i 1 ;1 3 r-i A Etr 8 to; I Hi U d !. IS "if. it s 'i Jounty Journal. jcWNTY P.U'KR. FK IX THEOnVNTY. r t'u:tn-Ti's if a.y W-l) IS sI-ITC COTNTY. ton I'ri.e, f2.(M)" Editor. yrrison po-t olilre aa ky, LV 7, 101. pe to tin- East. Cltotite I!. &. M. R. li. itly equipped pasM'tiu-r !anr from New t 1". I...- I. N- 1 i ..-!.:!.. i iv. . h - ;. mi', ami :i li r K.Misiis t 'ity, St. 1 IV.ii-iu, ( ln- js is the only lint) by Ink sl'M'pin car from evening arriving in I-in-tliH next all.Tiioon, nr.il ia anil St. Louis the fol- formatioii aii l tickets ap lt iiKt'nl- of Burliiujtou R It. (i'ct for a Dollar. Ck pitfe jiujieri. turn' liiintlrcd mnl f-ixty-1 fre-ti ri' iiliiix mutter. tof llie wlmlc world every , ini'l not culmim iiftcr col- 1 il n n I Jin mnl nil tin; pnii NOTES FOR THE uUTTCTTT Dr. Kotu'a lymph may riot, accord ing t German law. ). patei.1 .. I a recent article in the ineteentli Century, fir. Snow points to the fct that cancer is inereasinif. The death rate, whvh in K,4 wa iM per auiji-.n, hal risen to Old in --i. Sih M'iki:ix Ma kekzie objects to larpv hospitals on tiie p-round that the added virulence of germs from tin- Uni tes of many patient is as uantr.-riu: as that of thou emanating fruio dead bodies. Dr. Sn.I.IVAS WlIITNTY, the first Amcriran physh-hin who n. tnuf e-t ; ', homeopathic. ti-vUemes. h;.s yi- t'.i. at Ida home in Newtonv'il'o. Mu-;., at the ajw of ehrl.ty-tl.rer. Hwu- rov li mited from Harvard M-.-u.cal Scinxd nearly City year aj;o. Dus. i;i:iaix and I'ieq, of Xniites. France, have U-on cim'lui'tir.i v- u -iiin-tion-f-ure t:xperii.-:ei;t- on t!:e ob r.n tkm th.'.t pouts are exelurit fn-:-i j .- j a-.e. and they now fmuoiiiuv t':;i eoii , s'liiiptivv patients in jet-ted v. hh goal 1 b!.i.1 iirive heen prea'.ly l.--nc!!t-.-d.- I)i. It. (i. Kccuis points out t!i;:i. the lander of di.-,eas-s Is as a ml - in the rc:t ratio of the- catvlessiwiw whh -.vi.K-h they are rerranled. He sn;..; th t dt .- hm-s may bo clashed a - m-'v. r ! , f.ilal as people are ali'aid of them and e!i proper adviee to both pn-vent ;:tid lie. The phyieians of Hiivana are v- - cesfrinilv lnoeiilatin"; new r-ri. ; ii uta ajTiinst yellow fever, : i moMpiit-K-s that have. .j i - : .-' -1 lhe:n elven' by fttincdii;' veil- - !- -I'iv-tits. 1 ifty-two e:ise-- i,i ,-i .' ).-i;l.il ion have befii f..!I .v, ; i: .. i, r lh -m oidy about S pi reen". '. ;i:.-;,t- i-'mlfieteil the di.'iiK'.-. itua it.y of le:,a i.hiin 3 per cent. V.'ii ttv.i J cr Lu-!.i-a "i.r-s oot-i . f. . i i v,-..i.r, t ------- ----- - - -f" f ii J":; -6 i .--:i. . . .