-J The Jo Sioux County F TO "M A I VOL- 3- Till; SIUL'X .iCNTY 0 k J. Simii""i Editor and Proprietor. y. 1. 1 M.VIf. K. Timetable. v j ii nsl I- ' i "'" ! ' . ,J. F. VAXDKKS. leader ok MERCHANT TAILORING. L TLST STl U-S, lowest wit eh, PERFECT I ITS. Satisfaction Guar anteed in all in stances. r-yl'KoMlT ATTENTION GIVEN To MAILORDERS. ( y.WKiili am, Al I I AM li, M-.IiH AK . H AISOILT, SEPT. 3, 1891. NOTICi V,.. .n, ,,, ;1 ra(lll!i, I i.f w and la. . t.die tli. in fi,,m ih, '! w ill I" ij i har . , a-Min.t ,u.y who L,-.e not ,.!... 1 the 1 r' Tin: I'i i.-u iiku. us ;i lay. year V We ( r,r. v I ; If t in 111- -, I. ill rrifsoN.u.. Mrs. K;,,!;,-;ies ;!a,!... ),(.r name , V. . T. i!r o 11 s,.ni 1 i'V-' 'ii l.i -1 Tin.;-.. .. (i. !. ii. ! . aiMl .it tin-, oih. ... J"im R. . k-phwd i' t Wc.-k. H.u'ii .. ii IVans was In (own yesterday, "Mi,.; j. i. T ;i! ly r.-..v. r-.nl I mm Ins Sllb- r-,! ,y. - In town Saturday ami from Iowa ai rived ill- l-'s l-,,..,t, ..,..,!!.., Ild I V. ' 1.- !.!& Mak-tumj-h. M'.T,- -,.i,l i ii ,',,.i. .. ,i '- Sfl"" k Ii-'- ..;n II lull;. ...n-l I'1-1' ''""'I Til L.v evwiin-'. i;-'""'-'-"!'. .-riyl,.MI,vI.(. V.'.K s:,. 1 .-ft Tuesday for, . i'. :t m lii !i.tir, , i:.,.t. !.,.,.,,; ,. ., i t. ,, , In!! il.ii - .1 Tiii 'i r Jones i-i-t in -ii.--. i -ti-iilav aeoohi- " ' " ' ..uii.l by Mrs, J.,n..s' v. ho has I" n -Wo W ill LIV.. Till Jnll.V.i ... ! vi-iSnu in t t-i in- i.artv v.l .'.1. '-lie vi ;ir i party i-.l.o will I. in,.' us ii,., 1 1 1 ,. . i.-t at.-nii.-,,ii, . ,,,-,1 ,,- ,. Vl,.,"t , I of .-:i Ii iij'-l'-n ln-.iii. li! in u .ll I . i ai;l Mr- awai-il inaiii' va viii. J. I'.. Arn. r i t't h-j' at Ins -rv that at t! -Min- ! I -.-a-t lor ouii; Weeks. Mr-. '. K. Vi-ri!y .,(!(; this vtrliiny f vi-it t- i'i -lativi-.s in 1 1 n cas-t.-in i i.-t or :!,.-st;,i... J. ('. J'iii.-ry s-nils u:, a liliLiral rojiut- i tail- .. OH i-ijil inn. in iv cn-iiii. ' I'i'-'I. J. '. I'l-isti r. of tlii Lincoln ritv null. '1 In- iiiilicii ,,ii, I v li '-'l. arnvi-il v.-M.nlav on his wiiv to ...is. .v.ll I.. .. ..... . I l I r I ,l. llimluT lor Uil.-ll I n; .irilli-l-v l.l ,-1 I th.-V will v.. mt t,j t ir en til'- r hnlll 1111! TRMS ISOHiHT AM SOLO hytlnj Nebraska Security Co., HARRISON, NEIL . lin'oriKirnt. .l.l , t. At Tit' iiti.i:i) C.vriTAL I'.UH 11' t'AlTTM. .',ii. Di (.1,1m t'l ooiJ.O.1 (ifl.n: CoyUUi l.ivliintl, ITchIiI.'IU J I Ifc 1,1. HI. A. II, Viri- I'r. -ill. a! ".II. JoM. -i-n -tin y. C. t:. VniiTr,! r.-ii-'M. r J II. T. rvi.;t, At'.-i'iff- I V'f now havt- on our lisN nvi r thirty : CIIOK K EARMS in this .. unity which we cnn wit ! 'N(' I TIME mi.l EASY RAY- MENTS. ; 1'artiei wishing tn Imy or II 'hoiil.l j .w the Kprri'tary. i !Vto- en! i! i d of tin. iiivm-aia i' O'.ij.aiiv w.h h"iv the first, of tin; we. I; an I -.-MI.-.I t!i. ..,s re. ,-i,iv su a. on. i .v K .!..