The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 21, 1891, Image 5

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Laps you do not believe these
tents concerning Green's Au-
r i
lower. W til, we can t mace
We can't force conviction in
to your bead or med
icine into your
throat. Wedon't
want to. The money
is yours, and the
w vours: and until you are
!s to believe, and spend the one
k; rullCt 01 lucumti, luty win
s0 John . rosier, 1122
wife is a lime ocuicu woman,
years of age and of a naturally
te disposition. For five or six
past she has lieen suffering
from Dyspepsia. She
h t ijecame so oau ai last
that sue coum not sit
f Meal, down to a meal but
she had to vomit it
n as she had eaten it. Two
3 of your August Flower have
her, after many doctors failed,
n now eat anything, and enjoy
B a fur Dyspepsia, she does not
that she ever had it '
i.KMKX-rhe Kin" formerly of l.u
fT n"rrhw.i, fflcr and otlu-r urin-irv i?i
2 Mf.mti-eil the lie.t and quirke.! in th
ir. .I m two dzv. Ilia tittd ami highly
,..,! itv !- UmiIimb m n in station, puai.
ii in KiikIbihI. Kurope, lUnatla and
I..i.(m Tai-c it tor Ix-ucirrlui-a, It l l.trni, and conveniently rarrk-d in
I. 1 ii n ik 'tfe or two for f;. atnt hy
.i;Jof jme. We tftuinin e ihi .trict
r.i; t e "King." 'I he Aroer ran Pill a id
t .... Itmaltv roji's, Kenccr, Clay Co.,
:.ii Mip.iird hy (KJoiitiiiUi Drug- Co., an.
'i: I r.iaf t o.. Omaha, N'rh.
3?rmi tmuu
215 Wabash A., Cues
HI CI, wren miue by lining 'Youth
I'.msuau lanir. The only genuine K rerun
r r ri')ar;iliim tn thr" U..H. It U ham
r ; 4 w, riderless like unto pure snnaj
rurum - nil dm'o'trrMtkm. moth kown
ulli.w p...t.( ,v:iliwnf, freckles, Un.
, impute miller, create a soft relvi-ty
t -.n i.f nw, jm)xirt thai look of imiO
bin and a iKick ite. thrrc (rre on receipt of pru v. l he Amrri
.'.(1 M ()' tnc Co, l.nvflHv pron'. Siirmcr,
a. '1 rade riipplird hy (Kd.n;in Drug
ft kir!on ln;g 1.0., OraaJia, Neb. Sold
.'jet is
arc intarMtai) in Bm Cnltora mud mar
fi.1 uiuraaa (ur m
I ift -ft' Vr'un I.lit of Iev KafttMKM
trc Uj any mi rvm.
f. tuLMi.11, rurunry, add.
wf s 1 voMf vitaliir laillntf. Do ymi '!
U-ni v Cfr ptf'ff tm vtt. If i K" once nd
of IVin. is a gpct iru- lor involuirtury
prri.tttjre od mfe, nrjitetunf of the wain.
M Ut ul inrmorv. m1 viulttr. 11
i i! Iia..-i f powi r uf the ifcnrrattvcmif 4nt
s vimthiuj mauMTcUoitt. ue 01 opium,
nirriij life coniptiniunHhle und wnit-tya
, (fU trantri to cure, Utittiui. Hie Amcr
Jfe Muliiinc I o.. RovmIiv pr!t, Sinrnfrr,
. Itiwa. ti a itxcPmre. or three fiw ii.
otl. Trade ftiunlted bv Cfoodmin Uruv
i nKnaruj.oo Mtuk i;o,t Urruna, cO,
(l I rrmh rrmcdr, act otily nm tlis mpn
vifiii and ixmitivclv rare aunormnitwi of
m:s unii all periodical trouhlrt p culir to
j rriuuict rrrturdy. Warmtttco 10
rm nitrualfon or money refunded The
"!-.'ti n of illi to wliicli lndie are liable
net nrhult of iliftordcn or Irrrfrulnr men-
jKick.T73 or 3 lor f Sent hv mail
f ttvr. Trade aunnlicd hv (
. and If trhardaoh Drd Co.. Omaha. Neb.
ill LI ITI Or t:crpMc3 Habil
. B. COLLINS, Origin
rno It lioaw Withaoi Hkf latamfOM
r bnainam Booh not Ira toinM
uodrMit of orilaatr tatiamoaitaal d
anil oUian tiaT lnwrtli mtmtt
K AniariMB aaatlMaarBaaa.
;iitturc 1 imt f.cap crit
document which was Iliad' In the
York register's office recently
ABignature which would puzzle
Prt to decipher. There was a
start, a wild zigzagging of pen-
s up and down and finally a lau
nch might be taken to mean any
tliat suited the fancy of the
r. let nobody felt called upon
iticiso the oenmanahiD. for the
tn re was at the bottom of the
tdn-d by which ltaron Maurice de
fagnve $2,400,000 to emeliorate
edition of Hebrew Immigrants to
country from Russia and Hounuv
The baron has a fortune which
people say amounts to $100,000,-
Uthcrs put it at $200,000,000. but
(difference is immaterial When
f Ms up above $80,000,000 nobody
(bother about his skiU with writing
A In fact, some of the critics in
"Piter's office skilled in such mat
rv tlie baron's signature a little
They said it was prettier than
r Cm. I.f.
AbnsM the Wronr Man.
Sam Dais, the funny man of Carson
recently took a trip to San Fran
clieo. A correspondent from there
tells this story at the expense of the
While here Dam was shoeked in
Butte City, of Jack Tyler, a gambler.
They were very dear friends, and their
intimacy was brought about in a pecu
liar way. One day back in 1875 Mr.
iMvis was sitting; in the offlce of the
Virginia City Chronicle writing local
items when two Dale ant) naHini:iuri
well dressed gentlemen entered. One
of them explained that the day bewre
insan rrancisco "Doc" O'Xeill had
been shot and killed b? a iramnW
named Mush head Bill
'Welir inquired Mr. Davis.
"Oh," the gentleman said, "we want
to give O'Xeill a eood stud oir and
burn Mush-head up."
"What for?"
"Doc wa9 a friend of ours, and wo
want you to put in vou- best lit k "
said the gentleman, placing two $2
pieces on the table,
".Sir! cried tho journalist, half rig.
"Vou might as well take 'cm." said
the gentleman. "1 just win them at
Oh' In that case." remarked Mr.
Davis Docketing? the coin and innLmlv
becoming warmly and sympathetically
interested. " hy certainly. 1 11 write
just what I feel. Doc O'Neill was
white clean through. 1 knew him well
and a more lovable character never
breathed. By the way, what's the name
of this Mush-head Hill?"
"Taylor!" cried Mr. Davis, his tone
aflame with manly scorn and detesta
tion. "Taylor! Why, that's the same
cowardly, murdering scrub that assass
inated poor Dobson a year or so azo
ain't it?"
"Xo," said tho gentleman quietly. 1
killed Dobson."
"Oh," said Mr. Davis.
The gentleman was Jack Tyler.
Making Salad IrcNMitir ilelwecii
The pretty fashion of makinir the
salad dressing on the table obtains
among fashionable people at small In
formal dinners. Before the preceding
course has been removed the servant
brings the hostess a shallow silver bowl,
into which are broken the yolks of two
eggs. Jlefore her are also placed me
oil decanter, two, tiny silver pepper
boxes holdinir white and cayenne
pepper, a small mustard pot with the
unmixed mordant, and a bit of lemon
on a plate or a second miniture de
canter of tarragon vinegar, as the taste
of the hostess prefers.
Then, while the plates are being
chanired. the mayonnaise is concocted.
Into the unbeaten yolks aro carefully
measured first a saltspoon of salt and
another of dry mustard, a good pinch
of cayenne and a better one of white
wntwr then with a silver fork the stir
ring process begins. Drop by drop the
amber oil does its work till, ttucK, gold
en and velvety, the mayonnaise is ready
for tha touch of acid from lemon or
vinegar, and afterward to be sent
around the table as the salad is served
It is graceful orllce for deft lingers.
Her 1'oint of View in New York
Bmbl.igtlM Rmri,
First New York Boy-When was
four mother married?
Second Sen York BoyWhen she
was twenty. When was your mother
First New York Boy When she was
Chicairo Boy My mother can beat
that: she was married before I was
Dlmrcry ml Mahognaur.
in tha TPAr 1M7 one of Sir Walter
fUliegh's ships in an expedition against
ih A7orm nut in at Trinidad for re-
----- p g
pairs. The workmen used the (list
wood that came to hand, and it hap
pened to be the now famous mahogany.
Hy this accident It was nrsi inirouuceu
it.i Viininiiri where it was much ad
mired, but it did not become an article
of commerce until a ceniury later.
Since then it has held first rank as a
labintt maker's wood. CoMen Days.
A ttnanc BsMrlaae.
Merchant "Anything remarkable
happen on your last trip?"
Drummer "Remarkable! One of the
mnat nhnnomenal occurences ever heard
of, gave me such a start that 1 haven't
got orer it yet. It was on me nigut
express East."
Well! Weill What was it r
Th train suddenly stopped, and
when the passengers began asking the
Mirfii.inr what was the matter, he
didn't rush away, nor hew. nor haw, noi
anything. He just stood still and told
them." Street &mims uoou .
jt is queer about society; the minute
man vets into it he expects to get
asked out Klmira GatetU.
What M Have to Cob
tend With.
The Catholic priests who are at work
civilizing the wild man of Borneo have
a hard time convincing the older sav
at,es of the meaning and the value of
education. The Rev. Thomas Jackson,
l erfeot Aoostelic of North Borneo,
who 's now ia this country soliciting
aid to carry on his work on the islaud
tella the story in (he Xew york Sun: '
The priests induced the chief of one
of the wildest tribes to let tliem take
his son to one of their schools. The
boy was in the school two months.
One day the chief and all his big war
riors came sailing down the river in
their canoes. They were heavily armed
and called loudly for the boy. One
'jf the priests came out of the school
and said to the chief: "The boy is all
ight and in fine health."
-We must see him," said the chief.
The boy came out. The father
looked (Ji.-jippointed. "Your skin is
not white," he said.
"Oh. my," said the priest, "How can
any one get white in this broiling sun?"
' Hut you said you would make him
like yourself," said the chief.
"We did say that," replied the priest,
"but we meant intelligent like our
selves, not white."
The chief looked puzzled, and then
called the boy to him. "When is it go
ing to rain next time?" asked the chief.
The young man shook his head. The
chief lcoked diBpleased.
"What will be the size of the rice
ci op next year?' he asked again. Once
more the youngster shook his head.
"Wo have lost our great sword in
the wood, we have searched every
where for it but cannot find it. Where
is the sword?" The boy shook his
head the third time.
Turning to the priest the chief said
angrily: "You promised lies. The
hoy is no more intelligent than he was
when you got him." And taking the
lad hy the shoulder he walked oil with
him, 1 olio wed by his warriors.
California 1'rlees in 1840.
During the winter of 1H1U-50, the
cost of living was extreme. As the
season was a very wet one, the roads
anci trails were full of mudholes, in
which supply wagons were stuck and
mules and oxen mired. Wagons and
animals were unloaded several times a
day to extricate them from the mud,
and in one instance at least fourteen
days were Seiit on the road from
Stockton, fifty miles away. Flour
reached 81 a pound, rice the same, pork
and bacon 8UK) a pound, saleratus 816
a pound, and spermaceti candles $1
each. An ounce of gold was the price
of a pick or shovel, and almost any
thing needed, except fresh beef, com
manded a proportionate price. That
all miners did not get rich is accounted
for In the statement that it took a fair
claim to pay expenses. The short dur
ation of a placer claim, the loss of time
in finding another, and the too general
restlessness, tell the story of many fail
ures to realizo a fortune by even those
who were most lucky. Too often it
was due to extravagance, gambling, or
the guzzling of brandy or whisky at
$ti a bottle, but drunk or sober, one
was obliged to pay two ounces for a
pair of pantaloons, 8100 for a pair of
long-legged boois, and $4 expressage
for a letttr.
