i list I 99 jer jn been afflict nth biliousness 1 constipatiop fifteen yean; tone and then iher prepare I was suggested )e and triedljut i last a friend tost Flower. I k directions and "aderful, reliev i disagreeable jch I had been f long. Words . me aamirauon your August ren me a new in Deiore was a Wicine is a Len e ity, and its good ;ss Barker, Pflntor, Humboldt, Kansas. a'fr.Wooflbtirr.X.i J Savixgs Bant 1 90.00 in Dime deposited. XL 25 CENTS. ;3UCTI0K CO.. Verb Itow, Hew Tork tfc tmnrw VMIMM nacaltsr eerbetteajlfaelesfa ssecMieaalst 11 M trying, bo itoonraiisM wrtotiy oon PNHMl nius. aVini ES Peat oat to be sprouted ns reooiraJ Dim fUKK AdHreaa t, Mraku, Kaassa 1EENH0USE. Und of IIouh I'lsnta ah. Vegetable I'UnU, FLOWERS. 3W M)LICITD. J, YOKK, KKItK. Jewell's Birthday. " ed a few weeks ago , d09t interesting men Vuld have answered "Mr. LoweU and (or "Gen. Sherman and tins order of the names Ved little. The gen jtchildlike nature, his iHnembered experience ,4lng, and his readi (expressing himself on ' made him a fascin Jther he were address lv people. ind, Mr. Lowell's poet Jand keen yet kindly acquaintance with the I the best minds of all lrlty with the history or a personal connection Tic happenings of bis je to make trim one ot (living men whom it wlille to know. Ll)u nd Oeorge Washington, a February child, and old on Washington'! I Sberunn reached hit jtdtT on Feb. 8, and b-Critfa lineton: Mamma jould not talk abort jday: it is not riant M (in chorus) itat, talking about theologl Mamma (with a sigh of Vpniiitbmm, r. Ueorn W. CMio awr. Is one of the hand expansively main places in th L'ull4 inual expecditura act )J0, of which $12,000 it lawvanU and other a tj town and twelve horses jf all the year round In kfam'atd ground, and x adott oaal men ara ra it after um law.-., while as )nwt Um gardfiar.--Jfew TnTsTiiai'nrra ssi XiTsaaaaiot - A earelertsVasalnV iMi m0 11 A J lie (ou hi knees) Miss Watelong KuiUi I am loo lull to speak. 1 Nhe (anxiously )-Go on, Mr. Uullloa Oo ut wait until you sober uj. St York Herald. Too ad i arU. When the friends of a young girl who eau roci'e Curfew" and like pieces in a "hairgrayiug" way advise her to go on the stage. The devil just Wands aroand and feels happy. Xew York Hraid. Uses at Prayer la Chiracs. America: Maud Do you ever sat your prayers. MabeL as vou used tt when y our were Uttle ? Mabel Oh, yes, two or three times a day. Maud What a good girl you are. Mabel I always sav the Lords prayer when 1 lieat my curling iron. lien X get the 'Amen." I know the iron is hot enough. ray lag .ks I'lper. Ir quiring Koy (looking up from a book) -What does "paying the pipei mean? Worried Father (absently) Tell him to call next week. 'I said the piper,' pa." "Well, if it's a plumber, he needn't Kill for a month." Good News, Doo't But bar Haabr. Mrs. Bright What did you get this rough clotikor! I told you to ask for smooth faced ladies cloth. Mr. Bright-Well, the clerk said this would do for smooth faced ladies as well as any other kind. X-w York. Power of tha Prvsa, In the Sanctum Wratby Visitor Your confounded paper has cost me a pretty sum. Lditor (calmly) "Please explain." W. V. "In your last issue of day be fore yesterday yeu were kind enough to State that a buro-lnr hail entor&d n house, stolen a roll of meney from the bureau, but hanuilv. neeWtoH in tut. a gold watch that always reposed in an adjoining drawer." Editor "Well?" W. V. "It's not vratl at nllf TW infernal burglar, guided by your infor mation, came last night and took the wateh."-nttsburg Uulletia "You claim that you were insane when yon proposed to her?" "Yea, sir." "Can you prove it?" "Yes, sir." "How" "JJy producing the plalntff In court and letting the jury look at her." "I am going to be your hub," said the young carriage builder from Bos wn as they stood before the altar. 'Yes," said his blushing bride, who in tended always to have the last word, 'and I will supply the spokes." "And I," wound up the clergyman as he joined their hands, "am the tie-r." St. Joseph News. Chicago Tribune: Willie Papa, is it swearing to talk about old socks be ing darned? Papa No, my son. Why. Willie 'cause I wish Johnny would keep his darned old socks out of my drawer. Mr. Glim This is a long farewell Mrs. Gargoyle. I'm going to Califor nia for my health. Mrs. Gargoyle In deed! Ilow did your health get that far away from you? New York Keoorder: "What is a bore '(" asks a correspondent A bore is a man who talks about himself when you want to talk about yourself. Epoch: "Oh for a little rest," sighed the hired girl. 