The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 28, 1891, Image 5

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    f ..
vi:l J. I.. ivieiuiKiisi rar-
" My acquaintance with
Wdv Uoscliee s l,erman
r ' r. inane ai'vui iuuiktii
a lieti 1 contracted a Cold
Lilted i:t a Hoarseness and
which disabled me lroin
,u!iit for a iiumlierof
After tn inRa I'liysician,
L.Maininz relict 1 cannot
.hat r.-medy lie nrescriU-d
lie advcrtiMMiient of your
ml obtained a bottle. 1
mil quit k and permanent
it that whenever we have
it or I'.roiichial troubles
ur family, Iioschce's Cer-
has been our favorite
nl always with favorable
I have never hesitated to
V experience 01 ils use 10
en I iiave lounu them
4 1 . If ll
kvaik.New A Safe
!I. Confer-
15, '9 Remedy,
. Sole Man'fr.WoodburjjX.J.
.-t-.r ii;i!iiv fniUf'ir. Do yon 'erl
mi H 'i V'MJ. If go nl uuv and
.HI. A I MtK( H rUKVUIl'.
It 1 a uptvihc if in vohinUry
' 'I :;c, vflrnfng of tin- brain
if m-n'Ty, loot ii u lity, ail
pwwtrnf thr genrrutivr organs
iMul inlirtritmM, UM-ot opium,
l:f niu(UMm.ic ami IHfc 1 ly a
in ( tire, )ulutlt, The Anicr
:ii t ., Koyjlly prop, SjK-nrrf,
j 'M". .'iff, or Utv: tut $
ilc uijttiei by rf.mim.irt Ing
:::riTi rapuzs
aaa lU MA
X 2!5 W.btsh Av., CMots
I. v;itcii m ule b tislmr Youth
in f.nnp. Thr roify genuine. Frewh
pt urn in rite U.S. Ill harm
:v, f o'orlcM Hkr uulo pure spring
ail dir'or;itinriff., mMh twowii
miIa, ii.Jlowmrfts. freckles, tan
tr m,tticr, creates of t vrivety
! imparts Uiat too ot inno
- i;iti (leanness. $i a pavkngf, three
?nc mi receipt ot prirc, I he Ampri-Nir-rlo,
Hovally prop's, Nirencer.
'I r;ii'. t-uppltcd hy Gtiodtnan Inig
J son Utig to,, Omaha, Neb. Isold
Or Morphine Habit
Kill. INS, Origin! llaevteni
piiinNM. Bfxik mt fr to wur d
Anjr-Ofln hiprN lfDildluc
lira, iiU, I. A WlfH 1 (lonMKU
I'Ki:i')I)irAL TILLS. Tlic
" i:j'.-i'v, A' t ftily pr. th t m n
ii p' i;i.clv cure ftiipjirwt'm of
i (" ii'niiral triHiiiii-H p,niuir to
n it.titfv rnnctly, Wurrxtitrfl to
tti'.n or mttBty rifuiuk-i. l tie
f iti-4 lo wliu i :iihrt nr tt-l'ile
tA )i'trdr or itrntilar nrn
'k : or j lor $5. Srnt hy m;il
, '1 THilf Aiipplirrl hy (MKtdm.n
hattli-ah iJrw'j- Co.. Oitmhu. Nt h.
- v ! hn, ir molh ly hio m lt bflrtnl
-tiiwlii, Nj tKiirvMifF, no Itimiiytnifm
"l (" fffM. h(i-irt!j'oriTi't'rilml
'it -... (4n, riiinn-Mrw Irv
ilciWi DuuUa U lU. v'hicftHO. 111.
rjUnd yu are proipering,
am doing a driving bublnctw.
a dray" Areola Record.
riErj orjLV!
MIHII. f.l(r JSXTU I. mIuiTmI
M lu 4 tup f lull W4UUm
Jl pup, but when its backed op
e or itie harifcaxh of a tlnan
jifiible firm, or company, of
' rcnullltifin for fair and hin-
lliDL'ri. it nkPntlM humim am I
kr are scores of aaraaparillaa
iiiowt punnerB, all cracked
lxst. tlliroat mrat noAiiliar
Mu!, but bear in mind (for
ff uke), thore'a only one guar-
to(J IiU ritlor nnd rnmiwlv for
Vr nnd nil iliaouax iK.
