THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL L. J. SIM HONS, PraprWtjr. IIAKRliOX, - - XEBltASKA A Savai fcaa-a- ; Bas Fsaxcicu, CaL, Juno Je Mail advice received her (rum Chili de scribe a naval battle as having occurred in the harbor of Valparaiso on the night of April 3&four days after the naval engagement which occurreTQj,, Chaner al bay, when the insurgent cruisers Magallanes was attacked by the govern ment torpedo cruiser Aide, (Wei1 and Lynch. ' In that engage meet, which has already been described, the Magal lanes succeeded in driving off the three government Teasels after a sharp fight. The government t easels retired to Val paraiso, and the Magallanes, after re ceiving ammunition from the insurgent supply ship, decided to steam at coosJto Valparaiso and attack Ihs three govern ment veasels before they could be re paired. Tb Magallanoes, under cover of darkness, steamed alongside the Ai des and fired a broadside which com pletely riddled the torpeda boat, dis mounted nearly all her rapid-firing guns and killed and wounded fully half of her crew. The Magellan steamed quickly for the Lynch, but the crew of the latter was on the alert. Tbey re turned tha Magallanes' Are and attempt ed to launch a torpedo but failed. The Condell had steamed upon the Magall anee' and began firing, subjecting the latter to a fir from both government hips, killing and wounding forty of the Magallanes' crew. The letterjundsr the cover of smoke began to move astern, and before the fact was diaoovered the two government ships were pouring broadsides into each other. The tri:k was not disovered until tb Magallanes teamed across the item of the Condell and had poured in a broadside which nearly destroyed the letter. Ia the meantime the fort could not fire owing , to fear of hitting their ownsbips. When the Magallanea began to steam out of the harbor the fort opened their fire, but only one shell struck the rebel cruiser, which bored a big hole in ber deck and dismantled her pivot gun. Sae then proceeded to Calder. uver one hundred men were killed in the engagement, fully one half of whom were on the Magallanes. Ths Condell bad to run on the beach to pre vent her sinking, while the Aides was to badly damaged that it will requires long time to repair her The Lynch was not seriously damaged. Captain Clark Drowaed. Erie, Pa, June 8 Captain Clark, su perintendent of the life ssving station of this part, was drowned at an early hour while endeavoring with his crew to render assistance to the propeller, Bad ger State, which had been driven on the beach. Captain Clark' body has not yet been recovered. The crew and pas enger of the Badger State have been brought to shore. It is believed that the vessel will not be greatly injured. The propeller John Craig is also aground east of the south bay. The storm which prevailed yesterday morning abated during the day and the lake has grown somewhat smoother. The passenger steamer Badger is atill in the sand. Captain Smith sent a por tion of the passengers ashore. The steamer John Craig, which was alto ashore, was gotten off last night with out damage. The brig Petrel has failed ft al nrr ... .4 m 1 1 , r VU m ! tuvit A SehooMrSuak. CutvKLaKD, O, June 6. The schooner Payette Brown, was aunk about ten mile off the Dummy light at 2 o'clock in Lake Erie. She was run down by the mammoth iron vessel, Northern Queen. One of the crew of the Fay rtte Brown managed to jump to the deck of the steamer. The remainder had bare ly time to climb into the cross trees be fore the schooner sunk. The Northern Queen went on her way without stop ping, and the crew of the Fayette Brown was rescued by ths captain of th Rob ert F. Mills, who beard their cries, and were taken to Detroit The sunken schooner was owned by M. A. Bradley of this city. She was built in 1868 and was worth 116,000. Kafmiac IaaaaratMa Law. WaSRuroTOH, June a Assistant Sec retary NetUetoo ha directed the return of two Italian and Swedish immigrants to their respective countries. These em. igrauta arrived in the tfnited State In January last, but have sine become paupers, and under the new - immigra tion law (n be returned at the expeoet of th steamship cemnsav who hmnwht them to the UaltCStata, Thi