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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1891)
newly oteiieduiiiie at Necatle, an I H.e road is l-eir,- j usl.l -n trt rMena, i County Journal. ttHTTIT PAFIK. Montana. I The Pacific Fh-it liK'liah a line survvta arrc. tin- onllni ' .sirt of tin-, county, ami the mun'u.nt inf.. us ttu.t lfn- the '1 f awtUr s.-..-ti it j ;n iin in ,.,.PiMii,ni Iwroii 1 the e I line i.f Xebiuska. Tlij frirey of the PuciiicShort Line shows that tlie rol Mill Uve o. r :JS H.ik ,.( tiark in Sioux county. " ti 0 t ........ ton rt'ti.r tVA.1 fici.i .Ui:il'i,. t Vt . ' ! IT 1 Ll Sftllltl l-lil'l Editor. ; the Harris"" pout oflii-e a see- It "jbjut, Mabch 5, lufll. Vd caocero tumors are cured 1 llie 15. Oi .U- a Mil i u.i...r, d of Sioux county and it is expected that it will to built, but a tlm amount of the iue wlncli wuulJ Iw in :ou.t couiuj ii iiu. v, u, 11 n ii i. ..- ... statement. When you take into consideration the f;i t that Sioux county has ;.;ot so -rent a railroad milt-aye and has NO RAILROAD BONDS outstanding, and iu fact, no county bond i of any kind have ever toen issued by Ki.,.,v mimt.f vr.ii cannot but nee tlktt it is fur better off tliau those counliex that ll ying effects of Ajers Sarsa- rvTL-Y ir'raaMIKS v A pwnphM of Information aod ab-11 " .. m v i 1 Mtmctof la laa.abvwu( Hoo loll I I OMaio Pawnta, t aTCsfa. Trade V Marfca. Ooprrtchu, atnt rw. Vi(ta, MUMN GO., J xfai tr. f HOMES! mm imK p&ifif s If sw i r ii still ft large amount of GOVERNMENT LAND open to entry in gave a large amount of bonds for a few miles or railroad. Tlie accoiniMayin mtipj will give the reiulor a Kou wea oi me nun tun u vantages possessed by Sioux couiily. ft :i :.. r .. ...inw tn niin. iif v (it it fop a L'ri-ul1 u re. E.itrililjnlR l Mt3 soil la Ul nuv ii a u...uiu .v. w.......... .. 0 - - . indicate that it will soon bs one of the most projilable buar teet producing ilis- . . . .i . . 1 1 . . i. r. . t . 1 . : ...1 tncts in the world, and oilier crops .win not oe iar uramu. Tiiere are a irreat number of small streams distributed throughout the county furnishing excellent opportunities for stock raising and still are not large enough to cause a heavy public excuse for bridges. The settler can go to the sawmills in Sioux county and buy Native Pine Lumber for less than half what the same gradj of material would cost five hundred miles east of here. Good building stone can In easily obtained from various parts of the comity; an excellent quality of brick Ii i.j luia mido a few niilus from the seat; the quality of the water is the vei-S bei-t ur.u the climate is line. Harrison is the county seat and the only r.t.lroarl town in tno county, al though new tow-ns are being laid out at dilferent points. The is a line brick .court house which cost $10,01;), and represjMt iUvus of almost all lines of business. There is no railroad land in Sioux county, it is either government land subject to entry; school land subject to lease or purchase, or land that has Ijten taken I by settlers. tyCOME WEST, SEE AND SETTLE. Map of the Elkhorn System, ux County, Nebraska. county is in the northwest corner of the great state of Nebraska, and is airty mile east and west by seventy miles north and south. It comprise SIhy, fine rolling table land and valuable timber land. The county contains acres of land. Something near one-third of this area has been filed on by r .- . . , n i .i . i .1 r.. JL ft large number oi whom nave mane nnai proot anu nave ueeueu iarm Winder is still open to settlement. Of course there is a portion of this Vnot suitable for farming purposes, a part being timber land and is there Suable, and othor tracts, too rough for cultivation, produce the most nutri -'"XgrastieT and are excellent for stock raising purposes. ' ft lchvy has 4.1 s,lvaqt4gs '!;') no other portion of Nebraska possessed - . i el, Posts and House Logs are FREE y, alone, makes it possible for a man to improve a piece of land with Willr outUy of cvsli thin ha coul 1 hivj d)i) in other parts of the state. co ill ssi !sls 3 5 1 III v j ll Si sis U TL. i1Sils3os?ossil?8lsf :I 9 3 1 " II J c.j i s?flrfi!; -a i tires, t vi.. ix w.ttf t t i . w , ' S3- 'SU'a t.KllBC 1 4' f7 yMy' I , jt With Halt apnnje, ono seat, i-uscioa ana auiuw. . r - mi:rhrwt:uv? rp .-.'253 " : '-' J r tho Calobratcd K.l.ttal Wugfl, XOiO W. 6th Bt. , Winona. Minn. tr.x -:tS.-i MARLIN SAFETY! HODEL 1889. ' A V F.irriTiNft. fcsKf (f VI SOLID TOP. Weight, 6 Vlbt. Using 32-20, 30-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. Send for free (IcarrlpUve price-list of Kppcat.1n(t Itnics, , Ioublo-Autiia lie vol vera. etc.. to the MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT.,U.S.A. LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SOTS Are Uneitupnecf bo'.ti lr Hur.iing ana H f ,"-!f -i .,;,' . tr.i ':'(-p; 'n nod "IDEAL" RELOADING TOOLS For Rifles, Pistols 0 Shot Guns. RELOAD Y0U3 8HE1LS AKD SAVE filDiNE. FREE, nuisTnuTiD CATALOr.Ur: COWTA'NIN3 VAI'JARIC I NflTBUCTlOW Z ON ' ,WJ TO PNKPAR? VO IN OWN AMMUNITION. .. i , ;m-. .-. i.V v, lii. f - r " 85 Miles ot Railroad, '- . . , ... i . .iu,,!i:,,dl' P.; A. M. V. 'mifrnail crnssinir it Iroin wim rnurj thtn linn, wi vi.-j ..-. . --- -n , p aixl connecting with' the Clieyeutie & .NorUHrn, tints tmiliin a line gll tm Oinaluvia Donvcr ami the Pacific const, and iiImo ccmnerU tliU he" thlU"iW field just a !w ' . 1 Sn5ioiw county. ' ' ) " ' " ' . ' " ' '. '. -ttB. AH, crosses the northeast arl of thocountyaiid hw V jmlon ot its cilrttinr'I.M llntfwftfk, il h 11., y h or .'in. a m ul. and In their 1 Mil .Mfn inverihfvltvp. Any , 4 ,,. 111 lu i)'" 'i. Kmpv in im. VVfstmt f.u. Nnrli-k. You can 'la?ol r nil vKir Km to thf work. Ihia U n 1 u An.i. rfiil iuccmi mrarr wnrhrr. H.BltuhT" art- fiin'iiiif tfiu i lo U wi wtek aiifl apwarai, ai) in..n- bI'it t Hi U t-M-tUu-sJ. au ftunn-a you n n- Lmkliik ui-h. TUI .J A;0.tAliiilaUa-W S3000 A YEARI I un4lrlak to hrttflf loach any falrlj tntalllrni (iitiod of elth r 11. who MX rrad and wrl!, and who. aflu lutriiclin, will work luduatriailjr, linw tn aarn Thraa ThnMaaiid bollam a TairfnlRutrown lX'alltlaii.irhnrerirlhrr llva.l will also furnish th illaaUon ortni(ilrrmrit,al Itli h yun run rarn that amount, No monr-T for mo tin km aucrxaalnl at atiove. l-.alf and fM(rhl laarnM. I danire but ona worknr from narh rltalrtct or cunniy, I a airaarty iaKht auil irnvhlrd with employment rri mimbar, who im maktnir oar MW a 2Tnr """ ' S3 W ijf u, ran par urn lan rKKK. ahhwm at onca XtKM, flov 4WK AwbiiHH, Matlste, Mil TMr I Vlnp ma' Jf Jrn ft, ' ..(HllHty,N.V.,nt'rh i'.t u. Kaa-inr, ti i.i.-y u-t tuitke ni tnu h, hut w van l viWiii kiy how Munoi frin 01 to u ,!: v t.l lir nnit, ami moia yn )i.;i'ui,M-'. tt'i B-s. In any part Hmii m. to f r I in? t yfii, nirntaMnir 'Fl.l'f'.Y ta-m-'A faH Httla fc.ttnuahaaiwix!tl work tut U, br Anna !')(-, Anattni 'Mil, anrj ,!m. Ilonn, lolaHo, tAtn, . "t, (Ahart arr rr.inatwall, why 1 Hti i ..i !. -ndltra Innara ...y arrtini . t Miartay. Ailaf. Haahnw atirl tiart ynit. Can wrtt In nam, or an thf lima, nil niy nr t i"No.47 BOOK HOLDERS. Th; Most PtRrtcT Dictionary holdcs. Folding and Adjustable Tables. SLND I'OR CATALOGUE. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 K. !9thSt.,N.Y. LlJ fcSSSSSl 2T Are strictly first-clan ia erery detail, ins8ss an abialately perfect repeating action R'ad handsome cuei. FUy warranted. Are the btt ii the world, tad bbt led all othera for yean. Orer 210,000 ia use. The people are bound to hare the best, and will hare none hot the ESTEY, Time payments or cash, ai costomeri prefer. Call and see us, or send for CaUlogtea ad full information, Kf & CME SI liU'A iS: Filra nnhnnwit aaiooar thuaa. MiW an.t woaderftil. rirthi'jrtfraa, , II m sj rttai, m mi, 233 Ststa Street, Chicago. CTQV trOtltB House, OlO 5t QJJ?, OltV9 n 5 ' C-v3 3 '3 i? i Vi-art & ti Sa t !trt1X.AJ, h-l.ti.