The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 02, 1891, Image 2

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    " -w JferfVfc--'
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esalQaassassa eeaaaaaaaasi aaeaaaasaw -
L. J. SIMMONS Froprltt.r.
IhiKeUva 1'neuu Maidercrt.
Asscbt Park, N. Y., June 23. -De
teetive Frreman of Philadelphia, it is
thought, will not survive the injuria
he received Friday night at Spring
Like while trying to arrest a man there
who was believed to be Goodwin W.
Marb, president of the Kejstone bank
of Philadelphia, who is a fugitie from
mstica. J he cottace in which it was
supposed Marsh was hiding is owned
by bis intimate friend, Harry H. Yard.
District Attorney Graham of Philadel
phia had tn interview jr'tti. Freeman
last night, during which the latter said
he was sure Marsh had been at the cot
tage and that he saw him last Wednes
day on the beach near Como. He said
he did not arrest h.m then because be
was sure of bin game and thought it
would be better to take him in the cot
tage. It is believed that Marsh escaped
from the cottage by going through the
woods. Officers are scouring the sur
rounding country, and it is hoped that
the fugitive will be arrested before
A My.Urlu CM.
Denver, Colo., June 23. A myster
ious poisoning case has caused soma ex
ci ement here. C. B. Morris, proprietor
of a drug store in North Denver, left
his store about 7 o'c'ock Saturday even
ing, stating that he was going home.
II wrs next seen at the union depot,
where he boarded a Union Pacific bast
Loan j train at 8:30 p. m. Late Satur
day n'.ght his wife received a telegram
tt ting that Mr. Morris was lying dead
at Sterling, Colo. Mr. Morris, when be
left the store, was in the best of spirits
ane is known to have had 200 in his
pockets. After death only 15 csnte
was found. IPs domestic relations
were most pleasant and Mrs. Morris is
positive that her husband has been
murdored. The coroner's jury brought
in a rdict of death by oarcotic poison
arinistered by party or parties un
known She Deniee the Charge.
Chicago, June 23. Mrs. Barbara
vVeidman, the handsome young widow
of a north side tabacconist is under ar
rest on a charge of poisoning her hus
band, who died in May last with symp
toms of arsenical poisoning. The ixidy
of young Wiedmao has been exhumed
and the stomach is now undergoing
chemical analysts. The accused vehem
ently asserted her innocence .jBiid that
she will bring an action for slander
against her late husband's relatives in
order to prevent her from getting pos
sesion of some real estate which her
husband owned. She accounts for tte
presence of a box of poison in the bouse
where she lives by saying that sbe
oought it for the purpose of com mi t
t ng suicide, being driven to desperation
by her huBbaod's poor health.
Tin Jury Failed to Agree.
Devil's Lake, N. D. June 23. Agnes
Baldwin, on trial for murder, was re
manded to a cell Saturday night at 10
o'clock for a new trial, the jury having
been discharged because of no prospects
of agreement. They stood nine for
murder and three for acquittai. One
of the nine insists that the three favor, d
acquittal because they art Catholics.
The d";(3ant, it seems, has professed
to toe uatnoiic latin, f or many years
sbe was a Baptist. One of the three
Catholics became offended when such
a point was raised and threatened to
throw the offending juryman out of the
window if the subject was not dropped
A Case of Mlelaken Identity.
New York, June 23. Dolly Davis,
the well known variety actress, who, it
was reported, had committed suicide at
Croton Lodging, and who was decided
os a suicide by a coroner's jury at Sing
Sing, is alive and well. She walked in
to the World office and astonished those
present by announcing herself. She
declared that it was a remarkable case
of mistaken identity. The affair ia in
deed a remarkable one and many per
sons who knew her well indentitied the
suicide's remains as those of Miss Dans
at the inquest
Four Ilea Fall from a Billooa.
large balloon oelonging to Count
Spraxine waa being inflated with gaa, es
caped irom ine attendants who were
"""ng it to the ground and carried
upward four workmen who were in the
r' Then the balloon broke away. After
It. I'M. shaded to a great height, the
onivuaers were horrified to see the bal
loon burst and the bodies of the un
fortunate workmen dashed to the earth,
here they ware smashed beyond rec
A Datable Traao .
