The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 21, 1891, Image 2

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iti ox ccrxnr mmi
U 4. Hlinn, riwrrieter.
of Potter Couaty are
the Verge of Panic.
t Mt to FlcU Mm
a Kmui xunxo,
CoCDiaaroar, Pa.. May It Tbe
town of Austin, Cbatello, GaWtoa and
Moon's Rob, is PotUr, are on tbe -erg
of a panic, two eapeeially being threat
I vita aaaihilatioa from flrs that
i to form aa impenetrable wall oo
Tba foratt fire have crept
steadily toward tba be'pleea towns no
tilUwaaaaao tba people mutt fight
back tba flame or here their boueee
burned down over their bead.
At Moore's Rao a train load of seven
ty-fiv willing man sent ont from Aus
Un Sunday night, bad bean fightiLg
book tba fires, but war finally obliged
to ret reel, Tba man boarded the train,
but too lata. Tbey were bammed in by
the forest firs oo ooe side and a bugs
akidway of logs oa tba other. It was
Anally decided to dash past the burning
akidway, and tba ecgioeer and fireman,
with facet covered with dampened
cloths aad their hands and arms
wrapped in wool, mounted the little en
gine sad pulled out through the wall of
ire. . Tba evnty-flv exhausted man
gathered in groups on the flata for pro
tection, or lay on their faces on the floor.
Aa toe banting furnace of logs was ap
proached toe beet became unbearable
and the aaaoke so blinding and stifling
that tba tuen were obliged to cover
their mouths with cloths.
Just opposite the millions of feet of
burning lage. where the heat and smoke
aad flame ware the greatest, a terrible
Using occurred. The engineer had for
gotten that such great heat would surely
'' oread the) rails and ha pulled the throt
tle wider in the hopes of sooner es
cepiagCrom a torrent of beet and smeke.
Then there was a lurch, aa ominons
heaving aad shriek of despair as the
traia toppled over into the bell of Are
baa sat h A aoaae enaued never to be
forgotten by those who escaped, though
every man will bear to his grave a mark
of that awful momaat The oars caught
Are like so many paper playthings, and
the men within, half blinded an scarce
ly raaliting aatbiag except they ware
lowly being roasted to death, struggled
tearfully to regain the track where safe
ty lay for a time at least. Those unin
jured from the fall and only cmerting
from the paia of iateoee heat bravely
tamed their boned blackened hands to
CM their BMre unfortunate fellows.
Supertetaadeat Badger of the Sinae
mabooiejf Valley road was in charge of
tka relief train. He was slowly burned
to death.
Sim ntkara elan sniaeralilv nan'ahad mnA
thirty otheta of tba party were badly
burned, many probeby fatally.
Seven others of the party are missing
aad their fate is not known, though
they are likely in the charred wood of
the logs off toe train.
ReUsf parties started for the aoaae aa
aooo as th fearful nwapred. Owing
to the great devastation done everything
In tba way of the fire, oommunioatioa is
badly interrupted, and it is impossible
to learn the name of the men burned to
death or those still missing. As to the
damage, it ie known to be 44000100 feet
of hemlock logs and Umber, and 2000
oords of valuable bark bare already
bean destroyed and tba fires axe still
ipte are praying for rain, aa it
i that nothing bat a drenching will
shth Asms. A milllion beacon
lit seem to be burning from averv
stain aad hilL Despair m so im-
that many workers faint finm
eraajietwa ana are dragged away from
a llama that ha dona nothing aa yet
mi n uuy uurn.
lliasgf Bin leaw ef Leas est Wire.
Drraorr, May 14. The hoped for -
cunty from the recant rain did not
tarialize for the panic-stricken inhabit
ants of the burned dietrict in thi stats.