-!( V, ils,,. Whil,. tli- amount iv--I is la-! s- ii-.- i.-i,l. t-i ii.ii!.-.. :) I 111'- I,.- - -ii-!.i:n- -I: s' ;!l il i, nm, , . !i- II Mr lain to l..lVf to Mi. nil ,.; , -La ( w, i-l; tin- .hil KS.M. iv.-.-i veil i oil., r lot of new a;n r slo' li aiul nut i.-il an-l nK-i a n-w ha i,f .,n.l, Ir-an lh t j e tiuiii!-y, ilii-l lio.v this o:lii c ! i-t-i l j I, j-i'D .1 l( -ll''l til,; .lllil i of its i ii- !')ineis than ev.-r liel'ore. - Lr-i v.rms " W.issei-i-i-e;er v.w.-. (ii htisli'-ls of ...I w h' at on V act l.iii'j. The ( r..i w a s thre-heil last -.-.eel; .oi'l -Iiow.-J a yi"l'l of M'l h.i-hels. TI-1 is a .r. tty "o'-l yi'it an-l lii'-re ;, 1 1 man;, fa-l-U of wheat in Ihe e.-iint y th.,1 will j.'.i'i.' us o' -l returns. H.h h cro.s an-l the hi'li iri' ''s tial I'levail w ill -l.nl !' ii the. ht-ai't-i of the farna r-'. i'riiin I lie I rani EHT'ifl JiiI'KN.m.:-The lalest Indian news will ilooh'. l.-ss 1.: of interest to vour n :i'!ei'-i. A LO-eat '.'iiimcil was rv '' nttv I., l.l hv the Riscahty Sioux." "Limov Jue" lolil the wamors how he was to'-,, h si at the laO -t colinci 1 of 1 he 'Mn-lni!';--!--,," an-l hiov tla-y c:tur-il .ill tli-' .r;i!ii'ri, s. I'oLimity 'hl'ist" s me iiji ini-l ilow n (hat lie wouhl Vu!e for "no (1 n niii'lriii.er, no mutter who hi- w i--." Alter al! hail xprss ! !ln-a-e;..ii;oi:s an-l n-.-r" i''-aily liipiiml j ami nia'h" war op. the mnilrinrs IV; i i;re:,t eh-'-f iiiiieh-.l theiii il.wn hv saving: "No-.V h -tell h'lVS. IIK' tell Villi. 51 K 1!0 i'liu.1'. Hi: vi' 1'iH.'! Tiie hi;f moili, I'le man i all i K 1 1 S am! me have o .i i . i ,i i...-., . i .'!,!, n I i I i . . 1 l' HI i.i it il .'i iiji. in. !''-! ! forever. 'tiiili-iiv.:ei-s are il",,s. 1-ail !.;:, - i an-l yni all l;no.- il. I.ea'e your vaiu- :o,i, , I,, iv. as in" li'-i.'.l t!ie money to !iia!.-' lie- II' ;n-." After this ho orii ,u; hi--. :-'0a w to mala' sii,,:i- for thu v.ar raais. an-l linnieiliii t"lv tin' tvniniirs of S!i. I" the -.,lt--'l ile.'.'r winch hail 1 e.-n -hot hy -o:ne i! 'I nnulrincr were - I :t-l.i!m.'. Aft-r mi''. t tlie wnrri'-rs hel'l a. h;;r jiow-wo-.v an.l after .'cios!l ni' flhey.ehl of wheal J. K. th.e Milnahl-s on a ii" s;,:.,er, ill wha-h .run -1 lis on M il; v 1 na' Jo-. v. as , i in.,, ,,,.-,,-.,, ... ... ... ....... ,-l, of 1'ive l'eaili, v..A.sl!-r Han' -hi-, f, tlrj," r-tir ! to ";';;: Iw.-Mvp n...le.fonel;it..i of v.l,.-,l l.l-t;i'r;e-. me ,,. sonie-a nil inan tl," rr... la' thre-l" I ' "i!. e' i n an-l w-y ..ally a: -a pjioiutei oil ; ha-hel. Ho sov.,1 four In h-lslia- heia-l only lra? "M!o,,i '. -' , aniitherliiini of wheat an-l fnai. II,- ; 1 rhei ieat ,,aH they I i., . . .... .1 1 I,. ,11 -I ... I I to i'lV. -. I Will h..V" ! i et 11, V Hljll.l.N I na r in .