Wihstoh, N. C, June 23 A doable
murder waa committed in this city.
John Smith and Wilbom Walker got
into a difficulty with some unknown
parties near a disreputable house and
ought shelter In the house ' Henry
Oerns, a coWred man. They were pur
sued and fired upon, the first shot kilt
ing Mary Smith, who waa bat ween
Wauur un dm pureoer. Bmitb was
hot four time. Smith sad the worn.
m iisd iosUnVy. Tha naitaowa parties
bsniaanipad. '
EBr t& 'rmm atr, I u
tarm VnUA Mttting to twt for
lowfeya "Wttrt jtm gtrt m 4
kr ACarT tuft reddi
fcolJtr Ri t fctcy IBM salt
.Attars on Italian Laborer!.
St. Locis, Mo, June 21. A race riot .
, . - i
between llorer employed oy vuuau
lor Workley at Heman's camp at the
chain of rocks, a point about five miles
up the river, where the new waterworks
art being constructed, occurred be
tween 1 and 2 o'clock Sunday morning,
in which one Italian was dacgerously
subbed, twenty-two of Li follow coun
trymen driven from the camp, their
money and valuablts coctisticated by
the gang of Americacs and other labor
ers making the attuck and a race panic
inagurated. The riot was primarily
caused by the adveu into camp of a
lot of Italian laborers and the report
teat Contractor Workley had gone to
Chicago for more. AH Saturday a feel
ing of revolt against the eoiplo) nient of
Italian labor had ben gaining strectfth
and bit'erness. As soon as the laborers
were paid off in the evening tbey con
gregated at a saloon just outaide the
city limits where bad whiskey is dealt
io the men, who pass the time in ' gam
bling away their bard earned money.
About 1 o'clock Sunday morniDg the
gambling party rroke up and sixty or
more men, crazy drunk, started for
their sleeping quarters. On the way
over, a men named William R.
is alleged sprung the idea of "driving
cut the damned dsgoe." It took like
wild fire, and with muttered curses
against the Italians they hurried to
ward the camp.
''Damn the dagos." This was the cry
with which the attack b?gan on the
slaeping Italians. The drunken crowd
sprang into the tent amidst the hated
foreigners, armed with Blickn, clubs,
knives and whatever else they could lay
their hands upon. The fight did Dot
last long. The Italians were at great
disadvantage, and after a brief resist
ance they fled in terror, leaving behind
all their belongiDgs. They carried away
one of their comrades, named Catalize
Francis-'o, dangerously wounded by a
cut in tho breast which threatens to re
suit seriously.
The Italians made their way to this
city, where tbey reportel the matter to
the police, and Francisco was taken to
the city dispensary', where his wounds
were dressed.
At the camp their departure was Al
lowed by a Bcene of pillage. Their va
'tses, bundles and packages were broken
open and the contents taken posesaion
of. The police at once began a rigid in
vestigation and tiie following arrests
re re made: E Iward Manly, John II
Jones, Michael Cub ill, William It. Blair,
William C. Brooks, Fred Reader and
Joha Spiller.
These men prof eta ignorance of the
attack upon the Italians and say they
were awakened by a commotion and
merely aided in driving from the camp
the diturbers of their slumbers. One
of trie assaulted party, however, has
identified tw? of the men arrested.
Italian Consul Dominico Ginnochio
ia indiy&ant over the attack ou his
countrymen and will doubtless enter
into a preliminary correbpondence with
his government on the subject. He h .
demanded of Chief of Police Ilairingan
protection for the Italian and also an
immi,ute investigation of the riot.
Indian Trouble.
sgtok, D. C. Jnne 25. Inter
ior and war department officials
are not a little disturbed over the re
ports telegraphed bj General McCook
of the threatened Indian troubles in
northwestern Arizona. It has been
known for some time that many of the
old men of the Moquis tribe were bitter
against the government school system
ia operation on their reservation, but
there had been no fear of hostilities, un
til the dispatches were received. There
are st least 4,000 men on the Navajo
reservation and as the majority of tbem
are young bucks an outbreak among
them would be serious affair. This
reservation adjoins that of the Moquis
snd it ia known that they are also dis
contented over the school question.