k fitandioir anlitarv and alnrm
Vrial, ia
(uesGoldea Medical Diacov-
ha'l io good in aln, acolp and
t diHeaea and nulmnnarv
)n ia otlr lunff-vrnfula
i ruakerakoow find get. your
liean, bat to bank a twvif mail.
common one, by Mlling it on
fOolden Medical Diacovery" ia
la bankrupt Uie largeat for-
The careful aild conservative spiri,
Hhrnhcharactes bo much of the
workdoneiaKugland i8 shown In con-n.-t,onMiththere.Ilt
splendid pie
of work, the City and South Loudu,,
railroad. WUto ma.Ty of the detJk
of feline are carried out with the
perfection of modern electrial skill
there are go much behind modern pro-'
greas as to appear in a measure incon
sistent with the enterprise which char
acterizes the rest of the work, it ai
pars that the elevators leading to the
underground stations are operated hy
hydraulic power. There is a good deal
of dissatisfaction that electricity has
Dot been used for this purpose. XoUl
ing could be better adapted lor work
ing lifts than motors, and the savina
lu expense would have been consider
able. Unless the elevators are balanced
there is a plunger volume of high pres
sure water wasted every time each
hoist is u:d, whereas if the motors
were employed the generator would
need supply little more than the power
wasted in general friction. Another
fact which has been freely criticised is
the use of the air brake where electric
power is available. Jt has been urged
that the block system arrangements
and the cut off of the supply from a
moving train in case of necessity are
objections to its use.
If these are obstacles they can be
easily overcome, and the special leads
which supply the carriage lamps could
supply the motive power for the brakes.
It ia argued that this combination in
the same plant of hydraulic distribu
tion, compressed air and electric tract
on is a somewhat anomalous one.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
A Novel Sikh.
An enterprising trunk maker has
made a very striking application of
electricity for the advertisement of his
wares, la the front of his store he has
erected a pedestal of polisned brass
surmounted by a framework, repre
senting the usual trimmings of an or
dinary trunk. Insido this framework
is placed a trunk of leveled French
plate das., which is illumined in the
evening by electric light, and which
constitutes an unique method of ad
vertising. 1 he main part of the sign
is spiral in design, and is of solid brass,
excepting a small hole through the
center to pass electric wires through,
and on tho base of the structure is con
spicuously inscribed the name of the
lirm. .M'W lorn: commercial Adver
Klioda Mitchell, Hermit.
The dead body of lihoda Mitchell
was discovered on Sept. 10 in her baru,
chopped to pieces with an ax. Three
months of diligent investigation has
failed to throw any light on the affair.
Khoda Mitchell was a singular charac
Elzht years aco she lived In Mont
gomery, 0. Her lover jilted her on her
weuuiug day ana marrieu anoiuer wo-
Tlie A tutrian Navy.
Austria has been slowly falling be.
hind in her navy for several years
Since the launch of the Tegetthoff, in
1H78, she bus laid down but two
armored vessels, both of the second
doss. With but a narrow strip or sea
coast, but on first class seaport and
small mercantile marine, her moderate
expenditure for naval ueiense is count
less a wise measure of economy. New
York IJcrald.
III frill 7 Kara e1.
Dudedson Awr, I say, waihtah, whal
is this dish hyah?
Waiter-That, sir? Macaroni au
chappie, sir.
Diidoson-Mfcrutcru aa Chappie I
Ah ah-whnt's that, pway?
Waiter Macaroni and calves' brains,
Hu'll Oel l-roinotd.
"Johnny, six from 9005, leaves hi
any ?"
"Go to tho black-board fttld show how
you get that result"
"9-0-0 5," wrote Johnny, "hii oui,
ibbinff out tho six, "leave3 9-0-5, which
equals 905." Harper's Young Poople.
iWn. but nnlv
'Diacovery" is
Wht Could be Ex pact
!nyMrs. Dlngbatta doesn't
common sense. .
'-Of course not There's
mioon about her, she'd hare
-Uiicafro Inter-ocean.
focleljr Drama.
A drama in three acts. Act I. Mon
day. JontiS (a bore)-Is Miss Smith
in? Servant (instructed by Miss
Smith)-Xo, sir; she's out. Act II.
Tuesday. Jones Can I see Miss
3milh? Servant (instructedJ-She's
sick, and wishes to be excused. Act
II .Wednesday. Jones How is Miss
Smith today? Servant (instructed)
She says she Is dead Jones-How sadl
Can I see the remiins?-ruck.
the Ku,
Mr. Jlillclcrk (to precocious little
glrl)-You are a very nice little girl;
you shall be my wifa when you get big.