Figlitlii;r a Oovernment.
When a man tries to fight govern
ment all alone he usually gets the
worst of it, unless, his case is unusual
ly weak. Paul Fassel of San Francisco,
Cl, is now lighting his former gov
ernment the German and hopes that
he will come out at the large end of
the horn. The facts of the matter are
these: Before he was eighteen years
old Fassel left his German fatherland
and came to this country. Of late
years the German consul in San Fran
cisco and Fassel have had more or less
correspondence, the consulate claiming
that Fassel was a deserter from the
German army and Fassel saying that
he was exempt because of a congenital
a. t.nm u'liinh l milYiTH and be-
lieium ii"i .- -
cause of his naturalization as a citizen
of the United States, ine nnai papers
for which he received two or three
years ago.
Last month a relative oi r assei s aieu
in Germany and left him 2,000 marks-
Hbout He was notified or his
heritage, but when ne ciaimeu u no
. j it. n Cnrman trnvermneiit
IOllllU IIIHK " a
had confiscated it on the ground that
he was adesericr irom mc wuij.
An Uaccrtaln Agw,
"I'll have to ask fare for him, ma'am,
said the conductor as he went through
the railway train.
"That little fellow r
"Why, he is in the childhood, sir."
! he?" lnnuired the conductor
thoughtfully. "First or second ,ma'am ?'
j ' Boapdon la Chlaa,
cfnnA (a lnnrelv used In China
ruanvwi . o
for preserving structures built of sand
tone and other stones liable to crum
ki. e.nm ollmatlc effects. It is DOW-
dered and put on In the form of paint,
and will preserve Duiiuuiga mhuu-
reds of Tears.
A Kamladar,
On tne irwntler.
fri,. annnil nf tnnan rifles
MipUUIl j.uJ "
from the skirmish line reminds me of
the day I made my sweetheart happy
I- .u... o
Sergent now m iui
Captain-Why, It has an engagement
. I -ai,. .a.
Wooden-Headed JUrtlaets.
A typical exhibition of court-martial
ferocity occurred not long ago at
Pietermarizburg, wherever they may
be. Two privates of an English regi
ment were at work an faligue duty,
leading baggage of the regiment on
wagons, from the first thing in the
morning till 6 p. m. During the whole
of that time they liad no meals. On
returning to camp they were ordered
to assist in getting off the baggage of
another regiment. This they firmly,
but politely, declined to do, giving as
their reason that they had bad no food
all day. They were tried for insubor
dination before a district court-martial
and sentenced to 12 month's imprison
ment. I should hope that on the nature of
this case becoming known some steps
will be taken to mitigate this outrage
ous sentence, writes a correspondent
of the London Truth. At any rate,
some punishment on the same scale
ought to be meted out to the wooden
beaded martinet who could strain dis
cipline beyond all reason by subjecting
men to such intolerable hardship. Is
this the way that our military authori
ties think to popularize the service
with the British democracy?
Gen Meigs on Gen. Lee.
A great deal baa been said about
Robert E. Lee's dignity said Gen.
Megs. It is true tbat when a young
man he was dignified, and during the
time I was his assistant I never saw
the time when I felt warranted in
taking liberties with him. Once, how
ever, he unbent My brother-in-law,
Gen. Macomb, was walking down
Pennsylvania avenue near what is
know n as the Riggs House, forty or
fifty years ago, when Lee asked him to
take a ride with him. Macomb leaped
on the horse behind Lee, When they
got along in front of the White House
Secretary of War Marcy chanced to
pass hy. Suddenly he caught sight of
the two young men and halted as if
stupefied. They gravely saluted him
and passed on, but they were greatly
mortified over their exposure. Was
Lee a great general ? Yes, a very
great general, or it would not have
conquered him. Globe Democrat.
