The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 10, 1891, Image 1

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    The. Sioux County Journal,
H ARHISOlsr, TEp.. SEPT. lO, 1891.
the sioux capm
.- Tltall,
fl, . i S piUed !U
4kchmt tailoring.
'catisfaction Gnar
ly , . n
r-. ,
n . iT?vTinr riivF.v to
rPBuMi "
,1 . i 1 4, -
Going Emit,
We send out a number of extra eoni
of The JoutSALeach week and no one
ed ltesitate to take theni from the
postotfiui as Uiere will be bo charge
against any who lave not ordered the
Iir- Thb Publisher,
in small
the Bank
by the
Nebraska Security
irrafKED Capital
Pi? VP cm&
Officer: I
1 IiwuliklaCii, Vice I'resirteut.
K. II. Jo.'W, secretary.
C. K. VriTf .Trwuiurer.
jl, T. (Xiklet, Attorney-
W now have on our lists over thirty
CHOICE FARMS in thin county
which we can Hell on LONG
T111E and EASY PAY
' ' REKT8.
Parties wishing to buy or sell should
in the Secretary,
Lji bought and old on commission.
Hnrrlwn, Xohraiika.
ti:..i.-t ,nl.irt ti ntkiA tar irrain
tbt Hrrion Lumber Yard.
-Wv-n fmi want a rood smoke go 10
Jmer'naiil try one of the "Charmer
-Tht fall term of school oj)ened last
(tjodiy, with Miss Conner and Miss Par-
mute hern.
-Wjomtni Two (foal wood-chopper
tfooe. UooU wage.
IT. I. x. , . nivl th UVl'fcl ft''
bom dow untilJanuary 1, W
mtt, eah in advance,
-Only 75 cenU in cash will secure
TBtaWaodthe Weekly lie, from
Km until Jiinnarv 1.
-Don't forget tliat tle barber shop is
m floor east of m postomce, i
wot a diave, hair-cut or (duunpoo.
-We make bedrock priced on groce-
(Jonie awl iwe H we un u
Ok,..,. IaI nf fine potatoes and
wntnoraeone to dig them on shares.
Will give onMri xth. J- M. Damba
-fliu Caromenzind hauled out lum
Urt few day ago for a new granary,
hat U one of the results of the good
a ti farmer have just iiarvested.
-We want reports w to tlie yew 01 1
Pliti u fat a the farmera getthrenh-'
Ciohe. Don't be backward but xenu
kmin repoita.
-A farewell reception wu tendered to
y. and Mrs. Rorick at the church last
Thursday evening. About fifty were
promt and a plcanant tirae enjoyed.
Lt'MBKK. First-class nawve
Mil ihingles constantly on liand at m
(1-WBotBr. tt""-0'
The new roof on the ranch supply
Wilding in completed and the outside . ja
owbeTng newly painted, which adds
h to the appearance of the structure.
-There appears to be a good demand
for men. There is not an idle man in the
Wnmunity and a number more couiu
employment among the farmers.
Jkftt indicate prosperity.
! .ni.. mil ir.m nnnearn a notice
mivwivi vvi -j
U next examination for applicants
$-'i,000 Ut loan on farms
amounti Apply at once at
of Iforriion.
We tarry Fargo'g boots and than,
the best in Uie country.
Obuwou & Marsthxkh.
G. Outline lias sold tila residpnre
property to E. O. Hough and ia trans
forming the building formerly used by
him as a grain house into a residence.
C. f Wejler is fitting his horse,
'Bill V Mc" to enter the race? at Chadre.n
next month. (1. H. Turner Is biking of
OUttine his horses into (he'rtinninfrrnrpit.
but has not yet fully decided.
We will five TllE Journal, one vear
to tlii r-"?" wIjo will bring us the larg
est watermelon. A recora ol Hie weight
of each melon brought in will le kent
and tlie award made at the close of the
The general topic of conversation
among t!i6 faimers of ale has len of
good crops. Each one contends that his
crop is the best. They are all in good
spirits and next year a much larirer acre
age will le sown than there was this
Take the Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis
souri Valley and Sioux City & Pacific
railroad for Fremont, Lincoln, Hastings,
Siiierior, Omaha, Missouri Valley, Sioux
Uitv, hit. t'aul, nuiutn anu points norm
Dcs, Moines, liixon, Chicago, Milwaukee,
anil the iumlier regions in Wisconsin.