Little Oirl-No, thank you; I dont
want to got married, but sister does
cause I heard you say so, didn't you,
Hand-springs of dismay by sister.
Express Gazette.
f-- 1 f-
Kn Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
-ieeii t men.
A Kentuckian, speaking of the north
ern fashion of letting a woman hustle
for herself in public places, says that
this is due to the demeanor of the
northern woman herself. When he
is south he always resigns his seat iu
a public vehicle to a woman, and
njukes it his business to secure her
comfort whenever possible, regarding
the welfare of every woman as the
sjiecial care of every man. In the
south the women are drpendetn, con
fiding and helpless.
In the north they know what they
want and they go and get it with a ra
pidity that startles the average man
The northern woman buys her own car
ticket, checks her baggage, gets aboard,
buys a newspaper, looks for a seat and
waits her turn with all the independ
ence and courage of any man that can
be produced. She wants no favors and
Bhe asks for none. This is bo plainly
apparent that, as the Kentuckian says,
he is half afraid to otter her any favors
for fear she may resent his interference
and even when he is sure that she will
not, and when slit, looks at him long
ingly, he himself is half provoked at
the general swing of the sex here in the
north and would not offer her a seat
When she is north she must hustle
as northern women hustle. And when
he is north he will do as northern men
do. Xot the slightest grain of soft
ness is found iu his make-up for the
northern woman uiiaocompanied by
her escort, Xot the slightest grain of
sternness is felt for the southern wo
man when he sees her alone. The for
mer may do the best she can. The latter
may revel in all the luxury which (he
chance man may be able to provide for
All the girls are going in fof health
and athletics. They must not they
simply must not appear sick. They
must have a fine color, bright eyes
glossy hair, round elbows and a long
sw inging gait that is half a dog-trot, or
some one may be led to think that they
are not marvels of strength and robustness.
How the Dcsi 11 Was Selected.
The flag of the union, so dear to the
civil war veterans who went through
four years of bloody strife for its pres
ervation, was selected in the revolution
ary days when the nation's existence
was a grave question. The duty of
choosing a design for the flag was com
initted by congress to Messrs. Frank
lin, Harrison and Lynch, who found
the task one of considerable difficulty
A large number of designs were ten
dered for consideration. One proposed
that the constellation Lyria, the harp
in the hands of Appollo, be introduced
as an emblem of harmony; another
suggested a rattlesnake with thirteen
rattles; another, a mailed hand grasp
ing thirteen arrows; while still others
suggested animals, suns, moons, and
several other devices, 'i he conclusion
reachod by the committee was that any
kind of animal was inappropriate, that
crosses were too suggestive of lloinan
Catholism, and suns and moons of Mo
hammedanism. The flag of thirteen
stripes and thirteen stars was first dis
played at Cambridge, Mass., on Janu
ary 2, 1770. Legislative action on tho
adoption of a Mag was no doubt taken
before this date, but there is no record
of the adoption of a design until Juno
II, 1777.
Sultan' Favorite Wife.
The favorite wife of tho sultan was
once a poor girl living iu the coal
mines of France. She was a beauti
ful girl, as she is a beautiful woman,
and some charitable person found her
occupation in a famous dressmaking
. . 1 . 1.. i. ...i..-.
eatanitsnmeni, in riaucu, miuie
uiperiorjjitelligence soon made her the
madamc's most valuable assistant, and
she was sent to Constantinople with
dresses ordered by the Sultan's mother
.Nothing more was heard of her for
innnv vears. until a little inheritance
was left to her by a relative and no
ticeswere published asking for her
whereabouts. In answer to these no
tices a wonderful equipage, escorted
hy mounted ennuches, stopped at the
loor of the Embassy, and the Sultan's
nly legal wife stepped down to declare
herself the once ilora Collin ana re
nounced the legacy in favor of her kin-
,wi who are still poor. It was the
old story of love at first sight between
-he sultan and the beautiful modiste.
A Blf Improvement
The youngest daughter of the duke
and duchess of Connaugh was born
on St Patrick's day and rejoices in the
name of Victoria Patricia, so called in
honor of her grandma and that Irish
saint An American lady living in
London and who seems to know a good
deal about English royalty, says the
little girl is a real beauty and that hei
cousins, of whom there Is a troop call
her "i atsy." Whether this will render
the name popular in aristocratic circles
remains to be seen, but Patricia In it
self is a lovely mouthful and a decided
improvement on Gladys ana uwenuo-
line, which are as common
and Mabel were ten years ago.
The end of the world is set for March
181H1. At least, it muht just as well be,
for after that ditto every telephono in
ventor can spring a now infliction on
the long Buffering public.
More Time.
Busy people always seem to hare
plenty of time. Their day is only
twenty-four hours long, yet out of that
twenty-four hours fourteen hundred
and forty moments they find space
for an astonishing amount of work.
They are never afraid to undertake a
new thing. They have always a few
minutes to give to a friend. They will
secure an hour for some congenial oc
cupation. It is to tho busy men you
go, asking can they take a part in this
new project Certainly; state what
you would like done, or how you wish
it, and they will lend a hand. Why, if
you so desire, they will take time to
tell you just what yon ought to begin,
and how to manage it And when one
piece of work is accomplished they
pass to the next with perfect readiness
and a calm confidence in their own
Yes, strange to say. the people who
never have time to do anything are
those w ho never have anything to dc.
They would start this scheme, take
part in that transaction, if they only
had a little more time. They would be
so glad to pay these calls, only too de
lighted to give that help, to learn a
language, or to read a book, but they
cannot make the time. And while
they lamedt their lack of it, all the
time they had is gone, and their plans
are still unfinished.
After all, what more time have the
busy than the idle? Has not each of
us to-day? Has not each of us all the
time there is? Harper's Bazar.
To exterminate carpet moths: Sat
urate a large cloth with water strong
ly impregnated with ammonia. After
wringing it as dry as possible, spread
upon the carpet, and iron until thor
oughly dry. It is not advisable to press
hard as that flattens the nap of the car
pet Co over tlie entire carpet in this
manner. The hot steam not only kills
the little pests and destroys their eggs,
but with the addition of the ammonia
freshens and brightens the carpet also.
Jo avoid carpet moths: If you find
110 appearance of moths in your car
pets, use an "ounce of prevention." In
other words, after your carpet has been
laid, sponge thoroughly in a strong so
lution of salt and water. It is well, al
so, to sprinkle salt underneath the car
pet, in dark corners, under bookcases,
couches, etc., where the carpet is least
used, a hove all, keep your rooms su
fficiently light, remembering that
moths should be numbered among
those wicked creatures who "prefer
darkness rather than light, because,
their deeds are eviL" Good Housa-
The Russians are Moving.
The migration of settlers or labor
ers from the interior of Russia to the
Caucasian and Siberian districts is still
increasing. The cities on the various
ro;nl3 are literally overflowing with
emigrants, among whom great distress
prevails. In Tumeu alone there are
over 20,000 emigrants. Most of them
have to sleep in the open air. Great
mortality from contageous malarial
diseases prevails among them. The
means of the imperial Emigration
Committee are exhausted, and from
private sources help comes in very
slowly. Mr. Jacob I'olisknoff, the great
Jewish railroad builder, has sent large
sums to help the emigrants, but this
help was as a "drop in the bucket."
The Russian press begins to be anxi
abotit this migratiou of large masses of
people. If any epidemic should break
out there is no telling what mischiet
this llutuating mass, which is in want
and distress, may create. The Cos
sacks on the lines of emigration are
kept on the alert
Obsequious Servants.
A lady recently returned from Japan
adds another to the many tales of the
obsequiousness of Japanese servants.
In leaving the house one day with his
nurse, says an exchange, her little son
s'ipped and fell, receiving no injury be
yond a few scratches.
Tho nurse upbraided herself In the
most extravagant of dire consequences
upon her head. The other servants, to
whom the affair was told by the un
happy m dd, were equally shocked and
outraged, and the jabbering and chat
tering lasted interminably. -
For weeks afterward the occurence
was referred to as a dreadful calamity,
and the day of its happening served
for a long time as a prominent date by
which to place other events. It is
farther stated that the accident was not
witnessed by any member of tho fam
ily. It would never have been known
to the boy's mother -save for the in
tenso and continued excitement it
Price no Object.
. We are acquainted with a Cumber
land County man of rather slow wits
who engaged a lot of pine timber to a
certain mill man. Sledding had near
ly gone, hut the timber didn't' come
About this time the mill man met oar
acquaintance and asked when he was
going to get that pine. "Wall, the
truth is, Charles, I pold that timber to
Berry." "Sold it to Perry!" cried the
mill man. "What did you do that for
did he give you more than I offered?"
"Xo, he didn't give me quite so much,
Charles; but I think his judgment is a
leetVe tatter's your'n." LewistonJour-
.Stanley as a Pirate.
