The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 06, 1891, Image 6

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Tlra Sioux County Journal.
DlABLlsaEI 1
k-iAi. tx -sty vsvm.
Subscription Price, $2.00
I. J, Simiuoiu-,
EiilereilatlhHmiitolic iu ec-
Thi'ksoay, Aiucst 6, lyi.
Unbli-B t'ouuty ( Obveutiu.
Tlie republican electors of ioux county,
b., are renuctcd to send delegate from
their aeverul prccincta to meet in conven
tion l the court house. In Harrison, Kch.,
vn September IV, 1HSH, at 11 o'clock, a. in.
' ArroMTioKHKiii.
The several precinrln are entitled to rep
TeseuUitiou as follows, being lmacd upon the
vote for llou. Geo. H. Hastings for attor
ney treuerai in lsvu, giving one delegate at
1ann"for each precinct ami one for each ten
vote an4 the major fraction thereof :
The primaries for the several precincts
will be held at the followiiiK times and
place ou Saturday, September 14, 11 :
Antelope At the residence of s. it. story,
from 4 to 6 p. in.; 1 delegate.
Andrews At the residence of J. W. Kobiu
son, from 1 to 6 p. m.; 1 delegate.
Boweu At the ofnee of U. Guthrie, from 4
to 7 p. m. i 6 delegates.
Bodarc At school house in district No. H,
troin 5 to 7 p. m.; 3 delegates.
fottouwood At .school house in district
'o. 4, from 1 to p. in.; delegate,
Five I'oints-At the residenc of Frank
Tlnkbaui, from 4 to 6 p. in.; 4 delegates.
ijowcr Running -Water At the residence
of 0. J. Gowey, from tod p. in.; 4 delegates.
Hat Creek At the residence of C. F. Coffee,
1 rom 4 to 6 p. ni. ; 4 delegates.
!Wi)ntrose At Montrose school hon-c, from
3 to 6 p. in.; 3 delegates.
Kunning Water At the residence of A.
Metlinlcy, from 4 to 9 p. in.; 4 delegates.
Snuke Creek At Herncall's store, from 4
o fi p. Hi. ; 1 delegate.
Sheep Creek At the residenc of T. It. Sny
'der, from 4 toC p. in.; 1 delegate.
White Kiver At the school house in school
district No. 1, from 4 to 8 p. in.; 4 delegates.
Wnrboiinet At the Warbonnet ranch,
from 4 to p. m. ; 3 delegates.
A. W. Moiir,
K. G. l!ot:;n, Chairman.
Lauren Jones lias discontinued the
Gordon RepiMimn. lack of patronage
is given as tlie reason. There is every
reason why a town should hare p. news
paper) not as a matter of charity but
from a business standpoint am it is not
a. good recommendation for a town to let
its only paper die for want of support.
Cli&irman Watson after having lieard
from the leading lawyers and politicians
of the state, made up his mind that he
would not try to bring about tlie election
of a governor this year. Mr. Watson
H-otilU do well to say nothing and saw
wood, if he cannot open his month with
out putting his foot in it as lie did in this
The national em-ampment of the G, A.
R is being held this week at Detroit, and
is very largely attended by old soldiers
froth all 6'Ver tlte country. Nebraska is
represented by a iirge teiegitic'n and
they ar teuTifie, no tUnB unturned to
secuf th! loi -.ition of the next encamp
ment rit Lincoln. Here's wishing -them
It is reported that petitions are being
'Circulated praying :ilien-fov. Hoyd"s ap
pointee, A. W. Oritfes; to perniit His name
to be placed upori the emcial ballot in
the 15th judicial district as a candidate
for one of the judges this fall. Should
his name be on the ticket it is safe to
predict that on November 3rd a majority
of the voters of the district will raqiiest
Mr. Crites to retire to pritate life.
