The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 05, 1891, Image 4
-r . THE BLCEPARCEL "The very place for me" thought Miss Hester Drake, as she folded the morning's paper. "Companion to an old lady, living alone. Only a pious, respectable person, with the habits of a lady, need apply" Well HI apply as soon as I can there, and if I don't suit the old lady nobody will. Whatever she wants me to think I'll think. It Is just as easy to express one set of opinions as another, and I'm sure I'm ladylike." Ana Miss Drake, who had been tossed about the world considerably, and had occupied many positions, none of them ueculiarlv lucrative, but all eminent! mnteeL took the measure r.9 nMt fimirA w ith her eve. and regarded her slim foot with admira tion. No one had appreciated the figure or the foot sufficiently to make Miss Drake Mrs. Anybody, but really at 40 she had seen so many other people's husbands turn out badly that she fel hat fact was not very lamentable. "Companion to an old lady is the very thing," she said to herself, as she set aside the bonnet with the yeAow ostrich tips, which became her, and put on the gray one, which did not; and delibarately brushing out her "crimps," rlid her hair in threj little rolls on each side of her forehead. "I know what old ladies like, and 1 won't risk anything for vanity's sake," she said. Then nlacimr in a nrim reticule of Russian leather her card-case, her ref erences from clergymen and officers' families, well-known merchants and stately senators, she proceeded to take her way to the nearest station of the elevated road, and entered a car in safety. As she sat in one of the central seats and looked dowr :to the crowded avenue, she rehea.. . many carefully worded speeches and practiced deport ment as far as possible. Holding her head erect foldinir her hands at her belt, repeating the well-known govern ess formula of "prunes and prisms iu order that her mouth might assume the proper primness, and wondering what manner of old lady she was about to encounter. Meanwhile the car gradually Tilled, and the seat beside Miss Drake was taken by a gentleman in a large light overcoat, who brought with him the odor of cigars, and who had a neat white parcel tied up with pale-blue cord, which seemed to incommode him. and which he shortly placed up on the cushion beside him, . while he bemn to read some article in a news- DSDer which seemed to be of absorb ing interest ductor at the door. The gentleman read on. "Forty second atreet!" shouted man at the other door. The gentleman took no notice, hut turned the sheet and began to go down another column. New passengers en tered. "Next stop 33d street!" shouted the conductor, banging his gate. "Thirty-third next!" roared the other voice, and at this instant the gentle man started up, leavin his parcel on the seat, and dashed toward the door. ", emme out, I say!" he was heard to yelL "date's closed," was the reply. "Don't care; lemme out!" Then came a clatter a whack. The mala passengers all started to their feet, to tee the irate gentleman stag ger headlong out from the piatform, and being rescued from a sprawl by the ticket-taker, shake a large, white flat after the car, on the platform of which the conductor was performiug a pantocaine expressive of a desire for vengance. "That's the way they kill themselves," nid one passenger. "All the conductor's fault," asserted another. Meanwhile, Mist Drake's eye never toft the white parcel. If any official ware aware of it, it would be taken possession of at once, she said to her self; but bow was any one to know it was not hers? It looked valuable. Perhaps It contained a jewel-case, and a large reward would be offered for it "And I Bight as well have it as any one els -," thought Miss Drake, as she spread the skirt of her Ureas partially over the parcel la fact, when she left the ear at 23d street sde carried it with bar. It was a tidy package that In no way disgraced hat neat toilet "Mrs. Bolus, whose name was on the M-fashioned plate which graced the door at which Miss Drake rang, was in the parlor. She waa a large old lady, with psie, flabby face, who wore . a widow's cap on Mr gray natr ana dress well covered with crape. "I ate yom have been a companion bafora." aba aaid, having examined Mia Drake credentials. "Bishop snarl v'rt'r of yon, and really Mr. Dean of Donn A Dixon could not say taore of you. I like your appearance" Maw Drake aimpered "but we Bust hare a little talk. I am to hard to suit I am fashioned, and people