The Emin relief expedition was in all
respects a private enterprise. There
was not a shadow of autho-ity in the
hands of any one connected with it to
raise troops, to inflict capital or other
corporal punishment on persons in its
service, to make war on foreign soil, to
levy supplies by force, or to purchase,
hold, or employ slaves; yet all these
things were done by Stanley or by some
of his subordinates. There can be no
question, if we can judge from Mr
Stanley's account of Emin and his men
that had even half of what he found
out about them been known in London
three months or even two months be
fore he started, the "Emiu Iteleif Com
mittee" would never have been organ
ized; and Emin and his ragamuffin
army would have been left to get out
of their scrape as best they could
What prevented preliminary inquiry
was undoubtedly the Gordon legend,
which sur.ounded with an heroic halo
every European shut up in the Soudan.
Of the illegality of the enterprise under
the munincipal law of England, there
can be Little question. E. L. Godkin
in the February Forum.
Whose Face Was it?
A few years ago while a workman at
Pueblo, Colo., was dressing a block of
stone his chisel uncovered a hatd con
cretion near the surface of the block.
Presently this concretion, which was
rounded on the back dropped from the
cavity in which it rested, disclosing a
perfect mold of a human face on its
surface, every outline perfect, unhurt
and unmarked by the tool which had
dislodged it The imprint in the block
was as perfect as the model on the con
cretion, and many plaster casts were
taken from it by archaeologists and
local curiority seekers. 'Some ot these
casts found their way to the museums
of the learned societies of Europe,
were the subject of many debates.
Many scientists were inclined to take
it as a perfect human fossil' but the
majority insists upon it being merely
an idol of prehistoric times. The stone
in which it was found was from eighty
feet below the surface. St. Louis Republic
Mr. Chi Ma' Country Home.
"Wooton," Mr. George W. Childs'
place at Bryn Mawr, is one of the hand
somest and most expensively main
tained country places in the United
States. The annual expenditure is not
far from $30,800, of which 812,000 is
paid to house servants and other em
ployes. Twenty men and twelve horses
are kept busy all the year round in
caring for the farm and grounds, and
in summer six additional men are re
quired to look after the lawn, while as
many more aseist the gardner. New
York Ledger.
Let's reason together.
Here's a firm, one of the
largest the country over, the
world over ; it has grown, step
by step, through the years to
greatness and it sells patent
medicines ! ugh !
" That's enough ! "
Wait a little
This firm pays the news
papers good money (expen
sive work, this advertising ! )
to tell the people that they
have faith in what they sell,
so much faith that if they can't
benefit or cure they don't want
your money. Their guarantee
is not indefinite and relative,
but definite and absolute if
the medicine doesn't help,
your money is "on call"
Suppose every sick man
and every feeble woman tried
these medicines' and found
them worthless, who would be
the loser, you or they ?
The medicines are Doctor
Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis
covery," for blood diseases,
and his " Favorite Prescrip
tion," for woman's peculiar ills.
If they help toward health,
they cost $1.00 a bottle
eachl If they don't, tlm
cost nothing
22 DE WITT'S !?
Cure Dysptpala, Heart tarn. Billons,
icie, Indigestion, Liver Complalut,
Clear the Complexion from Pbnplea,
3Iotcbea and Sallowaees. Care erery
,ornj ofllraaacke. Aa Excellent After
Dinner Pill.
Theae Uttle PI 11a hare tha moat per
rcct action and pleasant effect of nay
pill ever made. Sold by Brnggtata, or
cut by nail for tS cents.
7, n'.'u'R S E R S
Kartu. "ltv Bare.
E. C. DE WITT at CO., Chicago, 111.
for tlie Cenenil Ailments ot Horses, Cattle, Hog
and Slwp. Tliey purify the blood, prevent aod
cure disi itsp. Ilimcst and reliable, in tioiiett
packaf-s; used and warranted for over twenty
years. Kveryune ownlnu' a horse or cattle should
rive it a trial. Made by Emmei.t I'lioeKiETiat
Co., Chicago.- bold by all druggisu.
lift I L I til VVe want the name and ad
drcssof every sufferer in the
& ACTUM A U.S. and Canada. Address
HO I II I lift P.IiroldIjes,M.S.l8sirtllI.r
$100 REWARD!
will be paid to the FIRST PERSON
solving the American i ntroduction Co.'s
Send 15 cents in stamps for copy of
85 Dearborn Street
The most complete line at
DreM Kt-loriri Uoode ia the
Dorth-wet. Including the cele
brated Equipoise and Uelaarta
vtaists, JemieHs Miller epeci2
tie and Jersey Knit Underwear,
bend stamp for free illuatrated
75 Madison at., Chicago.
All Kind 4 of House riant
.ShrubH, Vegetable i'laiitH.
n "-r" ITT Lawyer and Halleltor. K. T.
rfl I til 1 V 'nwiclc, Waahlnffton, D. G.
CorrettpoDdeuce Invited.
ff UatrtnfrNd not W
leadinf remedy for ll ibt
unnatural discharges' an
ttrivatedlseajieno! men. A
I certain cure for the d bill
- bating weAKDeaa pvciaiiw
lo women.
I niwipri ha Hand feel aaf
EEvANSCHEMWino. fn recommending 11 W
I A. 4. oiun n( m u..ur.MiimTuS)
bold by nrijgKtnrfa.
When I taj cure I do not mean merely to stoop them
for a time and then have thorn return again, 1 mean a
radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I
warrant my remedy to en re the worst cases. Bocanas
ethers have failed is no reason for not now reoeiTiiS) a
me. Band at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle aii
any Infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Offioe.
H. U. HOOT, M Ct ti3 Fearl HU. N. T.
Kiud's Germ Kr:tlicntor positively cures all dis
eases! fk-aiuse it kills all germs, biictera, parasites,
microbes :iwl animulculjie in the sstcm, which ihe
prominent physicians in convention agreed was tho
cause of all disease. The air, water, vegetables and
fruit are full of these little worms, causing catarrh,
consumption, diabetes, and Urijrht's disease, can.
cers, tiwnors nnd all so called incurable diseases,
( Never known to fail to cure consumption, catarrh,
kidney troubles and syphilis ) $3, $5 ap-i $3 sizes
sent anywhere on receipt of price. This is the
only g'l nu nc articlc;all others arc counterfeits. The.
Am. VV & Med. ('o. (royalty) Spencer, ( lay Co.,
Ia. supplied ly Goodman Drug Co., and
Ki oh. ml son i rii Co., Omaha, Neb, Sold by a K
driur i-rs -
The largest stock of Artifi
cial Eves in the West. An as-
Bortment of eyes sent to any
autiress allowing purcnaser
to select one or more and re
turn Uie balance thus assuring
a perfect lit. Office, 103 Suite st., Chicago, IU.
consulting and operating surgeon to the Chicago
Kye and Ear College. Patients t a distance treated
with unparalleled success and when visiting the city
are furnished board and lodging at reasonable rates.
K. N. U. No. 128
York, Neb
Free Trade Prices
No lro notion!
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V'e are now selling our
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Sewing Machine same as
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tachments and warranted
for K vears for only tt(
Send for circular nnd see full descoiption of this
and other styles to N, A. Scullin & Co.. 763 V
Lake St., Chicago, 111. .
GEN I'LKMEN "The King" formerly of Ku
rope, for gonorrhoea, glee ami other urinary dis
orders is guaranteed the best and quickest in the
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tion and renown in England. Europe, Canada and
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the pocket. $3 a p ickage or two for $5, sent by
mail on receipt of price. We guarantee no strict
ure in us ng the "King," The Amer can Pill and
Medicine Co., Royalty t rop's, Spencer, Clay Co.,
Iowa. Trade supplicdny Goodman Drug Co., and
Richardson Drutc Co., Omaha, Neb.
. A. BABBEB. President.
The safest fenoe mnde. Does not injur. toek
Visible at s areat riistanoe. Thousands of testt
Imoniais. Benu ior oirouiars sua prune.
Barb wire. Address ,
Cnnr Airo hPnPA t.n..
1 A. BTBEKT. Seorstary. Wm. BOLDKNWbCK, Treasons
wtiuwRom riis
xWlffl TaiaiM.LSND OCNUINI. Th el Balk, , rtHoU, riiiforwi.. VRjr
11 m ki
. I U. . A
"HiTSiHSLSSd EnTilk VipwmTif. Just" eWMMeHMtn. Al Rrautiu. r Ml M
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X oat to nsa. Cheat) est. Relief is immediate. A
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OUTS U certain, r or Vyoia u mmummu
t. 1. M.t kirk aamall nartiela ia at) t) lied
to the nostril. Mot Wo. Bold bjdrnsUor tenUy
All 111 SMI Jk. A. nAIUIlHi ttsctw, saw