I' V- V J f I 1 V f-f THE SIOUX CCUNTT JOURNAL L. J. SIM MOSS, Proprietor. HAKRISON, - - NEBRASKA A Ttrhbk LaM.lUta. Nimo, R C, July 15. -Th steamer Princess Louise, from Skeena, brings news of a terrible landslide ou ibe bank of the Skeena river, resulting in the ilea' h of one woman and about for ty Id liana. On the 7th at Pam those residing near the Northern Pat-fic tan ner at Skeena river beard a great, rush ing noiae in the direction of tbe high steep moubtain back of tbe cannery. Id a moment an avalanche of tbe rocka and earth and trees was upon tbe set tlement, carrying it into the slough with the cannery. The inmates of the bouses did not have time to get out in time and some were killed. In all nine house with their occupants were destroyed, including the mess bouse and residence of tbe foreman of the cannery. In tbe mats room was the oul Swedish wife of the foreman. She was carried along in the mad and deadly current and dashed to death hundreds of feet below. Indians claim that among those destroyed were about forty Indians of the Port Simpson, Sitkoand Kitamat tribes. Two days after the slid thirteen bodies of tbe In dians had been recovered. Tbe bo Jy of Ibe foreman's wife has not yet been found, but there is not the slightest hope for any living thing within the range of tbe terrible alide of boulders, trees and earth. The slide just missed the cannery building about two feet, (lad tbe alide struck tbe cannery or oc curred halt an hour earlier the death rate would have reached into the hun dreds. It had been raining in torrents foi the previous four days, and it is thought the accumulation of water in the mountain sids broke away, carrying death and destruction before it. The Indians are are greatly excited over tbe disaster. They Captured HI am. Plaikpf.ld, N. J. 10. Miss Harriet Richardson, who lives at her father's bouse ia lUce street, North Plaintield bad a young woman friend, Miss Delia Latbrop, visiting ber over Sunday. The young women bad been having a pleas ant evening entertaining callers, and it was late when the last guest had goue and they bad retired. Tbey were just dozing off when they were startled by bearing the crash of a window pane. Then tby beard the window slowly raised, and in an instant a man leaped into the room. The girls were almost para'yxed with fear and were absolute ly unable to cry out. When the man began to attack Miss Richardson her companion iprangtt him. The girls fought fiercely. They soon saw that they were struggling with a negro. The vigorous attack confused tbe man, and he ran to tbe open window. He stepped on tbe roof of tbe porch and let himself down to the ground. The screams of the girls attracted the attention of Marshal Rutlege, who waa on his beat Tbe assailant ran directly into bis arms. He gave his name as Samuel Johnson, and said be came from Newark. He was examined and sent to tbe Somer ville to await the action of the grand ;ury. AaMrlcaa Bacon Ousted. London, July 17. In an interview with the secretary of the Russian bacon jompany, which has recently estab lished markets in London, Hamburg, Havre and Barcelona, he said that the company waa confident that it would oust American bacon from the Europe an market Germany and France, which disfavor the American article, not only permit but encourage tbe sale of Russian bacon within their territory. "Some time ago," he said, "twenty workmen were sent by Russia to Chi cago, Omaha and Kansas City, who ob tained employment in packing bouses and managed to learn a good deal about tbe general condition and methods of business in America. Upon ths strength ct their representations the goveiiment proceeded to erect an immense factory near Graizi, 200 miles from Moscow, at a cost of 1150,000 and leased it at a nominal figure to ths company for twenty-one years. Tbe government also ef fected railway facilities whereby it is able to deliver its product in London in ftsn days at 9 pence per hundred leas vhan tbe freight cost from Chisago Deliveries are made in Hamburg in even days. The