are to frivooosiwadsys. Now, I shouldn't like oaa who was fond of reading what I aal doobtfuU worts books or today, sm not auice the thing. I have mwKkary of'aUmonid works. No awwtWrtr-askBV todeisl, those of Walter Scott' I should like m companion to satisfy her mental hun ger from those shelves. I dismissed my last companion because I found a silly novel undw her pillow, ."he read herself to sleep every night with such things." "Most demoralizing!" said Miss Drake. "I never touch a workoffic tion. Solid books aloue satisfy." "Very true," said the old lady. ' I like your sentiments on tlist subject. Now another very delicate-a mere form in your case but I had a Ger man companion, well recommended who drank bottled beer before retiring. and made no secret of taking claret with her dinner. AVhen I explained that I could not permit that she said: But what objections can madame have, since I provided it at my own expense .' She was utterly without a sense oi shame on the subject W'e parted in a week, although she demanded the month's salarv in lieu of warning." And you must have felt that you were cheaply rid of her, Mrs. uoius, said Miss Drake. "As for me, 1 never drink anything but weak tea." "Really, I know we shall get on, said the old lady. "And you wouia no mind curling the poodle and taking bim to walk, or sewing with the dress maker, or dusting the bric-a-brac ? Miss St. Aubyn considered that meniaL" "Oh! I do not," said Miss Drake Rric-a-brae cannot be left to the servants." The oldladv touched the belL A servant appeared. Sara, show Miss Drake the blue room," she said. "Oh! my dear, don t c.arrv vour parcel uu stairs: it is so wearying to the wrists carrying some thing so long. Sara, put Miss Drake s Darcel and parasol on the table. oth- ing breakable, is it?" Poor Miss Drake! Positively she was not in the habit of telling fibs, but one occurred to her just then. . "Only a good book or two for some poor working girls whom 1 am en eavoring to wean from pernicious novel-reading," she said. The old lady 1 teamed upon her, and she followed the servant up-stairs to see her room. What a lovely room it was! What a charming house! Miss Draka was not very imaginative-, but for once she gave fancy the rein, and before she got down to the parlor again she had become the confidential companion of the wealthy widow of the late Dr Bolus, and the latter had made a will in her favor. "You like your quarters?" asked Mrs. Bolus, amiably, as Miss Drake minced into the room. "They are perfection!" said Miss Drake. She was ready to say that she pre ferred walking on her hands to any other means of locomotion, if Mrs. Bolus suggested the idea. "Andl don't think lever felt so well pleased," said Mrs. Bolus. "You are exactly the person I have always needed. Now. when may 1 expect you, Miss Drake?" "Any day you prefer," replied that lady. "Tomorrow, then," said Mrs. Bolus, "Good-by. Sara, Miss Drake's parcel and parasoL" Sara hurried to lift these articles from the table on which they reposed. She handed Miss Drake the parasol, and she tendered the parcel, holding it by the blue cord which bound it. The lady's fingers had just touched it, when Sara released her hold alas! too soon. Before Miss Drake could grasp it it fell to the carpet with a crash and a tinkle of broken glass. Sara stooped to pick it up, but the cord had supped away; the paper was unrolled; there was no longer any parcel, but its content! lay scattered on the floor, and the old lady stood staring down upon two books with red covers, across the back of which "Zola was printed in characters of gold. A large package of cigarettes and a flat bottle, from which a tell-tale odor escaped, and on which, moreover, was pasted a printed paper bearing the word "Whisky" in letters that all who ran might read. For a moment there waa alienee in the room. Then the old lady spoke "Hereafter I shall b lleve that my guardian angel is always with me. was about to take into my home companion who drinks whisky, smokes cigarettes and reads 'Zola.'" "If I may explain, madame," began Miss Drake. "I decline to listen," said lira. Bolus "These, than an toe good books you were about to take to your poor girls? A arstnitoua falsehood that most have been inspired by a sense of guilt What a shocking smell of liquor! Sara, give Miss Drake her books and cigarettes." "They are not mine; 1 must ex plain," said Miss Drake. "8ra will ahow you the door," said Mrs. Bolus. "lean remain no longer In this polluted atmosphere." Then the left the room, and shortly after Miss Drake passed out into the atreet Au Intucny Ci-rrUe. j Chicago Journal: P question -I "getting a place" alwy brings up long list of incidents -vhich the lucif have got on in the world ud the luck less ones have been toft. In discussiu the overcrowded condition of the city it called out one story that I must tel for the benefit of the big broad-shouldered men whu have condescended to the effort of getting comfort from a cigarette so small that it makes the smoker cross-eyed to look at it A gentleman of 30 years, good presecce, pleasant family, etc, was thrown out of his regular employment through a fire. He advertised, setting ionu u qualifications. The head of a large factory saw the "ad" and thought to save time by taking a cab right to the number designated and secure the gen- i tleman's services. He found the wife at home expecting her husband's re turn from down town. He waited a few minutes, when the anxious wife saw her husband coming up the street The would-be employer saw him also. The yonng man walked leisurely until he reached his own steps, when he turned his back to the house and pro ceeded to pull the very last whiff from the wee stub of a cigarette. Two min utes, three minutes passed. The wife was nervous. Another minute and a few more whin's, and the gentleman in side rose hastily and said kindly: "Par don me, but 1 do not think I wish a man who has not left off boyish habits. In my business time is money. Good day." He bowed himself out just as the husband, disturbed by the opening of the door, spat the little stub from between his teeth and passed up the steps. He found his wife in tears and would hardly believe his senses when she told him how he lost good employ ment by dally with the weed in sn-all packages. Mr. (Hadetoae la the owner of the lamat toad pencil In the world, it the gift of a pencilmaker at Keswick and la thirty-nine inches in length. Mies of the eostocsary rubber cap baa a gold cap. IU distinguished It for a wauutf suck, Failures in 123 Years. There have been eighteen great finan cial crises during the last century and a quarter, viz: In 173, at Amsterdam, originating with the house of De Neuf ville and involving seventy-seven fail ures. The failures in Holland in 1773 exceeded 10,000,000. In 1799 in Ham burg there were eighty-two failures, involving 2,000,000. There was a panic In Liverpool in the same year, which was, however, somewhat miti gated by parliament lending 500,000 in exchequer bills on goods. In 1314 240 banks suspended payment in Eng land. In 1825 at Manchester failure; occurred to the amount of 2,000,000. The Calcutta f ilure of 1831 involved 15,000,000. Th "wildcat" prices in the states in 1837 caused all their banks to close. In 1839 the Bank of England was saved by the Bank of France. A panic in France during the same year caused ninety-three companies to fait for the sum of 8,000,000. In 1844 a crisis in f.ngiana orougnc aooui me reformation of the Bank of England. Toe English failures of 1847 involved 20,000,000. During the great panic of 1857 in the states 7,200 houses failed for 112,000,000. The Overend Gurney & Co. failure, nearly a quarter of a century ago, involved failures costing upward of 100,000,000. "Black Fri day," in Wall street was on Sept 24, 1860. The shoe and leather trade crisis in Boston, U. S, A., in 1883, caused losses amounting to over 2,000,000. The Grant & Ward I allure, in New York city in 1884, involved many finan cial and business houses and a loss of over 5,000,000. London Financial News. Whose Face Was it? A few years ago while a workman at Pueblo, Colo, was dressing a block of stone his chisel uncovered a hatd con cretion near the surface of the block. Presently this concretion, which was rounded on the back dropped from the cavity in which it rested, disclosing a perfect mold of a human face on its surf ce, every outline perfect, unhurt and unmarked by the tool which had dislodged it The imprint in the blocK was as perfect as the model on the con cr tion, and many plaster casts were taken from it by archsrologUt and local curiority seekers. Some ot these casts found their way to the museums of the learned societies of Eurom were the subject of manv iiia Many scientists were inclined to take it as a perfect human foil' but the majority insists upon it being merely an idol of prehistoric times. The ston in which it was found was from e ehtv M a. 1. I . U .. .... . . . ' ioct, ucivn w bui lace. oi. jvouis He-public lfarnum's Philosophy of Child hood. If you would be as happy as a child, p lease one. unnaisn wonaer is the first step in human wisdom. To best please a child is the highi trinmph of philosophy. To stimulate wholesome curiositv In the mind of the child is to plant golden teea, I would rather be called the children's friend than the world's king. Amusement to children is like rain so nowers. He that makes knowledge most attrac five to the young is the king of same uuiuisn isugnur is the echo of neaveniy music. 1 be noblest art is that of others happy. Wholesome recreation conquers evil uiuuguis. Innocent amusement transforms ears into rainbows. , mm. .ntiiiu cott. I I was greatly interested In listening to some of Mrs. Lippincott i remin iscences the other afternoon. V e er talking In her pleasant apartment on West Thirty fourth street, New 1 ork She was showing me a scrap book which her mother made of newspaper clippings about Grace Greenwood. The personalities of those dars are 7 amusing to read now. With their rtately language, their rhetoric, they are entirely different from the flippant utm! familiar paragraphs of today. "In those days," said Mrs. Lippincott, fit . as an unusual thing for a woman o write. We were blue stockings men Vow often did people say to me, 'Well, ' ... ... lf amnain0 iny dear, una writing iuj "'"- to you; you may enjoy it, but you know it will injure your chances oi geuing husband.' That was the main object of woman's existence then. 1 was the first woman newspaper correspondent No, I was not the first woman journalist-Margaret Fuller and Lydia Maria Child were before me-but my Washington correspondencs Inaugur ated a new departure." Mrs. Lippincott intends to make Washington her home for the future' and when once settled there to begin to make her recollections, which cer tainly will be instruct ire and of great interest. The lady's hair Is quite gray. Site is stout and motherly looking. The quaint, old fashioned portrait of her self when a young woman snows a lovely face lighted by great hazel eyes, and many of the curious personalities and poems written to and about her speak of her beautiful hands and arms. Mrs. Lippincott's time is almost en tirely given over to charitable work, hunting out the poor and needy and ministering to their wants. Her daughter, who studied for the stage and who forced to retire rrom it tem porarily on account of ill healtli, lives with her. She is a fair girl with a ser ious and delicate face. Edith Sessions Tupper in Chicago Ilerald. ii..w suwiley Won Ilia Mride. snki of Stanley's courtship. Mrs. reunant, Mr. Stanley's mother-in-law said: "Henry wooed a long time before he won. . I aid not give my con .t nnre Wbtn he came to me and pleaded for Dolly's hand I said: - 'No, Henry: Dolly Is all that 1 h left and I cannot, shall not, part her. The mother in-law lonelv part She Y i Texas Again to the Fore. The L'valde Reflector says that a party out bnnting in that country had along a liver colored setter dog, which found a snake of the rattler species, and that the snake swallowed the dog. The hunters killed the snake with a Gatling gun, cut him open with a butcher's cleaver, and that the dog jumped out all right, except losing his bark; that the snake was two feet thick aud thirty-six feet long, and had ninety-two rattles and a button, and the editor says it sounds a little im probable, and it may be. Uut out on the San Antonio river, iu 1853, Col. Kip Ford, Bill Pitts and others killed a rattler with an acre of burnt woods and four live Indians in it, and no one of them thought it improbable. New Birmingham (Tex.) Times. Strange Lape of Memory. Cases of forgettulness on matters of interest are on record. While Dr. Priestley was preparing his work en titled "Harmony of the Gospels," he had taken great pains to inform him self on a subject which had been under discussion relative to the Jewish Pass over. He wrote out the result of bis researches and laid the paper away. His attention and time being taken have ith in England is not wel comed to her daugniers her visits roust bs few and brief. They have taken my other daughter away I cannot part with Dolly!" "Henry pleaded long and eloquently: ! at times he would almost weep. The tears would fill his eyes and he would choke with emotion. One day be sa d: 'I am all alone in the world: I have neiiner iaurcr mother, brother nor sister; I am pertsn lnr of loneliness. I know noting of, and care less, for the customs of the country. 1 wrnt your ('augh er to be my wife. Give her to me, ana ao you at th same time become my motlier, father, brother, sister and all!.' " 'Henry,' says I, 'do you mean itf " 'I do.' he answered firmly, and 1 saw determination flashing from the noma Vf-fl before which the ferocious .M,v.riui, nf T'iitl had auailed. and under which the hostile hordes of in hosDltable Niahda had melted away like mists of the morning. She is vours'' I cried, and then I added, 'and so am 1.' Now that," con tlnued the proud mother-in-law, " is, in hriff the storv of his wooing. 1 in his as Inseparably and iudlssolubly Dolly is. I shall never leave him. I regard him os one of the noblest and most lovabhs men on earth, and have no other ambition than to aid him with the benefit of ay counsel and ex perience. Knowing this, he is ever the paragon of affection and gentleness and I am certain that no woman at ijit no Emrlisli woman ever had a moie tractable or ibsdient Chicago News. Life After Forty. The best half of life is tu front of the man of 40. if he be anything of man. The work he will do will be done with the band of a master, and not of raw apprentice. The trained intellect does not see "men as trees walking, but sees everything clearer aud in just measure. The trained temper does not rush at work like a blind bull at haystack, but advances with the calm and ordered pace of conscious power and deliberate determination. To no man Is the world so new and the fut ure so fresh as to him who has spent the early years of bis manhood in striving to understand the deeper problems of science and life, and who has made some headway toward com prchending them. To him the com monest things are rare and wonderful, both in themselves and as parts of a beautiful and intelligent whole. Such a thing as stateness in life and its duties he cannot understand. Knowl edge is always opening out before him In wider expanses and more command ing heights. The pleasure of growing knowledge and increasing power makes every year of his life happier and more hopeful than the last Hospital. the occupation Bight hsv laocynua gm VYuU.MlfutlW Isnuk Sul ng: rftf , J introduced fu O younger, how di(IwtkJ might hare been ordertd. orde would have beta faq in a much neater head th young tadtaaof ancient hare found more agrees wan carrying water pod their beads, and Syrian not have been eompellatt, lug the cedars of Lebeoot before Haul to earn Iter maacua girt might ban the ow klnganl go a u ri writer at M0 a week an4 y ihinkor bamaon dictttf lenees to the fair Delil k u J addressed to his adversaria J . H the leading sporting pssuK t Vf mint have been a murl, comrade aa Samson's trm 3 3 5 1 X L T7 I .fiMls-' A Norman Lady. We behold her, then, a well propor tioned, slender figure of graceful bear lng the features aquiline, complexion with something else, some little time ; clear, eyes hazel, and hair of chestnut elapsed before the subject occurred to his mind again. Then the same time and pains were given to the subject that had been given to it before, and the results were again put on paper and laid aside. So completely had he forgotten that he had copied the same paragraph and reflections beiore, that It was only when be bad found die papers on which he had transcribed them that it was recalled to his recol lection. This same author had fr -quently read his own published writ ings and did not recognUe them. Bos ton Ilerald. moving The Yosemlte Valley. For every hundred persons living west of the Mississippi river who have seen St Peter's at Rome hardly ten, I think it may be safely said, have visited the Yosemite. Two small hotels in the valley are ample for all who may at any time seek accommodations, and on an average two coaches a day during cue season iu carry ail who seek con veyance to that place of grandeur. une thing Is certain, the foreigner Qoing; tee united States seldom omits the Yosemite; yet many an American touristtraveUng in California leaves me coast in Ignorance of the wonders and beauties of the famous region. On uMiui cuuasy in .May, out of sixty-nve guests at the Stoneman house over forty-five were foreigners, most of them on a trip around the world; and that proportion is not unusual during the season. To the foreign tourist the Yosemite ranks with Niagara, and from those who have seen the wonders of nature on every continent the ver dict seems to be that the Yosemite pre-eminent the greatest or mi v Eagland Magazine. -John-I went to a Chin.. tohtveeomewMhlngdoneend.crMy teaman drove me out with a poker -iihbh wnairorr Jwo-A new way toirraaemiw ? Stltt.l n .. .. hue worn in smooth plaits that fall over the sbouldea to ii waist On her bridal day those shining locks, bound only by a chaplet of jewels, flowed freely about her form, lying ightly Against a robe "of good and delicate scarlet"-for white was with the Normans an emblem of mourning but the matron comities the tresses which the bride suffered to fall loose. i ei uie areas is suu gay in color a hooded robe of green of Ghent, the sleeves knotted up lest they should trail upon the ground. Even as it is the ample euos nng worn waist to beeL The embroidered kerchief, too, Is gaiuerea in a loose knot to protect from soil its silver fringes, yet should sooth be spoken the dame's overieai ous chambers have venutred to hint that the kerchief might te discarded as a garment savoring more of fashions past than present, but their mistress uia&c. sirnuiMl answer U1M she WSJ taught in early youth to dress rather ior warnun man appearance, nor be n nrsi w snui apparel with Die shift ing humor of the day. Cliatauquan, Seeing the Empres of Japan - uen ner Majesty shall pase along no one must look at her from the frame built on houses for the drying of clothes, or through cracks In doors, or from any position in the upper, portion of their houses. If anybody wishes to see her, Majesty he or she must sit down at the side of the road br which ber Majsty will pass. No one must look at ber Majesty witLout taking off his hat, neckcloth or turban, or what. ever else he may be wearing on or bout his head. Moreover, no on must be smoking while he or ah i. looking at her Majesty, nor, must any carry a stick or cane. - Only woeten wearing foreign clothes will be par milted to retain their head oorerlng. Although It may rain, no person will bs allowed to put up an nmbralla while P"I. Aa law Majesty passed no one must raj eiea, Bar Boat any eeusal be tsestf," wayward bit ion. The wily daughter of fc ' ; . who danced off the head i pt At Baptist, was of adiflwti; It slie might hare made a pU Qt! for John, since she f fo' bright But she wasn't r?K. about putting heads to vJZZ" was in taking them off. J To come down to alatel was Cleopatra; some behW'-4 types cf lovely women ti uqJ" type righter than hers wr , been satisfied to have beet J typewriter she could hsn( less jealousy in t tie breast thony and made herself j talked about -mong the x But she couldn't have bm . ensis of that kind, tircM, nately for her the type writa wami t invented. ine'i Other celebrated fem jjjV might be cited as posw-Msfflr: lies for good type writwj.sjrti' Elizabeth but she woulManott man to dictate to her, Uf etta-1-' trouble. When it r"- at tir ; . death warrants her execute Lucretia Borgia would ac. good type writer for a d ruffe I such an adept in writing m&mi ul lions. Owing to ungoverjaed J. she would have been r! , anybody who employed be ehlny - 5f Ground Hog lBlt' Detroit Free Press: ThjO, February U known as Groclt i in all back wood eountrie jt v; are feu old hunters or dwdtpt ing regions who do not JL-ji. , ground hogs and bears vthBtts their long winters sleep rfik"S and come out of their hmh"' to take a look around. as lite tradition Is, so ... . , in Know wnai tney nave imnj-: . or, In other words, if th they loose no time in their winter quarters and again and sleep for six cloudy and they can't set 1 ows, they don't return to but go right to work pi spring and summer can backwoods belief is thaU sunny it la a sure sign i more of the toughest lis1 weather, but if the clones' It Is positive proof that t of winter is knocked K A Storm Ti A great storm war n cyclone. At the center ( I ance the mercury imrt may be lower by turns i4 in a similar instrument i ot the cyclone. Tliii K diminution of aunn consequent on the ro( wheel; and as nature naesw the sea in the vortex id usual level swtil nM m Wt stored. Tha storm with the hurricane, sal the low Una like s wiM Backergudge cyclone ot wave covered the Ism end of the Gauges dslu rriiiar from ten to f"i measured by marks hundred thousand live this occasion. Cham! The Indlaa'iH Above wealth, wiv J civil renown, there is J dlan holds next to liiiCj his mind Is embiatonei J who can light and die. n la the man whose i dlan'seye. The w sre the emblems ei"-) the o!d days, and f i blue uniform s tht J about the white pe) dlan srer aaw. i age, justice, and im 9 civil agents sent dole out bad and ln"T) a conquered rs age, they can nevsf r apeet of the j TVrt boy-'D on Hallowe en r lWw,y--"i far. to buy