Soma Idea of ton vaetoea of the flre die
trict can U obtained from the fact that
tied with fire are aa large at the whole
state of Rhode lalaid. Tba Toledo,
AM Arb MkMgaa railroad has had
la abandon all attaanto to ma ear
aorth af the Clare oouaty line. A freight
rniamf atwaNt Barrow aan
nav nraniBiioB. xaa uee in many
avoes war eo badly bo read that the
revksas d whan tba train
r Moore a BkUns? una of the
i la tea eeater of tba traia waa U.
rf'ied aad tha eraw wat obliged to
i taa rear pan oz tan train after
t cart naa-aa to aw
' reached Farwell there
daraUaaant aad all bat Um bI
traia of rgatoew oara were left to
Three of the tralamea ware
ml xna wibjq Btoftan
to tba aonthwaat it
Rev Avaaa ana ueeeai eouauea.
Caok' station aad Barton, both in
una of taa Bra nave not been
I to have been de-
. Vert Troy a tewm'l wtatof W
jbj jaayn earn araaeea to na as aanea.
Kwarta fiw Oadillao, Wexford ooan.
ty.ato mat afl tetaiMbltantaof the
rilmkMNtMUai ire for
aarteatrw, eTMy of the
aama Baaata ara wiaaa oa tba taoe of
V rJrvwM an4 Vaaaoat, on taa
-m ttaraa i ,,
pmnjnmm e of
l twafraaiTiiiiiat Qiyai
tola titH&ffnXZm
L laJ hmtt al 9m tit
rcrjcucfci w, fieri
" -9 vai
, gVa-W-a- lij
Ktllaa ol. Iti Row) la Meet Hi Brut.
Albas?, N. My II -The mang'.ed
body of a young man was found on Sat
urday on the Central railroad tracks a
"ew wiles west of Schenectady. The
following letter found in one of Lit
pocket indicate! a romince in conoec
. on with Lis life:
Hmmas, Ma, March 2i.-Ma. Sam
trx, Bbigbt Dear r'riend; I got
your letter in which you ask the hand
of my daughter. All rigbt. If you an
the respectable youg man I take yoi
(or I shall be glad to have you tor a sun
n-law. I don't care if you are poor. )
lave enough for us alL All I want is r
food fellow to manage my money aoc
other affairs, as I am getting too old for
.hat I will come to your city soon ant
Sod out if you a'e all right, and it yo :
are all right will let you come and ma
ry my daughter soon. Your friend.
Nothing was found on the body tt
tell where the victim lived. He war
well dressed and in the same pocke'
with the letter waa a new testament 1'.
is thought bs fell from a freight trait
on which he waa trying to make hv
.vay to the object of hi affection.
Ike LestaaaBaak.
Lisbon, May 12. The Lestano bank
of this city, which was reported to be in
difficulty, has long been known to be it
a doubtful condition. The bank did t
highly speculative business in under
wi iting loans. The government has de
clined to allow the bank a delay of six
months to liquidate, but has referred it
to the tribunal of sommeroe. It ia esti
mated that ailver to the value of IU25C,-
000 waa withdrawn from the Liabot
banks on Friday and Saturday. Tot
police kept order at the doors. At the
leading banks bills were readily dis
counted at 7 to 1 per cent The crisis
is due to the bad political and financial
nondition of the government, causing
distrust to onhanoe. The fall of ex
change jo Braxil and the feara of a ret -jlution
in Portugal have locked up cap
tal, paralyzing trade, caused a labor
crisis and opened market to German
competition. Unleea meant be found
to unlock capital the results will be ser
A Gree- rjr Star, Ba - sad.
New York, May 1 '.A fire viaited t .
H. Legget k Co., wholesale grocers, a'
the junction of Varick and Franklin
streets and west Broadway,, at 3:10
o'clock. Before the flames were gotten
under control 9100,000 damage bad been
done to the stock and $3,000 to the
building. The stock waa insured for
1500,000, but the insurance on the baild
ing could not be ascertained. The fire
broke out oatbe nine-story building,
which waa exclusively occupied by Leg
get k Go's immense establishment. The
flames were kept from working tbeir
way down below the eighth story. The
eatimate of the lost ia given by a mem
ber of the firm. iSm acid tba top floor
waa occupied by machinery used in the
maaufaoture of various products made
by the firm The eighth floor waa occu
pied by flour and other cereals. The
esvecth floor waa occupied by tea and
Wreck oa the Baals a xteaa.
Tbiridad, Col, May 12.-A serious
wreck occurred on tba Santa Fa road
aaveral miles west of here. A freWfat
train of twenty oara loaded with cattle
started down tha Raton mountain and
beoaju unmanageable because the
air breaka failed to work. Tba train
gained a frightful apead and turning
harp enrva tha angina and tender
broke away from the train and sixteen
of tha care want over an embankment
twenty feat high, smashing tba cam in
to kindling and killing three hundred
and aixty cattle.
Brakeman J. M. Kurtee waa slightly
hurt and four tram pa stealing their way
over the road ara reported buried in the
wreck. The four lest care of the train
are the only onea that remained on the
track. Tha road ia torn up for aaveral
hundred feet and tha lota to tha eon
pany ia estimated at 106,0.01
The Btaa-ef-war Omaha.
Dibqov May U Tha United
Statea man-of-war Omaha steamed out
of tba harbor, and after passing tba
heads stood out toaea inaaouthwaeter
ly ooarre. Commander Cromwell re
ceived a mass of oorrespondeoce from
he navy department
Marshal Gard, Detective Henry
Mora and Deputy Spalding pot in tba
day oolleotiag testimony eorroborating
Spaldiag'a etatemant at to bow the
ItaUwasBtaaaatl when aba left tba
harbor. Tba statement waa verified by
tha man oa tha pilot boat, who olaim
that at laaac um huadred and fifty
armed Chllliaaa war aaee aboard the
aaaeailadodt Marshal Gard,
ktaTaight t'9tH te rt,
. rteetaa awns in.
Oancuoo, Cay 11 lira waa diaatrv
m baaataaat oa North Clark
A doaaa firaataa want into the
toattlaMraiakU. Aaaa ef
Eaa arpwdtal, tbroirkrg tba ataa to
awlnatl tba faJI-wltli
tarn Twa af tiaa m l.1and to bt
tTjr tBfJci tli ebara tnimSt
The Death of Mr. Barnaby May
Stii be Exp Biiied.
U-. Crave Will T'Hf
Proviwuh-i, R. L, May li-There is
no longer any mystery about the ldeoti
tv of the Derson who sent the bull! ff
,...:;, ..! In Danver. out of
which the iate Mrs. Josepbbe A. Barr
aby drank the draught which in thought
to have caused her death. When Dr.
Graves returned from the west after
the death of Mr. Barnaby, he was bo
ar t by reporters and asked rll kioJs of
questions. In reply to inquiries aheth-
l, Vn nvthinir of the mailing of
the bottle of poison be declared soiemn
lv and emphatically that he kuew
nothing about it He had not beard of
the poison until he reached Denver, ar.d
wat tbocked to learn that Lis benefac
tress bad been put to death. He
than aaUan if ha was Dissent at the
autopsy, acd declared that he was, and
that he had done a HL it he could in
the matter for the family and tor the
local pbyeicisns. He waa particular to
impress upon the minds of the news
paper men that he did not know that
Mrs. Barnaby was dead until he reached
Denver, although be bad been informed
by wire that she waa in a dangerous
condition. At the same time he made
aremaik that Mrs. Barnaby was
woman of many and viie lovers.
The next morning he raa pulled out
of bed by two newspaper men who put
him through a course of questions, end
the result waa the assertion on his part
that he bad received the information
before he left Provldeux that Mrs.
Barnaby was dead and that he bad de
cided that it was a duty he owed to bis
dead friend to go to Danver and look
out for her body and her diamonds,
which were worth thoueands of dollars.
He was forced to admit that on the way
to Denver, he had needlessly stopped
over it Sterling, III., and Cedar Rapids,
1 aiid be did this knowing that the
family was anxiously looking for him.
