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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1891)
The Sioux County Journal. I TILE SIOUX COUNTY 0 j j. fduiiwm. KJit'.r hiJ Proprietor. J.F.YANDERS. I.EAIER OF Merchant tailoring. LATEST SI ' EES, umsxst frp eh, PERFECT FITS. tisfaction Guar- teea m an in stances. yPKOMIT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL OKI'EKS. I HAW Till! II AM AI.I.I AM K, M.llll.VKA. IfOl'OIIT AND SOLD I.y Hie Nebraska Security Co., HARRISON, NER HiiPiirpiii-itti'il.) irciKiftizFD Capital FilD rr Caiital fVl.lMHI.IKl $'i, miiicrs : (OStill I.IMiRVAK, IT'-xlilrni. I.Im.i:iil.ACn, Vir Tr'-sMi- rut. s. II. Jow, SxTflHrj'. I'. K. Vr.uiTT.Treiu.iin r. fl. T. 1', Altorney. Vie new have on our Iihtu over thirty , CHOICE FAHMH in this comity which we can wll n ION; TIME and EASY l'AV MENTtt. Fai'tieK wihhiiit; to buy or s-ll .should ee the Keeretarvi lands hoiight ami nold on commission. CtVI FSl'liY hr'vV'fc" ft r'T'i-In Atldrw NKWIAsK A Pil l KH'Y I'd. llnrrlnoii, Ni liriika. F.E.4 51. V it. K. Time table, (iirfnii uli ,"tn Ka-.I. 50. 1,111 1 H I4:30i ho. 1, inUi t-.m A new boy arriveil at the home of kr. and Mrs. J. II. yesterday. I sell the McCormick bindi rs and howers.llmlH.Kf. on earth. Come ami diamine them jcfore buying elsewhere. O. 11. Ti l-.NKl:. Last week 1'rofs, Iloliiien mid'.K-r h:lurnwl from their trip to the bad lamb bfSuntb Inltotiu Tb-y report u K1""1 iripand gathered a large numb.r of sec ImMM which were hipiM.(l east. G. II. Turner ban ordered a stuck of fonlivure anil fit nitiirw which be will kiT)' in addition to tin? ritoclc of K'-'n-nil fiierclandise which he now handles. As Wi as his goodn arrive tiu will !, abk furnish almost anything ii k.tsxiii It in repofted that wjtne of the farm ni arc already looking af tor articles for -llilljition 1,1 II..- u.-r fill's r ii ii t. ( 'file it mt. Tliat is right. Just such work in going on find counties and there is x aon why Sioux county should not p up with the procession. The greater portion of she grain in vulk;y is in the shot k and some ol ."at on the tiible land is i tit. It is all of kod quality ami will yield s.cll and the jolicatioiM are that goinl (inces w ill be feceived by the farmeiH for wliat they v to sell. ( Tke llm FreMiont; Elkhorn & Mis uri Valley atai Sioux City & 1'acilic "lilroaxl for Fremont, Lincoln. Hastings, Superior, Omaha, Miwtoiiri Valley, Sioux St. Paul, iJuIutli and jrfiints north, tfcMoinen, I lixon, Chicago, Milwaukee. ww th liimlxir regions in Wisconsin. "-lose conne:tion are niiule at Chicago for Toledo, Buffalo, Albany, Philud. lplua, New York and all points in the '' Palao uleeiiina tri on all "'rough trainii. , Sliunandijuli; Iowa, the cnt of the fnai WF.STERN NORMA h ( OLLEOE, M moral, religioux community stands FARMS WttMid to none in the United States. i entirely free from n loons and dens ,f "ifaniy Mich as iiIhiuikI in the large J1' and tempt ttiw young from the patiiH of virtue. Thin Ix a strong point fvor of the WESTERN NORMA L (MAJUiK IUH gr'tly U the of that wonderful institution, fall triii titminiencen August J'lth r understand several from Ibis Wunty Will attend. "Write to Pres. m- M, Croo and he will doubtless you full Iriforrriallon tna. . ii t forget t,.t ,. I,,.. . MlOp i. one l-orea-t of the iMuili. e. tth,. , , " . mush, l,alr- m , sllHlnp,,o. native luin! - I-' MI'.KIf.- Kirst-il.i- I Ull'l -IlillL'l,-, "ll,t,llltv 'iiiiiu at niv i i 'mil on Ki-i ll.u n n. of J.I- Ahneh. - E. M "! lias moved ,i f.,,,,;i,. into tin It. Smith hu,l,i;.,,, . -i ..- ii i i onvwii.