The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 28, 1891, Image 3
TtaSiJxCcuniy Journal. offfnui. oot'trrr rana. ttrm IM TU OOCKTT. cttdXAncni or asy ran ictumsd in wn'i oonrnr.' o flubacrifrfioa Pric, 2.00 L. 1. iBmmmm, . Editor Baw at tbe Hantaan port oBke u m ToVBbvat, Mat 38, fcn. BMtUMtotkeZut. H Bwltlactoa Route B. A. M. R. R. is nwm uboiiuj- oquippea wuem'er trainee without chanee from Nw f taut la Wrotnlaf mod Crawford, Nebruka, direct to unoom, ncmatt, miking connection at thai point with their own throm I. trains for Dearer, Cheyenne, and all potato wont, and for Kansas City, St Joseph, 8t Louia, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all pointi east Beuember thia ia the only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St Louia the fol I wine moraine;. For farther information and ticket ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington kouw o. mm. m. n. What Tm 4M for a Dollar, tifty-iwo twelve nag paper, fear IkoaeaaA, Urea hundred and ality eight cohsaeaaol freeh reading matur. an the aewe Of tbe whole world arery weak. neadlaa matter, and not coin-no after col auaofada. . Letters from Weealaalon and all the prtn elpel aewe seniors. Market renaite which are tbe nni com late and reliable. Vara aad boajebeld Mate that are worth a doner every week. More than a dollar worth ef good, short starlet fram the beat writer or the day. Lasts of psnslons araated every and ether nature of tateteet to old soldiers. BerrthtaT thatbappeni In Kcbraoka.that la of la tereat to tbe people, especially If It relatea to Mate affairs. T earn It Bp, yoo get tbe lrrit, bent and sleeaBet weakly In tbe west. One that I alert.ead ap with the evar-profrnMinff west era taooflt la Ite editorial policy; one that wUPpieate every member of your family, ywaag aad aM. " Try It. Three luoatba, Dc; six uiuntb, We; oae year 01 Jo. . Aak roar Doataaator for a aanipla cony of lee w Wt KIT UTATK JOI BNaI and fire lei roar BBQsrnpUap, or add rue Mara Jovmhal, ' I IftMfin Vtl Qeo. Aodrfws, of Lowell, with ulcers bvf half hie body, cured by Ayer's 8ar-ntbaNlb. tXaeh OoaftOh I MB own peoaaar amladyi bat with tbe mA m.uft at unlfana tutor oat taetMr, by e am of Ayefa Ss-aepariiu, sat MM roaany aaapoi naeo nmv MheMeas, Coe-aedtf the test sJterettfes MM leaase, aafVstt, "Kblr eotieeotrajed. atari aareayanna n u awn curium Meal of an wooe awajemea. " far aeeas fear, at Ihe.retBrB 16 Ittmf, t J04 tar trouble wm waa aaaMa .were aaw i m kldneVa, I to sleep Wfrata. nd ranrad In the small of aiy Baca, ad wtth headache, lou of iiti...WM TtutM iraiDtomi worse lart sortes. eapadaUy the I ovcaa UtyfeoobtMalldia MaBfeeT, X AsrcoCarcaporllla t AkwpWelrf afttnrfa'ine aMll- . .( tba tea. uw Hi. f - 4o PMaau. CfcTMl ) v6i nry. , f .,V;,:.;ln.-'Prto."'.:; 1f prieeof too JJww 'fa'Cet ti i whecrlbe lot the W'ii'litMweai. tffix9mimmmir'lm PtEASANT HARAGRAPHS. -i- do bac-Utkr friend)--!., conic and . me bomc day, old cU;ip; B1i.l JughWrs are all of tw m cu- ,1V,1SKtr"rve "T-'nted an ink bottle - What kind la itr Bjinks"Jt "da an alarm at the approach of a mucilage brush." Brrwek Oood Frien&.