The indepchdeol ptti-ly us olganined on
the platform of the Cinciritiati convention
desired to make their plans and actions
known and so have arranged for a por
tion of tlie space in The JocrkaL The
'editor of this paper does nut efirtofse that
platform and lias notiiiO;-; to do ttith
what is published in cermet;! (on therewith;
out simply rents the sprtrfc the Same as
be does to the riiercliants for ttdtertislbg
A man by the name of Davidson has
been arrested at Peoria, 111., charged
with the' ruin of his step-daughter. It
is thought that unless he gets his deserts
at the hands of the court he will be taken
in hand by ttk? peojild. f Here is no law
which provides atifeqtiate punishment for
Such cases. When a being haft so lost
alt seiMMQi manbood as to debauch the
penodfota firi wlipm lie is id honor
boundto jrftttect, there is no punishment
by law severe enough. Such it loath
some brute is not ht U ilte:
The DtP H'nrfa-era7f; which is
rapidly kcuriBg a replitkiion its the beat
tingle-Wrined jluf1 ih the bbtttlirti bub
liahed ah niilUra slbry the other dity to
Ihe effect tliat Gov. ThayeF n fright
ened at the proapect of a governor being
elected this fall; Hd wai about to resign.
The atory carrfel evrtleHce bf ila faiaity
'tm iU ftftsr. Cor. Tlbayef is ah bid caiti
4agtter, wHd hdf f)ktf edetnles and dao
era of marly Maxjs, aKd tiia courage tt
Matibttoa. He wlH never turn Hia
kck W ths taemyv twA 1 the riikt-
vi$tit&t ,
A aiugular cae lias recently ivnw to
lijrht. A man by tlie name of Jlck Ma
rion was hung at l$eatrt iu 1'
for I
i tlie murder of John Caiuerjn. !t 1
3 victim U tiH i
ULU.u via- "- I I I
living. Tlie man was convicted on fir-j
cumstaacial evidence years after tlie.
crime was supjioseu to have been torn- (
mitteJ. Tlie disapiieamni-e of Cameron
and the subsequent Hading of a skeleton
with bullet holes in it led to the belief
that it was tlie remains id tint individ
ual and Marion was arrested, tried and
sen enced to be lianged. A new trial
w as obtained and again lie w as convicted
and was executed." Ttiere is a great deal
of opposition to capital punislmieut and
should this case prove to be as rejiorted
it will do much to strengthen the feel
ing. Tlie details of the matter will be
looked for with interest
Tlie eight-hour law took effect on last
Saturday, and lias already been tlie cause
of a great deal of trouble. Tlie workmen
in the job printing houses in Omalia were
the flint to kick, and on Monday tliere
was scarcely a job printing establishment
in the city rur.niug. Tlie greatest strike
was at the large smelting works. The
managers of this establishment wanted
tlie men to sign an airreement to work by
the hour, at a rate corresponding with
wliat they had been receiving. Tlie oy
eratives refused to do this, and the entire
force of nearly a thousand men walked
out Trouble is reported in other manu
facturing establishments in Omaha and
elsewliere, and w hat the result will be is
hard to determine. The Dempster man
ufacturing company, of Beatrice, say
that they will be compelled to remove
from the state if the law is declared con
stitutional. The law will no doubt be
tested soon, and its constitutionality de
termined. It is very doubtful if it will
stand the test.
Tlie independent people assert that a
imminent democrat of Sioux county
says the republicans and democrats will
combine in order to down the indejiend
ent party. It is cjuit.8 likely that there
are some democrats who would like to
have such a combination made, but such
a thing cannot le done. It is the gener
al opinion that tliere are some members
of both jmrties who would like to liecon
sideied leaders, who have been working
rt'ilh such an object in view for some
time, but the sooner they ttop such fool
ishness the better. Should such a com
bination be attempted by the real lead
ers of the old parties it would result ic
overwhelming defeat, for the great mass
of voters in both the, republican and
democratic parties would resent any
such sclieme and would fall over each
other in their lioste to get into the inde
pendent ranks. The republican jiarty is
still founded on sound principles and the
men who lead it are republican from
principle and the petty, otlice-struck
would-be leaders had better sing small
about combining witii the democrats.