-nt f,.r I.; ... .i .. ' Ulail II ! sulair- Urn M.I.'IHe In- fn;l IV OO, Ilpieil. - Viiinii.v-ioii.-r ays he has tin " ' '"'I' if at ii.- hw raixil. S,u.x county i- showing her hand in g,,,l sha) 'hi year and all vvh , v,.., it SIV jt js -traight. roval Mush. .... i'Mv ii in.u .. i. .Mini ...f. ...... i .i . i . and Mi-.s Love, former rc-idciiN il St .UK ouMy were married at fohurg. i ul-er oiiiity. Neb., a short ti,n. ll-O. . iri.'ll.l:, o t li' Mart es,.i! 'llgratulations. -W. ('. ()'( 'ofinnr cut a piece of oats f-r C.orge Walker tin- lirst of tin. ueL- w h i h he savs are the fiiw' Iiivivi.-i cits he has seen for year-.. Mr. O'l'on " tin; average height of the oats was live an. a half feet, anil the Lead, ong ami well filled, We learn that on preliminary hear ing of John .Nolan at Hot Spring, S. )., on th.. . barge of horse-stealing, tin; de f -n l int was held to the di-trict court. CeorL'e Walker was attomcv for olan. We have not. I'-arned whether Nolan has lieen ahle to .secure hail or not, A sample of Manitoha tnillct brought in I. v J, M. iKiiiii-ls is one of the finest : I : , . . a nun h more orolituhlo emu than the mlinary millet. It costs no more to n:-.' goml varieties ol gram than it. iloes the poor varieties ain! the results are a gr-:t ileal more prilitabie. The n-opleall over the country are inUresled ill the exhibit for the state fair. W. S. Johnson, the cheese man of (ilen, has prepared samples of the pro lin ls of his diary to go into the exhibit. All sui h things will hehi to make the exiiihit attr.ii tive. J,et others follow the example of Mr. Johnson ami prepare sun pies of everything they can, jli s- E. (". Lockwood w as taken veiy ill eaiiv -lomlav nioriiuif.'. nr. nnaier was called ami on Tuesd iv I ir. Waller of t'hailroi, xvaj) called in consultation. For a time bor lilo was aJiuont di.spaired of. but at last rcnorts she was in a fair wav to recover. Mr. I-ockwood is in Wyoming and attempts have been made to reach him bv wire and inform him of the illness of bis wife. Prof. Win. M. ('.'roan, the president and proprietor of the WESTERN NOR MAL COLJ.EUE at Shanandoah, Iowa. iisisl over twelve thousand dollars of his private means in educating poor voine' men and women last year. He I" rniits them to enter bis school and ive their note for the money to be paid liter thev havu earned it teaching, etc. July of this year be secured splendid positions for many of bis .students as principals of schools, etc. Prol. i roan has demonstrated, in a most practical , ,n..p his interest iii the vouug nien and women, striving to secure a practi ,...1 .,hi, -mi ion. Write to him for cir culars, ' IlarvcU Excursions. Arrangements have been made for three harvest excursions at one and one- i.if,l f..r.. f..r Hie I'oiind trio. The dates are August 20th, Septemlwr 10th and 2!)th. The railroads will advertise the excursions extensively and the people of this loeahfy propose that Sioux coun-tvL-ether share and have arranged to send I!, ii. Smith, to Iowa and Illinois to work up an interest for this county. larue amount of advertising matter is i.; ,r,,n..n no at TlIK J'll HSAl- ollice callintf atU-nlion to the opportunitiesand advantages ollered by Sioux county and Mr. Smitli expc:ts to start next Monday r. ii... -ivi in distribute nriuted nmtter n,i ii.". . .. .v --- ami 1 talk for Sioux county. Jius is a in ,vbich all are interested matter for every wi.t I ler increases the value ol .i ... o.f.i 'tn-neil in 1X4.1 J t.iifci.