- : . - : ! r jlWllirll Hie tile lilDfit euiu ) WtA'K'Jtoholii lilnti Unit lor worth '"'lUMWji' fTlIf r'i wot In of tjooil, 'liorl ""HI-lHWt w riters of tiie tin V- . -- ? " - - j Iwliwit -' ""V mnl 'f)t In "I rext to oil inlilfern. ' t tiniiin In S'ebrnsku tlii't. . i i I the people, c-lH-eiiilly If il Jou tret tli lni-et, let mnl In tin; we-t. tine tlmt I )H tiie ever-priiK!e"li!' ft , fcf)tr tori:. I pi.lli y; one t:,..t rty'H. ThfM tiitmttiH, iV; nix months, IM. SMti 9tiHHt-r lor h ;iinpl( eopy of WBKM1 bTAI'h u.l. ana giv I.ini oln, Ne1. f" fs .im foar fkwnpl.ion. or ml'ln-s , k i :; I A TK JOI'IIS 1 , T "I. Jfr 1 - , f ' mcdual authorities indorse IWftpunlla as the best blood XZXJ Clergymen, M " n. mnl pniiliii Haker ' I rtMll I'eiiiiiral. It Ik the favorite ..:sX Nv A kjt-o--.iii.a nlwl nil li fTei'tiollH of : I ft f " lliroat, ami lungs. As: 4 expiTtonuil, tlia I'fferts of ttlon are promptly realized: Aerry Pectoral lia.silone me Rrnat is spletidlil nmeily fur all ilis ' ' throat ami limusrauil I have re in teslifyiiit! to its merits." Nlijiols, No. Tinliury, Mass. Igrofesslon of an auutinneer, any tiie volee'or thruat is a serious t, at each attack, I have been ro , t few doses of Aycr's Clierry .f tills rom-cdy, with ordinary care, 4 such .1 maclral effect that 1 have .fWy little iiironvciilcnce. I have, f In my family, with very oxcel "V In couphs, colds, &c." Win. II. vitalakin, So. Australia. Cherry Pectoral, ft, PRKfABKO "V A.YEE & CO., Lowell, Mas. ruglfleu. Price 1 ; lx bottles, 5. r L - i r t ' f !: lii"M tvii k-'r fJ H. Bee Reduced j in Price. Ice of the naha Weekly Bee fs I lias lieen reduced to iOO a Year ,'tho time to Mibsorilie for tin your onion early to TUE DEE PUDLISHINO CO. v rc.:'" (- li..- -.; -' l ; it .;v,."-.r.v:l - - ' TOLD IN ART CIRCLn. Miss AtMEK Rapis is an nrm!-.-. '"vi , artist who i:; b'-i'i-ieMfrt'i ;ij.u v.. i o.. . S):c paints with her tuv. !'. A. B. Wiw-.m n. ...f bought Sf'.'i'.V) worth of ,'. : ' , ,it t.i.i late Seno.v :u-t hal-.! i'' N "V i Mn. Si.-T.y, the fjy.i. 11 ' : who h.is j;'.--'. n:i',v ' ! v.. . (i'.tl. Nio.'i '.' thh-.;-.:- ih" t :. . )i .(-' !: hlti rs Al-c i .i:--hl. l. - - I l .raels. TliBlasl leads U.j l.n?-h school. r.ori'N- hopes to erect a t4:-?r..- 1-t-t pamt.-rf. :) -unit. 1 1, 1 may--!- . '. : in tU r in lianil, On l ;p - 1 lUle h 'i,!,;:':--s of the o ,-, ; t th la-oiioi ial i:t p-e ;' i - . temlii-r 'i-i, rs.'i, th.- ot.f :.. ...r. i. n t-i- tlivM-.s.n-v- jf the arti !'. V'-V.i. 1!ai:o-kss NATiiwiKt, K-fiffin i who reecutly piireha .ed ' : ' Strauss eolle jlioii oi, n-ije. oi ., u-t. 1ms p-e:,enb'il it to . : ' - Ho in Ihiris. (die of It:-- . . mo:.t curious objects is it hi- - ' waln-.il wood, ornamduU-'l witu iitly four pa-iel:-, superbly cirved. Cauchahi), the new art-byir," nnit'tp of I'aris, fave a ! inner to i .d ot ' - ' purchase of "Tip.- An;-'l"'s. (Lie the features of the ent-rt.-inm-.'vt c. a eommeniorntive niedsil io : iivt : in the napkin of each juv-.-A. On ' r' - th; iv tvtm an 'iiffravii:V of .n i-i-lHH, mid on t!u- other th.- t!u ) !!u Uiuner, with an expIaiiaU;,- insei-ijition tricks O" curio. He "Chiirlotte, f love v'-: not return my u'- -". afraid I'll l.av.'.- to, ii;;J 1:: v.- o, j. - it." In-Lakf county, T.