I c jnty Journal. yam paper. v. newly ojiened mine at ?evv.ak', rvnd the r;l is liein jiisluwi on to Helena, Montana. Tlie Pa-ihV Short liiw m survey il in-rov (he M.iillrf in part of tl? ountv, Htl-I tins iu.itiajieiii'iijt inform - '! -at lx-fiMV thtf ! ff iiii-ither m-:isoii il ill liavs it lin? in ujK'rjtioii in-vouj II v.vit Imf of X;hi-.--k:. '11- Mirvv of ll'r.re, lie P:u-ilic KIk.i-i Line liiiit the ifa i will i.-ive over a inih-f. oi lr;:k in "titer. MIS OlilltV. il. uL .!. -i .-lirif i-uui.UiK f : oin Alliifhit, 'l:u tl.- jiii't s i .i.ii .'. -k--U: i tint it will lie iiuiit. lust a tlie Amount f tin j hit of infofMUoa aml.h-J 1 il. a !ii i iv j. i 1 i,j ,.i S ) iii.i ,' is ! )i kti i a :i. it is ii : litird l i.i the ;tlv rra Si"-, t'KrMi 01 ut ma, bowing iio FMeou. Car Ml a t:tt ii el 1 . MHM V.'lf.n j on Ui!:e r.'. j ti:s!iI ration ti e fact t!s.t bioux tounty lias ;tt ;re;;t mtlK'jul mika; e anil U;s NO RAILROAD BONDS irt just what you jit iiie tiUei-ior to r I art. Nil! HOMES a large amount of GOVERNMENT LAND open to entrj in LA" e m I, ! 'r ''fc,V,M'Yrl!li outstanding, and in fact, no county bond of any kind have ever been issued by Sioux county, you cannot but see that it is far better oil than those counties that ave a large amount of bonds for a few miles of railroad. Tiie accompanying iui;i- .vi!l givo the reader a good idea of the railroad ad. vantages iiossessed by fcioux county. The soil is of such a nature So eminently fit it for agriculture. Ezjieninents iudicate that it will soon be one of the most prolitahle sugar beet producing dis trict in the world, and other CiO will not be. far behind. There are a great number of small streams distributed throughout the county furnishing excellent opportunities for stock raising and still are not large enough to cause a heavy public exjense for bridges. The settler can go to the sawmills in Sioux county and buy Native Pine Lumber for less than half what the same grada of material would cost live hundred miles east of here. Good building stone can b easily obtained from various parts of tht comity; on excellent quality of hricic !i ivi tiw:i ni i-l-i .i few miles from tin seat; the quality of the water is the vert best and the chimite is line. Harrison is the county seat and the only railroad town in the county, al hough new towns are being laid out at different points. The is a fine brick court house which cost $10,001, and representatives f almost ;iii lines of business. There is no railroad land in Sioux county, it is either government land subject to entry; school land subject to lease or purchase, or laud that has been taken up by settlers. INCOME WEST, SEE AND SETTLE. M;p of the Elkho n Syst.m. County Nebraska. 'is in t!i irii.'i'.vesl !!; of I'll givat, st-ite of Nef.riska, ;;nd I neast an I wjsL liv sr-.'Mtv iiiU m ;i n-fi a-i I .south. 1 c.iiipri 'Iling t ih! ) I in 1 an I v vticihl : tiuiber I in I. i'n.i comity contain j'land. S imething near one-liiirl of th's ar -.i Iris b-.-n tiled on b JUniltr of wliom havi-in rle :jnal proof an! bf.ve iLninl faim 'till open to sottlemei.t. '( curse thifre is a portion of tic for farming purposes, part being timber land and is Ihen jfotlHr tracts, too rough for cultivation, produce the ino-tt nutn 'id are excellent for stock raising purposes. hu :i i a lv mt vji w!ii Vi u t'i -r (i irtiiiii of Nulir.iska possi-ssci r J)stsand House Logs are FREE! t i - if Uikjs it possible for a man to improve a piece of laud with r ? mi '.0 n !i ) : ii 1 1 1 ) J 1 1 i i i ot'ier parts ol tue state. 85 Miles of Railroad. l i ' ft. 4.1. M r a if if unll.ui.1 finiaiftlHfr if. from aittV 1UW IH mitln line or wio r. o. . " - o -Ct4& Ctfrtniotitig With Uw Cheyenne Sk Northern, thun making a line jrtOttWl to l)ner nd tlW Ittciflo count, and ftlw connect thm lol-Y-Wlit Hia jnA tuifOM th lirt Wyoming. Thi road hw 1 niile A e0Mm UM ttofUiettrt Hrt of Um coiinlj hrnl ban 1 mllen of JU 3t bonkN of rVHx counl. Thi ro4d hring Awb Un ool from Uic HEW REPEATERS RU MARL t'ODEL 1889. bra ifccu i-!' N-SAFETY S ( SIDE JJ ) EJECTING. JpsT SOLID TOP. Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridgot. Send tor free descriptive price-Hat of lUpeatlnR Blfle, JJOUIIiaACHUl WfuwW via.., WW uv MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. iLTMAtrc HUME SI8HTS Ar Unequalled bc-ih fc Hunting end Targsi Shooting. .-it "IDEAL" RELOADING TOOLS ForRif'as, PistglsShot Guns. RELOAD VOUa SHELLS . A FREE, I ILIJ&THATEO (S'" Bp CATAt.OC.UE ai V jjji -i:r:.i;n a VALVA3L.R uitbucti-;:p imt !,, ,". ' :'; ..; row ovsn mxi eii.'.'s.v Wa Aim fli iitlri'lym'. .lGf Vilh'i B'T nnl in their !lllR H f."i.'-,li.TPWili-)'liv.Aiiy 1 V 'J T iX V ' . ..ti lt ' i k. i:ny to learn. t t ) irr vk and upward, r. Vn ran fiirtiHL VOU tht tDl- ..i tf. n . . " n aimrr Uj Kllttllin hf. Kail lu(miia mum. TltUtJ ., AltliWi. ill. rl. , $3000: A YKAKI I iindcmitc to brirfl Ivacli any tairly inlrllliri-iif piTmi of fill lnT kpi, t ho 4 n nn4 and u He, and h Ik. altr tintrutlion,ill work liiilimirlokit, , 'lifiwlo rani Thrtf TfcotMand IhiMarn a TMrrnfkcirowti loralliiaa.whrrrTrrtbttjr lv. wtil nlwftirniih thm HaallMnor-Mloyiiirntt whirh yu ran nrn llial mount. No monrtr fr mnmilr aurrraafiil abotr. Kanlly aii'l quirk ly Narnfxf. I dfrv Imt worker from mch llirl-t oruuty. f bava already tanrlit and irovMd with rniloynirnt a turun aTaatM,whnarinaklff orcr WMM a iiamcli. It's K I'W nd nWlJlKFtiUMrltoulanFatEKt Adfln u at onrc. .mipr Httl r,rtimM V rl. h.r liv Anna I'nffc l Hii'l ,hin. 'h.lrfloj Onto. i-nt. H(-ranMl.llr yj1' ,4 ,-. Min .vt r a .utl. V. mii ik. t tin work and IW 'ii li.rtna. thcn viir full ar. Kvcfl hr iailtcn arv aaallv anilnar tfrtn I ( lUt tiny. All an'. WmIhpW job how and aitairt yon. Can wnrh tn MMtru thwa w all tli- itme. IHf ninni'v Af work it. I nt hi ro unkiifm n nmnilir Ib'an, iaaa-" NKW ainl wafWTatfil. I'ittciri fri. aHtlUfc llMafrtfM9MM 1 wT.V H Ja.l ff ! iisifie! issSi III: erf V ? o " !S HHP f 3 .r 3 I l! Ujllliii i jaiJsMilliJM'KS'll'I'i HI W3 IfXfeswWy I .a Wilb Half good fliTibRrcnrl a si Pi ; a m .. , o.- .o tisat, Cuohica and BbuftB MV the OoiebratSKnona. kin, HOLDERS. Host Pebfcct Dictionary holoeb. and Adjustable Tables. roll C ATA LOCl'E. Ft. M. LAMBIE, 9 E. 1 fith St., N. Y. sa rsws fisa Are Btrlctlv flrst-dass in every detail, possess an absolntcly perfect repeating action and handsome cases. Fully war ranted. ed. Tj m Are tbe belt in the world, tad have led all otben for yean. Over 210,000 ia Duo. The people are bound to have the best, and will have none but tbe ESTEY. Tine payments or eash, as customers prefer. Call and seo ns, or Bend for Catalogues and fall information. 1v Sto a 1 mm iv an ns tr-M mm 233 siats street, untcago. KTQt. Louie Hoi.i&.e, GIO h. Q18 Olivw Gt ?,!m.i.ia Toper. .V 3SF- I1 ir 8 '1 . i.' .