The war department has telegraphed
General McCook to vake prompt and
vigorous atepe to prevent an uprising.
An Vgly 1'og.
Tlie Iowa State Con veutlon N'
itiates lfora-e Holes f.r
Second Term. '
I glared the numiuee
ed that Go "" l"
ty erc!aa.a-
A Mamiturtn Sprlug.
The largest arid most wonderful
.r,.,r of fresh water in the world ia on
r.t t n'.hu.lHm. aad Prophe.i'
Greater Tb ne for the I-ter ! 'e
luaa Ueluoeracy.
.. 1m rlae'ssid the
. e 1.5".' tUrttg
ui.urritied d'
. . i ,1. I,.,l,a ID the UOire f.amrT.
rusLtth. enthusiasm by raw "' . .pouted from this gigantie Mtural
.v -,.-.. I t.ndrVU!e'- U I t UI'U 1
lUfll leua 1
A uld Lanugo 1 about 70 or U V-
chair. lhv Coast of Florida in Hernando
frtuntr The w akeoweeli Hier, a
eiuocrsu aroae to their ' rearu Urge enough to float a
il.a lioira ia made eiilireiv 01
i ihi i nam Mat .
Che ousts
-. i ....... i,
ineu.i.ur r ... tk.t
meut -f the cnairmao wh timre anaiyieu ii
nominee ' t,rr,s u n.l a trace of orgauic inauer
never heard S mid in iU cjUiiK.tioll, and that It la the
tmh the fami.iar melody ro,wt pure and frvsh of any spriait in
opera house where the convent on 6 1 caliej forlh. I Ad erica. A dune toasMl lii-o ute
held was beautifully decorated anu io i fc of f UCM Dom,n- s.,rillg en be seen lying " """ui
OdTCMWA Iowa June 2 !.-Tbe CracJ
aoi tue BLnouccm
I- at Loies k the uunm t'
of the convention as i
ers at
Lo..o, Mich., June 26 Mrs. James
Parinh of this city had a terrible exper
ience with a ferocious bulldog. In at
tempting to drive the animal away from
a passer-by he bad attacked, she waa
set upon by the brute, who jumped at
her throat Mrs. Parish's left hand
was badly bitten. The dog's teeth were
driven entirely through her left hand,
and the lower portion of her right arm
below the elbow waa chewed to a pulp
in her efforts to keep the dog from her
throat. The pluoky woman finally got
bar ban'' into tho brute s mouth, and
grasping the tongue, bald on. The ani
mal noon beoaoaa xhanated and gave
up the struggle and was killed. It is
feared that he waa mad. lira. Pariah
ia suffering severely.
Trie to Wreck the las Ksprees
Naw Yoke, June 26. The fact leaked
out in PlaiofWd, N. 3. that an attempt
was made last Sunday night to wrack
the (art Baltimora and Washington a
prM train on tha Oatral railroad of
New Jersey near raawood. Beth maim
tnok. were piled bisk with railroad
tkm The trait WW stopped jost la
time to pmeae horrible aeoideat,
The attsesai m wjaoeod to km
Ue work of trams.
the right of the chairman huus tt-
motto: -Public Office is a public
Trust," wile to the left was susp uJed
the injunction: "No Backward Step '.n
reference to the Free Silver Piar,k of
the Democratic Platform of Last Vear."
The convention opened with praper.
At the conclusion of the prayer Major
Burges delivered an address of welcome
and extended the freedom of the city
to the delegates.
The chairman of the state central
committee introduced Walter U. Butler,
congressman from the Fourt1; district,
as the temporary cha'rman, wno made
a short but very eloquent speech.
The central committee for the ensu
ing year will be as follows: First con
gressional district, Charles Fuller; Sec
ond, Fred A. Fisher; Third John J
Dunn; Fourth, M. J. Carter; Fifth
Jotn Baum; Sixth, J. E. Levers;
Seventh, Edward H. Hunter; Eighth,
vV. E. Lewis; Ninth, T. II. Lee; Tenth
Jamea Taylor; Eleventh, A. Van
After the announcement of the vari
ous committees the convention ad
journed to 1:30 p. m.
Immediately after the meeting of the
convent:on in the afternoon W. 11. M
Pursey of Council Bluffs was selected
as permanent chairman amid cheers.
Pursey was escorted to the chair and in
troduced, and made an address.
After the speech by the permanent
cLairman the formal reports of the com
mittees were received and adopted and
the nomination of state officers declared
in order.
Colonel Clark of Cedar flapids nomi
nated Boies for a second gubernatorial
term. His speech was an eloquent one
and was loudly cheered throughout.
"As our candidate for governor in the
approaching campaign" aaid he, there
is but one name in the hearts of Iowa
democrats, as there is but one name on
he lips of their delegates in the stale
convention assemu.ed. Ine most 8i tu
ple and direct announcement of it is the
most eloquent and most forcible. It
is tha name of our present fearless and
peerless magistrate, Horace Boies.
Great applause. He has discharged
every duty with sincerity and purity of
purpose, unquestioned honesty, rugged
and mauly co'diage, and by those traits
has endeared himself to all citizens of
all classes and h11 parties, ia spite of
coarse and brutal abuse which has as
sailed h'ji. Cheers. That people will
so aval1, themselves for another two
years is only left for the convention to
declare, by ratifying the enthusiastic
and uniuttuenced peoples' choice and in
ecibing on our banners as our candi
date for governor, the tailsmanis name
of Horace Boies Cheers. The work
of legenerating is athacd and in thia
work first and foremost is practical
temperance, and interest of good mor
als in regulating and controlling the
avils of strong drink, as against that
maudl n eentimentality which can unite
itself with brawling disorders of an un
restrained and unrestricted traffic, be
cause there is a law against it of auch a
ruthless and draconiaa severity that its
partial enforcement is brutalized and
revolting, acd its widesp,rad lod -en
forcement still carries the threat of
band of outlawry or legalized blackmail,
a demoralized factor in all directions
and in every community where it exists.
Who can better carry forward thia re
form than Horace Boies, the total ab
stainer, wbo stands as the exponent o
most enlightened sentiment and experi
ence upon this question as voiced by
the overwhelming preponderance of all
political parties in our sister oommon-
weeiiM. ltieers.J I nominate for
governor Hon. Horace Boies." Ap
plauee and cheers.
It was at the conclusion of Colonel
Clark's brilliant address that the most
eninusiaauo incident of the day oc
curred. Just as the final woida were
spoken an invisible device from behind
the scenes was touched and a huge bun
ner suddenly dropped into sight, dis
playing the portrait and familiar fea"
turea of Governor Boieg. The effect
was inuantaneous upon the audience.
una mignty cheer arose and a Colone
warn lurned with a graceful gesture to
we portrait and ia,i "Democrat, aa
lute your chief" the enthusiasm was al-
una wunoui Dounds. Mayor
ui uavenport seconded
m tuuiiuation or Uovernor Boles
auu m aiiuaing to the l0w, letdr f
one whowaadirtinedtoanlaceon ths
national tioket again aroused a deafen
ingenthumoftbecoovention. Bar.,
ator J. H. Shields of Dubuque, who had
toe honor of first nominating Boies for
thegovernorehip two years ago, al-o
aeoonded the nomination.
in 1802," .aid he i. conclusion, "and
. i . i i ..1.1 itt it fViuiM. nf nm
aled for lieutecant governor me uwv M puiiuy as u w
. . . ..... K.m-I vtr The steamer which
cratic camliuaic -i iwo jeoi. iuiuuku - -
uel J Be.t,jw of Chariton. There was ; lnakM r,g,,Ur excarstou inps up aiiu
a disposition to make lieetow the Domi- dovl the Wekowechee fs often floated
nee by teclamation. but there were cries hlt0 t,. ravitr of the ipring. but Call
of -Whiting. Whiting." and Mr. M;l!er ,l0t be nude to stay in the center, as
of On roll finally also placed in nomin- tj1(. (ur,-e of the rising w afer forces it
tion for lieutenant governor, EC. Whit-' t0 the sides of the biislit. The spring
ir.g of Monona coucty. Instantly IUp- Bn(1 a res of land adjoining be
rseDtative Kelly of Sioux City protet-' loUK, to Chicago t apiulist. who
el aaa.nst Whiticg being drswn inlo an! making It a j.leasure resorL-St
the contest. He lead a letter from that
L-ectleman in abich the Btroog desire
Louis Republic.
The "Motion" a Urggar.
Fulton ine time went to see a per
netual motion muchine, having a friend
ana tlnraaned that big UllDt be not
mentioned in the convenPon since it hat
been apparent that he could not be nom
inated without opposition. Ai a per
sonal friend of Whiting, ths Siou City
delegate requested that bis name be
.. ;ti MllUr fl..i.llv withdrew
thenouiinatioc. Samuel J. Bestow of u-e recumua:
tive spied and slowness wnicn aimays
with him. After sitting ana listening
and looking Intently for a few minutes,
Fulton's wii&itivcly accurate ear and
ee told him that the machinery showed
Chariton viae then nominated by socls
matioo for lieutenant governor and re
turned thanks in a brief speech.
For the offi of supreme judge
there was a sharp contest. Hardly had
the nomination teen declared in ordsr
beforea mammoth wreath was sent to
the state, beariBg the inilials B. B. B."
I'he initials (uggeated the name Boies,
Bestow tnd Brannan, the ticket of tao
years bi;o, and was intended to stam
pede trie convention to William P.
BrHDnao of Muscatins for supreme
judge. It failed in its immediate pui
pose, however, for no lees than four
Keuliemen were placed in nomination.
Hon. Injimin Hill, ex-congreman
and ex coiniijiBijioner of pi.teot', nomin
ated L CCinne of Tarns count); John
E. Craij:, mayor of Keokuk, nominated
Henry 'Janks of Keokuk; D. P. Slubbs
of Fan field nomiiisted F. E Burton of
Wapello county, and C. W. Van Home
of Muscatine and CongTeeeruan Hayes
of Clinton nominated William F.
Brannan of Muscatine. The roll waa
IbbD called and L. V. Kicne as nomin
ated on ihe first bl!ot, the ote being:
KinneC18,'t'; Brannan, 117!; Burton,
UV4; Backs, 7G. Ou motion Kinney's
nomination was made unanimous.
For superintendent of public Instruc
tion the candidates were J. J. Kooepler
of Allamakee :ounty, 0. J. Tylander of
Powethiek, W. S. WiJsoo of Sheldon
and S. F. Fiegler of Bremer. William
A. Croati, president of ths western nor
mal college, who has been the unrelent
ing opponent of the American school
book trust, withdrew from the contest
on sccouotot SSimuel L. Bestow of the
same congressional district having al
ready been nonlinsted for lieutenant
uovernor. The roll being finally celled
J. B. Knoepler was nominated on the
first ballot.
Candidates for railroad commiseionsr
were Peter A. Dev. Johnston county
Mil hael Gray of Pocahontas, and L. I).
Hotchkissof Davis county. Dey au
nominated on the first ballot.
All l.lerf l
1 .
carried iutot k,
iiiatallatioii ever
lm mediately after
port the Cre4lu fl
allowed ou b-.arl jN
great surprise and
One things tlwy
and were Ueligi.ted
When night rarr w'
electric lights w-raTj
"lieu with anUjhishifiJ
were shown tin-
atora, torpedoen, etc, 1
believed Uie foreUnl. J
wiUithedevlL AnaLi
to press a buttiim,
Heard ringing at adit!
the whole-company toy
pan 01 the ship to
la 1-1 1
iu r niuing 1,0 on tw.
attribute the plieuoBMJ
ueni-e mat Hit tvU
the Teasel.
ientturra io Hard Labor fr Life.
Sak Fkaxciw-o, Cau, June 20. -I he
trial of Tsuda Sanao, the Japanese po
liceman who assaulted the czarowitch
resnlted in finding the culsrit guilty of
-u u.omiUI aiiempi to commit
murder and a sentence of life imprison
ment tt hard labor was imposed.
- -"""'s". ' vjrwoe, wno was in
strumental in saviug the life of thelius
iw prince imperial arrived here on the
steamship Gaelic. When questioned
.eguruing uie anair, Prince George
modestly replied: "Oh, it was nothing;
the fellow made two strokes at the
czarowitx-h and I caught both blows
wan my walking stick." Hs goes from
here to Copenhagen and will theno8
proceed to St. Petersburg, where he
hopes to join the czarowitch who is pro
ceeding overland from Vla.liw.i3ck
through Siberia to the JlUMiM c,p,ul
Japanese newspapers comment f reel,
on the case of the policeman who au
temptad to kill the czarowitch and bo
-ssntenced to life imprnm.nt.
Ihe sentence is regarded by lua Dre-.
ss disposing of, he plea of insanity .od
confirms the opinion that the
was actuated by. Uliefwrn-nonlZo!
y native, that U,s czarowitS
purposewMUimsksamlliUry io '
"on of Japan in pursuance of ftj
aggress ve tactic. 0
A Wllnr u e 1 lg Tredr
Cot.CMBLH.o.. June 2C.-Th.
has nearly el,.-..j . ' lV
the 'tn
.ki. -"-'ana will til
" "iiernoon. Dr
hooonduoUdth. iuiop.. ST10?'
Ueshes. testified u to th. fT. W' Lfc
oped. He wm all. I- U d,l-
lhstrag,dy n..h?,r wiM to
'obor.tedbythi.wilDtW,,,Ul jr W"
uWi: the
rfthetrsTr.VJ ?bltn Part
that afur iUrf4 V2. A.4
nd Pat had a wJrTL 'S0! "
follow. U, the very heart- YZZ 3 Jffift 3 la.'
-ww ai I , IProlong., JZ&J
comes from a crunk turned by liana.
In spite of the opition of the en
raged exhibitor, Fulton and his friend
seized the machinery, jerked away tho
table it stood 011, found that a cord led
through one leg and away under the
floor, and following the tract info the
back yard they found the "motion a
venerable beeenr seated on a sUrfil-
munching away at a crust and grinili..
away at a crank.-Chicago Jk-rald.
Cigar Anile Good Tor Heartburn
A geiitleuian, who is a very heavy
smoker, did a )eculiar thing in my
prcu-nce the ether day. lie knocked off
a portion of the white ash at the end of
bis weed into his hand and without
more ado swallowed It I naturally
aaked the reason for this remarkable
performance, and, to my surprise,
learned that it is a sure cure for the
heartburn which some times overtakes
the devotee! of tobacco. Not being
afflicted iu that way, I did not care to
try the remedy, but hasten to com
municate it to my fellow smokers.
My informant waa atone time engaged
In the cigar importing business, and
was accustomed to teat cigars hy the
score. He informs me Hat he learned
the cunoui fact in question in Cuba,
where the remedy is habitually used by
the Don's wbo breathe as much to
bacco smoke as the do air. New York
Ill" 1 Coo m Mute.
A gentleman who Is not so young ns
be was once, says the Youth's Com
panion, recalls with amusement Borne
of his experlnres while keeping school
In certain rural districts, It seems to
him long, long ago. Accustomed as he
was, to the comforts and reQnerneiits
of a well kept house, he found It difll
cult to adapt himself to to the peculiar
system of housekeeping in vogue in
the district where lie taught.
At one of his boarding place he was
given an uncarpeted and untidy little
liedroom on the ground floor of an old
farm house, very much out of repair
because of the shi fthsstntm of iU own
Ushered Into this uninviting room,
nnd being told to make himself Tight
to home," the young Uat tier, tired and
homesick, went at once to bed, nnd
waa almost asep when he heard a
sound as of some one moving about
unuer tne bed.
He was not a very brave voim man
and felt himself poorly prepared to
cope with a possible desperado. For a
long time, therefore, he lay perfectly
mice more he heard the uoiee. He
could bear the suspense no longer. He
got up, lighted his candle, and knelt
down to look under the bed, which ha-t
an old fashioned valance of purple cal
ico around 1L Hardly had he liftl
this valance when the concealed foe
maae a furious onslaught upon him.
aum-aeu mm heels over head
bruised him badly.
ihe candle was put out and the
frightened teacher roared lustily for
help. In rushed the farmer a.iH ,U
wife, to discover their guest sprawling
on the floor, while his foe stood in a
corner of the room, shaking bis head
delinately, as if he meditated a second
tu -35 "?
full a,,mal under Uie uS!"
fTlniing hi a very sympathetic man
mt; nwas only our old LjUy-goeL I'd
laeoedln this room, lie wouldn't
havetoucbed you if you'd JSSrWl
ntlou to him. Git lick under that
you rascal, and lay .till!"
He gave the rial a n.t l .
and it dUaD.a"rr ., r.VJT m'
Tlie r7nZ Ul WfW iNkird
W f v tn
aru 1. rM.
WlMNeverp.y--Why doo. paw look
o glum,maw y Did the bank be keep,
lui money In fail r
Mrs. Nev.rpay-Woree, The htnk
u upposed to keep hit motar in
didn't faa-Oood N.wi
attempt to jut vnt tlJ
bell bv crisiin," iu J
their hands, Imping a
on the evil one who u
freaka for their artiii.
trie primer, inunered
water, waa surrounded
dirty deiiizem, uf tht
while aiiotlu r native w
a button at a tarns,
primer explidnl,
over the surprised p
looking elderly into tie
Some incandescent
ered far down intotl
I I.I. . 1:1..
nig sutiueiity ligniHl,
near, the iiativ -s wertfilan
BP'l wlthct't f'r ptltg ti
gar tied aa an uniMrUK
anatomy of the evil ijcii
scrambled ovt r il.e i:Ji
and hurried nnnyfroit
the Trenton. M. Iuijr
New York's OIdI
The oldest hout in N'ni
No. 122 William itrrt. il
iu ltt2, during which wr
tion oiened tip the ttm
Wall and Fair itrwti fi
now called l'uiton street
sold by the city and of tkl
the purchase r-juired lit
erect btilltliiip; tlicreoiiota
not less than two i'.utih
house was built of tiarrof It
brought over from IIoDj
and laid in an imira
! which is h hni J foda
On the ground iintnt-d
the bouse waisln'tl the a
the levoliition. This wji
offiolden Hill, which s
montis before lie U1
About eighty iiu-iiiUTSof'J
regfwent of foot Hritiiii
tluir position on the hi
the;o!dfii Hill, hicha
the block now bounded l
John. Fultmi and fluid
.k.,a ..f 1 ilu-Hv llILltiW
muskeU and pistols idi
the hill determined to disjsj
diers and make tln sn priw
waa shod on both sidrs
wnm hot thronh the tail
M-lisajid five mlihi-w f,B
Hie house
before and
tavern. Amoi
U'uMl,iiwrtii l!:iroii SUU
l'utmaii and Lafayette.
livesol'lii-w iraj
m usi d s
during t.'ie r"
nong its palromwf
A llliii'l .lml!
One of the players nJ
folded and seated at the ft
the room. Km-h of Ue oUl
led in turn, and,
them, the blinded one bum
ment regnrding tliem.
ment Is probable tlnWF,
up must be blindfoldel UJ
not he pays a forfeit f J
son it brotwht up until K
rect guess. For J
gardlng tliis prisoner
Juilire-IIfi must fi"f
stand Cermaii. aiidU8"
scarcely speak. J
. ...1 1. rmlf
(Question uaiwj
-..,tl.. Una tinsuiilT '
ru. ream
Judge 1 nat uo "
from "Hanih t-
wbo doesn't yctkuow
Question- Imt
Bardinf tblf prison"
1 t
lw W la' HI
hae the honor of J
h.lniaMt and delitTlt0 .j
.al W-' .
weaning jo". ' 1
rtDoeyoudid the J
know cheap
1 ' Minm
. .... t.
It is
; i j'
ner? J
. .. l.l mat
Judge- He must
kin "".ji
r . . 1...' 1 mi
dat Job so bad u ( g
took me twice
, it tV m ' i"";".'" ''1'
'silt' . ' ' "l
,: xi, t
oh. - i
.--' "o