Nntire Hiniiesteail Entry.
T'. S. USD (irricx,
CH, n ikon, Kehhaska. t
Jnlv M, 1h91.
Complaint having been made at this office
hy lUirvey 11. Knssell ngalnst Marrlot ti. with lnw as to
homestead entry So. !' dati-d August 1.1,
Issll, upon the swx ne'-seM 11W4 nesw
nw?4 Se'4 section :ii, townsnip :, rang.? 64
in siont counlv, enrakii, will! a view to
lite cancellation of said entrvl contest. lilt
allc:r.. that thi"":iiil Miirrilit (J. Howe has
noiiv u'litiiiiour'! irai-i inai m; 11ns
ltuni"e! Ii; res.d'incr therefrom lor more
than sK yitlntlts since making said entry,
tha said tract is dot settled lijain and culti
vated hv daid party as required hy law, that
claimant has never cstnhllshcd 11 residence
thereon since filing on same. The said par
ties are herein- summoned to nina-ar at this
oilier on the 44 day of Sentemls-r, 111, at 10
o'clock a. 111:: to respond and furnish testl
lOny. concerning saiil tillered failure.
TfKlinoiiv flf will lie taken lie-
fore S. II. Jones a lidtnrv public at his ornce
in Harrison Kebon 'he 17 day W Sept. 1HI at
10 a. in. I. tr. rowKKS, neceiver.
Contestant's Attornt'y.
otici -llnmeiiteflil.
I". . office, (
( M'l'Kos, M:bk. (
Janet;, Will.
Complaint No. having ls?.en entlirisl at
lisomcehv Herman Konrath against Jo
rath for fmliti-e to comply with law as
to homestead entry o. nw, uaieu jauiiury
ft, vm, npon tlie southeast (4, section w,
i.fw iinii'j, i, ihiik' i-M.u.i vimiiij,
Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant .aliening that he
gnows the present condition of the same
also that said John Konrath hns wholly
abandoned snid tract; that he has changed
his resldeneS, therefrom for more than six
months since making said entry l.lliat said
tract is not nettled upon and cultivated by
said party as required by law; that he has
iX'n wooiiy Kosent irom sain iraci since
July 4th, ISWI: up to date of tills affidavit, to-
( , - I ., lullt ll,u uui,l narllKy u M hnrn.
& suiiimdn!d to appear at thin 6n)ce on the
.m nay 01 August, mi, at iu o ckk-k a. 111.
to respond and furnish testimony concern
lug aaid alleged failure.
Testimony of witnesses will lie taken lie
fore I has. K. Ilifttnes, notary public, at hisof
flee In Harrison, Nebr., on the aitli of August
isvi, at IU 11. m. I . t . powers, neceiver.
II. T. Con lev, ( onu-staiits Atty. U 4'J
out TMD.
ChaHUtto kmihtWbt far 1891.
1. Long line chwittluqila at Long
Pine, Neb. . Augurt 1st to 10th.
8, THfc Olnck Hills chautauqua as
Kferhblv at Hot 8prirign; 6. D. from Au
gtint flth to 2dth.
. for tWte occasion a rate df One fare
t6t the round tfib lias been made.
I to dates of tele and limit of ticket.
.. Ion any Agent Vt m f..M. V.
cora WIRE
Edited tie- .
tlie 1'eui.l.
;'i:!i Central Ci.misM''
' Indepeutleut
Nntirt ! 'rr undents.
Allconiniiiiiicutioiisto i"-nre pnl.lication
in ltii column lini-t rc li me si i. i
ortlce liv Tnesilav nn ol each act
w ni.-
on one side ol ms r only; aris-raw
item; Is- brief and to the in "
stiiteuicnt-.. Ad'!n--s all matter to i
J. M. K(1B1"V
see. ( o. t en. Com. People's In'l I'arly,
Harrison. V'". ;
rriM-eediiiirs f Meeting for OrirHiii.a
ratiou of People' lnl-M'iMlctit
Tsrly aud Call for Comity
IUBKISON, Skb., July SI . 11.