Close connections are made at Chicago
fr.r Toledo. Buffalo. Albany, Philadel-
delphia. New York and all points in the
east. Palace sleeping cars on an
through trains.
On last Monday County Attorney
Conley filed a petition in the county
court against C. C. Jameson anu Ins
landsmen for 9, the balance yet clue
on the shortage reported by the exirt
after deducting the oirts piade by the
county commissioners. The amount is
I.. finnnc-n inr l ie custi l ito
.. j in d,a Hiot net. court. There
,u nn. mnm vet to be filed and that
is acuinst E. t. Satterlee anu ins uonuw
men, for the balance yet due the county
Tn his last attempt to bring rain at
rwenne. Melbourne did not accomplish
what lie undertook, but the reports are
Imt tlie irreat majority of the people
there liave faith in his plan. It may be
that he cannot, under the most unfavor
able circumstances, produce rain, nui,
wlum the conditions are partially in his
favor he can do so. If that is the case ,
ie can do a vast amount oi gow,
during dry seasons there m mo'siure
enough in Uie atmospoere ' "
newled is to gel someunut, i"
duce precipitation.
"Weneeda mill, and need it bad,
is ivlMit the farmeiii are saying, There
is a good deal of grain in Sioux county
and it is hardly the right thing to have
. ..Li.. :t At. nml nav tne ireignv uu
then have to buy flour and pay freight
This locality oners sui.v.
, .:n if a lite.'im mill
. t'nf fuel would be
;Zn the I heids are ho close and
small as . nower could
,1,0.1.0 oe !..- tv . - this
'Sour which would H.U X
petition with the proouci, u. u.v
Let us get a null.
-In another column appears the rec
ord of the commissioners' proceedings.
I making up the records from his notes
. '..,. clerk omitted a portion of
lhe territory as re-dis
.ionerdistrictsd heove,..
&Utof Walker miule a grea
A. W. MoLr was in town Tuesday.
J. li Newlin v as in from White River
last Saturday.
""W. A. Bigelow was down the road the
first of the week.
Attorney A. G. Fislier came up from
11 W. MacLachlan returned yesterday
from his business trip east.
Vv. u. flimpton added his name to our
list of readers last Monday.
W. WT. Seymour arrived last week to
look after his interests here.
MiiMI f..lx.t TU.rn. 41.- f..n
... BUtJL iMJillllu .lectin U3 iai4
term of school in White River last Mon
JL T. Zerbe has lieen down from Cas
cade this week and was in town yester
ing a few days with his brother and look
ing a ler ins hioux count v interests.
t . fc. came down from ( asper
Sunday to see his mother and on Monday
added Lis name to our list of readers.
liev. and Mrs. Rorick left JastMon-
A'W ovi.tiinrr' Ilia ff..mi. fAi hiu now
work in Iowa and the latter to visit her
mother in Kansas. The good wishes of
the community follow them.
Mrs. L. J. Simmons, accompanied by
her children, left Inst evening for a visit
to her parents at Warrensbure. Mo., and
before returning will stop at eastern Ne
braska tioints. She will lie absent until
ibout iSovemiier 1st.
Sioux Comity at Hie State Fair
The state fuir at Lincoln begins today.
Sioux county sends down an exhibit in
ilmpi'mi . K. Ho mes who went down
last night. Box Butte county is sending
a splendid showing, in spite oi contin
mdil inn nf t ho snh iwt, dv t lie lireSS
IfeiweH count v will lie unreprese-nted ow-
intr to lack of interest sufheient to take
li.l.l end nn-ini'n an exhibit. This is not
the best kind of a showing for the lead
ing county in Northwest Nebraska, but
i t in it tn'ii p. at. :i,riv r i vvc
ought to redeem ourselves at the coming
I r.iin nml 'In. 11 BMltl IllftlieSteX-
hibit there to advertise uie cuum.y.
Chadron yl(twc(c.
Sioux county occupies the old log hut
near line art hall with a magnificent ex-
hibit from the extreme 4oiuiesu Ne
braska county in charges of Charles E.
Ilolmes, Eli Smith and John A. Green,
all of Harrison. hliuc Jtmrmu.
m.., a:.. AiMinii. ovhil.if. 1 located
li e d uua luuin. v.....".-
i ust west of the art hall in a typical
western tog cabin, wnicn i nmue ui pmo,
. . aim nJi. 1 m'klrPiTV and
UtJLUJIl v www, .n'M -----
willow loH cut from native timber, lue
e i- r 4i. rt KiiL-a to linnilnmelv deCOr-
llVllb Jl tllC livunu ' J
ated with pine foliage, grasses and cer-
eals, wiiue wiimu inj " "
-i t n.7 nf ncrriciirt.nral products,
elegant n ij v. r , ,
comprising line specimens of wheat, oats,
1 -.I , i nAfilniiQ mimn-
llaX, niltiet, nruom tmulfv .",r-r
kina, melons, beets, etc. Sugar beets
grow to perfection i" the deep, rich soil,
ta . . . 1 . -.l,l.l iiliiii novepnt-
and last year yiemeu n k.-w.
age of sugar at the Grand Island factory
than those grown in any other county in
the state, the average being 23.2 per
cent pure sugar. Theexhibit is in charge
of Messrs. C. E. Holmes, Eh Smith and
John A. Green. All ol tnese geuuem
are enthusiastic in the praise of then
county and its bright prospects. There
is still consiueniuiB m"" m u. j
open to the homesteader, and any one
j ,-nni t-ititr a. fnod home cheap
uesirM oi w.n""b " o-"- ix-,.,. t
should not fail to call at the "Little Log
Cabin" and have a talk with the boys
from Sioux county. aiuiu uum m...
Tlu. lusf lorriul-ttnm nnsed a verv im
portant law relating to the public funds
oi uie suite anu wuuLy. iiww n "
law the baaks doing business in the vari
ous counties are to tad to tlie aeposas 01
toe county money apu vue itowuih .a
compelled to accept tlie highest offer,
wiin provision inat, sucn nao 61,cu
a bond in double the amount of the sum
which will come into it from the county,
such bond to be approved by the county
higliest rate of interest on the deposits of
county lunos win i oungeu uuetpa
sevarate account with each of the vari
ous funds into which tie county money
IS uiviueu. ine law luruier pruvmco
lUnl ll.n mnlln f .nfif A 1 Vdci 1 V (IP 1 11-
mill liiq ....vniiig ji jiiuiii,
directly by the county treasurer out of
county funds or removal 01 tne same lrom
the legal repository, except for the pay
ment of warrants legally drawn, etc.,
shall be oeemeu guilty oi a leiuuy aim
. . .1 . . -Cll 1 1.
upon conviction tnereoi soau ue
to a rnalty of not more than two years
. . 1 . . ' - . 4 -.1
in the penitentiary or a line nub bjiot.
ing"i.O00. In the past tlie office of
county treasure: has. been a bank fight
in i.i nut BUurtf cnimTV in II UllU
in the eastern counties where large sums
in bonds have oeen voteu me &iuiiuK
t,,n,a houo 'lffntvlpH a. nice bankiner fund
and the banks that got the deposits as
well as the county treasurers niaua c
nml ihinr- nut, of it and no law was vio
lated. In one instance a county treas-
nrpr lat?d largely in real estate
...;tL ti. a iin4v fnndy nnd realized hand
somelv thereon. On settlement with
belonging to tlie county, uui me cuuul
was not satisfied and brought suit to re-
..c-nif r.t t ha an p, l s. uut
UUVCt LIJO icoliau " '
r. de,cided that under
the law then existing all that the
i"nnn.v mil Id do was to accept the
..,( nf,.noli fnunrl due. The new law
yiniuui.i. i" viv.j.. .v...
puts a stop to the banlc lignts anu aiso iu
speculation with county iuuus
result in good to uie tax-payeia.
Geo. H. Turner,
We have now on hand a first
class stock of Clothing, Hats,
Caps, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons,
Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, High
Patent Bon Ton Flour always
on hand, no better in the land.
Com, Oats, Chop, Bran and all Kinds of Feed. A complete stock of Hardware,
Tinware, Barb Wire, and all Kinus 01 ru.m
Which we will sell at Lowest Prices possible. We invite
all to call and look at Our Goods before buying.
We Shall Endeavor to Treat all Fair and Square.:
HARRISON, NBB August 27, ,1801.
Board of county commissioners met pur
W,ntf 'Klsilonore Green. Grove
lieetlng read and up-
proved. . ... nn motion.
aTS' cnap. 7oneral law, of
S buSria No A to contain the territory em-
and sections . "',': ' 4 5 j, 7, 8, 0, W, 17,
ranee f, aud sections i, 0,0, 1,0, ,
embraced 1 a towi an P - n
ami iwwi . - 2 3,10,11,12, is, 14:
. 1 ; n nr hiu
hnWl about it m tne in. " , "
;,..!, Thn oversiK'ii Wlla Vu" , "
tinwKt. -- - t ie boara or
and the recoi ls now as t
dered it and it has cost no on
Railroad Fare Reduced.
For the Uiwes county fair at Chadron
X'Srvtf onCTare for the
round trip.
68 -,..Tnii,'3'r
neKiKiiatlono t k upad,on
,f rwul dial r t No. 9 s lllllt',lmc for
motion, n-ji i. "," 7i.ilwof saido l cewan
performing thomah '"X? a .ncce-Hor
anVhavetxind J!'P!;.d',)llut in regard to
J laics as taken u,, and, on motion
Uld over until next m" ,listrct
I'ctUiim. 01 ;rovlnit hoa
Me I''t Wnt Thf"K
. ,. cmdion the following
w next, examination ir Under tne . 4i,0rviw-
hrtaehm certiHcate.. to Uke place at & . the issue of the ui
?. r.ff ' trlnth i ford CHir: improvement;
t. ' T . " ... . .lAuimul Til IM) I "jTil-Stl t"" '" . m iAWn 1( 0
cond, those who go o-;-erft
their trading! th.rf, th
miiettowntoone a. - &
fourth, those wh . run
fifll.. "f ,,0, advertising: sixth,
done IJy' TLblio piri menj
those wno ... - . evcry mu -
Mventh. those who oppo u t
ment which docs whoputon a
.t,n,. yes; eight". i" ...iif-of locat-
r": . f.. when a strai - wfte
"K."7- . ninth, those. " ,
'1W. A number who desired U be
Minl expreMd a desire for it tc .be
ta oe Fridiy and 8upU Southworth
fwtl tlwir request
-Arrangement are being Jierfected
Udy of noU to give reading from
"a of the best known authors. Ik.rri
people have Sot had an opportunity
Don diould mlM It- The m
?cted to neit friend, in U. vicinity
SWHted, rfwuld "heniaWe the
u rive an enUrtamnieuu ' lll)pear o ,a " ' " who seek to '",
Wbefore audleooee in many of U 'M I tenth, Uw" h"Ba individua
ing in town; - . w ,jtu uoes o
nublic enterprise t)em
K""' ' n a direct ,n liure
Rain-Maker Melbourne.
Ti,a rilniinnir nnnenred in the St.
T.nnis GMterDemwrat of Sept. 1, as a
special from Cheyenne, Wyo., concern
u. ..r;i-.icit of lirnducinEr rain:
mi; uuc " 1 .j
a f.,;..i,, ciw.,.Bsfiil. if not entirely con
elusive test of the Frank Melbourne
method of producing rain, was had here
tins afternoon, anu nan ,
found sensation. The people are filled
with amazement, tlie most violent skep
tics capitulate, wide flieiuouuie ir.
u...fninorl nml confident as ever. At a
o'clock last night a careful compilation
was made ol the recorus 01 tne
nal olllce and telegraphic reports from
oilier bureaus. At that, uoui
enne observer said a rain storm was ap
proaching from, the nr;rt hwast. This
nioriiuiK ik -- - - . ,
and Dakota visitation had been carried
east to spend itself in Wisconsin, while
every local condition presaged fair and
dry weather. There might be a mist,
the prophet of the Agricultural Depart
ment ventured, but the could be no
...... 1,1 .;ni4imi. Tn the mean-
consiueiauic jiu-fi - , .
time Melbourne was at work, looking
wise and only saying mat
, -41 : nnmc, At. 9. o'clock this
maite uie ram wm. ,
afternoon only light, fleecy clouds
skirted the horizon. In half an hour
li.j. 1 a.iniik liop-nn to collect near
IlllLCK. 11CU.V.Y iiv.""" o . . . .
the labratory, the rest of the sky being
r, At, a:4 1 O C10CK aHUUVYCi oi
and in twenty minutes wneu u.a
subsided there had been a fall of 11
lOOths of an inch. This was generally
regarded as accidental, Melbourne
claimed it and said there would be more.
