t I I fllffUSt I CJ Ql flower f . t W Fcnnimore is the yV'fCo De!.,ai.d lives lute The sheriff is a fiftv-nine years of age, Scathe : 7 vc 15 ". ..,., Mr w :r for sev- ffffiwv'umilyandforiny r" tlnn anv other remedy. 5Si Ibied with what I rjLoJn a general headache .kk and vomit. !LUfti-V a pressure after eating K tif'of the stomach and rj!L when fxvl seemed to rise C?y throat and mouth. When fc,5?Si"IE if I take a August Mower it relieves CLdBthe 1st remedy I have Kkeafcrit. For this reason fat it and recommend it to as a great leuiedy for Dys- tc n.FiX. Sole Maoufacturcr, . It D fHMrr, New crCT. ti. J. . Re-reenln of Ve-efahia ii - - i. . . . " 'jprnuoai tut to pair. TOOTH'S DEPARTMENT. TORIM FOR THE (HIII.nKV. TUB IIITlri i.. .......... - K 0); rBrt H. ,,R. TMK KAHKt UK 1NE TE!.r.GKXr II llirv Asn other vroKjK. IGIN or SICNTrl. , .j... (ij..v0 luk iij pa'pj the lily or to gild the refined gold, bt the reg reening of vegetables has as sumed the proportions of gigantic in dustry, which ha iu headiiu rters ir, rrnuop, give employment to ?i,fii persons, and reprmuts a business of 4O.CWJ.O00 francs. Nine tenths at feast preserved vegetables sold in Frauce o wmiiow regreenetl with Hi, .,,. i,", , " sulphate of copper to g.ve them 1 ,511'. appearance of freshness, luring- the dav. Whn u,. . ... Affm-rfino t II. a li,iti.i. ifj;..i ,riw in UK .. - ' Mi . 'I 1 ' 3.1 JCUltl! Journal the (Jlasgow health committee l"et-h Brttni op th, i Old "Ketch ands of the Hudson. ttSA .Konl...t A .. - . . . . i'm'i t ii... iti I'TO 111 III !,i((hl Mow have decided that fit tit. Vronli Government have annulled their re greening prohibition, it remains for consumers to take care of themselves "A foolish Uritish public," says the Glasgow report, "expects to get preen peas at Christinas such as it irt-U from the market gardens in summer. The r relH'h mumtf.ii't iirer r.tuki.a tlifm Irt suit his whirn. The cousequtnee is , iitnce In the rear by Ketch. Ihut U tu 1,U r.u ,M,..l -.itl, - sulphate of copper all the year round." A curious fact is said that the largest Bale of preserved peas takes place in inat period, or the year when fresh peas are in season. (rious Uematloiis. -i- to increase hi revenue! L granted certain privilege m mononlies. and among ihUm manufacture of paper. tise all tngl""' Ptr uor ln in water ro arks. The parli A made sport of ,u.i .mr iKsible manner, and UimitiM to the memory i Heal ordered that ID royai tanmored from the paper and .4. ItVt pun and belts should be sWi WI " "r ' lauwUtitute. When the llump vZntau nroroirued these were jiawred, but paper of the aize of I aarlimenUry Journals, wuicn is ' MDUUb ST" 1 ' L " " 1 vj - in bears the name of "toola- t itaries a?o the first monarch lararince of Malabar gate one of i si a reward for diatinguisnea l hit sword and all the land UK litniU of which a cock crow It rtain temple could be heard. tins circumstance tha town Imwimin the center of tins ras called Callcoda, or the m crowing. Afterward it was i Calicut, and from this place the ton goods were imporU'd into I bearing the name of cahco. I(tie vt Stmrk'a Tk'U. MBtei of some of the Pacific k - kssf provided with neither latuyitotie harder than the Kti,of which the aUlis they LUUi Jky HVUN fswui www liasMd, for material of which to itMii or weapons were it not ten necessity had bred an no leas inrenloaa than ef This is nothing leas than the Sart'i teeth to give a cutting i tsar wooden k nirea and i words of the shark contains 3U0 iBiBnd in five rows, cl-jeely ly K other, except the outer to constructed that as one brokn or lost another takes The teeth an not only d keen edged, bat are finely 7 serrated, so that the cut is greatly increased. In treat a faculty bar these fc toundina' that the imm- HH weapons upon which they Ilia fion vu A 1-etch, "Brine the row h m ' r4 .t va tWiu:s! the uog did his Usk so ell that he wac callt "Ketch.'' flnemltiy day h departed as usual 3n his evening tasic. From scattered lhady and Erasy nooks he at last I"' " me cme into the moun tain road leading into the barnyard. A part of the road ro through a low. moist bpot. bordered by a thicket of oiacii alder, and into thi imp iJ iIir pnsried hor rav and Btood ouioilv. otliers iaRed on. followed some 30m The tlkn.fiultwl tViA 1 . ..... u lie, ne quiclcenea his i aee. and hur- I n Taut I iglit To obtain a light instantly, without the use of matches and without the danger of setting things on fire is an easy matter. Take a long vial of the de .rest glass put Into ic a piece of phosphorous about the si .a of a pea. I pou this pour olive ou heat eo to the boiliug point, the bottle to be one-third full; theu cork tightly. To use the light remove the cork, allow the air to euter and theu recork. The whole empty space in the bottle will become luminous and the light obtained will be a good one. As soon as the light becomes dim its power can be Increased by opening the bottle and allowing a fresh sunulv of air to enter. In very cold weather it Is sometimes necessary to heat the vial between the hands to Increase the fluidity of the oil. and one bottle will last all winter. This in genious contrivance may be carried in the pocket and is used by watchmen of Paris in all magazines where explosives or inflammable materials are stored. Saturday Evening i'oet Proof ft he i rath' Motion. Take a good sired bowl, fill It nearly full of water and place it upon the floor of the room which is not exposed to shaking or jarring from the street Snrlnkle over the surface ef the water a coating of lycopodium powder-a white substance which is sometimes, Iadiett In makiim their toilets, and which can be purchased of any ...it vit. ii non the surface of vl USS - i i Mste coating or white powder make with powdered charcoal, a siraigm black line, say an inch or two In length Having made this little lilacs: mar on the surface of the contents of the bowl lay down on the Moor close to the bowl a stick or some other straight oojeor, so teat it will lie exactly parallel with the charcoal mark. If the line happens in lie narallel with a crack In the floor. or with any stationary object in the room, this will serve as well, l.eave the bowl undisturbed for a tew hours nd ihen observe the position from v.t t,i vtthat is to say. in that .tireetinn ooooslte to that of the move merit of the earth upon its axis, t ue rth In simDlv revolving, has carried - at-, ami evervthina else in uie rieo nirwaru as it to say. "I ra here, at tending: to business.' But his oomrila- en-y Mdieturlied as the rows tiled through the ale. HclVhined a little. and growled a lUtl. attracting his masters attention. Then he went to the high fenoe surrounding the yard. and slanding on his hind feet oeered between two of the rails. After look ing at the herd carefully for a time he siarttid ot down the road airam ou a full run. His master now observed that one of the cows was miBsinir, and he sat down mi a roe' to nee wha Fetch was golug to do about U. Bt-fore long he heard the furious tinkling of a bell, and soon Ketch ap peared bringinir in the nerveinecow at a rapid pae. The gate, was throwu oiien. aim the cow went through It Ketch then lav down quietlv to cool off in inuo lor up)er. How th. Monlhl Wore N tn:c January is of latin o i;iu, from the word Tanuarlus, named by the ancient Romans in honor of their so called 'god' jamis, to wnom mc season oi me yei K mi KJLrrpll IVhi'imrir iniiiM fmm'lho laltnword FehruariuH.derived from februtu. which, in the aman language, wenia nurga tiva " hence comes 1he noun Febnia which sihnified the Roman festival of liml rat inn and erittinn. March is named in honor of Mars, the 11miR.n 1ikI of war. April (lenveit Ue name Irotn uie mini Ann i. and then from Arx-ne, wmcn rnMnk In rnin. May is a name whicn comes n om ine Romans, in honor of MaiK. the mother nf tt.ffnru mid flamMpr of Alias. thst all will readily think of when they read the iiistnry of the goddess .luno. In this month, she scmil,from accounts, to be ,'rcatlv .lulv is in honor of the great Homan ( 'aiii .lnlliiR t Vser. who was born al (V.lt uMunn nt lhM vcar. t niriiot aim named in honor of the nMDi I?. .man m rwvi'ur. A nonistus (.'jeser. September was the seventh month of the, Koman year, as iney ooihiukhotu with march, and consequently derived I to name from the latin word, septem, muan i n r at A VP n rictober leing the eighth month of iUvir derives its name from octo. Novemlier from novem, meaning nine. . . December la from the latin word decern. len it being the tenth month oi tne no man year. Chicago leuger. A Ponsib'e Telephone Between I'll in lelpht i an 1 I.oikHii A distinciiUhed unthnrilr nil the telephone says that it is rot improb able that telenltjuic communication may be established betweeu Philadel phia and Livtn pool iu a few year. It s admi tel that some obstac.es are u Uie w.iy.but the success of the tele phone I ne between Paris and London uas given the promoters of the iuter- ocean c scheme new confidence. The successful experiments which have been tried on the cable across the British chanuvl are regarded as an al most certain presag of what may soou be accomplished between this city and au r.ngnsu port. 1 xpenuients have already been tried on the Mackey- ei nett cable with telephonic connec tions, and, although something of a failure, has not discouraged new ad ventures which are soon to be made. The experiments will be very exoen sive, and may require some time iu de veloping, but there it no doubt that both capital and the brains will La- found. A moveme t in this direction is already afoot, and the future of the promoter's plans will be watched with intense interest by the scientific world Xew York capital and management will no doubt be united, and the firs experiment will be attempted from the Newfoundland end of the trans atlantic cable. Philadelphia can al' ready talk half-way across the conli i ent, and if this city should be tin tint to inaugurate a traiisocean tele phone her triumph would exceed any thing in ruceut discoveries. Kail wa Itegisttr. A StorT From Stanleys Too A mnnr the most remarkable storie i vt- nl.v' hoolt on Africa is one t.,M in th Tn nrer nv r.mm mu T f I la. finxj ii. to. .... i i The forest of Msongwa is lnresteo oy ill- nf chlmnanzees of great stature, .Irnmt nl.'htlv raids On the villages and little plantations of the . . lf I...- au.af trilP tv,iry vrir remarkable about inw . ,.u lind of animals make me water uuu o.-.jv"...B - ,KV, ,mOT "v., t, . bowl around with it but th. ,,ow er Tl upon the surface has been lelt taina the etaU,nnt that In these , mile The ine wiU always oe louim ... .r Wn moved from 1 astto West t IU M .V . , rhich is lierfectly good proot tnai vervthlng else contained iu uie oowj .u ! ui.ia tlio I'hininanzees make f ili,iwl tirches to hunt out the uaw "i irons. . .. . i I nnt hren mvsel a whiihim ui .i.i....ia contained in the bowi 11 1 , V . o..,i. rv,rts r cki) inn's v T t 1 this spectacle, .vti - to be handled with great hftg ln0T6d the other way .-St Louis Kmina(i saying, nothing would ever ... I nk a ha ava mat HIIV IO,U ii A Klngmil ialandera make 1 1 articles of shark's tattta. 7f7i' rtisrms ofUw lily-www roam f"ial lona and laoaaiablof "slsiat unanUMaaddrooiMlaUw Republic Marriage In Sumatra. f' i Vw.nv that anv race of nave iu" i" . TvrafiU ine an, i in.... i i 1a ti B !..., v.mtn aavs. a chim . ir.. i.... ..r:itnnlralha tender - . .u. ,('..l!i,ront tribe stole a Among auou v. - vanxee oi V . P,.nnHar I t nenao bfB ff AM L W LIU TrYMTi LlieilUlO ! X- i ........ passion is m. ' "l.T . " " m.d off with it. beating li i rwjioDii. V. aeeui that Oallcaie suacepu ' iroura MMtiirlaf feaaaaahlM laet, " . t. .li.Kt rhanm nf de- be ran. , . ,v. ---I. at-, vats. ass. . ta, mm.es lhrlf. . The monv who B,,,UU..cvwa.U1::S; Th:irlim are on rX aaw h I a m m i. aa avhsa asaiah at girl to -tie to" for life. The te an WSBDiai ti ! iw. U'l.m an it . v lweaiid pity, but be ceases forefathers J ng of beauty" worn down by traveled.. """ess and disorders, subject .aida inartvr to be less a people. 'I heir lives are '"""""ian sold ers often heard rr.ihers and foremothers have trrejuiar y , ltm chimpansee la martyr to bearing 11 INuuu'a 1. a vr.l-1 1. it a sure cur. lor thesedis- mind his choice, interview" J wlU never be known pos. T) Vwplalnt., and will transform of the maiden "n"?Date bargains ly, but f the act jnasi A drooping sufTerer into a can offe-in return. Jf ate ittleand bBl)V blmiminw woman of the itinerant trader n. chlmpansees ever loimwea, uie togivesatUfactionineTery gratifying, he may "" , of gay EgypM y paid for It refunded. Unlfe, a iThThaa acted the; Uked it of the nigni some "'"oi"-- - , . J :.i3 ,! -n and go to beating the V if simply indeed is U 'ZZ' what the Oiner .... - II nrnar St mini .i .il.. nhliniuu ItWH sap iiir. awtrfktnnnv. vs i'r.". v u. w.,t what ine uiiwi v...- . Drf P ;;ee;s FaVoriw kubu youth, having se tea ht ot lhi. midnight .m p mlna ms cno.ee, -. wvat he formance win -A a. cloth-poes, -to travelers; , .H lnteUI,ence .... dammar an bs- ne chlmpan wa wa - .are frolU anu "V"' , hl. .till far below mat iu--- w I . J,. UilS) BIlMsin ui m aVttt Yoa era alaua I wi - ...i.... .inks f"T I . tntu a OBIIUJ ... Tailor Goose ..! r Ml u rouows w . if lwiiiA luinn. ' - . it.. New York Sun: "Four years ago i thsASW ',,... named three mercnapv -".-- . MlBineM. n. la wrc, a., sr iyowbosiittm aantf under s tree, h Hi l dude gow ' x Overused kW r.. .u. n..i. I maiden then publicly aii . th. notgetblm io pa, for It,;,"-ouk r"" to the , b. rovn: - y - lh bm mr j- V ,-" junniDwsma waw-awas The Latest Mm ke torv. Snake stories are always in order, a:. d it matters little how long a bow the story teller draws, everybody be ueves him. It is a rule long establishes that it shall be bo. Xow here is oiu that comes from an liidianan: About the middle of June, 8tt0, says lie, a gas-well contractor, contracted for a well to be drilled in South Amer ica, on the Uruguay river, a few mile:- below the city of Assumption Mr Freeman's contract called for $100,000 at the completion of the well, s.i he inr mediately shipped his tools and rig to au Francisco. They were then loaded ou a steamer and sent to their desti nation. After everything was in run ning oider for drilling, it was a great sight to see the derrick, 600 feet high and covering three-quarters of au acre of ground. We got along all right for a while, when at the depth ol feet the cable broke and left all the tools in the bottom ol the well. We worked for several days aud nights, but without any success. The cable was all broken to pieces, with the exception of about 500 feet ol irood cable, that was lett on Uc? shaft We li.id nulled some forty or fifty feel of that over the derrick aud piled it on the floor. I do not know why we did this, hut it was done. We did not have cable enough to do anything with, so we iinally all sat down to talk tlie m t- ter over and come to some conclualon as to what to do, when to our astonish ment, we saw a moustrous snake ciawlina into the derrick. Mr. Steward the driller that worked on the opposite tower from me, threw the anvil at it No sooner was this done than the huge monster started down the well. Jt sue ceeded iu getting in, all but about 50C feet of its tail. We Immediately took a rope, hitched it onto its tail, turned on the steam and then wound th i.,... i-ulil. that waa laving on the iloor around Uie shaft Presently i' uegau to raise the snake's tail. On, on ,t ih mis ne. DUlilUir MC tnase imrher and higher in the derrick, till Iinally the end of the tail went over the ,.mwn. within 10J feet of the shaft, when, all at once everything stoppeti r,.r ,he belt was slipping. We aouDieu .i, ruble from the snake.s tail to the shaft, then put pleuty of resin on the k..h oiaekad back a little, took a run LVIU, aud shoot, turned on all the steam, and nreaentlv something gave way. We kent OU milling anil wiuuihk urc shaft, when at last the head of the 3ake made Its appearance at the top of the well, but to our astonishment it i ...i i ,.1.1 nt f l.r. end of the tools. " ILV iiv - t,id overvwav notsible to get it loose iv hammered it with sieace nammers, ..unit it with red-hot irons, but did not oi in owttins- It loose. We linallx suul - . ......... gave it up and went aueao. ana nuiaueu .i,. -hII usln the snate xor a cao.e It had uch a death hold on the tools that we had to burn its head off after itinff the tools out ol the aernca ... ..j.L.i .... A: A ,... ..... it si.nuia rsa aaia iuki we um nv. .... . ...Mrabundance of natural gas uut -r B a 1 a Maa au The snake was snippea w Amelia, r, . .k.i.ton ! now on exhibition at Noblesvllle, Ind , and the hide isjised for a gas main in Hartrortt nj Aapreelatad Devotlea. J "No. George, our engagement must be broken. Father has failed, you know." AVhen did tour father fail ? I hadu t heard of it," he said turning pale. 'lie failed yesterday and is very much prostrated in consequence. My whole time must be given w mm now. He needs my individual care ana at tention, and though it may break our hearts, George, we must part forever." -Noble B-irL tbousbt ueorge, as n hastily grasped his hat and with his broken heart went out into toe uigut Chicago News Victoria's liescciidants. Oueen Victoria's family circle now numbers fifty living descendants, in cluding sons and daughters, grandsons nd granddaughters, great grandsons and great granddaughters, lieside those she has four sons-iii-law and four daughters-in law, five grand sons-in- law and one granddaughter in-law. 1 ne queen has lost one son, one daughter, tive grandsons, one granddaughter, one great grandson and one son-in-law. If these were living her family would number seventy-four. For the' ii -c of a Cough or r.i i liro t, "Brown Bronchial Troclies" are a simple remedy. What Woman Affect. Thrn is a remarkable show of "spiders" on Fifth avenue every morn ing now, observes a ew lor corres pondent of the Chicago Herald. This does not refer to the insect, but to the .peculiar variety of yehicle which New York women affect. It is something like a phaeton, with a rumble liehiud for the groom, and it is the smartest thing in carriages this year. Spiders are invariably driven by women, and they are usually drawn by thorough bred little cobs with roached manes and banged tails. There Is no prettier sight in the world than a nanasome woman drlv na one or umbo siyusu vehicles through the maze of Fifth avenue traffic A "tiger" invariably lsits behind, with his arms folded ana a ir of statuesque immobility upon i,,afaM. No less than seven oi tnese turnouts appeared upon the avenue be tween 11 and 12 o'clock: yeswraay. iwo of them were driven by ladies of the Vanderbilt family, the third by Miss Morgan, the fourth by the wife of a famous Wall street operator and the others by women more or lees known In society, ine laaniwuaore uui iv, women to drive is between 10 and 12. They never now me nuuuuo imv 1 o'clock. Ol "OTPS LITTLE GAE3B.V BOSGOJB Only Itll p9fttmVJIS!S Boar wsnnt. " ia Breath. IS OHa-lna-. wo Naaaea, s fSm. atw.ll Win Safe Mil. Beat Fill. B. C. OK WITT aV CO CMem: School Teachers! DO YOU WANT TO MAKE !EY luring vacation, or when you have spare time? If so address the Iraham School Publishing Co, York, Neb. We want to correspond with every . . . i . ii , !,. ; teacher in tne iana, anu win worth your while. Our publications are new, arc iui teachers and schools, have the en dorsement of the best educators, and WU1 SeU Rapidly. Nothing Like Them O.: The Market Iraham Srtool Publishing Co, YORK, NEB. rwaalMSsMasl aw smn- I W Is ths arlcaowlaa) laaillnf rasaadr foi all Ik nnnataral aiacaaraM aa IDnoavanM ' .... . privata Slsaaaaaol mm. A I canal a rarm ivr taUrif waafcaaaa paeallat to woman. artnway . J praacrionti . ttc"i,or Pf.Vrnars an n.r.r.lu. k . .. o lym-ij, -.-i. rttte. The lareent stock of Artlfi. .;ni L'..inlh.WMt An jBortment of eyes sent to any address snowing puim.. to select one or more and re ,.rn ihr- hulsince thus assurina , perfect fiT Office, ifa State u Chicag-o, 111. UK. B. A. JAM FIELD consulUng and operatina; surgeon to the CWca Kye and Ear College. Pat.enta ata Astance treated with anparalleled success and when visiting Uie city ..r.t.h.rf hoard and lodsinE at reasonable rates. I ipbotogrop!.! i ovititi mwH Capyrlibt, ISM. Fhthion's favorite fart centers in that famous, fascina ting game lawn tennis. tut there are women u engage in any pastime. They are delicate, feewe ana easuy eiusu. They are sufferers from weaknesses and disorders peculiar to females, whioh are accompanieu oy complexions, expressionless eyes and haggard looks. ' , Iter overworaea, --woiu-wv, "run-down," debilitated teachers, :n:nnM -oumalfpn geamstresses. UltlUlOIB, v.- j . "shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, ana ieeme women 11 Ts Wi.rnn'a pavorius i tVin crreatest earthly airiuiivu w - e ' boon, being unequaled as an appe- tizing coraiai ano rewiw It's the only medicine for women, sola oy aruggisva ry quarantee from the makers, of sat- .f in nvorv f.ise. or money re- funded. This guarantee u faithfully carried out iw y- -mot list rush n 8WEET.WAUACH CU mJ 2l5WaaAyCleai. pvupn rann to STAY CURED. HAY rLVl.il We want the name and ad- &ieTUf1 A U.S. and Canada. Address, AS I HMA ManI.T.i.S.,liSM. HMlllrJUIJ lal MIl.Mt I (rnTiiniliiU huviftilf n tiiiiii iimiuii sttiattvsairr-,T -., M.N. U.York Neb. 135 Fn?eTrade Prices V- M..nnnll..f air Sewing nowC VISMachincsl on y A I We are now sellinK our tVestcrn Improved Singer Sewing Machine same as cut complete with all at tachments and warranted An. . mN fnr nnl Sta. . j i. end sec full descoipUon of this .Trii k, . c M. f Ml. W .! other stvles 10 n. n. ovu... w, -o Lake St., Chicago, 111. . RA.rlI:F!LBjeUB I. Ml P-"-"T The moat eompleta line of Dn-aa Keforrn Uo.la In Us north-west. Including the cali brated KQoipoise and Delaarta waists, Jenneas Uiller speoial tias and Jeraay Knit Underwaar. bend stamp lor froa illnatraUsa 'Tlts. L.VV.PIKE. 75 Madison at.. Chieaga. 18 THE BEST MCOICINK th. fianeral Altme.its nt linnet, Cattle, Hnff d Sheep. ThevjpurityOW p cure aises. nuuw ,,,.m.-t KJavervone owning a horse or eatUa thadl IvaitatrlaL Made by kmt rnoraiaiaai Bo."chlcaio: MldbraUdfUgctaU. Q P 1 1 f ITi Qr Morphine Habit Sr. 8. B. COLl-lNS, Orlflnal Ulacovarar Falnlesa Opium Antldola. Will ran too at home withont any Interruption ofoXaryrinaaa. Book ait .tree to .any ad- wT . 1 it. at. ;.naiii.n sat mw itf Eoi Boom Amenean Exprtaa Bmldina. Hon saVat. Chicago, UL, P. O. Draw. 1 (tonnarly La Porta, Ind.) . i .i.i St.. - 1. GOUSULIPTIOU. IaSTaanosrUvaisrafof thasbsesilswws; arks .1 J- - . M.M.IfaiiyrflWJ laaslni lii'i ' ' Iadssdsoatoaf Isawtsa Ha cflaaar, that 1 wiU aaad two acflrrijsa nnstk aiaJABUt TSUSATUa OB HUB UIII II I W.-mmim i who wUlasadasa taste aUtaaadPedissai. snawasn. n. u m s-waws iredomthVyeuogman, iaking ni,.. nut the bill up ith a note on lt-bad debt .h. sued me again for Th.lude t court said It was noei, anu Tneuago " u. l.wver and an outregeo. fc - h I net the dude wtth s.sui , Itheniioa""- - only on. 1 in" ""rr now have a mort ihla. and for this I now n0. thl8n aias Ws measure. I have fH lt U nTfor sale. My ex 11 J?fc Ji. thlr I would sooner have a narlenCS U ttUS. i wyw r ii t liurnum. after making his will i ... i ..... aavarBl nrominent in i . . . , " - i pliysicians to examine his mental eon- .lit ion and tO mass niuaivna wi -hirh the did. This was to I SHII1V, . . . I .ruard against any iweslble contest upoil the plea oi incapacuy. A m. Wmmmri OBlalaM. v nwner Inroudly Showfoz horse ' Kather high bred, don't you think ehY" llorsi Expert-'T-e-s, rather hybrid .hat's a fact" TUoaaanda etS3 i and laltwa warn I. a. BiUBB. Praaldant mor J, 4. BTREaTr. Saoratarr 'I'aaaafaat fanos aaada. Doaa TMbbUacraatmataaw. 1 imOBlaia. nana oroinaian Barbwlre. aouyaa SDur wire renco vA.t WtTt. OWItW-W WW Jtww--sa ,r aV5iiawMr wiitsMiil .ans-annw ill ' i V' . . . . .... . Mrfuwi lanicii I b inm, no Year the SuwUrd I qw r ' h - I 'I ' I llTly'lV ..4-." s Jjd deM man m - Mll for cash."