At a meeting ot the citizens of mo.i
county, Seti., held at the court ho.w, for
the purpose, of organising "the rnuiity lor
the fall rampaigii, on the lines of the Cin
cinnati Conference," a js-r call of ll- pre.i
pent of the sjoui Cininly Kaiiners' A limn."-,
the following proceedings were had-:
Meeting called to order.
(in motion, ( has. V. rove aselect. 'l tem-
IMirary chairman.
( otion, teiiiMirary clmirmaii n a- inane
it was moved that this meeting pro- 1 t"
irganizc on theliasisol the piatlorni mlopl-
ed at the Ciuciniii'ttl Conference. Curried.
Moved and rarried thai the cliainn .1. up
isiiiit a coiiiiuittee of thn-e to aelect a mi
tral committee.
Chair iipisiinted A. K. d.tU's, of White
Kiver precinct. Ileo. A. Dove, of Cottoua isl
pm-inct, and V. W. Knott, of Hat Creek pr-
cinet, as such coiuuiitleM'.
The conimltt-c on ci-ntml commiUee re
Kirt-l the follow ing naniesi ,
llowen Precinct-J. M. Holilnson.
AnteloM- Precinct- Kmil llnrulcr.
Koilarc Precinct -W. s. Hall,
Cottonwood Prcclnct-A. C. Cullors.
WhIU; Uiver Prcclnct-A. E. liates.
Kive Points 1'rcclnct-Josiiua linker.
WarlKinnet I'l-eciuet-U'Wis Gerlach.
Montrose Precinct l:i Id Anderson.
Huiining M' liter Precinct -Octave llurri-.,
1iwcr Kunning Water Precinct-J. C.
Snake Creek Precinct Wcncel Ilcrni all.
Hat Creek Preclnct-K. W. Knott.
Andrews l"recinct W. s. Johnson.
Sheep Creek Prccinct-T. II. Snyder.
On motion the rciort of the comuiittei
was adopted,
On motion, K. W. Knott, of Hat Creek pre
einct was clHisen chaijrman of comity i-.-n
tral comnilttee.'''
On motion, J. M. Kobinson, of llowen pre
tinct, was chosen secretary of the county
central committee.
On motion, It was resolved to follow the
following instruction of the Htat-e central
committee as regards holding primaries 11ml
county convention:
That the county convention for the dec! ion
of delegates to the state convention Is- held
011 Saturday, August 1.1, lsl, and thai the
prion. rics tor tlie election 01 delegates 10
the county convention la' held on the )r
ceding Thursday, where arrangements luie
not already been made to hold them 011
ol her dates.
That in proxies lie iidmlttswl but that the
delegates present la' iM-ruiittcd to Cast the
full voteot llicir delegation.
That in case of challenge, at any primary
election to is; held In tills county of the
I'eonle's indeiiendent liartv, the iniges ol
snid election shall require the parly ilesiiing
to vote to answer the lonowing iiuesiions
uudir oath :
1. Do vou intend to vote for the nominees
of the convention, delegates to whk-11 hit
ls-lng voted for at this primary cloeion i
2. Are you now a member of or do you In
teinl to nfliliate w ith the peoples' ludi'iieu
dent party of .Nebraska.
