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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1891)
,1b Sioux County Journal. 0TAXLIS8B I860. 0rrKUL oocjfTT r ana. I ilKlBST PAPCK B TOT COOfTY. L, the LAfttiffiT CIBCX'LATION A5Y PAPEB M BIXS11ED IN (XTf OOOJTY.' : a Subscription Price, 2.00 J. KiMMHH, - " EdltST. fEiitrwl t the Harrinon pot offlrfl as aec ,d clM matter. THiitfiDAY, May 21, 1881. Bmt Lin to the East. Tlie Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R. runuim; elegantly equipped passenger Laiiien without cliange from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, 'Nebraska, direct Jo Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection It that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all Wints west, and for Kan sun City, St. Joseph, St Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi- W, and all pointa east Remember this is trie only line by Lrhich you can take sleeping far from -Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin oln and Omalia tlie next afternoon, and In Chicago, Peoria and St, Louis the fol owing morning. For further information and tickets ap lv to nearest agent Of Burlington itoute B. M. K. K. What Ton Oet for a IMIar. f'ifty-two telvc page puncM- Kour thoUuaiid, turec Immlred and slity right colaiiina ol fruib rMi'Iln mutter. All tbe new. of I lie wliule world every htk. Rradlug" matter, and not column after col Jtliiiu of adn. Lttterir f rom Washington and all the Jirin mpal news centers. Markrt rrporta allien are the moxt com plet nufi reliable. farm and bouaebold hints that are worth k dollar every week. More than a dollar'! worth of good, short tori from the bent writers of thu day. Lists of patmlcms gTanU:d every week an other matteni it lfftrrt to old aultlliT. fcn-rythlng that bu)cii in Nebrarkathat lof InUTcst to the rx'or"". eeclally If it relate to tl affair. To twin 11 up, you get the largeit, bint and (-leanest weekly In tuo went. One that 1 alert and up with the evcr progrcHHlug west Urn thought In it editorial poll'')'! one that wfll'pleaae every meiiibcr of your family, young and oM. Try It. Three mouths 2ici nix months, 60c; one year 1.00. Asa yonr pcMiaiiuiier ior a wimuiv copy ui lie WKKKI.V KTATK JOI'KNAL aud give btm your aubwripllon, or addrew Lincoln, Neb. If your blood is vitiated, cleanse it without delay by using Ayer's .Sarsapa-Hlla. Nothing Else fcioals Ayeri Fills tor stimulating a torpid liver, ttrenftbenhif ttlgestlott, and ref lating the aetloti of the bowels. They con tain no calbmel, nor any other Injurious brag, but are composed ot the active priacl ptos of Um beat vegetable cathartics. " I was a ittSerer lot years from dyspepsia knd liver troubles, and found no permanent relict until 1 commenced taking Ayer's PlUs. They nave effected a complete cure." George Mooney, Walla Walla, W. T. "Whenever t am troubled with constipa tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's nils set me right again." - A. J. Klscr, Jr., Bock Bouse, Va. . "For the cure ot headache, Ayer's Ca thartic Fills are the most effective medicine I aver used." B. K. James, Dorchester, Mass. , "Two boxes ot Ayer's Pills cured me et Severe headache, from which I was tonga suf-fcrw."-Kmma Keyes, nubbardstoD.Cotm. Ayer's Pills. raarABBo bt BE. t. 0. ATZB 00., Lowell, Haas. Bold by an Dealen in Medicinal . s A fKL,r..iMof ..f Intorr.- n and ar- 'l..rf it! tiH (Jiw , ri . .w.t..!,, 1'i.lcnli.. 'a.'. ' 'I nwJ- 'The Bee Reduced in Price. , Phs) price of the Omaha Weekly Bee h&s bean rsxluced to UM o Year. Now U the time to siibacribe for beat newspaper in the west in your order early to ITSS SEZ PUBUSHP1 09. MOWbHt RcTALIATEDT kaUer af Scwia, Math la.. When much voumrer th.. r ST; f ld nPW8PIr to a oton Globe reporter, "I sold sewing machines. You may rest assurd I was a trifle fresh, and suffered tberofor, as the following adventure will show: "Near the close of hot August day I was driving through the Htti f G to the town k i i headquarters. Suddenlv a hi cloud appeared in the sky, and when my played-out horse had covered half a muo ine rain camo dancing down. I had two machines on and nn t,Ur,v0 To save myself and machines from get uug urencnea i drove for the only house within a radius ot a mile. I was a sorry gurht when I reached that old country mansion half hidden by tall maples. Jumping out, I knocked at the door and explained that I would like to leave my machines temporarily, in order to save them from the storm. Before I made the reauest I discov. ered that the young lady who responded w my Knock was one with whom, much against her will, I had left a machine on trial a month or two before, and had only taken it back after repeated pro testations on her part that she did not want it "You understand, we used to get a machine into a house by representing that we would leave it on trial. But once we got it into the houso we in sisted on its being bought, and used every persuasive art to accomplish that result. "frequently this was very embarrass ing to tho lady of tho house, and sho never forgave us for tho annoyanoo of leaving the machlno for weeks and ask ing her overy other day if sbo wouldn't buy, when she had emphatically de clared she would not "Now was tho turn of the young lady In the old-fashioned house to get square. And although the rain had nearly washed tho machlno out ot tho wagon, she slammed the door in my face and then sat by tho window enjoying my discomfiture to her heart's content As I prepared to drive away I turned my head and beheld her pretty face bub bling over with smiles. "When I reached N I was a sight to behold. But the experienco cured my freshness." DcirenilanU of De Qnlneey. It la not generally known that three of tho Opium-Eater Do Quincey'n family aro still alive one son and two daugh ter. Tho surviving son is Paul Freder ick I)o Quincey, who won distinction in tho English army during tho Indian mu tiny. Ho retired from tho army a good many years agOi when ho had attained tho rank of Brigade-Major. Ho went to New Zealand, purchased land and set tled there. Ho organized tho New Zea land militia about the timo of tho last Maori war, and is still alive and well, at present occupying tho post of Sergeant-at-Arms to tho Now Zealand Parlia ment Tho two surviving daughters arc Mrs. Baird Smith, a widow, and Miss Do Quincey. They rcsido in London. Dk. LeonhardTi HW O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Practice limited to dineaites of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, HEART and Bixxm Read the press notices, Send for symptom chart, State your case. If vou are sick and want to get well, write all about yourself. No trouble to read letters; send stamp fur reply. Dr. Leonharclt, 1452 O St Lincoln. Neb. Welle Drilled! I have a good well drilling machine ,.m rnndv to drill any sizetl well on short notice. Terms good and prices low. Postofflce, Harrison. C. S. 800TT. L, E. BELDEN A SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. impairing done on short uovlce. Oood work an reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. BABM80N, MB. B. L.8MUCK. Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser Everything In his line done in a neat ,.n,t nri manner. RUM and Seisin, sharpened and put t' i in order at reasonaoie nw. (live him a call. First door east of poetofflce. HAHMK - NBHAIIA. it A.-. r: QSmOH&E CYCLES. r i For Gentlemen or Ladies, t Witii StAii or CuiLiun 1: -at. from '5.GO -t Tac Ku;-l ar.l Ut--f : :. .... . . I light, tirnowo, ' . n:uc, s: i lUa World's . ( RUN- ' T7 -u .t -.r. 1 ri'Lrri r:'. - .-r hr world, f Vfi: rry fvll i;- "1 A--i.-ii.-aa Cfdt ! Uihu t UO.CO t- $ 1 I rir.Y PAYBFRTS WITH HO EXTRA CHARCE. UASGAINS I-N JOB LOTS, : -J z-z AT LOWEST PRICES i:3 orderfs from rv-y State and no Unicod States end Canada, i end aave v'i mom-v. Cotalogua, i. 5.rgt t ;:t'X-lc in tin Ccited Siaiea. 