company employes, all Russians, receive only 9 pence per day, so that the cost of labor is much !ass than in America cities. O aiz; commands a product of 18,003,000 hogs immediately, with double that number la propeot for tbe near future. The ooeapsny proposes to open markets in II ths important cities of Europe soon. The company's bacon sold in tbe Lon don market for lis per 100. A I Jrlu 9 IN l.tW t, Boor, Ia , July .T Dmpa'ches r 0 ived here riort n c o.oiie at Gray, Audubon touuty. A mr number of boueet in the lnick "f t he cy clone were eVsroyed and a number of poop's went tniurrd. One man is ret rwd Killt d. At HaJosr there heavy storm of bail, oViHag Btu h dauixge tooropanf a I Kinds. As4ub-Mi alsu report heavy had, W,rtb Us stoats a lg as egg. Araadia aad West Bide also report great rlssiags. Se sui of the Sloop Ottawa, Out., July 15. Th collector of customs at Victoris inform! the de partment of the ee rure of he sloop Flora of Seattle, Wasb., for neglecting t report in a-ard. A tine of WOO was imposed. Two customs officers located the vessel in a sbelteied cove a few miles from Victoria. There appeared to be no one on board the c.-aft, which was lying some one hundred jards off the shore. The' officer called out and a man appeared on deck and asked what waa wanted. Tbey informed bim that they would like to see him, and be put off in a boat and pulled to tbe shore. When within about twenty feet of the beach he seemed to become possessed with a spirit of caution, and demanded their business. When he learned that they were custom officers he started to pull quickly back to his vessel, but altered bis mind when the officers covered him with their revolvers. Tbey then commanded him to row ashore and compelled the man to pull them out to the sloop, whicn tbey found to be a smuggler with a load of Chinese intended for tbe United State. There were ten Chinamen in the hold and six more on the shore ready to embark. Tbe captain, who gave his name as Alfred Seterman, aaid that be was about to take eighteen Chinamen into the United States. He was given thirty days in which to pay ths tine, at tbe end of which time if the fine is not psid tbe vessel will be confiscated and sold to tbe highest bidder. TBE 0010 COSTES1I05. A rale Beport. Pabis, July 15. There was conaider- able excitement throughout Paris caused by the report that President Cernot had been shot. Ths rumor proved upon investigation to be un true, but there was foundation for the report. The president was present at tbe ceremonies at the official opening of a thoronghfare, tbe Avenue de la ltepublique. Suddenly a man, wild eyed and making insane gestures, forced his way through the crowd and brushed psst the soldiers on duty about tbe spot where the the seremones were taking place. This man walked up to the car riage in which the president bad driven up to tbe new avenue and fired a pistol it M. Car not. Just as he did so tbe man shouted, "I will see that there will be no more bustiles to be demol ished." President Carnot was undoubtedly alarmed at what appeared to be a direct attempt upon bis life, but be waa un hurt and so3n regained his entire pres ence of mind. Tbe man who fired the shot was promptly arrested by the po ice and such was the anger of the crowd present that the officers had the greatest difficulty in protecting their prisoner from becoming the victim of the popular fury which be had been ex cited. I U" port of HarvrelProepcel. Washington, July 15. A report oo .he l arvent prospers in Vrauc4 and Europs has been received at the state Jepartm nt from Commercial Agent Qriffin of Limoges, France. The Na tional rfillera' association of Prance, ays tbe report, has just issued an tsti nite of tbe probable wheat harvest for 1801. The ceseasary supply of wheat 'or the year's consumption in France ia L'28,000,000 hectolitres. Tbe estimated ield is 8 .,t03 hectolitres. This is tl per cent less t'iat last year's yield. Russia, Tuniiy E)pt, Roumsnia and. ame Danubian provinces will have fair harvests in Hungary it will be below he avemg') (his year. Estimates given ty millers are optimistic. They desire o create the impreaslm that there is a tetter supply thiin really exists becauee they "snt to buy grain as cheaply as iHissiole in those countries that hve ttiundance to export. Id 1890, 17,087, 737 acres wre sown with wheat anu Mir average yield was 1C.7 hectolitres per -icre. In conclusion the report syp not only France but all Europe is look ing to tbe wheat fields of the United States. Last year many hoped thai South America would help supply, the deficit especially tbe Argentine repub io, but today no mention is made of those countries; all hope ia built r n the Uoited States' harvest. Tbe fact if that the bread of Europe must come from America. A Horrible Suicide. Kansas Citt, Mo., July 17. -Harvard J. Frank, from Rochester, N. com mitted suicide at the oentral police station in peculiarly horrible manner He was sought lodging at ths station for tbe night and had been given a cell to sleep in. Ths turnkey had just locked him in when Frank drew a clasp knif from bis pocket nd with it cu a deep gash in his throat. Ths turnkey hastened back to ths man's relisf, when Frank inserted three fingers of bis right hand in the wound and tor the trash into a gaping wound. The suicide diaed in five minut. Frank is aaid to b a biotbsr of a well-known wholesale groosrof thssame nans in Rochei Ur. Died of ft' erf fa' lane. Atlahta Citt, If. J, Jnlv 0.-Oor S. Harris senior member of the firm of Harris A Sons, Philadelphia, t' Isrgsst lithographic and printing eaUbiiahment ia this oountry, disd oddnly Tassda aftsrnoon wblls out driving with his Wife at Chela, ttssrt failure was ths eases, induced by tbs xettment in trriagtotcrb aa aaruly bona. His body was tsksn to hi aamatar eoitsgs aaid ths family in PhilaoMpbia Dottfisd. Mr. Bante water rsara of age aad la as oldoottafsr karat Who Will be Governor? Janre Campb II Beaamla.trl Llivelasd O, July 17. -Jarue E. Cam bell is renominated for governor aud the anxiety of the party leaders it now directed to the abeorbitu uury "Will Hamilton county sujip-Jit U" ticket!' If the Ciocinati deletiat in their manifestations of relea's oppo sition and hostilit;- toduy truiy repre sented the feelings of their p4, then lLe conclusion is general that a conbiJ erabli portion of the democratic cub rl of Hamilton county w.ll not rally to the suppurt of Governor Campbell in the next election. On every possible occasion, as well after as before Cani beli's nomination was assured, tha mere mention of his came was sulli -lei)', to provoke vigorous hisses from i be Cin- cnati delegates. h,veu when Ins uotn-1 ination was formally announced, and Mr. Kline's frieiids, in accordance with tbe time honored custom moved to make the nomination of Juma h. Campbell unanimous, the liuuiiltui. county friends of Mr. Neul perniBtenMy refused to pern: it the seal of harmony to be stamped on the record, id J loudly voted 'No" m they hissed the luiub cf the nominee. It is almost a proverb in the p liticul lore of the state that '-As Ilmiiilioii county goes in the autumnal e.e--uons, so goal the state of Ohio." 1. tliis le accepted as the infalliblo rule the im. porta me of harmonizing the discordant elements in Hamilton county may well mei it the anxiety of the democrat ic leaders. Tbe notnina ion of a Cincinati in in for the otliceof supreme jm'f, it was hoped, would to some eilent allay tbe hostility of the Hamilton county del egates to the candidacy of Campl ell but whether this desired effect will be real, ized is altogether problimeticid and car Oily be de's mined by time. It must be Stat, d that the Campbell ma jority managed the convention ith consumate tact. The knotty prliuien tary questions wor quickly and decis ively disposed of by rulings generally to the advantage ot the dominant f notion and roll calls on points of ordi- nd ap peals from the chair's decisions were averted. At the same time the mnjori. ty received with all the philotphical resignation of the victor tbe taunts and accusations that were thrown at them and their candidate by the anti-Campbell factions, thus probably avoiding a row which would likely have result I bad all these gi es been returned in kind. The presistent refusal of Neal, Gov ernor Campbell's defeated opponent, to appear before the convention and to tell bow he stands, even after a committee bad been appointed to convey him the formal invitation, has contributed more than anything else to the feeling of anx iety which prevades the democratic hosts this evening. It is generally the ordeal inflicted upon every defeated candidate that he must mouat the stage and tell how gratified ha is after all that such a good man as his oppo nent has received the nomination, but Mr. Neal persistently refused to under go this ordeal, and the question now is, was this refusal actuated by mortified ti"" and wounded ride, or does it moun that Neal throws down the gaunt let and will permit his Hamilton county friends to fight Governor Campbell at the polls? Upon the answer to this query largely depends the question of democratic victory or defeut in the com ing election. Tne first contest In the convention arose over the report of the committee on credeutials. The dispute in tbe Twenty-fifth ward of Cincinnati and the Hami'on courtly deleg tion waa the subject of tbe wrangle. Nobody but tbe Hamilton county delegates ap peared to fully understand tbe points in dispute and T. J. Coogao. secret try of the convention, started to make an explanation. "Sit down I You are not a delegate!" aboutej one of the Hamilton county men. "The chair decides that the secretary, as an officer of this coovenUoi., is en titled to be heard," said the chairman, and an appeal from the decision of the chair was ruled out of order. Secretary Coogan made his statement mid many interruptions from the Ham ilton county delegates and was replied to by tbs Judge Ermston of Cincinnati Dotb factions used m ny harsh words and tbe chairman finally called upon tne seargeant -at-arms , to maintain order by suppressing any recalcitrant delegates. James F. Neal moved the question, anu us minority report ot ths oredsa- -.! committee ares t"" adopted. ltraM to ile ap the Untmrrts Providrhcc, R. I., July 9. As r- aim oi vne aecision or li s rupreme "in va r riusy inn in ousting the re cently sleeted demo iratio tnn mnnnii of Lincoln on tbe tissue bsttot issue, the republicans stormed the town house Tuesday afternoon, forced tbs doois acd sleeted officers. Town Olark Hmltl refused to give up the records pending ths production of ths certificate of elec tion of htesucorssor, and awaiting the arrival of some op to break open ths EVfeSYTfONO was moving In New York oa ths 1st of. May. Spring house wsanlng is not avoided by ths opera Uoa, aad ia most Instances rent paying UBotasrsd. a n $ K Xrw Vos.Juij 1A-Th duke an. duihessof Aulyhs apartmeuU a' ttle New VorkhoWl. There a r,intl.eirrvx,o1sat7 o'cl.x-k Sun-ls ev-niig.loud eonversal on. f-"u'n. K-res-isand masi-ulin houts It . L .1 - l.n.rin if lioO-S UV. IM III - tmg ' nfle: tli ui.sottio i f furniture. ',xr opened acd s woman J c Sis whs M..h -re Kernel, the duelled French wait.r-e maid. She Wt i" tel sobbing. At 10:3) o'clc k he re turned but was r. fused admittance U, the ducal apartments At length, b the intercetsion of the xacaer of l botel she was pernutted to go to 1"' room and pack her trunks. The nui morning she made her sppearnce v.i!h another woman, whoee name it is shi.i iBbaasini.theaifeof a well nor. thef in this city, anu enJeavored io t plain. Hhewasaaaio r.fisel admit tance. She contntel herself by H in- her mind thiough the kejho.e an- ended by hurling a foldel throuyh the trausom. The ppr wan a (Uinmohsfor thedukoof Auxy l ap- pear at Jefferson market police curl this morning and answer tbe charge ol having assaulted one Michelle I-err ere. This is the story told by the people ' the hotel. The maid's version is tbio the duchess has an extraordinary pas sion for dogs. She is such an ey pre) for buj one who has a dug for tn e that the maid was detailed by the bead the family losee madome did not waste her subbtaiice uioa worthless F.du dCarloi Sunday. Siys Michelle, a new dog was bought. When the duke arrived home he was furious and scolded the maid for not having pre vented her mistress from purchaiing it. Michelle declare that she refused to spy upon her mistress, Riid in conse quence of her refusd, the duke beat her and threw her from the room. The duchess of Auxy is the (laughter pf the lata F. G. Lamar, who was pr si- Jent of the Bunk of the lUtpublic, and a cousin of Juatico L. Q. C. Lamar, of United States supreme court. Mie was een last evening by a reporter und jpoke ai follows: There is cot a partible of trul'i in the uog stary. I am at lilxrtj to bii iu Bny dogs as I please. I have my own private fortune, w hich no one can cm trol. Michelle was out from 12 lu oM j'clok. When she returned she ac.ed very queerly and seemed half cni.y. She told some one in the houst she lml been eating brandied peaches and the) made her feel funny. While we were lining she was asked to go to our pri. vale pantry and get some materials for salad. She served them in her hand. She was asked what she meant by such conduct. She became iiupert nent. About an hour later, while my husband was in his bedroom Michelle suddenly rushed in and abused him. No notice was taken of her a first until she Le ;ame unbearable. Then ihe was or Jered out, and not going, was put out. My husband's cigar was knocked out of his mouth and the girl Ml two deep scratches on tbe side of his face." The duke, at the Manhattan uthletic oltib lust evening, corroborated his wife's story. His face is badly scratched. The duke's lawyers told bim to take no notice of the summons as i', should have been served personally. The g n simply threw the paper over the tran som, and he will not go to court, he sayE, unless further action id taken. A Fire in t' e Orgmrrr. Bkuuh, July 1G. A fire occurred in Iheorganery adjoining the residence of the duke of Anhult at Dessau, the capi la! of the duchy of Anhalt. 'i'ho or ganery, in which an exhibition of paint ings was being temporarily held, wus destroyed, but owing tj the efforts of the firemen and citizeus most of the paintings were rescued from the burn ing building, though a few of them iu the more inaccessible portions were de stroyed. For a time it seemed as if the castle jf the duke of Anhalt would catch fire from the burning organery, but the efforts of the firemen to pre vent the catastrophe were finally suc cessful und the castle was saved with out having sustained and in a leu. J damage.' A IHuiirvui rire. Moktrkal, July IC The most dis aslious confiagrstion Montreal has wit nessed for years began shortly be "ore midnight in the great lumber yard or Prefontaine, Bromou 4 Co. and snread with tremendous rapidity. A wh.jle square, bounded by Papineau road, Hl Cather.oe street, Shaw street, Kent street and Joseph Lane was destroyed. A number of firemen are retried badly burned, and some fotaliiies ars re ported. The flames were finally cotlen under coutrol. The loss will probubh mount to $000,000. PittskixU). Ma8., July lC.-TJrack. en's new bru k block uuruej yesterday morning. The building Us occupied by a number of stores and carri-e 'ctories. Tbe loss is about llOO.OJa ' v In'Mted Will, J,,,,,n.r, Brush. Coi)., July 17.-The whole oountry south of here is completely in fested with young grasshoppers of the locust species, the same that laid waste Kansas and Nsbraska years ago. They seam to be inceasing daily ,nd are now ODumsrousas to dr.ve sheep and cattl. Uforthm. Alfalfa, uoripagrains and garden are being comp,wjy ruined. NEBRASKA STATE MS. There are from seventy-five to 10J by cycles in Hastings, and as many rider. The salary of the postmaster at Ord has been de reawd from U.IOU per an num to f 1.3). A fine bird dog belonging to Herman Hem of Fremont was shot by some un known person. Mr. Hem had refused f 1U0 for him. Imports from I leaver Crossing sav that the corn ciop never looked better than at preeetit. Small grain of all k.mis is about the a.erag AtanieeMng of the alliance held at O'Neill, it was decided to hold the inde pendent county eouveution iu Atkinton August 15- The cretmery company t Beaver City shipped 8.0 0 uuds of tbei- gilt V. product to Chicago by refrigera tor car last week. UlHi.Uenship of Peru was piny ins mhe ubnTtatory at the normal hen he fell to the ground, slipping the j .int of hie left arm oul of plate. A half dozen horses owed by Ilellevuo parties have recently been cra:ed by eating the locho weed, which is unusu ally abundant on the river bottoms this wet season. Canlield Phillips, of Ljens caught a Citlish which weighed twenty six lounds. He got it the first haul he . . ti . made, rvery Ooy in town waa u"iu the reel of the day. Three of Cuming coupty's girls brought home gold medals from the St. Francis college at Quinry, III., viz, Mia Hannah Cinncy of West Point, and Misses Aggie and Mary McNamara of Beemer. The D.xlge county tea .hers, about Uenty-live strong hav left for Toronto. Four tea. hers from W'ahoo will join the par'.y at Freiront und several from Ulair. making in all about forty peda gogues who will visit the dominion from this immediate portion ot tl.e fcta'e. Lewis Tobi is, while breaking prairie m his son's tin. ber claim, adjoining the lands of Sol Brox and Christ Jennings near Atkinson, left his plow on the land and in the morning when Mr. Tobias' hired man came to break he found the beam and both handles of his plow awed in two by some cowardly mis ;reant. A large number of binders entered the harvest fields in the southern coun ties. The wheit crop is the largest the country has known for years and our farmers are very anxious to save it. Several cases of hog cholera are re. ported north of Syracuse, where the Jiaer.se has nearly obliterated the herds jfswine, Messrs. Dunn, Hmoyr mod Brown being special losers, and others wining in for a lesser share. The squatters on the Bellevue island jaw hard limes during the Hood. Home jf Ihem were cut off from the outside world f jr several days, und it is said that fami ies suffered from hunger dur ing their imprisonment on the island. Kearney county's treasurer has paid jut 1380 as bounty on wolf scalps since January 1. A high wind at Petersburg blew down Sinner's blackmitb she p and did other slight, damage. Gus Wilson has been sent to the tieni- tentiary from Klwood to serve a term of three years for horse stealing. A vicious stallion attacked H. Klwan ?er of Ruahville, bit off one of his ears and took a chunk of flesh from his aim A mad dog scare is on at St. Kd wards snd a number of canines have been mot. One man was baton, but it is not known whether the dog was mad or not. Lightning struck and instantly killed Mrs. P. F. Deppe, residing in Holt coun ty near Atkinson. She was standing in front of her home when the fatal bo I struck her, burning her bouuet and bleaching ber face. W. T. Sharp, county clerk of Stanton county, wrs accidentally drowned in Mak.mtine creek while on his way home from the depot where he had gone U meet bis wife. The creek was swollen by the rains and was ten feet higher than usual. It is probable that Mi. Shsrp missed his footing while crossing abridge and fell into tbe stream. His body was found about ami and a half below the bridge. The unfortunate man was one of the early resident of Stanton county and had held many im portant portion. He was principal of the Stsnton schools two year, county superintendent eight years, couuty treasurer four years" and was serving his second year a county clerk. He leaves a wife and two children. The Hayes oounty teachers' institute commences on July 30 and son ti cues for tiro weeks. Mrs. a E. Bsker of Beatrice is dying from a most peculiar ailment, and one that baffles the skill of her physician. She is b eediog to deatb by tbs blood constantly ooring from her lips and lb inner sides of ber cheek. ..Vi ru who nrl rustlsr it the Windsor hotsl at Dakota City, while cutting wood, made a wild vJm od the aie camrht m tha .iti.. n over his head, and bouncing bask nut ug'y gash In bis forehead. A company wai . forms 1 ia Niobrara wall W. M. Brnum, 8. Draper, J. P. B. Bad and Frank Nlao wsra sleeted Incorporators. Aa.m.m i MW 1 OEK, Jul , "' I aardt rep jrted to lU f. i offllatveniugtutu 1 side of the North .' t .: . . . "'"OiJ w.-liiw,, L.il.1 iilfll thai tl i . ' . 7" ''mU atfcSjr hi,!,.!, aa-.u .. . w . -o pauU, three in LI-. i drowiied farther up nufcl Mitt luiul ... . L street, where It w a, ..snur t..,.1, 1 ... f . I. 1. . II " a ue iiuu iel u4i i.ue name lie did tot 4 La er the fod.i ' ... l. ... l: .1 . . ... uiuu,iu lucjuii d h. oneeiiaa too It s )acttJtJ i i.iriy-iiii street, 'Jrook; Beach. 'J he boat at t , ..lair reiurn irip i1s rtl tt ou -y m u,e fswt, ..mured away their saialibjJ Vo uu rjcue. lha i tov I gsiusl the achL TiJ second boat away, got ofW uu jy aud Urik the uii. Captain James Whits of J way. lie told them tht U out in a Naphtha lunch it, chartered by a return Hi chaal living in in lirooklj8l he hao forgotten. Ths di chaut had two fnendi About 1:13 p. m. the h, launch had explodJ, tHii aud throwing a 1 hands uten passenger were drosi While swam to the buoy, ti waa lour mue away, lit , from head to foot and hit It was 2M p. m. when beJ ile nt taken ashore in thi and uccouipanied to Ujcim Iha luleitiutluui Ijovixix, July H. Tbs uu OM'Ih;:. . ' , e C.4. V4 wV i.'igau liili morning. A great imijorit) vine who are now in Lindoc sent the church in At erica their teats when the proctsd, opened by prayer, followed drees of welcome by Her. K jf Birmingham, one of the clergymen of Kuglaml. Io tl of the address the addrset U gentleman announceil th at i topic which would come Ul Uody for consideration wuuid lowing: First Congregulionaiipm in lie sense or it own internal force, such a Sunday sc people's societies, Ibeuiogict! jf thought, ecclesiastical coo: training of mioiaters; seaM aliooulism in the ju'.iocal I. lions, churches and sUte the prom i ion of peace anj ness; third, Congregational!: church Catholic; fourth, Co&i alism and the world, nud nil their broadest scope and cU. Among those who will renJ lievs. S. Good s in of Chi -ngd, af Wall ham, Mumi., nud (lord rence, Kas, Uenjiimin TillsU, known labor agilulor, i.ill l j vitulion, addrees the coiiferetit laljor problem and the rein church thereto. Il Is 1.1 .ltO.,rrtjr. New Voiik, July II - 11 ght fiousaud dollarc, nearly the f J en owuienlof the I nion l.'i seminary is in jeopardy becnisl fiction of the seminary odirxc'.d Or. Briggs' controversy. ItbJ notninational alliuuces. V'henl slitulion Wasptor, Banker Urol p'sexl to give SlWJ.OiX) toward d w nient, but hesitiited becaas no iiseuraoce of Mriiiuiieni )', existeiioe or orthodoxy. 1 o endowment the senunHry u under the authority i f the " church. Ex-(loernor Kdin I gan donated 8100,000, tiD M anoe that the seminary wan 11 ly under the control ot the 1 church. Now that the direcU a vote of 20 to 2. ref us- to m gi th vote of the ireneral asseffiUn proving of Dr. Bnggs' electiwij faculty, boss and other large (if may be withdrawn. Uuswll waiting for the action ot in in tbe fall bef re bringing cover hi donation of withdrawal of nearly thsentiNi downunt will depend oo lh 'l th directois n the fall- He re .1 io Hk 1 1" Tr' PABI,July H.-Vesterds the club train from Calais, whit mg th northern railway slat'01 city,dahed into the mar enlc eipres from Lille. N" " m 11 train waeii.j'ired, but the i.-.ii i. ...I 'I i, a r.ar '" tbe latter portion of the car o pre tr. I:i were wr a ed "u Its paaseiigere together wit" and Iwakanian Werrt sermUSiy 'iv oil... .....,,..r on the ",: surTere.1 from shock aud conf" " Mm. It-uinier. w ho wiwsesl wnscksd car at the time th" cuard,baasircedi-l. i i.w ii.Msiirnal in ing oonf jaed and umuting W incoming train. CfcariHl Willi Ma d.r. Psatasi.uKo.V'.VA, Jul1 some Urn Cynthia Adkms b . . .1 ..ii.ilv 01 grlge sgaiiisi " ' r uB Crsamln at Barbersville. UJJ their child vs luunw -oommltted during th abiso" l- I.. Ut ths ll mower, sue "'" charged wlwi ' ' " Tj ' , uai 90 ATI Old Ul 9mvm flisdstlKWlO.