erman 99 yrup h, an incident from the South Uipi i. written m April, 1890, rt!:e unpj nau vimicu mat ' I am a farmer, one of ; 0 have to rise early and I,.. At the beginning oflast I was 011 a trip to tlie City urir, Miss., where I got well in a bhower of rain. I :e and was soon after seized 1 1 u fi- im-. IliU-auiii; euujjii. 1 ins rse every day, until I had 1 t t..t 11- 1 : .ill 1. 1 Ciu.-5um.-u ui. ui&on k since died, and lie told rue bottle of Uoschec's Gernian Meantime my cough grew i w( rc and then the Grippe his and I caught that also n!y. My condition then d i:ie to do something. I In tiles of German Syrup. I in'' them, and before takin the second bottle, I was clear f the Cough that had ric so long, the Grippe, and d effect-. I felt lip-lop and i tliat way ever since. Hkials, Jr., Cayuga, llines ll --'I In- Kin" formerly of 1:d .... it. ,i, pltc and other urinary ill. .r iil" ! (i:c U-t and qmrkeht III Iht ! I'-., ,l.,v It ia 'tied and hiicMv J In II. r f.i-linff I'l n In stiltlon, ikNi h-.? wi 1. upland hurope, anad.iand;' 4i r it (.it 1-ciu-orrlnra. It i v ..nn, a;,.i ronvriiiciitly carritd in Ji i' ' a '' 'r two for I;. cni .y 11 "f prn c Riunin're no strict ' "K11 it. t'htr Amcr run I'iil a id , lt!l "). H IKr, ( lay ( .1. , ,, --"I ' 'KMiitun Drug Co.. a.i DniB 1 .... Oiiiilm. Neli. pnotonrcplii f :::r::i ivmizi rmviuii mill SWEET, WALIACH 4 CO J 3 215 Wabssh AH Cfcleif I. 1 Bawl UZaUSB 'A M L v.-t.mcn ni itl hv xx Youth mm ! J'utir. The nnfr genuine Kn-mh ; .ni j"rp,ir.iti'in in I he U.S. If har-n 1 ;, , . .tlorlf . tike untit pure prmg 'ii'i.iii ii4 o itriiliotift, mtrth brown ',-,vy r;vt, fttUiiwiH-,, frci klrs, tan, nipMir muter, irc.itc soit vtlvt-tv imimru that lk ol iimo il r Jt artnrM. $j a puck if e, thn-c n receipt of prtr. ' hp Amen Co, Itnva'tv prtip't., SH-ncrr, ut,u urn Drug iu., Omaha, Neb. bi bil'rw'od In Be Culture am.ui roar All,,,, .lieveri.,Hollesly u the city of UmwH iJiwtmu d the rnakiitT a-ssif.v ami iroMmn t' .Uun win, - name (lien "low a in t;1(i i;utri jlayiugaa i-nj.-im.,,. he stop-d, of to-irsf, Due day u, eil:i, ver lier wardrol, iierroom, anj. lunclii by a lit napkin, he be llot long Hgij 'is w!iie!i weL o f virtue- a ne f' hy. A l.uiy. is 110110 bettei d wwltl, wa.- at the (iruiid at liia t?st. I 'd in look i no r fr a j-ortion of it, in ifff busy, hul her ieHi sent 10 iiw . ,.,, ,V1 - ? i L:oe iwr siagu atanton," of lht. .vu-, were seit.Ured about 01, vuci.,01,., arnonjj them being a lare w""'"lJV"y with sparkling ii:,- oous. u canifitt the eye of tlie waiter brought up the tray, and tie juiin with his cured it. He ruslied downstairs as noon as pos ib!e,to,iii vulvar parlan.-o, ' heck" it but found that he could but n 1 tv cents 011 it Ho was a ".smooth guy," so lie listened back to the hotel, only to had that the lady had departed for the matinee jni fornianet'. To the theatre he went, ami, securina admis- Bioa to the stai'e entrance Oil ''liri'Hi 1111 busiiiega from Miss , hotel," . found the lady and restored to her the diamond cross, which. h nl ;tnsilik' oof forth, had become entanrled in a'nan- kin. She had never even missed the or nament, but she was so deliehted with the fellow's honesty that Hhe bestowed on him a live dollar bill. This is a true story, and one which will not 1 incor porated amoiij? those in the Sunday school books under the title, "The Re ward of Honesty."-St. Paul Olobe. No Sampling Wanted. While In Canada recently I went into a candy store to make a purchase, and, at 1 had always done at homo, sampled some of the varieties piled on the count er. And what do you think I found? Cay enne ixipper: At llrst 1 sttppo.