44 G Street, Peoria, III. s s a.. , 3 13S 3NO .: '5i oonpojjui oi uopjo ; 'SE$ ubmi 6GO JOi-mBnoq eq ?ou.:v esoujt;i 8 tions 'dlHSNVi'JXliOM -l;.: SS3iTJyH KGQcJd J"0COOVi . a. . .I- - Mil. IS JUST FUU N0 RUNNINO OVSrt ttflf G0;s TlllNOa. I ONQ STORES H - 01 THERE ARE TALKS ABOUT THE DINING-ROOM; ABOUT WHAT TO WCAR'ANO HOW TO MAKE IT J ABOUT. sociity; about, books; ABOurf FHJtN Ti ' A H 0 FLOWK M ' About; HOM tCAiiNET ; About OOOD OHM; ABOUT HOU JAUTIFUt WlbemtDg modJpiia'n of eobjaeto, by lUrs. Logan's 'n41 0F WILU SOON AFPEAR.-, AMOMO OUR MANY CONTRIBUTORS Aftg ; "Hoatirr i Buaarrtt. aa.aitv. bast, . anate. wiu. caauvea, opno Viacsnt, Jowh autre Win. Vate BavtS. Cant HuavmSTON Miuta. (Art tt ' Wr'fars Hit Country Contribut fa oar Columns. THP BROBIX PUBL15HINQ CO., CKNTS uiseuiNftTnN D. C. Id WANTEOc " i"a,jj.4ii-a-.;r-r?J'Wi-v'"l"ML" " 3 NEW REPEATING RlFS-si MARLIN SAFE 1 CODEL SOLID TOP. Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U.S. A. SIDE EJECTING. LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Art Untquslied Ba 'J nun,,n Rr-nd for Catalogue A, rf.owlng SliihU nii1r.f latust dc.ilSD. A . 'Irons : m-p IV'I'J M i "1 5 .:;'ij..VT:..v.. -'---'-- -- - - "IDEAL" REL0AD1KG TOOLS For Rifles, Pistols Shot Guns. ""AD YOUR EHEU8 StJL FREE, hi.uothtio "af g CATALOGUE s 1 CONTINIKO VALOABLt INaTBUCTIONS OM HOW TO patMSe VOOa OWN AMKUHItiiM. mi MFD. t9., BsxO, !5'vtelM iVJISII'J -. it mmt i HTSTALmEITT OFFER.- T?,f? .ct;l eiolid Walnut 1'grlor Orggn eTiiU'J. hntinp 6 Qrinrr, 3 b'tg Xredt, f St!t. and f) Kites Steclli, mdtirrd to r3-S: a wsinst- CXLY 665 AM) ON IWSTALLWENT as i uji: ttx&.vv u Eld drtl aflcf 10 days' t tnil. the Balance $40 ftc tM lat aaBtJiir taatlaBcnta of $i per Konia uaul ill is pAid. Hs)il and Iwtraietioa tso( tBtcivacti. It is oniv LO saad refreaces as to your FOjJiuuMiiiir dob any baiiiicr. Douuia&icr. mer chant oar express Azeat, una me uraa wui ie hipped promptly on 10 IssatifiiU; IlltrtnUd sure to write to u inrl1 AVK llONI-V, H JO -5 -Jfe Cgsaiiaaa!jsjpr jj Cornish & Co., Washington, U. i?S 8S S all sl wi IS t - 3 1 n 1 is." Si ti b a5S,B.B'! aaam jsss:?-j r::!;,--: w rjSgl cc Everybody Wag V on" No. 47 fitb Half Springs, one Seat, Cushion and Shafts. "good Timber and Bona DTT-" ... . . nsj .,. iica rt" rnnntAN stfifl m,,C ieahVa smo..t ttniu, is palutrl briajr an.l awax; ajg la atruna: and liaiaiactarora of tho Celebrated Knshtom wagon, iuiu w. pia o., nuana, a BOOK HOLDERS. The Most PenrreT DlCTtONASV HOLDER. Folding and Adjustable Tables,. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. 19th St.,N.Y. PIA3STOS own larolit(rt,wl'' '"r .... .1.. iha work. Kaay to Irtrw. vri.k Ytiu ran devtrta "?yS"?Z? , ,L p., .-k .i .r.m, MONEY . r- pi, ,, .,, n . i" ioyi"""' . nr i moment. . f; lo tin .t.,ti ". furm.ltli.pT 2, ,', , VlXtll v, m-i- t lml. a VK'aatf I Hn4.rt.kt to britSr ttteh nr fcitlji lntellinl p.ton of .llhcr hi, who p.n rwi wr, . innilan.,lll work ndMlrimtilr. ,A ... nn. TfeMMM. Pollnra tT...ikj.... in..n,u. tiiMTrih.irll...l . til. .HMMon rlplormi.t wblch jmt -n 'rn Ih.l .inonnl. No mon.T for mo on I... .ucfMifwl .bo.. Karilr nl Vt loarnoil. I dwtro h.t on. work.r ftoni Men Ol.inri orcon.ij. a S3000: lu.a alr.rtr laoaM and oldMwlth niplorml Jlaf. nuaab-r, who aro naklM o.r SSajS. TJM " Brlt'!. B. O. AJLLUH, Baa ASM. Aacaata. wataa. m a BLBaUsK Snna; Itltla fortnnaabaTabat.M1. work for ua, by Antra Paf., : raaa, and Jno. itonn, i"Yrr- i ,ot yon? Bnm. ram oar . nonlh. Tan ean do tho wom aata nr. M Udl aaraln. fNMI S4 0 SIU.daT.Alla.oa. Wa.bow TMM and Mart r". Ca. work I. nMa ttm. h tt tho ffana. Ml. mono for WOT- m mim nnknown amoa. tkaai. SEW Hiidwon.tlt.1. TarlfcoJartJ... ca,a.nrwviMiai in ttrietly tnt-elau in every detail, penes an absolntely perfect repestiag actioa and bandtome cues. Fnlly warranted. rain Ar the beat 4a the world, and have let 11 others for yean. Over 810,000 la ate. The people are bonnd to hare -the bett, and will have none hot thoUSTEY. Time payment! or eaih, as easterner prefer. n . i m . a m ai,Ai uaii aia see m, or seia ior vamagMB ' and fell information. 233 to Street, Cliioajo. - C3N3t touts Mouse, 816 & 018 Oilva I.l.i.nton thU.V.w t . ...... .--,1 -" Kafc, f-wj.-f .Ism-"4 litest