The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 21, 1891, Image 4

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Dr. Talmage's text ra II. Chroo
idea ix. 9: "Of spices great abundance
neither waa there any such spice as the
qeeen of Sheba gare Solomon."
What is that building out yonder,
glittaring in th" sun? It is the
hones of the forest of Lebanon. King
Solomon has just taken to it his bride,
the princess of Egypt You see the
pillars of the portico, and a great tower
adorned with 1,000 shields of gold,
hung oq the outside of the tower 500
of the shields of gold manufactured at
Solomon's order, 900 were captured by
David, his father, in battle. See how
they blaze in the noonday sun!
Solomon goes up the ivory stairs of
his throne between twelre lions in stat
uary, and sits down on the back of the
golden bull, the head of the bronze
beast turned toward the people. The
family and attendants of the king are
so many that the caterers of the palace
have to provide every day 100 sheep
and thirteen oxen, besides the birds
and the venison. I hear the stamping
and the pawing of 4,000 fine horses in
the royal stables. There were impor
tant officials who had charge of the
work of gathering the straw and the
barley for these horses. King Solomon
was an early riser, tradition Bays, aud
used to to take a ride out at daybreak ;
and when, in his white apparel, behind
the swiftest horses in the realm, and
followed by mounted archers in purple
as the cavilcade dashed through the
streets of Jerusalem, I suppose it was
something worth getting up at 5 o'clock
in the morning to look at
Solomon waa not like some of the
kings of the present day crowned im
becility. All the splendor of his palace
and retinue were eclipsed by his intel
lectual power. Why, he seemed to
know everything. He was the first
groat naturalist the world ever saw.
Peacocks from India strutted the basal
tic walk, and apes chattered in the
trees, and deer stalked In the parks and
then were aquariums with foreign fish
and aviaries with foreign birds; and
tradition says these birds were so well
tamed that Solomon might walk clear
across the city under the shadow of
their wings as they hovered and flitted
about him. -
More than this, he had a great repu
tation for the conundrums and riddles
that be made and guessed. Queen
Battis was so pleased with the acute
neat of Solomon, that she said: -111
just go and see him for myself." Yon
dec it comes the cavalcade horse-
and dromedaries, chariots and char
ioteers, jingling harness and clattering
boats, and blazing shields, and flying
ensigns, and clapping cymbals. The
place is saturated with perfume. She
brings cinnamon, and safron, and cal
amus, ana nnuuneense, and all man
ner of sweet spices. As the retinue
iweeps through the gate the armed
guard inhale the aroma, "Halt:" cry
the charioteers, aa the wheels grind the
gravel in front of the pillared portico
of the king. Queen Balkis alights in
an atmosphere bewitched with per
fume. As the dromedaries are driven
op to the king's storehouses, and the
bandies of camphor are unloaded, and
the sacks of cinnamon, and the boxes
of spices are opened, the purveyors of
the palace discoverer what my text an
Douneea: "Of spices, great abundance;
nettner was were any such spices as
the queen of Sheba gare to King Solo-
Well, my friends, yon know that all
theologians agree in making Solomon
a type of Christ, and making the queen
of Sheba a type of every truth seeker;
and I shall take the responsibility of
aaying that all the spikuenard, and
cassia, and frankincense which the
queen of Soeba brought to King Solo
mon are mightily suggestive of the
iweet spices of our holy religion
Christianity is not a collection of sharp
technicalities, and angular facta, and
chronological tables, and dry statistics.
Our religion is compared to frankin
cense and to cassia, bat never to i
nightshade. It is a bundle of myrrh
It is a dash of holy light It is a sparkle
of cool fountains. It is an opening of
gates. It is a collection of
Would Ood that we
wise in taking spices to our Divine
One aa Queen Balkis was wise in tak
the spices to the earthly Solomon!
