lb Sioux County Journal. orncuL cocstt fapih. 13.00 Subscription . Price, KitMmd at the Harrison post office aa aee ead claw matter. Editor. Thcbsday, Mabth 5, 1891. 1 . II ' ' bu'nng s&lhe controversy which Las Men going on-in Sioux county in relic tion to the acts of former officials tlie Herald has claimed tnat all was straight and it was simply a misrepresentation to state anything to the contrary. The fact that an examination is about to be made; by which all will be brought face U face with the facts,' causes them to change their tune, and as a prelude the editor of that paper takes occasion to Ulk of a number of things. The Herald states that "Every pretext possible is used to' malign some one, ofttimes by sneaking insinuations and always by mis representation and distortion." ' He calls attention to the fact that this paper pub lished some bills presented in 1S88 by the Herald Publishing Company','- and' de clares that neither of the present propri etors ' of the herald had acy interest in the paper then. While in Omaha prior to locating in Sioux county, the editor of THK JocxnaL was informed by a person Who was in a position to know, that the Herald and the Republican published at Harrison were both owned by the'same person and.the name of that person was Satterlee. We have been informed by a reputable individual that within the past few weeks the Herald outfit was offered to a party for 400. In tbe'office of the county clerk is recorded achattelj mort gage on the Herald officefor 300 in fav or of Ed. D. Satterlee. Now; there are two members of the firm, and by sub tracting the amount of the claim of Sat terlee from the price asked for the outfit the financial interest of the editor of the Herald can be determined. We grant that the individuals whose names appear at the head of the columns of the Herald did not have any interest in the paper in 1888, but we claim;that"the cir cumstances go to show", that the same party who did have it at that time has a controliog interest in it today, and that no more regard Is' entertained by- the out fit for tfce welfare of Siousr county in J8l tbaft-tBsre was in 1888. Again in order to' show the immense interest the Herald has fft the county, we will state that the records of the county treasurers office do not'show that one cent of taxes has ever been paid by t1i Herald Publishing Company, D. P. Davis, W. H. Davis or C. F. Slingerland. The talk of early days and the hardships thereof, the struggles made by the pion eers and all such stuff falls decidedly flat when it is considered that the outfit has taken hundrds of dollars out of the treas ury and yet never contributed one cent towards the paying of the county expens- change of heart, but during court week one of Ukj would-be cattle barons called at the office and informed the editor of the Ili-ralil that lie had beu too quiet of late, and must stir tilings up, and tlie is sue of Feb. 2th shows what effect the instructions had. If advocating honest elections, honest officials, development of the country, se curing new settlers, thorough farming, establishment of industries, improvement of stock and their care is being a "tool," THE Jocbsal pleads guilty to tlie charge and it will continue to work right along on the same line regardless of the gang and its organ. Senator Wilson's bill to create a nor mal school at Chadron has passed the senate. If any normal schools are to be established northwest Nebraska ought to be remembered. In the Tbaye7-Boydquo warranto pro ceedings the supreme court made the arguments a special order for Wednes day, March 4tb, and limited the attor neys to one hour and a half on each side. Senator Paddock succeeded in getting an amendment to the agricultural ap propriation bill for 1150,000 for tlie dis tribution of seeds in the drouth stricken districts. He was aided by his colleague, Senator Manderson, and it was only ac comDlished bv verv vigorous work. It is to be hoped that the appropriation will meet with no further obstacles. It was reported a few days ago that some of the members of the legislature had been receiving goods from the relief commission, sierninff a receipt therefore to the effect that they were needy aud had no means with which to procure the necessities of life, while at tlie same time they were drawing f-5 per day as legisla tors. A resolution was passed appoint ing a committee to investigate the mat ter. There are some people who are always ready to take all they can get, whether they are entitled to it or not. We are in receipt of an advance an nouncement of the Nebraska state fair and exposition of 1891. This is a reminder to our people that now is the time to be gin to prepare for an exhibit at tlie state fair1 which occurs in Septemberr There i sxe reason ' wiry Sioux county should not make a very creditable exhibit. The management have arranged to offer 33,000 in premiums. The Herald also states that a majority of the men who signed the resolutions on the Woody letter did not know the con tents of the resolutions. The editor of that paper knows the men whose nam as were attached to those resolutions do not do things blindly and what his reason is for continuing to make such assertions is hard to guess, unless he believes that "A lie well stuck to is as good as the truth." The gang organ states that little or nothing has been done in the past year in the nature of public improvements. Dur 1890 the county has secured and paid for a complete copy of Bald notes, has laid out and created more miles of practic- 1 A 3 A. 1 41..- has ever before been doner ha held special election and two terms of the district court and added many necessary things of minor account The assessment is also referred to by the editor of the Herald and an attempt made to show that the amount of assess able property had decreased. In 1889 the improvements on government land were assessed, while in 1890, all such property was omitted by the assessors, and last year the assessors listed property much lower than had been don in previous years ifl the belief that a saving could be made, but the result was that the state beard of equalization put a higher rate on Sioux than on counties where proper ty was listed at higher values. Wt grant that roads had to be laid out and bridges built, but there was no occa sion for a road being laid out from liar rison to Running Water entirely over government land, no damages having be paid, at a cost to the county of about PSO, neither was that any call for road oeteg laid out and a lot of work be ing done a few miles aortbeast of, Harris es, where the grade k so steep that . moo mb could never m made of it. nor - was there any call for the county to pay for the building of private bridires, and otiisr IMagt too numerous to mention at IW&nM has a great deal to say about tte editor of Tn wwul being "tooT of other aartiea, He evidently jaotiisnbylnnMtf. To illustrate A fcw wesisi ago the Herald ohm out wOout on wart against any one . ttwtotarobsea rearing attfottoo A Km km& for yov. In tke next Jamie tfeoZi poSey.of the paper was so far as- to CtCf flstaty, tJ C3 t mskticTrje According to reports English capital ists have not lost faith in Hie ability of Americans to overcome difficulties. A company of Englishmen has been formed uder the laws of New 1 ork wnose object is to buy up farm mortgages in western Kansas, foreclose the same when default is made and then sell the land to actual settlers on ten or twenty years time at a low rate of interest, requiring no cash payment at the time of purchase. An other company is said to be organizing in New York for the same purpose. Such move will go a long way towards re newing confidence in western real estate securities. protect his own enrk arvi Prni .roia their deuredatior.-i would be serving jti 1 tice with a vengeance. Such unreason able legislation mates gou lawbreakers. The homesteader, the first few years . h,s claim, is obliged to stake out Ins team and his few head of cattle, because he cannot afford to fence a pasture, i ne more prosperous and successful agricul tural sections of our state lae pa.v through this condition of homestead life under the protection of tlie herd law un til titer re now improved aud fenced for convenience- Such neighborhoods will not favor tlie legalizing of stoc k turned loose to roam on tlie public highways. The convenience of herds wJiinbl localities where there is open range pro vides ample means for cheap grazing to those wlK) have cuttle and no pasture. Such lierds are carefully guarded, and no loss or risk is incurred by the o ner, ex cept death from natural causes. Kirz: fit .'' Iji ''' .B, l .TI..l Hi."1"11"- Ks rn.AW'V S.I.. THK BANK OF HARRISON, Seasoned Lcmber: We have a good supply of seasoned lumber constantly on hand at our mill on West Boggy. 10 and 12 fett 10.00; 11 and 16 feet $12.00 r thousand feet First-class native shingles always on liand. First-class $3: second-class $2 jer thousand. J. K. Ak.vkh. Notice-Timber Culture. r. s. omct, ( ( ni.KDN, Seb. 1 MiurhS, MM. Complaint No. St26 bavin been entered at thU office br Kelluni V. Lindaey hkhIiihI Col ville r. Trrretl for failure tocomnly with lawaato timber-culture entry No. 1,1, (luted 17 1UHT iiiirMi tllf MA U AeCttOH i'l. UWn- Blui Si'. ranWe M, in Sioux county, Nebraska, willi a view to tlie cancellation ol wild entry; -anl aliening that said ColvilUi I'. Ter ruH Li. nlr.w. or In anv way cultl .-,,r. umv iwwlmi of aaiil tract duriliE the 3d yoarufsuid entry Snd He haa failed to plant to trees, tree seeds or tree ruttlnir tive acres of said tract during tlie !trd year nf nil entrv. and further lie ha failed to plant anv portion ol hhIiI tract to trees, tr heeds or tre cuttings during tlie third year nf a,tid entrv. and halt wholly lailen W) cure said defecu up to the date of thin affidavit, to wit: t'ebyliU, ISM. The mill parties are hereby niniinoned to amiear at tlH oltlce cm the t day of May 1HUI, at 10 o'clock a. in., to reKnd and furnish testimony concerning wild alleged lailure. Testimonv of witnesses will be taken be fore S. 11. Jones, a notary public, at his oftlce In Harrison, on the oj yipru 1H91, at 10 a. m. T. rowKKS, Keceiver. H. T. CONLEr, ContesUtnt's Attv. ii Xi Each Season Has iu own peculiar malady ; but with the . blood maintained In s state of uniform vigor and purity, by tbe ue of Ayer's Harsaparllia, the system readily adapts Itself to changed conditions. Composed of the beat alteratives and tonics, and being highly concentrated, Avert Itersaparilla Is the moat eflective and economical of all blood medicines. " For some years, at tlie return of spring, j had serious trouble witli my kidneys. I waa unable to sleep nights, and suffered greatly with pains In the small ot my back. I was also afflicted with headache, loon of appettte, and indigestion. These symptoms were much worse last aprlng, especially the trouble with my back. A friend persuaded me to use Ayer's SariaparUla. I began taking It, and my troubles all disappeared. Mrs. Genevra Belanger, 24 Bridge st, Springfield, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla rRKTABSD ST DJt. J. 0. ATFR ft CO., LowsU, Xass. oldbjDracflau. '.'' Worth $6 boule. On last Monday, Nebraska was again honored by the election of Senator Charles F. Manderson a-s president pro tern of the senate to succeed Senator Ingalls whose term of office expired on Wednesday. No man has been more honored in tlie same length ot time of service tlian has Senator Manderson. The fact of his re-election being brought about without his even coming into the state was an unprecedented compliment and in his election as the presiding officer of the senate, in the absence of tbe vice- president, is an honor to tbe man and an honor to the state, and in tlie act the re Dublican members of the senate have honored themselves. L. E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers, Repairing done on short notice. Good work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. HARBISON, ... Nf Wells Drilled! I have a good well drilling machine and am ready to drill any sized well on short notice. terms good and prices low. Postofflce, Harrison. C. 8. Scorr. The Herd Law. Weekly World-Herald The present herd law or Nebraska is one of the best laws ever enacted, be cause it is a practical law, made so by a common consent of its justice by both land holders and stock owners a law that can be enforced because its enforce ment has demonstrated its usefulness. It is a law that can be appreciated by every citizen in every community. If stock are permitted to run at large they very soon become a nuisance to the general public. Strife, dissentions and quarrels are more frequently the outgrowth of trespassing stock tlian all other causes combined. The herd law provides for such tres pass in a way that has commended the respectful recognition of stock owners all over the state, in sparsely settled dis tricts as well as thickly settled neighbor hoods. There is no class of citizens who will argue in favor of a free range law except the large cattle owners and to such it would soon prove a nuisance be cause unguarded stock, no matter how carefully branded, would stray over the country and get among traveling bands or droves and be lost. Nothing would serve better to aid organized cattle steal ing than a free range law. Tbe pre seat herd law is one of the greatest strides towards civilisation aud order that the state has ever made. Through it infloence our agricultural boundary has each year been moving westward. 1o fom the pioneer to fence his graia fields, hit meadow lands, aad tormented try hungry, prowttag arouad his FaagCas1l''iiiliilwM a stafcrtorj perm that mrnmtktssmt m ut tzm to Dr. Leonhardt, 1452 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Practice limited to diseases of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, HEART and BLOOD. Read the press notices, Send for symptom chart, State your case. If you are sick and want to get well, write all about yourself. No trouble to read letters; send stamp for reply. 14S2 O St. Dr. Leonhardt, Lincoln, Neb. B. E. Brewster, President. C. F. CorriK, Vice Pres. CHAR C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. nCORFORATaV. Ecnsral Banking Business - TRANSACTED. HUtBIM), EBKAK A, AL'TIIOKIZEIl CAPITAL. ?l'5.(iM. Transacts a General Banking Business Buys Scl.ov.l Orders. County and Village Warrant. fJTlutei-e-it V""1 " Time lit-jxiK Loans Money on Improved Farms. CHAS. E. HOLMES, CASHIER. WINTER IS UPON US. And now is the Stoves TIME TO BUY and tu re. Furnr COME IN AND SEE US, GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. omY50AYEAn Mm. m. sv a vj xxicj V A V PVA 1 lOffp STORES ems min tmmt 7 "f??5swtal!i THERE IRE TALKS Aiout,tmc;oininO'Room; OUT WHAT .TO WAHANPCTOlMAKt'ry sign Bwiiii, aourOOK; iiourJnjiNTt'ANO rtowcMS 3 kaeurlHOMi CAiiurr: llAUt AAAS tABM hout1hou AUTirULl BlPtt, laOttflii'a FcnnnsccHto or twM'sartnrwwt. ; viactn. tetiT Mwriesras MuXia. The Drodix Publishing Co.. 10WMT. WASHINGTON. 0. C. SULLIVAN & C'ONLEY, Lawyers. Loans no Money, RoprecrntK no innuranc-e company mm. 1 1,K no land to .) but Klv ihc-ir .ntlre tlmp ami att;ntlon to the practice of tlip lnw. Grant Guthrie, Harrison, NniKASKA. Dialer In C. E. HOLMES, Attorney-at-Law, All bnnlncM entniBted to hl care will eclve prompt and cwlul nttiitioii. HAHHKON, - . KURXWA. GEORGE WALKER, Will practice before nil conn, ami iiw (. 8.Lanlomce. Hurtnc. M,irlpi, , ,y car will reoelre prompt .ilictio,,. w - - A'KHAHKi. Lumber, Lime, Coal. L. 0. HULL. muau. 1 1 1 tNT ton fllQMH.L Srtft P, Jam T.J. j. r. . T. II. John I.. 11. A. K. A. K. A. . 1 e. r. w.j. lw. Alllw . ! T. I. I. A. y. p. Cunri mri