The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 21, 1891, Image 1

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Sioux County
L. J. Simmon. Editor and Proprietor.
by the
Nebraska Security
Paid ip Capital
ClXRAl) I.IKIlEMAV, ITl'JllilCllt.
' 1 ii'in UKBLAcn, Vice I'ro.Mciil.
S. If. Jones, Secretary.
C. E. Vmi-rr, Treasurer.
II. T. Cos let, Attorney.
yVe now liuve on our lists over thirty
CHOICE FARMS in this county
which we win sell on I)X(J
Parties wishing to buy or sell should
ee the Secretary.
Land bought and wild ou commission.
Circulars descrip
tive of the county
can be had on ap
plication, for distribution,
JiKISOljT, 1TBB.. JLJ 21, 1891.
P a rejxirt
A( rea;e report wanted.
THH J.i rn.u. desires to collect data
relating to the acreage 0f crop put in in
Sioux county iu 191, and will take it as
a favor if the farmers will send to thb,
office a statement of the crop they have
l"'t in, su.Ji report showing the number
, R1IiU OI illn Te;.(,ta.
pianist. ya matter
how small an acreage you have
is desired.
To tho farmer who ha the large-
"'W68U' crop we win send Tiie Jorn-
SAUm for one year, and to the farm.
t : a i . .
"vmg me second largest acreage
crop w win send Tun Joiicul fnt for
six months.
4 II . . ... . .
rejns must lie in on or before
Jly 1, 1x91, and the comparison will be
made at that date, ko that rerts
in later than that would be barred.
W'O Will - -I 1
- ..-k.. uc nnuHefi to receive re
mits from farmers from all parts of the
county from time to time as to the
dition of the growing crops.
1STO. 38.
father arrived from
Add re so,
llnrriaon, Nebraska.
F. E.AM.Vll. 11. Time ta Me.
(Jolng Went. (ioln Koxt.
Jio. 9), iniseil, 10:15 So. 91, mixed 4 -Tt
Highest price paid for hides nt the
harness shop.
Did any one say thin was a dry sea
son? Mrs. H. A. Cunningham received a
line, new Kimball organ last Saturday.
To T HADE A first-class Hewing ma
chine, new, for a cow. Inquire at this
The new puint on the front of Cun
ningham's harness shop adds much to
its apjiearailce.
J. W. Scott has secured a lot and
will put a house thereon and move to
town, and seek light employment until
his health improves. '
The undersigned has gone away to
earn a few-dollars while his crops are
growing and request that people keep
their stock off his crops during his ab
sence. John Corbin.
The farmer and stockmen of Dawes
county have organized for the purpose
of putting a stop to stock thieving. It
might lie a good plan for the stock own-
r oi hioux county to do likewise. c
The hone disappeared from the puiilfi
again a few days ago and lias caused a
good deal of inconvenience to some co
le. It looks im if it was done for pure
cussedness and Uw guilty one ought to
be ashamed of such acts.
Seasojikd Lckbkh: We have a good
supply of seasoned lumher constantly on
hand at our mill on West Boggy. 10
ad 12 feet $10.00; 14 and 10 feet 12.00
per thousand feet First-class native
shingles always on hand. First-class $3;
econd-chus $2 per thousand.
J. E. Ajiner.
A number of our farmers having
put in their crojdt will go elsewhere and
ork until harvest, in order to earn a
t'ttle ready money with which to pay
'xpenas. Any of our subscriliors 'an
ve THl Jocknal sent to them at any
lbce by simply notifying this ofllte of
where Uiey want it sent.
Take the Fremont, Elkhorn & Mia
url Valley and Sioux City & Pacific
ilrcd for Fremont, Lincoln, Huntings,
Superior, Omaha, Missouri Valley, Hioux
8t Paul, Duluth and poinU north,
Moines, Dixon, Chinago, Milwaukee,
d ti lumbsr regions in Wisconsin,
kxs oonnsctions or made at Chicago
1ot Toledo, Buffalo, Albany, Philadel-
ilDllia. Na Vh mjI .11 in the
Palac s4ag cars oa all , large crO phmtol
through tnuaa. yHewped.
No Droudi Ilerp.
C l.t l.. f,..l.. .. ri
uni, ..iKiiuaj auernoon a good p.un
visited this locality. It was accompa
nieo uy some nan, liut the hail stones
were small and did no damage, and after
the llrst shower it took a rest until even
ing and then a nice gentle shower, last
mg lor nearly three Jiours lettered
down. On Tuesday it rained some
more and on Wednesday a little more
moisture fell and on Thursday it c
tinues to mill.
i lie reports from other parts of the
couniy are, in general, mat good rams
fell. From tho south the reports are
that not ho much miu fell as there did
here, but from the north a irreat deal
wavier rainfall is reported, and it
evmcui inai an pans oi the county are
well soaked. Some assert that more
water has fallen in the Hat Creek basin
this week than fell during the entire
season of 1890. Whether that is a fact
or not is hard to ascertain, but in any
event uiey had a good rain, and as a re
sult the farmers are all happy. The
drouth of last year made overy one fear
lest it should te related but the late
rains will do much to dispel -all fears.
for a partial crop will be raised, even if
no more rains fall, but the indications
are that there w ill be plenty of mois
ture during the season.
