Tte Sioux County Journal. STABUSHKD 188. OFFICIAL COCXTY PAPER. BBBT FATES IS THE COCKTY. HAS THE LARGEST CIBCCTATtOK OF ANY FAPEB PUBLISHED IS SK1CX OOLHTY. Subscription Price, 2.00 L. J. SIwmm, . . Editor Entered at the Harrison post office as sec ond class matter. THTJBSDAY, JCLY 2, 1891. On and after next Saturday. July 4th, the legal Hag of the United States will contain 44 stars, one for each of the newly admitted states being added at that time. Not many years ago the land around Grand Island was not considered worth much, but the farmers have stuck to it and the result is that it has developed into a rich country. Although but 24 miles square, the recent assessment of Hall county rolls up a total of $3,653, 147. Notwithstanding the drouth of last year, real estate in that county has Increased 9301,637 over last year, inat snows what toe development or a county will do. It will be remembered that there is a beet sugar factory at Grand Island. County Attorney Conley wrote to At torney General Hastings tat some au thorities bearing on the cancellation of claims and warrants to offset the short age of the ex-county officials. Gen. Hastings looked tip the authorities as requested and Wrote Mr. Conley that in his opinion the actiod takes by the coun ty board was legal. Besides being at torney general, George H. Hastings is recognized as one of the best lawyers in the state, and his opinion on the point is pretty good authority. the board of public lands and build ings is making it decidedly interesting for the officials of the insane hospital at Hastings, and there will doubtless be some removals for cause. The board as at present constituted seem to have a pretty good faculty of going to the very bottom of an affair which they start to investigate. It is; always necessary to keep a close watch of the methods of contracting state institutions and those to which people bereft of reason are con signed should be watched the closest. Law, justice and humanity all demand that snth unfortunates be treated with crae consideration. Terrible storms, causing floods, visited northwestern Iowa and eastern Nebraska last week. A number of lives were lost, railroad tracks and brie washed out, crops destroyed and many thousands of dollars' worth of other property de stroyed. Hundreds of families were ren dered homes, aK they swept being swept away, and calls for' financial aid from the outside world have been issued from some places. The. entire town of Moville, Iowa; was washed out with the exception of one hbn'se. In. this state a good deal of damage Was done,, in some places, West Point losing $ 15,000 worth if property; - . CQftMlSH6ttK!f BECOBD. roruu.r HABBISOX, Nebhaska, June 16, 1891. Aoard of equalization met as per adjourn ment. .... , , .. . , , Present i Commissioners k'nott, Green, throve and clerk.' . . . , Charles H.' WeUvr appared before the board and made complaint that Ui property fa the village of Harrison was assessed too Ifiab In proportion to other property In said village, and the board after dne considera tion changed assessment on a portion of said property. - - Chag. E. Verity, on behalf of &'e Bank of (larrlsrm, appeared before the board and made combiaint tliat the assessment of said wna aa too high in proportion to other property in the village of Harrison,- and nf tcr due consideration., and the board being $a tinned that such was t lie catMV changed same. ' , . . On motion' board adjourned, until II O'clock, a. m., Wednesday, June 17, UN. . . i nAMisos,' I?kb, Jinve 17, ll. t.Board of equalMtkm met pursuant to ad Jfonrnment. iPreseat: Conunlssioncrs Grove, Green, Knott an clerk. . v, - , D, M gotten appeared before the board and made aflMavlt.tbat he only kept one sow in the Ttjrage of HarrMrvh and that the other eows owned by him were kept In the state Af Wyoming and Should, not be assess din the Tillage, S Harrlifcn. The board being satlsfled that auch was the case, or dered said property stricken from the tax roll of the rfuaw of Harrison,. , On eomelaint of Ed. !.- Satterlee, a real dent tax payer, am made before the board one ink, WW. toe board pioeecded to raise the valuation on vacant town lota la. the Village of Harrison, held by the Pioneer Townalte Company and flte Nebraska Land and Inveatnnent Company, In proportion to the average-aaaMament on Vacant lota held by individuals. SKe said complaint being that vacant lota of PfOneer Townslte Com away and Heeeaska .Land and. la vestment Compear were aew ssi it too low in propor tion te raeaot lots held by iadJTiduaH, the - average aesessment of vacant onrin Iota bold by ladlridnaU was flrat ascertained and found tote fu 41 .per Jot; the ararage Mimuisut of badness tote Belct by the aforesaid a ipanlea was fooad to be tOMl. : a order ta iH mm hi proportloa it was fowMaeowawy present: Commissioners Knoll, Grove, Green and clerk. The following preamble and isolation were, on motion adopted : VHUUI, The aosetwed valuation of Sinai coontv. Nebraska, for the year 1S91 l but SS,944.84, a corrected by boara ji equalisation, subject, however, vo correc tion hv the clerk in ao far as clerical errors uiav appear. And Whkbsas, 15 mills levy on aaw,V44.S4 vui make IS.W9.17. And Wheeeas, The board of county commis sioners are only allowed to issue warrants tit the amount of 89 Der cent of said sum, or warrants for $7,6W.. And therefore Resolved, That the following items in the estimate of expenses for the year 11, vlx : District court expenses, salaries, sta tioaery, printing, institute, incidental ex peases, insane and poor fund, be reduced to come within the limit of 9 mills of the total assessed valuation of Sioux county for the year 1S91. And Resolved, That the estimate of expenses for indebtedness and interest as indicated by mandamus iu favor of the Bank of Har rison be reduced to the assessment of 4.7 mills on the dollar of the total valuation of Sioux county. And Whekeas, There being no material bene lit in levying one mill for road purposes ou account of the provision in the statutes that three-fourths of the same can be paid in labor performed and the majority of the in dividual valuations being small, on which t levy of one mill would amount to only a few cents, and the same being required to be di vided into several funds, and there being only one mill available for road and bridge purposes, and if the same be applied for bridge purposes it will be of more benefit to the county in general. Therefore be it Resolved, That the estimate of expenses for roads be stricken from said estimate. And Resolved, That the estimate for bridges be reduced to the amount of one mill on the dollar of the valuation of Sioux county. On motion the clerk be and he is hereby ordered to levy on the valuation of Boweu bond precinct the required number of mills on the dollar to raise the amount of (TOO for interest on court bouse bonds and 0300 for sinking fund for court bouse bonds. On motion the clerk be and he is hereby- ordered to levy on the valuations of the fol lowing school districts the required number of nulls, respectively, to raise the amounts for interest and sinking funds on school dis trict bonds herein mentioned, as follows : School district No. 37 (Dawes and Sioux counties) 117.50 lnteres, 15 sinking fund. School district No. 21 (Dawes and Sioux counties) 035 interest and 025 sinking fund. School district No. 16, 0S4.50 interest, 35 sinking fund. School district Nd. IT, t3S interest, 1100 sinking fund. School district No. 24, J8 interest, 30 sink ing fund. School district No. 22, 117.80 interest, 112.50 sinking fund. School district NO. 11, 121 interest, 30 sink lng fund. School district No. 7, 170 interest, t2O0 sink ing fund. School district No. 27, 135 interest, 025 gink ing fund. To produce county revenue for the year 181 the board made the following levy on valuation of tS99,M4.84: For general land 9 mills on the dollar. For bridge fund 1 mill 6n tile dollar. for special debt fund, as indicated By writ of mandamus in favor of Bank of Harrison, 4.7 mills on the dollar. For soldiers' relief fund a of a liilll on the dollar. On motion, minutes of session were read and approved. On motion, adjourned witutiut day. PBOCEKDIRGS AS A BOARD Or COMMISSIONERS. IlAEKisos, NED.; J vine 15, 1S91 Board of commiraioncrs met in regular session.' Present: Commissioners Green, Knott and clerk. On motion county clerk be and he is here by instructed to direct mechanic to repair roof on court boose, and arrange spouting so as to lend water away from wull of court house. . .... On motion board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, June 17, 1891, at 10 o'clock, a. m HXrkisox, Neb.; June if, 1891 Board of commissioners met as per ad Jonrnment. Present: Commissioners Grove; Green, Knott and clerk. Minutes of last meeting read, and on mo tion approved. On motion, board adjourned until Friday, June 19; 1891, at 9 o'clock, a. m. Harrison, Neb., June 19, 1891, Board of commission met as per ad Jounmient. Present: Commissioners Grove, Green, Knott and clerk. Mantes of last meeting readi and on mo tion , approved. Resignation of Robert Wilson as justice oi the peace of Bowen precinct; was taken up, and on motion, laid over until next meeting. On motion, the clerk be and he is hereby ordered to Issue warranto on the special debt fund levy for the following claims, as per order of the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska: X. J. Carroll H 0 6 00 Andrews ana hatteriee.. a vaeantlwrtuiialoto held by said aompa- r east aad. the faid moraasi wae aad , mads - ftt jaroage .yaae i lets held-oy ladl : tlMaale was foaad to be MM east the aver tjt- mqiswi t oa va nait eesjdgB nm mm iy Id tnmymari m tott jto be IK. I. teoirweJso liimiiiiiit of eat ei t wmiit of ladl titwM Boaad eeeeaary te haere (oh Tf I ramsi lots aeMby Jess C. Croasley Asa C Davli . Leopold ix-boti ArtliUr . Lllieijr --- William P. rittgeraiu John oavhart War rail W . Hail Franc kudulks - A. Ortou W. A. Snyder - J. aawrtiurger llaniei . Wooily- S. W. Oo.. C. H. Rigdon J. M. MerTineld Moses Aahenfelter R. E. Maasev. r. L. Morrison.. J. J. Klpp Peter Henry i I K. Be Weii- 8. B. Jones. Griswold 4k M arateller. J. W. Pratt 4 Joseph Decker Carlton Knotty John Deoeno. Solomon B. Story 4 it I a uu HlBRKSI-ONlirflTS: lUtoltlKR ATtl. I !!' "TAT K I.AW. Thornton f. v ood bridge. Henry A. W enz T.J. Bingav James Clark- W. Hunter Canton Knott F. if ot C. 11. Kijfdon C. E. scliilt T. IVimnur C. il. Weller Henry linnlige John l-cker , W. P. Fitzgerald Mary H liari John w'.'Hiiuter 1J j A. Hart J. W. Hunter George H. O'Kane Murpuv a oituey... Walter I'itt Gerhart RUeiudera W. R. Smith-, 3 l m 4 49 50 294 fit) 6 SO S 00 3 W i W 8 (10 4 on ,71, 13 . -, - . - - , ViasT KATluL BAaa.Oinaha. ' Ba a or I maio. t hadron, w- t Ul uu i Hi i Mi t (U U) i ttt t ou t Wl s ou 00 i as J 20 4 20 5 15 4 00 4 (III 4 50 5 611 00 2 10 2 OU S Oil a 00 10 oo 2 00 i lli V HOLMES. VK-E Pwwioest. JOHN A. LUCAS, PbesU'KNT- CHARLES R. VERITY, Osaict. THE BAllK OF HARRISON, OFFICIAL DI tCTOn X. KTATfcOIFil .g,. Juba M. Thayer, tovtru T. J. Majors J.C. Allen T II. Hen Urn , . " - , I,. , . I JubnE. Hill " e "WllJ I jUm., . ' WW KSTABLIPHEll l.j John F. Schulz Snltiinnn It. Storv I). W. Woody 24 00 J. B. Burke m H. T. Zprue 50 00 On motion, the clerk be and he Is hereby ordered to issue warrant on special debt fuud for the sum of !H.07 iu compliance with mandamus of district court of Sioux county, in payment of interest at the rate of 7 per cent from the date of allowance of claims as shown by exhibit A of said order. Grove and Knott voting for aud Green against. The following claims were audited and al lowed and warauts ordered issued on the general fund levy of 1881 : A. Rruirh. exitniiiiinir records of Sioux county. nu w 8. Paddock, supplies lor poor 6 00 W. R. Sin 1th A. Sou " " 1100 Milo O. Mauniuif " " 4 25 James Walpolcsunport of pauper 6 "i John A. Green, co. coin 30 40 Grant Guthrie, coal for pauper i ti Robert Uwu. to casn exueuuuu lor paune.r o oo Joseph liecker, deputy slntrin" service. 2 00 a. souuiworiii. co. u in-... . if t. L. Galpin, house rent for pauper 9 OO I). 11. hiiHou, " " - U 40 uaunnK coal ior pauper.:, iw O. J. Gowey, assessor, claimed 136.00, unoweu . D. A. i'ubiuw, asseMsor.- - G. W. Cobb, fcdwurd h.. Llvermore, ass!ssor John Serresi " . James II. Cook, HARRIS0, SEBB.SMA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $25,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Buys School Orders, County and Village Warrants, jylnterest Paid on Tjnie Ikfjwsits. Loans Money on Improved Farms. L. J. Simmons printing and stationery. On motion, board adjourned o'clock, a. ni., June 20, 1891. 20 00 ao oo 23 00 50 00 26 20 11 00 m as until e HARBISON, NEB., June 20, 1891. Board of commissioners met as per ad journment, Present: Commissioners Grove, Green, Knott and clerk. The following claims were audited and al lowed and warrants ordered Issued on the general fund of the levy of 1881 for same: Martin J. Frits, claimed I3C.00, allowed.! 00 t'has. U. Grove, co. com. servlccs-, 55 25 . 27 00 . 71 45 . 2H 00 . 51 00 . 36 00 . 45 00 7 60 Fred W. Knott " " John 8. Tucker, assessor lsom s. Mcintosh, " . John A. Green, co. com. services- 8. W.Hall, assessor . .- H. T. Coulev.exncnses B. 8. Paddock, supplies for poor 50 8. H. Jones assisting expert accountant. 54 00 L. L. Columbia, constable's in lees In duest case - . S 50 J. H. Ncwlin, Jury fees In Inquest 1 10 Julius Jenseiij " " 100 Emery Gllimirej . - 1 10 Ubrls. Hanson, " " 1 oo J. W.lliftenB, - ' - 8 00 8. H. Jones; Insurance on court house.. 120 OS Gorge Shafer, holding inquest 14 00 Charles .. V critv, insurance ou court House. - . ... iai James FariiNin, covering cistern S 75 A. E. Andrews, material for repairs on court house . . a 30 M. A. P. Spencer, attendance on oauner. 10 00 uuiana ncpuoiican rrnning Lxjinimny UUUU ..... .. ....... . 1 w Gnstav Schwur7.. cleaning court house. 5 00 Geo. J. shafer, medical services for poor ... 20 C. W. Smith, wood for poor. 6 00 Joseph Docker, dept. sheriff services 17 00 Kareert Konwer. meals lor prisoner 2 4 Graut Ghthrlc, coal for poor 7 80 couiuv uh hi 1. J. Simmons, printing 82 50 I, supplies for poor Conrad Llndeman, salary, postuge.ex peiises, etc 12iS HO ft, T. Conley, salary, first quarter 75 00 Tbos. Kcidy, slieriff's fees 16 00 17 05 i... 13 00 8 50 George shafer, medical treatment of poor 5 00 Griswold A Mars teller, stove and hardware.... ...... 48 40 James Clark, assessor 48 00 James Farnam, Janitor's fees 5 00 B. s. raoaocK, supplies ior poor 3 75 Carl Feyerherm, assessor ... 86 00 G. W. Hester, jury fees 6 40 8. B. Coffee. Wm. A. Blgelow Wm. K. Dove David Anderson Andrew Procunlcr lsom 8. Mcintosh Charles Bieble Peter Henry . , A. W. Nicholson Eggert Bokwer A. urton U.S. 8 20 6 110 0 60 11 60 10 10 8 50 6 90 8 00 10 08 6 10 7 00 900 11 60 8 00 7 00 9 00 6 50 7 00 9 60 6 10 6 601 4 7 90 26 40 BHWHIWI Sk BIOTT Theedare Trimbur. C. Todtenhaupt I SacaaetTebbet...... o. wun CharlceC, SchUt Jobs Melatostu. J.r.Kot..-., Join W. Hawter c. M. weue Job W. Renter. to 00 . 138 00 . 144 46 16 Ml . 10 15 00 . 4 60 . 4 60 . 9 00 . 4 60 , 400 . 24 00 . 6 00 . 4100 . 810 . too , 45 86 m 44 00 . 27 00 , 68 00 MOD . 400 . 000 i mm 0t . MM MOW M0 I It 10 Mil m o 40 000 Met MM ssK'l'43SttMd MtU Jaae tt, r3,s"Vil4a- O- riff n' s , " ' frr L.MeQrea .. mi iwnnsB., OavU Wfagwrlaud. J. B. aVarhe.. o: Hamaker " . Joseph Asbton " ,....... Joshua Baker . f ... John Bicedorff N.C Hatchings Payson Blgelow " I Chas. K. Schilt " George Brown ' . D. H. Griswold " Charles Brooks " Omaha Kepflblican Printing Co blanks. W. Herncall, supplies for poor... Charles Palmer, assessor claimed CU M Philip McCanii, asseaaorr-.t i 39 00 C J. HOsccrans, boarding Henry Cok- er, etc., claimed I00.... ., Clerk district court, fees Tbos. Heidy, sheriff's fees Charles E. Holmes, special deputy sheriff's fees I....... David Kendrix, witness fees . Thomas Loner " ........ George J. Shafer ." , Joseph Decker 4. Peter Shan" A. E. Gates " " Charles E. Holmes t' ... Julia Beeves " . George-Walker " Gertrude gtrickler " "... Hndolph Bradford " ... Dillard White . " ., ,. Henry Turner " ... . WlllUra e, OVerby ' Z i nos. ueiuy MacLachlan Cook, supplies for poor- 31 26 5 63 3 60 11 76 16 40 16 40 4 20 6 50 6 10 6 50 2 00 13 40 2 00 16 11 16 40 8 00 9 2 00, 27 41 1 66 14 86 31 91 00 E. Humphrey . K. Goody Hupt. Pnbl i. ""iy (JGyGRPWIOXAI. Itl.l,- C. V. Manderson IV w.. w- W.J. Bryan, Cotigreasuiaa l.t ih4 W.A. McEleghan, - . j. O. M. Rem. " i -' JlDltlARY; A i V.l.t. CI.!., .. . ntM 1F S. Maiwell Aaxorinto Ju.!K, I- Korval. Associate , i.ui iii..v-i,bhu IM-IK,rWr 14- 1 i TWELFTH JI D1C1AI. I.THiCT I M. P. Ktnkttld Jn.i . J . M .' ........ - it-si l I Inilriiiiin i-u.i. .. COVNTT OFFICERS: 8. Barker... ... t Conrad I.lndeman The 4th of JULY l i Will be Celebrated at Harrison. We Have Provided a Double Attraction By purchasing Smith's Stock of General Merchandise, and in vite all his old customers and lots of new ones to call on us tor Dry Goods, Gro-1 Series, Boots, Shoes, etc. Our Prit&s will be as low as the LOWEST, 6n everything we sell. , H HMtnj . , A1 I. A. nty )tJ A. Southwortli..... Thus. Ileldy (ieo. J. Khaler..... A. K. IM-v. -"i'i "''iicin.trnfyj w 5m,J Conrad l.lndrman....(1erk of IflttrictujJ A HOARD OK X)MMIiIuM.r.S; Clin. I". Grove, (-halriiiati) i i,,J . . .. . . V. Wi Knott ... , I.EGII.ATiVK; W . W lloii......renat'. Hist S.i. 14, CktJ Kl. I. Ib-oth Hep., Ilt. U nJ VII.t.A;K OKHCKIW; H. I.. K. Maine irlialriiianl TrtJ S. II. Jones (irant Gutnrie TliimiRH Keuly K. (i. Hough... n . ii. navt (.j (., Gulhrlit -.-Trni3 m'hoiii. omi i.iis . I. 11. Miilni! Hi Wllwm... Mi.lmii .. W. Hester Tn-jBin TEUMiiOK COI UT; niKinri (rmn, A I ifurriaon, eomintoM February lth and HeptJ'tnlier t-th, Idil lounty ( onrt, At iiiirnin, riiroiufd flrit Miiniliiv of each nitiiilh. ( IH KCIIK8 AMI SWM ll TIt:. M. y ( linri-li- rresrliliig fw-n aiurmg Miiiilny at lft;.(ri a. m., ami every Mimlaj fuJ lng at 7 .an. K. R. K. Komi t, Iv.ot EpUropal serttm-s at the church i id Frlil ay evening between Hie i tu ki days of each month, fonducUM by Rt.J ItiiU-ji. v nion sumiay iklKHil evry uihIsthi: tt-t". K. K. K. Hohk i.hj BlbUi -h-Ikh,! niM-t, v Die clnirrheaiiitcl 'lay afternoon at t o'clock. K C. 1. lUs.'t.TT,o We shall utill keep a complete line of Hardware GIiraOLD & I.1ARSTELLEH. Brant Guthrie, Lumber, Jokepk Benway.. . 1 oil JOSH W.HnnUf- la JO I nm . .., .,.,;. 41 1 goneisl m , , .., -, . ill B. ;;...- Mr V. M. M- - 10 o rrr- it "4 TTimrtr : 7 J- 4) ifr ii -i-ini,r.- :-.;-l:T."y.V t ; claimed 014.74- ..... A. K. Andrews, medicine for poor - una. K. Hoinies, attorney fees . US 00 H. M. Sullivan, attorney fees, claimed 1.00 - . - 100 90 On notion, the clerk be and he is hereby 1 in (true tea to purchae seven window car- tains ror court bonae. . . i On irotion, the clerk be. and b U hereby lnstmcted and ordered to add to the state' taxes of the coonty the aaaoant certlfled to clerk by auditor of state expenses or in mates from stonx county of Insane hospital 1 at Norfolk, ap to Jaly 1,1101. v. Claiih of A. . Andrews, f or M1 was exam-1 lned and referred back to claltaaat a same did not state for whom medicine was fur nlaned and by order of .whom. Clatm of Gorton Brothers Mr 014.11 was ex amined and referred baek te claimant, for nartl that same was sot ttemiasd. Oa motion, board adjoamed wlUont day. AOtJMti . C0s.C.Oot, OoonuBUnoMM, ., Caalnaan. time B. B. Bhewstf, c. IP. (Atee, President. M CHAS. C. JAfcresONi Ciinliier, Commercial Bank. 'fSOORPOB ATBO. j A. General Banking Business 'TRANSACTED.- HAHlflSON, NWAKA. -A5D Coal. Fremont Elkhorn -AND- Mo. Vallef (NORTHWESTERN LINE) -IIKTttKES- Harrison, Nebraska OMAHA, sioux City chic ago AND ST. PAUL And All Poinls in 11k- East, North, Souths West. Through Tichcts to ail Pointi - HfiKgiifTB checked tl Iitlnatiit. TtirotiKh Palace glwix-t bit-i-ii Mi! Valley and Iieailwood. J. C NfjHTriKiir. Airi'iil ILurison, VW H. O. Bi rt, J. R. Bi ciusaS, tjenl Stiriiuren Oen"l Phih. Ha,i OMAHA, NEB. 6 CJ1 O e 5 rrt so 43tBfl r 11 ATI 7 m B m9 i 2