It biu iiiOv.1 mid fiil-rll:U l!i:it the basis of Ion be on tlie vote cnwi ioi- jonn
II. Powers for Governor in l.'l.
On motion, it was decided to allow each
precinct one delegate tit lure ami one for
caeli 10 votes or major fraction of 10 votes
cast for Johu ii. Powers for Governor for
The. call was made, to mnkti known to the
meeting the number of delegates to which
each precinct was entitled, and the follow
ing aiinonncnient was made
w line Kiver,
ive Points,
KiinninK Witter;
Ixiwer Kniinliii; Wiitt r,
Snake t'nek,
shiiep I'riMk,
Hall reen,
Moved-and carried that copies of the, mln
tites of this meeting be furnished to each of
our conutv newspapers and to tlie A Uiiince
J. M. ltomxsox, scc'etiiry
In occordlince vritH tile action taken at the
above mecttiiK. We electors of fiioux county
.piullrled as specified in the proce(sl!ii(?Si are
requested to send dcle(ratcs from the differ
cnt precincts In tlie county to meet In cdn
ventlon at the Court House, in Harrison
Seb., on Saturday, Auk- 1. MM, at II A. vt.,for
the nitrnoseof elcetiiiR dtileirateu U ntteud
the state convention of the Peoples' Inde
pendent I'nrty, to lie held at Hastings, Kcb
on Tuesday, Aiifrust lsth, pen, and ileleguts-
to attend the Judicial Convention of the
Fifteenth Judicial Uistrict, at time an.
pliu-e to lie here.afU.r designated, and itlsb
for the purpose of nominating candidiiles
for county officers as follows
One Treasurer.
One Sheriff.
ie J ud re.
One (!lerkl
One SiiiMTiiiU-ndcnt df Public Iilstl'iieilQU
one surveyor.
One Coronor.
One Commissioner 2nd District
Also, for the transaction of sileh tit tier
business as may lie properly brought before
the Convention.
v. W: KkoIt.
. Ch'ni. IS). Cen. Coin
J. M. Kobinson, Sec. Co. ten. Com
The Organisation:
After tile tuldrcw of Prbf. H F. Pratt, as
alHIant lecturer of the State Alliance, at the
Corirt Iioiise, oh THdriday last, (lie eltisens
of SiKn county who are in sympathy with
the iflatform ot prliiclplc! adopted at tile
Clnclnnafl Conference, met arid orgaiiised
the Peotils' Independent Psrty of Sioux
county, the iroceedinr of which irieetln'
are pnbUnhed In this oolumn. There appear
lobe some dissatisfaction In regard to the
action taken, but why this should be, we are
titowttttdmtaaa; l mi w rtrtt
tt.e nillidy lor ,J"
,H - i.l 1 i - 1 O" Hlllf tl I "'1
. uid mix. -I There :
t uil l"'l 1 "e" I'll-i"--1"
t ie t;ino' Alliance
im tuof '1" "ti '
cainMtg'i on ""
l-l in---, aii'l It
no - ret, ' 'I"1
atsttll it VI' '"I"
.... hlllght. of l al-I. a- -11 a, cm,. ...
a are not f - ' '
parliei.le., there ....! milmlron.
null's' alM-'i"'"l "! :,r-
I...I 11, .-r.- 111 Is- a n l'l. s. llliilive IOIH. I.
tiouol alii, h thep
uil v nc"1 not Is'ii-hauiei).
l'riumry Kle:timi
I The primurv election- "I the 1 coplc - In
l.lri-ii.lei.l pa'rtv wnl all Is- held uthcdiflcr
, cut preriin-1 - ol -loin eoui.n 0 . I iitir is .
i AUUll-t IS. I"-". '"'
! ,..!, preclnel I- I nr. 1. -'.nil "HI' print's'
notice, oil hlell the tune and p.a' e ol liol'l
I ing the primari i- -tat.-d. and make
: it villir bns.lie.. to 111 lend the -:i...e. -I l"
1 .-icct .lei.-tiile- l'l "" e-'IIIily '" l'"""
t r.i Ir.i- tol.i)' t Hilt.' I t'l S "1 111'' I'-tT'I
llll'l Is-. -iilltrniled ti am cll.ple
I of seheinel ior lssstler-.. II tin .r..s r .