'Just light the fire with me," sug. gested the kerosene oil can. j Vonkers Gazette: The ' stutterer Is certain to break bis word. - Washington Star: Broken hearts are never dangerous as loiur as a din ner tastes good. g ) uarian Vinevard Herald. An enormous drug trust haa , beeu formed Now pills will go up. Plttshur DieDatcb : Why are colts like rich men's sons? Because they won't work until tey are broke. Washington Post ' The Hntf prise fighters can staad yunishrnent a too as it meana pound tn. BERTHA AND RUDOLPH. One eveuiiif young musician' Rudolph Orubeim, and Bertha, the prwttiest girl of Mayeuce, were alone. They were bethothed, and yet the fol lowing day would iiud them separated, fiudolph was going to a distant prov ince. Fur two years he would follow the It-awjus of a ciever master; then, on his return, Bertha's father would give him his diitighter and surrender his pusition as choir-master in his favor. "Bertha," said Rudolph, "fct us play together once more this air you love so welL When we shall be separated, at the end of each day, at the hour of grave thoughts, we both shall play our parts and it u ill bring us closer, oue to the other." ibirtha took her harp, liudolph ac companied her upon his flute, and they played several times Bertha's favorite tune. At last they began to cry, and kissed one another. Budolph departed. Both were true to their words. Each evening, at the hour when they had met for the last time, Bertha went to her harp, liudolph to his flute, and each one played their part Tlis eveuing hour is solemn and mysterious; it pre disposes to musing; in i eddish vapors which arise upon the horizon it seems that oue sees all the events appear in a vivid picture. That one can live all over his lust days, some gay and crowned with roses, others sad and draped in mounting. At that hour the last breath of the wind among the leaves seemed to modulate tunes to which we affix sweet and sad remembrances; music is the soul's vok-e. Budolph sometimes stopped playing he thought he heard the vibrations of Bertha's harp mingling with the sounds of his tlute. Two years passed thus. One evening Bertha and her father were under the arbor in their little gar den. This garden was formed by live acacias, which spread over their heads a wreath of foliage, strewn with whitts dowers, the dark wreaths of lilacs closed the distance between their trunks, while three or four climbing honeysuckles made the spot a perfect bower. Through the narrow entrance the purple line produced by the setting sun was visible. It was the Hour sacred to remembrance. Bertha played the favorite tune upon the harp, but sud denly she stopped to listen. Everything was silent: the breezes even had ceased to move the leaves. Bertha again played the tune, 'again she heard lludolph's flute. It was Rudolph come back. Two years later Rudolph and Bertha had a beautiful little daughter, off spring of a union blessed by Berthas father before he died. Budolph was a choirmaster, and the income from liu situation was ample for the young people. Rudolph had bought a pretty little house. At the back of the house was a thick growth of lindens; in front a large green meadow, upon which the child played. Large Bengal rose bushes crept all over the white walls and every thing was so cozy and bright- There was not a crack through which one could peep from the outside; happy people love retirement Then the child passed away, ana one month later Bertha died of grief. When she felt the end drawing near she said to Rudolph: "In vain do I seek to cling to lite through my prayers; I must rejoin our child, abandon you, await you in a bet ter world. If the dead have the power to reappear upon this earth you shall see me asain: mv shadow shall hover around you, for my heaven is the place where vou are. When the day has come when we can be united again haii come to seek vou. and our two souls concentrated in one shall rise for ever from this earth, where nothing more will bind them. Each year on my birthday, whether you shall be happy or unhappy, loved or abandoned, sad or a-ay. at the hour when the sun is set ting, when prayers mount to heaven umirt rim sound of the evening bells and the perfume of the flowers, play this tune, which for so long a time has goothed the pains of absence; this will be the only consolation I shall have in this long separation. This muilc snail hA mam