s to, The Sioux County Journal. established 18. official cootty pap ee. best fapeb ix -the ooujity. HAS THE LAKOEST CIKCt'LATIOJ." OF ANY PAPEH PUBLLSIIED IS SKATE COCXTY. O Subscription Price, $2.00 L. J. Simmons ... Editor. Entered at the Harri-on post office as sec Out! class matter. Thubsday, Sept. 3, 1891. Republican County Convention. Tile republican electors of sioux touiity, Keb., are requested to send delegates from their several precincts to meet in eouven tiou at the court hoiiso,-1ii Harrison, Keb., on September IS), im, at 11 o'clock, a. ui. APPORTION MEM. The several precincts are entitled to rep reseutation as follows, being based ujkjii the vote for Hon. Geo. H. Hustings, for attur ney general in lf.iu, giving one delegate at large for each precinct and one for each ten votes and the major fraction thereof: The primaries for the several precincts will be held at the following times and places on Saturday, September li, im : AnteloiMS At the residence of S. U. Story, Trom 4 to 6 p. in.; 1 delegate. Andrew At the residence of J. W. Robin son, from 1 to e p. in.; 1 delegate. Bowen At the office of ii. Guthrie, from i to 7 p. m.; 5 delegates. Bodarc At school house in district Ko. 6, from 5 to 7 p. m.; 3 delegates. Cottonwood At school house iu district No. 4, from 4 to 6 p. in.; 2 delegates. Five Points At the residenc of Frank Tinkham, from to 6 p. m. ; 2 delegates. Lower Humiiiig Water At the residence 'of 0. J. tiowey, from 3 to 6 p. tn.; delegates. Hat Creek At the residence of l F. t off ee, from 4 to 6 p. m.; 2 delegates. Montrose At Jlontroso school house, from 3 to 6 p. in. ; 3 delegates. Running Water At the residence of A. McGiuley, from 4 to 9 p. m. ; 2 delegates. Snake Creek At Herueall's store, from 4 to 6 p. m.; 1 delegate. Sheep Creek At the residence of T. B. Sny der, from 4 to 6 p. m.; 1 delegate. White Hiver At the school bouse in school 'district No. 1, from 4 to 6 p. m.; 2 delegates. Warbonnet-At the Warbonnet ranch. from 4 to S p. m.j 3 delegates. A. W. Moan, . G. Hough, Chairman. Secretary. Kenublicuu Judicial Convention. The republican judicial convention for the IStJi judicial district will be held at Val entine, Nebraska, on September 22, ltfll, at 10 a. m., for the purpose of nominating two candidates for the office of judge in said dis trict, and for the transaction of such other business as shall come before the conven tion. The counties composing said district are "entitled to representation as follows : Box Butte Boyd.. .Brown- Cherry , Pawes . 7 1 ,4 6 Holt p Keva Palm 3 Hock 3 Sheridan (i Sioux 2 , By order of the judicial central commit tee. W. W. Wood, Chairman. Jab. n. Daxskik, Secretary. ; The G. A. E. reunion at Grand Island this week is being attended by a large crowd and everything is passing oil' in an enjoyable manner. . These gatherings are Coiiulj Priutiiisf. Under tiie above heading Editor Walk er fills a column in the last issue of his Herald in an attempt to ntoke out thai the county commissioners liave r.ot done right in regard to the matter of county printing. He tries to make out that lo calise the bills allowed The Jocknu exceeded $200, that the board should have advertised for bids, and bupportshis argument in an editorial wherein he says the statement is correct or the record. are false. That reminds us of the time that L. O. Hull read an affidavit in the district court, signed and sworn to by himself, and then stated to the court that the showing made therein was true. By his article he show either that he is trying to mislead and deceive or that his knowledge of print ing and the laws regarding such work is decidedly meagre. As to the amount exceeding 200 he puts it all into a lump. He knows, or ought to know that publishing aad furn ishing stationery are two different lines' of business. Then he knows, or ought to know that there is some of the work done which is not in the hands of the county board. The rules of the district court provide that the clerk of the dis- trict court shall have a bar docket printed and the statutes support such rule, and that is not under the control of the county board. The statute provides that the county treasurer