It has been quite cool for some days
so that the water that has fallen has had
a good opportunity to soak into the
ground. The cool weather is good for
the small grain and everything indicates
that excellent crops will reward the
farmers this year and bring prosperity
to the country.
We ru;ed a load of wood. This kind
of weather makes, a fire necessary.
We are informed Uiat a new stock
of millinery and ladies', furnishing goods
"j will be opened in Harrison about 'June
1st. Particulars later.
Siierintendent Harris and P. Whit
ney, of the townsite department went
up the road this morning. Shaking of
the through passenger train Mr. Harris
informed The Jolknai, that the F. E. &
M. V., are waiting fur the U, P., and
the train is likely to he put on almost
atiy Sunday. '
H. R. Story was in from Antelope
precinct yesterday and called at our of
fice. Ho says they liad gooxl rains there
the llrst of the week and the ground is
thoroughly soaked and they will have a
roo if it does not rain any more, for the
soil will retain the moisture for a long
Tho fact that a number of the farm
ers have gono away to work while their
crops are growing makes it niole impor
tant than ever that stock bo taken care
of. The prosfiectH for good crops are ex
cellent and stock should no the permitted
to destroy them. '. ,
When the MKra in the case asking
that the mandamus to compel tho pay
ment of some of the old allowed claims,
was (iled in the district court the first of
the week at Hemingford, Judge Kjnkuid
set June 13, 1W1, as the day for bearing
it, and also set that date as the time for
holding the Hecial term of tho district
court in Sioux county. .So that the
term will be held three weeks from to
morrow. There will bo no jury. '
Just to show that the farmers are in
earnest the crop put in by a few may be
of interest. John Corbin has 75 acres In
crop; Robert Wilson has 90 acres' Julius
Sievers 90 acro; A. B. Kennedy. 13.'
ocre; Jacob lloury 0 acres of com, awl
a lot of other crops, the number of acres
of which was not learned. "All these
parties reside In this locality except Mr.
Henry, who lives in Montrose precinct.
Theware only a few, and there are
doubtless many more who twve ' equally
of whom we uavscot
Mrs. Truax went east Saturday.
airs, u o. Hull iefi; last Thursday for
If r. i ,
Jirs. . jl Jones came im from Pine
iuuge iiujj morning
A. R. Kennedy's
io a last week.
Josn lfaker was down from Van Tas-
seu yesterday and called to see us.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nutto were
from Anteloe the first of the week.
Andrew Uihlman write us to send
iiie JoiitSALto him at Hot Springs,
Ulto Jlunson came down from Custer
i uy last week and called to see us on
Mrs. L. Gerlack was taken nuite ill
the lirst of the week, but at last reports
ntitt writer.
County Attorney Conley went to
Hemingford to apjiear in the district
court Monday.
Rev. and Mrs. Rorick returned Satur
day from Hay Springs, They report a
pleasant time,
W. E. Moore, the new blacksmith,
adds his name to the list of readers of
The Joi knal this week,
C. E. Verity returned Friday from his
trip to the Pacific coast. He still be
lieves Sioux county is all right.
John Mosley writes us to send The
Joi-knal to him at Cambria, -Wyo.,
where he will spend tluj summer.
Before district court adjourned in
Uyves county, George Beuham was sen
tenced by Judge Crites to four years at
hard labor in the pen, on his plea of
guilty to the cliarge of cattle stealing.
The cliarge of horse stealinj still stands
against him and may be prosecuted
when he has served out the sentence re
cently passed.
The result of the experiments in the
culture of sugar beets is being watched
with a good deal of interest by people
not only in this state, but by' people in
general. Those who are in position to
judge claim that Nebraska has advan
tages possessed by no other state. It is
claimed by some that the prices paid at
(irand Island were not enough to make
beet growing remunerative. The Ox
nard company paid throe dollars per ton
for beets which yielded 12 per cent of
sugar, and 23 ceiits per ton additional
for each 1 ier cent of sugar above 12.
There were twelve samples of beets sent
from Harrison for testing. The average
yield was over 17.8 per cent of sugar and
it will be seen that at the price paid at
Grand Island the farmers would have
received if 1.2) per ton for their beets.
Scientists state that the sugar contained
n sugar beets is drawn from the air by
the leaves during sunny days and is ab
sorbed by the roots during the nights.
That being true is another argument
that this locality is finely adapted to
beet culture for there are more bright,
sun shiny days here than in any place
we know of. The number of farmers
who are experimenting with beets this
year will demonstrate what can be done
n producing beets. The beet sugar in
dustry was built up in Germany by gov
ernment bounty and now the business is
so well established that the bounty is
lieing removed. In the French beet
growing district the average yield is
twenty tons per acre, and in some in
stances the yield is as high as thirty
tons. Taking the lowest yield in tons
and tle average yield of sugar as shown
by the tests of beets from here last year
t would give the beet grower $8o per
acre, wrnie laKing me ingnesi, yieiu in
tons and the highest yield of the tests
m:ide last year and the grower would
realize $172. 50 jier acre. Will someone
tell us what crop can be raised that will
rive anv where near so large returns as
that? Tho planting, cultivating and
harvestinir come at seasons when other
crops best adapted to this part of the
country do not demand the attention of
the farmers. Such points are well
worth considering.