i tb nm order of the kiad fawned by the treasury dspartaMut. and Ldiaea'''tha vigor with which th new law will bt aaforaad. The oa war submitted to the premdmt bate fiaal, taken by th ' awja,Tx, Juae I Th lag hav decided sot t accept tawataa. teO waste par Nr. raa tjrrc rvwaa aothlagto aatfot sv& Tfoal ywagtTw mad ur mkcjz nana cm Unveiling Cunt's Monument Thousan d of VUUrs to Witness The Memorial Etcnt. ' f e. Caaaawy M. Deaaw Dllva-ed ikt Oiailva at i Day. DI8TriGl-ISHED VICTORS FBISI-T. Galesa, Iu-. June 5,-Thia ci.y was crowded with people assembled to do honor to the memory of General GrnL The occasion is the unveiling of a mon ument to him preeeated to his old homebyU.IL Koblsait of Chicago From all directions crowds have poured into town and fully 20,XW are now here. The city It in gay apparel, the ma n thoroughfare being a panorama of red, white and blue. Arches upon Ihe prin cipal crossings aod mottoes, betokening the reference in which the name of the hero of Appomsttox is held by bis old neighbors, are promiscuously displayed- The massive old court house In which Captain Grant presided at the first meeting held at Galena to rarse volun teers is gay with garlands. The First Methodist church, in which the hero worshipped, is elabosately decorated, acd ths pew in which he sat is draped in bunting. The modest mansion pre sented to him by the citizens of Galena after his return from the wsr and the more bumble home in which he lived in ante-bellum days are the centers of at traction. The old building in which was located the lesther store of Jesse R Grant, the hero's father, ia also gai'y decorated. i ' Visitors clustered about every land mark associated with the name of Grant and the little park in the center ef which'stands the memorial. The public schools in Dubuque, Free port and other near by town were closed and large delegation of their cit izen cam to take part in the ceremon ies. Business in Galena was entirely suspended. Two trains from Chicago brought del egations of the Grand Army acd distin guished citizens, among them Hon. Chauncey M. Depsw, Governor Fifer of Illinois, ex-Governor Hoard of Wiscon sin, General Nelson A. Miles, JuJge WaltarGresham, Sculptor H. IL Kohl Nat, the donor of the statue, Senators Allison and Cullom, Congressmen Hen derson of Iowa acd Judge Blodgett of the federal court. IJx-Governor Hoard then formally presented the statue to the city in be half of the donor. The ceremonies of the day were in augurated with a parade, participated in by Grand Army veteran, visiting military and civic bodies and citizens. Gathered about the statue in the park the exercises opened with "Star Span gled Banner," rendered by the Fifteenth regiment band from Fort Sheridan. Af ter prayer by the chaplain the ban la in unison started up with "Hail to the Chief," ts Miss PauliceKoblsaat, daugb ter of the donor. The atatue was accepted In a brief address by Park Commissioner M. C Clenn&n on behalf of the city. He was followed by Hon. Chtunosy who delivered tbe oration of tb day meeting with an enthusiastic reception. Shot HI Wife. Cdtvclakd, 0, Jun 5i Emerson Moneysmitb, a restaurant keeper at Scott, a small town on the dividing lino between Vanwert and Pauling counties, this sUCb, went horn drunk Tuesday night and assaulted bis wife with a scantling, knocking hr down and cut ting a long gash in her seal p. Money- smith than left th house, but returned soon after, and finding his wife Had re gained consciousness he secured a re volver and shot hsr dad, tbe ball wav ing completely through ber body just below the waist. Ha ras arrested aooa after and locked up ia jail. .-. Kesmsaeat to Father Bane. - Moxtcket, Cal., June, 5 The unveil ing of tbe monument to Father Juni- pero Serra, which Mrs. Laland Stan ford had erected on Presidio Hill, over looking the city and bay of Monterey, to commemorate tb memory of th Franoisoisn friar, wa witaaaaad by about fiv thousand people, many com ing from Ban Francisco aod other point. Father Serra founded th mis sion of Saa Diego in 176J, andarrivtnfr in Monterey on Jane 3, 1770, founded tbe Carats! mission, nmr Monterey, wbr ha wa burid after bis death la 1781. : ; Senear, Pa, Jon 4. Oaorg Thompson, brother of Frank Thompson rios-president of the PnoylTania rail road, oUd hero yesterday, fd aixty two ywwn oWBiw ' - x j PawrAiiawtlae aaak .. - j bcbwos Areas, Jua o Tb mo en th banks ooaUauaa. Tba oraditora of th fiaUaa baak will ba paid alamat la tulL Four bMkan hara Hjrtsavl. .. ; - Cleans as s Myrsrf Mojtt, Juna 6.-Thwnh the Mad.len-XIcDermott fued in tfce Big Horn basin of Wyoming a nivtery of ioog standing here 'has been cleared up and the suspicion the has hucg t three years over the catu of George Swift of that place baa been removal. McDermott, according to tha story told by Madden, frequently robbed i.e maim and one instance was given Mm u cured 1120 from a registered letter sit from Billing. George Swift a the man who sent the money to Cases! George, and when the evelope wtico should have conUined it reached it destination empty, the , Billing ms was accused of appropriating the money to his own use. Mr. Sw if t, though pro testing his innocenc, was induoed to make good to Caaeel George the amount of money missing, and " has continued from that time tothis in a position of trust with Babcock k Mile. But the unfortunate occurence ha never Uen forgotten by him or tb United Suta government, and all these years the se cret service arm of the government has been exerted to clear up tbe mjaiery. Mr. Swift, with no premonition of the storm about to buiet, and with the con fidence of conscious integrity, enclosed the money, registered the letter and sent it on its way without taking tbe precaution of enclosing the bills in the presence of witnesses. He had no proof that he had inclosed the money, aod the consignee receiving Id empty envelope, duly stamped and registered, naturally refused to accept the word of the cash ier that the money had bean inclosed. The work was finely dona by a mail robber and .t teemed a hopeless task -for Mr. Sw.ft to ever substan'.ate hta claims and clear bis record of it only blot. His integrity is now fully established and in due course of time his money will be refunded. Chief J tut lea Horlea. Atchison, Ka. June . 5. The ap pointment by the president of Chief JusUw Albert 11 Horton of Kansas to be one of the judges of the new Spanish and Mexican land grant oourt, which it ia said, will be officially annouueed from Washington in a few days, revives recollections of the Ingall and Horton feud. It has been published in Miss ouri Valley papers that th hatred ex -isting between the two men dates Lack only as far as 1879 when Horbm was tbe caucus nominee opposed ia IngalW re election. People well posted in Kansas political history recollect that the quar rel goes back to 1673 when Ingalls first became a senator. Horton had been United States district attorney ai d was a warm friend of Senator Poraeroy, but h wa not unfriendly to Ingalls, and when Ingalls came ia power he bt came a candidal for district j udge, . He was confident that be would get th ap pointment and wa very muoh chagrined when it was givn to 01 Q. Foster, who is still ;udg. From that event date tbe unfriendly feeling between the two men. Later on, in March, 1 879, after In gall' memorable triumph, Ingall wid ened the breach when he made hi cele brated peach abusing his enemies, Horton among them, from the balcony of the old Otis hotel in Atchison. Prior to the beioony speech the two men might have became reconciled, but Hor ton after that became Ingalls' implaca ble enemy, a Ingall wa Horton'. love settles Law Saiu. Nw Castle, Pa, Jan 5. Hymen's gentle influence and an old man's illness have united in aettling important bank came. Tbe Wallace back failure in 1881 reaulted in numerous prosecutions for obtaining money under falsa repre- seoiauooa, outoia man Wallao, presi dent or lb Dank, las amc lived in Arizona, requisition being refused. One by one tbe oases were abandoned and yesterday a motion waa made that non prosequi ba permitted in the only two remaining cases, th prosecutor be ing Mr. Genkinger. Next week a son of Mrs. Genkinger will wed a niece of Wallaoe, th bride being heir to a good ly ponton or tbe vast estate of the late K. W. Cunningham. This and the old age and illness of Wallaoe, who wishea to return to New Castle, has hastened tbe settlement of cases that involve