Their Nets Were Cut.
Trouble Is brewing among the fisher
men on the Columbia river. A fisher
man who has a seining ground on, the
sloping beach of Tenas lllahee, an is
land just below Cathlamet, finds that
some one has been anchoring "jump
ers,,' a short spar buoy which does not
show above the surface on his ground,
which when the sein is dragged over
lift it from ground and allow the fish
to escape. lie has also found a snag
on his ground in which steel blades
have been stuck which cut his sein in
two, and also has had his gill nets
cut in pieces. Threats are made of
shooting on sight if the parties who
have done this work can be found out.
The salmon catch continues light,
not averaging more than five to boat
per night.
What is Buddhism?
The Buddha Gautama, the teacher
of the doctrine of enllghtment, was
born at Kanilavastu, India, about 600
years before Christ Seeing the evils
that afflicted mankind, lie gave up his
riL'ht to the throne of the Sakyas, and
deqnted his life to the solution of the
nroblem of the soul. After a long and
intense effort and after trying other re
ligions, he obtained while seated one
day under a bo-tree enllghtment and
spiritual peace. This tree he called
Nirvana. After this he went about
for fortv vears teachina his "gospel of
enlightenment and justice" and making
many disciples. He died in the eight
ieth year of his age, forty years after
his Nirvana. i
Snow Shed Perils.
The perils of the snow sheds on the
mountain received another exemplify
cations at Blue Canyon. A freight
train was passing through the shed
near that point when a brake beam on
one of the cars broke and fell on the
track. The car was derailed. Just at
this point there is a sidetrack necessi
tating a row of posts through the cen
ter of the shed. The derailed car struck
this line of posts, and before the train
could be stopped 180 feet of the heavy
shedding came down upon the cars.
The most fortunate feature of the ac
cident was that no one was injured, al
though had the derailed cars been fur
ther back in the train at least one or
two lives might have been sacrificed.
Omaha Bee.
Couldn't Trust Her Uuests.
A rather good story is told of an oc
currence at a swell society residence in
one of the fashionable quarters of
Washington a few evenings ago, says
the l'ost The lady of the house was
showing S vlsator of her own sex
herself a leader of the upper crust-
some very handsome photographs.
While engaged iu this way a fresh call
er arrived, and the hostess asked the
lady who was admiring the pictures to
excuse her. .
"Oh, don't mind me," said the other
1 will stay here and finish examining
the photos."
"No, you won't," said the fair enter
tainer. "I've lost too many that way
already;" and gathering up" her treas
ures in hjau moved away.
Janitor "The flat, mum, is six hun
dred dollars a year, er fifty dollars a
month, mum."
Madam-"Fifty dollars for" these
miserable little apartments? Its out
"Children do a good deal o' damage,
"Children ? I have no children."
"Not a one?"
"Not one."
"Didn't ye ever have any V
"Madam, well give ye this 'ere flat
fer thirty dollars a month. W want
ye t come and live here just t' to seta
good example." New York Sun.
Sciatica. I
Puck: "On what grounds did Hen
shaw get his pension? I never heard
that he did any fighting during the
"He didn't, but he claims bis sympa
thies were enlist" '
Mia. Million' It le.
When Mm. Million giei to rule she tt.Telfort'i
Hor h raee, fu 1 of tire anJ pride, gopraociug
from tin ifi t ;
But all the b utiei of tin day s'.e viewa with
a-iituid oye,
tier iktih aiul we kneus whbI away, her voice
ia but a aifi
For Mrs. Million ia in an advanced
stage of cala :rh, snd all the luxuries
that wealth can buy fail to give her
comfort. She envies her rosy waiting
maid, and would give all her riches for
that young woman' pure b eath and
blooming health. Now, if some true
and disinterested friend wouid advise
Mrs. Million of the wonderful merits of
Dr. Sage'n Catarrh Remedy, she would
learn that her cane is not pnsl help.