A Mechanical Wonder.
The Decoration Day issue of the Alba
ny, N. Y.t Telegram will be the most
original, unique and popular paper ever
presented to the American public; noth
ing like it ever attempted by a newspa
per in the nineteenth century. As a me
chanical wonder and a military literary
uurary mere will be nothing to even
compare with it issuedin this country.
It will be printed ou red, white and blue
paper and consist of 16 pages. If there
is no agent uj your town you can have
the paper mailed to you at five cents a
No other preparation so meets the
wants of a debilitated system as Ayer's
The fine
tt:ii T. ii . . . a
Hi iiuiHu me season or tsyi at my
farm (the old W. R. Smith place.) 1 mile
northwest of Ilarisou.
1. I...! . T'l . . - r- rnri-i r , T,
ifi-Mii ipiiuu: nuin .CAUtlAiNljE is
three-fourths Norman and one-fourth
Canadian: lie is 7 years old; 17 hands
high and weighs 1,600 pounds; color
bright black, star in forehead, clean
limbed, and has good style and action.
f 10 to to insure a mare with foal, due
and payable when the mare is known to
lie with foal, or upon change of owner
ship or removal from the county.
tare will lie taken to pi-event accidents
but I will ha responsible for none.
31. ;,L:ON,
Some Interesting Figures.
The census bureau has issued a bulle
tin upon the debts of the world, as far as
can by obtained.' The debt of foreign
nations in 1H90, less the sinking fund, was
425,080, 076,000, an increase over 1880 of
sf2,154,f)0:i,6ri5. The debt of the United
SUites for the same time shows a de
crease of ;i,007,4r)r,000, or more than
half the nmount "of the debt in 1880.
The decrease In the debt of states and
territories for the ten years to 1890 was
$67,210,000. In the same time the dobt
of counties Increased 17,810,000. Rela
tively the burden of the debt falls far
heavier upon the inhabitants of the prin
cipal foreign countries, except thoso of
Germany, than upon those or this coun
try. -Willie the individual fluctuations
in the amount of the indebtedness of
seventy more foreign nations reported
hit been considerable during the decade,
the aggregate Indebtedness shows rela
ti.oiM Imi. little rhlintm. especially if
comparod with the increase of popula
tion, Aggregating, the national, state
and county indebtedness, the per capita
shows a decrease from ?46.50 in 18W to
$90.46 in 1MM). Tne sggrcgnie surplus
imwints of another decode like the one
Hist passed would relievo the country
-...' naadv all national, state and
county indebtedness could they be dis
tributed lor we purpose, . . :
10256. j 10135.
. Will make the season ot 1891 at my
place on Warbonnet creek, 3 miles west
of C. F. Coffee's.
Description and Pedigree. Barbarin is
a black-gray; star in forehead; foaled
March 27,1880; imported 1888; weight
1,800 lbs. Bred by M. Dorchene, Com
mune of Coulognes les Sablons, De
partment of Orne. Got by Rouillard
10133, he by Favori, belonging to M.
Champeor.; dam, Traniquille 10134.
Terms-$10 for the
season, payable in
f 15 dollars to insure a mare with foal or
upon her removal from tho county or Changs
of ownership. - - .
Cure will he, taken to prevent accidents
but-I will be responsible for none.
' A. W. MOHR, Owner.
tfj"Horses taken to pasture at $2.00
for the season of 6 months.
VARIABLE STROKE, only two ata
of Revolving Bearing.
Best Hill Climbing and all around
Safety made.
FLOUR as low as $2.00 per hundred.
BON TON, High Grade, $3.20.
Ladies .Shoes, Good Quality, $1.25 a pair.
Ladies' Dongola -Button Shoes, $1.25.
Plow Shoes, 90 cents.
Cliildrens' Shoes, 50 and upwards.
Allen's Fast Prints, Wapranted, 7 J cents a yard.
Lawns 5 cents a yard. "
Bargains in Dry Goods and Clothing,
Call and be Convinced.
Groceries Fresh and Prices Low,
S)ecial Discounts mi Large Bills.
tS"FRESH and SALT MEATS always on hand.
Geo. H. Turner.
every day in the year. We are always
ready to give you a first-class article at
fairest prices. Come in and try our 'way
of doing business; you will come Out Way
ahead if you do, - ;
For Men, Women and Children.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Crockery
and Queensware." '
Ranch Trade Solicited.
Ranch Supply House.
MacLachlan & Cook, Props. ; ,
tiie "mw mm
Jjk yottr
Dealer for it
I&Viig it.
j.."... .V'iV.T.T.eft
l 4
i - uun. '
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A ,
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