The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 27, 1891, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal
VOXj. 3.
j MmuM.u.. Editor and Proprietor.!
Wbntt-r"' 'nbe!
0l-VT I'0"1"'1
fsr0pf r huiwlil t... ,, .....
Short-per huodrwi t
Jtnm-P" bntn1rl
li-choprd-pcr handrwl !-..
J'oUt,-Pr hundred
giiiur-l-r J
If-pcr dox..-
1 u
! 2
1 ev
rou!lry-T do
(1-P'r tun-
l ,i j uu
I Sit
.umbT-Iitlv per III. ft
MCorrerU-d ThurwUy.
IS on
P. E. W. V R. B. Tim UUU.
Gr.tng Went. Going Knt.
KaS, niijed,... 1 M No. 8, mlxi il -.8:00
Satisfaction Guar
anteed in all in
by the
Nebraska Security
" 1lBfi imrsd'd.l '
AlT;fi.KKl)CAlirAl, - 30,000.00
PAID IP CaITTAJ. - $6,000.00
OfllrM; ,
I.CWIK (iERLAC'll, Vice l'ri-llent.
K. It. Jiisfji, tefrvtnry.
C. K. VKttnr.Th n-nni.
H. T,, Attorney.
Ve now have on our lists over thirty
CHOICE FARMS in this county
which (sin wit on I.ONG
MENTS. Parties wishing to buy or sell should
the Secretary.
tands bought and sold on commission,
Harrison, Ni.-linvilm.
, Highest market prL-e aid for grain
at the Harrison Lumber Yard.
; -A Dew roof w being put on the
Bunch Supply building,, the old tin rool
raving W'onio very leaky.
t -Don't forget that the kirher whop is
p door east of the poHlofflce, when you
Dt a shave, hair-cut or sliumpoo.
, Ltmber, First-class native lumW-r
f)d liingles conntjtntly on hand at my
null on East Boggy, 13 miles east of
Harrison. J. E. AliNElt,
Wasted At once, a conijictenl girl
y do general housework, at the Agate
Sl'ringH Stx:k Farm. Good wages and
steady employment. J- H. CooK,
, -John Pietrsen lout our thanks for a
iic watermelon and wnw sweet t orn.
We evidently known tluit tho printers
wart is near his Htoina;li.
, Our merelianU are reemviiig lots of
" good of, late, preparatory for the
kll trade and the indicationa are tlwt
will find a ready market.
t TImj cool weatlier of late lead uh to
mind our friondn that we . utill want
xl on HtilMiTiiition, So you can hring
fUlong at any timo when you aro com
! to town.
. -Take the Fremont, Elkhotn & Mis
souri Valley and Sioux City & Pftcillc
"'Iroiul for Fremont, Lincoln, Huntings,
"lrior, Omaha, MiMmiiiri Valley , Sioux
y, St. fail I, Dulutli and iml north,
PwMoinca, Dixon, CliU'ago, Milwaukee,
lumber, regions in .Wisconsin.
Ho conimetionH aro made ftt Chicago
& Toledo, Buffalo, Allmny, Phihulel
(4ift, New York ami all noinlH in the
raloca MlHninir cum Oil nil
uKh traioi,
. . -r . i n
" t f r.-pt- - ""..-. .. "-TiiS """T'',.''""
We .send out a number of extra
"wl,,e,'u'l,i take lima from tl
a will be no tW
traiii-t any who have not ordered the
I('1'er- The Pi-bijhjeh.
M one j !
, to loan (,n famm i tlii
amount. Apply at om, at the Bank
, 01 iiarrivm.
A new girl arrived at the home of
A. II Kennedy a few days ago.
J. W. Scott went to Van Tr.v.l ti.
: tiist of the week to mint a l
. .
-v son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
John 1. Davis oti last Suturday.
-John Ma. k and J. V. Hunter had
about twenty-live tons of hay destroyed
by a fire set by a locomotive,
V. E. Moore says he has a fine field
of wheat and the shocks stand very thick
on the ground. Parties who ought to be
good at judging such things say it will
yield thirty bushels per acre.