He went further to say that Mrs. Barn
aby was not a good woman and that the
had been blackmailed by some of her
lovers and friends. There waa nothing
new gleaned until it waa ascertained
that the stamps which were uaed on
the fatal package were of an old issue,
that the only office in the Sew England
states where they had been eold was
Providence, and that by accident that
variety of stamp bad bean sent there
from the postoffioe departn-enL Then
it waa learned that Dr. Graves had been
in the habit of mailing package of
medicine here, aad that ha had bought
freely of all kinds of Btampa.
In the meantime the Piakerton agen
cy had been cabled into service and there
waa begun a moat eearching investiga
tion. Detective O. A. lianacom came
here from Boston and went to work up
on the doctor. The Worralia were
thrown out of the game and the doctor
waa made the objective point He was
called to the Barnaby residence acd
waa introduced to Hansoom as a
friend of the family, while Hansoom was
introduced saOharlss Conrad, a brother
of the aon-tn law of the murdered wo
man. There ware many conference at
which the aoi-dieant Conrad waa a quiet
listener, and finally he put the question
to tba doctor aa to whether or not he
had aent a bottle of pure whiskey to
Mrs. Barnaby which some person in
Denver had doctored. Dr. Graves
looked at the auppoad brother-in-law a
few minute and did cot anawer. Fi.
nally he said that he would talk on that
aubject the following eight which was
Wednesday. He came to the house, and
to tha delight of the family and the
amazement of the detectlre, fell into the
trap tbey had eat for him. He said that
be seat a bottle of pure whiaky to Mrs.
Barnaby and that he wrote the label
which aaid that the wbiekey waa from
her "trends in the wooda."
Than it was improved upon him that
tha bast thing he could do was to go to
Danver and dear himself of suspicion
and he started Friday night. He be.'
Iievad that he waa unaecDmpanied but
Detective Henacom so started him off
Utai naneoom nimeeir will reach Den
veraitneaeme time, and tha doctor
win not oa wunoui a close companion
in the person of a Pinkerton man until
bVa. Ikava mmA4 ! TV.
" Aover, where he will
unuouutauij um loageu in jaiL The
doctor will have aaveral assertions to
explain, ana ooe or me Hrtt will be that
wherein h said as soon u he reached
bare that be suspected the Bennett.
Blue Mountain Village of aendii.g ths
pwAwaeje. ns aumiation that be sent
tba package himself will make explana
tion diflktult, and why ha failed h.
writing the lebel, -From youTf,T BV
Other thiaga wherein Mr. Grave, i...
taoaUd himself no to includn? fa
thai ba waa aot at the autonsr
matterof fact h. ha. D,7,
Barnaby ' body and a b.. never
rmmf a demre to th. hmof flook
Onooo,BUyl3.-Willi.B) r,,.
tba young bud from Siou, Ci,,
taan-aa v, Doid up Btoreketp,r Oeorg
IMtargSuaday waa held to tba criminal
aaart laflDO. Re ayt h. mm
awaad to one year in thNtorMktpM.
--.-- parooned ia a moaU,
at a.a !'
Cu.Ci.-o, May 15-Tb trouble U
tween tbe L DicagJ
railroad d it sit-bno. grow mg out
rfUe discharge of yardmaster, cul
minated io th d-charge of the enUrt
rce, numbering 350 men. The com
oanv baa been anticipating this neceew-
ty for some tiuie and prepared for it
New men were hired ana aisinouveu
through the yards, taking the planes of
ibuee dia-hargd. All th morning
traint went out aa mu(J and no troubls
wat reported. I
The Northwestern offir sUte tbst
for more than two years the situation
regarding the awitobmea baa been oon
Untly growiog wore. Th men not
only struck frequently for trivial cur
but tbey had i number of time oe-oia-vied
the discbrage of men who per
formed esliafsctory work snd wh
only fault was that they were not mem
bers of the Switchmen's union. About
two months ago tbey demanded the dis
charge of Yard master McNerny. acd to
aroid trouble he was ostensibly dis
miaaed. but waa keDl on tbe par roll of
tbe company and was this morning re
instated in his old position.