What many of us moat need is to have
.VV.-. . . ...
ute tmatcrum anven out oi our me
snj the humdrum oat of our religion'
rAaserlcan,and English, and Scot
tgatiimaxek will die of humdrum unless
thfrebes change, An editor from
' fts Itsacisoo a few weeks ago wrote
M Baying be was getting up for his
payer symposium from many clergy
bbsm fcatuasing among other things
"way do not people go to chorea r"
erf hs wanted my opinion and I gave
ttfci ana ssatenes: ' People do not go
ta etmrcsi hipauee they sannot
The fact Is that
BBQch homdrua
IMwartSy easing tart they do not
wart to have la add the kamdruni of
We fteed all oar serai
d soitsB and Draysr s
lefwfcrtMeonEeSls broaghtto
ICtmfBCta great deal of
KTc.3i tafeyla utterly laeijrii
OOfctMk th kava Urn
C toVaCatio tow to liar-
Crr tt ar Cater arty m te-n-
Why go growling on your wsy to celes
tial enthronement ? Come out of that
cave and sit down in the warm light of
sun of righteousness. Away with your
odes of melancholy aud lleivey's
"Meditations among the Tombs."
Than Irt cur aoag iboand.
And amy t-ar la drj;
Wa'ra nurehias throat! Emmanuel' ground
To fairer world uo high.
I have to say, also that we need to
put more spice and enlivenment in our
religious teaching; whether it be in our
prayer meeting, or in the Sabbath
school, or in the church. We ministers
need more fresh air and sunshine in
our lunga, and our heart and our head.
Why did you look so sad today when
you came in? Alas! for the loneliness
and the heartbreak, and the load that
is never lifted from your soul. Some
of you go about feeling like Macaulay
when he wrote: "if I had another
month of such days aa I hare been
spending, I would be impatient to get
down into my little narrow crib in the
ground like a weary factory child."
And there have been times in your life
when you wished you could get out of
this life. You have said: "Ob, how
swe t to my lips would be the dust of
the valley," and wished you could pull
over you in your last slumber the cov
erlet of greeu grass and daisies. You
have said: "Oh, how beautifully quiet
it must be in the tomb. I wish I was
there." 1 see all around about -me
widowhood, and orphanage, and child
lessness; sadness, disappointment, per
plexity. If I could ask all those to
rise iu this audience who have felt no
sorrow, and been buffeted by no disap
pointment if I could ask all such to
rise, how many would rise? Xot one.
A widowed mother with her little
child went west, hoping to get better
wages there, and was taken sick and
died. The overseer of the poor got her
body and put it iu a vagon and started
down the street toward the cemetery
at full trot The little child the only
child ran after it through the streets
bare headed, crying: ".Bring me back
me back my mother! bring me back my
mother!" And it is said that as the
people looked on and saw her cryinp
after that which lay in the box
iu uie wagon ail sue lovea on
earth it is said that the whole village
was in tears. And that is what a great
many of you are doing chasing the
dead. Dear Lord, is there no appease
ment for all this sorrow that I see
about me ? Yes, the tiiooght of resur -rection
and reunion far beyond this
scene of struggle and tears. "They
shall hunger no more, neither shall the
sun lighl on them, nor any heat; for
the Lamb which is in the midst of the
throne shall lead them to living foun
tains of water, and God shall wipe
away all tears from your eyes." Across
the couches of your sick and across the
graves of your dead, I fling this shower
of sweet spices. Queen Balkis, driving
up to the pillared portico of the house
of cedar, carried no such pungency of
perfume as exhales today from the
Lord's garden. It is peace; it is sweet
ness; it is comfort; it is infinite satis
faction, this Gospel I commend to you.
