The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 05, 1891, Image 2

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i. L. SIMMONS. PxpUctor.
Frame Work of the Engine
Broke and Every car in the
Train was Derailed.
Kill and RTerl Wood-
dr4 kj the Aecldtil.
Richmond, Ikd., Feb. 27. The rear
coach of limited Pan-handle train from
Chicago to Cincinnati jumped the track
at Hagerotown at 8:30 last evening and
rolled down the enbankment. F ur
i 1 1 .j - i I : : .. 1
persona werw Kiueu buj voi lujuieu.
The killed are:
O. F. Deal, engineer of maintenance
of way ot the Pan-handle.
George Needham, attorney ot the
C. B. Case, conductor.
Arthur Rmym, passenger, of Rich
mond. The train was coming down a steep
crude into town, when the frame work
of the engine broke and every car in
the train waa derailed, going down a
tifteec-foot embankment. The cars
caught fire, but the fLmee were quickly
extinguished. All the coaches v. ere
terribly wrecked. The following per
son were probably fatai'y hurt
Mrs. George McCresr, Richmond, Ind.
Mrs. J. C. Busim, Sacramento, Cal.
A large number sustained injuries
but will probably recover.
As fast as the injured were taken
from the wreck they were carried to
houses near bj, where every attention
was given them until arrangements
could be made for their removal to the
hospital at Richmond.
A Fire t Minneapolis.
Mihheapolis, Misif., Feb. 27. A fire
whiob started in the lumber exchange
after 1 o'clock spread to the Edison and
another adjoining building.
At 6 o'clock the fire had nearly spent
its fury, but not until ths old half of the
luaber exchange was an almost com
plete wreck and the Russell block and
the Robinson block were a mats of
ruins. A number of engine companies
were brought from St. Paul and put in
to service, but too late to save the old
half of the great lumber exchange
building, which towers twelve stories
high. Through the efforts of the fire
men the new half of the building was
sived from destruction, no very great
damage being cone to that part cf the
building. It is very difficult to get ac
curate information in r gird to damage
or insurance. The Russell block was
owned bv Sol Smith Russell and man
aged by his brother, Gity Attorney Rus
sell, who is ot present out of tho city.
The loss is estimated at7u,000 and prob
ably covered Ly insurance. The Clare
Speaker company, vhich has within a
month established a paint factory in the
southern half valued :tn plant at (7.0 0
.andiUstockatt2J,OOJtor250CO, fully
i 1 T T T 1
ooverea Dy insurance, a. a. usrunpr,
whose hardware store occupied the low
er floor of the Robinson block, could not
estimate his loss. His stock was cover
ed by insurance. The upper floors were
occupied by Miss L. Benson who kept
an apartment house and loses (2,01)0
worth of furniture. ' The loss on the
lumber exchange is almost impossible
to estimate. - The fire upper floors are a
total loss. It will not fall short of 8300,
000. ; '
T lasmcd aa Injunction.
Chicago, Feb. 27. Attorney-General
Hunt tiled a bill in the circuit court
to dissolve the Consolidated Mutual
Fir Insurance company of Chicago
Aa examination into the affairs of the
company in November last disclosed
the fact that its capital waa impaired
$39,000. Auditor Pavey, upon whose re
lation the bili is brought, discovered
that nine pages had bean cut or torn
from the journal ct the company. It
was els med the book-keeper tore the
pages out to conceal errors which it
Contained ax.d ths manner in which it
as kept. The risks enforce amount to
13,113 ,000. The company is not licensed
to transact business outside of Illinois
and it is said it bat unlawful risks in
other states amounting to almost 13,000-
000, the nates or contingent liabilities
on which amount to $192N0. In Janu
try, 1891, the oompany ceased businesi
and made a pretended assignment and
to hare a receiver appointed. Judge
Collins has issued aa injunction restrain
leg ths disposition of ths assets until
the fioal hearing.
BnrbaS Wir Jf .
Caiooo, Feb. 27. The barbed wire
ataaufaoturers of the United States, af
ter several months of struggling, havs
ton agreement. At a meeting of
tseir sew orgaaieation, the C Jumbia
PeWateompeay, paperefor ths trans
fer at the Washburn A Moan patents
were prepared and signed. The pmpo
eitiea will sow be made to the Wash-
he ra Moan oompany end it is
teeecht Ute matter will soon be finally
fcxaarrlUe Journal: - TA-"ltf 1
wrow you nmbniuTtldt afternoon,
wr - '
CWT;aBlMi It tofotsxtorcts
rnrttt Frodrtck Lcmvc Franc.