-ted it was some candy made for April fool's day. but when I sampled two other piles which looked tempting, and from which, had they pleased me, I should have pur chased, 1 iouiiu mat cayenne pepper was in each piece. "In order to stop customers eating candy they don't pay foresaid my companion. I tell you I was mad; and when I thought of tlie way in this country, where one is asked to sample everything unknown before buying, I told theclerk I didn't want the caramels. New Vork Tribune. In'ftl l'ri- I.l-t nl IWm Kmimri ann. bi urm w any ad rsna. BO, 0. COI.I.JKK, Kalrbury, Nb. I;l plJK'r, lv ir iit.ility ailiiif. I)o yoa 'rcl ' V cic. '.j- z ii vu. If in nt mien and 11(1. Oltl.Ar HtK( II 1-Kh.St'KII'. I'm. Ii i a k(x-cific for involunt:iry mil'iri- i,;d ;li;t.t aoftrninK ol thr lirain. i.u, Jmi ol mt-miwy. Ink, vitulity, all 1 .tf jrt.w r of the generative or(.tni i. rmt'ifji tridiaeretioiik, lle of opium, inn 'omfmiiitm4llc and iwwlrly s tiur.,i,t., r,, uu(,. The A'licr Med:, at t o., KnjrKltji pni', Snenrrr, I'nv.i. $1 a iacpr!, nr three lor it Ir..ii- kuppiied by (iKdmin Lra; u " 1 uiiik y.o.t irmuitN, ruen. KDOI.I Ii 1 .11 in a- 1 ' - m ma tm, ww will w area ill all clmrvM f. . I. il. 1.1 -11 . T. " w mmw r " 1 an ui uiuuBiaa aruniM mmm ! rJil" Vaj-Jin. 1 oniim 1 " ima Vyoui LiMia , - I V HIT. 1 MM I an. ..I.... I . . In U ul Valin p,aeaKi.....II f-oow. Iiu. Whfu Vm1im...H - L . . . - M 00 aM.m 10 w Vaawllu.ln.Bf form 1-ir.Hiui; batf to pot una 10 ion trtU air IwLUttol In u nwi.i wi UMi AboUtoQlUloa " 11 liau.iu au l rrrnrli n-mir1v n4 ....t .- fttc,n f" Kitivi-.y cur ivupprrsmon of -retail ri.rticalUfuMfi pctuliar to r.iUie rrmetly, WarninU-d to r, U4U'm or Mn-y refunded Ihis 'T'H Dfif ill. fa. fc.i.iA l-.i: ift -. 7 ""Mini iniiir aire tlili'li: 0'"fKK'"'jfors. Sent hfliMll '"''wfda.A lru Co..OmaJia. Neb. .Ill HI Of Koryhiga Habit C0ILIW8, Orialaal llMra.r lUileM (,imm A.tUUtav. KaJl(laS3 UU Mlk J TV" amwieiiB I ltioug litr.l BtMlam JMiftA mu anil a..t ,-itA. ' v wavu liuwcif iw 'to introduce you to a cuarmiug :f. M'tstend:' MIU111I Ma.. l U. T I.UW11B.J1, nil, A Jon lika to loin theard lll(rlllvlnlnnITlV, LwPPrwtUbr4ytoon," A Chlldlraa Hume. Smith and wifo have every luxury at money can buy, but there ia one tbinf lackifiaT to their haiipines. Do'h I am fond of children, but 00 little voices priittlr, no little feet patter in their beautiful home. "1 would ive ten years el my life if I hod one healthy child of iny'own," b.ruilh often biijb to him be:f. No woman can lie tho mother of heclthy olfupringa unless she is hereoif In good health. If the suffers from female weakness, Reneral debility, benr ing down pains, and functional d.-runu menti", her physical condi'.ion 's such that she cannot hope to Iihvb lunlin) children. L)r. Pieret.' F.vorile IVescrip lion is a eoveieign and (lnuraidilei remedy for all thrs ailments. Soeguur anlee printed on bottle-wrapper. A Signature That ftNcnpcs t rlt ii'Iniii. A document which was filed in the Xew York register's ofllce recently bore a signature which would puzzle an expert to decipher. There was a bold start, a wild zigzagging of pen marks up and down and finally a tan gle which might be taken to mean any thing that suited the fancy of tlie reader. Vet nobody felt called upon to criticise the penmanship, for the signature was at the bottom of the trust deed by w hich Jlaron Maurice ue Hirsch gavo 82,400,003 to emeliorato the condition of Hebrew immigrants to this country from Kussia and Itoiima- nia. Tho baron has a fortune w hich some people say amounU to 8100,000,- 000. Others put it at, hut the difference is immaterial When a man gets up above 850,000,000 nobody will bother about his skill with writing tools. In fact