- " " " are thousands of acres of fine government land yet open to settlement and the soon it is .Hilled the better for the county. The fad that bul one-sixteenth of the land in the county lias lieen proved up on shows that tli-e is st'll a vast amount from which to select, and people call get what they want, not being obliged to lake anything they can get. In our opin ion so.iio of the linest land in the county is located In the vicinity of Royville, on what is known Ol flats and it will not be many vir thut wi" ho "l''1 thrift v farmers. In the work of getting new scttleM all u,l,l taks U hand, wruo w j friends in the east who are paying high west and ,,i nml 1e tlieni io g,.( a hoiueof their own. There is room in Hiouxcountv for many farmers mid now to extend invitations to people to come . .i m iicate. IasI the -Ik HABBISOF, EbTatJGTJST 13, Vr a (iraml Exhiliil. The,,I(oillk.( t(,Ul;t,(.larKe "f p-ttin- up a,, exhibit for the slats fair bave b-, ,, , ailed to meet next Saturday. mi i; nojrt . that wdl be on .ai,., f,. j( js every ineinbsr imixirtiint that a or-ani.Kl arrangement 1 "-. i lie imhviiiiial niemlrs of the ' 'ii.mitlee have bs-n at work and some of tbi-ui report that they are getting a!e,0' in g.,d sbaie. In making collec tions can, .si,,,,,!,) H, (.lkell ,Q 'lo'ih so that the article can 1 entered in the i l.,.s exhibit. A movement is on foot to oilVr prizes tor the l-st articles brought into-o in the county exhibit s it will W well for the farmers to look for the liest they can find so that it may t.iiiil a -how in the collection here and in the class exhibit and also in the coun ty collective exhibit at the state fair, b t all who can attend the nieetiliff of the committee next Saturday. They want your help. Pmbirc Hi'iiis, .Miss Ida Andrewsof Chadron is visiting with Mrs. Z,.rbe. Rev. Rorick preached at the Boilarc hool house on Sijivlay. St. Ir .. . -nr. ami .urs. ii. a. Uixhv expect to start for Iowa in a few da vs. l-.ii Ninth wall;, ,! down from Harrison on s.uuniay, winch he reports as quite nive'-oratim' Miss Miniie Smith visited with Sillier inteiiiinit huiithworth the fore of ioe ween. 1 he small boys and some of the larger ones are on the trail of several water melon patches, The liodarc Farmers' Alliance met on I'riilav and we are informed that the fol lowing ollicers were elected; nresideiit. J. li. liurke, vice president. A. O. Ort.on. secretary 1!. Ii. Smith, and executive onimittee. W. S. Hall, J. Ii. Uradlev ind F. W. Knott. The other officers are oo numerous to mention, in fact we are told that everv member holds an ollice, seventeen in all. SLOCI'M'S BltOTHER. lO.MMSSIOXEir.S RECORD. ! I Mil cll.. I IIAIIIUSON. M;n., AillflistO, lS'JI. Ilojii'.l of county conitiiisiimiers met jmr- ar.nt to call of elerk. I'resi'iit: I oiiiniUsioacri Cirove, tireen, K milt ami clei k, Miautes of la.-l meeting re,e.l itinl on mo tion uproviMl. (duiiiiiiiii.'atiiMi uf II. 1.. slonc'iiutf m as taken ill) oil iiiolioa clei k Wli-rcLiV Inst nicteil to liilonn jjarlies to tiring tlic niitttfi" heiorc tin: Itoiinl in proper I'onn. rn;atirer'rf semi report was taken up, exaiiiiiie.l iui'1 on motion upjirovcl anil oi'ilered pliice.l on (lie. On motion the eierk lie uii'l U hereby in- strueleil to cancel warrant No. 215 on jfener ul fluid of Is'.o us Hiirrant. So. S on special ijebt I nml of isiil rovers miniie aiiioiuit, Uesignatlon uf Hubert Wilson us justice of tbe peace for l.owen jireeinet was taken up up and, on motion, In ill over until next meeting. The tolluu lni? li-t of liiunis of jicrsons eliKibie for jurors was then selected from the diO'ereut precincts: t buries S. scott, Kmil Hurti-lcr, Wilbur Slieplicrd, II. A. t'liniiiiinhaiii, K. K. Liver more, T. ii. Wllliiiins, Hobert Wilson, W in C. U'c'oimor, J. I-; Marsteller, h. r. -Maitiu, K. A. lltisselipiist, John Hanson, S'llll:tln Dixon, Null) iaigbrrt, W. S. Hall, Leopold l)e- lloek.J. VV. Custle, Jacob Korster, Uobert llurrison, John .Minehart, John F. Mever, i.orge A. uove, joiin cranaui, iiany llrown, I'url M. t'ox, Win. Llsberry, John I'riee, John Mo.selry, Julian Ia;ver, Date r.iirson, ticoie llovven, M. (.'