A pretended orresijndi-ut of the
Hriiilil says the character of Tilt;
J'H H.CVI. i exceedingly disreputable, and
that the Il nibl is respectable. There is
no accounting for some people's taste.
Dm't forget to get something ready
for the stale fair exhibit. Don't be
afraid that what you have is not good
enough. Select the liest you have and
deliver it to the committeeman of your
precinct or bring it to Harrison,
We will give The Jonmi. one year
to the iiartv who will briutr us the larg
est watermelon. A record of the weight
of each melon brought in will be kept
and the award made at the close of the
Last SiU unlay evening a little dis
turbance occurred and some ugly talk
indulged in, and an attempt made to
strike, but no one was hurt. The parti
cipants bad been drinking some, and
thought letter of it later.
l'lnlip Brinkerhoir arrived last
Thursday from Seward to take a position
in The Joi hnaI- oflice. The business has
increased so, more help was needed and
now ve are prepared to do, job work ou
short notice in first class style.
A separater arrived a few days ago
for J. E. Wullace, and will soon heat
work. We are informed that there will
be other machines in the vicinity so that
there will be- plenty of opportunity for
the farmers to get their threshing done
in good season.
Editor Walker says the last issue
of the JovnSAL teemed wiUi. falsehoods
and blanderu against some of the oldest
and best citizens in the county. Of
course, what Walker says must bo so,
for is not his reputation established.
A. R. Kennedy has 80 acres of w heat
which in estimated at an average of 20
bushels per acre and his other grain is
equally as good. The indications are
that wheat will bring at least a dollar a
bushel, which will make it profitable for
the farmers. The quality of Sioux
county wheat is fine.
Oco. Olinger says he treated his seed
wheat to a bath in vilnohzed water be-
. . , , , t l 1 : 1
fore no win!? and ttie result is mat, wuno
there was some smut in the need there is
not a smut head in the crop. Hie treat
ment is cheap and simple and other
r.. will do well to follow his ex-
;unple. George says that those who wn his lie d estimate that it win
yield 2! bushels per acre.
The past week has been quite wet
and the wort of harvesting anu mijmn
lias been somewhat delayed, but the in
.i:... :,.,. that, the wet mi11 is over
uicaii"'" - .
and that the farmers will now have an
opH-.rtunily to get the gram m slacK,
Th rains have put the ground in excel
lent sbai-o for fall plowing and sowing
and the farmers will not be ' "
proving the opportunity.
It is reported that the settlers along
n. Pl;, tie are considerably exercised
over a visit from a local official of Wy-
i.n warned the feI" noi, io
UIIIlii-, .11
take fire-wool nor fence posts from that
state into Nebraska as lias ncen urn
torn Thev look upon it as an attempt
,o injure them, for if they cannot got
r..Hhcv will be forced to abandon their
llomes. Sometl.inkitisamovomen on
U,etm-t of a certain class to acconiphsh
11 . .... rri. was tiiken
J,lhlBm "" . I 1 tbamilhori-
i j n tin.'. J. I IV T-vw
land and
;scontroIinK.-cb land. The Unite
o...,..,n,ll1,wH do not stop at stale
satisfied it is a giim"' 5 have
nt-tornsy ftt Oman-
When you want a sro! anilu ,r !
Turner's and try one of the "Charmer
cigars. -Editor Walker says Conley has won
lds,s- i ne records show what he
won and lost. The court w.f,u
doubtless have disiMsml nf mm ;..
which he appears if some jieople who ap-
.ir on ine opposite side did not tret
continuances whenever possible.
Judge Kinkaid has sent word post
poning the fall term of the district court
tor thirty days. So that instead of Sep-
""-timu, a w,u October 8th when
strict court will convene in Sioux
county. This will make it much belter
for the farmers who will have to attend
court for they will not 1 so busv in
October as they will lie next month.