some of the critics in the register's ollice ski. led 111 such mat ters gave the baron's signature a little pra se. They said it was prettier than Jav liouid's.auvhow. O tiara I Kremulita Claim. Cnicnoo, April 21 The misoiDg link la the chain ot title establishing Gener al Pmmnnt'a claim to the island of Al- c-trai Id Sao Francisco bay has bean received by W. R Covert of Findlay. O., ho ie out of the claimHols under I'r- mont, he having furnished a part of thd purchase moDey. This missing part of tb title is in the form of a grant from the Meiicho government w i'iidii Umple, the man from whom General Fremont made the pur.haae. The United States government now hai pos- ionof this island, and tremouta heir are now suing for 1U value, which it eatimnU') at 110.00000. Heroic Mothers of the PooF; '.vmma experience as a physician in the east of London, Dr. Edward Herdoe says ia the Fortnightly Review iiirti me mothers among the poor, and 'vei, among the paupers, are willing to a,-rince lor tlie sake of med lti 1 i 1 nueimance upon theirehildreu "I ..!. I .... !.. .... vwuiu urn give me lathers." he said "j my means so good a character in tins rest ct. The beery and self-indul- tfeni paujier male parent is too often careless enough of his family; but of memo.m-rican, on the whole, say nothing but good. I have very rarely I1I1UII u bii.l. ..I.ll.t ... . dub Hutu iu wain lor any- ."iK mini ner means, even if she had i'l go without necessaries for herself." One example which he gives of the ielf-sacriliee of ienniless mothers is worth quoting in full. "One Monday morning." he says, "ia the depth of the late winter, a thin, poorly clad little woman came through a snowstorm to an Kast Knd work house to ask for food for her children. Hfcr husband w is lying in i tm iaiirmary and she had live children to support by charing aiid.doing odd jobs. The relievsing oflieer at once assisted the family with food. Tea minutes after the applicant had left the relief oflieer 1 was fetched 111 haste to see the poor woman, who! had just reached home, she lm.1 1 p in ed the bread and meat on the table and had fallen dead on the bed. I was surprised to see the five chubby, well led children standing by the bed 011 which lay their dead mother. The storv wau a common one the bread had all gone to the children. The mother had saeriliced her life to save theirs. 'A mother,' says Coleridge, 'is the holiest thing alive,' and 1 should indorse the sentiment, even had 1 no other experience wherewith to illustrate it than that gleaned from my East Loudon parish work." How Herbert Sneii er Looks. Herbert Spencer is a man somewhat ihove the middle height and not look ing his seventy years by good decade His head is well shaped, but not no ticeably largo, and is pinky bald, with a fringe of not very gray hair. Hound his cheeks and law irrows a scant whisker to match wit h a narrow canal cut through at the chin; the nose very delicate mid aquiline, the teeth strong and well preserved, the skin ruddy, and the whole expression line, simple, and intellectual. Of course, he wore soft, square-toed boots, and a baggy, broadcloth coat. 