Pabis, Feb. 28. Empress Fredrick
left Paris yesterday morning. There
wero no unple 6ant incidents attending
ber departure, although it bad been
publicly announced that the empress
would leave for Calias st 11:30 a m.
She left the German embassy two hours
earlier and waa driven rapidly to tht
depot for the Northern railway, where
she en ereu a train for Boulogne. From
Boulogne the empress will proceed to
Calais, where the royal yaehi is waiting
to convey her to Eagland.
Despite the precaution taken, several
hundreds of people baa gathered et the
depot, ani watched with interest toe
movements of the ex-empress. They
were quiet and orderly, and many sa
luted her as she passed. The ex-empress,
who was perfectly composed,
quick'.y entered the railway carriage
There was no disrespect on the part of
the crowd. From the fact that the
time of departure was bastenel it is in
ferred that the empress regarded the
situation as a grave one. The gene si
tone of the press is moderate. The alle
gatioas of the Cologne Gazstte, that
the royal visitor had met with diiourt
esy, are empha.ically denied.
A Now Polar Exp d!tlon
Washington, D. C, Feb. 28. A ne
polar expiditioi will bs undertaken by
Civil Engineer Robert F. Feary of the
United States navy, who yesterday se
emed leave of absence for eighteei.
months with this object in view. Mr
Peary proposes to start on his expidi
tion from St. Johns, N. F., about the 1st
of next May. His idea is to go as fur
north as a whaling steamer wili earn
him and then Btrika for ths north pole
on foot across Greenland, lie inteadf
to have as small an accompanying par
ty as is consistent with absolute necess
ity. Possibly it may ba composed of
not more than four or five nutives and
the baggage and other implements will
be reduced to the lowest possible num
ber also. The expiditun which ha
been planned and arranged by Lieuten
ant Peary i a purely private enterpri.
in which the United S ates governmen
or navy department has no part. It, i
understood that whatever backin
Lieutenant Peary will need io order U
carry out his scheme will bs guarantee,
to him by some of the geographical so
cieties of the country. Personally
Lieutenant Peary is a robust youoi
man of 33 years of age. lie hails from
vlniue and is at present on duty at tin
Philadelphia navy yard.
The Work of tbs Sturm.
San Dieoo, Feb. 28 Several doathp
have resulted from the flood at Tiajua
na. A Mexican was drowned while at
tempting to assi t others. A drugei'
named Scribner was swept away in his
store by the flood. There is notabuil- -ing
left standing upoi its foundatioi .
The 'bus house is 'he only one that lia
cot been completely wrecked and thn
is badly damaged. The main curren
of the Rio Juana river runs througl
the town. The valley is completed
swept of fencing, windmills, etc. A
cumber of catt e, bogs and horses ar
known to have perished. There hae
been no communication from the Mexi
can side yet, and it is impossible to ten
the damage or number of lives ost. A
message from Dee Causes states that
tbirty-tbree inches of rain has fallen
within sixty hours at Stonewall, tti
heaviest rainfall ever known in thit
Itobvon lenift he Keport.
Mkmphis, Feb. 28 Stuart Robson
was interviewed yesterday afternoon i:
regard to rumoM concerning his en
gagment with Miss Mary Waldrom of
his company. "There is no earthly foun
dation for any such report," said Mr.
Robson, "acd I desire it emphatically
denied. My wife and I lived togethei
tnirty-rour years, juiss v aiuron is
nothing but a child. The story ha'
been started by scandalmongers. Then
never has been nor never will be aoj
foundation for such reports. I desin
you to emphatically denounce any such
rumor. Miss Waldron is young enough
to be my grand daughter. The rumoi
is ridiculous."
He Su !-,
CnicAGo, Feb. 28. -Albert A. Hovey,
transfer agent for the Rock Island road
killed himself yesterday morning b)
cutting his throat with a razor. II if
friends can assign no cause for the act.
Mr. Hovey came to Chicago about six
yeais ago from New York, to accept thf
position with the Rick Island road
For the past five years Mr. and Mrs
Hovey occupied apartments in Mr-
Laura Young's boarding house No. 243
Michigan avenue. Mrs. Huvey's health
has been failing for some time, and she
started for Hot Springs, Ark., last Tues
Jay. He was about 10 years old.
Week's Sport: First Gun Cartridge
Vm going to quit my position suddenly
some day and without warning.
Second Gun Cartridge Because you
know you'd be discharged if you re
mained, v '
' The HlMkattSMM.