Rev. Rorick leaves one week from
xt Monday for Iowa. He will take
large of a church in the Atlantic
strict of tho lies Moines conference.
Mrs. Rorick will go to Kansas to visit
relatives and will then iom her husband
bis work in Iowa. The friends of the
pastor and his lady will wish them suc
cess in their new field of labor.
A peculiar accident happened to
Fred Betschen a few days ago. He was
trying to drive a colt into the barn
when the animal kicked, striking him in
the breast with one hoof and on the
thumb of the left hand with the other.
The bone of the thumb was broken and
the joint thrown out of place. The colt
Wiis a put and had never been known to
kick at anyone previous to that.
The fact that the farm loan business
has again opened up in this part of the
country is an evidence of renewed conlid-
ence in Northwest Nebraska. The loans
will, of course, lie small, but small loans
are preferable to anything of the wild
cat nature. There have been very few
forclosures in Sioux county while in
many counties the district court docket
is loaded with such cases and that fact
also speaks well for Sioux county.
It is claimed by those in a position
to know that there is nearly as much nu
triment in the stalk, leaves and husks of
corn as there is in the ear. It is there
fore good economy to cut it at the prop
er time. The difficulty has been the cost
of the work, but a r,'urml micliir.n ban
been gotten up with which two men anil
one horse can cut and shock from 200 to
300 shocks a day, This not only greatly
decreases the cost, but enables farmers
to secure the corn fodder when it is in
the best stage.
A number of our farmers are pre
paring to sow a good deal of wheat this
fall, and we see by our exchanges that
the suae tiling will lie done in the other
counties of Northwest Nebraska. It is a
settled fact that this pm-t of the state
produce fine small grain, and the
next thing in order is to (hid what var
ieties will give the liest results. Winter
wheat lias done well whenever tested
and next season a large amount of win
ter wheat will bo harvested here. It
will bring better profits and will enable
the farmers to handle their work in
belter shape.
With wheat starting in at 73 cents a
bushel and good prospects of its going
biMu.c and a vield of from 15 to 30
bushels per acre, there is no reason lor
the people of this part of the country to
complain. That is much bettor than to
get from 10 to 13 bushels per acre in tne
east and then have to give the greater
part of it for rent on high-priced land,
Now all that is necssary is for the farm
ers to work their land and put in their
crops and care for them just as they do
in the east and there will be no danger
of failure. Poor farming dyes not pay
in any country.
In addition to II le county exhibit at
the state fair Sioux county will be
represented by Messrs, Schulz andFeyer
herm who have spent a good deal of
time and money in making collection of
petrifactions and other curiosities to be
found in the lbit Creek country and have
a portable building, and this they intend
to take to Lincoln and other large fairs
during tho fall. There are many things
found in tho Hat Creek basin of groat in
terest to sciontillc people, as is evidenced
by tho eastern colleges sending for speci
mens and paying good prices for thorn
and tho collection which Messrs. Schulz
and Eeyerherm will exhibit wi'l attract
a good deal of attention.
Rod need Kfltos.
For the Nebraska state fair at Lincoln,
Neb , Sept. 4th to 11th round trip tickets
will be ou sale Sept, 4th to 11th inclu
sive, good returning until Sept. MUi for
one fare for the round trip, plus 50 cents
for admission to the fair.
lliillrond Faro Reduced.
the Dawca county fair at Chadron
.... , n ... mill. i,i flnt
will lie on sale nopi,. uui ""
iiuivn. (mod returning until uct.
4th, for
nml one- Mm larc lor uie
UM ."
round tr'p.
Fred M. Hans ordered The Jocrsal
last week.
James Clark was over from Montrose
Presiding Elder Julian was up from
Chadron yesterday between trains.
Mrs. Bourrette and little Kat ie went
down the road the first of the week.
J. B. Martin called Thursday and
added bis name to our list of readers.