'They are badges of men of genius the elderly ones, at least and even Itudyaid Kipling af fects them. Never ia all my experi ence have I seen a very great man with such absolute simplicity of man ner. Australian t ltlea. The pre vailing state of socialism is Cfl in the larger towns with good things excellent museums, splendid libra ries, free reading-room, parks, botan ical gardens, manifold places of inter est or amusement These are for the multitude, and the multitude in Aus tralia is unquestionably becoming southern in its taste for excitement and amusement -. For the rich are, music, the theater, and clubs as expensive and almost as luxurious as those of Fall if.11 -.. wau or riccadilly. For the children 01 all, excellent schools and universi nes. iv) net, and poor alike crowd into towns, which become larire with out becoming crowded, so wide is tlie room lor expansion, so perfect the ap pliances of tram, rail and boat for the suburban residence. Thus the cities have acquired not only an excess of population, but also a social and Doliti cal dominance which is neither British nor American, and for which only a continental parallel can be found. To an outside o'jserver the resulting con J : a. . - . . Ull.on ot ttana8 seem artificial !inrl not without grave daueers. but curious ly interesting, as iUnstratiaf new forms 01 national growth, possibly incidental 10 extreme democratic development. The ivrumiivu IIW enabled the artisan class to secure un equaled present advantages, but there is justification for the view entertained by many Australians that will sap the foundation of permanent prosperity unless a check can be found. The gravest problem before Australia is apparently how to get a sufficient ag ricultural population to stay upon the land. The temper of the country is not favorable to the patient industry of the farm, with its remote results and slow accumulation. Within the last few years the curious phenomenon has occasionally presented itself of a serious dearth of labor in country plac s, while in the towns masses of unemployed were besieging the govern ment ottK-es with demands for relief works. Sent, sometimes at the gov ernment exjiense, to the rural districts, the "unemployed" soon drift back to the mingled wants and delights of city life. Century Magazine. 1 MCea tf itenea 40 Years the Standard. I'cculliir Divorce Suit. Aate n. i-.tigerton, lor ttiree years a resident of Minneapolss, has filed com plaint in the district court, asking a di vorce from her husband, Erastus 1). Edgerton, president of the Second Nat ional bank of Helena, a leading capital- ist and church member. She asks for 850,000 and her share in his present real estate holdings. The couple were married in and came to Helena three years later. In her complaint she alleges that Erastus procured by fraudulent means a divorce from her in Yellowstone county, this state, in 1W, Thomas A. Carter, present com missioner of the general office, being his attorney. She alleges that he forced her, with a drawn revolver, to wrte a letter dictated by him, author izing E. I). Weed, present UnitedStates district attorney, to appear for her in the Yellowstone county proceedings, w hich letter Edgerton carried to Weedi and the latter accepted service and consented to a decree of divorce on her behalf, without knowledge or consent. She has a suit pending ia the district court of Jefferson county to annul this fraudulent decree. Peculiar Find, Joseph Paulas has made a discovery of a lacunar kind ot oil or gas wen on his farm, three miles northwest of Go shen, Ind. Paulas runs a sawmill in one corner of his farm and has it loca ted near the edge of a large marsh Some time ago the water supply which fed the engine boiler gave out A 40 foot open well was diigand the custom ary iron pipe driven down still further. Subsequently a good supply of water wan olifniiied. and it was fed into the boiler. The engineer noticed three or four days ago that the water acted stratnrely in the boiler. He said it Sclent flc Walfn. In ' order to preserve wire rope it should be covered with raw linseed oil. mixed with vegetable tar. The effect of removing tassels from corn is to turn the strength of the plant to the ovaries, and so produce a larger amount of grain. Seaweed is now made Into a tough paper, which takes the place of window glass. When colored the effect is simi !ar to stained or painted glass. An instrument called the hema tokrit, based on centrifugal actiou, has been invented for determining the vol ume of corpuscles present in blood. Dry ropei immersed for four days in a bath containing twenty grains of sulphate of copper to a quart of water are for some time preserved from the attacks of parasites and rot. The speed with which the bodies known as meteors enter and pass through the atmosphere is so much in excess of that of a cannon ball that there is no comparison between the two bodies. In its native habitat the shell of the oyster is always a little open, and mi croscopic, waving hairs set up currents which carry tne rood plants to its mouth, where, they are ingulfed and afterward digested. Knew What lie Wanted. Philadelphia News: "I wast an oys ter stew, and I don't want the oys ers and liquors and milk all mixed in a mess and merely heated. I want the milk carefully boiled first, then the oys ters added, next the liquor and finally, after it is taken off, the seasoning, lie very particular about the milk. "it must be sweet and rich and, above all things, be careful to get good butter. Only the best and freshest gilt edge dairy butter should be used. As for the oysters, 1 want the very best to to obtained anywhere; no common mud oysters for me. Now don't forget" Waiter Yes, sab. Do you wish the oysters with or without, sah ? Customer sWitn or without what? . Waiter Pearls, sab. MEAtACHt TUMI LIVEI YiPEttlA mm IAI IIEATI BAIMinaill r LITTLE atm lEil w umi r van V 1V1 V CONSTIPATION Ill Die lieMuitions. A gerah was a cent A cab was three pines. An omer was six pints. A shekel of gold was $8. A firkin was seven pints. A farthing was seven cents. A talent of gold was 913,800. A talent of silver was $530.30. A bin was one gallon and two Exekiel's reed was nearly feet. A cubit was nearly Biillai IS THE BEST MEDICINE for the Ger.ei-,1 Ailments of Horses, Cattle, Bon and Slieep. Tiiey purify the blood, prevent acd cure disease. reiisDie, in Hmicst ml twentv a horse or cattle ahooM Sold by all drugicista. pcka;es: used ami warranted fur over tweni clTeitatrii Co . Chicago. years, i-.veryone ow-nniir a Ttt it atrial, jviaueuy kmmiiiit l'liuraiiraii pints. eleven twenty-two in was about fifty ches. A shekel of silver cents. A mite was less than a quarter of glass. a - - - . i j. piece or. saver or a penny was thirteen cents. pluttered and bubbled. The water was examined and found to have a pecu liar odor something like that of arti ficial water gas. It was neavy him oily. This peculiarity increased, an.i ihe engine had to shut down. The snmples which have been submitted here show a substance in mixture with the water or about the consistency of glycerine Unlike ordinary oil in mix ture it cannot, ue uiscuuuocicu i Jiflkan into rlobules. It has a clear color, unlike that of regular petroleum. Panlus is positive he has made a rich strike and has sent samples to experts for analysis. ; AatoDlahlBS hrofreaa. K nut Miranda (to little city nephew) "I'm glad you go to school reg'larly in th' city. What d'ye study?" nttle Xephew-"Oh, every grade has n different set of text books." Aunt Mirlnda-"Lna saaesi ine way things ia goin'l Can't folks find exts enough in the qipio now ujr Washington Post: A man who de clares that he has vainiy purs.ieu career of Integrity, says that he is a Tlrlue-owe-io In honesty. Crown and Scepter. The story goes that the czar of Rus sia does his own marketing. King George of Greene has a fortune of only 30,000,000 francs. The family spends little money and puts all its sav ings into solid investments. Princess Clotilde is greatly depressed over the loss of her husband, Prince Napolean. The annuity of 820,000 which he received from the Italian government will be continued to her. The ex-Empress Eugenie adhers to the plainest designs for traveling cos tunics. She wears usually an easy fit ting bodice and a simple skirt. Her majesty objects to axaggerations in dress of any kind. The Princess Louis, of Schleswig Holstein, who is soon to be a bride, is a tall and a very handsome young wo man. Her shoulders, arms and neck are perfectly proportioned, and she has pretty dark blue eyes. queen Victoria -etains the loyalty of her subjects to a remarkable degree. Whenever she visits London she is greeted by the populace with extraor dinary enthusiasm. Even Englishmen are astonished by the warmth of her welcome. The sultan of Turkey is said to be imbued with the superstition concern ing cross eyed people. He had a man in his suite afflcted with an abllquity of vision in one eye, and as the courier was too useful to discharge the eye was extirpated. King Menelek II Is now the ruler not only of his own kingdom, Shoe, but of the far mora important country of Abyssinia te the north. He ia there fore the moat powerful ruler Abyssinia has had for generations, for he baa uni ted his owa country with the great highlands Mtthof kim, - DiarUTery ot Mahogany. In the year 1597 one of Sir Walter fUliegh's ships in an expedition against the Azores, put in at Trinidad for re pairs. The workmen used the fiist wood that came to hand, and it hap pened to be the now famous mahogany, liy this accident it was first introduced into England, where it was much ad mired, but it did not become an article of commerce until a century later. bince then it has held first rank as a abinet maker's wood. Golden Days, Aa Efflcaciotii Medicine. "Ah, doctor, allow me to give you my heartiest thanks fcr that medicine you prescribed for me." "So it helped you very much V "Yes, indeed, immensely." "How many bottles did you use?" "I didn't drink any myself, but my ancle got away with one bottle, and soon after breathed his last 1 inherit all his property." New York Journal: He You say that tight shoes hurt you terribly; then why do you wear them? She (savagely) Because they roaka me forget what an idiot you are. There's a good deal of guarantee business in the store keeping of to-day. It's too excessive. Or too reluctant. Half the time it means noth ing. Words only words. This offer to refund the money, or to pay a reward, is made under the hope that you won't want your money back, and that you won't claim the reward. Uf course. So, whoever is honest in making it, and works not on his own reputation alone, but thrfjugh the local dealer whom you know, must have some thing he has faith in back of the guarantee. The business wouldn't stand a year with out it. What is lacking is confi dence. . Back of that, what is lacking is that clear honesty which is above the "average practice." Dr. Pierce's medicines are guaranteed to accomplish what they are intended to do, and their makers give "the money back if the. result isn't ap parent. Doesn't it strike you that a medicine which the makers haye so much confidence in, is the medicine for you? CHILES' 1 Cactus creaslh Cure Chai ped Hands, Face ftatl Ijk, Tan, Sunburn, Pimples. Ma", es roub skin f-i and amooial without t.einj; sticky or greaty. Delicately perfinr.ed. 'Renders face powder invisible and make it ad here to the skin, imparting atone a brilliant. complexion. Price SAta Jailtd to any address on receipt of i rice. Seiid postal note, aiivaa or stamps. Address plainly. i iru,Ks to.. Tift f ItninbT f 4 i.niiueic!