. Iioan, K. II. MlteUeil, J. II. Nswlin, (lilnndo Gowey, Wil liam Mi holson, (bristhiii Jensen, J. J. was srrbeiKcr, John -Messing, W. K. Mel.imans, l.rldley Tbiiyer, llussel W illimus, lierhurd Ueinders, IrvinK Wilson, Aaron Vandekar, W. II. ( orbin, W. If. Harris, T. R. Snyder, C. A. ruddy, 31. J. wr-bcr, J. Miiii.son, junies T. vii'son, Ii. s. t'ox, John Fry, A. K. Dew, O. A. loirtcn, N. 1). Hamlin, is. r. J nonius, Siiin uel Thomas, 1.. L. Wilson. (in motion the clerk bo and lie is hereby Instructed to liuve construeicu -ii nooins 101 election purposes, to be niudo of medium grade ciinvuss oriliiekni!?, una oe.llooi uie undsixa'idii bull reetliinh; the corner posts and brin es lor same to be li Inch lumber ;ind cueli booth to be pro! ided with dressed board at least 12 Inches wide, mid three feet Ion)?- Tlie t'ollowliiK claims were iimutcn, nl- lowcd and wiinanls uruwii on inc neneiai tuml of the levy of Mil for the amount of van, c : (iniulin Itepubliciui I'riiitliiK Co., sup- jilles, elalinc"! rn..s.', . w..,,i,,-i, t in. eo. sunt, services 'i SS 11) (,eo. w . liesier, eon." oi ...... ........ and diKK"i"K l?rav 101- same ... II. T. Conley, siilary ns coioiiy uiij . Ileriieilll, sii)iiies mi l"" Itiiel.iichiaii I ook, supplies lor poor elalineil 'i i ,iiir'i- II t'. (.ibbs, uiedleiil aiieiiuiince n i.orlon lirollins, iiiedieiue lor iiiiuper. 11 i- Conrad I.lmlemun, nalury, express. ...wriiira. I'te 121 ( cotinrv 17 2.', ii '.'7 Kill KI Jumrs Wiilpolo, MiijJport lor puuprr.... N. K. I-f,llt'll,iUkllMlMUH''rvin:M MacLnchlHii & l.'iKik,. supplies lor poor. A. ;. ( handler, supplies lor poor Thus. Iteldv, sheriff's leen MacLiichlun A ( ook, supplies tor poor, ii m I 2(1 1 20 1 20 n so I IK) I (iO 1 i;0 I i;o 1 i;n l no ( laimeii ih.ih aiioweu David Mack, witness lees in iuiuesi C I, aides Anderson " " Peter Weldcnleldt, " Thos. Ifeiuy, sneriii Himi in .mi"..' enic ( owlisbitw.Jiiry lees iiiipiesl ease. VV. Ileekniall I'. Win. .Meyer W. L. Jones F.. ('. Mrvem " ' John Seiiuli! " i.ooriw J- siniier, coroner in iiuesl, eliilnied f.'.'.M nlloued Mrs. 1. M., house rent fur jiauper, eh imed allowed I.. .1. MmmoiiH. iiiiIiliH.b,.i ir, 12 no on motion .7. it. Ilr.idley was uppnlnf ed road overteer for roud district -No. 4. On i,-,ot Ion, adjourned wltliont duv. CoNKVIl LlMII.HAX, "i'liunfy Clerk'. PEKSOXAE. J. H. Cook was in town Tuesday. Miss Minnie Crane was in Harrison vestertay. H. L. Smuck contributed on subscrip tion last week. W. S. Johnson adds his name to our list of readers. S. W. Carey sent us a years subscrip tion last Thursday. Miss Elsie Merriam left on Saturday for Wyoming to teach school. Judge Crites' stenographer, Mr. Laird, was in Harrison Tuesday. Mrs. 1). H. Griswold left last evening for a visit at Custer City, S. V. Mr. and Mrs. E. 1J. Satterlee went down the roail Monday evening. Mrs. Bassett went to Gordon yester day and will return Saturday. A. & B. Piekenbrock order THE JOUR NAL sent to them at Ardmore, S. D. B. B. Smith has been assisting in The Jolhnal ollice for the past few days. Robert Neece was in town yesterday and made a pleasant call at this ollice. J. B. Johnson was up from Glen Mon day and made a business call at our of- liee. James Slatterly left for the hills Mon day taking with him some horses for market. Miss