George S. Toole arrived from Iowa
best Thursday. They all come back to
Sioux county.
Mrs. H. T. Conley and Miss Pollard
left for the east Saturday. Mrs. Conley
will return about the 1st of October.
Sheriff Reidy left for the east Tuesday
evetiing to meet the harvest excursion
and talk Sioux county to the excur
sionists. Mr, and Mrs. B. B. Bixby left last
Mouday for Iowa where lliey will re
main until spring and care for an invalid
daughter. THE JoL'KNAL goes to them
eadi week to keep them posted on Sioux
county doings.
' Notice Hoinefrtcad Kutrv.
C'iiadjco.v, Nebraska. (
July 24, Will.
( 'oinplniiit having been miwle at this oflice
bv llstrvcy II. Hussell ttaiiist Marriot ir.
Howe for' failure to comply with law us to
licmiestciid entry No. 21140 dated August 1:1,
IsHii, upon the hwX neSj-H' dwW iioJi irwM
n w hi hcX section XI, township HI, rune M
w., in sioux county, Kebrakii, with a view to
the cniiecUiition of km ill entry; contestant
ulli'KuiK 'hat the said Micrriot (i. Howe has
wholly ubandoncd said tract tlmt he hns
shanked ids residence therefrom for more
Minn nix months since making said entry,
that said truct is not settled upon and culti
vated by said party as required by Jnw, that
clninmift has never established a residence
thcrciin since liling on Maine. Tho said par-
tics arc; hereby summoned to appear at. this
ollic-eon the -24 day of September, Is'il, at 10
o'clock a. in., to respond and furnish testi
mony concerninir said ulleired failure.
Testimony of witnesses will be taken be
fore S. 11. Jones a notary public at his otlice
in Harrison Neb on the 17 day of Sept. ISO! ut
10 a. m. T. I'owEliS, Receiver.
II. T. t'ONLBV, f-l
Contestant's Attorney.
Est ray Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned in Harrison,
Neb., 1 bay horse, weight about 950, branded
i on left shoulder and something like N on
right shoulder; 1 brown horse, weight about
1,000 pounds, brand' .; something like. N on
right shoulder, v, hi i -tripe in face and tour
white feed. 4'.KJ TnoS. HKIDY.
Dated, Harrison, Neb., Aug. 17, 18111.
President. Vice Pres.
C1IAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier.'
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Will practice in all the local, state
and federal courts, and U. S. Land
Legal papers carefully drawn.
Cff Office in court liofise.
Harrison, - - - Nebraska.
All business entrusted to his care will re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
win before all courts anil tiio XT
S. Land Oflice. Business entrusted to my
care will recelvo prompt attention.
B. L. SMUCtf.
Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser
Everything in his line done in a neat
and artistic manner.
Razors and Scissors sharpened and put
in order at reasonable rates.
Give him a call.
First door east of postoffioe.
IlAimisoN - Nebraska,
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Impairing done on short notice
' Good work and re.osonnblo charges.
( Shop south or 1J very. barn.
'haWMSON, - - ' NEB.
Geo. H. Turner.
We have now on hand a first
class stock of Clothing, Hats,
Caps, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons,
Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, High
Patent Bon Ton Flour always
on hand, no better in the land.
Corn, Oats, Chop, Bran and all Kinds of Feed. A complete stock of Hardware,
- Tinware, Barb Wire, and all kinds of Farm Machinery,
Which we will sell at Lowest Prices possible. We invite
all to call and look at Our Ooods before buying.
We Shall Endeavor to Treat all Fair and Square, S
every day in the year. We are always
ready to give you a first-class article at
fairest prices. Come in and try our way
of doing business; you will conie out way
ahead if you do.
For Men, Women and Children,
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Crockery
and Queensware
Ranch Trade Solicited,
MacLachlan & Cook, Props.
Tone. Touch
MS' liH"H
nsro. so.
Supply House,
1-twvnUCING K
" - 11 innwinviwiino
V'V I ... ... .. W