to mv soul than all Um con- cegts of the church." Then she kissed him and died. iinrfoinh iMtcame crazv. They made Kim (.aval for ometlme. On his re turn his head was more calm but teen melancholy took possession of him and left him no more. Ha left Bertha's , .amain as it was at the time of waaa va- i. jiaath- thn bed still unmade, the ajVl OVwa-t harp in a comer. When Bortha's birthday arrived feaaed himself with care which be he kad naverViown since her death. He flited the room with flowers, and when evening same be locked alnself in the anil nlaved upon the flute the tana thav had so often played together, Ti,.r..f dav thev fMiid him stiff aon ttiafioer When ha had revived " A f AAA. ba had become crazy, asm w -"v atsary t make hira travel again, taa and of a nr na earns back to At his kmiaa: his Blind appeared rational anough, only hi was sad aad silent Once more his wife birthday came; one more' be Ailed to room with flowers, and toward ranlng locked Umaslf in. dressed at tor marriage; then ht played Ue same tune upon his flute. Again the next day found him un conscious upon the floor. But wheu liter wished to lead him away he coelly announced that if they did not allow him to remain in the house where his wife died Le would kill himself. As his reason did not ap pear to be shaken by this accident they yielded. This is what happened: On tiie first anniversary, as soon as he had prayed, the cords of the harp vibra ed and of their own accord had accompanied the flute. When be stopped the sound of the harp died away. On the second anniversary, thinking that he had been the victim of an illu sion, he played again; again the harp played its part; be ceased playing and the harp ceased playing; he placed his -hand upon the cords and could feel their hist vibration. On both occasions he had fallen, stricken with terror, and had passed the night in a deep swoon. But he ended by becoming accustom ed to this violent emotion, in which he found an acute pleasure. All his evenings and the greater part of his nights were passed thus. His cheeks became hollow; his eyes alone, sunken in their sockets, appeared alive and shone with a supernatural brill iancy; just enough life to feel and to. suffer was retained in his body. A friend, whom through chance or fate he had retained, became alarmed and wished to know what Rudolph did iu the room. He replied that he played the tlute and that Bertha's shadow played the harp; that in reality death was hut the beginning of another life; that while he felt, himself dying he also felt his intimacy with his wife he had loved so well grow steadily, and that during this mysterious harmony it seemed to him that he saw Bertha at her harp: that ho was happy, desired nothing more, and requested nothing, either from heaven or from men. It was the third anniversary, oi Bertha's birthday. Rudolph ouce more flllei tlie rooms with flowers, and wore a boquet in his buttonhole. He had covered the bed with roses. Then at sunset he took bis flute and played Bertha's tune. The friend w s hidden behind a cur tain; he trembled when he heard the sounds of the harp mixing with those of the tlute. Rudolph kneeled and prayed. Then the harp played alone; the cords could be seen vibrating without any hand touching them. It played celestial music, such as no one heard before nor will ever hear again. Then it played again Bertha's tune, and when it was ended all the cords broke at once and Rudolph fell upon the floor. For some moments the friend re mained as motionless as Rudolph; wheu he stepiwd forward to raise him RudolDh was dead. From the French of Alphonse Karr. Ancient Irrigation. As the suhject of irrigation is at the present time being so extensively agi tat d throughout the state a little his tory as to its efficiency Is maintaining large population, in what would otherwise forever remain a desert may not be out of place. It will also show that the people of the orient, in past ages, driven, no doubt, by density of population, to devise means to reclaim their arid lands, for the production of crops as a means of sustenace. The Egyptians in the early ages, among other things, attained a high position in engineering. There is one great undertaking con ceived and executed by an engineer which during the space of 4,000 years has never ceased its office, on which the life of a fertile province depends. This is the Bahr Joussuf the canal of Joseph built, according to tradition, by the son of Jacob, and