The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 09, 1891, Image 2

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    oca can 21
Minister Porter Attempts to As
suage the Wrath of the I tal
ma Government.
H(Hr Dare waa Hi MUnl. ad Said
Wa Have Katklac t 4 With Tour
Rons, April 3. I official circles her
it is stated that Baron Fsvs, the Ital
ia minister at Washington, has not
cabled en thing decisive to bis govern
ment in regard to his recall.
United States Minister Porter called
to see Marquis di Rudim, Italian pre
mier, who, however, was absent from
the city. Mr. Porter then ssw the un
der secretary of foreign affairs, Signor
Dareo. The United States minister ex
pressed regret at the fact that the .Ital
ian government bad thought fit to re
call Baron Fava, and, generally speak
ing, thought the United States govern -
omd'. would not deny any request o'
the Italian government if there was rea
son and fairness in such demands. Por
tor also promised u place before the
United States government at W. ah ing
ton the substance of toe conference
which took place between himself and
Signor Dareo. Incidentally Porter al
so said that the Italian government
should wait before taking further action
is the bops that a satisfactory answer
might be received from Washington.
Before Mr. Porter left Signor Dsrco s
sfnoe the latter said : "Suppose a
American citizens were murdered in
an Italian city and we pleaded impo
tence to punish the murderers because
the city in which the murder occurred
enjoyed aa autonomous form of govern
ment. - What opinion would you in the
United States and what, opinion would
the civilized world at large have in re
gard to our plea?'
Porter thereupon tried to make clear
to Dareo the relations of the federal
roverament to the individual states as
lied by the constitution.
Signor Dareo was not satisfied, and
replied with heat: "We have nothing
to do with your constitution. It it is
found wanting you must mend it You
know it in no constitution worthy of a
free, civilited country if it doss not in
sure punishment from crime and pro
tection for the weak."
The rumors circulated in the United
States to the effeot that a nnmber of
Americana have been detained in custo
dy hero aa hostages for the future treat
meat of Italians now in the United
States, is denied. Public opinion, hoc
awaits the issne or the negotiations be
tween the United Statee and Italy in a
most tranquil frame of mind.
The tenor of Baron Fare's note to
Blaine is that what Italy asked and aUU
asM in toe isaerai government s guar
antes that regular legal proceedings be
taken against the culprits ic the New
Orisons lynching, and that the federal
govern meal will admit in principle its
ebi'Mtton to pay indemnity to tbe rami'
lies of the victims. The note adds that
Italy cannot and is oat oalled upon to
discuss American institutions, but she
mast urge upon the federal government
the obavrvstioo of the principals of in
teraatiMial law. Italy hopes that the
federal govern meet will appreciate too
obligatieos incumbent upon it as the
roveramsat of a civilized count rv o so
oede to Italy's just demands. If this
snottia not oe toe case toskiof S minis
ter most, ty order of hia government
declare that bs quits the post where
his legitimate art too aa a represent
tivn has proved inefficacious.
laveeUgatiag (he Cklaag Live Stark Zx
SrahroriBXD, April 3. Ths joint com
mittee investigating the Chicago live
stock stxhang resumid its hearings
yesterday. A. B. Gregory, a farmer and
Iis stock shipper from Green county,
said that to ths best of bis knowledge
the Asaerieen live stock commission
company is boycotted by ths Chicago
sxehaage by prohibiting members from
baying stock from that sompany. He
spoke on this subject at much leogth.
Hs denied that ths company had any
arrangements compelling them to ship
over the Alton road, bat said that last
year from July to Deosmbsr the com-
peay had 400 can lssssd from that road.
General Manager Titos of the Ameri
can live stock commission company
said, fa betaace: "There isa boyoott
ia Chicago, aat St Louis, Kansas City
and Omiha, ; Msmben of theexchaagee
an prohibited trot baying from any
aaattjasmbsri and the American eom-
paoywto through commission
i Km
m.-uocn, Ma, April 1 It is just
Isarnad that fourtesa of tba twenty
eol&evf imprisoned in the guard house
at JfSscnwa Barracks mad their es-
' aifht The guard boose
lahowtadoasa garrison
i(awaen bald far potty offst
alsTninirar nana, ths latter bs
iaf la snatoaVaa charges which would
ansva them ta the military priaoa for
' tsmafyaara, Thtgaard who was a
taw wet-it, bad several shots at tbe
Cafe mm, bat withoot atoppiag
Vna RftJap: ba Toh aoat
ewMaiew. CotMMtiaa. Jat
-Ontl -M Cmt Gte- AJwxy,
cttetJaa by a 7o
ctc3)C".iSteswyMatl. East
Report Says ConiuiiSMoner Qtiin
ton and Hi Entire Staff
Made Prisoners.
The V lea raj ku Aaaadaacd Hit
Tour af
lea la.
Calcctta, April 1 A dispatch from
Manipur, province of Assam, eayt
Jaoies W. Quinton, chief commissioner
of Asssm, has been mvestigsting some
troubles which occurred among ths na
tive chiefs, with a view to arresting one
of them who hss been instrumental in
deposing tbe raj h. Ths commissioner
occupied s camp garrisoned by a strong
force of goorkhs, native infantry
in the British service. Suddenly
this csmp was attacked by a number of
tue hostile tribe1. A tao-daye' battle,
during which desperate fighting took
place, was followed by an onslaught.
Ths coorkhas fouzht most de
terminedly against heavy odds, and ac
oord.'BS to tbe report 4i(-of them were
killed. Seven British officers who ac
companied tbe commission cannot be
News ot tbe massacre was brought to
Kohinia. on the Asssm frontier, bv two
goorkhss. It originated in a feud be
tweea ths rsjsh of Manipur snd a livina
Tribal chief. The rajah was deposed
and appealed to the viceroy Mr. Quin
ton was sent to settle the trouble and
starled from headquarters at Shi!oog,
eecorteu by the forty-second snd f rty
fourth goorklia light infantry. Aftei
cr jsei ig the frontier Qu nlon sum
monsd tbe chiefs to s durbar st Mani
pur for the purpose of arresting tbe re
bellious chief. The tribesmen, pret-nd
ing to obey the summons, mustered a
force, and at midnight on the diy be
lore the day on which the durbar wa
to be held, suddenly attacked the csmj
of commiamoner Quinton, which lay be
tween Kohima and Manipur. The at
tempt to surprise tbe ramp fai'.ed and
the tribesmen were driven back. Thsv
returned however, and kepi up ths at
ta.-k and siege night and dsy for forty
eight hours. Finally tbe amunivion of
ths goorkbas gave out and Commission
er Quinton was obliged to give the order,
"ssuve qui peuL" During the fight
scouts were sent out to try tocommuni
cats with Shilong, but never returned.
The Manipur natives cut the telegraph
wires and ki.led the messengers, fugi
tives report that a general massacre
followed the taking of thecamp. There
ia no reason for believing that the esti
mate that 470 were killed is incorrect
One account ot the affair reports that
Commissioner Quinton and his entire
taff were made prisoners. Another ac
count says that Colonel Skene, the com
mander, Commissioner Quinton with
his son and daughter, Captain Boileau
and sii of tbe officers were killed, tbs
natives refusing to give them quarter.
Tbe rebellious tribe is famous tor
cunning cruelty and bravery.
Immediately upon receivisg the news
of the disaster the viceroy at Simla sum
moned tbe council. T-vo native rai
ments stationed in Asssm have aheady
been dispatched tofanipur. The Tbi.d
Bengali infantry will atart for the scent
Tbe viceroy of India baa abandon I
his tear and started for Simla Five
regiments and a mountain battery have
bean ordered to Manipur.
MaWaaeea ta Eight Tears.
Ottawa. III., April L In the cele
brated case of "Jimmy" Carroll the su
pr. m i caurt rendered ao opinion affirm
ing the verdict of the Knox county
court, rendered in 1837. Carroll was
tried for burglarizing tba Farmers and
Mechanic's bank of Ganwburg during
the absence of all the employes exoept
Cashier tattle on July 3, 1877. Carroll
was esnteoced to eight years' imprison
Matin June, 1887, but hia lawyers
have since boon righting the case. Tbe
Oalssburg bank robbery was peculiarly
audacious work with a sequsl almost
uaparralleled in criminal history, the
participant, five in number, being
trailed by detectives for years, and,
though fighting desperately legally
aaa ovnsrwise none escaping priaoa
save William Burke, alia "Billy the
Kid," who ie believed to have
Kiiieo. Among me oioer roober were
John Larnwy, alias "Molly Matches,"
awl "Paddy" Gueren, brother of Eddy
Qneren, who ia now serving a long term
la a a French prison.
. IalM Treaties.
PaoTioasca, R I., April LA' letter
hat been received hare, dated Fin
Ridge, from Rsv. Fsthsr Craft, the Ia
diaa misaionary who prsdieted the ra
eaat Indian troublsa. Father Crafts
Utter pointed out that there was
sagit ot mora serious trouble unless
tlwlnatne ware pjaorf sadsc the ooa-
otaras shat the Jadiaas are baiag robWd
aad mtsuasd by poirtioisas anoer the
OCkial-'-lIow eoaM the people gat
wot tarn theater hi mm of fcar
Lmii nrhtyaaaMaton rtfhi at
ia aVatf ilmUm.", .: .,
, mmn aft a tmrn. . v
-Xejautthki all haUiaf eeuldal
fn woCI tsncU Mt.--Vww . Tart
i:iet Vum-
a a .1 ..11 mn.
Section I. That eigm nonr ""
slitute a Wal day's r.ork for all classes
,f mechanics, servants and laborers
throughout the state of Nebraska, ex
jept those engaged in farm or domes
tie labor.
Sec 2. Any offijer or officers, agfeoi
or agents of the sUte of Nebrainaor
and municipality therein who shall
.penly violate or otherwise evade Ue
provisions o: mis sc., ihu v
guilty of malfeasants in oftioe. and shall
be suspended or redoved accorJiogly
by ths governor or the head or lue ue
n.ri.Ant tn which such oflicer ia tt
Sec. 3. Any employer or oorpomtion
working their employes over ths time
tpecifWd in this act shall pay aa extra
compensation doubls the amount per
hour as paid for pr:.oue houra.
Sec 4. Any party or parties contrail
ing with the stste of Nebraska. r any
juuh corporation or private employer,
who shall fail to comply with, oi ret
ly evade the provisions hereof, by .act
ing, or requiring more hours of labor
for the compensation agreed to be paid
per day than is hsrein fixe! and pro"
vHed for, shall, on conviction therof,
be deemed guilty of a imsdemearjor, and
be punished by a fine of not lesi tbao
live hundred dollars (l".00) ror more
than one tbousacd dollars (ll.OK. i And
11 acts or parts ot acts inconalatenl
:th this act are hereby r 'pealeJ.
II i Itrvro'lad.
Srni:.cKiKLD, Ilu, April 4.-Tie
joint commi'.tee invesligr.ting the Ciii
cago live sto.k icbsuge resumed its
hearings. A. B. Gregory, a farmer and
live stcck shipper from Green county,
said that to the best of his knowledge
the American live stock comuiifsion
company is boycotted by the Chicago
exchange by prohibiting members from
buying stock of that company. He
spoke on tbe subject at munli length.
He denied that the company had any
arrangements compelling them to ship
over tbe Alton road, but aaid that last
year from July to December the com
pany had 400 cars leased fron that
General Manager Titus of the A meri
no live stock commission company
said, in substance: "There is a boycott
in Chicago, East St. Louis, Kancas City
and Omaha- Members ot tbe exchang
es sre prohibited from buying from any
except members and the American
company has to sell through commix
sion men."
Finally Arrang-rsl
Washington, April L President
Harrison's trip to the Pacific coast has
been tiually arranged and the route
marked out definitely. .. The departure
witl occur on the 14th (net. New Or
leans, which was originally in the "itin
erary circuit," has been omitted from
the schedule for reason satisfactory
to those having charge of the arrange
ments. Tbe trip to San Francisco is
expected to occupy ten days. Thence
the presidential party will pass north
ward, taking in Portland, Seattle, etc.,
and tho coming eastward the parly
will visit Salt Lake City, Denver, Oma
ha and other cities. It is understood
that the number of persons to accom
pany the official party will be limited io
ten, including the representatives ot
the Associated' pross and Press News
O Sena at th- Mlliila.
PrrrsBL BO, Pa, April 4. Ths govern
or has ordered tbe Tenth regiment to
the aid ot the sheriff of Westmoreland
county in quelling the trouble in the
oolte region. Tne eighteenth regiment
of this city has been ordered t hold
itself in readiness.
Governor Pattison summoned his
cabinet thia morninj to consider the
situation in too wesvern cose regions.
Telegrams were received from Sheriff
Clawsonand others at Westmoreland
county, telling ot ths riots and asking
for aid from the (militia at once. The
governor ordered tbe Tenth regiment to
proceed at once to Mount Pleasant, and
the Eightheenth regiment under arms
to await further orders.
Nat hi a(ta Do
Nr.w OnLEAHs, La, April 4.-There is
the greatest interest manifested here
in me news irom Washington with
respect to the recall ot Ba. on Fsvs, and
rurtber information ia eagerly looked
for. Governor Nichols is not concern
tog cimseu mncn about the coiuplua
- At.. l- ,
Mima urn hii arisen ana seems ta
think that there is nothing further for
him to aay or do at present.
The Kiacald C'aa.
Wasbikotoh. Apri t.-Taking ofevi
" nincaia case has clossd
and the closing arguments begun ye-
A veteran nf tha . .
amuieu ior g
horse doctor, but his practice showed
uwv mougu veteran- nary surgeon
r eua lie.
theater that vasoT
Whjr.thara wai no address on it
JShWIknor!!:W'.it'. ..
Tbe eetes tixsd for ths Nebraska state
fsir this year are September 4 to 11 in
clusive. Pi!iu iviuntv vats MJrMJout of the
atale rslitf, which th board has decided j
to take in seed.
Ths fsrmers allien se lodges ia Dsko j
la county Lavs comitenced proceeding
toward removing ths postmsster now in
Tbe Cjrtland creamery is now aa in
corporated instituoo with a capital stuck
of 11,0X10, and promises to do a good bus
iness tbs cosing aeason.
Gaorgs trashing, a farmer living near
Brornlee, Cherry ooucty, is wanted on
ths chargs of murdering his son. twelve
years of age. Dressing buried his ooy
one two weeks ago near Brownies. A
younge:;. during his father's absence
'.old done of the neighbors that his fath
er bsd killed his brother with a club
The body was exhumed and lbs boy's
head was found crushsd. It appears
that thev had some property taberi ed.
from relatives in Gsrmaoy an it is sup-(
poeed the father had killed him to se
cure the inhrritance. Dressing is a1
(Jermsn about five feet, tea inches high,
with sssdy beard and light complexion.
Captain Henry E. Catley, Sesond in
fantry, Fort Omaha, tried by court mar
tial on charges of malingericg sod re
fining to march out with his company
in tbe 'ace ot ths hostile Indiana s4
Pine Ridge, has been acquitted. Gen
eral has dispprovad tbe findings
and acquittal, it simply shows weal
th commanding general th'.nks ot it.
Captain Catley hai bn reinstated aad
has resumed command of coa.paoy C at
Fort Omaha. I', ia not likely that Ls
rill be recomended for retirement, fir
f4ajar HaftrulT, post surgeon, has stated
that he would not so reoomend him.
The proprietors of ths nsw butter fac
tory at Friend are establishing flftees
u-ream routes snd as many man and
teams will be placed on them early next
week. Farmers of '.his vi:iniiy ars that this is a paying institution
f r It em snd they wilt furnish ererj
sge ot cream possible.
Thomas Scbultins living six nulei
soulb of Wallace was found in the road
halt a mile south with hia leg broken,
ais horse having fa.lan in aucn a way as
to break his limb in two places. He
was brought to town and cared for.
J. R. Morehouse, a music dealer, was
arrested in Omaha at the inatanue of
b s former partner, C. E. MorrilL Mor
rill charges that Morehouse put into t as
partnership at its formation six pianos,
tie afterwards converted to his own use
the proceeds of the pianos. It oof
transpires that tbe pianos were own id
by Cbickering, Chsse A. Go. Moors
htuae u id jiil. He refuses to make
any statement other than a general it
The Right Reversed Thomas Iioia-
;um, bii liop ot Lincoto, baa completed
t ie purcbass ot tbe Judge Dundy man
sion in Falls City, together with n ns
acres of land. It ia hia intention to en-
arge and remoiel the house and put it
in readiness for opening a convent in
aepiemoer. me properly occupies a
uerutitul situation on a hill in ths rasV
orn part ot the city, and commands
... i . a . k. i ... .
wiuw view oi in ivsmana vausy. it is
considered aa excellent location for
such an institution.
W. C. Henduehut, keeper of a temper
ance hall at rlainview, baa been arrest-
ad chaigsd with keeping gambling de
Tbe farmers' alliance lodges in Dako
ta county bsvs commen-jsd proceeding
toward removing ths pontmaKU rs now
in office.
Thsprogrsa forth Crete Chautau
ntla auftiKlw ; H l. .
ur-1 aimer or .-ew rorlt will have
T-l ...
charge or tbs music
Dr. Porter of Kearney ta. been
awarded lrH4 for injuries received iu
getting off a Union Pacific trr in wbi h
did not stop atthedepo, platform
Two gueaU st a dance neav Pill,T got
into an altercation and fired shots at
sacho'her. Ths dancers did not allow
the di.turbancs to mar their plsssurs
Uams is very plentiful in tbs vicinity
of Ashland at prevent and -
from Omaha, Lincoln and jther places
srs meeting with fsir success.
W. B. Carey, assistsnt cashier of ths
Grand Island Banking company, baa re
signed and will laav. in , fw d-y f(jf
Salem, O , where he inleeds to enter a
similar position.
Two families from
-"as WUUtT,
Ihaaai ' al n.. '
mrougB rairbury r-
osntly on thsirnay l0 ths nrtbwo
pert of th. state, wher. th.y u lr,
(arming in Nebraska.
Mod E R. Fogg, y. bom the dsmocr.t,
od.ndepsodenuicf Bsatricehav. pr.
Bsatric. forth.
is known .obespr.,.!
uuaiuaaa man
John F. Nslsoa of O.kla.J .
Iiainftt! mmj .i . "Was
r " w serious frae,
mrs of th ban. betli .1.. .... ....
the Mkl-, last prid(. It ... .
jumping ov,r , f., ,Dd li,h.. " "7
TtSdurwia. ....,. .
weak uvil.ui .i .. . eai
'-; .'.a Pamfk d
Oaly Oaa Var aklp.
TA"aHi!t!TO.', April .T-Army and
aavy offioers talked a good deal about
the action of the govern meat They
did not apprehend war but neverthe
Ims the chance of an unfavorable tarn
in tbe aegotiatiooa which might lead t:
the uninvited appearance of the Italian
Sect in our harbora waa not lost aifht
Commodore Ramsey in charge of the
navigation bureau of tbe aavy, was
aeked this morbing what was the eon
duioe of our oaval defense. Said ha:
"How many battle ships do yon rnp
poes we bav? Just one, tba double
.urreled monitor Miantoaoamah, bow at
th New .'ork navy yard, aad abe la not
eompleUi. However, by praaaiBsT toe
ward, v.e might finish her ia a moath.
vYe srs buil ling two battle ships, but
mscy months will be required in which
to complete them and many mora to
aria and plate '.hem with armor. It ia
idle to talk of building a navy in a few
months Oar new cruiser hi bout a doa
eo in number, would be of service aad
would be fought for all tbey are worth,
but I hey were never intended to stead
before armored batt'. ships, or anything
else th in such unsrmored veassla as
their owe clsas. ThT would, however,
be useful to destroy lines of water com
munication by which foreien naval
forces on ou- coist must leoeivs their
ooal an J supplies."
In conclusion Commodore Rimsay
md he did not feel that New York was
n imminent danger, even in the event
or war.
A Jjutsal Gsaeral Keltun of the Unit
ed Stale army eceuted the idea of war
ensuing from yesterday's events. He
did not hesitate to tay that New York
would be sf in any event. A hostile
fleft could not lie wilhta twenty mile
uf New York, and as for the land force
of tbs United States, the general was
confident that I hey could be depended
on to prevent any hoUile army or naval
force from setting foot on American
Tba Uafoaaaat la iKa aiaoaU Tilalra la
Wasiu.ioto, Apr 1 3. Th defend
ant is the Kiocatd trial waa ut upon
tbe stsad yeaterdty. He teatilied to
the repeated ioault heaped upoa him
and to the threat made against hi life
by Tsui be. lis said hs Bred the shot
becauas he believed it waa Taalbcee
life or hia Kiuceid testified that fn
December, U1, doea to tbe shooting
Tauloee never neglsoted an opportunity
to aaaault witness and to follow him up.
Taulbea whenever he met him used to
push him roughly sad persecute him
ia a small way. A number of persona
communicated Taulsee's threats to wit
ness, aad after that hs did everything
ha could te avoid Taulbe. O th
morning of I h dsy of tbs shooting Taul
be seized him by ths shoulder, used
him roughly, wrenobsd his esr, spplied
most offsusir languag to him, and
puahiag him away told him to go and
hang himself. Kiactid after this put
into hia pockst a revolver which he had
bought after a previous assaalt. When
he waa coming down the stairs to lunch
ia thscapitolhesswTaiilbeeand anoth
er maa oa tbe stairs. Taulbe cam
toward me with his right hand ia his
pocket. I eaid: 'You ars going to kill
me are you?' I retreated t i tna nlat.
form and aaid, -Stand back, ataod -eck,'
drawing my revolvur. - As he came oa
the upper step I fired." Witness had
no expectation of nesting Taulbje on
the auiTs, but when hs did be thought
ii wss aeam to one or the other. Tau
oses nsnd waa in his pkst and he
came at witness with a rush.
mx f Caatl..a.r PraMat.
miCAOD, April 3.-Tbe national
world's fsir commission assembled here
yesterday afternoon, about aixty com
missionsrs being present Little waa
done at this session beyond the heariag
of reports from committees, board of
control etc. A letter hss been receive I
at hsadqaruters from Secretary Blaine
conveying ad rice from our minister to
Japan to tbe effect that th lower bouse
of tbs Japanese parliament has paaaed
a bill appropriating 1500,000 for the gov
ernmsnt exhibit at the world's fair. mtA
ths bill is now in tbe hands of thshou
or peer.
v . 1
aaruays mortuary record inaiaa.1
of showing a decrease from the dsy be-
.ureaciumiy exceeded it, there being
against it, ths dsy before.
mim; proiesi was mad by See
r-iary wzens of tba board of ladr man
gers against theeoncsntraiina ...
montym ths bands of th .-uti
.-wm -aa.
eommittee. of which Mrs. Potter,M
..r.n. i h. protest waa laid over.
Io th abesnos of President Palmw
-u v. rw vioerreeident Walters, See
. nw lasting.
New l.fti.i
""T' April "L-Tk- P'-tlwt
Mond.y.,4. th. foj0f .ft
-nU. Thomas B. Cjrter, of Moataaa!
commisaiosar of th. seoar.l J-T?
, JtBtB Comptoa
raarswitm Caktl. U-
.fll: ' "eyw
' m a alt IB. mm met mm.
v'jwry term at raU
VweMnV 9tf Ms
In th.m.ft,,,,, "--
i") t Ten kaaa ik.t i . .
I.. tm wicaaa.
TBU eae, wa ran UU tha naanls ml
a I I k lll'rna
.arii S
Pirri sap. J
batMe occurred lJ
a o dock. I
Pive hundred tJ
rorka tl.. ii . A '
ana began I
When ordered t
iL. .1. . .V-iv
weuepuiy Mierili
Th. la ter repiiSf
evaa riotera iats
lee euarcta Ri , ,
mi ri'Hrs retiaau, 1,5"
:j .i -f .
telephone w.raa.
Moi mt Pi.iAaif f ' .
SThuradaya, '
hundred men W 1
n W f V
Standard worki V .'
of the company's p', j
telegraph lins eftv .
that no camiogcoj, -i
people at M oreo('
the party usarebel ; i
the meanwhile U.s,J; '
repaired and word wl
wood that theatri ,
work in three (tUaa
laid plan todeatrw''
The deputy afcr j,
ens io rei-eive itss
receive th
into ttirea I
lisving ttj
Laurer In
pleoad bet ind th!,j
and stable encWrt I
As the rioters peai
store I hey raised it si
to the barn anl i
down the gat. Tf
doing this and as D
Lauer called outig i
would Are upon lie
was to fir. a rsttlitt .
rectioo of th dep'itsj,
wra seriously iDjan.
Captain Lur tU;.
fire. Two volleys v;?
mob broke and :m
dead in the road talJ
estimate I as .-LV"
Ths deputies whs,, 1 ?
riot were atparietcs?
teeth. LsstnightS,
srd told them a rmi.' r -t
on th. works, sndps
witl. a Winchester
"l have promtsidv
to our mag auu I aif
"When the rsideneej
the first shot id to lint ,
ers do not retreat, bi
keep on firing rtik yt
tion. I'ro'ect ui cmisj
protect the meo at .
own lives. Theauasjr u
run I will shoot (kJ&J
maa who ie not sautiWi
term will pleaie infz i
I win seou niui iiwa
... i . i
"Is every Ixxiy silnat
"Yes; ysa raogoatti
Each man waaiupM
jartridgaa, and umisrsf
superintendent ntrdafi
All night long tbs St"
sring for tbe raid ll
d by a drum corptsa
to the place of rsoir
atonal pistol shot cotkl
diaUoce. No avi
flashed into ths air, a
joining hill top a iax
be seen. There sen!
striken. One cams
another from Morrtwi
from the mines in la
Tbey were noisy,
beating drums as ths
three parties met asJ
a march oa ths work
strikars aay today U
ten tion of doing soy
simply marched to t
date those at wotIt.
Tbe dead wers tbs
into the oompsoy'satav
Tl.e strikers demaoiW
tba victim, but
plaoe is now aurrouini"
mob of over two thoi
they will burn everyti
is unlsss tbs dead
Tbe feeling bsre is "4
tbe worgmen, wno
Ik. Amtttim in DO
WiLmwt5, Dm 1
aaarriSM of Count B.
xd Misa Ellen BsyviM
tank nl Thursday 1
' Miabo C.
Protestant Epieoop"1
Tt AfMaat and eoOSts
o ta their new hosw'
tratt. .No bridal ww
H4 Walar t
A toirel folded f
ralfUl will rnerfJ
lief. This trealww "
Iflte Magic. There
rosBpUycuU short j
hat water, when Hi" r