' ertioll l UJ-.1 to sel't g'ssl men l"l dele
gale. there II! Is- I. sulk re. Hired at the
I colivelltioll t' -c 'IJe the li'Miilh it loll 'l the
right kimi "I e:-li.ldiites lor t'n- ariou.
! o!tlee and repr.-s i,t.ti to Hie slate and
! judicial eon v. n th 1. is. 1 ioii'1 "hirk our duty
' a- an Ainerieoii citizen in 'hi' matter, a- the
! work to be done i near l-i your bona-and
iwill l.ol con-UIne 11 nr.-.. I )illioll ol your
j time, no u.atl.-r how nlunblc Unit ma) Is-.
II you are In do. 1 lit 11- to the inp ut inn-ol a
I voter at vour primary election, challenge
I linn and to aim the proper loic-rlou-I
under oath.
Thej Tlirenlen.
We uinl r-t;th'l iiiitt ;i jrnniiif"t
of -iiU CiHiiitV !Mii:irk l tin- rrnpj'
j liMlt-iM-inlt'iil p.irty ii!t Hii'l4tiil(l-liy ..-
ffrflt-i sit inn! il it ruiil'l tm. In-
i tri)iik'lit iiimtit ilini'iKH otht-r i-liuHtM'U tin'
j twoui'l itrticf wiHll unite iill'l Hri-Klltphh
I tlie ri-iiit. v h t no Mount ttn t flort
! ill tw ni . li-. '1 ti it i- tin- M'ofcrmii In mnn
IwT ol oo.intU-ttloiiK I'm- Uit'. Hk y nuit-'l
in tin- li tfinintuic lust litH. it woni-l ftir
jtriw' iu t' liiiM- Hmmii unit' st the poll. It
will fVfiiluauy c-him t mil t in y 111 urni-- m ,
tatf wmi uiitioiiitl Hllitirs. Tin1 only ditf'-r
curt; chiiincl lxtii'ii llinu 1- tlie turilt', ami on tlmt ttn y will t :. h Uiidi
ninontj tlioniM-lv.-H. J In-y me Itolii wntnVl
with It Kin-.tion t b:tt will linr'.i-c th- pur
ohit-iuK oh it ol tin -lo;i,(r 1 1i y lnt-lhi-(Utllarrt;
thi-y don't M-riotivly ulii--. t ithi'
transtNrtitlion roi;ip:mh cliai'ii.itf nil llic
tri'ltlc will b-ar lin-y own tin tr..n-portti
tion ldii'T,; XUvy do-i t curi it conli u .ditl
almut liclutnt t,t 1-iw in r' to i.iin-r
whip ot 1: itft 1 1 icy him- tin- hind ; tiny don't
uimt ii xrudu.ttcd iiicmir tax -tln-y" enjoy
UiVU' incomes w ittnnit t intnm. l ltut 1", hv
k'ndiT-" of tin' t v. o old prirl)' Its vr lntT't
k. ulo -tuP'd, i'l'd !nv' Hit1 dUt rilnit ion
ol itliciiil pup to 'j iin ; tin t rikcr over I In
t:ttt mid iiutioa. liul tin riiiik and HI of
all purtji-- an- ;r..'!i!iiiy tn-eoiiiinff educated
thronizh their it"-H'hit!iM-, H-.chttdlc, nl
limtcco, wheel,, and Uriu'cx, and IhcilayU
draw itiK niKi when tln-T wjll urriiv thoin
mcIvch in one frraitd indtiitrittl (jriiilzatiini,
and then, what 'i h"ii let the two old par
ticH unite, tmd w e w ill ftet our lnttt uicklc on
the rank and Jile."
- l.irgiiuU.' und cdueutc.
-Send the pnlll - news of
Interest to
our cause.
Fare thee vv ell
drother Wutlilns-ol
Montrose precinct.
That demo allluuee ruse u ss l.o thin
fact it was so transparent that It only
ipilred a casual observer to caJeli on. it did
nol work however.
The Herald outfit no.- : , .. that their
lalwrs with tin- del.vati. i llit could "III
tilings" wen in Vain. "Til" be-l laid plim
of mice" ond o lorili.
Tin- Am r! -an people nic as a gi-ncrnl
tiling a patient people but b'-tory has proven.
tlmt when they do get rou-'-d up they are n
terribly earuot peoj.le. They are getting
roused up this fall.
That bottled scheme of the corruption
ists concocted to control the organization of
the People's Independent party Thursday
moved to be n Prof. Pratt stated iu his lee
ture. It w as handled once Ii'. lee - and
kersinasir't It "busied,"
- Did we hear that 111" Democratic conutv
committee hail a meeting oa Hie :nitli nil.'
Yes, we heard they met and made an evtraor
unary enori to capture tin- organisation of
the Peoiilc's ludeiiciideul tiarlv. If tiu-e
transacted any other business, we lulled to
hear of It.
if in twenty years ot lb-publican nil,, two-
thirds or the wealth of tin- faaini rs mill pro
ducers has passed into the hands of th- mini
cy kings, how many more years of !,, s-um-
rule will it require for the remaining tnird
to Ami its way to tin- ssnie placr? Atkissos
The county central comuiitte-j of the In
dependent party is reported to have met
Thursday, and proceeded to fill vacancies on
said committee. According to the report
there were twelve vacancies filled and oni
precinct omitted entirely. Twelve and one
nntac in ii-icc ii, una astlleii; lire but fourteen
pie. ineis in ine couiuy, nun us tlilrteen u,
trailed from fourteen leaves one .hi.r.
must have been but one of tin. original com
mlttcc present at said meeting. IViliaiH
there was a meeting, as there was only one
v "" "- "" "ii'i'iunw-'iiy consiiicrei
uunccet-aury to issue a call, hul, "honest In
jun," Ixiys, was that meeting not held the
next morning-wilh Walker lu the chair ''
There Is published In Walker's ll, r.,ni .
call sMfrneil hy the chairman of the Indciieii
dent central committee for an Indeis ndent
convention to is-held in Andrews' hull on
which that paper eomn is e.llo.ri..n,.
claiming a great split in tin- Indi 'tll'llllOflt
movement rjid tmuroution ul uutlifirin-1.
LiMiM n-uinihi n't mini nun ntt on. ITh
mw iuhi inn licrHid and it-s htrikcrw urc
dlHsiitisHe.t, but w are ot tin opinion thut
it rrpicStnittiUvcs wrn too chc Ht lutud
iwm juHcr i imi wuty, Htm noi ix'invpr 'pared
rur uhj mhh'k urn ,ihm(, rccovcrniK from tlir
effuctof tlie Hrtine.
Xoliec.of I'limitrjr F.lct ti'jn,
Tlio Peoples' Imlerien'lijtit primary
election for White Hiver precinct, will
be hulil, at school Iioumc in district N'o. 1
in siiitl precinct, miThursiliiy, AtifrMst 1:;
1891, at 7 p. m. for the purpose of eltet
ins tlelbratwi to attend the People' In
dependent Countj' (Convention, lit Harri
son, iNelirusUai on rvatnr(l"; Auirust l."i
1S01. A. E. Gati-x,
ConiiiiitUiciiian. l'eoplei1 Indf pendent nrlimu y election
for Hat Creek Precinct, will he helii .1 u...
residence of J. II. Uriel ley In said precinct
On 'I'hurndny, AugiiMt n, lxld, at 4 o'clock ,
111., in'- i'"' i".- ... ..iK oeietlLI'M lo
attend tlio Peoples' Iiiepenint Unintv
Convention, at HiirriHon, Nehrimka, on hjit
urday, Auirual IS, l.l. K. . Knott,
The I'l-oplna' IlidepeuUent nrininrv eltictlon
for Kive I'oinU precinct, will he held m nw
renl'lence of Krnnk Tlnklinin In hhI-i ) .r. -i m t
on Thurmlay, Aii(nit 1:1, 1 (NI, at 7 o'clock n m '
for the purpose of electiiiK delcgatca to ,,'
tend the I'cdple'a Jndepeudent t'ouuty ( on Ilarrtaou, Neliraaka,on Miliiriliiv
AURitlt 15, 111. Joshua linker,
The People's Independent primary election
for lUiwnn iireeinct , will la; held at I he ,-....