--oh ( a Limit honeht and sol'l on commission. vent v hiishok There I I lie no fear of siarvinir in a e, unity when' thes i l will ivtj such (f returns to the farm ers. Mr. and Mrs. (J-or-e Kiit'-man, of .- . I ..1. M,.. -..,l, i 1-. 1" M one i;iw liii.';, jii.i ... .- OiXKFsroSDh. K CK S 'LICIT K 1 anJ family for some t.inie ami n.aileii (rip to the lulls flint enjoyed tiienisenes 'UiiMKAfi.ri!irvf. I 1 i ti in , ,, s-aiH.i-ii- (.veiling for the cast, hut h.-fore h-avin-, - Ilirhest niarla l ori isii.l for iivuiu xt- r,,t,.i,,:,n hiirchns-il the I'eliin.iiisli- 6t the Harrison LuuiU r Yanl. ! ,il ,,n a ouar'o r -c tioii of laii'l on -When vou want a ,o, -aiohe -:d to , ,. .,,, ,, .. i Turners ami try on- o It he - harmvr ; ' . ,. . 1 n ' ' . , , i c-r.i.v ... , , . , InollIllS I-. lliai,e ins ii-...,. ... -WAVIT..:-TWO p-hI wo.! el,olr,-s Slonce. (im.,1 ;!;;. . - " . , ' ,, , , Rn !i u;ti 1 I SS. t other-) Willi Inn). R m noi. o; en aii'l :l!i i'is"s at v, " fel-IV I" ,,:,1' r I.. 1 my .el lo l 'aliiei ilia." . of Oili'ller .11.1 s !.-., P lrt.-1'l . ill w : ,ii: w nn-1 Ih.Ai.'X Foot. i omission in: .i o id. e."l-t - , !-tH. "i lii:" Ii min e,.., M i:,..ii-. of coiinly i-oiii ai.-oil. to e ill ,,t ell i-l,. I', esi-1,1 ; I i, ii- i.v nr.! K',,,tt .el'' .-t.-i-ii. M 1 1 1 1 1 ! i s oi !.' -I lia ' pi-Vet. 1 lie lulloli ,,; .11,1 lid l-,l-rea ill III- 10111!,!:. i i-steail lil-! :"'"' '"' 'o ''';,ll- .Sei.r. "I l- 'l. ,. s I ',,). I to -o: t till tin- teri',1 -,ry em- a-ae, 'l in loivn-liiiw ::l .iml il-"', nuu.vir.1, M, : -i I ml to.-, a-iii'i , r..iK'- No. '!, .V. : :,.! f,;; .... l ine , i,'-'. '!, 1. : K H, I!. ij lii, 1 1 !"'. i''. lo In lnrn-h'ji :U, I'i. -e, -, I :o i I, ', 'i, o ', -', I". I ', I" 1,1 " :'-' 4' of 11" illlitV, rove -1 up ..tiori, nal's- :onl , ', s of -T,,P .I, NM. ,.! the I'.W'y ; : until many new se.Uers will he conum: fro,,, now uiitilJam.arv 1. I ''" into Sioux county, ami that means 111- cenhs, cash ill mlvanci!. i .-rea-.-il pro -,.-nly to all. -Ilolv- tr t-eni ill lilsil Will heelliv , . . , ... . , ,,, e,.. THUoiALnmltho from, -V "" 1)" """f . now iintilJiinuary 1, VSH. i " " ''.-u on ins ... t.. -Iv,'t for.t ihat tl,- UuVr -hop is: vVnshin-ton. He says that, stale is the one l.K)r tnl of tin- pos I'tice, v. In n you wiml a Miave, haiiwait or -lumpoo. -Wt-malio lH.slro k prie s on k''""-'-ries. I'oine find if ''"ii '. UHlswoi.n et .n-v r i ci.i.r,,.. - , -Have a lot of line ,otatoo ami fourte-i, la-aa . a n-i-s a,.,,.. nfncmJ to die V". .In.-l .Ulur. in .a-l., ami Cher personal Willpve on., sixth. .1. M. 1 iaMKI.s ' ,.tft,,.u. He l.al a team an.l S.ni "VVe v.i.nt n-jiort.1 a to 1lw yi' M "( wa-oii-anil two itollai - in money with Rrain as fast tin the farmers p't thresh- Vi.,' ., lo mi,;,, hi way kick to where ink' !one. iion't ti lia.kw--.nsl hul serl , Jfllj itlfrrniu reiiolts. "" ', ', ,, , : .,vnl'ihle -LfMH.-EirX-.'lasH native hm,.-r t.,,,1, r the,' a, all .... -aiHlKlliuirlOIIHtftntlV .... tti-l :t 0,V : has l..-e ,,oU-ie.l Up hj ..l ...... .-..us worst, over-done pku'e ho ever saw. ' There are ten men f..r every joh ami lml : in 1 1.? to.lo. Tao years auo he went .1 .. . ..,,.1. l.i.. i'-,, ,ulc tiiliim;- with lam l iiere it,, ii., e- Hi -a ,-i.-l Nil. to eo'itain all the t-'i'i hi ,,.-,-,l : i ton a-lii,- ii), ill ioal l. i : .-.i :,.,. -i ll, in-- I, il, 10, il, I -, town -li:. i'..'. l inn-"' 'i. - o -i ' lory !!?'.- II, 14. l -I,.'), I. n.ill ..... . !,.,, ;t- ' t:i ooles i ,- t i f Harrison. -J- Ahm"'- V-Th I Hum RroH. hi-- r. paniii.' t., pve adaiicn nt their place Tlui!-!ay tvimi-. ScplemlK-r 17. it is a well-. -talih Jil fa. t that tlm Uiys alway ;'1VI' fiijoyahlo ilumKHt. e aru infor .mat loai lieine: inailft to pve the liinall pa's there to lot...; .... tuulH-r land hiif t" H ' !; ,h ' ,,lls for mil' s, .olhat it isimpossihle for ), ,--..( ihetiml..-r to mill or market. 1'e sues iliere arc hmi.ireils having tlare -,n,! N'ohmska, is ll; favorite ol.j..i'live paint. f'.v tlie colf.':ni-voouer, pro- eclno which aprariiT auotla-r column it. wall I., seen that th" lm'S of Ihe on,in:s- ac work of ..ultin-r in winter e-rain t districts in the county IlilMllreiidv r-miiiiii'linsl. . A. Oilliell ; ;.l,.i-,l,lv allercl. luwrve (m.wH. C. H. S.'ott lais U.-eii ; h .- ,h..t,-icls nr.. l-low;Bforwh.,.ta.al oti..'rs w.HI.a 1 As n..w arranl l itas.,,,,ck ns they Ket throuKl. , made np as follows: 1st d,s n, t. amii Wv.-sta.id tluWui.e;. ! trse, Ant.'lox', Warhonnel, liat i-a-h ti.o f,.n ..,., r tlm Western Nor-' . i.ii i.re.-incts. 2.1 l..str.''t: . ..... w:.... w. ; .- ! ii.iil r 1 v.; i i .... , i'Uonwiioi . I'.oiiarc linn -w mc-.it r .1.; ot Harrison ufi.l vicinity a rar. literary tiv.il. Keen tin? ponn- '" mind an.l watch for tliw aimouncem-fit. -Th. 1.',, 17, I"' in townslnii ran ,.l-,.. ,,. il lo Kintioil 11"' o-i-no.l A em- l,l-::e,-,i in to-.--,' -lops 'J , ii, J'. -,. -'' " ' l-iinp- i'i I, I, ,. .......... o.u .s ... ,1 -.: ,!i, -iial --.a n!is -i, 2-1, s'op '.ii Ms-l ions la, 90, . t -uel toii'i iiH la-ive In township .ii, raniie ' .i , , ; 1 V Mils,,. I .:,' !ls l-Oit'l l Cl's'T ,,1' r7, ili-lrn-i No. (.' iv,i- l.ilo'ii Up 1....I, on , ... ,-,,,1.,-p-il ,m ifr....mU ttvvt Hen: tor ',;.;,;;;, i,ijV tie. in. .InU.-.-... .-.,i,lol!vwas- . ,, .leni-lv espire.l to appoint a ulreessor !;! . ' ll:,t iare ol to .i liool t-i.- was l il.-a up iii.'t, "a i- otion Ci',."el- lllltil lietl 1 1 1.,' 1 1 1 1 1'. "p.-litioii ol nioilei-iiUir ol .-,-hoo! l-tv iel ,, i.-.oi siv i-oinity, pniyluK l; ir.l lo i-iiiii.-i-iu-tioain re-..st to slnkn.i-'ii-oni t rolls tin- school liv- ol John ...... i . oi a, r,r u:is I;, ken an anil, a", v,u,m-.:-,u- if ..;! ,x ile.l!llite, to HOI 11 an I ... ... -s '- V .-.- ' ,l'.'-'-",."" :".. "." -'. ,o Ihe p o-.-.l ... ifivw .'!:.' V ' ' ;", L i' "O lohi-H WIM... asju-tieeof ; ' i ,rll -n ni'a n' whs li'lo-nuP 'ii'.lloii n'.tioa.liO.I ov.-l- a .lil l.eM.."'et- "'i-', ,1,,1-t nicoicitv siipi-riiil.-n.leul m- pre , ,'V on niotioa, a wt aaaoi- .- , -,, 1,-' :illo".e. ail. I warraiils nl.le re . lor. Juu'on i.wy f.,r 1.....101 I"'-'1 : , -, .... 1 Ii. .!. l.',ee,'l-:li!s, jailor s I M.I. ..Own, ! . . , , ,i""r,rr,"i",,n faishi na lil iW I.J. Ollll-Oll-'. S'O'I'"- -."' ' ' 1 ii,s I ,.,1-ove, County ' oiii. s'-ivu.s .,,i,n .t,i,-,-li, .,,, llliciha ll(-iiil,lii".'i. i... is- -. 1 it, he ol ocular.' -I- As to Mmrtac Editor Walker ami those who train with him have made a pvut howl alxiut the county otlieiais" dishonesty. (Viunty clerk Liiuiemaii is selected as tlm one iiion whom most of thy attacks are made. The report of the expert aecoumV ant shows tiie I'ollowins .erisoiis to have ohiaincd more from the county than they were entitled to in the amounts nanitil: r K. 1 '. t'.oi-kv "','"!-"- 1.. I). s..t.-i i' e Ml l . Mei.iui.-v 75 I). Klein '" 'Q ..eorif.- w alk.-r - 1 M .1. W . 1 1 no I. r ' 1 li,,., -,! i , ,,- il 4n . .no-.,, I l.i:ia.-:,::ill .1. . ,.l. ,- a . 1, ,s 1 IT 05 The ..oestion wlielliel' or not acOU.ltV Commissioner was entitled to S per day m addition to mileage while oinr ui anu i ... .11, . l.u em 1 nt v sent, to al lend meetin'-rs of the, hoard irequently came up and commission! r ...recti wrote vo me aitoi ney eeneral and the following is the re ply of that ollieer: Ai roiisi'.v (;r.si:n vt.s 'iri-icE. I.IXCI.X, lleeelnber Ti, In'At. Jons- A. Ultra la.vville, Nebr. Mv lir.Ai; -in: - In answer to your iiupury, r.-iiMi'liiiK the pav of county commissi rs, I mil snv thai sc, tioii ii of eliiiptel- -is ol tile 1 innpii. "1 -tatates, niiuwi l!. l'er l:.y lot- Hie liiiin tiu v slmll lie nece---u-lal!. cui ployeil ill llleililliei of that ollice, Hil.l ll vou al.' li.-c. -sitt iilllv einploveil w ith the riniv .i il.,,! ..nice. 1 shouhl mink vou would 1,.- entitled 0. fil.K. per day, even in uoingto and from ounty seat. Vours Truly, Wm. la. ksk, Att.ornev lieiieral. After that letter was received Com missioners (h'een and Grove made out hills in accordance with the tenor of said 1,-tter, hut in his report Mr. l!ru;;li dif fered with the attorney general and the commissioners re-imhurscd the county at the lirst iiieetiu.--(4 tlie Doara uii-eruie is port of the expert was liled. Now in all fairness can any man wiy thiit the cour ; of the two commissioners was dishonest or dii-hoiioiahle? Is there a man in the count v who would not have presented hills for thi same amounts on the authority of the ahove letter. That letter is all tin.' d fetiso needed hy them, 'in. ,,,1't of 1 lit; exnert shows that Conrad Liii'lema;. made an overcharge m one instance, such overcharge lieinsr in the Mini ol -v'si.-iO, Mid this was refunded at tlie lirat meeting of the hoard of county commissioners after the report of the expert was liled. The overcharge was in the item of making out th" ta' roll of 10. The i law provid'.s th t - clerk shall make out s.l.il tax roil !-.: no si.au k iuwho. -I csnts ift-r lino I'oi- , .iid work, including footings. Ei.-h year there is a umiiher of deimipieuts oil the lav roll anil such deiiuouent . l;::-es have to h" traia-tei'red lo the new tax roll. L. ;i: a.: cut his hill fortliewo.koi, til ilor iWH) fount v Ci..'k Linden.: . c -:t- d the lilies of taxes 1 rausferiva from the tax roll of t-'.' and charged it at the rale ,,,-ovided by oiw- for ma'iing tax roll, a a,.. ii,,w il.ei-e and r'-iow for t hem- sal ves and (he work wu.. done, and the mil ,..-sen.ivl to the (oiintv was "to ..iiin.-inv list of 1S'!)0. S!):j.ni). The .-:p, rt held tiiat the clerk was entitled to ileii item fur the lines of tax c.'nnput'-il lor that year, and he stated that had a separate cnaiu,o nueu lot-transferring tlie 0e1m4ue.11 lHe',1. tlie WKird might nave anoweu u '.-.. . .lr.viliiii"- in t he action of Mr Lindeiiian tlr.it indicated dishonusly? 1 le a..i 1 1, te,-l.- !,nd t ie hooks siiow tlie iin. s and he charged what he lielieveu ne ....... ,,ilile,l lo mid when he was shown to' he in error he did all that any honest man could do returned the amount to ihoeoiinlv. It mmht he well to state ..:..!.. I,,,,-,, tlml the count v naid the foi nier county clerk for making the tax roll of l-xl) the sum of ifilfi.OO. Ti..a ,....; us oei'sons found indebted to the county hv the expert were notilied on the order of the comity board to come and settle. Hut the only ones who paid : iiii.. in bo mailer were ucorge ill I V .' Leu, iv". - - wt.n-.,.. .,,,,1 his h.w oarl.ner L. l.l. hatter 1,.,' ,.i, w,',. sh,,rl .slii.ai) and $li;tl.oO r.'Ki)ectively, and they attempted to bull doze the commissioners into not taiang action on the report of the expert, and Walker's newspaper partner, A. :.lc(,m l..y, who made .1 foul mouthed attack on ( .looiissioner Knott, because that olli eer did what he deemed to be his duty. it is with rather poor grace mua George Walker, who was reported short f,'H)M in his account with the county, having made no offer or attempt to make .-ood the amount, but did make a futile attempt to hiulV the county hoard, tries lo make out that Grove, Green and L111 doinan, or anv of (hem, are not honest. Itissimplvanatteii.pt of tho editor or the Ikmld to knock out men who have done their duty according to law. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I We have now on hand a first class stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, High Patent Bon ' Ton Flour always on hand, no better in the land. Corn, Oats, Chop, Bran and all Kinds of Feed. A complete stock of Hardware, Tinware, Bar'.. Wire, and all kinds of Fajm Machinery, Which we will sell at Lowest Prices possible. We invite all to call and look tit Our Goods tiefore buying. G We Shall Endeavor to Treat all Fair and Square. Respectfully, GEO. ZEE. TTJlxrE, dill 1 fca OCR PRICES ARE AT TJIE P.0TT03I- cvyy day in the year. We are always ready to give you a first-class article nt fairest prices. " Come in and try our way of doing business; you will come out way ahead if you do. T HAT For Men, Women and Children. . is w . I'l Sl) in mi j I in I iniH'telll ,,tiu wm ml.-" l ' MrKrjigS ----- County i,-i li- . . .. .. , -.1 n,l . .:.. I -illegB 0I'lie.l Up win. .... r,.,,... . ,. . ..- "wit of six lii.ii.lntl and forty 1.11.1" . . - ;M ljsriH . i(,,weti, rea.-h flfte.-.. .hundred l--f.,re the 1 sl , ,.-.-!;, Snake ti- . hf.lli.hiy. Tluit akH w'U for it Wa..-r and I-"'.-r l.'umnng ate.' pie- .Oilitiiiioll of learning. , . f u,,.r the m-w law the voters -Tlie experiment of Mell-ournc in pro- ' '"' wU ....forcoiimiis.ioner, "'tt'ti.ig rain at l.hcyemie o" T'1- ls! ul , .. V().,.IS 0f thu comity. w a complett, miccfHs. A ram was instead ol all the o( Kixhim) which ent.-nded over a radius Th,. ,...v h.-.v also i,p.ai ' , fttifh-.'n or twenty miles and the gov- -; .,f (lie Comp1','d Statutes win. wnment ol.5rver tWlnrwl the-., was no 1; . ,h. .,.ivi,ig of county 'om KHtionitiotm of tho Htorm. All wy that , ptov ' ,.iW w,At.H ti.iirn iioh ihine wnai m , ....-s- ,, m,.J!r ,s to " xNriinent-i proiniwi great things , r(lV;..i, 'or the future. i 1 it . . . . .;...;I1inr . f,..,m i.-.Ls as .1 tlie eon..,,,- --- , paio. u wi ... . . ... ,...:.. 1 (. ... 1 -me rnr tilled will, tt.e ma.ei.,.. . vould ,,-ine enr lined will, tt.e ma.e,...i !lt mn exluhit at the Mate fair Mt ....last, ,.V1, the dear l'pl'-' vv'll,0,lt r" .vnini,', and i made up of a lln colh-t- . iia.- . f Tl0 mcml.ers or loftlW jkIucK The collection is . ward or l.o ' " Jo , ""tan large as it should have been, . ,.m.ty . 4ll(. ,,e remmi- r,.. for thin is that Hie t.Xpire w dl still re.eive Ibe mi ie t Im 1 - .,...:- ..r., os that -Ar" . . ...,..( i..n 2 of tlie A us ---. uiisy i.arvesinii; unui ,...ii,,u as ore. - ,-e m mo wiga. -. . Uwv ....1 i-.ii. ...7 I, i.n.nare cniti'Hl as - ... i,i bat ' ......a., ,. l-nmvuiL' tlmttlie.v . 1 iu iiiuti 01 iu ini.-j ,- 1 . 1 , n,,( law s.s-1 s i. mine 'croon,,- ,-., omc 1 ngH, h,,t What tlu-rom the exhil.it will, 1 ahai. ballot IA - bv tbe clec-' 0 more ohs acles to oyu omc Uittt of Oiw quality m ,"!- ,.((l,i.at..mi. .,,-ccinct ,),.. w tltv ir... I...' wi.. iv. II ) in , .... ,.,.,i.,lv. distil". 