Someone could not understand why
an old German Christian scholar used
to be always so happy and hopeful
when he had so many trials aud sick
nesses and ailments A man secreted
himself in the bouse. He said: "I mean
to watch this old scholar and Chris
tian." And he saw the old Christian
mm go to his room and sit down on
the chair beside the stand and open the
Bible and begin to read. He read on
and on, chapter after chapter, hour
after hour, until his face was all aglow
with the tidings from heaven, and
when the clock struck 12 he arose and
shut his Bible and said: "Blessed Lord.
we are on the same old terms yet
Good night; good night" Oh, you sin
parched and you troubled-pounded,
here is satisfaction. Will you come
and get it ? I cannot tell you what the
Lord offers you hereafter so well aa I
can tell yon now. "It doth not yet ap
pear what we shall be," Have you
read of the Taj Mahal in India
in some respects the most majestic
building on earth? Twenty thousand
men were twenty yean in building it.
It cost about 16,000,000. The walls
are of marble, inlaid with cornelian
from Bagdad, and turqouise from
Thibet, and jasper from the Punjaub,
and amethyst from Persia, and all
manner of precious stones. A traveler
says that it seems to him like' the shin
ing of an enchanted castle of burnished
silver. The walls are 24 feet high,
and from the top of these springs a
dome thirty more feet high, that dome
containing the most wonderful echo
the world baa ever known; bo that ever
and anon travelers standing below with
flutes, and drums, and harps, are test
ing that echo, and the sounds from be
low strike up and then come down as it
wan the voice of angels all around
about the Vuildlng. There to around it
a garden of tamarind, and banyan, and
lieim, assail the floral glories of toe
ransacked earth. But that to only a
compared with tbegnmdean which
God baa kallded for your living and
iausortal spirit Oh! home of the
1 Foundation of coll
of victory t Ot;steoos of jftttml
-.irtn i rla Irr-r'-i-. If Be
an snra Kmiri rpn
at bbi aa
the deep hue that was caught up iron
the carnage of earthly martyrdoms j
and the fragrance is tua prayer ot ai j
the saints, and the a.-ma puts into uttei
forgecfulness the cassia aud Hie spin-"
ard, and the frankincense, and U
world renowned spices.
WbeoahaU Uiewrra ty taew built wU
And pearl; gafat benold.
Ilij tail war ka wiUi aaljatioo Wrong.
An ' itnota of 'Mains gold? .
Through obduracy on our part, n
through the rejection of that t uris;
who makes heaven possible, 1 wonder
if any of us will miss that spectacle:
I fear! I fear! The queen of the
south will rise up in judgment against
this generation and condemn it, be
cause she came from the uttermost
parts of the earth to hear the wisdom
of Solomon, and behold, a greater than
Solomon is here! May God grant that
through vour own practical experience
you may" find that religion's ways are
wavs of pleasantness, and that all Iter
paths are paths of peace that it is per
fume now and perfume forever. And
there was an abundance of spue:
"neither was there any such spice as the
Queen of Sheba gave to King Mo
rn on."
! ilk. I Jtwmm
OooU Advice.
Never take into your confidence, oi
admit often into your company, an
man who does not know, on some im
portant subject, more than you do.
Be his rank, be his virtues what the;
may, he will be a hindrance to join
greatness. If indeed, the greatnes
were such as courts can bee tow, ami
such as can be laid on the shoulders oi
a groom and make him look like tlit
rest of the company, my advice would
be misplaced; but since all transcend
ent, all true and genuine greatness
must be of a man's own raising, and
only on the foundation that the hand
of God has laid, do not let any touch
it; keep them off civilly, but keep them
off. Affect no stoicism; display no in
difference; let their coin pass current;
but do not exchange it for the purer
ore your carry, nor think the milling
pays for the alloy. Greatly favored
and blessed by providence will yon be,
if you should in your lifetime be
known what you are; the contrary, if
you should be transformed. Walter
Savage Landor.
