the four years he Las re. vd. this j
wreu-hed con wet Las spent, he Jec.arts,
oo liss than tsenty-four months m the
blacjjhoe. 'Ibis punishment cell ;
portion of the cellar of the penitently
and is so. -lowly Lut with iron doors
that daylight never reaches tbe ce'.la ia
it as Ion as the convicts are thtro. The
unfortunate prisoner put t'iere
is kept on bread and outer, beiu given
one regular prison meu every day. He
Bleeps on strajf, and the guard who fur"
cishea him with his scanty food is pro
hibited from speaking to him. It i
perpetual u'K1'1 aoJ UDeIW';BB S'1,,nt'
forhiin. It is the hardest punishment
tbat can be iuflictel, and yet tins unfor
tunate man has spent two whole yeara
111 this bole, besides ling bonibly U-at-en
and kicked.
The culminating point km reacheJ
on August 23. Ferry had leri: alloweJ
a breath of pure air in the store yard,
whet one of the guards came along tmd
or Jered him back to the duoge n Ferry
iefu9ed to go and begged for a few min
utes more in the daylight. The guard
Bprang at him and knocked him cIowd
with a blow o! his club. The con
victs alleged that he and three others
jumped on bis chest and body. He lay
upon the ground stunned and uenseleea
with blood Mowing from his month and
nose, and yet he was Bragged by bi
throat to the stairs and thrown into tlu
black bole, they state, without medica1
attendance, though he is known to have
been severely injured internally.
A reporter waited on Warden Oulniet
That gentlemen while so'tenicg the
matter all he could, admit'ed that he
bad been compelled to fine and suspend
6oae of bis guards for cruelty to pris
oners. The guard, Henry, who commit
ted the assault on Ferry, had been 4bus
pended for two days and fined for strik
ing prisoners, and be had to warn others
that the men were to be treated as hu
man baings and not as brutes. The
story told to him by the gua-dB wiis
that Ferry was insuuord :nute. They
claimed that be rifused to work and it,"
cited the other convicts tc mutiny. On
the 2'lrd the chief keeper tolJ li:m ll.aj
Ferry had refused to work again and h
had beenjaentenced to the bla;k hoi'.
Henry and aiother guard seized him,
when he struggled furioua'y, and they
were compelled to olub him into sub
mission, as they were forcing him along
to hia dismal hole, he turned an! strug
gled until Henry lost his temper and
used his locust freely on him. Hs.nry
admits losing his temper but says
Ferry's abuses and attempts to strike
him fairly maddened him and he could
not help it. The warden sa; s that Ferry
was not so seriously hurt as he Bays and
that he refused medical attendance, and
also that it is not true that his mother
was not permitted to fee him because
his head wag mashed to a pulp by the
clubs of the guard?.
But this does not satisfy the relatives
of the injured man. Old 2onvicti claim
that this case is only one of rainy, and
the fact remains tbat a man has Wd
placed two years out of four in Bolitary
confinement in a loathsome cell, de
barred from light, from fresh air and
from the companionship of man. The
citizens are determined that an investi
gation shall be made into the affair.
Mellon Stealer Become Murderer.
New Alijahv, Ikd., Sept 5. A bloody
shooting affray occurrod In a remotj
part of Crawford county, about forty -five
miles southeast of here, Tuneday.
It is a wild, thinly settled locality, tea
miles away from a railroad, Saul
Snyder had a melon patch oh hia farm
and last Friday night unknown persons
entered tbe patch and carried away
nearly his entire melon crop. (le sus
pected the crime had boon committed
by J. W. Falkenburg, George Falken-
burg and Jake and Henry fcnlow, and
commenced a prosecution. Tbe war
rants for the arrest of tbe Falkenburgg
and Enlows were placed in the hands of
a constable named Snyder, a brother of
the man whose melon patch had been
despoiled. Tuesday he went to arres1
the parties. J. W. Falkenburg crossed
over the county line into Crawford
county, and when Constable Snyder
found and served the warrant on bim
agreed to answer tbe summons. The
two Enlows came up and Constable
Snyder commenced reading tha warrant
to them,
Snyder's brother Saul, was with him
The Enlowslopened fire on the constable'
l a: i . m a i . .
auoouug mm. taiaiiy inrough tha abdo
men. Then they turned upon Saui
Snyder, shooting him through tbe right
lung, inflicting a fatal wound. The En
Iowa then fled to the hills. They have a
bad reputation and will be lynched
when caught
IT ts reported and is probably relia
ble, that" the last of the Jlorglas dtod
last w-ek in Germany a uovnrtv-at.ri..i..
en street boggar. This degenerate de-
acendant of an Infamous ancestry was a
photographer by trade, and his wife a
washer womaji;
IN Winnipeg they ask 120 a oot lest
tor a corner lot than they do for an in
a deono, because It costs so much to
dear off the snow in .
"er loU ll ptopla dont prater
r...., r II Ssi,t 3.-While plo
ing in a MA on the Sweeney farm, Mr
Felt unearthed s r.v. contanir.g several
rkeietons. A cumber 01
i ti.;. .miled surprise
first discover".!. - -
B1 there are few stones found W that k
caluy. The largest "
d.uicuitv. Mr. Felt found several such
etoma, I ut of less siw, pparenlly "--J
with some regularity, like a floor or
covering to some receptacle- beneth.
Oa their removal there w -u
almost perfect skeleton, aud near itr
1 frill.
feet were the f-kuli ana aecayiu
monta of another. A little more
to the ncrtheast revealed another skele
ton, h ing partially under tbe first The
skulfof the second was found, and a
number of leg and arm bones were tak
en out and laid bMida the eicavat.on.
and ou exposure to the atmosphere they
soon fell to piecee. 'Ine SKeiewu .u
exc avation also showed signs of dismtt-
gration. Tbe uiountt, tue ""
.n.i ihaakelatons sod parts mereoi a.
described were closely examined. The
skull of the first or larger skeleton was
fa.rly well preserved, some of the teeth
iina almost nerfect 'Ihe enuii uiav
had been taken out had crumbled into
small pieces, but tbe cavity in the soil
where it had lain was as perfect as a
run In f..r cast But little of tbe third
skeleton was expobed, and that in vry
fragmentary shape, 'lhenrsi eaeiewu
lay on its sido, with the face inclined to
the east, and the other lay with their
faces downward. There did not appear
to Le any regular interment Evidently
the bodies were thrown in hastily. The
stone sovericg was possibly sn ftr
thought, as was also the mound which
leads to the conjecture that the interred
persons were digiuitariea of some sort
t, r,a,i hno w.n turnnl over to the
college authorities.
Official Crop rUpor;.
Wahiiikctos, D. 0,"Spt. 4. The fol
lowing monthly crop bulletin has been
issued by the Weather bureau: Au
gust was warmer than usual oa the
Atlantic coast, in the lower lake re
gions, Michigun and all states on th6
Pacific const, but Co ler than the aver
age temperature for August throughout
tU central valleys. Frosts occurred in
the extreme northwest about the 20th,
but the wheat crop was so well ad
vanced that only very slight dnmage
occurred in the ex'.ietne nor .hern par
tions of Minnesota and North Dakota,
Frost reached tl,0 northern boundary
of Iowa, but reports generally indicate
no material injury resulted to the corn
croi. Preceoding the occurrence of
these frosts wurnings were sent out by
this service to the cranberry and to
bacco regies of Wisconsin which en
ubled farmers to take the usual pre
cautions and prevent Injury to theee
crops. Reports indicate that the frosts
were quite severe in exposed localities
and the crop injured, although doubtless
much benefit must have resulted from
ihe frost warnings.
Tbe rainfall was greater than usual in
the interior of New England and middle
Atlantic staUp, The rainfull was also
inexceesfrom the lake region west
ward to the Pacific coast along the
Northern boundary of the United Slates
and in tbe states of the central Miss
issippi valley. Portions of Texas and
Colorado also report limited areas of
excessive rain.
Tbe corn crop is late and will probab
ly require about two weeks more of fav
orable weather to place it beyond injury
from frost Of course this does not
apply to tbe condition of the crop in
southern Kansas and thenc eastward
to Tennessee and Kentucky, where the
crop is now well idvanred.
Too Many Able llodled Veteran lo the
Milwaukee, Wis, Sept 4. Nearly
alt the old soldiers now in tbe national
soldiers' home who are now able to
work will be compelled to leave the in
stitution very shortly. This is the r
suit of action taken recently by the
national board Laving charge of these
veterans. Tbe question of pensions will
cut no figure and nh able bodied men
with or without peusiocs will have to
leave. Ihe action of the nationol board
was caused by the discovery that the
national houses all over the country
were greatly overcrowded and that
many of tbe inmates were vigorous and
hardy men, fully able to euro their liv
ing. This was especially true of the
horns near this city. It was decided to
order a tbarough medical examination
of all inmates of the various l,ranr,h
of tbe home with a view of reducing the
numb r of permanent inmates by hav
ing all able bodied men secur nnul.u
employment and beoome independent of
tbe home. It will lake anma
make the change as there an 1 flin
i ; . . ' as-
iar inmates, ibe rule as to physical
examination, it is thought, will reduce
the number of all that are actually en
titled to care and a home can be prop,
erly aooommoJuted.
Short la Aeeoaa s.