-, eblafe $100 REWARD! will be paid to the FIKST PERSON solving the American introduction Co.'s PRIZE PUZZLE. Send 15 cents in stamps for copy of puzzle. AMERICAN INTRODUCTION CO. 83 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. III!.!, y.tOQfallTiaitr.a. Utm I. aaWaaa! aaa,WfalBTaaaWTOeamraBWfeavC aaaaiallTfraaiaeVimaairataHariaalHu. -itiittaf Free Trade Prices Prateetioa I la II Weafera InproTad Slaf Bavins Hichlia mm as cat oomplaU witkaUak taehmaata and wanaaSel laaV foe I nan for etur Vie. Bead for circular and eaa rtul daacriptloa of KM and otber etylea to K. A. tWlla i C. taj iW. lavre ak. Quouo. IIL a"-- 1 l HI m C la the aefcwftwliatasaa I leadln ramadT for aliiM I unnatural dlacharf aa ail prfvatafliaaaaaaof na. a eartalD cure for the aebu tatlng- areakaaaa para liar . au women. wraMWaa f nvaacrihattanilfaelaafa t TlttwatCwEJrrattCfl. In recommaodlBf It 14 , ail u, .).. L I STOKER, M O MM by Itri rclaU. vnax OaaraaMXaMiaa M aaaai I 1 v twciTi,o rt tntaaasaaatiatil The moat complete 11a ol Dreaa Kform Oooda in U,a north-west. Including the eel brated Equipoise and DeUarU aista, Jeoneas Hitler apecial ties and Jersey Knit Underwear, tend atninp lor free illoatnUd catalogue. MKS. I.. W. PIKE, 75 IfadiaonaU, Chioago. PATENT Lawyer and Solicitor, JC. T. iv.nwlck, Weahlnirtoo, D. C. Correspondence Invited. YORK GREENHOUSE. ail K Ind rtliuae riant Sliruba, Vegetable Plants, ALMD CUT FLOWERS. MAIL UHUKK MU.lUi 1 1- J. n.. X. A:E2. YORK. NIC Bit. aaaaaaaaw The largest atac of Aiwl- cial Eyes n the West. An a f taortmaatol eyes aapt teasry V addreaM, allowing partes a. k, mM to select one or mors'aaat r awj turn rjia balance thna aiaai ass a ssrfaetfTtOmce, 163 State it Chjcars, IU, DH B. A. OAMVIKLU. eaaujnianr and oneraunf aorgsen ue uajn ye and Bar Collef. PatieaSs at a diatance treatsd witk snparalleled lactase and when rial tins- tas dtv proTidea Dos.s. era loosTuajstrasaasiiii laesa, I CURE FITS ! Wbra I say ears I do not man meralr toaaou tbaca for a time and then bsae them ratara sasin. I aaasa a radical cure. I hare mads the dlasass ot FITS, EPI LEP8Y or FALLING BigKVBSSalifa-loiicstndr. I warrant mj reroajy to enrs tas swrstcaaaa. Duauas othats have failed ia so reaaon for not now raosmnf a ears. Sendstonesfor a trsatias sad a rres awKlset my infallible remedy. Gits Eapraaa and Post Oftoa. It. . UOOT, M. C-. 183 Pearl tku. M. T. N. H. U. Na 126 fork, Neb Kinn's Germ Kniilicator-posltii cty curea all dis eases! llccitttsc It kills an Jerms, niicicra.!, microbes and aniinalculac in the system, which the prominent physicians in convention arrel n-aatnc cause of all disease. The air, water, reirctablca aa l fruit are full of these little worms, causing catan h, consumption, diabetes, and Hriijht'a diseaae, can. ccrs, tumors onu an so cancu iui:ui;iic m-i. (Never known to fail to cure consumption, catarrh, kidney trouWcs and syphilis ) ti, $j nd ll aiies Bent anywhere on receipt of price, 'i'hia la the only (renu 11c article ;all others are counterfeits. Th Am. Pill A Med. Co. (royalty) Spencer, t lay la. Trade supplied liy Goodman Drug Co., and Richardson Drug Cc. Omaha. Neb. Sold by att druirirists. ' Spur vi 1 V Vs J. A. BABBBB. Preaidaat. the safest fence made. Uoes n it injrs atocaj Visible at a great distance). Taoassnd er monlals. Bend lor e.raaian ana unmam. Barb wire. Auwea Sour wire renceo.. tss op Aa hoo milda swimw. j. WIS. nvfaaliMawaawa , BTBEBT . Sooratarr, J. A T-iTcarva nnraCnT tor catarrh. Beet. If tonae, CbMTeat. Belief U ImmedlaU. A earreiscertala. to Cold In the Head lthaspoeasj n Itks(We(wtbAafrtear i i rt? !Ts!7 A St I WHiaJi Tw a