Senator Hearst's Men in Muck
ram. One day while the late Senator
Hearst was a young man and yet had
his fortune to make he and a few com
panions were on a prospecting tour
Along in the afternoon they sighted a
band of Indians, and, as in those day-
all Indians were hostile, Mr. Hearst
and his friends naturally wanted to get
away from there. All the prospectors,
except the future senator, were mount
ed on horses. He was on a retired
army mule, and soon found himself
left in the reer. The Indians were on
his trail and things began to look seri
ous, when he called out to his rapidly
disappearing companions:
"Hold on, boys; there's only a few
of them. We needn't be afraid."
Just then the mule scented the ap
proaching Indians, and with a wild
snort started out at a gait that soon
left the horsemen far behind. When
Hearst was about a quarter of a mile
in advance he turned in his saddle and
yelled at the top of his voice:
"Hurry up, boys; you'll get scalped
There's more'n a hundred of them."
Chicago Post
Queer Postures of Women.
Have you ever seen a girl sit on her
foot? I heard at Miss Chreimaa's
class the other day. Cousin Madge
tells London Truth, that it is a favor
ite attitude of the young women of the
period. She puts her foot upon the
seat of a chair and immediately sits
down on it, the other serving as a prop
and balance, being firmly planted on
the floor. When you come to think of j
it very wonderful are the attitudes in
which girls often sit
tsomestimes they will screw up their
knees until they almost touch their
noses, holding them tightly around
with clasped hands, while they devour
a book perched upon the knees. The
position is highly insecure. The slight
est touch would knock them over.
Lived onfOa Year.
The Widow Paret "5 years old,
starved to death in Lisle four weeks
ago. She left a fortune of $175,000.
As a thoroughbred miser she was with
out a rival Twelve years ago, when
her husband died, she had only' a few
hundred dollars. She invested her
money judiciously, and set about get
ting more with unsurpassed energy.
She sewed, begged, and did the hard
. i ,,
obi, uiauiuu moor wnenever an
tunity was offered to her.
He, savings were almost identical
with her earnings, for her living cost
ner wuj v annually, she got her
ioou irom me reruse heads at v.i..
ble markets and from the garbage of
" restaurants. She gathered
the coals for her fire usually at the
uocu wnere ireight ships were loaded
and emptied. Every morninir rain
-1 ... v.
uu, sne appeared at the wharves with
nor coai oasaet on her arm. Vh
e,,,her ket there si pi,fered
the desired eupply from neighboring
MBl Tarda t. .i
' ' uj mis nrart m w
herself several times in the LUi noil-.
courts. . r "
Last fau her only son, an nnsuccees
fol miser, ded of h,.
hLJ . . ' ue
1 ' oi sixteen vi
joung woman U the sole heir of the
tortone. She Is one of th. JZJt.
ana is said to b
Unt j great preparations for the
pwdy dissipation of h .
Cnuit; Baiter.
After all that cau be said for cream
ery butter it is not always periwt. In
creasing numbers note its poor keeping
qual:tv, because imj-erfectly freed from
caseou's matter; also the fact that it
, . - . t..r n.iiin.1 for uouud. Ss
0's ink gu bo '. r" - .
dairy butter, more solid from careful
making. Families are discarding it.
while they desire the lost, because
needing to practice economy. Hut ail
rreameries do not turn out "spongy
.utter." Here and there one euuals
dairy buWer in solidity. Cream gather
ing creameries are prone to let cream
sour too much. Of course oversowing,
eveniu the dairy, will produce tue
same sorry result. The creamery or
dairy coming nearest to the manufac
ture of sweet cream butter, provided it
is proir!y washed and packed, will
make the most solid and best keeping
article. N'ew York Tribune.
HDr flanta.
A. I. Root, authority on all subjects
pertaining to bee culture, says;
Past experience seems to have taught
us that not only is it true that no plant
bears honey invariably, but It is also
true that a great many plants may now
and then give quite a yield of honey
Doolittle got quite a crop of very nice
honey from teasel. Dr. Miller had
quite a little honey yield from cucum
bers, where they were raised for pickle
factories. Spanish needle from the
swamps sometimes gives large quan
tities of very rich amber honey. Last
season Dr. Miller had a yield ot very
nice honey right along for months, and
if I am correct he does niit know yet
where it came from. When I visited
him he asked me if I could see enough
white clover, or clover of any kind, to
account for the amount of honey that
was then coming in. I could not Arid
yet there was nothing else visible to us
in our miles of travel that should fur
nish it. llape sametimbs gives quite a
Mow of beautiful honey lu localities
where the plant Is raised largely for
seed. Mustard fields also furnish more
ot less.
Farm HlnU.
The borer which attacks the currant
stems may be kept in subjection, says
the Michigan Farmer, bv cutting and
burning all the infected stems. In
stems that cannot be spared go for the
borer with a knitting-needle.
This season there is more water in
the boil than has been the case for
years. Cellars that have always been
dry, in some sections, are now partly
filled with water. This will probably
not be lessened, as we are to hare the
usual spring rains.
Michigan has a cow insurance club.
On joining, each person pays into the
treasury 75 cents for each cow in his
posesaion, and when a cow belonging
dies, an assessment is made and 8(0 is
paid to the loser. Aftes Uie initiation
fee the members are required to pay
nothing except the assessment
llange cattle are rapidly becoming a
thing of the past, and the stock farmer
may breathe easier. With the con .
jtant encroachment of the homestead
and the farm, the almost boundless
range and the days of the vast herds
ire surely numbered. Like the Indian
nd the Buffalo, they will soon become
i thing of the past
Young chicks will become afflicted
with lice as soon as hatched. The lice
eave the fewl and go to the chicks. As
won as a hen comes oft with a brood
:ub a few drops of melted lard or oil on
aie skin of the head and neck of the
ben, and dust Uie chicks well with
Ualisatian Insect powder.
No breeder or farmer should believe
ir ccepi as a iact mat any breed of
twine or any individual animal
peneci, says the .National Stock
muk. ine rorce or strength of the
meaning of the word "thorough-bred
ncreases with the improvement of the
luality of the animals. No one reall-
w uie worm oi me adage that "the
Ijest is none too good" with more force
.nan me true fancier aud breeder. Ha
s always looking for his ideal higher
-7P tuia wnen iouna will pay fabulous
ior iu rifld, Oaraaa.
Many of our progressive culUvatofi
lave left off old methods for the newer
ine of drilling in the see 1, surface ma
tinring and level or shallow cutivatlon
Other good farmers still cling to old
wavs, while others again strike a me
dium bet een the old an J new systems.
Following is what Southern Cultiva
tor has to say on the subject of plant
ing corn:
The first plow uif? may ana snonia ue
deep and close on all soiU that are stiff
or inclined to run together, and we
know of nothing better for the siding
furrow than a nnxlerately long square
or diamond joi!itel scooter. It is not
necessary to plow out the entire mid
dle at once; on the contrary, we have
fomwl if tmnerallv expedient to Hill
villus- p 4 a i
round the entire rop, or as much of it
aa may be ready for the operation, and
then returned and plw the middles
out ( n mellow, soft clean lands deep
plowing is not at all necessary if the
ground was well plowed U-iore plain
ing. Indeed, in our own practice we
adopted the general rule that wherever
a sweep, scrape, or other wide expand
ing cultivator will do good work, no
other implement or deeper plowing is
required. It is a pretty safe rule all
through the cultivation of any crop,
thus always giving the preference to
the implement that will do satisfac
tory work at the time, and the largest
amount (acres ier day) with the least
The first plowing of con; should be
done so carefully as to obviate the ne
cessity for hand hoe work, which may
be easily done on smooth, well prepared
land. It is not a bad rule to require
every plowman on such land to stop
and remove, or, cover with his hands,
or a paddle kept at hand for the pur
pose, every bunch or sprig of grass
that might have been destroyed by the
plow. Under such a rule greater care
and skill will be exercised by the plow
man, for no m ah liked to slop to un
cover or cover anything.