Ottawa, Out., Sept, 4.-The anaek-r
of the commons issued an order for tba
arrest ef Andre Senecal superintendent
of tba government printing bureau, who
failed to appear at tha bar of tba house
a ordered August 27. It I. e.Limatod
that during his term of office Seoeoal
vodaW,OWfrom the who .up.
plied goods to th, government
More business building ... . .
In Hardy. "
Professor C. F- Bennett of j
died at Oakland, Cai
11 A depot will be built by the fiti.
Company at MinneseU.
A train load of cattle was
Bradshaw and Hampton.
Onoa people will offer luJuttmrr.,,
for the erection of a new hotel
A JTattsmouth police arrested a-v.
txamps and one woman m one
A son of Pr. Nell of Tern
thrown from a wagou and serioui
jured. I
Mrs. Moberly of Thedford it , I
to lose a finger from the bite of u,. I
antula. I
Ihe contract for the new 1. I
school building at Genoa has been I
for 9.0,131. I
Lightning struck the residenr of n I
P. Parks and C E. hwansou of IUmiL I
ton county. , I
r-ioux. county farmers report I
they are harvesting the bent crop ctk I
raised in that county. I
The ground reported as in I
condition for plowing in nearly ;J yf. I
tions of the state. I
lavid Mathers, an old gt-niiemea A I
Nebraska City, fell under a wagon tui I
was quite badly hurt.
Arthur Jiayfes tbe thirteen year-old
son of H. W. Dayies of Fairfield, wa
drowned at that place.
A new 800 horse power wheel Lai
been received by the Kearney electric
street car company.
It Is estimated that 7,500 ix-oplewen
In attendance at the old settliTa' picnic
at Lord's grove, Seward county.
LiBliliiiug icd n.t r. look in a immUt
of farmers in the vicinity of l aiU (jtj
to the tune of from Sifl to each.
A Nebraska City marble, dealer of
fers to give 20 per cent olf on tomb,
itones a an inducement lor iojileis
O. W. Strnugmnu, living north of
liloomiiigton, had his liiind hailly lo
ured by the explosion of a gun while
shooting at a wolf.
Elmer K. Long a gifted and popular
young attorney of Loup City, un-d on
the 2. at at lies Moines whither he had
gone for treatment
Phil hai'er of Tekamali was iirresttd
and fined $-j and cost, for whipping
his four-year-o'.d child. Nut being
able lo pay bis tine he was committ-dUt
John I eter&on left his team uraied
in Sow belly canon, near Harrison, and
tie team ran away in tlio gulcli ert; I
they remained three days (Jioy
were found.
Ju ige Mark of Hamilton county al
lowed the Lewis heirs &J.0U0 dan anl
against the Mitton estate lor the kill
ing of W. W. Lewi ut liroinili Id. The
case will go to the supreme court,
M'illiam Harrison of Clay county
raised tune crops of ulfalla on the
same ground this year. The third
crop gave the smallest yiel 1 mid yet ill
average height was over twenty inches
An enormous spider was cuptured at
Lyons by Miss Kiltie Uuthell. In
body was about one inch lung and ut
a light brown color with black epubi,
i's legs when stretched out measured
three inches.
It is expected to have Ignatius Don
nelly present at Ihe alliance picuic to
be given in Fremont on the (. Iiautau
qua grounds sometime early in reptem,
ber ihe dale lo bo lixed to suit his
William Cook, who waa so terribly
kicked by a horse near t ook, ia BtiU
very low and his recovery is considered
doubtful, It is reported thut three ul
his ribs were broken from his spins'
column by the force of the blow.
Conductor Helburg, running between
Llnwood and Superior, has a female
mastiff which recently bad ten puppies.
Of these her owner baa sold nine t
25 each, lie can put on as much aim
as a farmer who has a field of rye.
Someone left a handbag containing
a lot of odds and ends of woman's at
tire at the Elk born depot in Freinout
taking in lieu a much larger one be
longing to a preacher. The one carried
away contained the manuript uf
aome old sermon .
Jiiss Nellie ltogers of Norfolk, Neb.,
who was taking a course of musical in
struction at Dubuque, died tlicro the
other day. 8he was taken with a con
gestive chill and morphine was adoiio
Uiered. Me sank Into a comalo con
dition and never awoke.
The culprit, Lewla Logo, who I'M
been seveal time under arrest at H'u
rega for dWera thefU, made his escape
from tbe sheriff tbe other night about
10 o'clock by Jumping through the
screen of an open wiudow of a billiard
ball. A careful March failed to reveal
bis fleeting form, ond it U hoped M
haa fled to other fields.
TI family of Leander and Mart
Bate held their first reunion in
twenty-nine yean at Weeping Mr
week. Light children, a
to manhood and womanhood,
prenaU The united H"'
WM W ywra auu
Bat three of tbe twsutjrHr
were preeent i
7" Trn- -jsj