General Manager Whitman says
The management is fully determined
that th tute of affaire has gone fsr
enough, and whils it propose to deal
fairly and juttly with it employe acd
give fair acd just consideration to any
grievance properly presented, it alio
proposes to manage its own property
and its own business in its own wsy snd
plaoe itee'f in a position where tbe pub
lic which it serves can la properly ac
commodated without being put to in
convenience and annoyance.
All the other railroad companies are
applauding ths action of th North
western and w:ll come to it tupport if
necessary. The discharged employe
are only IhoM on tbe Northwestern sys
tem proper, which does not includs the
lines west of ths Missouri river.
Reports from sll points are to the af
reet tbat trains are moving pretty gen
eral y on time acd tbe interruption to
buaineea is very slight At point
where new switchmen hav not been
provided the trainmen are doing the
Dispatches from Milwaukee and Mad
ison, Wia Clinton, I., and other pieces
on tberoaa ay lb awilchmen at
thoss point ware discharged and paid
yesterday morning.
Yesterday afternoon the discharged
men here held a secret meeting to aattla
the course of action. It is known that
some of them favor asking the company
to reinstate them. Other counsel hold
ing out to retort to violence if necess
ary. There is a rumor tbat tbe order will
be called oo to deolsrs t general atrike
on the St Paul, Rock Island and Bur
lington roads, whoa manager are sup
posed U be in sympathy with th action
of the Northwestern. Th company i
upported in it position by the conduo
xn' firemen' acd brakesmen's unions
lot included in th national federation.
Kt Fort Howard, Wi., not a wheel it
;urcing. A Green Bay freight ia tied
up there.
To a committee of tht men who callei
upon President Marvin Hughitt tbat
jfficialsaid: "Th switchmen of this
road for tbe last two years have been
ibout running tba road. We have bean
humiliated, Mr. Whitman and Land
)ther officials snd now ws propose to as
certain whether we can run our own
road. V decided to discharge every
twuenman in our emt ov W. ...
oacaed up by vry trainmen'a order i
ue leaeraiion except the switchmen
Kn .;. .
"wim upon union
m any way, but limply a matter of die
spline. We must know who are romr
uivnw, uuuaau or employee.
Chicaoo, May 15.-A strike ia
i pec tea io occur oo the Chicago and
Northwettern railroad. The difflculcy
iwiththwitchmn,whoare backed
i unoaewood, by th trinmn.
Grt secrecy waa maintained both
"'"7" na omciala, with the
.u.v msiine question is an open one
whethw th trouble will not involve th
wnuia synem.
T, jo . .
" ueumieiy known ai m.:-l . -aui,
..... uwiiwiy was maklag prepare
- iruggie. in tha ixtrtW.
Part of the city nearly one hundred
nave Daea ordered oh reserve
auiy.anuintheaouthern ...k.k-
equal number were callod on. Io th.
ootraltaUoa everv a.aii.ku
Wn told to report for duty iZ
Word has been snread u.. .. -
out of employmwit could Bnd kZ
? applying tomorrow by .
pl.c. ir th.NorthwaVt dJ
It it aaid that tu. "."V01-
th. outco-a -rJifr-? la
t. stumbling Uoob. Ahoft"?'
"tched over to the Wia-n
a for disobav V VuTT0 "" ".Tw""IBt Me ordara. Th-
Nwn7tom". MoT
Crily raHev'
pany of
d dMaatWi thai iw ?A"?-
tnargwd awHchmM be aVt i7it w T
plao. which vmZZ"?
i t all Udivkab'
MoMeray'. aaae, aad iotTlL?2?
Wtly Bverta ,.
"d th U00 BwiUneiil t7??
"al fight, u2ZT2
Fairfield will have a bane ball eiah,
Nebraska City 'a new opera house is
pow sasured.
Fishing parties are now tba rag ia
Nebraska City.
Tte Clay county Sabbath aohool eon
renlion will be he'd at Clay Center, May
r. and 27.
Tbe Wilder lodges, G. A. R. aad B. of
V. will conduct jointly a Fourth of July
Sol C Btuxp and wife ara reported a
"rejoicing" over the birth of th sir twen
tieth ihlld.
TbeO'Neil Sun at) a that Holt coun
ty e ported product of that county Io
Lb amount of over 11,000)00 laat year.
Th Poua mills have supplied the
Rosebud Indisn rfency with 5100
pound of flour, and iflOi buahaln Of
I. D. Whipple of Ira, Boone countyt
oit 21 bogs which are supposed to have
eaten poisoned meat placed out for
May 5 was ths time set for the conven
ing of the district court in Lmgaa coun
ty, but it baa been adjourned until Oc
A Fremont man will go to New York
on a bicycle, from there to llambuig by
steamer; from Hamburg be will go to
hit home in Hungary on bis wheel.
A little Bohemian boy who was herd
ing cattle in l(a)es countywas
frightened by a larger boy who
ca ms along where be was and threateo
en to kill him, he ran away over the
prariet, got l'et and died of fr ght and
exposure. His body was found Uis
next day.
A man and woman who were atran
gert iu Plattsmoulh were mirried tiy
County Judge Ramsey, giving tbjir
name a John Birmingham and Miss
Terry. After getting married tbey went
to tbe Hotel Parkin and registered as
& Gordon and wife, lied Oak, I a. Af
ter dinner they proceeded to get drunk
together, after which tbey walked serosa
the river on the bridge and failed to re
turn. The Exchange bank of Garrison ia re
ported to be in financial difficulty.
Fairmont haa a juvenile cornet band
which ie maklag excellent progress.
Five carload of Shetland pociea will
ba received by a Neleigh horja ja next
E. M. Bed well, a member of Company
IL 147th New York infantry, died at tbe
Grand lalacd aoldierV home recently,
The United Brethren of Blair are ne
foliating for th purpose of conducting
a aix week' revival.
The Antelope county alliance has de
cided to open a purchaaicg agency, to
be conducted by four member in differ
ent parts of the county. No nlliance
2bb will be opened.
A little child of Lee Wertber' near
N'eligh wallowed a safety pin and was
nearly choked to death, but the obstruo
tion was finally removed by a doctor in
time to aave the little one's life.
Three men who have been atealicg
corn, wheat and other article from tbe
people of Overton for tbe last two
months hsve been csptured and taken
to lbs Lexington jail, A mob of about
thirty men met tbe prisoner whan they
were being taken to the jail with the in
t.n;,. .1 I . I ...
ijucmug mem. mey auo
oeeded in getting the rope over the neck
of ooe jf the thieve and were about to
pull him up when the constable arrived
and finally succeeded in getting tba
prisoner out of the mob's ban Is and ee
nit . .
ine new uric observatory for tbe
normal school at Peru is about finished
Auecuy eouncii or Beatrice are ait-
ting a a court of inquiry in the Grime
aaloon case.
George H. Bogga, of Omaha, ha been
elected president of the Omaha real aa
lata owner aaaociation.
Member of company C X. N n .
Beatrice, are agitatiag tbe que.Uooot'
wuiraiDg an armory.
Rialinn (L-t - i ' -
-i7 7 aommiMerded the
oi connrmatioo to 140 at tha Ho y
""'u a umana.
The traveling men' club at Fremont
have decided upon the evening of May
10 at the data of giving their
.aa-.t4.l a
8. A. IaMtaW ITI. t
w BTBWWUfJB ngaal laaaatM
MO ror Bailing Hquor iU.m,t.l!
ra na given bond for his
Pano at court for trial
u-i . . ' "vwiwmm
k w r airnup i
wpay tor Bervioe In the
aaaalaM al . ... .
. vi UIS
Tt U nl.l. j ....
mUm . . lmm
u Mai rnnrf. i .
eaai na Daea hi .
mmA lvi '
-Baniaa ara preparing to
a shaft to tha v.,. "
shaft to tha vain.