8a c'aAjicisoo, Cal , Feb. 27. The
re Dor x now being reoai led with regard
to ti bl ckade on the Southern Pacific
in California and Arizona are more en
jouraging than those of ths previous
days. At pre nt au urougn travel be
tween Jot too and uoa Angeles is block
aded, as on the Sects Ana branch. No
trains havs reached Los Angeles from
the east sines Saturday nl .ht. Beyond
the Seven Palms te line is clear to Yu
ma. The sale of tickets over the A lan
Uo k Paotfto has been resumed, the only
obstacle on that rod being at Bsrstow,
where tS bfidts Mgoca, .
The Water live teet m
Than the Flood JIark
Both Rlrer lUgirig Torrent B Ins H""
lloux. ireee and Dend Auiumi
Sax rmsr.ic, Feb. News sb
received this afternoon by the Southern
Pocilic manager that Yuma, Ar.z, u-
certainly doomed. At two o Jock
operator warned the office here thai ho
could stay at his key only half an twur
oncer, as the water as rising so rapid '
thit it would soon sweep away the of
fice. At that time the water in Color
ado waa up to 34 feet and 2 inches, live
feet higher than the Hood mark of MI,
and the highest ever known there. The
Colorado and Gila are both racing tor
rents, bringing down portions of houses,
trees and dead animals. The water has
reached the sills of the ."500 foot railroad
bridge across the Colorado river,
and it is expected the Lridge will ro
Yuma has about twelve hund-e 1 peo
ple, mostly Mexican?, and halfbressds
Its chief dependence is upon tne rail
road, and it is the 6eat of the territorial
penitentiary and a large Indinn sclio-1
there are no buildings in toivn of much
value, but the flood will damage the tine
orchards along the Gila and Salt r.ver
valley. Damages are very great bs the
extensive irrigating ditches and dams
will be ruined by the high water, i nd
hundreds of acres of fruit tree.i have
been washed away.
Demoralized llieTrtisl.
Bcffaix), N. Y., Feb. 28. ex-ret
meeting of the national harvester com
pany is being held at the Irquois Intel.
It is surmised that the conference in
called to consider the advisability of
Jisolvinjr the IruBt which has bsciime
considerably embarrassed by its tU feat
in the action brought by the Clipper
chilled plow company of Elmira. Ae
the action was the first against an in
corporated trust it has attract wide
According to the evidence in that
case, the trust was organized much us
other trusts a'e, by recourse to intimid
ation. The Clipper chilled plow com
pany held out as long as it eou!! and
only when lold that the trust would
make it impo sible for it to do business
joined the orgonization. When on e in
side and having bad about a monU.V
experience, it decided to withdraw. The
trust wanted to kefp the Clipper iiotn-
pany's valuable patents. Judge Walter
Lloyd Smith of Elmiro, before whom
the case was tried, declared the trust an
diegal organization and gave the decs
ion favorable to the Clipper company.
The publicity given the case is exceed
ingly damaging to the business interest
of the trust and its members. If the
directors assembled in Buffalo do cot
decide to dissolve they will probably sp
peal from the decision of Judgo Smith.
.a the part of the authority est
,u Idea distnrbaD'-ffl. may cur t '
;he H i pre Frederi ka dep-ift.
.,m.iu2 as the ht:;e filing of I
Dub'i" Un-omes more mani es.
hiin of French arti.t for exhibit
I.e:rw.rk3 atllsrlin has been i. ,ai
h.ei in cot.ffjuetice of the revnal
AGtiGTfii in spirit. Mr- 1
.h'JiadfdvoreJttep'.an after confer
ingwitb the enipres-, has jir!.;ei.
.,rwr;ar.d n m ancouvt-es that he r
ird the propoJ exhibition 11 feels Wn relied ion t.-a- '
Aouldbe uns.atriol'cforhiiato V
.'rl.n under tle.-irc ii.s'i'.-.-es. ht.i !.
.JdHlhat a 1 hi broker artist,
... i-,.i,mii. wi'l nt it'in fr-mi
noveruent. The question is the n
opi ; of conversation in all '-irfie.-.
he reception of M. Ki!o m'niBter
V.reian iitT.iirs, Count Von Mur.s'er,
. i . ,.
i t van niubus-auor, imi- 1 '
.vy the impression that the blame f
:he u-ifortuna e incident wai a-tri W
to the mi'leading of
I'lerb-j'.te. French ambass tdiir to (ier
naiiy, and ther nre appnreutly wel
i'uuo leu reports that M. Il-rb:.tto i:
05 rcrali'-'d.
;,iiatUD .u r!lwayi recoru
iiiiKt thJt s. t No. ", bill to regu
;,te ra.l-Aay crprta!iiii olUft
. ciiiin-.iiearrien in llin ""J
- ,t.iUii.!i a M hediile of reasonable max
n.uiii ru'i-sofi-liarge. for the traiw-
i of fiei'ht and cars on -:irn
ti-i board.
rv;:ito- I'oytiur
chair and n. V v-
latutM of Xebnu
' lauds, and to lew
tions, wai re;i4 ti .
passL J
Vision 1, Of u.s,m J
NVbra-kn. of 1', 1 N-nator J f ' Wlk
that ho would f "
an i asked 1 ' " ? T a 01 T-W
Jtit:if ion
.i o,., ni r,i:n!i in ihc Mate of Xeb-
;ihk:i. an 1 to '
l'lioi!i;ts gave li'itice
nil" in a tii'iiionty report.
hat ;':.e report be laid over one day,
i: 1 it .io ordered.
ii.4. rominittee on revenue recorn-
,.i uiU -i ti e passage of S. I
",. port ;ih'pted.
the third time in,i
.KF.No. ,aUUtoH J
and to amend sei-tioiifiil
" : :i.i ' 1- Z
titled insane, and to i"
- . ' u! sei'tion 4H u. ,ro.j .l if.
I;:, miiiitteeon municipal aliajra, -fii
...... , I i . J 1 A..
A Town Wtt-lied A vty.
San Dif-.-o, Cat.., Feb. UT.-The st-wr.:
r Sunday and Monday was the mo-'
evere ever experienced i 3 this Beit
I'he d-inia'o to railroads had:ng fron
.he city is quite lar9 rnd it nil l
ii neek before travel is re-r .-.1 f ' i'
ahs lefore the II wd. The ton of Tin
juanH, on the Mexican line, totahy
.vashedaway except the V.wti hole'..
vl.ioii is so badly damaged u3 to l9 ot
io further use. The (Uav river lro
ts hanks and swelled the Tiajuana rive:
inlil it flooded tiie eni-ire i.'ountry.
nv:eping nway stores, Iioufw, citth
,nJ oveithing that earns in its path
Two rertons are rejrteJ drowned a!
P,o;u na. No other fatalities are re
torted. At Bumona twelve inches of water it
eported as falling during the storm
)a Cuyamaco road neverd was!. on'
cc-ired and the San Diego river br;di
ras washed nway. At l.jBMiaili t' -aiii
did great damage. The soup work
in the Eaesenda river were washe'
i way, hul no bus of life was reported.
V'o damage was done in San I'.ego. ui
hough considerable rain fell and tin
vind attained the velocity o'foity mist
er hour.
,, i'o!;:uiendiil the passage of S. F. No.
,i;h, 1 he report was adopted.
Thr following bills were introduced
tnd read the first time: S. F. No.
. l ouiter -A bill to ann-tid chapter
vi of the c
for the year lfcHi.
. F. No. 2:13, by Thomas A hill lo
stal.i li nd locate a girl's industrial j
m'Ikmi! for juvenile delinquents, to pro
vide for the government, duties of of
licers and methods of committments
ind transient: to inaliu apjirnpriation
or i ri'i tioii of in ccs.-iry building and
to provide for letting contract theie-
" of chapter 4 of tl rJAi-W t
132 Xebraska. va read thtk4t Mt'f
jassea. 9m;
i ti V V l.y- I li. Hsu
miiiled statues oi .eura: a ,
1 frnvuriinr 1 1 ..u .. .
aoutll half of the souUl''
sec t i ou No. 21, ia twlvV
north, in range 7, east ft
in., on payment then-;;
third tima and parsed.
K F. No. 23, a bill v'
'10. chapter 2K, of titf -feV
of IhV), entitled fees, n J;
time. f'lt
S-nalor SUrven mn
be reconiuiltted to tt.'"T
i'. No. 231, by Warner
:it ili.senimna ioii in
-A bill to
lifn iiisur-
Murderer l ord Biitnrpt).
Ottawa, 111., Feb. 1.8. After over
ruling the motion for an arrest of judge
ment in Charlie Ford's ca6e, Ju.'ge
Stijip passed a sentence ot ceath upjn
him, fiing the time of his execution
between the hours of 10 a, m. and 4 p.
ro. on Saturday, March 21. In keeping
with hia brazen effrontery during his
long and eventful trial for the plotting
and carrying out, with Bill O'Brien's
assistance, of the murder of Dav d
Mcore, of Omaha, when BEked what ho
had to eay before sentence should be
passed, he stood up in full view of the
hundrods of people in the court rcom
and said: "I am innocent.'' After re
ceiving bis sentence he walked out of
tlie court room with a cigar in his
mouth, chatting with Sheriff Taylor.
lCiiffUhliiiien Hnylng Mcirljruui .