-nn., a slio-t. th smee, r vr.nisf man .. ,: - married .-. o idov :', ,or,y-nj;ur, vh-.L.t ncvent.;'-i C- in ' -hii.h.vn. Is I.-..ii.-v ille. M.y.. the other- rl.,-.-, Tol ly Ann ( oih-i.-, a;;ed tvvlv i , -.vt:: married l Jesse iKnialiui . a ', 'A .vvr. thiriy-three years old, I'olly's parent:-consenlin;. A :tv.vr. lover of a St.urris I Mk-h.) ."'it'1 huececd (! in neither a t i, : ; p:v,;emllt of iK t;!hrfc'lr.'.: i-ts ' i t t- p.er by )::: in . ,v iuv.-.j suit stolen fror.i the tailor !.o. Winti.N .'-'ve.i mltmtes aft -r a cottpl-eiii.-rcil tilt- AHhiuiil co:;." hot--.? tin; other ii::y t!-y canii' t-ul :!! wife. Tie- li eiv'eh:e) lieenoi,!:1i,u'(l:.:-i the eeremouy performed '.viLhin that brief time. M.v toi: Cnr.sT 'So you refit ,e mo, M):.s Fondant?" MU F.-'-Fiu v. r.y sor.-y Major Crust, but yo in- son h,i , j.; ! vi nos 1 1 to inc. ami I ce ! l j ;a." Major ('. "(rood ffraeiov.-,! 'i no iu't mean to Kay the boy has been i.ueh an ass." , Miss WiN'Timm' "Poor Jack has now been a full-:le(l;fed archil, ct for !.ix months, :iod he hr.n't had : ; i'ii:h-e ,:i mission, lie U-:.i,i:n bf.autif'd ) Mr. Tow?u-j '!- .. Wint'iiiMp-.: . ..tie- ea.Ti't I nersti'.e'-' von to let your o! :.t;ier design a nice i oiiulry house for tor us?' M 3 a h -3 k an .5 -a i 1 ! 13 ! a -3 a i D s! i a I ? 3 -a 3 3 3m" ,11 MS a3 38' 9 o p 1 1 a o s a u 5iJ S3 SANITARY CLIPPINGS. Xkvkr breathe through tiio mouth unli'i:s it is impossible to breatlie throii:h the, nose. Watkh kept in a room for awhile is unfit fur tt-.e, and ice water Manila al Wiivs ha kept covere.l up. A wet silk hiniiikercliief tied, withmit folding, over the face in a complete se curity ue-ainst stmocation lrom sinoue; Itpermfts frefi brealhiiif; and, at the same time, excludes the smoke from the ltltlL-S. Vr.N'TiT.ATiox is a provision of nature too oft.-n abused. Kvcry i-.lccpin;,' room should have its windows open an ho,ir everv mominir.'nnd all tin; bed fJolhirtf? laid open to the. air, where, if possible the nun can shiiic upon them. A hiW!'K(.ti:ii joint in a sewer or drain pipe m:iy 1 test-d by wrapping it witn a hinfrU' ktyer of white inn .liu tu-list ened with a solution of awtaw ot ict.i. A a I lie K-ts escapefi tiiriiit'-'i the me:, I of tho eiotlt, it will bo blackened by the sulnhur compounds Tilt! daiiffcrof ir.feetlon from impure water is said to bo only olitfhtly reduced by filtration through sand, bacteria passintf throtiffh lit all times, but in larger numbers just after the filter has been cleaned nnd It (fain after it has been used for some time, t j UCT i'-'tji... .P.liL- :. i' - -' 5 I s'O J,r.i Uri$& fr cjM i?k ' I aintf";.1, from " '' ' r. fHF!?P irn 'iii -s ABOUT THE DIKIrifV: -;C5.i; About WHAT TO VV'.'.e ': AMD K ABOUT socisty; about bocks; .-,'s'--4. ad out plants a?.1- nowsns; ADOUT HOME CftBlM'T; about coco rcR?.i; about house PE..rr:Fyt; Wh atvtrAt2 Word rutri.