Lyaaa Brother, of Lyoaa. AinA
o tottU aad three car.
ofaogafromthntataUoo I. JT at
---oauMaatdforltM, tU hog. fo,
waa oaued to tha door bi illZr'
t If ivul ot tk
TV. , a
Libit ion ij,
Liitlumn (biirtj,,
parlt- r-zr
ioal snd tuILjJ
ttrikes t-vi-ry tmj
Irr hour n-prfcfcW
Mid, youth; tlitjjj
tlie fourth, yj
'.tii.n the b.jurnJ
ber of arHnitlr, g)
from one to w
lands Jrsiis titaw
Tbetut-lvc ifaj
rrprt-SHitn!. An J
ton a Mln
ti e c-rkcJ
t played. TLertW
side of the i-lodr
li :df uinl (Ik y
At inidfiilit kaf
Mifir ii j aranr,
iff Of .ll-Hlt
i lit- luur ;
1 I'""'ria'i-fipii
iiliHsxs. 'Ihecoek
Martin, a iniiUritX
I'adi ii, and m u,dn
nully nny o'lierckai
!.c I'ni'.ed Muid-,
Inll in I'arly C
A (,' Iforiii.iii Wj
ime in San Diego,
ry w iintott i f U
vnyt ro( i-il. (i
vi re delayed for
aIi-ii they re at a
inc of liKiuin riat
rilillotY of the i
.ix Works. A min
i he early mornintpt
nd retfivid lus marl
lit? rvriiing.
One old Udy, who
n her IihiiJi, took
tt imiI mid lur lunrb
iglil tliero on II
io letter, nml lnrwi
iai,V. ltilho;i-likl
wvfn hour. Wl
a!e I the postiuiwtfl
o distribute tlie
iverp simply pilwl f (
'inully a wnj-iii k
.ik'-til naa carte I ami
office, To le iliitrii
c ilmnjied Into Sin
"TU- Kii.eol
Over near Chin I
upon an ereeiilric old
m old house, I t
looking over lier lilirar
iUa haul m:my lu'er"t,
Wcfell to tU
preaciitly i'.sk d in r Hi
about "The S:ikp of (
"t'jncoril, w here r" at
"'oncord M.Ujsacho!
."Isn't tiny Ix ltcr n f
ttlie Innocently irnjuirtd
I told her that ihmt
about the "Concord Sag
liking, ami nihbtdht
Lew It ton Journal.
Abitliitly- mi Id
Abtintlit! dxiukiiii i
America, while the
rreeti mint (troe apa
.he c:ie, that lar'o Wj
...... .. I ...Imitll
tTlin 1111:19 ii.'i.v 1
tent liotly against anjtw
ilar are turninit their w
new craxe. TIm-j tirlltM
about the din? IT 1
iwiut hat upon the TsU!
not seem poaiible Otal'vaX
Uk?u in the tniall qu0
noiv the ciulon to abwrta
could do anybHjy any 1
.dl evenU. the drink haid
according to the thirst ol
I am reminded of tt
vice I beard a thread t
to a young aciuiinita,,t"
to atart 111 biisin-rii
"Have you ")' -tih'
'Ni vouth named at
"Have you any a.
Tlie voiuia man repi"
ifllrmative, going '
if litaadraiita'ime1"
"llieli let tne gn j i
mid tlie old ri proWlt-
redlt nnflnit. my Wn
rood any time
Iu..a f
"Over 100 Uwls and
ire marvel of inp'tiuiV 1
knewktlgr," a) 1
Democrat, -haw lnl"J
burgUra. A recent
.apturedbb the P"llef
title giant knot-u'-j)
IrllUndnhlRh Vhmi1t'j
f dynamite, but l'1'1"
inowder. It would "P"
noiee enough to1'1
ibbf a. iiiiubv. '
could U carried i t"l
dioary coat
MkM Ditty
onmiil' "---J
a l.i.aM a
her feet
food behavior. -
0 long
.... Alii