The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 21, 1891, Image 6

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    The Sioux County Journal
' . ,
Subscription Price, f2.00
L, J. SImrmmb, ... Editor.
Entered at the Harrison port ot&ee aa see-
oua el mailer.
THtESDAT, May 21, 1691.
Heavy rain ia the western part of the
state hav- given added brilliancy to the
crop prospects in the section devastated
by drouth last year. Lincoln Call.
The birds of tbe air have nests, the
foxes have holes, but the son of a gun
Who edits the Omaha Bee hath not
Where to lay bis aching political head.
Fremont Tribune.
Three men were arrested last week
Bock county, being caught in the act of
waking counterfeit dollars. They will
be apt to learn that Uncle Sam lias
Voonpoly on that kind of business and
is opposed to free coinage.
8am Heseraull has purchased an inter
est and assumed the editorial manage
ment of the Crawford Boomerang. The
paper gives evidence of his being a news
paper man of the real live sort and he
will be apt to look well after the inter
ests of his patrons.
The Thayer-Boyd case has been taken
to the supreme court of the United
punes ana uui iriounai win pass upon
T Wents. That course cannot but be
satisfactory to all for the case is with
oui a pareuei in me nistory or the na
tion and should be made a precedent
. The reciprocity treaty with Venezuela
has been formally agreed upon and will
take effect in a short time. This means
that the balance of f 7,000,000 per year
in our traue witn mat country is about
to be turned the other way, to the. ad
Vantage in particular of oui farmers.-
'St. Louit Globe-Democrat. y
Louis fleimrod, the state oil inspector
appointed by Boyd, declines Ve4uru over
the office to E. C. Cams who was ap
pointed by Tliayer. The former has the
records and the latter has possession of
the oil inpector's room at the capitol,
but neither of them appear to be doing
- inuch official business. It is a peculiar '
thine: that one of the least important ap
pointments made should be the only one
about which there is likely to be any
"flisjjute, ,
It is stated that the extension of this
line of the F. E. & M. V., one hundred
miles southwest from Casper would
place the terminus of the Hue in tlie
midst of immense coal lields, the quality
of the coal being said to opual the cele
brated Rix k Springs coat There is
plenty of coal ou the line now, but it is
not of as good a quality as that further
out is rf orted to be.
A general round-up of stock thieves is
going on in tlie Big Horn basin, eight
men having been arrested, A man has
also been arrested at Cheyenne on the
strength of a telesrram from tlie slieriff
of Grant county, charging him with
horse-stealing, and a number have been
arrested in Dawes county on the same
kind of charges. The reports of missing
horses are numerous, and owners seem to
be getting very tired of having their
property stolen and run off and unless it
is soon stopped they will be apt to resort
to a method that is swift and certain.
When people feel that they are not
enjoving as much prosperity as thev
should and think that they would be bet
ter off at some other place, it would be
well for them to remember that the path
of all is not strewn with rose. The re
cent forest fires in Michigan drove hun
dreds out into the world without food or
shelter and every bit of projjerty pos
sessed by them was destroyed bv the
flames. A few days ago a bail storm
passed in the vicinity of Sulina, Kas.,
and destroyed crops estimated at $"i00,
000 in value, and in cities and minim.
districts strikes, evictions, etc., are
causing trouble and suifering.
The reports gathered by the national,
tate and commercial crop bureaus show
, faiat all through the portion of Nebraska
. which suffered last year for lack of
moisture a plenty of rain has fallen this
season to keep crops in good condition.
JA few days ago it was reported a little
dry, but it would have occasioned no
alarm had last year not been so unusual
a o'ne'i but of late good rains have visited
all portions of the we"t and north part
(Of the state and all are looking for a
bountiful harvest
( The Washington dispatches to tbe
malia Bee of last Sunday contained a
.number of pointers to pension seekers.
.The correspondent says it is an absolute
.waste of money to employ aa agent to
.look after pension claims. That the de
partment has rules and they are follow
,ed and each claim Is taken up in its
rder,' and a case or piece of testimony is
Jwcetved it takes its regular course and
titers is no way to hurry it Up unless it
Jk tbe fact, established by affidavit, that
sthe claimant is in a precarious condition
and likely to die at any time, or is in
, great need and dependent upon charity.
