The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 11, 1891, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal
J. Kinuaons. Editor and Proprietor.
Just. Opened.
Sail and See.
M. E. SMITH, Proji
Door North of Ranch Supply House,
by the
Nebraska Security Co.,
ArnioRizED Capital - 110,000.00
Offlrcru :
fcoNHAD UN DEM Ax, President.
1.SWI tfCBLACH, Vice-President.
8. II. Josr.s, Secretary.
C. K. Verity, Treasurer.
II. T. C'OM.Er, Attorney.
Ve now have on our lists over tliirty
CHOICE FARMS in this county
which we can sell on LONG
MENTS. Parties wishing to buy or'sell should
ioe the Secretnrv.
Lands bought and Bold on commission.
Circulars descrip
tive of the county
can oe naa on an-
plication, for dis
NfciiiiAsii a skit inr r co;
Harrison, Nebraska.
F. E.tM.VU. It. Time hiUb;.
WO. 1. mlinl .Ift ir. iK.i 0-2. ml icil IA:T
-Did Kme one nay It was a dry
Insure against hail at the Bank of
Highest price paid ff I''''08 al tlie
liarnewi shon.
The frame of J. W. Scott s new
muse in being enclosed.
A nice line of ladies' handkerchiefs
At tha Millinarv Rmnorium. north Of
Hunch SuddIv House.
W. R. Smith is getting the lumber
po tha emurul for a, new house on ins
noraastaod northeast of town.
, T If R.. wmt. l.n a a Itnsirl ulifirA of
the material on the irround for a bouse
On hii nliM rvirtl aio. of town.
The commissioners' proceedings oc
cupy so much space in this issue mat
our mcnilnr wnoklv sturar beet article is
Erowded out, but we will endeavor not.
a liav Mmh a tiling omur airain.
Sxammted LcJrtKB: We have a good
WpDlv of aaaaonad lumber constantly on
fnd at our mill on West Boggy. 0
H U feat 110,00; 14 and 16 feet 113.00
J thousand feet Flrsirclas native
hioglae always on hand. First -cum :
class ft per thousand.
y, R Aura.
The Jouksxl desirt.g to colect
relating to the acreage of crop put in in
Sioux county in 1891, and will take it as
a favor if the farmers will send to this
office a statement of the crop they have
put in, such report showing the number
of acres of each kind of grain, vegeta
hles, corn, etc., planted. No matter
how small an acreage you have, a rejiort
is desired.
To the farmer who has the largest
acreage of crop we will send The Jocr.
SKLffe for one year, and to the farmer
having the second largest acreage of
crop we will eud The Joikxai. free for
six months.
All reports must be in on or before
July 1, 1891, and the comparison will be
made at that date, so that reports sent
in later than tliat would be barred.
Wo will also be pleased to receive re
torts from farmers from all parts of the
county from time to time as to the con
dition of the growing crops,
Call anil see the assortment of flow
ers for ladies' hats, at the Millinery Em
porium, north of Ranch Supply House.
On last Friday S. R. Story received
word that the new postoflice had been
established at his place. It will be
named Story and Mr. Story will be post
master, and here the story ends.
A social will be held at the court
house on Wednesday evening, June 17th.
h-e cream and cake will be served, the
proceeds to aid in procuring a library for
the Bible school. All invited. By order
of committee.
The hanging of the two murderers at
Fremont last Friday passed off ns ar
ranged for. No mishaps occurred. The
action of Gov. Thayer in ordering out
company of state troops to keep the
crowd was certainly commendable.
public execution is not a good thing and
to allow enclosures to be torn down only
tends to encourage law breaking.
Next Sunday, June 14th, will le
childrens' day, and appropriate services
will be held at the church, under the
auspices of the Union Sunday school
An interesting program las been pre
pared, which is omitted for lack of
space. Hie exercises will begin at 8
o'clock) p. m: All are invited.
The prospects for an unusually large
yield of all kinds of wild frnits are excel
lent. Grapes, currantB, gooseberries.
choke cherries, strawberries, etc., will
bo more plentiful this year than for the
last two years and as they are of unus
ually fine fpuality in this locality they
will be appreciated.