I 00 reward is offered oy the manufac
turer's for a case of catarrh in the head
which they cannot cure.
Not a Hard Hint to Take.
Mr. Faintheart Are you fond of
champagne, Miss Rosa?
Miss Rosa Moderately so, but what
I most admire about a bottle of cham
pagne is the cork.
Mr. F. Indeed! and for what rea
son, pray?
Miss R. Oh, merely because it pops
so delightfully.
Taken away
oleic headache, bilious headache,
ii-T!noiia nnat inatinn. indicestion.
UlUJ. v" , 7 o '
bilious attacks, and. all derange
ments ot tne liver, siomacn ana
hnvpla. Tt.'s 9. larfre contract, but
the smallest things in the world do
the business ur. nerce s neasam
Pellets. They're the smallest, but
the most effective. They ao to
work in the right way. They
cleanse and renovate the system
.kn.nnnt1n rinf thoxr An it. mildlv
luuiuuguit jv J
and gently. You feel the good
tner do Dut you aoni ieci
a. . t:.. t:n
tnem aoing it, job uwvi a h,
thev're uneaualed. Sucrar- coated,
easy to take, and put up in vials,
and nermeticauy seaiea, ana vuua
always fresh and reliable. A per
fect vest-pocket remedy, in small
vials, and only one necessary for a
laxative or three for a cathartic.
Teiov'pn tiA rhsrrnfiAt nill VOU Can
buy, because they're guaranteed to
give satlSIBCUOU, or yuur juvuej tm
You only pay for the good you
That's the peculiar plan all Dr.
Pierce's medicines are sold on,
through druggists.
N. K. U. No. 127
York, Neb
wan i y
mm mm &
for the Gecernl Ailment, of Horses, Cattl. Hog
uu oi-p. Aiiry iuiiiy 1110 uhmjq. prevani I
ctiib uiaeasn. iioiius. aim reiuu)ie,-iB
packages; used and warranted for over twcati
years. Everyone owning a luirse or cattle ahouM
rive a atrial. Madeby Kmmkkt PRorJUsiAAS
Co., Chicago. Bold bv all druggist.
Cure Chapped Hands, Face a4
I.ips, Tan, Sunburn. Pirn pie.
MhVcs fetich skin sett and amoodl
without Iwrinjj sticky or rrcaay.
Dtrlicait lv pcTfun.edRen&r$fac
fmwJtr fimbible and imkei it ad
irrc to the kin, imparting at one
i briliiantcomptfxion. Price SA
Mailed to any addrt $ on receipt
of rice. Send postal note, ailvci
or stamps. Address plainly,
4 II ILK eV CO.,
hrnnher of ( omwriw, Chtahg
I hava a poaiUra raiaodr for tha abova dlaaasa; kr IM
aaa thocianda of aava of rt Hal aaS if laasj
aUndioc o.tiv n,. Id. lndae4Katiiaf is av faith
aaiUaOeaer, ikai I sl aeod two somas naaLwita
a VALUABLE" TBZATISB on tlua li linllL.J
fane was will seal ma Uxor Eipnaa aaa P.O. sililiass,
T. A. Blacaaa. SI. C. 181 Faarl St M. T.
$100 REWARD!
will be paid to the FIRST PERSON
solving the American Introduction Co.'s
Send 15 cents in stamps for copy of
85 Dearborn Street,
Tha most eomDlets liaa ot
Dress Keform Uooda in tha
north west, lnolodins; torn eele
brated Equipoise ana Delsart
waists, Jean ess Miller special
tie and Jersey Knit Underwear.
Bend stamp for free UlasUatad
atkJTlW. L. W. PI KB,
73 Madison at., Cbioagw.
All Kinds of House I'laata
Shrubs, Vegetable Plants,
BITFIIT Lawyer and Solicitor, at. T.
