The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 05, 1891, Image 5

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jr of St. James'
Eufaula, Mat:
I badly afflicted
)ca ten i rig eolith
)nd after trying
Xrom pliyjdans
'e him. he has
fed by the use ol
.bottles cf Bo
's German Sjt
I can recom-
i it without
jltion." Chronic
riughs like thus
a remedy can
for thpse loii
f Boschce's Gtr
ile a spc-ialty.
led as this Lid
make a nute of
Btevideo, Minn.,
I German Syrup
X,ungs. I have
it far less
In the Hepulilicai
jje for live stock, o
JJ0, York, Jfebr.
jlfi(( IllUltll l),i nl-
iaiiii. Special atien
sii to tf a nttor. Na
ft! c Him, Wml.i- firt,
( "1 in Bi.y stale,
jjtitc;rrcttfl it.
Urban streets rfc-
passionato fond
powers, and main
in the windows,
g the sidewalk,
opened tobestroll-
in question, fititl
Jtleniaii nreeediiit
Jpeniuttirally brill
jsed Sirs. F 'n
T&ovn happened t
plant was riis
. pot was attracted
; Jl lit on it with a
fihnt sounds so fun-
other fellow's hal
3lyour own. Tho
I the crushed stove
30ie words certainly
,3ciuidQr his arm, and
, 'MA Mrs. F rusliwi
-S5l too bad-the onh
-1 had."-lJangor
Leadrille's Nobility.
Chicago Tribune;, "In tLe j;sm
lays of LtadviUe," tho initor went on
l relate, -tlit-re wa3 a long line of no
iii!y. Ten years aQ J)rd Ceoipe
Campbell worked in the nmies at Lad-ti'.h-
and received no more remt: t.ration
r eonsi.U-ration than he would had he
lot a title, ilaron Kost-ncranz
tine to leadviile from Denmark, cud
n spite of his ju'.Liifi naneLeaJville's
alizeiis declare that he w is as poor as a
liouse. ( ouut lloup, a JJussian noble-, w3 at one time a coiuudii ore
'.,. I . .. .. r. . .
ns1', nuer.iaru rose to a
Phi-e that of manager of a smelter.
fount Uoup, now resides at But!
iott., ana honors that city with his
l.tled name. It was even possibls to
0. 1ve assaying done by a nobleman ten
i -ars ago, as a Hungarian lord had an
.say ollice perched upon one of Lead
f d.-'s hills.
"One of the wildest characters that
; -iced the Leadviile mining camp was
...f i.e .iu-w of Lord Coke and Lady I.tx
ie. J his younif man wished to be con-
1. di'red bold and bail, and the airs l,e
lisumed outcowboyed the cowboys. Ill)
;.st times were considered remarkable
;vi ii for Leadviile of t.-n years a'o,
out were not of such character as would
oe permitted to grace the home of his
iordly refatives.
'The visitor to Leadviile today would
never dream that the nobility from th3
other side of tho Alantia had sent its
representatives to the ("loud City, yet
such is tho case, and the citizens of
Leadviile, strange to say, do not feel at
All ri'oudover tho determination of so
many lords, barons and counts to seek
their booming camp. It to not with
pride that Lead ville's citizens point to
the nobility that have honored their city,
out rather with amusement andjiiita
:race of pity."
A New Work lot- Women.
in 1'ans, that great city whero all
f earn I
t Asn PEiiKAMcrn.T
lache, Toothaclia,
m.llDf, Frost-bite,
y. Ilnrm, Scald.
Jl'.U CO.. eIUmor.U,
p. -.
,jeiitcd Org .in.
ago a number of
1 Gie congregation of
View miles north of
"cSer., set to work Vy
"i suppers to rais.?
'Morgan. How well
I organ itself w.v
lays ago; but, how
,Ved the harmony of
ft the unity of thf
ly broken. Tl..
',; small but ob-
this Instrumen'. of
( ll congregation sanp
"t ln the still hours of
j had carried the or
"ad made a burnt oi
ly ashes and screws
ft asl
.fAC a I'1.en Creek
.brissler You seem
Is evening, Colonel.
ir Yes, just a lit.'la
Mg I can do for you!'
(nee I've given Bili
" all the chance and
t:j elope with my gal
iher could want, and
Bprove this occasion
Jm'll be sorry."
ne: Curbstone The
0 very fond of you;
ingh thick and thin.
; I have noticed that
jolton me for somo
Jiie's needs and cfipricex are catered to,
then; are professions for women en
tirely unknown in this country, says
the Ladies' Home Journal. And one
.s the professional packer. When yo i
lank of going away, is not one of your
ijshs as to how you shall get all your
jelongings in your trunk V When you
each your destination don't you lintl
;hem creased, mussed, and, if possible,
A-hat a tiny woman ne;,r me calls in
AVell, the packer comes in, you tell
3er what you want to take away, and
;hen let her do her work. Skirts aro
skillfully folded, bodices have sheets of
;issuu paper laid littween them, and
;he skeves are stuffed to shape with it;
dippers have their toes filled with raw
of on so they do not reach their des
tination flattened out; and hats and
K'jiuii-ta imve uipes aitacnea to tliem so
ihat they may be pinned to the box or
.ray and will not move until you are
eady to lift them out. This a work for
vhich a busy or rich woman will pay
ell, and a woman who becomes expert
it it, can in tho gomg-away time make
hat mysterious amount known as "a
idy little sum" very easily. The packer
ornes to thti house, takes off herbodico
md assumes a loose jacket, and then
he is ready for her work. Who, among
he many who are asking for some
hing for a woman to do, will start in
.his profession ? It is a work easily
earne:', and oilers a variety that must
ippeal to every woman. Neither is it
rksome; hence, a profession which
lifers more than the usual advantages
jf a v i-.n's skilL
Let every enfeebled woman know ill
there a b medicine that'll cure her. ODd
the proof's positive!
Here's tho proof if it doesn't do you
ifood within reasonablo ticr.e, report'the
fact to its makers and get your .aoney
baok without a word but you won't do
T e remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription and it has proved itself
the right remedy in near y every case of
female weakness. It is not a miraole.
It won't cure everything but it has
done more to build-up tired, eufeeblod
and broken-dow n women than any other
medicine nnown.
Where's the woman who's not ready
for it? All that we've to do is to get
"he news to her. Tho medicine will do
the rest.
Wanted Women. First to know it.
Second to use it. Third to be cured by
it. The one cornea of the other.
The Grind Army poet at Hayes
Cen' ra has adopted resolutions endors
ing the coursa of State Senator Koootz.
A wolf hunt by Cjllaridge parties re
sulted in the ahwuag of a horse, but
not one of the varmils was captured.
There is til of forming a stock com
pany at Lyors to build a cew hotel, and
a creamery is also on tapis.
A defectivj chimney nearly cost Bea
ver Cry her band hall, but the flames
wore eniiigv uhd before much damage
was done.
The property of tho Ponygn' l minin;
company was sold at public sae bv the
sheriff of Madison county and bid in by
caning fc Morns, the company a princi
pal creditors for f 1:0,000.
The coil croppings recently found in
toe vicinity of Chinooa will bs opened
this seuson. Tl e product even from
the surface wordings is said to burn
well, and the quality improves with
The sheriff at Butte is beginning to
ft'ar that NiccoloSaluante, the Italian
who 13 suppose! to bav killed ilose
Hartz, will cheat the gallows by dying.
He has been juite sick since being im-
pr.soned and does not neem to gain in
The seat of sick headache is not in the
brain. Uegulnto the stomach and you
cure it. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are tho
Little Ilegulators. Only 25 cents a vial.
Mr. CIiIIiIh' CiMiiitrjr ilmiiff.
"Wooton," Mr. Ceorge W. Childs'
place at Bryn Mawr, is one of the hand
omest and most expensively main
tained country places in the United
States. Tho annual expenditure is not
far from 830,XfH, of which $12,000 is
paid to house servants and other em
ployes. Twenty men and twelve horses
are kept busy all the year round in
caring for the fi m a id grounds, and
in summer six aiit it oiial men are re
quired to look after the lawn, while as
many more aseist ttie garuner. cvv
York Ledger.
Tho four-year-cld son ot James Han
sen, living five miles southeast of Lyons
found a 1 aded revolver in a trunk; up
stairs and in some way discharged one
shot, the ball entering the temple and
coming out behind the ear of his two-year-old
Rev. James C. Springstun died at
Vesta from brain fever. He was unus
ually ene.-getic, having helJ three pro
tracted meetings in his charge early in
the wintjr, resulting in over one hun
dred conversions. The excitotnent and
loss of nervous forco caused brain fever.
Word has been received at Nebraska
City of the death of II. L. Wood, former
editor of the Press of that place, which
oourod at Port Ciescsnt, Washington,
Mr. Wood was well known throughout
the west as a bright newspnper man and
indoffttigablo worker. He went to
Washington for bis health.
The fifth annual session of the North
Nebraska Teachers' iiss'icialiin will be
held April 2 and ? at Norfolk. An in
trestinjc program has loon p-op(;ro 1
ana a lare ultcndanca is OJ.pectou.
l.'he high school uratoricil contest will
Iks hold at tho same limo. Tha rail
roads and hotels are expoctcd to make
the usual reduction in rate?.
A' J.ihnson of B rt'e t, who wiar
rested for eloping with tho fmrtecn-vear-old
dauhior of Mr. Taguoa, a
short time ago, has nsain boon arrestfd
oj anot er charge and placed undci
?',000 bnnds. The girl's fu'her declares
..if intention to send
penitentiary and his
';hool of correction.
a v.srv devoted to
Jjhnwn to the
daughter to thi
Tho pair oesm to
Cnch oihar, and
Very Zinc Linen.
One of the most delicate exhibits o
long skilled handicraft, at the preset i
French exhibition, is from the liuet
looms of Ireland, in the form of dam
ask napkins out of a set of two doilies
made for a jubilee gift to Queen Vic
toria by a Belfast manufacturer.
These doilies are woven from tin
finest linen yarn which has everyil
been spun from flax fibre. The napkir
is exhibited in its unbleached state, an
also in its bleached and finished con
ditiou. Tpon each is a striking
taitlii'i.l d of the factory frou
vvtiich it co.ik s. The building is oho
tographed, as it were, in the linen web
One of these damask doilies, abou.
sixteen inches square, contains threi
thousand and sixty threads of warj
and four thousand and twelve thread!
of woof, and these threads, joined to
gather, would extend a distance c?
more than two miles. Yet the napki
seems to be the merest figment of gos
samer,--.i fabric of lightest gauze, i
thing one might blow away with f
i ne iiimuigisinaii was engageu iu
seven months in the preparation of tin
enlarged design about twelve fee
square upon paper. J ms plan or maj
so to speak, of the napkin was divide!
by fine machine rulings j'lto twelvi
million squares, each line standing foi
one thread of the web. On the da
mask work are represented foity-fotii
different species of ferns, birds, butter
Hies and flowers.
Iri:.h lace, hand made at one htm
died guineas a yard, handkerchiefs ;
two hundred and fifty dol.irs each, anj
many other samples of exquisite skil
and pitietit toil from the north of Jre
and looms, are included in the display
J n lurtner illustration ot this grea
industry, there i3 a display of flaxseed
the (lax plant with its blue flower, flaJ
straw, scutched flax and flax spun intt
yarn and wound upon bobbins read;
for tearing. There are also illustrate!
plain of the different processes of mak
ing damask, and the entire exhibit i.
very appropriately surmounted by out
ol tne most ancient specimens ot a:i
Irish flax wheel for spinning Ihew
thread. Youth's C'jmpanio i
am icmBira.
Famite little pUI for Indigestion, sick Beriach, DtwhU. t.lU
UTer, Soar Sloaame!.. "-rfnew. Are the Beet KesnlMor of UrVrTto-uefc
I I T. ' n? -I" lo Chroele C4BUpUeB. 8 mall. Bur I
u bnpe ot 2& Ceala. E. C Oe W1U Jc Cm- tMtmm.
'! h" BHfHAt funna mnAi
V liable at bk eat Hmtanm. Tl,.,i-.r.
munidls. 8nl fore rcalars ami prieaa.
ouni wire. Aiiurvm
Hum nt inlar tok
it of text
Spur Wire Fence Co.,
J. A. Pridont
J. A. BTltFTri'. SocretHrr. Wti. IMLDHSWKtJh, TraaMuwr
Hoi"1 "r o
Millions ol u
omes" 40 Years the Standard.
-houid the f.-tthor eu3ed in sepnrat-
ng tho'ii the girl s.ij's aho will neve:
ive with her parents and will wait for
Johnson to return if he is soDt to the
iienilontiary fur ton years.
The new town of Miller, Buffalo, coun-
y, is torn up over tho supposed di up
uearance of C. M. H'i3joa, editor ol
he Miller Unio.i, the morning after ha
miirri:ig!. 11 was married a week ago
S iturd.iy to Miss Enma Uttley, but
st;ud at his own horns that night. Thf
n xt morning he went over and told hit
wife he was going to Kearney and would
oo back tha next duv. He is said to
have beeu B3fn going out ot on
horrebuuk be'iM tha train came in.
Since that he has not been saen. It ie
found that he had previously sold hie
business. There was sonr slighting
talk abuithis marriage and something
about this has probably caused him to
seek greener pastures.
Bon Babcock of Scuyler met with a
very painful accident. While he
was untying a stallion, tho animal b".
came vicious and bit at Mr. Babcock
cutting quits a gash across his chin.
Anniversary exercises commemorat-
ng Washington's birthday were held in
Chadron in tho court house in which
over iM people took part, tho day being
oVsorved as a holiday.
II. P. Farsvvorth, a prominent alliance
loader, living near Unadillo, monkeyed
with a buzz-saw. As a result he will
lose the greater part of his right hand.
Kobort Bursley, who wsa caught in
the tJt-lmont saloon fire in Butte, con
stantly raved about tne Chinese. The
origin of the fire in the saloon and how
Buraley'j clothing became enveloped in
flames is a mystery which investigation
by the police has so far failed to eolve
The fact that the man's clothing was
saturated with coal oil strengthens the
theory that some one threw the combus
tible stuff on him and ignited it fith
murderous intent, and for the reason
that the unfortunate man in hia delir
ium raves about the Chinaman burning
him places the crime in tho category of
oriental barbarity.
The United Brethren, under the lead
ership of Re. H. W. Truoblcod, late of
Docnlur,Ill., have just completed a new
house ot worship in Kearney. While
small, and ratherunornamental exterior
it affords the denomination a home,
which they have not had for years. Ths
intention is to build a large churoh
oon as possibl. ... J
An Ancient I Sank Xote.
Mr. J. arbor, an antiquarian of Wt;i
Chester, Fa., has recently come inti
Uw possession of a Chinese bank no:
of the Fourteeth century. It is a no J
of tha Ming dynasty, made of fibro;
paper of a grayish color, covered will
Chinese characters. The owner say
there are but two other specimens o
these early bank notes in existence, oii
being in the Imperial museum at (J
Petersburg, Russia. St. Louis Bepttl
lie. '
Limitation of Genius.
Book Publisher "I have looked over
he manusciipt which yousubmitted to
.is, and find a irood nlot. manv wwii.
Irawn characters, and some pictur
esque word-painting; but the love
irenes are cold and stilled. Can't you
.in prove on them?"
Authoress (wearily) "I am afraid
not. I'm married."
A Greater Evil.
Rural Pastor (solemnly)-"Man's in
nimaiiity to man makes countless
liousands mourn."
Mrs. Scrubbs-"Y e-s; but it ain't
tnything to woman's inhuwomanity to
voraar.." Xew York Weekly.
Detroit Free Press: He That Miss
Fanning you introduced me to just
n'.w would make a man a capital wife.
She Love at first sight, eh '
He O, no, not that; jut you see, 1
have discovered that she doesn't talk
ypNC Chichc8t s Emqush, Red Cross Diaod Baho A
I' TrT I-I,'k W !' CMeA-Wt IHJd B7al ItSdoSl iLSS W
1 V K J 4l. In
Mtmi4 fur i.rtK.lar, tmuinbUi.U, aii4
in. I tMHimoiiiBL. A.M.
KU fc all lrsl Ural
UtlltT f.r Latn.- ia Mr, it
. I rj) . M.
est to use. Cheapest. Relirf is immediate. A
cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal.
It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied
the nostrils. Price 50c. Sold by druggists or sent by
n.. i. hazei-tine, warren, r.
ur siege ;
How many people
there are who regard the
coming of winter as a con
stant state of siege. It seems as if the elements sat down
outside the walls of health and now and again, led by the
north wind and his attendant blasts, broke over the
ramparts, spreading colds, pneumonia and death. Who
knows when the next storm may come and what its
effects upon your constitution may be ? The fortifica
tions of health must be made strong. SCOTT'S
EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and
Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will aid you to hold
out against Cozeghs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, '
General Debility, and all Atlantic and Wasting
Diseases, until the siege is raised. It prevents wasting
in children. Palatable as Milk. t
SPECIAL. Scott's Kmulsion is non-secret, and is prescribed by the Medical Pro
fession all over the world, because its ingredients are scientifically combined in such
manner as to greatly increase their remedial value.
CAUTION. Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored wrappers. Be sure and
get tiie genuine. Prepared only by Scott & Bowne, Manufacturing ChemisU, New York.
Sold by all Druggists. -
The people at the World's
Dispensary of Buffalo, N. Y.,
have a stock-taking time once
a year and what do you think
they doi" Lount the number
of bottles that've been re
turned by the men and women
who say that Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery or
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion didn't do what they said
it would do.
And how many do you
think they have to count.
One in ten? Not one in five
hundred f
Here are two remedies
one the Golden Medical Dis
covery, for regulating and in
vigorating the liver and purify
ing the blood;, the other, the
hope of weakly womanhood,
and they've been sold for
years, sold by the million bot
tles; sold under a positive
guarantee, and not one in five
hundred can say :
"It was not the medicine for
me ! "
And is there any reason
why you should be the one ?
And supposing you are what
do you lose? Absolutely
FOR ONEDOLLAK nt ns by mail, we will da
liver, fTPO of alt charges, to any person in the
Unite.l r tate. nil tlie following urt.ii.laii imvufnit.
pucked in a neat tiox.
unntwo on ca bottleof PnreVnaeline. lOcta.
OnetftiKmince botilo Vaseline i omade 16 "
One jati-f V-is lino Cold Cream 15 "
Ouecatco . f Vaseline Camphor Jo- 10 "
One cake of Vaaclino aoan, un8tnteil..U "
One case of Vaseline noap.tceted. .....25 "
Line two-ounce boitle White Vaseline. . .25
ai in
Or for stamps any single artin'e at price named.
xi juu iihv uuvuMon io use vasi i ue in uny lorm
bec-rallll to accent imlviHinninn.nnil.nnl nnh.
ns in original packages. A (rreai man v driiRKists
are loing w peinutuie buyers ti take Vasllne pnt
nn by tliein. Never yield io snuh traiiiuinn.: nth
article is an iinitauon without valn, uuwiUuot
eive you the resu.t you eiiieot. A bottle of Hlue
wai iiinwiriB is so u ny an drusistsat ton cento.
ClieiteUioughMTK Co., 21 State Ht.. New lork.
piMl. rorn.l!jf U4nu,rCuoroa
ne Habit
Dr. H. II. COLLINS, Original lilKovtrer
rHtnlcsH Opium Antidote.
Will enre ynu nt home without any intorrnpttm
of oidinnry bnsines, B(Kk Brt free to any ad
drw. ilnndreflfi uf origina. tpotimoniaw ot
phyeirian nnd othors f r inspection at my of
linti. Hoom 27 Americnn Kxpre.-s Boilding, fton
Bt i 'hicptro, 111., P. O. lrawar 6ttl (formed
La Porto, Jnd.)
9- Ask your Drurjalst to rttt It fbi rar
H.N.U. York Neb.
riTnfM In
f UaaBled nt.t, to 1
mum Strteiott,
Tz i Iff thnrlrnowlwi?"l
kadtnir remKly fur ml tb
unnattirnl dlwharffm and
prlvatedldfaflMof men. A
certftlQcure for tho t ai
tat I riff weakneaa peculUr
to womon.
wr rimiW hr I nrnrlbfiltm'1 fuel Pftf
THEtvWsCHEVtCf1. In rvromraeudlng It U
Pent ont lo be
snrnutpd on
hhoreH. No oxperienre require I Direc
tions for sproa'InL' FKKE. AiMriss
T J. hKlNNEK. Columbus. Hnnsns.
Stomach Powder,
He no aqoal for tb eon of Dyapapeia aa4
Pi loo 78 CeaU Pes Box,
BnfBoient for dan treatment Mailed to anj
addrase upon reoelpt of price. Writ for tea
Ma W. Polk a. rMcaaBL
Wbm I core I 4t not mean merely tostopthta
for a time and Iheo be them rwturn agaia. I mean a
ndicat onra. I hare mute tha dlasue of FT1S, EPL
IJCPsy or FALLING KICK NKS8 a life-loo rtnd. I
ararrant my remedy to enre the woratcsew. Booaaae
etlwn have failed Is ao resaon for not now raolTtaa
enre. Bead at onoe f or a tnatlae and a Free Bottle oV
any Infallible irniMdy. Olre Binraeaaad PnetOOoe.
H. U. HUOTtAL C' "a rmrt W. T.
Ilia most complete line of
nrrna R-lorni Omirt In trie
nortli-west lnoinding the obIk.
brti Eiiiipoie and UelsarM
uistn, JeuriiMB Miller special.
i i. mml JrMnv Knit Underirear
K'lul stamp lor free illustrated
its. L. W. riKK.
MriiliBim st lilnoiuro.
The entire book is ably written, and
jrlves trusty informnlion lor all who
Brow fruit of nnv sort or kind, Starlt
Uros. nurserymen, Louisana, Mo., will
wnd it free to all interested. Orang
J add Farmer.
lrake,s Magazine: At the clothes
of the season. Vest "How are you
Coat "Completely worn out."
for the General Ailments of llnr, Cattle, Hogi
nnd Sheep. Tltey piiiily Hie Mood, prevent and
cure, ilineiise. Honest and reliable, In honest
pac kages ; used and warranted tor over twenty
years. Kvprynne owning a horse or cattle should
give it a trial. Jlade by Kmmkrt Propribtajii
Co., Chicago. Bold by all dfuguista.
Cam Chapped Hands, Paea saa
xpe, tan, saaoorm
roar a sain eon aoo
witfaont beina stick- or rreeey,
XMIcatery parlanwd .Rendenfaia
Dowder invisible and a
karate the ekin, Inrpartiajr M eaaa
a brilliant ooraplezkm. nteatja,
Hailed to any addreaaoa raeaiel
of price. Send poecal note, sireel
ape. aDoreaepiamij,
til Chamber of
The lamet etoek of Antk-
dal Eyes lathe West. Aaaa
sorunentoa eyea sa
'addreaea, allowinc I
tn select one or more
turn tke baiance tkos Murtsat
OAea, 163 State H;, Chicaga. in.
B. O. JL. wjuuuiu'i
usaaalllaa and aparatisc eorgeoa to tne ca
KyeaodftarOBirefa. PatieotaU adtaaice 6
Rixroced UaoSSa
mania oy i
and ao. for esrenlars and taaUmonlale.
BW. o. w. w. eeawaub
iMoaaeseasea. OsseatBa)
aUimjjaus. adnsa
ind oi
Westera Improved fclssm
Bearint- H,TJ7Z
ant complete wtttteJTal.
taehmatira emd aniaasaaeel
FU7 ,for ma lor cmlrlTC
iui tnronlar and see fnll uasorlptioa t tV
the; eyiea M. A. Sanulta 4 Cm. M V
at- Clnoaaw lsk
aer i
omiTi t tmuu
7ti SWEET, WALUCH ft 6tt