01 I , , .arW of Kit Smith, II. F. Thomas, J. . , ., tl0 0li,.er is to be flevU uvn!UMic, E. IMiue. mr turn" Marneil. j.MMrrr,sW.-atl.!:t!MAS-:---On Simday, , st ":i MM, hv J' ' H'lt'ler, Aii-.ist . .... . . . , , ,jm,.,- nslice ol tin" pea. -. "" , ' ,e.,IM,sH An."ha Werlermau, both ..... .. Vehi iska. O Mollis COi'Oi. , -., Ill si.H.x ...... -. , - - lir,,p.l the e ntity 11 ,,1,,-,'llalion o said enla.l , 1 Kl-.SWotiTII y-,)Al!(.OF,. Al I ,,,,,, u.mi,l Vliil-nof 1. com 1 room at Harr.s..n, Nob as 1. j ttyihaailoued 'j;,, Wednesday, hep eiiiue, , . JohnC. Keuwortliy v . ' Jnrboe, bolh of Sioux county, ' l,. -The sugar beet factory conimiHce inslil at wan-k s.-arel.i. for J,,, tbe subject. It has .yen ; Ml (he machinery H ma'le t! ' , H , cs and can be obtained, but h"ut the future of .the ' J' V " braska. The V tU en- and farmers nuu . ..p..; Pamlarmes, - ni(,UiC ,, ,ge in tnes .. .. - vi 5InnoyI .'5,000 lo loan on farms in small amounts. Apply at once at the Hank of Harrison, Vv...,-iiir Ktalo Fair. Round trip tickets will be on sale to Cheyenne and return rsepi. nu. n,s eetornino- until Sent, 14, for 14.90 , --M ,m mum 'i T'l i Notice llniiii'sti'iid Kntr.v. f. S.'l.AM, 'U t-ICK, j 1'ltAPKON, NHillt'lSKA. JiiIv5,u8,1K Complaint liuvlnir linen made at this olllee l.ylliiivey II. Ilusseli intainsl Miii-riol .. Howe lor failure 10 comply " ' ' "7 '." ,,.'s.'ii,l enliy No. 'Alii dated August l.l, is-'.i, upon tlie s,v lie',, -seU" nw', in", H ,,.. s-el-o-i .12, Iminship SI, ralllfe i4 III Sioux eollaty, .Xelil-ilKn, on " " 111,1 y , i i,,isin Howe lias lie has . . - , ,, 1 n,.,-,.l von, or in ore. i.i ins v, ,1 ,.i,.v. 11..... j.v mniii 11s m nun inn i thntsaid Ina-Usnol setlled upon and eu 11- 1 i... -0,1 .viriv ns reoiiired hy la , thai i.u, ,.,i ,; res,. .,u w;m,""' " , : The sai.l DM, "''''" V . ' : , n ear lit this "ihee on tlie ii day of Septen, 1,,-r, Islil at 10 o'clock 11. in. , to respouo ': .,,!"r."j,L.r"!: L'Tn he u- fore' s. II. Joaes a notary puhlic at. His olllre in Harrison Neb on the 17 day ol Sept. is I at ion. in. 1- " u Vi II. T. I'ONI.K.V, I'"'-' Contestant's Attorney. Kslrii.v Niilln'. Taken up Hy tin. y;rf " '.Zl V'l,., I ll i.v lie, se, ,- - - - ..-e.i... .j COOII left shoulder tin. I some. ns ' .'"'"' ht shoulder; I limn, horse, oiulit abon t pounds, branded HOinetl, ''Ij' ,,1 Olisiae.e.s ,,., , ;,on,l'l , V. ,1,,- s.. ,,'- . ., ....Id have to bo met in anj ou.e. , ,,, ,.t . .0 ; Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery nd Queensware. Ranch Trade Solicited. J LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ON LARGE ORDERS. MacLachlan & Cook, Props. 1 my 4 H"'ifii'"iiii''WWf,-'r'1JI '"i - s 1 v. - r " .1. ! iJCIIuJOUCli I line of business. .'V If . - ; i'l 'L: 1 i. 1 1 :n "f3 1 ? SJ o -4 tk'.S;