.Under such conditions it will prove a
saving to those, entitled to pennons to
tend in their own applications and proofs
for agents and attorneys in the eMt can
jio ho more. The department is now
, conducted in t manner which enables
-cases to be reached much sooner than
formerly and applicants will not have to
wait always to get a claim through, and
if the payment of pension attorneys is
stopped it will be a net gam to tbe men
who are entitled to pensions:
The last Issue of the Herald devoted
considerable space to tlie discourage
ment of the culture of sugar beets, a
Ioneletter being contributed by B. B.
Smith in which it is stated that tlie re
sults of last year were not satisfactory
to the farmers around Grand Island.
So far no trouble has been reported of
the Oxnard company in getting con
tracts for a supply of beets, and if a
farmer contracts to furnish beets at a
price at which he will realize no profit,
he has no one to blame but himself. A
person can go into a community where
there is a canning factory, cheese fac
tory, creamery or any 'other establish
ment which obtains its supplies from
the farmers and he can find those who
will assert that the prices paid will not
keep the farmers out of the poor house,
but any such institution if conducted on
business principles is never at a loss for
contracts. The beet sugar manufac
turers have invested about a million
dollars in Nebraska and it is folly to
think that they expect to get beets from
the farmers at less than it is worth to
produce them. Scientists and those in
position to best judge of the matter pre
diet that this state is destined to become
a great sugar producer, and the tests of
1890 show Sioux county to be the best
part of the state for growing rich beets,
and the results in France and Germany
go to show that the industry is highly
beuulicial to the farmers and the opinion
and action of men who have made it a
study and the records made will have as
much weight as tlie opinion of B. B."
Smith or the Herald, and The Journal
once more urges those who afe makin
experiments to keep a good record and
if the result is as good as in 1890 a fac
tory can be secured,. arid tliat would
double the value of every piece of real
state in Sioux county.
And it me to pass that in uie jear
of Uie independent legislature, the same
in which Boyd was ousted and Tlayer
re-instated as governor, about the time
tliat Benjamin, whore surname is ILirri
son, visited tlie state, that tlie clouds
withheld their moisture for a sea-n ami
the soil became dry to the depth of
k., !., I.:. if i,:irt of a sisin. And lie-
hold tlie would-be cattle barons, who
worship at tlie shrine of Bovine aud
Equine, spake one to another saying,
come to, let us tell the people that it
will be a dry year and that cro will be
a failure and tliat northwest Ne!iraka i
no good for farming, and thus will e
drive tlie granger from the land and se-
Kin hio t.ri(ni' for a miiL'e for our
Texas steers and bronchos. And Uiev
looked wise and said, even so ill we do
we and our strikers and tlie ll-rtdd
which is our organ. And they went out
and did so forthwith, for they desired to
rid the county of grangers so that they
might get into oftice and give unto their
pets fat contracts (providing they got a
rake-oiri and they would hoodoo the as
sessor and work tlie tax-gatherer and
would wax rich. And it came to ss
that they did raise a great talk, they
and their strikers and the Ihrahl w hich
is their organ, and they did try to dis
courage the farmers and cause them to
feel blue. .And lo, about tlie third week
of the fifth month and the second day of
the week, behold, the Almighty set his
irrigating machine to work and a goodly
rain fell, and the farmers said one to
another, behold the day of our prosjier-
ity is at hand and we shall surely gain a
recompense for our labors and fur the
hardships we have endured in this new
country and we will make of it a land
noted for its fine crops and rich sugar
beets and our children and our children'
children will bless the day that we came
to Sioux county. And tlie would-be
cattle barons saw that it was even so,
and thev smote themselves upon the
breast and cried the grangers!