If the plants are healthy nnd vigor
ous, and the land not especially infest
ed by bud worms, we greatly prefer
thinning out by hand or by means of a
narrow paddle in advance of the plows
It may be done when ths ground is too
wet to plow or hoe, each hand being
arinexi wun a suck or paddle three or
iour ie long, auu carrying two rows
at a time.
DuU headache fa J!
Of potHMim j
na glassful
grains in a glassful ti
to be taken in little j,,
When making wt J
half teaspoon
- vi
g limn auwia n
cream oi tartar nufa.
m ivuiii, ooi An.
Gl It Soma Milk.
A Canadian describes a plan by
which he gives his calves new milk and
yet manages to have a good supply of
butter from his milk. The idea is sim
ple enough and well worth considera
tion. '1 he plan adopted is as follows.
At milking time two large vessels arc
put outside the barn door, one marked
"dairy" and the other "calves." One
half of the milk given by each cow
viz., that drawn first is put Into the
vessel marked "calves," and the other
half viz., that last draw is put into
the vessel marked "dairy." This latter
half is found on being tested to con
tilnfrom two-thirds to three-fourths!
of the cream. The calves have the ad
vantage oi ueing Tea mtu milk warm
from the cow; at the sama time they
are reared at a moderate cost, as their
allowance of milk does not contain
much cream. Exchange.
boil well: drink 111 li.i ...
seed in a pint of wattr.jJ
a little honey, one ouw
and the Juice of tlirtuJ
If the globes oniJ
much stained on the -'
soak them in tolt-raUj w'
whieh a little washin. J
dissolved. Then t,uti J
powdered ammonia in J
warm water and wiHii
scrub the globes until tin J
disappear. Rinse indtJj
They will be as white uiJ
Kggs in an euwgenc, f
seal letters. Will wuitfcj
glass covers. Will res
sublimate harmless, if 14)
given after an emetic. R
burn, if several applW
whites be nut in to D
Will not permit a pUtttrj
the mustard be lulird t&J
of water. Will remove ti
the throat, if the white I
given at once.
Naw Vork'i I rt Afta
Just at the bcginningtff
nvery stands the big bror
dicated to science aitd a;
Saaal Mawtag.
A sowing in shallow drids, fin. apart
01 r rencu norn or early Nantes carrots,
ujuum u maae on the south border.
in preparing the ground, take advant
age of a fine day, so that the surface
wil may become somewhat drv lif.
owing me seed, and a dressing of
wood ashes may be aDDlied hf fir A that
Uru .re cioseo, as a manure, a,,d rem.
sdy against wire-worms. Early Milan
turnip seed should be sown in drills 1
foot apart A small sowing only should
now be made, and again in three weeks
Large b-esdth are undesirable at this
early date, asmeplanU run i
,hPldl7' J1 .own on
me south border, the tuml
rariatu. Vl . --rw
a ;T V "n,P,07t Cover the
radish beds with drv litur ,,B,n .. .
wds come up, wUn It ihouid he taken
off in the day and replaced at night
"Suppose one anarch! r.iu ... .
wealth and claims that i h. ..
the poor live. And bomwbb
other flnds a fWa f rvll.. Will
.. . -now one.
The Inadequacy of Critic sin.
The critical kodak has not yet been
invented; there is no little instrument
that promises to do the rest In review
ing if you press the button; and in the
meantime there is the chance of giving
ouly a glimpse of the work that comes
before one. One aspect Is 'seized, Bud
a moment only of that: a few traits are
grouped about this general look of an
author a nose here, a mouth there, an
eye or iwo, a chin-and then the whole
must be intrusted to the intelllireuce of
the reader, with a suggestion that hi
had better go to the boak for a right
conception 01 it. W.I). I)oweU ia
Cooper, who has a mosv
heart of every New Yornr
ible one in the city of hk
During the lifetime of at"
man, there was no inn
nude done at Cooper 1
a very intelligible, old ft
dice against it Now,
fallen Into line with the
sesses that crowning glory tf
school, a life class.
I'ulike the League of the
Coom-r Is for women onli. 1
xtruction is free to all itj
iiiiinr a proiession oi an.
usual studies ft has riitw
ing photographs, crayon
engraving, remunerative K
employments, and the
which young women art
teachers. This course onlj
year. Jo appreciate tin
may be obtained in that sli
must s the fine work ent
petition for the prizes ol
class, such as deigns Mr
stained glass, for wall papa,
There is little discipline,
larity about art school, C
has h slight flavor of tface
usually inseparable from tbt
school. 1 do not know
because or this fai t or in
Cooper is perhaps the pie
for a young girl to pursue hs
At the other schooli no cms
over the students in other
hours, and not much then.
erative employment is fi
advice given as to buard df
The students come and pi
please no one tikes anjtf
them. I f they come, the rai
if they stay away, it is UiM!
It Is taken for 'granted tia)
chosen their career they a.
every opportunity for profnt
Kibe! McDougail in neon
lt were, beinsr a ixnjt.u
common level can t -.. VTW
How Hpools ar j Made,
jJircn wood is preferred. The wood
Is first sawed into slicks four or live
ieiiong and seven-eights of an Itx-h square; according to the
sIms of the spool to be produced. These
sUcks are thoroughly seasoned. Thev
-.ovru mio snort blocks and dried
in a hot-air kiln. At the time the.
are sawed holes are bored perpendicu
larly through each block which i.
on erm under a rapidly revolving lonir
"" ""Ker. exi one whirl nf
eacnnuie block against some little
knives that are turnintr at
laauiuiu 11 into a spool accord
ing to the pattern desired, and ..
' t one a second for
h jet of knives. A row of small
boy. feed the spool-making machines
w7 uinpiy piecing Uie Mock. In .
fleeting the best, and h 1
the knotty and defective stock. The
machine is "automatic," but there ar
""" cannot do. hence
'"piuyment or the iroali bora
bove mentioned. After the soook
--'uwtryarapweeti m a large
drum ad revcve ridTy aUl they
- - . pntian. rot torn
l2i irpoi uey are dyed tcOow
or red, aordlng to
one seat a spoei of thread Barked -wr
aaaavw a .. - a aaav
A tortoise shell hairpin it
ed with a bow knot of gold
A silver brooch has '
forget-me-nots, within whinl
ant a moonstone heart.
' Iormette handles a'e stiJH
tortoise shell elaborately ani
of them being profusely l .
raonds. J
A brooch is In the form ol
white mmwI alHint which ii C
ly coiled a serpent formed i
A Hroadwav jeweler hutti
In the farm of a curb chill,!
sapphire and two diamond,
square setting.
A caudleatick recently tM
ni m.. .w u nt ilrsrs
candle is set in the centtf l
water lily. A shade accofflf
is in Uie form of an Invert! .
A costly pair of o ragl
In -..1.1 l.lanlr aniimel m
j 11 j- 1- --..J itn
trefoila onUined with mU ,
alternating with single rwk
Mh nt f ha lanaf l SUI1W;,
n af atnall HlaillllllllJ. TbM
all 1,152 stones.
An odd ease for a manicun
reconUy placed on M 1
pitmillit Silverware 0J j
design on the cover MWt u" j
forming what U known aw
UMMtrds is the itucflpuoi
good hud". J
form of the ww
sonstsnuy rr-d
A goU sad pearl brooch In tat
a tyre, and Mother sbowinl r ,
of for-st.iivs.noU surrounding
oocbea are
every passible
stea iMrt set In lr"-"lt(
" X ' -4.
. a,
board "WJieri
will tha. ' Ttaere
pool baa been gmaVted. and u