shall have his semi-annual statement published and that the county shall pay a reasonable comjHjnsation for such publication. Where does the jurisdiction of the county board come in? The treasurer is ordered by the statute to have the de linquent tax list published, but the treasurer is not the county board. But Walker does not care for those little things. The straight facts would not suit his purpose. For if he would make straight, honest and plain statements he would have nothinar to howl about. The showing made by Walker in re gard to the stationery furnished the county is misleading. He would have people understand that a single order was given for 4,500 letter heads. Such was not the case. The material cited in that item, as well as several others, was furnished to the various officers as it was needed, mostly in lots of 500 and the prices quoted by Editor Walker are so arranged as to hoodwook his read ers. The JourxaiS charges to the county correspond with the charges to other customers, and on the work done fur the county we wait ' until warrants can be issued and then pay registration ftes and sell the warrants at a discount. As to tha treasurer's statements; they were published and the people saw what they were. The one of June, 181)0, was very long; the one of January, 1891, was much shorter and the one of July, 1891, was still smaller, which causei the de crease in the amounts allowed. Editor PEOPLE'S INDEPENDENT j Tl martyr of tla JI-mUI in a com- M'UJVAN & KiXf.K- ' say- tliat if Ih history of hit rUou row , io., I resolution condemning tl. present j ,lJ ''-"l lu.irK .,,( Luiti'd hy ih" Count fViitr.il Ctiimii'i Notice to Tom mi'Vi:!. AH corinimnic-ttloiis Ui inuiv pulilhvt m" in tliU t-ilii;jiH i:mt rj:-li thr MTH.n '-oHu-' tty 1 uc-.-tiUty noon ot vnvti wi-ck. W r! on on1 (!' "paper only; tit rate m- 'i iu-m; lx bnrf ami to lii' point in wu t:iWiiit nt. Atl'h ail (iiatt'-rto J. M. i;nt)N, StC. C'O. C-ll. C'Olll. I'lroMlt-'si Illli. Cat '', iliirriMin, ,svb. becoming more popular each year, and a walkers showing has two bills for great deal of enjoyment is derived there from, especially by the old soldiers. From the way the editor of tiie Boom erang squeals about the little squib in The Journal recently, about the name of one candidate in the independent ticket in .Dawes county being set in lower case white the balance of the ticket was set in caps, one would infer that the re marks of THE Joubsal were pretty near the truth. - Prof. Dyrenforth has returned to Washington. His experiments in pro ducing rainfall were highly satisfactory and the professor is highly ehtted over the result. He says there is no doubt now that the principle is the correct one. It is evident that science will soon make failure of crops on account of lack of moisture will be an unknown condition. : The statement of George Walker that the county clerk has employed a deputy at the expense of the taxpayers, is utter ly false and he knows it. There has not been a bill presented for clerk hire since the present officials have been in office and the editor of the Herald knows it, but that'tnakes no difference to him, he makes charges regardless of records or facts Editor Walker makes a great fuss about County Clerk tiindeman being president of a $50,000 institution and as usual, attempts to mislead his readers in Ihexnatter. The Nebraska Security Co. of which Mr. Lindeman is president, was organized for the purpose of securing new settlers for Sioux County. It has an authorized capital of $50,000, that is, its capital may amount to that sum. Its paid up capital is $6,400 and that con sists of real estate in Sioux county. The real estate was assessed the same as all real estate so that Uie assertion of Mr. Walker in regard, to the company not paying taxes or being assessed is untrue, and he knew the facts when he made the statement. A company may be incor porated with an authorized capital of a million dollars and still have but a very small paid up capital. The Nebraska Security Co. has spent about $300 adver tising Sioux county and inviting people to come here to locate and the indica tions are that, their efforts will be re , warded. - The members of the company have real estate which will be increased in value by the Kttlement and develop ment of tm county and we are at a loss io see what objection Mr. Walker or any uxm else can reasonably have to such an organisation. The work of the company 'will benefit every real estate owner in 4Btoax county and instead of being f-nwJadAt4be. company should be cora ViawrtiKl for thrfr fTorta. treasurer's statements dated January, 1891, and he knows that there was bu one statement and one charge for pub lishing it during that month, but what does he care, his reputation is estab lished. ' As to The JoCRNAX, defending rotten ness on the part of the county lxard, it has done no such thing, nor will it. There is no rottenness to be defended in their work and George Walker knows it. The trouble is, the county odicials will not let Walker and his outfit "work them,'' and some of his little schemes get blocked and so he would like to get them kicked out and hava some of his kind of people put into their places. The result of the meetings held by the state board of transportation has resulted in naught except to draw out a good deal of discussion. Some of the business men at the cities where the meetings were held demanded lower rates, while others expressed themselves as satisfied with the present rates. It is about like the petitions sent to alien Boyd when he was holding down the executive office, for and against the Newberry bill. The signers knew nothing of the bill except that it was to reduce the rates. G. W. Holdredge has written some articles de fending the rate! charged, and the arti cles have been published in the state pa pers and that is all that has been accom plished. The people want the rates as low as they can get them and tlt is all there is to one side of the case. The roads want rates at which they can make money and tliat is the other side of the case. Now if the state board has any authority let it decide what is just and make it known. If the rates can be reduced .without injustice to the com panies, let it reduce them. If the rates are as low as they can be, consistently, let tiie board say so and take the conse quences. The action of the board, so far, looks about as reasonable as it would be to call in a lot -of farmers, merchants and mechanics to prescribe for a sick person. A Kit of History; Fremont TriWIne. J. W. Edgerton was a candidate on the Union-Labor ticket for supreme judge in 1886. In 1888 he waa. the nom inee of the same party for congress in the First district. In 1S0 he was the Independent candidate for attorney gen eral and now he is candidate for supreme judge again, Edgerton is at the front as an ohie seeker. - . r I'lii t I'orni of tiie ( im luni I oiifi r.-iici . 1. That in view of the great -oeliiI, rA- trial Kin! economic revolution now flr:i upon the tivili.i j world ami Hie ne.v ami living issues eonf routing the American i-o nle, we briieve tint tin: time liu arrive"! I-rr a ervwtaliznlion ot tin-itolitieul rWonn 1 n-- ol our country ami the formation of dial houM Im- known as the IVoole's I'arlvol the I niteU Statei of America. 2. That we most heartily emlore the niat form Hn4inptc at t. l.ouU. Mo., in i-'1. iieala, K!h., in l'.-o. ami Omaha, Nch.. in !. by the industrial organizations there repre sented, summaricd a follow : A The rijrht to make and iMic nionev i a overei;cn jMiwer to le maintained hy the ta-ojiie for tiie common beneiit, hence we de mand the alailitiou of the national haul,- a hank of Imuc, and as a substitute for na tional hank liote, we demand tiiat IcgM' tea der treasury notes he is-ued in sollieienl vol nine to transact the business of 1 lie com, I rv on a ca-h basis, without damage or siii-ei;il am mu i aye io any class or calling, sue n null to he le.il tender in payment of all debt public or private, and such notes, when ih inum led by the people, shall la.' loaned to them at mil more than 2 percent per ana mi i ii lain non-pcrisiiuiiie products, as indicated in the Mibtrensiiry plan, and also upon lie1 real estate Willi proper limitation upon the quantity of land and amount ol money. K Wc demand the free mid unlimited coinage of silver. We demand the passage of laws pro hibiting alien ownership ol laud, ami tlnd cone;re-s take prompt action to devise mhiic pian toohlitiu ail lands now owned bvitlien and lorciifu syndicate-, nnd that all lands held by raiiro.tds and other cortiorntion in excess tit siieh us is actually used and needed hy them he reclaimed bv'the Kovuruuu-nt and held lor actual settlers only. I) - Kelievini; In the- doctrine of eqiml rights to all and special privilctrcH to nunc, we demand that la vation national, siute or municipal- shall nol be ucd to build up one interest or class at the expense of another. K We demand that all revenues --national, slate or county-shall la- limited to lac necessary expenses of the (,'overnmi nl economically and honestly administered. i'-Wc demand a just and equitable HysUiu of (jraduated tax on income-. ti We demand the most rlxid. honest a-id just national control and supervision ol the means of public communication and tram portatiou, and if this control and super vision does not remove the abuse- noweii-t in(f, we demand the government ownership ol such means of communication uud trans portation. II We demand the election ol president, vice president ami I idled states senators h a direct vote of the )eople. The Law and liif Tic rat d in. el bialM-r--;.:. tries K make it iii I j-ue .f t!:;.t si, that 'ie;ird..f COIIIlly li. lulu. !"!! I'l'hilill ' t!:e blisil ess .f Mm -ardi. -sof la, J i t i- e or h-die-'y devotes svvr.ll ( "i'lllllls of Ins .) l ilt Is. -kite of tlie , .If ill the ti;- pieseiil v haxeka-n county" I'e- untv ot!ier t desired he ran produce Jit. Let u-have it, George; publish the ; mimes .,f t!ie delegate present when the ' resolutions were ad-pted, and you might I also publish the runic of those present 'at that mavs meeting at which the j countv o;!e were reiUe.ted to resign, j Both h -ts si ill not take up more than a few hnes of your space. Tell tl? truth alout it -hut. there is no Use reminding vou to t. ll the truth, your reputation lor telling the truth is established. in shouii A bow th' '"- mi f.-W doli.ll s S,lVed to tl ,,,(, had r.s.-iv.sl ll.: a.'..- iii-t--ad ofti.e J'i l:' tin; law and the rei-ords ers v. ill takiJ his ad i' e i.t r to K-cii a e eiMinty il the eoii:ity ..itr.a.- t. is 1 and if his read- in this r -- t, 1 . . i'- '1 : ,; u .II. ,i'i i It. nieni ion. . k p. , , : r ! i , I he pllllxi-.. I'EOl'bK'S IXDKI'ESItKNf (H.Wi'Y TICKtT. For Treasurer, M. GAYIIAUT, For Sheriff, TI10.M.VS KF.IDY, For County Judg.i, N". ('. UUTCHlSt'-. For County Clerk, CONIiAI) undkm.'.:;. For Superintemlent of i'ublic lu-.trut lion, A. BOl.THWOliTil. For Surveyor, A. li. HEW, For Coronor, UEOKOK J. SHAFKlt. For County Commissioner 2nd District, A. liWOU, Jr. thev will certaiulv U-couin silisii.d thai his "expos.: annuiiils to tinthiiig nioiv than the rant iii-'s of u disnmth d uoiild- be coiinly otlicia!. Tin; f. i-iiit r Isiard of (..idity con. mi sionei's (ous;(lcjv-.,i sl.iio per soiiare a reasonable 'omeiisaliou for I he publica tion of the treetstmV.s .-latemeiit. Tin present board allow s r.ii.- a square for tin same. Walker kivs his iial.er would publish it for live cents r square. The treasurer imdotihtedlv tint hot lieliee that thev would work lor nothing, even if they said so, and caused hisst.ite tuentn to be iiililished elsewhere. Tin Board allow cd a reasonable roiiisdisa tion for sttne, w hich is in accordance with Sec. !l"i, ( 'hap. 1, ('ompilwlfitat utes of Ni braska, ISMt. Sec. l-l'.t, t'hap. !, of ( onqn led Stat utes of Nebraska, ls'j, provides that: ''in all counties where cost of furnishing the ollicers with books, blanks and Mu slim of :'. rb Baiiroad Fare Red need. For the Dawes county fair at Chadron tickets will be on sale Sept. 2tth to Oct. 3d inclusive, good returning until Oct. 4th, for one and one-third fare for the round trip. If, as the Herald intimates, the parties who received aid from the relief commit tee, are all strikers and cronies of the candidates of the People's Indeiendeut party, their election is assured, regard less of Walker's lies. We mistake the make-up of the citi zens of Sioux County, if they allow a few shysters to lead them to believe that mass meetings and conventions are lieirig held at which resolutions condemning the present county officers are unanim ously adopted. Will the Boomerang be kind enough to stale that it was mistaken in stating that the Sioux County Farmers" Alliance passed resolutions condemning the pres ent county officers, or does it, like Walker's Hmdd believe that false state ments are the proper thing in politics. The chief prevaricator of the Ikrahl in a communication signed "Justice" in timates that the committee who had charge of the distribution of the wheat sent to Sioux county are of the same stripe as himself in embezzeling other people's money, but there are names of 81 citizens at the clerk's office who will testify to the contrary in regard to the freight money not being returned to them, or refused" them when applied for. Those who received their wheat from the justice of the oeace', must look to the parties to whom they paid the money as the justices did not pay the freight from the east to Harrison. They did, however, pay freight from Harrison to Crawford and Ft. Robinson, but not to the county relief committee. . All those who tailed Tor their money at the clerk's office re ceived it, and those who have not called did not receive it, but txre iwt refmi-d it, and will not be refused it. The commit tee published in both newspapers that the money would be refunded upon ap plication, and Walker is aware of that fact, but we forgot, it is ''Justice" that insinuates. Well, "Justice" ought to have headed that article "Bodarc" or "Montrose," as it will hardly be ac cepted to head such articles "White Hiver" or "Cottonwood" too often, lionery shall exceed th vcar, the supplies lor sucli inirnos. shall be let ill l.epaiaie contr.iels to tin. lowest c onin.teiit bidder,' but (in n; is no provision in the law for letting con tracts for the publication of legal ii.it, i t s. The Jot'KN.w. outfit was not paid to t-- .ed -iiu for stal.ori-ry, blanks, etc. for the ollicers, but U caii-e they were paid jvfcr.'00 for publishing legal notices and coiuiiiis-ioiii r," proceedings and for furnishing slat ioin-i y, tho cheif nrtvari- ator of the Jf-tuhl tries to make it aje pearas unjust, iiiegal and n steal. The il'UXAL received the seme prices for the stationery f iii-iii.-hed that are lie ing paid that ..'!'. ;,y the merchants of ; Harrison, and if IV Ifrrald is furnishing-1 patroiH slatios.erv chcaiier, a is strange that the J' UltX.u. oflice receives the amount of work front the merchants that it does. Either the " -iitiin work must be inferior, or it .;;(,:,: lie of late that it lias concluded So d.) work dirt cheap. But I hat don't tut cny ligiire. It is the n ;:(,, Tic! re ":;ivs and tin law, that Wiilku- wants his readers to pay attention io, He don't claim to be a George Washington, lie don't claim to tell ihi truth. The records and the law will lar out the action of the pres ent administration, and Walker's record will eventually cause those who may lie deceived by his juggling of figures and prevarications, to think differently. Subdivision five, Sec. 2o, Chap. IS, Kevisetl htatutes of Neb., Jssy, pro vidt-ss "tnat the Board of Commissioners shall cause to be published at the dose of each annual, regular or special meeting of the board, a brief statement of the proceed ings thereof in one newspajier of general circulation, published in the cuimU , and itlso their proceedings ujion the equaliza tion of Hie .assessment roll; j.Hii-Uld, That no publication in a ncnspujior shall be required unless the sama can be done at an expence not exceeding one-third of the legal rate for advertising radioes.'" One-third of the legal rale, is aril o....( per square, and that is the amount the board allows for publishing the proceed ings. There is no provision to let the publishing to the lowest bidder., as Walker would have the public believe and relers them ic. th,. !, .i. ..., in,,, voe Herald outfit did make a proposition to the board to publish the hira-ced wtceiiisjifir square, the same as the Joucsal outfit, and the board decided that they should be published iu the JX'R-.-Ar, The sum allotted is. a reason able compensation for the services but the Hmdd thought they would -ecu re the publication of the proceedings at all hazards and subsequently offered to pul lish the same for five cents irfo,m.,. The board would not reconsider their action and we Udieve the public wii give them credit for doing os they did. v Tr r' Y r -' lwvsi statutes of Nebraska, 1kS. i.rov de- ..t-,.. anil publishing legal advertisements in .em,apersas loilows: "Ead, s,,U;lreof en hues, for the h'rst inwrtion. one dol lar; each subsequent insertion t,. i. wiuare of ten lines, fifty rents. legal advertisement uiu..rt., i,....'. ., be deemed a square, and each fra- Hona part of a squar shall counted na ful square." 1M nH, Veasurer a, i :lerk are re.purwl to publish certain nt ticesaldif erent times ,n their ol dal duties, and the bills for publishin" " notices are audited bv the ,.,Z. county conimisMouen. Them i, ' vision for the Ujard to direct tt. ..... I t.on of said notices, but if a' t presented for same awl ftn ; P'iUication filed, their duly fa, to , , and allow the bill if tw Li)?""11,, the nn.n,,, I nrnvidwl lu,i, ... i . " "ve - I I t :, i i , im I l.i ei ''.el !. ,.t t o l v e 1 1 . l:n ; I - u I, rr v i i I 1,1 U r.-.. fee I. llo.l l.n 1 lain. O il hiilli 1 t lliHI. i piacinsr in I- - lor di-lni. 1 lie I go- di-li .. I in -,d Pi iraiis.it-: such i.s nia" l lilt nii t omc li' ,! i.e.. l ie "U ili ii! Ih- repri i-lilalion 1'iiriiicS tudc II. ,1. It. .rida ..1.1 i .1 ofli-e. Ignl Ijrscareru!!v , tycfe in coun lHj I lAtisqsv ts. C. E. HOLMES, Attorney-at-Uw. All ljuslni"! entrusted to hu,. ceive promj.t and cart ful attet;,,a r.FAjmn: walkf:i7 " Will pi.u tire I fore , , I ,..lrt . Ijlllil Oll.l ISUsjlic, . ' ---s, cation. ""ciii-.vsj, li. L. SML'CK. ;,I,.iii ol tile i-oU!!lie li. nil Olslrict of the ; I :it .Oi-liliiie, ,Kcb., . I s,,,, net, at care 111 rccciw pi.nnm IIARHISON, ra.-.liiol:able IJarU r an l lljirpl Everything iu his hue and ui'lisiii' in. mi, er. LATEST l-t tl.C iU, I Vol v. u-iid a lso i cuuiinend i.l.a ll. d Io tac i novel, ! il. prit li I if t their deiega I, I!, sir vki. H. E. l!m:wsii:i!, ( '. 1 '. t ' iFKKK, l'lV-idellt. Pres. ( HAS. . JAMIXuX, Cashier. Commercial Bank. iviiuiiiiAi i:i. General Banking Business -TUANSACJ'Kli.- lli and S. jsorit sh.ii ii.( in onlt-r at rsi)fi;tble rat. s. , tiive him a i all. 1-irst dooreast of -.st.n;. II a mus, ,s Ntipa.i. I E. I5ELDEN & S).N, Wagon and Carriage L p.tiriitij' iloue on short i:..tiif, leaxt work and rduoiinltle tl ..trips,. Shop wiutli of lit i i r i, ,ri. IIAIliiMiK, iMirilXHPT, ll-Vi O street, laic .,::,, s.-li. rract'u e limitetl to dis,-1 , - ,,f tlB NEK VOL'S SVSThM, HEAKT I'd, I HI!' 1,'t ad the press ixitict .. Sud for syniilom In Stale vour cas rt. IlAimisox, NlUlltASKA. if you are nick and want to get write nil alxnit yourself. No trouble to read hitlers: s..ml;,, for reply. Dr. Leonhardt, MVJOSt. Liiii.ln,5c tOKIiKsi'DNUKNTsr hofsTzt; linos., New Vork ( llv tlltST .NllOVI. litlK.OlliallH. I1am ort nido,( hadrori, Seb. I M 1 ! I't 1 1 1 A T K 1 ) t M 1 1 . 1 i I A T K I. .V I JOHN A. LU( 'AS, IltBariKST. CIIAH. E, HOLMKS, 'i, e-1'bimI': CI 1A ULES E. VERITY, Cakaihu. THE BANK F HARRISOI) EMAHt.IMir.ll HAKHISOX, NEltKASh'A. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. 25,000. Transacts a General Banking Businesf litiys Schuol Orders, County and Village Warrauls. l iy' Inlerest l'aid oil Time I.lejtositH. Loans Money on Improved Farms, Dont Jf-PBOMI pfA nil Forget will find that the bill, . . V'"! notiws were -,, ;,, ,, V T', t thejuKRlcrtind prelX THAT 1 e rue a Rftr Make the Bottom Prices on all Goods in Their Line, We Make a Specialty of Groceries Our Prices Beat Everybody. Our Line of Hardware is Complete YOU CANNOT DO BETTER THAN TO DO YOUR TRADING WITH US Yours Respectfully, GRISWOLD & MRSTELLEHJ lebras nitup U ft now! CHOI T Parti in the S Im'Ik be C0R.II Add -Hict -Wbe Jiraef' ipn. Tbtl nuuu -Wa itOQC. -Thk (iWB DO1 mtt,ca -Oolt TBJoc low ant -Don a tiooi nntm -W. rait o Wlllgi' -Chs tarfe TW ii OOfiU. -W. mini Bftkih lT. Ol Thuntd prarat -Lt Udihi Wllot Hmw Th Wildin oU ktich lBM nm tkfttii -In krUtt hrt On oil Ph ami pn put -A o tob s V jf.