M.- rr . . ... a
, aim aerma last wees contained some
remarks indicating that Tra Journal
is not conducted as tbe management of
that paper would run it Tra Journal
w not aUbliffaad to pleas the herald
or its supporters, and it proposes to keep
ncBV.Moac on un same line. The
XM-f . . . a . .
wmivr oi una paper is aware taat M is
nlimriy loved by som midenta of
...8iou moat? ami ho is informed that
OMf tfaMinqumtx-contr officials
Mid tbMhtHMrbtj to ht a, bnllet paf
VMM-cn ma tor working op the investi
fSpa ol tl oouatjr records. If any
MtUoksthatUMsditorof TW JocR
rjuUtOMotyb who want matters
)r';V--- W eeereow Is ralstek
fr m 1 too pwalUj of boflet throtirfc
Km mtmU1- a tmt deal of initio
UtUelercf CM f
1 V
It liaa frequently been stated that the
Herald and those in whose interest it is
run were opposed to the settlement of
Sioux county and would rather induce
those who were to leave, than attempt
to secure new settlers, but the charge
has always been denied until the last is
sue of tliat paper which comes out and
claims that northwest Nebraska is not a
success for agriculture, and advises tliat
efforts to get people to come from other
places to settle here be given up. It is
evident that there are a few men who
would like to see this county deserted.
was a very nice thing for them to
have the whole country for a stock
range, and pay no" tuxes' on the land and
but little, if any, on the stock, but that
day is past There are over eighty-five
thousand acres of land in Sioux county
proved up on and a great deal more now
being held and improved by settlers who
have not yet perfected tlieir title; and
for any mail or set of men to entertain
an idea that all that is going to be de
serted is the sheerest nonsense. The
assertion that this country is not good
for farming, based on the past two sea
sons, is erroneous, for three-fifths of
Nebraska is in the same boat, and no one
possessed of reason will argue tliat but
two-fifth of the state is good for farm
ing. In all localities there are differ
ences among tbe people on certain mat
ters, and each will work for the success
of his pet scheme until it comes to tbe
work of securing new settlers and . new
Unterpriees and on that aH factions unite,
i it remained for Sioux county to
pwwuut the peculiar aeotacle of a po
tioo of settlers attempting to keep
the county from being settled.' But it
k useless for them to fight aeainst the
laeYlfaM.rand sooner such fooUsh-
Ustori-edthebtt-rit wrt'ti for
t' -i. 1
:7 a, ,
. ..-f
As lo a Sugar Factory.
The following clipping will give tlie
farmers an idea of how the sentiment is
in other parts of the state on the sugar
beet industry:
The Fremont Tribune would like to
see a beet sugar plant planted in tliat
city. Had the other newspapers of that
burg" been as1 sensible as the Tribune at
the time Norfolk secured the plant that
is making the city so flourishing, there
might be a chance for the wish to be
gratified. Insane disappointed ravings
against the whole sugar industry has
prejudiced the farmers around Fremont
and it would be a difficult matter to get
enough beets raised th?re to keep a fac
tory running, and that will forever ba
the location of a factory at that place
by men experienced in the sugar bus
ness. Jlen who know their business will
not invest half a million in a plant and
take chances on having it stand idle af
ter it is built Norfolk Ntfrs-
llie Avars speaks by the" card on the
"insane ravings" of a certain I'remont
paper, but as nobody tikes any stock
what that paper says or does, it cannot
be logically concliidtd that the fanners
hereabouts are so prejudiced against
beets that they wouldn't raise tliem if
factory was built and set in motion,
llie Tribrnc believes Fremont should
bend every energy toward getting a fac
tory, there II be no danger about not
getting beets to supply it Fremvtil
Estimate uf Expeiinc.
IURKISON', S KhRahka, May 13. 1881.
At a meeting of ttlc board of county com
nussionem Of Sioux county; Nebraska, held
on tlie loth Uiiy of January, 18V1, the follow
ing estimate for expenses for the year 1I
wan made:
Diittrict court expense ; ..13,000
Bttlurii;! ji(kk)
Stationary. . . 175
Tinting..:.:. mo
Koafls and Bridge 4,000
inuvuiraiiiem aiuj uiu'.rnHi a liiuiciiutf
ny muiiiianiun in ravoror Hank of Har
rison .u. L. .