-"See that poor Mm. X! Her teeth grow blacker and blacker:" "Goodness! Don t you know that U because there has been so much mourning In the family this whiter'" At a ball an adoring admirer ap proached a young girl who was dressed jn black. "May I ask you to dance r he asked. "Yes." she replied, "but please dance very slowly. I am not yet out of mourning." As indicated man on a Ninth street 1 hiladelplna car kept gazing anxiously at the fare register. Finally, turning to the other only passenger on the car, he said: "Shavl I .u, i,i i,..v. tram. Zat clock ain't right, ish it?" UK o; papa has no positive objec tion to you. He merely thinks you a little too too indolent, as it were. He hays you seem to have no object in life, so to speak." He "No object In life? He surely doesn't taki you into consid eration at alL" "Hello, old fellow, going to hunt?' "Yes, to-day for the first time. The first rabbit I shoot Is for my wife, the second belongs to my daughter, and the third I mean to give to you." "That is very kind of you, but would you mind shooting the third rabbit first." Litkrahy Note. "I see that in the preface of your book you state thnt it is written to fill a long felt wnnt. What do you mean by that?" "What do I mean by that! Why, I've been needing a square meal for the last eighteen months. Don't you call that a long felt want?" A MTTI.I! Washington boy who had Wen imitating bis papa so as to be "a inau, coaxed bis father for roller skutesand got them. One evening his father came from the office, and for the sake of teasing the little man, said: "That's nice, isn't it? The idea of a man playing like that. What Would you think of papa were he to come home on skates?" "Well," said the youngster after a thoughtful silence, "mamma says you dL" SINCE tAST WE MET. A man is to walk on stilts from Paris to Moscow, As Albany (Kan.) paper publishes the following item: "Johrt Thompson's dogs are all dead but twelve." A relic is being adver tised in Kansas as "the woman Henry M. Stanley was stuek on fifteen .or twenty years ago,'1 A lot of land Id Cincinnati thirty-nine by ninety feet in dimensions) once bought for foui dollars, recently sold for ninety thousand dollars in cash. " C'axnuiai.imm is evidently on the in crease in Washington. An advertise ment in one of the papers reads: "Wanted A White girl for cooking." Tub merchants of Htttrgeon, Mo., have entered into an ironclad agree ment to enforce the cash system in that town. "Anyone caught selling goods on credit forfeits all his outstanding accounts." A HE!) quill eonsistlngof 23,223 pieces, has just been Completed by. a maiden l:wly of Quakcrtow-n, N. J. It is two yards wide, and two and a quarter yards in length, and over two years were spent in making It IIkxh und chickens worth two thou sand dollars tl))iecc attracted curious sightseers at the poultry show In New York, while domestic fowls, Worth each only a fi-w hundreds, were so common that tlicy hardly won any notion A siah knows as "Buffalo" vlones lately furnished the novelty of a sale of a herd of buffalo at public auction in Garden City, Ia. There was a mort gage on the herd Which Mr. Jones could not lift, and the sheriff did the rest Mr.' Wells', of Halting Hollow, L. I., is now nearly eighty years of age, and ho ha kept an account of