which consti tute not the least of the many bless ings conferred on Egypt during the years of his prosperous rule. This canal took its rise from the Nile at Asint and ran almost parallel with it 1for nearly 250 miles, crossing along un der the west cliffs of the Nile valley with many a bend and winding, uutil at length it gained an eminence, as compared with the river bed, which en abled it to turn westward through a narrow pass and eater a district which was otherwise shut off from the fertil izing floods on which all vegetation de pends. The northern ead stoxl seven teen feet above low Nile, while at the southern end it was at an equal, eleva tion with the river. Through this cut ran a perennial stream vwhich watered a province named the Fayoum, endow ing it with fertility, and supporting a large population. In the time of the annual Rood a great part of the canal was under water, and then the river's currant would rush in a more direct course hito the pass, carrying with it the rich tilt which takes the place of manure, and keeps the soil in a state of constant productiveness. All this, with the aiceptian of tha tradition tuat Joseph built it, can ba verified to. iav. and it is not mere superstition oi rumor. Hastings Sebraskan. WaMSr-Women don't sesm to marry so early as they did sobm few yean ago. Totta-Xo they don't The great number of thirty-year-old wldowi with grown daughters is proof enough ol thav 1KZ COST PLEASANT CATHARTIC LIVER PILLS EVER HADE. Can Waa-a aaa Blrfc BSasatecHc. U var Coialalal. Pr ! Paor CMxaa- aaW Car tl MHO. SMC 1 It's sometime said patent medicines are for the ignorant. The doctors foe ter this idau. 'The people," we're told, "are mostly ignorant w nana, comee to medical science.' Suppose they are! What a sick man needs is not knowledge, bt t cur), and tha medicine that ewe is the medicine for the sick. Dr. Pieroe'a Golden Medical Discovery cures the "do fcelivee" and the "don't believes. ThereV no heaiuoce about it, no "if" nor "pos sibly." It ssvs 'I cub cure you, onlj do aa I direct" Peihapsit fails occa sionally. The makers hear of it when it does, because they never keep the money when the medicine fails to do good. Suppose the doctors went on that peinciple. (We beg the doctors pardon. It wouldn't do) Choking, sneezing sod every other form of catarrh in the bead, is radically cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Fifty cents. Sold by druggists every where. Highest or American Peaks. "The highest mountain in America oust now be changed from Mount St Clias to Mount Wrangel, a little to th lorth of the former peak. Several of iiese mountains have been newly mens ired. Mount Hood, once "roughly" esti mated at 15,000 feet, then "closely" at 10,000, was brought down by triangula lion to 13,000. An aeroid barometes tnadc it 12,000 and a mercurial barometei hiade it 11,22b. Mount St. Elias, esti kiated by D'Egelot at 12,672 feet, was triangulated by Mr. Baker at 13,500. It ow transpires that Mount Wrangel rise 18,400 feet above Copper river, which i In turn 2,000 feet above the level of th. tea at this point. If this holds good Mount Wrangel is -a good 2,000 fee Kigher than any other peak in Xortl A merica and has the distinction of bein within the United States besidus A Wiadj Day, Mistress "What is that noise? navs be children come in from school ?" Maid "No, J mun. It's only the north wing of th' house tumbling town." New York Weekly. If laalrg a Chance. If Robert Ray Hamilton has any re gard for the valuable newspaper space that is being wasted he will state at once whether he is really dead or not Indianapolis News. uaaoT Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is. the world-famed remedy for all chronio weaknesses and distressing; derangements so common to Ameri can women. It is a potent, invigor ating, restorative tonic, or strength giver, imparting tone and vigor to the whole system. For feeble wo men generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription is the greatest earthly boon. Guaranteed to give satis faction in every case, or money re funded. See guarantee printed on bottle-wrapper. A Book of- 160 pages, on "Wo man: Her Diseases, and How to Cure them," lent sealed, in plain envelope, on receipt of ten cents, in stamps. Address, World's Dispen sary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street Buffalo. N. Y. 133 -a WT Anil Beat Coqan iioi3sjaisisBi1i by PViietaos. rVvaa wkaM all aks faQs. Rasawa SfTwesbUlothe Usto. CMkbaatslwltWItlwmtotqe Chraaaa C tlpattoau aaaiU Saaar D P IU IU Or ISorphine Habit Or. 8. St. COLLI MS, Ortgiaal Ulacovarat Palsies Oatam AbtlUota. Will enre rna-at home without at intarrapUoB of O'liiuaiT bositMaa. Book MCI fraa to any ao draw. Mondrttd of orisual taatuaooiala ol plijfuician uul others for iaapwitina at my of fice. Koom 27 Aniemaao Exprasi boildiuc Saa. iu St.. (Iiicaao, ilk, f. O. UriM S1 Itornaiir U Porta, ind ) iSthe bfst MCOICINE for the General AUaie.iU of llow,CtUe, Hop and Siteep. They purity IIm Wood, prevent aaS cure diseas Iloiiejt and reliable. In honest packass; baad ana warranted lor over twenty yean. Everyone ownin; a nerse or cauw anouM MM EftT P BOPaiBTAU riven a trial. Maaeuy Chicago. Bold by all dfusxiau. CHILES' ACTUS CREALl Cure Chapped Ifands, Flee an Lins. Tan Sunburn. Pimples. MAes rouph skin soft and tmootm. without beine sticky or greasy. Delicately perfumed. Remierafacp powder invisible and maltes it a bere to the skin, imparting atonca a brilliaut complexion. ince ail Mailed to any address on receipt of price. Send postal note, tiivea r iUmpi. Address plainly. MULL KM CO., 718 tli umber of Continerc. Chirac. The larrat atocfc of Arttt- cial Eyas m the Wast. Am a aoruneiuav cyaa saws ryee aeatteaa wiar ainaaaa) aaortaaa. tuawiaf W. to ealect ana or Dure aaa r tarntWbalaacethaiaaaaraaa . pad srosw, sg&zr aaa Hlaa aad Maitilf surgeon ta tas C a aadKar OaUaa. Patteeteat adtataaot mm aaparallelsS aaooaaa aad waaa lvisrdaa-ta ttaassaaMs taasn aa arwvtdas Mars aaa wane a A GOOD FARM near a County Seat in the Itepublicac Valley, Xebr , to trade for Jive stock, or Hock of merchandise. Address livx 180, York, Xebr. VASELINE., FORONE DOLLAH tent ns by mail, we will da liver, frxe of ail oharires. to a or oeraoq la taS ver, frxe of ail charges, to anr perao in taa Uoitei r tate, all thefoUowiAf artialaaoarefaU packed in a neat box. packed Id a neat box. ta two oui.ee bottle of Pore Vaseline. 10 ota. Una two-oonoo bottle Vaseline Pomade U " One jar if Vy line Cold Cream IS " One cake f Vaaellne CamDhor lot 10 One ceke f Vaaeline Camphor io 10 One cake of Vaseline soap, unsoentad. . U " unecnted..M' faceted iti ' Una cttae er vaseline snap 6ns two-oancs bottls tsVeseUos-.aS" - SI M Or for stamps any tingle artf o'e at pries nsmsd Ifyuoaav oouuion to on Vaseline in mbj forsj be ouref nl to aooept only ijennine soods put op by OS in original pacaasw. A KIM' inaur dnigglM. ars trying torarwade buyers to taksVasnlins pal ap by them. Never yield to snob ireuiud on, nettle srticIS is an imitation without value, u will not give you the reauit you expect. A bottle of Bias Seal Vaseline is aold by all draff ffiste at ten oents. Chasaurough MTg Co., 2atttatsHU.Maw lork. consunPTior:. I have a positive remedy for itaasbovsdisi.; by Ma aaa thoaaaoda of eaaas of the worat kind and of long eluding have been oummL Indeed ao atrong U mr faith In Its elBoaey, tbat I will emd two bottlis rau,ith a VALUABLE TBK ATISS on tula diaeaae to any sot. larsr who will aend me their Ktpteee and P.O. sddieaa, V. A. Mlscam, M. C, 181 Pearl 8U N. V. PATENT Lawyer and Solicitor, K. T. F',nwlck, Waahingion, U. C. CorTespondance invited. frc Trade Prices Ha Prataetfoa Mo Mob HS Wsetiri Hewing sot ao Bswina I Maohlnssl Wsateva Improved aaa now aa new ln Machine as eat oom plots with m-T - V taeamaBta aaa wsiraataS af for S mars for only 1L ona for oirealsr and ssa fallcseoriptioaof Uigf ind athar styles to M. A. OeaUla h Oa. fat W lakaat-C'mr- IsV I ipbotogrcpba ovtitti tvmm L. rami Liar prib A WKT- waliach a ca kJ iNJs Zti Wabash Ai. Calcata. If yon are Interested in Use Culture aspd yoar ame and addreaa for St Page Illustrated Price List of Bee Keapom '-0-siies. Beat free to any ad rms. O. O. COLLI KK, Fatrbury, I'ob. Mention this paper, Taa moat complete lias of Dress Hefonu Uuii in tb north west. Including the oelt brated Equipoise and Deisarta wsiau, Jenneas kliller apecial ties and Jersey Knit Uudu went Kend atiunp lor tree SUustraLa L. W.PIKE, U Madiaon au. Cbioaga. PENSION ijnd aad ludinalli.bmu. tla Vial ma. Secial atten tidi arVen to the aboA. N.- taaa Btcatosa, spl lei tor of c.aima, Wasbington, D i:. Rafsi ioe. nunur.sa in any atata. Blanks fras. ssafast feaes naaata. 0oas a'ot lnlare -Ujc Yaaosaat a giatistaaai. iinaw a. wm Head Ssratraalaas aad r .oes. waaa , aakbssa r Wire Fence Co.. HOW MIWIW! fJWUVASJU Wai. BObDaaTWaVja. 1 'raX aaitnid!SH i!Rl ) sonasi owxsie Ilia, aaa Kaawi UafiXtou. of H-40 Y SunW-