Minne Smith begins a term of school in the Soulhworth district next Monday. Johh Mosley came down from Cambria recently and was in Harrison on Thurs day and gave us some cash on subscrip tion. II. T. Conley was at Valentine the first of the week attending a meeting of the republican judicial central com mittee. Dlt. LEONHAItllT, 1432 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Practice limited to diseases of tbe NERVOUS SYSTEM, UEzVRTand BLOOD. Read the press notices, Send for symptom chart. State vour case. If yoil are. Tclt and walit to .'vet well, write all about yi tirself. Ni trouble to read letters; send stamp for reply. Dr. Leonhardt, 1402 O St. Lincoln, Neb. SULLIVAN & CONLEY, Lawyers. Will practice in all the local, state and, lUleral courts, and U. S. Land ollice. Legal papers carefully drawn. IS" Ollice in court house. IlAiutLSON, - - - Nebraska. C. E. HOLMES, Attorney-at-Law. All business entrusted to his euro w ill re ceive prompt and careful attention. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. GEORGE WALKER, Attorney-at-Law. Will practice before all courts and the U. S. Land Oflice. liusiness entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention. HARRISON, - - NE1IRASKA. B. L. SMUCK. Fashiouabie Barber and Hair Dresser Everything in his line dofo in a neat and artistic manner. Razors and Scissors sharpened and put in order at reasonable rates. Give him a call. First door eastjof poslofliie. Harrison - NtltUsKA. L. E. BELbEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on short notice. Good work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. HARRISON, ... NJ VEN WIRE FENCING .WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST for Lawn, Gardens, Farms, Ranohes and Railroads. rBICKS RKDt CKI). Bnlil hy ilfnle". Kltl.KIHT I'All). MeMtlLI.KN'S l-IHIl.THV AKT'IIXU. New TMug I No B:lngl No bmcKlnel Kiir lMyy,'ljr'. Ttm SoXullM Warca WinTdnM Oo., OUohiAU, 47 best n STFFI Y . ii WIDE I 1 1891. I AM STILL ON DECK, AFTER THE Great AND P $1.00 will buy IT pounds of Granulated Su pounds of Evaporated Blacl;!erries: 10 pound? White Kussian boap. Oil per gallon, So cents. .1 FLOUR AND FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. Bran and shorts per 100, $1.20; Oats, $1.73; Chopped feed, SI. 63. FLOUR, High Patent, $3.15: J Patent, 2.85; Straight Grade, $2.05: Low Grade, sfl.Oo. Meal, if 1.00. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Shoes, Good Quality, f 1.25 a pair. Ladies' Dongola Button Skies, $1.23. Plow Shoes, 00 cents. Childrens' Shoes, 50 and upwards. Allen's Fast Prints, Warranted, cents a yard. Lawns 5 cents a yard. ' - And everything else as low as the buying elsewhere. These prices for cash only. Geo. RANCH SUPPLY Ol'R PRICES ARE ATJTHE BOTT0M- every day in the year.-' We are always ready to give 3-ou a first-class article at fairest prices. Come in and try our way of doing business: you will come out way ahead if you do. STRAW HATS, For Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Drf Goods, Boots and Shoes,, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Queensware, Ranch Trade Solicited. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ON LARGE ORDERS. Ranch Supply House. MacLachlan & Cook, Props. T f MLgrcpjui OnsurpasseT T.vrun-?. Si , one, Touch Finish- Em Ehsxhd mn9 G? IsTO. 48. Storm HAVE WITH ME. ;tr; 18 pounds Extra O Sugar; 10 of English Currants; 22 Bars of pound cans Choice Nevada Apples 12S cents. lowest, ('ome and et my prices befora H. Turner. HOUSE. inf1 Largest Producing vi PlAMQ Factories l ?. in i ntv iiril .' llie coioo if work Jfo oii with u wilt: