The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 11, 1891, Image 5

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I ' We are six in fatu-
lorat iiy. c " "
rl:u-e wncrc an
"oxas. t.iect to violent
Colds and Lung
Troubles. I lave
rnnn Cyrup for cis years
,1U- for Sre Throat, Leu;,h,
I,unj.i. ana spiumg up
1 Vive tried mat y difier-
, of c i-a f yrups in my
t i.iLay to anyone want
ur.uiicine Ormnr. Syrup
t T!u:t lias U-en my ex
If you use it once, you
Luck t" it whenever you
It "ives total relit f ami h
Inire. i-iy 'W v. "
tin with I.t;ag irouuicMS
Yon will foou be con
lu all the families where
we nave iw
. John
e wiiu
kt all. It
ine fortnu
A' ue'fr.VVoc il -irr.N.l.
r V t II We want Ihe name and id
drrtaol evcrv sufferer in tha
rUII ft U,S and Canada. Address,
11mA nr.ui.r.i.iimf
(1 215
svititi mruxi
Waia A, Caleat
Eye U llusla-s.
mmy, less go in her an' ask
he don't want 'in sidewalk
lain' no use. Ho wants der
lis where 'tis."
nebody might fall down and
at It. Dli man's a doctor,
fc, iionruMieaft, ami nre
'llrawn'i Uronchtal 1 rochet
kliate relief.
1 Wuu is a MaUM'Hijel.nlaa,
itlical honors multiply for
Miss Julia Ranpicourt. of
.Australia, took honors in
French at Melbourne uni
the aire of 10. Mow. at the
, in the examination for the
ivisionof the Victoria civil
tli It! competitors, the dili-
ig lady secures 492 marks out
1bk DOJ iu mathematics the
ink ever taken In such a coin-
She hopes to take her degree
and to study law. Harper's
apontaneuut, enibtisUon.
The support of the much disputed
theory of spontaneour combustion
have received fresh grounds of beUef
from the case of Milton llardcastle of
lUUiiniore, w hose remains were recent
ly found nearly consumed in his shanty
on tlie outskirts of that city, says the
miladelphla Times. Hardcaste was
an old negro of uuknown age, enjoy
ing a small monthly income left him
some years ago by his former owner,
Colonel Kustaoe Hardcastle, and which
w-'iii almost entirely for whisky. It is
said that the negro consumed a gallon
and a half a day, and would of teu buy
and drink the pure alcohol in large
quantities, often for days at a time
partaking of no other nourishment
He lived all alone, being of singular
ly taciturn aisposition, so mat it was
some days before he was missed, but
his shanty was, observed to remain
closed and search being instituted, he
was found in his bed, burned nearly
to a crisp, while the mattress and
clothes were only slightly scorched.
The room was in perfect order and
uo trace of fire was found on the
hearth, which was swept clean, and as
Hardcastle was known to have been
unique among negroes Is never smok
ing, the whole affair seemed shrouded
in mystery. Dr. Everhardt was called
upon by the authorities to make an in
vestigation, and gave it as his opinion
that it was a case of spontaneous com
bustion. In this he has been supported
by several other prominent physicians,
who agree in declaring the clrcum
stances admit of no other explanation.
No Property In Iogs.
Louisville Courier Journal: Every
owner or a dog, no matter whether it'
be a l,ouo German mastiff or a pup of 1 m&
Mortillet, iu a paper read
Our Domestic Dojr.
The varieties of the domestic dog
have lately been discussed by French
j . . mm uaiurajiBUi. in. vj. uc
I W (u-u-ri ia tin i ii - .1 1
,.-.. 7 "-w- MortdleLiua paper read before the
u vy j uuge j acswu yesterday, thit
no orooertv can exist, in i(m niou.
Frozen 0,000 Feet Deep.
For many years scientists have been
perplexed over the phenomeha of a cer
tain well at Yakutsk, Siberia. As long
ago as 1H28 a Russian merchant began
to sink this noted well, and, after work
ing on It for three years, gave it up
a bad lob. having at that time sunk it
to the depth of thirty feet without get-
tiiiB throush the frozen ground. He
communicated these facta to the Rus-
nian Academy of Science, which sent
men to take charge otthe digging op
perations at the wonderful well These
!ientillc irentlemen tolled away at
their work for several years, but aban
ioned it when a depth of 882 feet had
been reifched. with the earth still froz
en as hard as a rock. In 1813 the acad
emy had the temperature of the soil at.
the sides of the well taken at various
depths. From the data thus obtained
;her came to the starting conclusion
;hat the ground was frozen to a depths
jxceeding 6,000 feet. Although it
Unown to meteorologists that the low
st known temperature is in that re
gion of Siberia, it is conceded that not
aron that rigorous climate could force
frost to such a great depth below the
surface. After (Iguring on the subject
for over a quarter of a century, geolog
ists have come to the conclusion that
he great frozen valley of the Lena
River was deposited, frozen Just as it
is found to-day, during the great grind-
ng up of era of the glacial epoch.
registertd according
they be properly
to the stale law.
The decuion was given in the case of
John Doubler, who was charged with
stealing a mastiff belonging to John
Doewer, and valued at Sluo, and selling
him afterward to Theodore Schwartz
for 810. When the ease came up in
the circuit court yesterday Judge Jack
son gave peremptory instructions for
acquittal on tlie ground that there is uo
property in dogs unless they have been
properly registered. Both state and!
city licenses had beeu paid on the ani-!
mal,but Judge Jackson held that this'
did uot constitute ownership.
1 he result of the case aroused a good
deal of excitement among dog owners
ia general and the members of the fish
and game club in particular. They
claim that this decision leaves their
pets at the mercy of thieves, and ar
rangements have already been made to
carry the question to the court of ap.
peals. Their attorneys say that the
question was settled in the case of the
Commonwealth ainiinst Ilazelwood.
1KH1, Kentucky reports, where it was
held that do were propurly lu depend
ent of registration. The statute of
1H15 makes dogs assessable and taxable
and they claim that this constituted
them property. Another point they
make is that the general statutes use
the word "owner" in the clause making
him liable for all damage done by his
The general opinion that China and
Japan are a long way behind the other
nations iu point of civilization and pro.
gressive measures is due to lack of
knowledge upon the subject. It is true
that in many things they are behind
some of the other nations, but in others
they are far in advance. For instance
the Japanese Government adopted the
postal savings bank system several
years ago and it is now working sue
cessfully. In this country this matter
is just being discussed. There are
other matters equally progressive
which have been acted upon by these
countries, which have as yet only been
talked of here.
Anturopological hociety of fans, as
suming from negative evidence the
non-existence or the dog in tlie earlier
Quaternary epoch traces his preseuce
onward from the shell heaps in Den
mark, in which he considers at length
the evidence that can be advanced of
the existence of several varieties of the
dog among the Egyptians, and later on
among the ancient Greeks and Romans,
and in the fact that the innumerable
varieties of cauis domesticus, the au
thor believes we have one xt the most
conclusive proofs of evolution. Messrs.
Winder and Humphreys have also
read a pajr before the Zoological Soci
ety of Loudon on some cranial and
dental characters of the domestic dog.
based on the results of tho measure
ments of a large number of dogs' skulls
of various breeds. Its object was to
ascertain whether cranial and dental
characteristics afforded suilicient in
formation to permit of a scientific
classification of the breeds, or would
throw any light upon their origin
"The conclusion so far arrived at was
that inter-breeding had been so exten
sive and complicated as to make it im
possible to distinguish the variou.-
forms scientifically from the characters
examined." A. D. Rartlett, the vet
eran keeper of the Zoological Gardens,
of London at a later date brought be
fore the Zoological Society some obser
vations on wolves, jackals, dogs and
foxes. His remarks tended to show
that all the varieties of domestic dog
owe their origin to wolves and jackals,
and that tlie habit of barking has been
acquired by and under the influence ol
domestication. Ho also maintained
thai the dug is the most perfectly do
mesticated of all animals
Kliotriu Lights and Eyesight
l)r. John A. Payne, oculist says:
'Most persons who use tlie ineaudes
cent electric light like a new lamp be
cause tlie light is whiter and more bril
liafit than after the lamp has been in
use fof two or three weeks. This is
urong. It is the dazzling white light
that harms tlie eye. An old lamp is
Lhe best, foi i i these the light has be
come changed to a pale yellow, which
is the ideal color. Just as in noonday
brightness human sight is not so clear
ii'd far-reaching as at the yellow sun-
iet, so a new incandescent burner is
lot so k-o for the eye as an old one.
n old burner so adjusted and shaded
:hat the light from it does not shine iu
the face, is the ideal artiliciai light An
treand cas-burner comes next Tne
use of the arc light should be confined
o street lamps, home storekeepers
ii ill use them, but they are terribly
:iur ful to the eye. This is because the
ntensity or tlie hunt is constantly
changing, and this jumping of the
ilaze is iniicn worse tor me eye than
he Dicker of the gaslight. have had
ccasion to treat a great many people
for inllammation ot me retina
y the light of are lamps. St.
While Brazil was in the throes of
revolution her Immigration agents
were passing from point to point in the
United States and telling people what
a peaceful, law aUdlng country it was,
and how they wanted the i'ankee to
come over there and show'em how to
farm and do business.
mo lioines differ Oao has rea-
m, another has cot Om has
another has not. One has
, born of success another
nke it for granted that a 1 pa-
iwues are alike. They are not.
with of uninterrupted success
mm of ihoufanda of cured and
.en and women, placo Dr.
ioidon Medical Dieourery and
M ravonte Prencriotion on
til tho (oniDarison to which
tK- And there iao't a state or
no -nor hardly a oounlrv in
f, whether it people realizs it
li' have men and women in
I're happier because of their
j and their effect.
of this in health. Think of it
E. And then think whether
Ifurd to make tlie trial if the
tm afford to take the riakto
lur money back, aa they do,
pot benetit or cure you.
oianmry art M aJiofaay.
year 1597 one of Sir Waltei
p ships in m expedition against
fes, put in at Trinidad for re-
Ihe workmen need the fliat
iat came to hand, and ithan-
be the now famous mahogany.
cf ident it was tint introduced
Viand, where it was much ad
u it uia not become an article
Pierce until a centurv later.
kn it baa held flrat rank as a
maker's wood-Golden Days.
f!e cam of Tartar Powder.
fr to ivopw nhp Vnnam.
in Millions of Horaet-
4 Years the Standard.
c GrUdk CWaUUbS
A recent microscopical study by
Herr Schultz of the skin of toads and
salamanders has yielded some interest
ing results. There are two kinds of
glandf, mucous and poison glands. The
former are numerous over tne wnoie
body, while the latter are on the body
and limbs, and there are groups in tne
r nxrinn behind the eye. and In the
salamander at the angle of the Jaw.
The poison glands are, of course, pro
tective, and the corrosive juice is dis
charged differently in toads and sala-
mnnlra on stimulating electrically, in
the latter it ia spurted out in a flue jet
sometimes more than a foot in length;
u iir.M In the toad after long action
of the current, it exudes sparingly in
drops. There is no reason for auppoa-
iiurtimt. the mucous Kianaa uecome
An Astec L'lty.
Another forgotten Toltec or Artec
city has been discovered in Mexico. It
is located among the mountains of the
state of Vera Cruz, and does not seem
to have ever been visited in modern
times exoept by Indiana Some of the
buildings are four and Ave stories high.
and the cornices and windows aresaiu
fully worked out The buildings are
frescoed in colors that appear as bright
as if Just put on. Many inscribed slabs
of stone are found.
Eight years ago a Sacremento worn
. ' " A . t renin a dollar. The tramp
...i..,,..nil went to work, accumu
laUd a fortune of $15,000, and, dying
k..ihdAr. left all his estate to his
benefactress. Tramps should cut this
out and show It to the lady of the house
wbea they apply for assistant.
... m certain as the ordinary
lottery, M the tramp might scoop in a
dollar now and tnen.
Mm.Rrm,oflthode Island, widow,
wanted to prove her lovo for Charles
V "l" .JL L rhe therefore put
mmniaitnliis hands to keep l
' A. . uu last heard of among
"he windmills of Holland. They won t
Jow hlm back until he has squandered
all the money,
Mr. Gladstone's new word, """ast,"
whteta recently used In driblnf
A-iA I. severely criticised In
Commenting on the postponement
of the lottery case the ew York
World says:
The Mioreme Court has postponed
the hearing until autumn in order that
tlie case maybe determined by a' full
Bench, but the briefs are in, and a care
ful reading of them is not very reassur
ing to those who desire to see some
effective restraint placed upon this le
galized gambling, ine argument or
the Lottery lawyers upop the constitu
tional questions involved is very strong;
that of Assistant Attorney-General
Maury for ttie Government seems
much weaker than a really capable A t-
torney-General woum nave maue it.
If the law lies with the right in the
ase we must depend upon the Court
to discover the fact without much help
from the Attorney-General s omce as at
present manned.
This is scarcely just to the Attorney
General's Ofllce. Mr. Mauky has
made tlie best case that was possible
for the government in this controversy,
and has, presumably, acted in full har
mony with Attorney General Millkr,
who has been prevented by Illness from
preparing ti e brief in person. Tlie
trouoie is luav me uuinuumii u
much ot a case on the face of the face
of the papers. The measure wnicn tne
Louisiana Lottery ouijhhij tuoiwun
before the Supreme Court can be de
fended only on the ground of moral ex
pediency. Undoubtedly It Is, as an ab
stract proposition, an Invasion of the
liberty of the press and an infringe.
ment of personal rigum. uiouiouraii,
if . ongresa may deny the use of the
mails to nearsoaners containing lottery
advertisements, It may with equal pro
priety take similar action in the case of
liauor advertisements, playing-card ad-
vertlsements, uucacejuuti
menu or any other which the party in
the majority at the moment may choose
to regard as Immoral and pernicious.
There is Indeed, no end to tlie mischief
and oppression to which sucii a prlnci-
rr . 1 I ! t- J mwV lkCai 1 r
pie once esiaoiwueu, " "
is but natural therefore, that the con
stitution should repudiate it in a gen
eral way, and that It should be desti
tute of support in precedent We can
,niu that the Attorney-General s
olllce may have found it Impossible to
defend the law on any but moral, ai d
to a certain extent, seiiii'neuuugi"""1-"
i..n Mm Question is not wheth
er the Government san tind any defen
in laws already existent, uuv wuo.uc.
the Supreme court will, in view of tha
rravity of the case, originate a law to
lit this particular emergency. 'Hie
strictures on Mr. Maury strike us hi
in i ust He nas no caw mm w
y confesses as muclt What his brief
means is that the Supreme Court ahouM
make a case for him.-H'aaiffom D.
C,) Critie-lUcord
The New York World commenU on
the above as follows:
Why did nor. the Attorney-General
then discover the limitations of power
and I see that the bill was so framed aa
ot itiohHl? The World ur
nut y pointed out the nelty for
web caution at the time, and the reply
uniformly was that the Attorney-Gen
X oltlce had thoroughly con Idered
that matter. How comts It, tlien, that
IKmentthelawls questioned tb
bSttheAUorney-Oeneralcandols to
feu thai lias no case and pray
On If Pill for CobmImUod, PyPP
Sour Stomach, Sick Htaiarke, WU
The Milkman's C nfes in.
A St Louis lady tells the strange
confession nf a milkman. For some
time past she had su?ieeted that the
cream left at her house was diluted.
Although it had plenty of foam on top
it did not seem equal in quality to good
milk. She determined to interrogate
the milkman, and so she watched for
him. When he came she informed
him of her suspicions. At first he in
sisted that the cream was as good as
any sold, but when she persisted in her
statement that she had drunk country
milk that was for better, he weakened
and said:
"Can you keep a secret, mum? Well,
to tell you the truth, mum, the cream
you got is not cream at all. The foam
that is on top is made from the white
of eggs, and is put there to make you
believe you are getting tlie genuine
article. But you are right iu suspect
ing you ain't, mum. It's nothing but
H a delusion and maybe you might say
a sham, too. But 1 Hon t Know, juosi
people never tind out the difference
and so long as they don't know as how
they are being looieu, vvny, wuai a me
For Horscbuek ltiilers
Avoid the drives whenever possible.
The ground is harder than in the bri
tllo paths and your horse is more liable
to slip. listings your horses feet to
canter, or even trot fast, over a hard
Never spur your horse to make him
'show off." Those you think are ad
miring your horsemanship are un
doubtedly jeering at you as a simple
ton. Keeping your horse quiet, yet
well up to the bit, bespeaks a steady
hand, a firm seat and, iu fact, an ac
eomplished rider.,
Do not rush by a lady. Her horse
grows excited at the rapid approach ol
another and is liable to bolt.
If you cannot ride well without the
aid of stirrups don't put on spurs.
More casualties have resulted from
spurs than any other cause. Ycmr
horse shies, you lose your balance,. your
spurs prode his flanks and, naturally,
l e runs away. Horse anu rider both
lose their heads and the chances are
you may both lose your lives.
Unless it is absolutely necessary
never dismount in a park or on the
road when accompanied by a lady. II
there be anything amiss with her habit
saddle or bridle the evil can be reme
died just as well mounted. Should the
lady's saddle have turned, that is, of
course, another matter, and the besl
thine to do ' is walk slowly until t.
friendly stroller comes along, who wlh
keep an eye to tho horse while yon
work at the girths.
Nothing is so awkward as 'Voes turn
ed out" . . .
Keep your elbows close to your sid s.
Increase or diminish pressure on tin
bit by movement of the wrist i oi
cannot control a horse by physica
strength. .
Fur morning rides wear a derby; Ii
the afternoon a silk hat Leg-ins
sack or top coat and derby are hiirmo
mous. Long trousers, cutaway coal
and silk hat are another combination
Bet your horse know that n bicycle
will not harm him. Permit him U
Hlntid quietly as the machine poos b
iml meanwhile, pat him on the tie k
,r shoulder and speak to him kiudly.
I'lie Rider.
The Cor eet Tliingr.
A number of leading farmers of Rice
county have organized the Kansas Al
liance Loan Association for the pur
pose of loaning money on first mort
gages on real estate. The secretary is
lti( hard Coyle, Geneseo, Kansas. Tlie
plan is to raise funds from alliance
men by way of subscription to the
-apital slock of the company to redeem
'he farms that are about to be fore
ilosed. This is a move In the right direction,
md if properly handled will save many
Kansas homes from foreclosure. Nc
loubt the eastern investor will rejoice
!n getting his money instead of Kan
sas farms. We have advocated thit
movement all along, but believe this
could bo best accomplished by the Kan
;as Alliance Exchange Co., or the stale
Alliance. Thejeare many thousands
of Kansas farmers who have money in
bank, and we think after next harvest
Iherewillbo many more who could
iafelv take in an institution of this
kind, which would prove a relief to
many who have defaulted, and remun
erative to the stock holders. This is
practical, and we cannot see why the
undertaking has not been made long
ago. Alliance Tribune, Topeka.
Pain, small fill, mre nil. asm -au.
C UK WITT A CO.. Chleoco.
for the General A iliuents of Horsei, Cattle, Hon
and blwep. 'ilify purify the blond, prevent sad
cure disease. Honest and reliable. In hone
pm kaKt-H ; used and warranted lor over twenty
years. Everyone owning a horse or cattle sbouw
Ave it a trlaf. Made by Kmmkht i'lioeaiBIAaf
Co., CUicai'o. bold by all druajiiU.
OpiUITlOr Morani
no Habit
Or. 8. B. COLLINS, Original IMaeowarat
fuliiteaa Opium A&tldot).
Will core job it home without aty intern pOo
f ordinary bosineae. Book eert free to any ad
trees, hundrnda of original teetimoBiab ot
pliyeiciana and other for inapectioa at nr of.
foe, Hoora Z) American Kzprexa Bnildina, H
roe at.. Chioafo. UU, r. 4. Drawet Wl (fomarii
Uri !nl Stockliijrs.
The daintiest stockings to be worn
b.- a bride are of fine white silk with a
medallion of Valenciennes lace set in
the instep, the design being one of
orange blossoms. They are as frail as
the proverbial cobweb hlfwever. When
one is going to save on wedding gown
and wedd ug fan, it is just as well to
have the beautiful stockings to go with
it, so that the next generation may see
just what mamma wore on her wed
ding day
"The Welch California Inhaler."
For All night or Con
tinuous applications
of medicated vapors
to diseased air pass
ages. The great ger
micidal and anticep
tic remedy for Hay
fever, Asthma, Ca
tarrh, and Tubercu
lar affections iu all stages. Price of
Inhaler and Medicine complete, $2.00.
American Inhaler Co.,
3.0 Wabash Ave, Chicogo, 111.
t!6, J20 to 15
We cm bo pp y yon with
cigars at (10. $12. $14
ner tho wind, yon will tie sftviur
mo iey by dealing direct with us aa manufact-
arers. Itoierence lurnlsnea from any suite in
the union. Order a na 11 trial lot at above fig
ures and be convinced. Union Marie Cla-ars
always on hand at rock bottom prices. Corre-ppon'denr-e
solicited. AdilresH,
W. IS. MKUM, Hi CO., Kewlinc Pa.
Those who believe that Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy will
cure them are more liable
to get well than those who
If you happen to be one of
those who don't believe, there's
a matter of $500 to help your
faith. It's for you if the mak
ers of Dr. Sage's remedy can't
cure you, no matter how bad
or Qf how long standing your
catarrh in the head may be.
The makers are the World's
Dispensary Medical Associa
tion of Buffalo, N.Y. They're
known to every newspaper
publisher and every druggist
in the land, and you can eas
ily ascertain that their word's
as good as their bond.
Begin right. The first stage
is to purify the system. You
don't want to build on a wrong
foundation, when you're build
ing for health. And don't
shock the stomach with harsh
treatment. Use the; milder
You wind your watch once
a day. Your liver and bowels
should act as regularly. If
thev do not. use a key.
The fcev is Dr. fierce s
Pleasant Pellets. One a dose,
Hat a Bard Blat to Take.
Mr. Faintheart Are tou fond of
sham pagne, Miss Rosa f
Miss Rosa Moderately so, but what
I most admire about a bottle of cham
nairne is tlie cork.
Mr. F.-Indesdl and for what rea
son, pray?
Miss It-Oh, merely because it pops
to delightfully.
N. N. U. No. 130
The most complete line at
Dreaa Reform Oooda tha
north-west Including tie oale
hrated Equipoise and DelaerU
vaiats, Jenncaa Miller epecUl
tiee aad Jeraey Knit Underwear,
bend stamp lor fro lllualra'ad
MltS, L.W. PIKB,
li lladiaon at., Chioago.
All Kinda of Hwuael'lauta
Mirut, Vegetable Plants,
.RA.I3. YORK. XEBlt.
Till- O la the aeknowleSfof
leading remedy far all tba
unnatural discharge oat
private dlaeaaeaof men. A
certain cure for the dablll
tatlng weakness peculiar
. , to women.
vrAmnUhr rnreanribeltand feelsefn
iTwEvmiCHttllffatCn, In recommending It to
. CItl1Q.K-7Bl - .
otoid l itrngrarUU.
l'BIC $ LOO-
The largest stock of Artifu
cinl Eyes in the Vest. An as
Bortmeut of eyes sent to any
address allowing purchaser
vo select one or more and re
turn the balarce thus assuring
a perfect ht. Office, 163 State st, Chicago, 111.
consulting and operating surgeon to the Chicago
Eye and Ear College. Piitients atadistance tveateo
with ennaralleled success and when visiting the city
arc furnished board and lodging at reasonable rates.
Free Trade Prices
No Fro ectton I
No Monopolist
r Sewinp now I O
440Machincsi on Q
We are now selling our
W estern Improved Singer
Sewing; Machine same aa
cut complete with all at
tachments and warranted
Sot c Tears for only ii6.
Send for circular and see full descoiptton of this
and other styles to N. A. SculUn ft Co., 763 W.
Lake St., Chicago, 111.
Whan I say ears I do Hot man nwrely to atop tham
for s time sad then hsvs them return again. I mean a
radical ears. I have nude tha diaaese of FITS, KPI
LKPS V or FALLING SICKNESS a Ufa-long stndr. I
warrant my remedy-to care tha worst eaaaa. Dmhuss
stnem have failed la no reason for not now receiving n
sure. Band at enoe for a Ueatlss and aires BotUsot
Bar lnfallibl p.ntlr. Oive FtpraKsndPastOffloa.
H. U. atOO'f, i'l. t- - Psorl tW.. N. T.
IWsakasas af Bad ana Hind.1
, 11 11 scviutraa emina rAK-rs or Met.
QuiatiT aaMnaa. HSHB Tnaamaar Hi aa a aaa,
Kaiittllfr T" t r r ' vMUtkem.
" 11 Cs
t. A. BARBKK. Prseident.
The safest fence made. Doe not Inlnra awoa
Visible at a rreat rillrfanoe. Thouaanda of tM
imoniau. Bend for ciroolar and pnoao, SMwl
Barb wire. Aildress
SDurWire Fence Co.,
7tS OPSpBaV BOWSJ B'i5llM.
J. a. STRKET. Ssorstary.
e4 Chichester Embush, Rto Cross Diamond Brahd A
THtoViaiHAI. eo inumc. TkasalySaiWSmaaanlkrWawsa l
ad Uranlit Ibr CMelMUfi JkfUik Mmmwmi aVaMlla
M lia bWc rlbkM. Taka as saber Hat vw
Ke4 aaa (Me atMalHa
lino. Mifitf MMKMi
.111. ih ------ M.k riM .m aaseiaasa aswnaerlU iuairtW parUealan. MaoealaU, aa "lUftrf IWeJrtM," lajaawhf jstwrq KaoV
IS.SSS TMUmaalala. ATi
sM or all Lseol
eat to nam. CheaDeet. Relief is immediate. A
eore is certain. Foe Cold In the Head it has no
It is aa OiataMBt, of wkiok a saaaU particle is applied
totheaostTila. lMa. Mwyawwsertb.
.T. lUMaunmm, watrea, rav