tnousaaas of dollaia. TIm J ai r Dtaacraad Chicago, June 5. The suit for tim awtsx - a ... I uoo uamsges orouglil by IL IL Porter againat ex-Senator gabin of Minnesota auagiac misrepresentation on the SMBgu or wnwh Porter invest! ha. lylatha Northwestern Manufacturing ArraRlatafJaVai akPasaaW 1 - ""yi uun iq g djaagrgg. rmi tn m ory. " aa Uta Laha, infjm MTtm T . , usw ain, worst JT. years w raging on Ltke ouparwr. Door of Teasels are . , " " islands at Uiehoal of Chuamavon bay. c." B-P''.r worn Duluth, said it Mta worst atom ha .... Kbw Totar, JjmLSurm ASSmBtit, JaaNs J. dornm aj Jem Tecd. all Badarooavwittoa la avftatfc W urdar, bvt ta fadar- al aaatti, amftiai,i;ail ky) Jadja Yfaaaral teO k acxtJ d CSj fffav atwlaw. WraT.'-rlfl PwwnbII rZ2:a a ooubUam oaly th -"""V ' Md aos of th. I!Ui,ad TlmJ. NEBRASKA STATE SEWS. rubiicdni-kicgfoucUtt are being put in at M.tJen. A Wit of Modem WoodnO ha bwn iB.UtuUsl at lieemer. A wild cat a as recently captured aeai Aio.a, Ilsrlaa county. A Nelih horseman will soio receive five tar loads of Shetland ponies. T F. Vn .,f H'ue Hill Las assumed control of the Ruefclacd Importer. Kuriueview, Kera Paha county, Oung men have org izJ a bae bill nice. The name of the Kuwe hotel tt Fre- mrir ! hull liMBD rhkjlfed to the IiUMxJ.l house. The Carroll Tribune has breathed its las', and the plant ha been removed to Wajne. lir- ken Bow recently eperiend so exodus of s&loun loafers und tiu horn gamblers. The secret societies of Doniphan are ta kicg of uoititg in a Fourth of July ce'ebiation. Hjannvs will have a town pump. Work has been commenced on a G. A II hail at PlaiDview. A mad dog was Killed by the city mar Bhul at Greeley Centre. The Va ley county fnir will be held at Ord, September 1G, 17 end 18, Milton Dickinson, of I'arnell drew the bounty on eighteen wolf sculps. iho little eon of Mrs. Uudney was drowned in a slough el of Centra) City. A Catholic seminary is one of th things talked of as liknly to be located and built at ilostinjra. The B. 4 M. company have connected their depot and stock yarfls at Kenesaw with the city water works. The Custer county teachers' institute will be held at Broken Bow, eoinmenc lng August J and will continue two weeks. The little son of F. Joanson at Hold rege j jrnped fwra a box and fell in such a manner a t inite his elbow. The undertakers of Clay and Thayer counties hsve formed thediselvee Into The blue Valley Undertakers' Aseouia' lion." Mr. Sawyer of Gandy, claims to hare invented a corn picker that w ghther and elevate into the wagon row or corn as laai as a uorse team can walk along tbe row. The nine-year-old daughter of Joseph Uuahek living sear Analey was Li Uen by a rattlesnake. She was treated with such remedies as could be found aiound around home acd is expected to lecov er. About a year ago two Elk Creek, Cub. ter county, farmers quarelled over ths divison of some corn, during which one truck the other on tbe head with 11 piece of gai pipe. The roan who was itruck has lately instituted suit to re x"er tO,9jU damages suslaiued. Tbe CuBter county Leader published it Broken Bow is nothing, if not enter prising. On tbe 22 of May on extra ccn toining four colums of the particulars relating to llauenstine's crime and the execution, was issued by the Leader and the incidents of the cloning act in a life's drama are told in a manner that speaks highly for the talent employed od the leader. The wide-awake citizens of Nelson io not propose to lag iu the rear of the procession of Nebraska growing towns especially in mutters pertaining to the betterment of her educational faculties They have just let the contract f-.r the erection of u new brick bhd stone school house to be equipped with the latest improved steam heating apparatus, the whole to cost 115,'JJC, and io accordance with true republican doctrine of pro tection the contract wasgiventoahome firm. Mary Leonard, an eight year old girl, fell down a cellar way and broke both tbe bones of the left arm. Half a dozen of troop L, the Irdian company stationed at Valentine, are to be married soon. Joeiah Vhie, marshal and street com missioner of Merna, Custer county, tried it s month acd resigned. Ten thousand pike have been deposit ed in the lake of tbe Kearney canal by Fish Commissioner O'Bjiwn. O'Neill will hav a three days' trotting tournament in the near future, but the date ia not yet definitely dijided upon. An old genrleman named Edwards livinir in Rminv. .:.... n . '". 'uos ooone coun ty. hitten on the baud by a mad dog. The first graduating clam from the Dominican Sister' cbool at Plait mouth' wa dismissed wiln honor at the opera house, May 2a Shaep feeders in Saror count. aid to have com out with a profit not- wiuMwauing me nigh price rrf " ueving Sold aa hia-h aa gUM Mr. Spanhacke of Colfst count. U.j d a large hog in hi. wagon to take to usraer, out DMor ba left horn, tk- I-.I . .L . . . W,r" wwunrN IO OeaUL Ila bialaasatm Lavtih nM ! BH4a Il.r: trox, Pa, Jun l.-For moatli pastJulis Stinmskl, a r ooaung Sweedagirtof L-'pty, baabaao courted by John Paul aod Mike Uruska Dad blood between th men ba grown out th rival), and Drusko, who ia uch larger and heavier man than Paul, .reateoed to kill him if he ever caught m with Juna. ui oigui u ntlly met at the gtrr bom aod Druako made an attack on PauU Tb ir!a father eeperaled thorn and aa-d that if Paul loved hi daughter aa hould fight for hr in th vie or to take her. Paul agreed to this ana ihey adj'nirned to a plot of green Bear ib dwelling. A dispute arose sate) WD hould be the referee. Paul wanted tba irl to act In that capacity, but ah ob- aeted. Her father 'a BnaUy clioaan. No rules of any kind were adapted aod n a short time, Drusio, cheered on by the girl, had hi little but plucky aatag omst aim iet knocke.1 out. Tli mother of the girl strongly favored Paul aod by ths time he wa knocked down hasiooed to aid him to regijo his feet. Tn ref eree begged him to throw up the sponge as Drunko would kill him, but he would nut. aavinir be wou'd rather di than live without Julia. Drusko deteriraioed to kDotk him out and went at hi sav agely, knocking him down and beating him viciously in the face. Thi brutal act seamed to disgust the fair prize and threw herwlf across th fallen man body, crying out that !ruko wa a brute and that she never would wed him This enraged Drusko and he swore be would kill both, but her father and mother set upon him w ith stone and chased him for his life. Justaiartuoas Paul is prearntahle he will marry th woman for whom he fought. Grids udispiy u caw r itV J .Mai 3 m nVyLA.1 Canventlaa of la L-alhar Warkan. IJostow, June 4. Tlie consideration of the report of the committee on cre dentials took up the rnoit of the time of he session of the convention of boot and shoe workers of America. The question was should delegate from oar tain unions who bad not paid up their dues be admitted. The delegate had offered to pay their arrears and war finally seated. Frank licCarthy, of the uigarmaker union, delivered and ad dress pointing out how th ehoemsksrs cou'.d help the cigarmakera by demand ing that a blue label ahould be on al' cigars used by them. At the does of his address some routine business was transacted and the convention took a recess. Miot oa Ha.plrlaa. Saji Frahciwjo, June 1 A Chronicle ppecial from Mendocine says: D. C. Shall, principal cf the public school at C'uffejs, was shot and killed last Friday by a etagd driver named Iioade. Shell boarded at the 'douse of the mothei of May Thurston. Itoades called on Mis, TVus'on and demanded si e would marry him. She refused, and lUiadea went after his nile with which to abort her. Ia the meantime M as Thurston e caped. Shell was alone in th house hen Itoades reltr iod. laxities thought Shell hnd inllumol Mm Thurston against hitn, and he shot Uriel I. Shell wag . have been tnnrried Sunday. llnr.lle)'. MalhmU. rmr.iDKU'iiu, June 1.-Tlie city coun;il's coamitlee investigating th methods of ex-City Treasurer liardsley i-ontinued tee inquiry, Keystone bank doing being under inspection. Bank Eianiiner Drew stated that there wore 2jI5 shares of so called bogus stock. It was stock that hdo ild have been can celled and is not techoally over issued stock. It was mainly in the name of John Wanamakttr, and the witness did not think that he was ever a stock holder, nor was William II. Wanamaker as for as he could recollect. Ku-ap I.rrehlac. Chicwati, June t The arret of Kd. Price, the Oriensvill barljer, charged with indooent assault oa three , little girls, waa a moat eosstiunal one. When the people of tbe villag heard of the charge against Price they cried, "Lynch him," sod a rush was made toward the offeode-. He was quickly bustled into a patrol wagon and the horses started off at a gallop. Close behind cam a maseot outraged humanity bent oa hanging the culprit They were out stripped snd tbe prisoner lodged be. hind the bars. place Th contract for build In . i. v. Ul ontbs Frsmonl Ch.ut.uqu. ground, has been let. Th bulldin Maniar Trial. CoLUMDua, 0n Jun t-In th Elliott case, tbe panel having been filled by the acceptance of one juror, the atat waa causa upon to exercise iu remaining paremptory cnausogs, but requested de lay until the renewal by tha dafeaae for tba challmga to one of tb juror for cuss had been disposed of. Ia order togWaUm for investigation of th oaae oourt adjourned arlr. But peremptory cballeoga yet remain for ui oerns and one to th atata. Tba jury win tie completed thi .k, arre Storm. Kuwftv V . T. . .m. uu i.-inirs waa a puaoomeoai storm har Ibis Talng Ightnisg aUrtok th holy cruaw oa tha Episcopal church, cutting it in two, aad ruined tha apparent - kw Uotrioatraat railroad for aom Uaw. fftaasaWaw aa 4AVI . - 1Ttn onUy of Chiossm la!al,w5, 0,N raoaifelTta Bear Ureuk,. Kaprr-sa t ar aa H afekiLaaw awarraaf anJ ncc aurrta,N. Y,0 hj run a Dietmg.,r a oa th shore of Is(W othar day thst he oooJ' raaroheap in Buff. j there, looked at the taJ that it was just wLatWJ maaafwri aod bought J II mad srracgaoiaetnJ w wwi m w iactl a&O aa para a ulac fur it T hipped by einretis four from Bull Jo,- ma lijon accom press business U bem ... ' (aw ana uyons that i vhougb it is an ti-somi a car devoted to tiprea ively. Io this car tb yesterday afternoon. It a or eta made of rough eemiogly secure. When Mr. TUihinroa tn man or wnom ii poa lecUd tc tell bim that J tempered brute, and tat J enger, whoa name j no mora ootice of it Urn it crat of trabrrmi train waa Bearing Chiuat noticed that tbe bear ru i ooo waa surprised to t oruin wa making in o tb car and keep hia beoama greatly f rihteeei! r.. t,-"r'a ft tl h tl,t and put tin ui ... I '( ik' made th bear angry, ia b brokaoutftf the crsta. flh ia all directi Tit aad gart on hia hind legs. ihedoor. It was a 6ml Taggart got to the door st out on tba platform sad a door after bim acd locomotive, and lhr h the train reached Roche In the car were seven! and a crat of Stm crocks of craamery beSayi boxes of fancy cracked, reached Rochester tt tracked, and on Iflokiof i windows It was discortrall ..1.. t . "... .1 ivriur ui car mjoan a cyclone bad struck it. Tk plastered from head to foot ter, sod notwithstandinf still growling ferociously against th doors ot (a to get out Ihe car was'bi Ontario beach train and place. Many dollaia' worui ruined. ' A rallilral O caul ToPEKA, KA.t, June C-' of Reciprocity grand lode) after having acmrtipli amount of important b which waa the inauguratioi ment looking toward tha ot tha Knight of IteciproeY other society known at tbt I jadie of Anirrics. This baa been in eiisU nce ia aa sine last November. ire identical with t'loasoftk Rciprodty,and while little i mid about H pu'icly it thin of 5.000 men ond wos ma- tb lead of the fannaV tha Knight and Lilies of agnize th power of worn and thfir co-ope; ation i Ud. There are seven graad tha KnihU of Py ipmcitr lUtes. Thay are in MarjlaA diana, Iowa, Miswuri, haa rylvania. Waatoa am MiLWAcar.K. Wim young maa whose nomai hav b0 arrested at four mile from Ch' obarg of having caused th f,urteo-vr)ld 1 red CumemoU. end tlie eorootr k iovasttgau. Ths story of oua cruelty practiced P"J) honlbUlatheevtrcoia mea war washing aheeaia) whaa tb boy cne alon. V feraJ young KepwooditoJ which tb Utter refused. W him aad compelled htajj stuff. Ha eluded hif r". waa reesDtured and thro poad. Tha-voy erawtad ! woods aad died from nf" Mr.aa ItltTK Or IaMiaa. iaO- Juci-j maa, tb kUptoman' o awry ot? an overcoat a , th Southern hotel, hlalathar,Edr.rd 8? .iUro.Pori.IlL IUpUosdlnan ir-a" 4 Maaklsf . - It. oorBi,oit'i,"'ri varof th Oommrcin ' fa4ladaaamontl..rf bia rapart to tb. court . lh bank, from H- podUBBdthec "3' l. without !. tatkw oraflroH. to dsKe aaoapt tha