Institute...;... :.
Inxuiie and poor fund..
Soldier relfcf fund
i 300
1 14.075
County Clerk
L Will praclFce in all the local, state
and federal courts, and U. a Uind
Legal papers carefully drawn,
nr Office in court house.
r .
HAKM80N, - . . NlRRiur a
kl Mil I1K'6 , N. Yutk nr
HKT National Ba. Oiuaha.
Ba of( HAKfcoK.t badrou, Neb.
i HAS. E. HOLMES, Vk K Pkesidext.
t'HAKLES K. VEK1TY, Caaieb.
IIAKKIsO, sebkaska.
Transacts a General Banking Business,
Buys School Orders, County and Village Warrauts.
Jjg"lnterest Paid on Time lk-Kiti.
Loans Money on Improved Farms,
Griswold & Marsteller
Farm Machinery, Hardware, Furni
ture, Garden Tools, Clocks, Etc.
We will furnish you with any kind of farm or garden tools from a
hoe to a self-binder, and if we liave not got wliat you
want on hand we will get it for you on short
notice, and at a reasonable price.
We Will give you a
John M.Thnr ,
T.J. Wi lr, !
J. C. Allen.
T. II. Bratm,
John E. Jim J
ij. ll.IluitliiK
A. K. Iluninhrrv ""
A. K
A. 8. Paddock
C. . Manderaon
w.J. Bryau.r.,,,!
O. M. Km,,
Amuna Coldj.
1. Ualwrll
I. A. f 'ainr'l ll..(Tk
A. llrKl.,.!....
Square Deal.
' Attorn6y-at-Law.
All business entreated to hit care win
eelve Prompt and careful attention.
Will psctlce before all court td
S.tastomce. Bu-lne., ..j J
care will receive pro,pt WtntUm
TWKI.,TII Jn,,,,
" - . 1 1 A J ' !
A. W. IfiUw
( onrud l.indeiuun
Conrad IJudeuivn.
M. J. Oayhart
A. PouthKnrtu jj
iJAjm. ii i r I y .
('. J. Shaf ,.r
A. It. Ih w
Conrad I.lnil-uiHn...
11. T. ConUr .."
iuiakii or (Okie
hn. I . lirnvp, reining,
J. A. ireeo........
V. W. Knott
. n ium iut,bxJ
Kl. J. Heath U-p..ifjiJ
i. i H. Maine (e!ialrmto
. II. June ..."
II. A. CtiiiuliiKliaiu
Tliomaa llcidjr
K. (i. IIOIIKll
W. It. DbtU
U. Uiithria
i. ii. Main
It. Wll,n
U. W. Il( t r..
Klatrtci Court,-At llaman
reoruary Ilb anl si ntruiB
loamy (XJOrt,-At lUni
nrt Monday of cai-li niomt
m. t. niurch-rr-ai:hiin
nmiday at 10 .90 a. m , arrfrw
Iter. W Iiiiam W llwn
cliiirch eaeh alu-ri,at WM
tMKilR at 7.W.
!."... i
r.un'Uai acrvlrrt al th
Krlday evei,,1f bftween
iy Of each looiilu, coiiducW'
l ulon anday Wix,l erery a
"i. v.. :. v.
1 il III Viilm.-,,
Illble Hchool me
day uflernoon a
K. K. K. id
u-eU at the rt.l
tlo'clrN-k. I
. C. I), B.J
I flDftper
D . M . ui viib 71 Zr
Grant Guthrie,
- DtAikn In -
13. E. BllEWSTkU,
C. F. CurvEE,
V'icu I'rm.
CHAM C. JAME.HfJN, Cn.hier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Mo. Yi
i;i,r - u.s-
Harrison, Nebrat?
Am! All Point" in tl-j
East, North, South It,
Thaouch Tienf t to u Ps
lt(r(ragc etield to leltot
1 liruujrli Pal arc Hkeier 1t "
Vallry and liemlaixw-
Ii- O. HULL,
J. a
n a. bcrt,
iril Manager.
nCMM. siM I
4 k i f: