Count Journal 1 HE IHZjIRISOIsr, InTEB., MABCH 26, 1891. 23. Y tv f i ! r f SiOUX COUNTY o I )rs. Minor ana rrourlrtor. DMC ! Bf V a i irony, ro IUGHT AND SOLD by (lie (a Security Co., IARRISON, NER Inroriiuralcd. Capital JAJ'HAL ",0,000. 00 0,000.00 I Officers : iTWEMAIt, President. Ukklacii, Vice-President. Jisf, ewrotitry. f E. Vkritv.'I reaMin-r. J II. T. Comet, Attorney. Hvo on our lists over thirty 3B FARMS in thin county we can soli on LONG IE mul EASY PAY U JlENTS. (-wishing to buy or will hhould jetary. Iit und sold on commission. Jtlars descrip .jDf the county ye had on ap- ,tion, for dis- jtion, $P0NDKS'CK SOLICITS US, IBKAPKA MXTKR'Y Ltfc I Harrison, Nebraska. , - I I M. V It. h. Time fisbl-. Vent. (joIuk Kiott. 1, 10:15 No. C2, mixed 4:27 i Ullage election occurs one week Tuesday. Wl wood wanted .on sulwcrip- j ) Saturday Mrs. G. If. Tin j reeeived a letter from Texas inforn ,.r I. .. .1. .. ... . r i . j "w " w twain u.'-r r, ;;s me r j wilt of an attack of im-ml. s. The news was a great uli'H-k to Jlrs. Turner as the deceased had always U-en bust person. m last Mimlay night snow liegiin to r..n .,.,.1 ; ... I . , ........... n . uuuihi.-u to iuii ti'iiil some f :. n . i . i . .... jut-Miiiy nigm. 1 lie wind blew 1,1 I f . .1 . . 4 1J.1.1.J n.ini in, in ; i;.,; ,t ilui'lli" ! the entire storm, but il did o,, v.-i-v '- H r.-e-l (mated th;it not less titan eight iu. !.es of snow fell on (lie 1 At me last term of the district court the tition of L. O. Hull in his suit for damages against the county -omiiiis.sioi)ers was kiio I:c(J out and the plaintilt Was given 30 days in which to file an amended petition. The time h; "i" iitw papers nave Km tiled in the case nnd the probabilities ore that it is practically ended. Who has a better proK.sitiou for tent artesian well than that made by Mr. '? ..1, J' ins proposition is us good as can be secured the next tiling in order ''.i" raise cnougn to 1 a v lor tlie live hundred fev t after the first three hundred feet for w hich Mr. Zerlio agrees to pay t ii , ..." iu v one no win put up a dollar or more toward a test well should let it be known. All information iu that line should 1 Kiven to Jnd;.;e Jiarla.r. liie (.tier made by the state board ol agriculture iu regard to suar Ix et seei. mioui'.i oe uiuen auvaniao ol try eviry lariuer who is so suuateu Hint lie can projx'ny plant, cullivale and harvest iiarter of an acre of beets. The fact of sm o ru n oeen having ix-en yrown in u:. ..... i.. :.. nnd ; i . .1 . . , .jiwu.V iiiuiuy ill l-HW llllin aies uiai UllS comity h.ijan excellent show to win the premiums ollei'ed, and to capture some, or aU of theutwouM be thu highest ml vertisetuent Hioux county could have. the committee who are looking af ter the sugftr beet interests of this localily received a small quantity of beet seed from the agricultural depart ment at ashington last week and has liec n distributed in sifiall lots among the farmers who applied for it. It, is urged upon all who ait in wiuar b,.ets that in-.y measure me ground and Keep a ret ort! of thu date of planting and the culti vation given the plants and also of the kind of soil, date of harvesting, yield, etc., so that a record can bo made for future reference as a basis from which to figure what the cost and profit of beet raising in Sioux county will lie. The committee are expecting to hear from Germany in a short time and it is also I expected to soon liud out whore beet seed iu quantity can be secuitd, and as soon as that is the case the committee will likely be able to make a report. The fact that Sioux county raised the richest sugar litets in 100 that have ever been testett is attracting a good deal of attention and the indications are that this will in a few years be one of the best sugar producing districts in the country. Statistics show that well-to-do people pay more for wigar every year than they do for flour, y. c. t. Urs. T. r U. will meet at the O. Williams on next informed that J. II. Cook 0 oiitti last week. This in the )g reported thus far. D 10,000 pounds of butter leu eggs, at Turners. Highest jce paid. Situation as cook on a jklress Mrs. M. Spencer, first j of Ranch Supply House, liar- 27th is "Good Friday'' mtl ISales will hold Episcopal scr- c liurch in Harrison oti that I are out announcing ttio crvr,- Sng of Mr. and Mrs. W. B rhicli will occur on April 1, er Shnfer is preparing to erect jll on liis farm north wtsl of )t will not bo long until wiud- be seen on almost every cjunr n. 8. Ct D. Bietl sends word from jt she lias lieen engngetl in lcli ttrk there and will be home (he !ho week, and hopta to uleet all I school otl Sunday. I work of investigating the coun d is f?oiti on but nothing w ill rn of the result until it is com Wl the report iiled, und then it Siade public. 'iftt is the committee apoihtetl to )ut the orgnniitlt)ti of a county iural HOtiety doing? It is getting 'in t!6 mat ter wax put in shape, known tl at a county fair is going ild the farmers Will prepare to 'and it will also greatly assist in lip M exhibit for the state fair, d the committee will soon be t call a meeting for the purpose iicinyi i Sugar S'cet Kocil. The state board of agriculture has taken tho experimental business in hand and are going to work in a manner which will enable them to know within tlie next year just what can bo done in all purls of the state. Bulletin No. 2 has been issued on the subject of sugar beets and shows the following proposi tions: Nine premiums ranging from 00 to $10 for the best one-(uarter of one acre of sugar beets grown ir. Nebraska in tho year ltilll. Tho Oxnard Company dupli cates the offer, so Unit the cash pre miums u'l'ered are well worth oompotti'g for. 'i'hesbtte board ol' agriculture will fur nish lour pounds of heel sited t. each pei-M.u who will sign a receipt therefor and an agreement to plant,; and harvest the beets piojierly und iilno to measure the ground, anil make a record ! of the date of planting, etc., for which blanks will be f urnUhed, and in edditiou lo that thu iiersor.s receiving the seed are to sek-ct, pack and ship, preoaid, lo the director of the U. H. e.Yperimeiit, sta tion nt Tiiucohi, (I betdsand piil 12 b ets on exhibition at the stale fair at Lincoln m Scplemlrf-ri thl. who will agree to the above can secure the four pounds of serd at u cost of 2o cent?! nnd the expense of tiiiiisportulioii. It hits been suggested that a numlier club to1 getber and have the seed Kent by fi eight awl thus sure expense. Thu commilhe Dh sugar heet factory have sent for il supply of blanks mid receipts mid will get the feed iwre fit a cost of not to ex- wsd 3.S cents to eiu h person, providing twenty-live or more applications are made so that they tan be sent in ut once. For further pni ticularsj blanks) ctcj full ut Tim Jout.VAi. otlice. TEKSONAL. V.. (bites was up from WhiteiUiver to H tv rings a busineSi call t on .-vitM-oav. bin -rin l!'-itly iient Saturday evening. V. A. Eltlow made at this ollice on Monday MUs Iiura Shafer left last evening for a vi.sit to relatives at Ru:-hvilkj. John t'orbin calltd on Saturday and added h:. name to our list of reader. E. S..lterite and Geo. Walker re turned Fritlay from their trip to Omaha. C. F. Carlton and family arrived on Monday ttr visit relatives for a few days. Hon. W. W. Wood, of Rushville, was in Harrison on ness. Sntimlav on legal busi- the cash oa Mon antl the .Omaha 4 Satur hst of and The day for Tin; Juukal Ik-. t liarles Cammenzinil called da v alid ailtli d his name lo our readers. Lewis I'fost calltd on Satli-day enrolled himself as a suliscrilI r to Jtll'BXAL. James Bourrette sturtetl for Montana Saturday, where he expects to spend the summer. I 't only Siierilf Decker was in town on Friday and called at this ollice and j;ave us some cash on subscription. S. M. Thomas was iu from Indian creek Saturday and culled and added bis name to the list of rentiers of THE Joi'K NAL. School Itejioi'l. Summary and term report of Harrison school, district No. 7, Sioux county, Nebraska: I'RIM.UiY PLITAHTMENT. Number of pupils enrolled, 4:3. Total numlier of days all pupils at tended, 2,:!0O. Average daily attendance, 29. Term commenced Nov. 10, 1800 and ended March 0, 181)1. Numlier of months taught, 4. Numlier of days taught, 78. Names of scholars neither absent nor tartly during term, Annie SivtterUe, Min nie Lunsfiird and Pearl LunhforJ. Mrs. Ida H. Oi.iwikh, Teacher. (fat Creek Items, has seed oats and wheat for Who sale? Mrs. Daniels has been on the sick list for several davs, Miss. Pansy Doan has returned from her visit in the east. J. M. Daniels has managed to get his wagon home from Soldier creek, where il had becli ever since the first big snow. Mrs. Andrews has her house nearly completed. C. II. Kedd contemplates building a bran new house out ol some oltl ones on his homestead. Who is the luckv miss? We hear some talk ol planting po tatoes. There is a rumor of a railroad bein mult llirougli the valley, passing near Five Points. All hope it will be built. A coy who had run away lrom home was overtaken at i). K, Gilbert's a few davs ago. It is foolish for bovs to desert their home and go among strangers. Old Stick Th;ht. Host Lino to tlie Eusi. The Burlington Route P. &. M. 11. R. is running elegantly equipped passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Cra wford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection nt that point with their own through trains for l.enver, Cheyenne, and all points west, mid for Kansas C ity, St. Fosojih, St. Loui.-1, Omaha, Peoria; Chi cago, ana all pnms easi. nemondie:' this is the only lino by which vou can take -.deeping ear from .'r.uvford iu the evening arriving in Lin coln nnd Onmha the next, afternoon, and n Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fall owing morning. For further information and ficketinp .!v to nearest agent of Burlington it. ,u w n. & u. K. it. iBiilullniiib, DEALtn H WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Lumber, Lime, Coal, ALSO acem: rCR v;;k Mais rfo pumps The Bee Reduced in Price. The price of the Ay cr's Cherry Pectoral Is Adapted lo every age nod lo (-ilhcr sex. fjeing vcrr palatable, the youngest children take it readily: SitcrbfuSiilc l!y virtue of tin order of soln dlrecied to Ilie Hoiil Lht (Il.-irse'l. conn oi .oa ruiuiiy, X 1,,'atku, on a jiidKiiicut teatlered In wild couit on tlie ITHi tiny !' I'ebr.Mi y, IMd, In favor of I.. Vi a Wiitson m plniatill', mul inlnil J lliiief Mcr'nrllns mul K. s, Oi msliy', msffH, ni ilcfttartftitts, for tlie mini of VH.87, nnd -tt4lxe1 nt fl'.'JH mid mirmli.ft eontxf I Imve hivlinl uiioii tlie I'ollnwinK real clntu taken as the prop'-i ty of m1 tii'lenduiit, Kliimr Mtd'.riinK, t.;c II : I.otcS and 4 mid tlie H "f n H "f si'otloii t, In h) inlill 30 i, rantte M ', of tlie e'.h p. m., hi Monx oiinty, Nehru -'K'l, J-iiliJcet to (lie (list rnortfcuKC of s '-''m t hyi ti-nsi,- e lor i2H) nnd scenic .1 i.ittel-,.v.!il w ill elf- r tlie for unit) Kiil,.!-et to me llvt iiiortif.ijtfi of K. H. OriiHliy, tni-dee, to the bolder forcaxli hi li. out, mi tlio 20 1 i) tluy of April, A. 1, I.'i'jl, nt ti-.e iroiit toor of the court house of milil county, :,l IliiirU'ia, tliut Ijehiir the bulldliiK wherein the !u-d term of court, was held, lit the hour of one o'clock, p. in., of mild rty, when mi l dim HH nihiiico will l (riven hy the lisdi rslKtieil. Pitt''1 ili vtii 'l,y nf Mio'eit, lsri: . Us-81) Tkok. IlKIDfj , hheriff of Miid futility; Omaha Weekly Bee has lieen reduced to Now is tiia time to subscribe best newspaper in the west. for tlie Send in your orders early to THE BEE PUBLISHING CO. Omaha, Neb. Toledo Weekly 1891. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. lade. Tlio uio-.t pP"'5 Weekly Nnv4p:;ptr Jn the i'nitu.l Matc.s the l.-irt ciiynhitJon, : oniy strictly Weekly N(w.-:i.iii'r th .1 ever Miiceewleil hi f!jt:tinl;ij; ciiil holtiiii? year i'l'l t'r, h clrulaliu.i in i vei y ;4 ;te inil iiTTltory (niid nearly every eciin1y) (f the Un lte1 st,:t AU th huvm, better dep ;rt metil.., liud niore Hist- e!:s miteft uniii! iiiMtrilctHi; reiidiny; Ihon iu hny other Joi p!ip(-r piililfsht'il. CAR OF FLOUR, j all' grades which wiil ho siW at lowest living pricen, BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Shoes. Good Quality, 1.2.") a jiair. Ladies' Shoes, WAl:KANTE only tl.T'i a pair. Mens' felt Boots i;5 cents a pair, aiel others oouullv cher.ri Felt Boots r,n ceiit.s ( HE A PEST ON EARTH: Ootid Grade of Prints, ? cents a yard. Overshoes tt cents to M a pair. Bargains in Dry Goods and Clothing. Call and be Convinced. Groceries Fresh ' and Prices Low. ESTFKES1I and SALT MEATS always on hand. Geo. H. Turner. JUST RECEIVED, Always on WE BEAT CRAWFORD PRICES! Barrel and Rock Bait for Cattle. Come iu and see our new lot or TEAS in FANCY BASKETS, only CO cents a pound. A New Stock of HATS for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN, just arrived, RELIABLE GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES. HANCII Til ALE SOLICITED, MacLachlan & Cook, Props, Sole Western Importers the, year, l.y Oliver 'v series oi AN.NOCNCKMKNTS. HeV I'ly to coaiii.ence. o! written e.'iiecially for the ill-uii Optic. "Jtoaey M.iIot Kerien." Kpetdal nrta-les on "Side Issues," written for the Hindi-, tllsulo t'lilnn Tea Sets ami Dinner Sets (five n to el"l) r ,i-ers. Kcml lor spi ci iitc'ii i,yipy of tint Vi'tt!y lliade and re.ol our tntereytfnu nuiioiiiieeaienlH for th1' et)!i)iii? year. Sl'ECl.MK.VS. A Hpcrlinun copy v. IU lvo you a bet ter idea of the Weekly lShitle than liny tle- serlptiou we bun give hi mi udvertlseineiit. Wn Ihtrefore invito evt-ryliody to write iih lor u iiieeimeii, wliteti we wlli ciieeriiilly mail joa l'wn; mid at the mime thr.e in. ill n.t t 1 it-tr of of your friend-! and tielnhljivs, and w-rf will also mail lhe.ii s)ccl men; uivni.K.s'TiAi.To .V'.iii.-;i,'. Anyho'ly e.-.ii earn ton tlellnrs very .ule.! ly by riilMmf ( lnlw for Jim lil.nle. We nt-e now payliiR tlie higlie.-jt nnsoiuil, for elulw ever nirprud hy any newp.ijier. Wn Want UKi'iils everywhere. 'Write us lor cnnildeu tlul terms to nifimts: Address, THE ULALE, Toledo O. iOEJ7T3 WASTE) I7XS7WBIS& rf T niaijCTT I ri 1 i t i IV. . i- ' CYCLES, For cr Ladles, With Solid or Cushion Tires, from $85.00 to 8145; The latest and best product of Hie World's Best Cvcie ilaikiers. LIGHT, STRONG, EASY RUNJ NINO, SWIFT. Used hy hard riders fill over liio world. Wo also carry n full lire of American CyclcS from IS2O.0O to Slq-G. EASY PAYMENTS WITH NO EXTRA CHARGE. BARGAINS IN JOO LOTS. ALL MAKES CxLd. HAND AT LOWEST POSOeS our superior Inducements brlngr u9 orders from every State and Territory and large city In the United States and Canada. If you want onn or on hundred cycles we can do vou (rood and save vou money, Catalogue! Seoond Hand and Bargain List Free. Largest Stock In tlie Onited States. ROUSE, HAZARD & CO., 144 G Street, Peoria, III. L. E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers ltepnirliiR dono on short notice. Good work nnd reasonable chiirgen. (Shop ,.onth of livery barn'. tIAliWKON, . . Wells Drilled! I hit ve a pood well drilling nniehino und n in ready to drill any t,ized wi ll on short notiee. TorniM Rood nliti priees low. Postollleo; HnrfiHiiu: ts s. Scorr, -gmawKICTwT. rwwowwuwi wi-;r?rtJFrvy wacjami- Bsft alKljLVia,ftHTttKtii. ri T VI Tltl I ...OHIO-.--. 1 tl i (lr .1 if t i. i f ; H if i : V : if . i j-' It -.l