Cant. Ravenscraft, the observer, had
.. ' 4..iinn hi instruments, and
ueeii oiuwi '"t . ;,- ; .
admitted unwillingly that ne was com
plete y mystuied, ana saiu u,c
was certainly in part due to artificial
causes. He predicted, and every appear
ance indicated, that the remainder of the
day would be clear.
'11 on iu o,.Q.4Kd. shower of the sea-
jit, 1 i)U 1,1.0 a..vw -
. indoors. There was a
goi wjlujcvcij vv.
. f half an hour. It
was preceedei by sharp lightning and
.. o but, uneven re-
tnunuer, anu y. " -. ----
nort. This fall made the total for the
day 47-t00ths of an inch, neanyiiie
ised bv the wizard. The wind
,;t.t Mnlhourne till the rain,i filwvsnnewas a storm center
rnn rta AvtAnriinEr over muoa m
llll -l I A ( t3 :, .
,1 nn minnir the expen
every uiiotyiiwuj o i i
ment the wind veered clear around, al
4 .1 a circle. Melbourne
most uBsunuius - . TI
says there will oe niucn u
r . i.,.i ; tuc rnnf of his shop, but
nas a iiuic m ...iv. . - .
nothing has been seen to come from the
oneninK. Capt. Ravenscraft and the
gentlemen who brought Melbourne here
6 ... i:c.fu,l nnrl if t,o-dav's exneri-
mot . 4.h criterion the man must be
.J. the elements. lur
4:i ,.,111 i4, main, and the arrange-
tuer uua.? 44 .l,
ments will be maue ior sww - j
the owners ol large pieces ui
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Crockery
and Queensware.
rd to re
fill. Wot Nion wu..y. t.rtw-inti from
eonsliler action in 'taxcs of John
ftsS0SH.i..m rolls . the MM lind
Uaut aii'l J. . I'!"-"" . j hereby
on motion, the c rk c BS inf.rested to
iBtructcd to not y al 1 P" (,onln,i,ioiicrs ImfdTll tne ooa'u " . ,, nr0.
,,.... .. f iw.tnlior. in.Ji, ""-' ,.
SrKwB'w f i-sUmony "In regard to u
maUcr in '"""VTinhcrt Wilson as Jnstlco of
UcsiKnallon of 1 ". wa8 taken up
the peace tot liowe rcu next m(,el.
and, on niouui.,.
sen ten ami,
tiered nhu-cd 01 p- s,onx r0nty
The follow ng . ""S wBrrunts ordered
w,.r audited, a for 'general fund of
HlBn f nr aiiiiic on levy
M'.(;avlirl, Jji jg
TV'.lntoni! services J
it 1.. l
10 "
I 25
Notice Homestead Entry.
('omi)lahit having been made at this office
bv?SJviy 1 "uSsoll against Man-lot (J.
Ifwe for failure to comply with law as to
Kestcai entry No. ZVlf nX
iss, upon tho sw ne-so n '
wW Mu" conn'ty NehrakaVwith a view to
e'clonif yj cot
than SIX. nui.' - ,?,, d cultl
"Mr" Vrt'r.rrl by law. that
claimant has never "'
mony cimceriiiiiK ".,.. .,,,. ,
Testimony oi wit . - mc()
fmXoTOfaafof sept, isid at
m , t., 1". V. POWERS, Keceiver.
Contestant's Attorney.
i..t... a CrmMi
j vim - - -
Claim of Gorge .1. h t' ' motion,
"on motion board T.inpRmas,
...... r.I
ri.1horfl' F.Yilllliliatioll.
'I', ' 4 'VuilITIIWOKTII.
lm"' County superintendent.
Kstrav Notice.
every day in the year. We are always
ready to give you a first-class article at
fairest prices. Come in and try our way
of doing business; you will come out way
ahead if you do.
For Men, Women and Children.
Ranch Trade Solicited.
Ranch Supply House.
MacLachlan & Cook, Props.
7, . . ..... cm I?
IVIIIIC I""" ' 1,
Dated, Uarrlson, Nch., Au
17, 1891-
for , , -g- .
N0 rifsilSH'
-e.iV4e...i-... .iv lynpLW
PUeiUeeand many are u won- v. of UM -
j-7weeann many
bicb are epokta of r.