- n sstttn cV torn bus': t... :r,H c,,Aii:" ; fe3 ffwaifi i Hi 3 t3 .2 3 "St pi 3 h a i ji -i 1 i s 5 S I 3 2 1 f S 9-5-3 -a S is 'g. a J5 r - jj a -j f J H irr a-sl. 53 . .9 gas a . .a J! 'i - ! - Il li ' hi .if ' AMON0 UB fA!-r CONtMSUTasiS AH J t- WIU ClCTOM. C:rni? VlKCCM. J!:l lt:Ta' :AB1.0 BlTtO, Emiv HtiTitfc-:1 4fl(f f,o K-fri iVjnly Contribute to tf C;i xv- Tnz v i ) CE-:'s , , , . i i s2 W-sT"'.-. l .ir.TCfJ, D. C. !l '4 i r . -. .:. r fhCDIi ICO?, V -v. ' - .- jj" am a wji .'k. twi. wt 9 fw-T'' 7 SOLID I TOP. MARLi'l FiCE AP.: nVHAVEHLCT Usincj 02-20, CC-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. Bend for f-ce vw, . m - r nvlldtof n-poai U ,,y.u.ii. j.e t:' '.iSRiiEiii 53 lELOilM iCCLSl R210AD VSliil SHELLS s1.-. , AB3 jave r.:3.av. . V.-'.i? T.-irrjc, M;W'ir.. ft 5'A t-Ar.? r-n-Cril ,i.-rai A, mvuir r 'l.'R an ' roE.r., iiuui.TBA i cu 'eonra.MiKa iunotx tBsTtiocTnwo o: , i ii- -n s f,-.i:.v,'- ( lo.i cv, - i. r-ien riots, s ; .... l if 3 I 2. :L .. . r-r M..t ." -11""'?,,::;;,' , . ,v ;.... 1 . . lm,.r, O f l " " ," ' h. .,", ,,lll,cr.. Full r. ' . i ".ii.f. .ri mi : i" 300 jjj' th il'tnli -ii ure-niel'iVii.e-iM ,m l.i' It V"ii '.it '--'it1 i Im I mi. mini. Nn monpv f..rmmii; Mif.-m.r.ti M-v,. I P,;y,..i ,-,kly Irirtiinl. t il.si.-" lidt '.i 'virk.T li .i . t- ii Htn, I drf-Hciv. I hvt Atfi-n-ly (B'lffltr aifl i.r'.vi.t- l w i ( ii .-in, l- rm-iii i i.ii. mmili-r, .-.tv. 11 nmlO-iC mrr i.i'!!'H ft It HfM.V n.l MIH-M?. t i'ii..tlnrn ! It Svll. Ail..- "i K C, A IjI.iirV, i:ox 4 Al'a, Sliiswr, .. - i i, - ,.-n r ff', a win, , i ' ' " s. '.. ami l'v (jW V , I ,ltl ..lh III - .Ti.lllH t l'. ' 1 re , 'i ' i., 'i,"-. nit '"" ","R . $ rr,. ',li,i,- imloei'Vii ii. .-.tip ihm A. V'ulllA . t,.i- 1 1..A.I -rl,1il,nlVn. - u T , J tS t! - " j rM""! td Shafts. v s t - i t y r- - --rrrr V - - V si ! y l;t" Jij'iVi - . .v- ),.,,i:,p--.r..; f,,r flic? 115-v of carpenters nnd j i T . .. j , .r , -1 h-,-: ..-in- mill iittrr-eiivo, is stro.is and THO WI.-IOWB WR60N GO., I ja dlv L1U, 1 a uu, 1310 W 6u Et , Winona, Minn. f ,r-rrT BOsitt KOLOEki. teiS.-i-i 1 Hf , m,c r.icoT rrnrECT i1 DlCTIQNARY HOLDHH. 1A i He 1.1,1 i 1 I) i OR CATALnGUE. n n Laurie, 33 E. 1 Ptn Pt.,M.Y. f 1 fc 1 - ? f'ji "I'i'J t-1 ii ! -"4 H - r.j C4 rVf;.C"!'-k-s'-"i ':-! fen"""! -i - -"--.'ir' - ,- r- ' "M rr : .: . j s--.,. ',. ' 'r,y t.-... ...-J ..rfA, jta-AtfiJ,.- cT",.rp er'-f --- rYj Aro strictly first-class in pvry detail, imsspss sa altsolatcly perfect repeat in action aad butidsofflo canfj. Fully war-ran Mill lliibMa. 1 . "a Tift li.tfjf in t?m n'H-cT,l n?el lir-.VA le:l fill offrs"f:)r yiars. Over 21 0,000 in use. T: icoplo arn liound to liayo tlia I tort, ana will havo actio tiatiau j.mm. Tii.iio payments or cash, as ciuioiuefs prefor. Call and sen us, or send fur Catalogues nr.d fi.il kftrsnatioa. ' . , St, IfOUia IIous-o, OiO A D1S Olive Stt."' f n. lib rim M':vi' '.'u:i l'J!'.l, i ! . Oinuha, NvU .. - H V 1 .tv :-;' v . .i 4. - .