the number of cords bf wood cut during his life, and reports it as 13,781. About thirty years ago, on a wager, he cut, but did not )ile, ten cords of pine wood between sunrise and sunset. QUAINT AND CURIOUS. TiWhhird ' that vis- M Oardinet'. "Miss., a few days aoo was. one Mint 'Was pure white. . , . - A up.sidknt of Tampa, Ha., has a natural curiosity in the form of a pair of deer horns with, a clearly defined v.. tipail on the tin of one of them, formed in n manner that makes 1t iir poaaible that It should "he a work of art. A Kmttfse . YO man lias a snane in hit stomach-, and unless the reptile gets What It want to eat and drink it makes troubW. von wine is lis -avor- Ite tipple, but If it gets too much of the wine ll acta aa If ft had delirium tre mens. Title ntber dav a nhilantlironic lady found the following appeal ' among her n.nnl vrlnt f bemritu? letters. "Dear madam: Will you help mo to get a po sition as a teacher to support myaeu and two little one?. Also tell me where I can buy a parrot one year or(l. Coxohkshmax-RLE'T rAOE lias pre sented the Maryland state museum with a 'pe'trlfled oyster, which weighs three pounds and nine ouncea, and is seven incbea long, aeven inches wide and two incbea thicK. 7 WM reoetftly picked up by lrt)e the dredger. Tne Blr-Slirhnni (Ala.) .Age-neralcl prints She following Inscription from a tombstone which evidently Vefers to a member of ond of the befor-lhewar dark; familiem "Henryetta, nMner etta, Damlrefta, Creamertartor. Oaro Hn, BaUtkv Dnnghter of Mob and IjT the PP"r vwvc uvi.-fi .1 l v Wa nntv nnnT Were ia a cop. r7'" t j extant, of a folio adWipnpei aheet, Vnblle 'OecnrreBoea," printed at Boe- W-mU.VmWWi?- 100, to ha karaed montaly or oftenor, cud printed by B. Ptoroa tor Benjamin ri-L6nd'662houe; IflOO J iH!- I RmOHDE CYCLES. 7taVn' vn -v.ii.rf-. f or Centitirifcn or Ladies. itli Soliu or Cushion 1 ires, :rvai $85.00 -to $145. Tiie latest and t.t pr-. f , the World'a Best Cjci Lt..i .-. : ;. LIGHT, STRONG, L.aY RUN NING, SWIFT. Ved hy hard riders all c-.r llie world. V'etl.-o iiry a of A :;.,.rir.ui Cycles fro:.i S20.C0 to $145. EAGY PAYMENTS WITH NO EXTRA CHARCE. I1ABGAINS IN JOH LOTH. AT LOWEStPRICES Our superior ..Tl.jcerr,(-r,tq brJnff us orders from every State and i -! rr.ury enu i-r-a city 1 a ins United States and Canada. If j-oa-jcur-tona.-rr mtfl huwIrM errX-r, rt in tic mti rrow! and save you money. " ----- I r - A...-. , 1 .-o. i.Jlt. i., U( VI tO XJUiUHl ROwii, HASASS a GO., 144 G Street, Peoria, III. 1 V A- -a . lr. BolW 1aV " 1 era." 0991; joj eiciuji'o e SB uosjed cuo AT NO X38 3 NO 123 O ') oonpojju o. jepjp t 'Sua jb e ing "UBiOj 5 "S3$ ucq) sse joj m"noq sq icuir ssoujeq n qons 'dlHSNVWXyOM If Tjoa oq-, put? H001S 1S3NI.J emprr ROOVUlfd BU.M -O UOSB9S Sm f4B03tlS B 3uj(BlU CJG OIJLY 50 A YEAR EL i? n n i , Logarj. IB -UBT rult N0 RUNNINO OVCn WITH ; HIN0. 4M 0)Hat W aO la iMmmi to On 'laaOv, Vmi OW M "O, -...1-lMJta." THERE IRE TALKS about the oininq-booM; about what to w(ar and. how to makk it; about, society; about book! About' PLANTS AND FLOWCftfJ, m-9-About HOME CASimT; , JtBOUTfoOOD'fORM About H0U8t SEAUTiruu; Btltb.abarmlpg Word Pletoree. eo ailaavta at aobjeete, --y 'cub beetoBeidBaiDMira. WILL SOON APPEAR.. AMOMB OUR MANY CONTRIBUTORS ARC !j fteatat V BuaetTTt. BHiauir 0kf. aaiia, WiuCaauToa. BiaHor Vtaccm. Joiiam auta a Wirt, Aeie BATia.' Caav NuNTtNsfoN Mabca, tnd tkt But Writtrt in (A Country CmtribtiU Ye ear Celumnt. P The Drodix Fublishimq Co., Actum px . rrnni - VoBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBoTOBrf! IPC. ..3 NEW REPEAT18.C RIFLE MAR LIN SAFETY CODEL 1889. . s:li? 'M SOLID TOP- Oilnff 32-20, 36-40 nnd 44-40 CorrtrklgBi. . ' Bead fcr free acucnptrfe pnee-nn or iwp""a "OTt Doublo-ActloaBevoWera, etc., to the UARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. ILYNIAM'S PIT. RIFLE SOTS Are UaMnjiHad Birlli lor Hunting ana I argil anwung. ("rud fir Catnloiriie .V, sl-owlnit Sighla and I Klllts oflatcrt desicn. Ailnrowi "UnmXST09LS For Rifles, Pistols Shotguns. RKOAO YOUR SHELLS fc,y4t. AID SAVE MONET, iLjS FREE, HLUaTRATCO -a-w' II CATALOGUE BewW BJ cohtainino vaiuaaic iNerKiicTioNa onBJ MaVorftCaWtirbOh own mmuhitiok. P iOEfil BFfi.G0.r RoxB, Hew Haven, (it. I mmn great nfSTALHIElfT OFFER. 11 Klrymnt oaltiwr I'nrlor ftiyi oVy . i, tlri OotmtKM, M Sett JUedt, t ttop; mud f aCm SwtlU, vtdtrd to rr a-d ifcT OTM"y bit Mt trial. Buiumir Dlubelol fc' eaiiMHin. , mh aava f t. n I 11,7.. .jail Ccrnish I Co., ViskitxtMf nU. a. a5as r n. jn, "Ofip ;"' I (BsRs jpliiSli ijj C9gTl iff ,fW If UJ ,l,lly xi.d ), i 'J!J' onn Ivralilln, fcm ,l', M.Alr w.anM r.wiUii "w - v"' vu riJut: 5? ' 1 . .,....-. ..- aa Vrttt ro II. Ill , ll ' I "" '..iir Hi... , r i-ir itt.iwi.uw .nlr 10 $3000i K A f I ttftrtertal-t to hrtrfty fWrlj IntnntrTitpM-eonofrimrr to tin mi (Dd mii, sua wno. rBatructloit, will bl1t ' TndDBf ritMal, m mm Tkroa TfcfcejaaBi Stolisrw a Tasplai ItMlrnwn lnHtra-WrioT-r fwov ltv.l vHM i1o fWnltb Um BHwUoa or tp-DlormBnt,! which jrou cm ni thstvmoHBt. Mo Baf UrtlnilwM Mrnftil tbov. KbbIIj ifed qsK-klr rMrsta. I worrt mt on work or lYoai rscti district of potjstjr. I tt lfwy-Mtitit uid proM4 wtUi tmploimenl Jtrwt Mborwlio arm bmUbh ortr WoWt AlU cfci l.lW 4 OLIV, F-H MrUralars Fir KB Arnrsi j'r.,t nut llttl fcriolirVBW work for nit l",v Amis lw. Aaiw, TrNB, pM Jtio, HnM, TtMj, OMe, rH'' Bprra a roe-way IT-T-'g 101 vimf nonir rwm ut ea lonlh. Vo rtH do the work ml Htb il hoBM, 'wkrrtrfr ym r. II .d. AHUM. Ws IMW yonjeWW MB) amri jfiH. vein wwtpi in ohib am jr all rh. Mmi. B(f smuy Apt wffc pti, 1 hllurB uaktrvwi noag tfeMK. Oe..ajoBBwa n nioiiiii i aaai II Everybody Wagon" No. 47 With Half SprSsra, one Seat, Ooahion aad Shafla. , Qoad Timber and Bono Dnf" The bo lieesilr taken oB and the rear Jenrthene out for the ue of yrpanteta aad Maoris. Thin wagon has a smooth naish, Is painted bright aad nttreertr, and Is atroat: and m - w"aaffiKaSirf Oa OslabraW&aLCd Waoa, 1010 WTetka, W 1 BOOK HOLDERS. Tmc Most PcarteT DicTWMaar holbck. Foidirvg and Adjustabls Tahiti. SEND rOK CATALOGUE. R. M. LAMBIE, SO E. I Oth 8tN.V. T1 Are Btrieflr Int-elm it erery ettfl, poMMf abtelntely Berfeet RnUmg attitn and kaniieaw eaM. TiHj war ranttd. . nil At tie BBit ta tkwrM, aai km M all tUiert for yean. Orw 10,000 is Me. The Mople bn aonrl It kave Iht bit, an ill hare ntie lut tae KSTKY. TiMBipByaeito or rath, at eutiSMni refer. D '-'lb fW TO