B. B. Bixby informs us that the fish
commissioner stated that his car would tie
up in this part of the state in September
or October. Now is the time for the
farmers to prepare to get fish. Get your
ponds ready and send in your applica-
tions and then the (lsh car will come up
here and what you get will be in good
condition and soon there will be plenty
of fish in the waters of Sioux county
In this, as all other things, a little con
certed action will advance tlie iuterests
of all.
Hero are a few more acreage reports
D. H. Hamlin, 35 acre; S. R. Story, 40
acres; R. J. Wilcox, 40; Charles Grove
45 acres; S. W. Carey, 50 acres; A. C
Dove, 00 acres; D. A. Publow, 60 acres
Dout & Ricedorlf, 05 acres; J. M. Dan
iels, C ucres; Win. Glaze, 70 acres; F
Nutto. 70 acres; A. C. Tally, 7. acres
Charles Palmer, 75 acres; G. W. Cobb,
75 acres: A. W. Slohr, 80 acres; John
Rpeas, 90 acres. A. R. Kennedy has put
in 20 acres of llax which makes M5
ucres he bo in crop!
Joe Brenner went up to Hot Springs
Saturday to testify in the horse stealing
case of Jim IVolan, tlie man wnom dim
Dahliiian arrested in the sand hills near
Alliance two weeks oco. Nolan had
triven bond to appear for trial on Decora
tion Day, and that being a legal holiday
the case was neierreu tin oiouuuy nmr
out taking a new bond. Consequently
w hen Monday came Mr. Nolan had taken
i li advice of counsel and walked oil'.
As a result, all the trouble and pains
taken by Sheriff Dahlman to capture tho
man goes for nothing because of a crim
inal blunder ol a justice vl llie lieiw-o.
It certainly looks as though there was
something rotten in ucnmarn wwen pur
sons go free by such schemes. One of
these line days there will lie a hanging
in this region and nothing will be to
blame for it but tha mal-administration
of justice by its ollicers. unaaron v
In the above is an error in the name of
the jiarty, as it was John Nolan, but it
shows the iiKMiner in wlilcli ine case oi
the State of South Dakota vs. John No
lan was disuosod of. The IleraMot June
0th seems to take the part of Nolan and
tries to shield him, a stand which could
only le exjiected from a paper like the
Ihrald, which claims to oe run ior u
benefit of the people. But what kind of
people? Is it a class wnose oumnv
would be materially effected if made
known to the public?
BCIisOiT, IsTEIB., JTTILTIE, 11, 1891
Harrison Will Celebrate.
Ou last Saturday a meeting was held
at the office of C. E. Holmes to prepare
ior a celebration at Harrison on July
im. a committee consisting of J. W.
Robinson, H. W. MacLachlan and H, A,
Cunningham was appointed to make all
arrangement, with power to apjoin
suo-eommiitees. Hie program is not
yet made out but the committee stales
that there will be horse races, foot rax es,
speaking, games, etc., so as to furnish
amusement for all. Liberal purses will
be ollered lor the races. A grand ball in
the evening will be given. Every body
is invited to come to Harrison on that
Jay and enjoy themselves and no pains
will be spared to make it a pleasant time
for all.
Mr. and Mrs. S. IL Jones went to Pine
Ridge Tuesday evening.
Mrs. S. C. D. Bassett returned Satur
day from a week's church work at Lawn.
John L. Liudberg, of Oakdale, is here
looking over the country with a view to
ravid Anderson was over from Mont
rose the last of the week and called and
gave us some cash on subscription.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer were up
from Snake Creek precinct the last of the
week, the guests of B. L. Smuck.
Col. W. H. McCann, register of the
land office at Chadron, accompanied by
his family, was the guest of E. D. Sat
lerlee over Sunday.
S. A. Beers came up from Hay Springs
this morning to attend court and gave
us a year's subscription and ordered The
Joi'RNAL sent to him.
Hall Insurance.
We have the agency for the German
of St. Paul, and can insure your crops
against loss or damage by hail. Cull
and get particulars at tlie Bank of Har
A large assortment of ladies' and
misses' hats to select from at the Mil
linery Emporium, north of Ranch Sup
ply House.
The basket meeting at Plimpton's
grove on last Sunday was quite well at
tended, by people from both town and
country. Rev. Rorick preached a well-
timed sermon, after which tlie basket
dinner was enjoyed by all.
Several days of the past week were
damp and on Monday evening the heav
iest rain of the season fell in this locali
ty. Some hail fell also, but did no
damage. A few miles south of town
some hail stones of large dimensions fell.
Reports from other localities are that
plenty of rain has fallen to keep the
crops growing in good shape. Every
thing indicates a good crop in Sioux
county, and the farmers will get good
prices for what they raise.
C. D. Plimpton has done a lot of
work cleaning up the grounds in his
grove on West Hat creek. He has put
up a novel as well as substantial swing
and also provided some seats and expects
to further improve it in the near future,
He also intends to make a fish pond of
several acres and stock it with choice
fish. If he carries out his plans it will
be but a few years until he can make
the place a source of revenue, for par
ties would nav well for the privilege of
angling m a ponu siocueu wmi ime
As will be seen by reading the pro
ceedings of the board of commissioners
which apjiear in this issue, steps have
teen taken to recover, or rather to re
tain something over $1,800 of the short
age reported bv the expert accountant.
The case is one without a parallel, so far
as we can learn, and some question the
legality of the position taken, County
Attorney Conley believes his theory cor
rect and the commissioners Having maae
the order the only way to determine the
matter will be to take it into the courts.
Should the action of the commissioners
be held to be good the tax payers are
that amount better off at once, and
u,n1rl it, le held to be erroneous it will
L hap fn the collection of the sums
due the county lrom ine delinquent
suit. Tlie attempt was wen
. . iii il I ...111 lu umlpltCM,
making aim me mutier win w
with interest.
Judge Kinkaid and Reporter Laird
came up from Chadron this morning to
hold court. It was understood that he
would be here on Friday and conse
quently none of the cases were ready for
trial, except the mandamus case of the
Bank of Hurrisoit vs. Sioux county, and
the hearimr the order was modified so
that the general fund shall not be used
to nav the claims, but a special levy is
to be made to pay U' laims in tlle case
The case was conducted by Attorneys
Holmes and Conloy, and the court com-
dimented both of them on the able aiw
gentlmanly manner in which they pre
sented tlw matter. The term could not
be continued for the reason that cases
' , r . I : . n. f'hnHiVin ftfl t 11
Were ei ior num m v vim-"--- -- -
av and the judge could noi rerani
fore next week, and so it was ueciuea
thflt all the vases should lie deferred un
til the regular term in September.
We have found no remedy for malaria
so reliable and safe as Ayer's Ague Cure.
Taken according to directions it never
' Ayer's Sarsaparilla requires smaller
doses and is more effective than other
it blood medicines.
Articles f Incorporation.
Tho uinp-rsijfiiMl axiiitinK theniselveB
for tlie purpos,; of buying, w-llii and im
proving of real ?stnt ailopt tlie following
articles of incorporation:
Akt. I. The inline of this corporation ulnill
be the Nebraska Security Company of liarri
isoii, Kebraskiu
AKT. II. The principal place of business of
this corporation Khali be JIarrison, Bious
county, Nebraska.
AKT. 111. The general nature of the busi
ness of this corporation shall be the buying,
selling, leasing, cultivation and improve
ment of real estate.
Akt. IV, Tlie capital Htock of this corpora
tion shall be HI ty thousand dollars, divided
into shares of fifty dollars each. At least
ten per cent of said capital stock shall be
paid in lHdorc coiimicncinetit ol" business
and the remainder at such times km tlie
board of directors may order.
ART. V. This corporation shall commence
on the 2il day of December, 1SS)0, and shall
continue thirty years unless sooner dis
solved. AKT. VI. The highest amount of indebted
ness or liability which tiiis corporation may
at any time subject itself to shall be not to
exceed ten per cent of the capital stock
paid in.
ART. VII. The RfTairs of this corporation
shall be conducted by a lioard of directors
consisting of nine members who shall be
elected by tho stockholders of the corpora
tion from their mini Per at the organization
thereof. Throe of said directors shall be
elected for a term of three years; three for
two years und three for one year. At the
expiration of their terms of olllce their suc
cessors shall be elected for a term of three
years each. All vacancies occurring in the
membership of the board of directors shall
be filled by tlie board of directors.
The stockholders at their annual meetings
shall choose from tho board of directors a
president, a vico president, a treasurer and
a secretary, who shall hold their olllce for a
term of one year. Any vacancy occurring
in cither of the offices named snail bo tilled
by the board of directors until tlie next
annual meeting. -
Kach share ol stock shall bo entitled to
one vote at all elections.
Art. VIII. The regular meeting of tho
stockholders of this corporation shall bo
held on the third Monday of December an
nually. Art. IX. These articles may be amended at
any time by a vote of tho majority of the
Signed this 2iW day of December, 1WO. K. Holmes,
h. If. Joses.
coskad i.indemax.
lbwis gkh1.ac11.
Charles k. Verity.
In presence of II. T. CoNLElf.
State ok Nebraska,
sioux County, 1"
On this 22d day of Peccinpoi, 18!K, before
mo, H. T. Conley, a r.etary public In and for
sunt county, person :: i y appeared ineaoovc
uamea cnarios Jt. uu :es, s. n. Jones, Con
rad Liiideinaii, Iwl-: Clerlach, Charles E,
Verity, and Grant Guthrie, who are person
ally known to me to be the identical persons
whoso names are affixed to tho foregoing
articles of incorporation as incorporators,
and tney severally acKnowieug"!i ine sign
ing of same to bo their vo'unt ry act and
deed for the uses and purposed therein sot
lorin. f
.- . II; T. CONLEY
j seal j Notary Public
Estimate of Expenses.
Harrison, Nebraska, May 13, 1891.
At a meeting of the board of county com
nitssioners of Sioux county, Nebraska, held
on the 15th day of January, 1891, the follow
ing estimate for expenses for the year 1891
was made:
District court expenses $3,000
Salaries 2,000
Stationary . 17S
Printing 300
Koads and Bridges - - 2,000
Indebtedness and Interest a4 indicated
bv mandamus in favor of Itiuik of Har
rison 3,000
Institute 100
Incidental 3,000
Insane and poor fund . 300
Soldiers relief fund 800
Conrad lindemak,
35-38 . County Clerk,
10256. 1 10135.
Will make the season of 1891 at my
place on Warbonnet creek. 3 miles west
of C. F. Coffee's.
Description and Fedigrcf. Barbarin is
a black-gray; star in forehead; foaled
March 27,1880; imported 1888; weight
1,800 lbs. Bred by M. Dorchene, Com
mune of Coulognes les Sablons, De
partment of Orne. Got by Rouillard
1011U1, he by Favori, belonging to M.
Chaitipeon; dam, Traniquille 10134.
Terms-$10 for the
season payable in
15 dollars to insure a mure with foal or
upon hor removal from tho comity or change
of ownership.
Care Will be taken to prevent accidents
bat I will be responsible for none.
A. W. MOH R, Owner,
QTUorses taken to pasture at I2.O0
for the season of 6 month ,
FLOUR as low as $3.00 per hundred. BON TON, High Grade, fy.2i.
' Ladies Shoes, Good Quality, $1.25 a pair.
Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, 1.25.
Plow Shoes, 90 cents.
Childrens' Shoes, 50 and upwards.
Allen's Fast Prints, Warranted, 7 cents a yard.
Lawns 5 cents a yard.
Bargains in Dry Goods and Clothing.
Call and be Convinced.
Groceries Fresh
Special Discounts on Large Bills.
E3TFRESH and SALT MEATS always on hand.
every day in the year. We are always
ready to give you a first-class article at
fairest prices. Come in and try our way
of doing business; you will come out way
ahead if you do. " .
For Men, Women and Children.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Crockery
and Queensware.
Ranch Trade Solicited,
Ranch Supply House
MacLachlan & Cook, Props.
mxmwtt limits va.
iaKii38SS5.: SLaroest
C I I yggaKT-M.
nsro. 39.
and Prices Low.
Geo. H. Turner.
ft ,
1 1 a
- s' A--.U