fiouw In aald precinct, 011 Thnrwlny, Aiiriit
IX, lill t 7 o'clock p.m., for I he. purpoMi
electing didogan to ntU'nd the PcoiiIi-'h tud
ctMinueiii- vuiniiy .....i.T..i.Fii, m ii
KeUrsaliir, wn wtwaay
Anrrmit 1,1. iwu.
(J. M. Hoblii,!,,
kilt pa , Sew lik l il)
I 1 if I N 1 io H l . i'ii aim.
1: i. a ol t ii I'H'i x , i it n 'iron,
JiiliN A. I.IVAS. ri;t:-tl I VT. I II S. 1.. Unvts
( II Ai.i l-S .. VKKlTY.t 'tMii.
I Illl.slll
Transacts a General
"fl,,vs S IkkiI Or.l'1-s, County
Iiy"lfit r"t l'aid on
Loans Money on Improved Fa:
W ti I1U.VU jrrupaxcu iui a, l I
Big Harvesl
By purchasing
General Merchandise, and in
vite all his old customers
and lots of new ones
to call on us
for Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, Boots, Shoes, etc.
Our irrices will
the LOWEST, on everything we
We ''inll "-'ill !-(' a (-(iinpl.-te line of
H aid ware.
Grant Guthrie,
DfALtl N-
- A ST)-
Ii l"
U' L ... , MP
l.Ei r.iv .
...hut TK
Banking B
und Village Wai-,-,,,.,
Weed in
Time lk-siiK
aitikkizfT i aimtau
CUD IT i 'AltTAlj
Smith's Stock
be as low as
k. J,niUsl,
1!. K. niil-.wsTIIH,
Commercial Ban
General Banking Busines
1UT Tfi'MAU'i,.' tin- "VI
WOOD WORK.'. ;-,'' MTACHf,;:
tr.n vn nuinuftni
20 UNION 50UAnt,HY.'"''i ;,y
WITh"" '"
fategifyCl--- ..'V.--fK-"-7T:.'-U
by Hie
Nebraska Sec
UK i l.l.RlX '. '
),. II. J(.Wt,et
i'. K. vr.Rir
II. T. ''
now -huve ; ; '
( HOH lifetiw
Incli we (rtit i
TIME iiml 1
l'artiett wihliiui;
tee the Hecretary.
Uiiilt Ih-jiikI'I m"1' !
F.F..4 M.V !
lining Wrti
-A new l.y an
Mr. and Mrs. J-
-I fell Uto '
taowcrs, tli l's
Vumine Uiein 1
-Unt week Pi
hturnwl from t'1
btSotitti I'fiHult
Irip and gatliere
kens vvliu li wei
G. 11. Turni
hunlivare unil I
hirry in mMitto
tncrcliiindite vvl
looti as liia gix
lo fumtsli uli
It is repot
are already
Wliibition at 1
that in right.
in other htate
bo reason wli;
ieep up with
Tlie grea
Ihe valley its
hat on the 1
(food ipMiility
lodiisitiotiH a
Wtved hy
kive to Hell
-Tke tl
Kiuri Vulle;
Wilroad for
Huptrior, C
I'ity, Ht, P
lien Moinei
Wthe It
Uoe com
lor Toled
W Pt
eit W
' a a mo
lecond ti
It in enti
of infani
cities nit
iitli of
lh favo
Ind w
torn. 1
. M.Co-, ,
m,. li,
"... ,:rriSt t J.
i 1 f
1 j.. 1
Kiw H0l!