,1- o S3 German SS Syrup" S3. Uollal 4 rmm. CM, rairkary a- eSeTWel l eoaspieie lias af totaraa dm la tat as, taeiadjag ia as 'tJwbhU.j.ni 4 lor Ira iilaamtat IS. U W. riBB. , Marfieoa liaiaiga, ;:tSavixjs tut ftllH KA 1 J'trlHW.OOin Dimes 1 deposited. JUL 25 CENTS. Vouchor cq.. TVark Bow, Raw Tori laaa lMi.mi.ki Claims. Spscsala tivea to Uia aavve. rof e aims, Waaaioi ed ia aes etate. j FITO! . mi rrrt t,ru f fjtf WWtA MkHaV w0MaMe) m for MMiMmi llinw sad fssaOSssa, IM rearl ett M. T. vaHetaaae4aeek """StaaBMauat JliaMiieeWaa Seel sals ar aaa eallattar. K. a rtk, Washlagiaa. D. O lavnsMs. m , If tTTla1,aolai ! Haas. flat, mum, Is six hun ar, er fifty dollars a ty dollars apartments? for thesr It's out s food deal o' damage, 1 hare no children.' )r hare any r t J fire ye this 'ere flat a month. W want e hers just V to set a -Jiew York Sun. USES, KOTBO, jUATIOHS DAIX I AND ILLS til) BEBST. Iha Mseont. was k Boy-When jried? 'ork Boy When she n wh your mother v k Hoy When she was t, ' -fy aether can beat, harried before 1 was ' jwurual: Br.t this nftated to-isnt she She seemed to ma a creators." Thought (Edrbert's Mother. 8be iaklese." A Throat nd Lun Specialty. Mmm't OrifffeiaJ Umc. The scteatif world is earioualy swaithif tae resulta of aa experiaMtt B3W being made by Dr. John Ege ef Heading . says the indladelsaia Record. If successful, I)r. Ege expect test romplisli I lie miracle of turning the ungm white and I be white man blaek. He will also establish t toe same time the original color of mankind. The proems of wbicli Ibis wonderful evo latioa in cbaugiiig the color of the skins of the human family is to be brought about is by skin grafting, aa operation which baa been known ami performed throughout the civiiiwd world fie? ages, but which Dr. Ege, by his experiments. Lopes and eg pacts to very materially advance. Jt is a well known fact that there are two distinct methods of skin grafting -the Ilererdins aud Thincb. The former method ia the cutting of min ute particles of skin with a pair of sea son, while the latter provides for the use of any sharp instrument similar to a razor, and in that way taking larger pieces. The tint method is considered (he better by some of the medical pro fession for old ulcer, while the latter is preferable in new accidents like scalp ing and scalding. Hut while the methods of skin giaf ting are not new to the .nedical profession nr to Dr. Kge, who as upon - several former occasions :iealed difficult sores by means of graft iig the skin of a healthy man into old aouimIs, t:e matter of intermixing the ikins of the different races of the hu man family, aud the hope and execta ,ion that the ingrafted skin, regardless if what its color may have been origin tlly, will assume the hue of the body to nbich it has been transplanted, is what lie is now bending every effort to ac- ilmplisli. He has been treating for some time Daughter-"! will have Vo break my 1 M J01"1 man' wuo for over Those who have not used Boecbee's Ger man Syrup for soom severe aad chroaic trouble of the Thna a aud Lunrscaa han ly appreciate what a truly wonder ful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clear iaf , strength-gathering and recover ing are unknown joys. For Ger man Syrup we do not ask easy cases. Sugar and water may smooth a throat or stop a tickling for a while. This is as far as the ordinary cwugh medicine goes. Bosehees German Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat and Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, Eain, coughing, spitting, liemorr age, voice failure, weakness, slip ping down hill, where doctors and medicine and advice have been swal lowed and followed to the gulf of despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable, there we place German Syrup. It cures. You are a live man yet if you take it. Era&rU Am n -. tiigagaiuent with Mr. Xicefello, mother. f I I Jt . . , I M 4 I nua i uo nut iot iuib. f. y Mother "Wlieu did yoi uake.abat liscorery?" Daughter "East ereuiug.- I saw him out walking with another woman and I did not want to : murder, her al HL"-Xew fork Weekly. Walllag for falata, Mrs. De Style -"Hare jee, decide n the pattern for yeur ceatf Miss De Style-"Xo, mother, 1 aa ailing for this month's number of tk Bentleniea's Maeazia. Ksw Tfj) n'eskly. r Rli IaMailaa War Ck4. Overheard at a table of a cheap res taurant Time, J riday, Lent: Waiter What'll ye have ? Guest Baked bue ftsh. Vaiter-Hain't got eny. (iuest Let me hare some cod, then Waiter-Hain't got eny nsli at all. (iuest (with a sigh) -Well, then, gire me some corn beef and cabbage, the Lord knows I asked for fish. Miss If ardsense. 1 ree you Mrertui for a saleslady. Mr. imcksaies. Yes, madam, yot are the fifty-seventh applicant, andthi position is still vacant. You will uo do. Miss Ilardsense. Ob, but I den' want a position as saleslady. Mr, .licksales. You don't? Miss Ilardsense. Js'o; but I weuM like to get a job as saleswoman. Mr. Quicksales. Hit right down James, take the lady's nams and put her down for $25 a week. Puck. Uenrik Ibsen novel of Lond'ji is writing 1 fa. a i en 1st : Whst is lacking is tr ith sod ooaH dene. I( there (.ere absolute truth on ooe hand sad absolute ronfldenoe on the other, it wouldn't be aaoeaaarr for the makers of Br. 8 tea's Catarrh Rem edy to back up a plain statement of feet by a KOO suaraatee. They say '-If we can I cure you (make it peraoDai,) or ca tarrh in th head, in any fern or stage, well peyVou eouu ror your trouble in making the trial." "An advertising fake. you eay. r unny, . tan t it. now eome people prater siokness to neeim wnan Ibe remedy ie positive and the gusr-n tea abtolute Wise men oon't put v.oi- ey back of fakes." And "faking" doesn't P7- Mscioal little granules 1 boas tioy suaar ooated FelleM of Dr. Pieroe caroaly larger than mustard seeds, yet powerful to core active yet mild in operation. The best Lirer Pill ever in rented. Cure wok nemleehe, dissiness, constipation, uce a doee. Indianapolis Journal : Wick wire 1 tell you, Yabby, ray boy, thore is noth- Ihs like a baby to brighten up a man s home. Yabsley-I hare noticed that the gat teams to be at fall height In your house at almost any hour of the night. Atlanta Constitution: Foreman They say old Jones died with IUsa boots on. ' ' Editor Yea. Mean man. AfraM to pull 'em off far fear Ms wife would mm are 'ei aaiT-eowp two rears has been troubled with an lobstinate ulcer, inrolring almost the entire lower portion o'. be left leg. As it last resort to effect a permanent cure he decided upon grafting a new skin jpon the sore leg. Having obtained from Mr. Saul permission to graft the tkin of a colored man, it opened up to 'ilir " opportunity for experiment whib iuu long been looking for, and he at oncw entered into the pro ject with a spirit an 1 zeal born of a determination to advance the cause of wience if possible. After considerable oftort, he finally, by the aid of money, tecured two healthy negroes of ebony black, who consented to part with a jertain portion of their skins, and the process of grafting, under both of the prescribed methods, was accomplished, to await the results of the o)eratiori, and to watch for any change in the olorof the black skin, was attended ith considrrable anxiety on his part; and when, after a few days of f a tent watching, he was rewarded by observ ing that the skin of the black was grad ually but surely turning white, he at once determined to further pursue his nrestigatioti, and ascertain if it was possible to change the skin of the Cau casian to correspond with that of ti.e Ethiopian. Accordingly, be secured James Le wis a healthy negro of thirty-fire years, iv ho consented to undergo the operation for the benefit of seienoe. The doctor reed a large knife resembling the blade f a razor, and out bare on the negro's arm a space two inches by three-quarters of an inch. In this place he planted twelre pieces of skin from his own arm and twenty-lire pieces from the arm of an intimate friend. The wound was examined yesterday for the llrst time since the operation, and photograph taken. The ingrafted skin appeared a-hiterthan before, possibly by con trast, and it will require probably four or fire days longer to determine what the result will be. Should the color change to corres pond with the black's skin, the doctor will pursue his investigation still further, and the intermixing of the skins of the Caucasian and Mongolian will be his next attempt. Dr. Ege says: "If tkis white in grafted skin continues to grow and re main white on the black man's arm it will show the constancy ef the white race as well as the originality of color. Should white skin thus ingrafted change to black, scientists could argue that black was the original color of mankind." Liaealo aa a Master mt Style. The humor of Lincoln was, like that of most great humorist, the break of an Intense and profound serious-ne-. Jts sunny Hash caught the eye mo-e than the solemn depths from which it rose, aud his biographers make something like a protest against tne exaggerated popular estimate of it This hi very well out it will not avail. There is a sort of trickey eaprice, a whim like a woman's which fixes the popular estimate of all thirnr, and which no reasoning can chanire. li is this, apparently, nhich has clio.n the (iettjsburg Address to pre-einiiierjt fame wt of all the beautiful and per fect tk ings that Lincoln has written and said. Something in the supreme occasion, in the matchless worth of llio main thoughts, arid in every quality ot haste evident in it, consecrates it to the first pUce in the memory of the people, and it would be both perilous and futile to attempt to replace it with any other words even of the smnti man What surprises, what astonishes, on? iu a critical examination of bis words at all times, almost from the first use he makes or written words, in his ai lis tic bense of them. Here, indewl, is something like the operation of genius, of the thing that we are so many of ua eager to substitute for coiiciousiiess It is as if Lincoln were so deeply con cerned with what he was thinking that lie did not know how electly he was saying it. But we believe it would be a mistake to suppose this; we believe this man, without any scholarly train ing, had schooled himself, bad trained himself, to the study of exp esniou, til he felt through all his coiiciousiiess tl.e beauty of simplicity, that last and farh est grace, and till it became his second nature to use the word in ttie right place, so that he could not have erred without the pain the artist knows when any vocable rings false. William Dean Howells, in Harper's Magazine. in MiUions of Hca 40 Years the Standard. His Footprints. A few years ago a French scientist of wid reputation, who had written several books a,ainst Christianity, was oue of a party which was crossing the great Arabian desert. The servants were all Mussulmans, and of course, at each sunsise and sunset, and several times during the day, no matter what difliculties were in the way, they knelt upon their little praying mats in the heat of the sun and on the burning sand and related their Mohaniertan prayers. The Frenchman was very witty, and often made some jokes upon their de votions, at which, I am sorry to say, we all laughed more or less. One eveniug as the suns red disk was dropping below the horizon of sand precisely as the red moon conies up out of the horizon of water at sea, the men hail made their final salaam to ward Mecca and were rising from their kn.es, when the Frenchman spoke to the leader, saying: "Do you not waste your valuable time in so many operations? I low do you happen to know so well that there is a (kid out here in the desert V" Hie Arab replied, "Sahib, how did you know so well, this morning, that a caravan had passed out tents last night when you were asleep V" "By the footprints in the sand, of course," said the Frenchman. The Arab pointed, very solemnly, to the last fleryjtip of the sun's disks as it appeared upon the line of sand, and re plied: "Sahib, that is not the footprint of a man." Youth's Companion. Obsolete Punishment for Women Curious instruments devised for qusncbiug the'ardor of hot tempereJ threwt were once numerous. One was tbebrank a sugar loaf shaied c.ip, made of iron hooping, with a cross at the top, and a flat niece, alto of iron, protecting inward for laying upon -the offender's tongue, to that it should not wag. and her head should not move. The brank was padlocked behind, and the woman led through the streets by aigni iMfinable of humiliation and; amendment." Equally efficacious was the . wMrliflg, a large circular turning npon a pivot It was pnt en the beads of trifling offenders or an klada, aadnot brawling woesen alone, and was set whirling with great rap lty"ethatthe 4ellnqoent en ba- Mm egfieaieij ejea,- ana wee very M te be released aad taken home. Lenta Qrnjhia, Dog With a Conscience. Dog lovers may be interested in the following story of a pet black and tan. It is absolutely tare in every part icu lar, roaches the Iiuffalo Courier. Peo ple who understand dogs know that their dispositions are as varied