Kfl I til I Vt'Cwlek, Washington, D. O.
1 n 1 Correspondence Invited.
f OsarsaswSaMlsSB
I f sssai airkasn.
II aTd-lrkr
Sir O la tb astaow1tlM
leatlnf rem ad? for all bf
unnatural 4lMaarr MM
private dl$ earns of maa. a
certain cure for Use debiiS
tatinf wiifcaeaa pecillet
to women.
I pnacribeltnna feel Mle)
in reoommetiaistf m
nil nffbrer.
1 8T0tf R, N 0.,0tWTUft,lU.
tie. dt
by iUaTeTMM
Kinrs Germ Eradicator posltivety cures all dis
eases! Because it kills all germs, bactera, parasiSn,
microbes and aniinalculac in the system, which (ho
prominent physicians in convention agreed was the
cause of all disease. The air, water, vegetables an 1
fruit are full of these little worms, causing catarrh,
consumption, diabetes, and Bripht's diseane, can.
ccrs, tumors and all so called mcwraWe disease:.
( ever known to fail to cure consumption, catarrh,
kidney troubles and syphilis ) $5 and sizes
sent anywhere on receipt of price. 'litis is the
only penu nc article ;atl others are counterfeits. The
Am. & Med. lo. (royalty) Spencer, C lay Co.,
Ia. Trade supplied ly Gooaman Dru Co., aa4
Kioh.trdson Drug Co., Omaha, Neb, .Sold by at
The larirest stock of Artifi
cial Eyes in the West. An as
sortment of eyes sent to any
address allowing purchaser
to select one or more an re
turn the balance thus assuring
a perfect tit. Office, 163 State st Chicago. 111.
consulting and operating surgeon to the Chi capo
Eve and Ear College. Patient at a distance treated
with unparalleled success and when visiting the city
are furnished board and lodging at reasonable rates.
Free Trade Prices
No Pro ecttoa t
No Monopolies!
Sewing jnow 1 1
Machines! on yD I D
We are now scllinir our
Western Improved Singer
Sewing Machine same as
cut complete With all at
tachments and warranted
for c vears for onlv ft in.
Send for circular and see full descoipiion of this
and other stvles to N. A. Scull in A Co., 763 W.
I,ake St., Chicago, 111.
FOBONEDOLLAB rant si br bmiI, wawUloa
livsr, free of all oharawa, to aaj person la tM
aaekitil In a osat box.
One two-ouiio bottle of Pars Vaseline. Ueta,
sswsMmnosDOHis) vaaeiiBa i oimaoa la
ajar f Vsavliu, Oold Cream
s tan 01 vaaaiiaa vmpaor Ima is '
oateot Vaseliaa soau, aasosatad-.W aims soap,sossan. ..
. ..... "'.
v. .ma., anaa mm prw. Mwm
if yon hsv ooi-asion to os Vaseline la aar for
bs oorafnl to aeospt only (sonins foods pat as bf
as in orisjlnal pMkacse. A fraar. many arasnnaU
km revir.a liiiawsasilalin.s.. I i l.tiTTaai .nS
apbVtheia Kerar yield to aaefc
Tha safest feaoe nada. Dosa aot taiari stoak
Visible at a ( sat rUstaaea. TiKxasaaos of fas
noalala. Band for oirooaaw aad atiaaa, ftaat
I. A. BABBBB, Pissjlaant.
ftnur Wire Fence Co..
J 11 VaT abaaMwa amWVSlafl VS4tVS nl VaSBWaSWi
i. A. BTBKBT. Seeratarr. Wia. BOUDwMWBCSs TlawJawi
S 1 BeaChMsdktne lCmxmnmlTmcimm.
I QewswhwresUhsaS. Flwaant and sgraajnli to tks I I
I . taate. C4UdrwaUtsawitlwtt(bctioB. Bytbavts. 1
Q t 5 "s y, r " 11 (o
Used in Ml2ion$ cf Homet-40 Years the Standard.
ring. --