The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 06, 1891, Image 2

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U J, SIMMONS, Proprietor.
Bnaiu mm Waed.
A-kaum, Kas, July. 25. The pre
liminary bearing of June Brennan,
th murderer of Colonel Sam A'ood,
m bald at Hugo ton before three jus
Uosoef the peace. A large delegation
of Oolooel Wood's frieada armed to the
teeth, were in town. Bat the people of
Stereo county bare a way of doing
.Lings, judicial and otherwise, which
improness the tenderfoot of the east
with iU effectiveness. When the case
was about to be called three men armed
with Winchester rifles were stationed
at the door of the schoolhouse, where
the bearing was conducted, and each
tan as he entered was disarmed. On
the inside of the court room three men
armed with Winchesters were on guard.
The precaution taken precluded the
possibility of trouble and no demonstra
tions of any kind were made.
The coroner, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Car
penter were the only witnesses called
by the state. The defense introduced
00 evidence.
Attorney General Ives objected to the
official stenographer for the Twenty
third judicial district taking the evi
dence. He said that be wanted tlie
evidence in longhand, but his real ol
lection was probably that he thought
the stenographer was too near J udgs
Mrs. Wood's evidence was a reitera
tion of her published accounts ct the
Mrs. Carpenter corroborated Mrs.
Wood in that Brennan had been stand
ing in the vestibule of the church and
waited there several minutes before
Wood came out. She also stated thai
Brennan, when he followed Wood
around the church, had a revolver in
each band. Her testimony did not al
together agree with her statement be
(ore the coroner's jury.
After the hearing of the evidence the
justices . were "only a few min
utes in arriving at their decision
Brennan was held to the district court
without bail. His trial will take place
in September. Brennan was taken to
1 The question of securing a jury in
Stephens county is the great problem
in the Brennan trial now. There are
teat than three hundred men eligible to
jury service in the county. Under the
Kansas law a juryman must neither
have formed nor expreesed an opinion
It will be a simple matter for the de
fense to have every man in the county
interviewed and get an expression of
some kind from him which will render
him ineligible.
Ceavtcte la the Mlaes.
Kwoxvnxn, Tb)x., July 25. The
miners' committee left Knoxvilie for
Coal Creek with the decision of the
governor that the convicts
were allowed to be placed in the
mines which they had been evicted by
the miners, the militia would be with
drawn and the legislature would be con.
vended in extra session for the purpose
of taking such action as it saw fit on the
convict action.
Ceal Creek was reached at 11 o'clock
a. m., and when the miners' committee
and the Associated press correspondent
topped from the train a thousand min
ers were assembled to meet then. As
soon as the committee alighted from
the train a loud voice was heard., AH
miners to the bia Th big grove
van ah-iut a Bail tram the station and
thither the large ' crowd rapidly made
I A fde platform was hastily con
structed and upon it was placed the
eomsvittee and Hon. J. C. Williams,
who represented the Knoxvilie arbitra-
tion committee. The crowd was called
to order by a miner, and two spokesmen
at the committee related the incidents
of their trip to meet the governor, how
be received them and his decision. They
stated that the committee had teceived
eooceanooj and that in ther minds
the committee ought to grant some.
I This did not meet with anything like
universal satisfaction, but the implicit
confidence the miners have in their
leaders was shown by the unanimous
vote to accept the report of a committee
on resolutions which had been appoint
ed and which had been in session whils
the speaker were being heard.
The gist of the resolutions was that
theoonvicta should be returned, the
miners guaranteeing that they would
not be molested. The militia will be
ordered home. Six days will be allowed
to ooaveae the legislature, during which
time no conricts shall be molested and
no property shall be destroyed and the
miners, if necessary, will place guards
to see that the promises are kept good.
The miners' committee returned to
Kaexville at 4:15 p. m. aad are in oon
ferenee with toe governor and the Knox
villo oommittee,
Leaked Tmr.
Kjmmuut, TrntMJuly 24. The kill
sag of a eooviot named Harris by a
(nard yesterday morn rag has caused
oaM.-ir.hli excitement among the eon-
vtotaMtfemoattoaak is not improba-
tie, .
Ifut W it TAJf pwq her tiff with
TJeeic Sew, Italy will rnaka an exhibit
a Ue World's Fair. It will not, how-
r, tea very brilliant or expensive
, wiaff to UMemhajrawed condltioo
.ft- Italia.
The tten Tamers' C-ofeeioa
Niw Haves, Coss., July 30. his
death bed Frank L Frayne, the lion
timer and actor, made a confession re
lating U the identity of tbe young' man
hitherto kuown as bis son, Frank I
Frayne, jr. He explained thai twenty
one years ago Mr. aad Mrs. McCormick
of Baltimore we'e visiting in Chicago,
accompanied by their two children a
tfirl aged ten years and a boy aged two
years. During the visit Mr. McCor
mick was attacked with paralyei oo
the street and shortly afterward died.
In order to have the baby provided foi
during the time of the mouruiog and
until the widow could make arrange
ments to return to Baltimore, the child
was left in a convent at Cbigago in care
of the mother superior. Within a week
or two Mrs. McCormick aleo died, leav
ing the little daughter almost friend
less. Almost on the same day that the
mother died the great Chic go fire be
gan, and during that the convent at
which the little boy was left burned
down. Its inmates were scattered all
over the city. Toe little girl was sent
back to friends in Baltimore after a
time by the Chiea.o authorities; but
the ooy, George, hud disappeared, as
they finally believed, forever. Every
effort to find him failed.
In the meantime the mother superior
had taken the boy to a private house in
the suburbs of Chicago, where he hap
pened to catch the eve of the original
Frank I. F.ayne. She lion tamer want
ed the boy to use la sensational parts of
bis ulays, end learning the name cf his
mother he sent his wife with a forged
letter purporting to be from Mrs Mc-
Cormick, asking the nun to give the
boy to her. The boy was given up to
ber and soon afterward Frayee left the
city having adopted the boy as his own.
The boy always supposed himself to be
the r child, having been kown as Frank
L Frayne, jr. The who be suppesed to
be his mother soan became estranged
from her husband and died in Uter
years, The youth bad a large monu
ment erected over her grave, with the
following inscription: "Deserted by all
but her loving son."
The original Frayne soon married
ag-ic and until he was dying his second
wife supposed Frank w as bis son. On
his death bed overcome by remorse, the
actor told her the sreret and made Ler
swear to restore the boy to his real fam
ily. Mrs. Frayne faithfully carried out
his instructions. She advertised exten
sively and employed detectives by the
sccre. The McVormick sister married a
Mr. Gannon, a wealthy merchant of
Oskoah, Wis. She always sought for
tidings of her lost brother. One day re
cently (he discovered one of Mrs.
Fravne's paragraphs and at once sought
tbe widow, who told her that her broth
er, who was known as Frank I. Frayne
was staying at Silver Sands, New Haven
in the cottage of Jason, tbe theatrical
OnThuradiy Mrs. Gunnon reached
Silver Sands, and young Frayne for the
liret time knew that ho was not Frank
Frayne, but George McCormick, and that
be had a sister. The meeting was sen
sational and touching.
Clean Will Kill Him.
Bczzard Bat, Mass., July 30. There
is a well authenticated rumor floating
about this town that Edwin Booth is
dying from the effects of too much
smoking. He.ia anreh a clave to the
weed tbt he cannot stop smoking, even
Urdugh he knows it is killing him. Its
effect upon his health is just as fatal,
though uot of tbe same character, as
that which ended the life of General
Grant. Joe Jefferson and ex-President
and Mrs. Cleveland have been striving
to reform Mr. Beeth in this respect,
and for a while they partially. succeeded
but the habit bad teo strong a hold up
on him and his indulgences became
more unrestrained than ever. It is be
cause this relepee, and because he
knows he cannot get better in health,
that be left here suddenlv lost Satur
day. He has gone to Narraganset Pier.
FlghMog- Over Watermelon.
Alton, 111., July 30. News bos
reached here of a serious cutting affray
which occurred at Grafton. Three
brothers named Murphy, well-to-d far.
mere, came to town, met James McDon
agle and other friends and drank con
siderable liquor. Then they purchased
a watermelon and while eating it in the
rear of a saloon, fell out about the size
of pieces to which each one was enti
tled. Tbe result was a fight with knives
and before tbe men could be asperated
all were bleeding profusely, while Mc
Danagle and another man were fatally
sUbbed. , -
Ha UMn't Like the Se-teaee.
Colon bcs, C July 30. William J
Elliott, the former proprietor and editor
of the Sunday Capital, who with his
brother P. J. Elliott, killed Albert C.
Osborn, a reporter on the Sunday
World, and W. L. Hughes, a bystander,
besides wounding a number of people
during a shooting affray on High street
on the efternoodwof February 23, was
convicted of murder in the second de
gree. The trial has been in progress
since May L Ths crime was the direct
result of personal journalism.
When the verdict was read there was
a seaaettoaal scene. Two or three of
Elliott's female relations screamed and
fainted. Elliot, eera-ed, snatched a
Oread Amy of tbe Rep-Mi. button
from the lapel of bis ooat and threw it
at the jury.
The Merrick county teachers' inatl
s'.ute will he held at Central City Au
gusts to 11.
Tbe farmers of Frontier county are
preparing samples of grain for exhibi
tion at the stale fair.
J. G. Sutton of Bloomfield received a
serious kick in the face from a vioious
El Ilanshaw, living north of Arapa
hoe, was brought before "Squire F.vanr
for killing young quail and prairie
Nebraska has 2i300 publio schoo
pupils and 10,505 teachers, an J the gain
in the public school enrollment in tbe
lust ten years has been 12. per Cent
A. W Mayfield, postmaster' at Elm
wood, has sent bis resignation to Wash
iogton. A unanimously signed paper
asking the appointment of Cyrus Alton
to fi t tbe vacancy accompanied the
W. C. Bates of Carleeon bad a hog
?o mad. It is supposed by some tbat
he hog was bittea by a mad dog, but
others think the hog was not bitten.
The Arbor fltate says that the meeU
Dga of the citizens' alliance at Beatrice
are growing in interest and it is beconi-
og one of the strongest organizations
in the city. Numbers of new members
are being added ever week.
In Gage county they are harvestihg
Oy moonlight. Two or three harvester
and binders Wan work cn a big 160
cre wheal, field northwest ofv Beatrice
Sunday night Bnd will keepTU?" it day
HDd night until all the wheat' is cut.
Mr. M. C. Doxiator of Friend has
iled a claim before the town board of
3,130 for falling through tbe sidewalk
md breaking her right limb last April,
ft is claimed Mie board will refuse to
idjudt it, hence legal proceedings wil'
oe cotntnenced.
The greenhouse of Dr. Roberts of
Creighton contains one of the largest
nd finest collections of plants nor'.b of
.i.e Platte. Tbe genial doctor has col
iected scores of rare and beautiful
plants from every corner of the earth,
ind by skillful care has brought them
o a f piendid state of perfection.
C.C. Hutiter of Beatrice has com
pleted a 'ricycle which he has worked
out of a junk pile that is worthy ol notice. He has constructed a
machine capable of carrying five persons
and running at a high rate of speed
Tbe simplicity displayed in iteconsturc-
tion stamps Mr. Hunter as a inechani
. al genius of the highest order.
Beatrice wheelmen talk of organizing
a club.
A midsummer reading circle has been
organized at Columbus.
Norfolk and bchuyler citizens are
taking up the project of city parks.
uothenburg people want the name
uf their town changed to Piatt Falls.
Chase county proposes to surprise the
eastern part of the state with her ex
hibit at the state fair. She cau do it.
W. A. .tiller has sold bis interest in
the Blair Courier to Mr. Bilderback, un
til lately, editor of the Audubon, (la.,)
It is estimated that the farmers ot
Hall county are raising this year's crop
of sugar-beets at an expense that will
aot exceed half of that incurred last
j.iie Imr'y. crcp is said to be ex
;eedingly tine in the vicinity of Blair.
One man had enough picker j at work on
nis place at one time to earn C4 in one
day, and made a shipment of 100
jushels the next day.
Hastings papers suggest that a grand
base ball state tournament be held in
..hat city, and why should there nol?
It is easy to get to Hastings from any
point in the state. The city is full of
enterprising, hospital) e, fun loving citi
zens who would extend to such a gather
ing a hearty welcome and all the cour
tesies necessary to make it an enjoyable
success. It would call au inimeiise
number of people from other portions
of tbe state to tbe city and would in
more ways than one result advantage
ously to the town. Go ahead and or
ganize; invite your Nebraska neighbors
and make it au event worth remember
ing. You can do it if anybody can.
Shelby, Polk county, will have a new
school house.
A brass band tournament is being
talked of by tbe citizens of Alliance.
r . i .
tfiuiH oiuvi wbb errtwMju at riearney
and fined 19.70 for cruelly beating his
The money r quired to put the Be
atrice oau ciuo to me iront was rained
without difficulty.
rr. 1 1 i , . , .
lutuwwii ui;wa j. a. it. post
was organized at Alliance with a mem
berahip of thirty-one.
Lightning killed ten head of horse,
in a pasture belonging to Mr. Holeman
Rea, fouf miles east of Beaver City.
One wee owned by John Rea, three by
Holeman Rea, two by Robert Copelaa
ana tour ey messrs. u urien aid Wood
Mayor Clarke of Hastings has re
ceived notice from the Ohio military
academy that he ha the privilege ,f
appointing a cadet to the academy at
tbe leduoed rats of $3O0 per annum.
JOUTB Bahondkss, the New York
labor leader, goes to state prison for
tweatf-ooe months for extortion.
Jl l.titn'1 Wi
auemen.ih.e!lhorb..r WU.g
about hi, ahonlde-s and a
. ..... i...l, k t),U. k of his had, B-..I
niokirg a cigar, ai
liked qjiekly
1 1. iiin'ini? room of UiB
New J'
" " . . l-.lm.L
oil company on L.;ueny
1 a-d 3 o'clock Wednesday, ii
two revolvers he levelled tl.eo. at t...
headd of Charlrt Chichester sou
!i;m Parsons, two
ooolc keepers o
were alone in the otliie at the tiu,.
-i ...... t,i liand out hd
-1 ui j
i, 1 1 the afe." said the
Oi mry luctv uj . .
Mr. Chichester, with rare cooing
told the stranger to help h,nuif and
sjHike in a very loud voice in the h.'l
that he would attract the attention
O. '.V. Young, who ub talking over bua
mess matvrs tvith a young man in hie
private ofiine on the second fljor. The
intruder pushed open the little door in
the iron railing that divided the ofli .
and covering the I .wk-keeper o ie ol
the revolvers, t. ie I the door of the i-afe
Fortunately it had been locked aUiul
hail an hour before by a dark, who b w
gone to the ank with a depos.L
Thus baffled, the thief liirned to Mr
Cbi -heeler and demanding lis money
saiil: ' How much have you?"
Drawing out a handful of sum!
change from his tro i.ers' pocket, Mr
C achester extended his hand Raul.
'Here it ia." Then I.e put the monej
bark in h:s pix'kd, the n-bber having
made no movement to take it probably
because the amount was too auiall.
Tke stranger then opened two or
three drawers, but before he could
reach the money drawer he heard Mr.
Young walkiog along the floor overhead
tr ward the stairs. The robber darted
toward the door which he had entered,
but it had caught with a spring latch
and not knowing how to open it lit
turned back and jumped thiougli a
window into Liberty street. Mr. Yung
reached the foot of tbe stairs juat in
time to see the man run along the
street in the diiection of Walnut street.
An alarm was given and Meesrs
Young, Parsons acd Chichester, joined
by several men on the street gave chaa'.
Oq Walnut streoL the robber fired a'
hia pursuers, the bullet sinking the
ground a fsw feet from Mr. Paraons.
On Newaik avenue he again turned and
tired, the ball whistling pat Mr. Par
sons' head. As the fugitive crow
the Pennsylvania road tr .cks at K m
street tbe ting man at tbe crossing seiz'-u
him by tbe shoulder, but he pulled
himself away and ran down oi tht
meadows between Newark and Elizi-
beth, where he disappeared.
Tbe po'ice were notified and six mei
were sent out with a wagon to searci
'or the robber. In the meanwhile th-
crowd had largely increased. Near tht
couuer chemical works the crowd had
the man surrounded at 3:30, but they
were mistaken. A description of thi
man was stDt to New Yorit, Elizabeth
Railway aDd Brunswick.
The l.a!eiit N'oveltj In ISurglMf-M.
Milwaukkk' Wis., July 31. Burglars
in petticoats are the latest novelty. I'
is a sphere into which the most ardent
of female rights advocates have not ad
vised an entrance and the two
Milwaukee women who (undertook
to practice the profession wort
flat failures. They executed the job
ueetly enough, but lacked the requisite
nerve to keep from talking wben'suspiu
lon pointed to them.
Both burglars are respectable married
A'omen. Mr. and Mrs. James Ilobiosou
live 112 Sixth street Mr. Robinson is a
railway engineer and was out on the
roal Monday n'ght. Mrs. Robinson
left the house shortly after supper, anil
when she returned she discovered thai
nearly $100 which she had hidden in a
drawer was missing. Tbe burglars had
entered by breaking in the rear door.
Mrs. Robinson told a detective that
Mrs. Payne, who lived on St. Paul aven
ue, knewwheie the money was. Tht
detective then weiit to Mrs. Payne'i
house and accused her of tbe burglary
She denied it emphatically, but talked
eo much that the oflicei took ber to tin
station. There she implicated hersel;
and her sister, Mrs. George Gregg.
Tbe detective then went to Mrs
Gregg's house. She also became indig
nant at the accusation, but on bein(t
told that her sister had confessed, Mrs
Gregg broke down. She denied having
any of tbe money, however but after a
little search the oflicen found U-i in
gold neatly slipped under the ca'pet
Mrs. Payne after Id the officer
where to find 132.52 in her house.
Mrs. Robinson declined to prosot-uU
tbe women, and they were Hoed 120
each. Mrs. Robinsou loaned thtm mon
ey to pay their tines.
Will Iw BmtioNibeila.
BouTow.MAJuly 30.,-A numb,
of Russian Jews arrived at this porl
and were detained by the requirement
of the immigration law. They tell a
thrilling tale of Russian persecution.
They lived in a hamlet containing eiah
teen houses near Veile. At midnight
July 18 Russians from the city st
tacked the hamlet, setting He to th
whole settlement, causing the decth of
twenty Jews and the fearful burning of
tweaty more. Tbe Jews ared th...,
elves and retaliated, one your. man,
wooes momer naa been burned ki I
ing three with a crowbar. Officers fin
ally appeared and arrested the young
wan aou voe oiner Jews. All will
bably lie sent, to Siberia.
Two llinnlred I'cople Killed.
ti.Nf Bor.l lk Wrae.
I'AtiusJu'y 2'.-lti now reported
hat 2-JJ people were killed and six m
,red as the result of the St. Mwde oo!-i-ion
Mtny of the unfortunate people
;uipIioneJ beneatb the wreck were
drowned ty the firemen, who poured
. wmpIi and
orient o! water u(w" '
.,ned to be utterly unaware ttat wey
nvredrowniogtne peop'e thff Ed at
tempted to 'tecue.
Tbe tdwoliallatSt-Manue preeeu
i fearful spectacle. The blackened
wd,eof ihedead lie in ro-8 on the
w and tables. In some cases the re-
noxil -tile more than a heap of H
-Muieis intermixed with a portion of
limbs. One pile of charred limbs and
h.iman cinders is especially conspicuous,
smustmi: of a msssof unidentitiel and
unconnected bodies placed in aheap.
tu n;nrii r,t i ha victims were wo-
nun and children. The wrecked csr
uugei consisted of one first cle, two
second clats and a guards van. The
firbt was completely shattered. The
work of rescue proceeded slowly during
the night until dawn, l'eopie vteo ua
?an to tlock to the scene, many seeking
friendi who bad cot returned from the
fete at daybreak. There were 20,000
r eisons around the station, and the
s-;hool room and to vn ball where tbe
bodies of the tl'esd were lying were be
siege 1 by distracted people.
Inside there was a constant succes.
sion of heart rending screams as in tbe
dim light afforded by the lamps identitt
cat ion of the dead bodies proceeded. A
n sea thing for missing relatives
suddenly came upon the bodies of bis
wife and daughter. His cries attracted
li s brother-in-law who in turn recogni
zed a grandchild hingde dand learned Inn wif and mother were in the
hoanitul dying. Most of the bodies in
the town hall were scorched beyond
rcrpnition. Amonc the iuiured sent
to the hospital a number died immedi
ately after admission and many are ex
pected to succumb. The earliest work
ers ta co to the rescue were the fire
brigade of Vicennes and the soldiers ia
the vicinity.
An investigation shows the second
train left Vrcenoea at ths regulation
interval of l.fteen minutes after the
fiist train. The first train was delayed
al St. Mande owing to an enormous
crowd of eicuisionisU. The station
ui utter at V.tioenues blames the driver
of the second 'rain for the accident.
When this train was started the sta
tion master advised tbe driver to go
alow ly, as there was a train in front of
him, but the man paid no heed to tbe
advice and went ahead at full speed.
This driver at first alleged that ail sig
nals indicated that the line was clear,
but an inquiry conirunxi tbe report of
officials at bt. Mande and Vicennes
that danger signals were shown.
Leading officials of the railway blames
the public for crowding into tbe rear
van, which he says was intended to re
main empty. Tbe greatest number of
dead were found beneath the ruins of
ths van. From the force of the col
lision the engine mounted to the top of
the rear van crushing it to fragments.
Ao official statonient gives the number
of dead at forty-f jur, and the injuied at
1C4, '
Le Paris slates that an investigation
into IbeSt. Mande incident discloses
tbe fact that the d simter was caused
by an unknown m'.acrount who deliber
ately altered Ihe signals so us to bring
tbe trains into collison. Jfe will be
lynched if caught.
Nuut WhII.I up lu a Cmrml
NaI'Lks, July 27. A moet extraordin
ary cane, involving the walling up of a
number of nuns, hag just been infinitely
decided by tlie civil authorities of Na
ples. Considerable excitement, it will
be romembsred, was caused sometime
ago by the announcement that the au
thorities of Naples had discovered a
number of nuns, immured in a convent,
where they had been condemned to life
long imprisonment, the building being
literally walled up in order to insure
absolute seclusion from tbe ouUide
world. 'J be convent was therefore des
ignated us "sepalete vive," or buried
alive. The authorities reported that
ins unroriunate inmates ware in Ad
dition bordering on destitution which
was injurious both to body and mnd
lhe clerical newspapers, however in
sisted that these reports weregroaslv
exaggerated, but the authorities ooniid
ered tbemselves juitified in compelling
the nuns to quit living in graves and
go io mors suitable habitationa. The
iwpaaieu, eventually commanded tin,
nun. 10 leave iheir p ison and a short
Jf ""y 'ere removed to one of
the ordinary convents of Naples, and the
place was handed over to the munici
pality. Thus far the above facte bare
been known for some time, but quite re
cently a Diritto reporter visited the liv
ing tomb just vacated by tbe unfortu
nate nuns, and he gives tbe foilowica
account of what he saw:
He describes ths building aa "consist
ing of two storieiaod a corridor, on
which there ere teveo cells. The nuns
used to remain in these cells for the
whole day everv da in th. i .
lent pi syer. The cround ator. I..,.'
occupied The nuns lived in the upp..
ware wirieeii or tbsm
including seven lay sisters. Thai.
resees were white, nunt t, .!.
veil, whi-:h waa black. Thn- -.i - "l-
not lay sisters won a ani
andgirdl They held no oommuo o"
ton with anyone, save in urgent cases,
when they were allowed to nog a Ibell
when one of the taUr.
ffid,.Uh7Bi.!!oa ?0icetn
""'Hb her through a email win-
TiU4 to Tk Wr 1 .1
rKi, Joly '8.-1'. bwi,
that an atUmpt bad been tns: u
ass mats Mrs, Carnot. wife of tt f
kJeot ol the r rencn republic-, t-i
cetvso a picsaga iroui jouioc
contaioed what appeared to Ui I
Catholic mass book Upon
tton ot this "present" the leave,
ently were stuck together with tara
or mucilage. Tbia caused a att.U Bi0tt
cartful examination to be made. tcj
w-s found that Uie intertioea of tu
book had been cut a ay in tbe inactax
ctmetimea adopted by the mij?lil,
and the book filled with a powerful p,.
der. No clue, according to the
has been found to the sender of th 1Ck.
feroal macliine, although the pu.flaj,
and police authorities of Toultnarewmj
to be oo the track of tbe perpetrator 4
he outrage. No reason ia known fur
this attempt upon tbe life ot Mine. Car.
nrt and ti e coco usion arrived at that
the would be a-s'iasin really intend
to take the life of tbe president, od
tuppoetd a package to Mmt (Irroot
wculd be careful.y opened by the bran
ded!, while a package addressed to him
e f, might be carefully opened Ir u
Of course this is only a theory. TU
report of the attempted aH-itiatun
the talk of Paris and has caused &.
tiderable indignation. Koine -i,r,;
link this alleged attempt upon the pre,
ideol's life with the recent defeat of the
French government in the chamlwrof
deputies with the Uoulangist agitator,
with the Aleaoi-Li jrraiue p uwort re.
ulationsdebate and other similar 11 ut
ters . But it would not be suprMig if
tht whole matter turns out Ui l lh
work of a dangerous lunatic.
United States Minister Whilelmr
Iv.Mii is doing his utmotit to asiint th
Columoia fuir couiiinasion. lie 11, mu
berj of 'he Tomni'-fi-n breakfuoU d U
Jty 1' , v -' , hd
charge of invout ixhibition ar
'Uiigements. Madam Constant, the wife of tl,
minister of the interior, received t
pacaiige tolav from Toulun, coti!aiuii.(
a roiesale, the leaeJ of which
gummed and filled with powder of I i.-ti.
ly explosive character.
(ITir Amtrtcan lloawla.
Wakiiiiiutoh, July 28. The trehmirr
departmeut is iniora.wl that 1
juautities of grain from tlie provmea u(
Manitoba are shipped via lljluth,
Mum., under transit entries ma le f r
the purpose of facilitating the re entry
of grain into Caimdiun territory. It in
laid that ut the time of tliipiuenl from
Manitoba the desttnatio-i of the grain
is unknown aud can be determined out)
on arrival al Dululh. .The privi.ege u
desired to re-enter such grain at f)uuitb
for tranportation and exportation 1.1
New York and Hot ton in cases Urs
muiket if found for the grain in Kwiuy-i.
It is also represented that unleas tl.u
privilege is granted exportation ihub'.
tie made from Montreal, thereby sitt
ing a aerious and uaneceasjry injury to
Win bus:'nets of Alueilcan rn i ; 1 . in
The difficulties complained of by the
persons affected arises, it is raid, fiom
inttructions given by the treasury de
partment to the collector at lluluth,
May 20, last, in regard to Ihe d.versmu
in tranait of unapprsistxl incrchuml k.-.
Ill h letter to lb collector dated the
23rd mat., Aisistant Secretary Spau'd-
ing says that after a full conHileruli'u
of the sul'j -cl the department is of the
opinion that Canadian graia arriving at
Uuluth in transit may be re-entered al
that orl for transportation and ei inf
lation via any port on the Atlantic Key
board in the same manner as though
imported at Dululh directly fioui
Can ad 11, whether it ia the desire 1 f the
owners of the grain or their authorized
representalivfs that this bedw e. The
instructions cf May 2 have been modi
fied accordingly, with Ihe distinct uo
derttaiding. however, that such inoli
fioalion appliee solely to grain arriving
uadr the above stated condition.
Tw-T.alas Wrat-ko-.
Dattok, O., July 28. -A rear end col
lision ot two Big Four freight traim
occurred near Gal'tn Sunday morning,
wrecking a nifmber ot cars and scatter
ing goods all around. The first section
ot the train waa pu.ling out of the Hide
track when I I.e around feet ion canie
rolling along at full speed and uudmt
into its rear end. The engineer and fire
men jumptd, but it ia tot kn-V't
whether they were hurt, nor how great
the damage. The rood is blockailed.
A bead end collision cccurn-d on the
Erie road nei rfliedkey, N. Y., dunug
lastnivht TheeiUntof the dkmage
is not known, but it was a frightful
wreck anu all trains were delayed sev
eral hours.
Bbe Was aplail.
VicroaiA, July 28. The sealing
schooner K, B. Marvin returned to the
port Saturday night, having been s zd
by the American cutter Rush in at
tempting to inter Udhring sea after
having been warned by the Rush col to
do eo. Tne Kus'i, which is al Ounalaa
ka, seized her and handed her over to
Ihe British wsrvhip N) mphe by w bum
he ass order e J ii-"n.
THE Woman's Art Club, of C hicago,
has appropriated $I,b00 for a icholar
blp to bo taken by a woman. Thu fund
Is to be held by tbe directors of the art
iostltute, and tbe object is to help wom
en through a course of throe years at
the art school, wblob boa-is ol wore
than S00 pupils.
THE city council of Cleveland, Ohio,
have reduced the price of ires In
city from one dollar to ly couU per
thousand feet.