as the animals themselves, some showing per fect honesty in all their little wavs and others quite the reverse. ' Spot," so called from two brown mules . each side of his face, was exceediiti; y fond of old-fashione 1 doughnuts, an., whenever they wie placed upon tii table he obtained his share hv hi. m"v coaxing ways and numerous tricks. One evening the uiaiu whs uueci.M leare the plate or cakes on the tabid to be en teu later if any nn carl for them About bed time the dog was missed. L'pon going in search of him, the little fellow was, curled up in a imh on one end of the table with his hack' to the Plate of doughnuts as If lie f eared the temptation would lie too strong for him if he faced his f;ivorife dish. The plate was full he could have easily eaten a number without detec tion, but his manner showed plaint;-, that lie had not yielded to the seduc tive odor, at many children might have done in the same circumstances. He evidently thought that by mo nting guar, lie would be ready to lie? irom the first person who look a cake. I) goes without saving that "Spot's" lion esty was liberally rewarded. ! .Woiiiau'a Position, Women .cannot afford to degenerate Iff tint her own century, and she' is win an officer of the town, probably a beadle )Mt hold imn up to a high sthmlarc until she befanTb show "all Mtenwl WMSikiint anil social pnritytu.-liM bewrsja the precious task of so train- -iff the children that the good; old ad ige concerning . politeness will; ins ; part of their, religious belief. "Tru politeness hi of the heart,, and not ' the head." No womn can be t'rul polite while the is guilty of any u:ter sikm wbicli i can possibly wound or U jure another; The womanly woman dear to her own sex and mpest! bj aajenUe.tohW!c. pirsm THE MOST PLEASANT CATHARTIC LIVER PILLS EVER MADE. Ir IMe- Huar vmrm Nervaaa mmm Kirk HralirHr, Uver ruaaplalat, DyeMia, MS Herniate ibe SSowela, mm A tar 4 kroule 4 -wanllpa U wn . Samal Caa.cal. uf t Take, SWaH (.tin ur rawac Mauaea. Tmey are aaaola uataie uiienr wi m huk unwaec sa reaie, ave twea tot mi, tl kr C :. Stat WITT Cu!, Uca K.va-Haafted Joitiet, Justice "Vou are charged with com mitting an assault on this man and blacking his eye. What have you to say. sir ?" Gentleman--" i'our honor, my wift lost a pet doer, and I caught this fciiow bring it back." Justice ' i'ou are discharged; Imt w for you, you miserable scalawag wiih a black eye, the next time you steal a lady's dog and don't keep it, I'll smd you up for six months." New York Wweklr. S llrivus i;iikin-ftff. - "I 'iiuic-rrilaiid you are piospei-iiijr, rom." "Yes, 1 am doing a driving busir.-r-js. "What is it V "Uuiming a dray." Areola Itecord. A peculiar tact with reter ence to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is, that, unlike sarsaparillas and other blood medicines, which are said to be good for the blood in March, April and May, the " Discovery " works equally well all the year round, and in all cases of blood-taints or humors, no matter what their name or nature. It's the cheapest blood purifier sold through drug gists. Why? Because it's sold on a peculiar plan, and you only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more? " Golden Medical Discov ery "is a concentrated vege table extract, put up in large bottles; contains no alcohol to inebriate, no syrup or sugar to derange digestion; is pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children. The " Discovery " cures all Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous affections, as Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, Fever-sores, White Swellings, Hip - joint disease and kindred ailments. W.N.U. York Neh. - - 122 iae Habit Or. H. It, COLLINS, Orlglaal llcorrf FaJnleu Opium Abtiuoi. Will enre j-on at home without nj interrupt on y( a dmarr boHineoa. Book api free to any tul. Ji . huudrtxiii of orifciiuu toatimoniaia ot t.ynH'iRn aud otbere f r innpection at mw htm fioe, Kootn 27 Anipricsn Exprex BDildins. Mois t., niiRProf 11L, P. O. Draw 01 (foxmeriy Iji lort, kid J B infill IS THE BFST MEOICINE for tli General Ailmc.H nf Ilnrw, Cattle, Hopi and Siiecp. Tlicy purify llm lilooa, prevent and cure disrasa Ilniie.it and reliable, in bonesl packages; used and warranted for over twenty years, liveryiine ownine a horse or cattle should five it a trial, iladeby Rmmert I'ROJ'Kijtiiaf Co., CIlitaKO. blild by all druggists. CHILES' fACTOS CREAM 1 Cure Chapped lfnds, Fce in J.ips, 1 an, IlUur, rimpi?, Makes roiifh skin sott and mooti viihout bcin sticky or greasy, cliciitely perfumed. Kenderafacc powiier invisible and makes it a nere to the skin imparting atom a brilliantcomplt-Jtion. J'rice Mailed to any address on receipt of price. Keiid postal note, silve! ar stamps. Aanress plainly, I -Mil lM Mi. t is 718 f liambfr of Cuiniuerc. Chicago. a pntefKOOoa, 16; DSU B. A. The Unrest stoek of Artra cial Eyes in the West. Aa aa sortmeatez eyes sent la say 'addresss, allowing- amrtsassl to select one or mors aad re turn tas balaBcthas assvsaa t6j State ., Chiaura, U, aieav and psrad&e surf eon Is tJst Ckaaaj aaa max usuega. rauenis at a Era sad Ear Calleca. Patients i wf aaparallaM saoeasa and wl rs arariaad board aad todrlag distsnre I aad whea TistUntas auMatatas, A GOOD FARM liCJir h County S-itt in tlie Kepublican, V'ul'ey, ,'ebr., to trade for livestock, or stock of merchandise. AtMies livx 180, Vork, Nebr. VASELINE. FOR ONI- DOLLAR rent a' by mail, we will de liver, frfe of all diaries, to anr person in tat Unite.l t tate.-, all the following arLioJas oarafnU' pHckwi in a neat lioi. 0ntwo oai ce bottle of Pnre Taeeline. lOxta. One t.j)unoe bottle Vaseline I'omade 16' One jar .f V ilino Cold Cream IS " One cake f Vaseline Camphor Jo 10 ' Oho rake of Vaseline soak, nnecented..lu " One cake c.f Vaseline soap, ce-.ed lis One two-ounce UitUe Whit Vaseline- -.S5 " Or for stamps any single artin'e St prloa naiedL If yon hav ooi anion 10 nse Vaseline in any form be craf ul to aocept tnJy genuine goods pnt np bj ns in original packages. A great manv drnggwu are irjun toicrsaafe bnyers d takeVaselini. pal np by them. Never yield to snch persnaEion,satii ai ticlo is an imitation without valuo, t nd will uol give ion the resaifyon expect. A bottl of Blus Heal Vaseline is sold by alidrnggisUattenoaDta. Chesebrougli MTg Co.. 24 Wtato Ht.. Nw 'n.v Chichcstcr'S English. Reo Cross Diamond Brand j THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Th" only HmTv, Sure, an reliable Pill fflrsftle. W IsMlrA, as Drugxiet rnr WnchrMnr Kttgtwn utamona nrand id Kel H'l Uota niftlaiiio y boies (sealed with blu rihboa. Take no etber kind. Refuse Hnititutioru ami Imitations. AM pills to paadbaard boxes, pink wratipfrs, arft danaerAva run(erfs'tta- Al Druggist, or lend nl 4e. in stamps for particulars, testimonials, and "Relief fur .adle.' in I filer, by retiiDt MmII. ' . I'llIL.AItlLL.t'lltA. I'X. tr ll Isockil IrraaU. Stdvlx" Wire F"oi3.o- m. m. m '1'l.n aofnnl fHn ,., n in!nM st I. A. BABBEK. President rhn aafaut fan... m.il. H.ju n ,f inlnm .fACS Visible at a gi eat distance. Thousands ot testi menials. Bend for c.rcnlars aud prices. o Barb wire. Aildrpss Sour Wire Fence Co., 788 OPKKA HOUSK lIClLnlSO, CHICAGO. J. A. RTRKET. Secretary. Wm. BOLDKNWBOK, Trnaaare- P ISO'S EEMEDY FOR CATARRII.-Eest. Easi est to ose. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A care is certain. For Cold in the Head it hag no equal. Tt is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price 56c. Sold by druggists or sent ,j Address: - K. T. Hazeltihe, Warren, r. R oL J U ormege How many people there are who regard the coming of winter as a con stant state of siege. It seems as if the elements sat down outside the walls of health and now and again, led by the north wind and his attendant blasts, broke over the ramparts, spreading colds, pneumonia and death. Who . knows when the next storm may come and what its effects upon your constitution may be ? The fortifica tions of 'health must be made strong. SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod LiTer Oil and Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda will aid you to hold out against Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, General Debility, and all Ancemic and Wasting Diseases, until the siege is raised. prevents wasting in children. Palatable as Milk. , BPBCIAL, Seetfa Kasulsian Isnoa-Msret, and ia prescribed by th Medical. Pro wiaa all ever Hi werld, aecause its ingrAsnts art scientifically cemttned In iua) ay fawiaai manasr as t greatly iaereaaa their remedial valae. CAUTI6K. Scott's Emulsion is put ua to salmon-releced wraMers. B yet (ha fenuln. Prepared only try Scott a Bowao, Manufacturing Cliemlsta, Sold by all Druggists. M A Z'J M .UI U IB! - . new a via . .