Atchison, Feb. 21 An aut of a-i
English company, organized under the
the laws of New York, lim in town
for a couple of days fur the purp-sa of
jbtaining figures on defaulted Kansas
mortgages. It is the purpose of the
company to buy up all such mortgagee
hat can lie obtained at a satisfactory
liscount and fjre;lo;.e the same. Ifav
ng secured tha titles, the land will :
jffered to actual settlers on ten -,
twenty years' time at u low rate of in
terest. N ) ciibh payment at the ti m
uurchase will he required and the pa;, -uonts
will be maite so easy that a thnf.
.y man may pay f-jr hiB farm out, of thy
,rotilaof his lab ir. The agents him em
ployed B law firm in Atchison to asais
the company in making bargains for
mortgages und foreclosing them after
Aards. The company lias a capi'al of
l,OJO,0CO. Tncre is one other company
p New York organized for the same
purpose. The enterprises H'e of course
oacked by the faith that Kansas wit;
Una, ly have rlenty of rnin und
iheie will bo no more drouths.
Altinpd flilrld.-,
Va;;iingto.v, Ta., Ta., Fib. 2". L"Et
night the condemrjed nc-grc, Villi.-.m
U'ffct, made an attempt oa his life w hile
ihe night watchman whh within a tl.ort
Foro contemplates Miicide and an I lcce , iron from hi8 (ind ut Bnl
attempt last night to gain potion of j tempted to ew allow it. Failing in this
of couple of boxeo of matches i. trlI ,n c.u Ho . .
with the evident intention of eating the ! is horrih y gasLed. but nhUeian, ,Ll
phosphorus off of thorn. Unless the
supreme court interferes and it is not
likely that it will-Ford will be banged
in a temporary building in the jail yard
on the dBy set at a few minuUe after 10
o'clock. He will be the eecond maa
ever hanged in La Salle county, the
first being a man named Gales, who
stretched hemp in 18C4. Ford is a des
perate criminal, his father having Deen
hung, his uncle now being in jail and he
himself being a grsduate of several pen
itentiaries and many jails.
he ?;ill survive the injury. The nitflit '
watch was at his siae almost immediate- i
ly upon hearirghiB gni-pg and succeeded I
in stopping his suicidal .tteuipta The :
affair has caused much excitement, and '
serious doubts are entertained us to j
whether ho will live until the hour of '
execution today. i
Llor Trouble.
PirrsBuRo,PA.,Feb. 28.-The griev
ance c mmittees ot the various organi
zations of the Pennsylvania svsteru re
ceived from the company's officials a de
tail answer to their demands, setting
forth just Inw the comnanv mM
equalize matters. It was receivpd i of Slate Line steamnhi,.
apparent dissatisfaction, though there i puny deny thut ih" company is
7 . ,,r W'a' Uensral Superin- "'uula' ent "aldwin said the cm
Undem WatU still hopes there will be l'y WM completing a Ilbw Btailnj
T ouisays there is no telling mougtit it would not build i
Simmer I.Imk Kmbarraweil,
Glasow, Feb. 2C.-The board of di
rectors of the t tate Line steamship con
rany announce that i'),'03 lire re
qiurod to meet the liabilities of and to I
provide a working capital for tho com- j
pany. The directors add if the eto -k
Holders are not preoared to mt this j
call they recommend that the campnny I
no into liquidation.
New V'oki:. Fii o-: . ...
' 'iKeuui IO lll'.g I
cam- i
. (1. No. 2:0, by Ilandall-A bill to
nrevent persons from practicing the
n'iewe of veterinary or veterinary fcur
;iry, ithout lirst obt .tninj a jierniit
.ur the san e, and providing for il pen
' .illy for a violation of the provisions of
'his act.
: S. F. No. 2.";. by Miumway A bill to
submit to the electors of this state an
I ! amendment to section i, article .'1, of
the constitution of the htate of Neb
! ui'.lia.
S. F. No. 2.'IT, by Hill A bill to
11,1. nd section 5 of chapter '.'l of the
ompilcd statues of Nebraska of lsi7, i
1, titled weights and inea-sure and, to
i-peal said original K?ction.
. . F. No. 2:!'.', by Williams A hill to
micnd section 12 of chapter 1 of the
rimiiial code, f the complied statues
1 it the s-tatc. of Ni t), aska, and to rnpeal
', said section.
The Chair Tho chair is in formed
1 that tho bill ia now on third reading
and may be reached in ila regular or
,.ler. H. II. No. W, tho bill to n pea! the
sugar bounty bill was read the third
.Senator KeijKT moved that the bill
J ho recommitted to the committee of
(he whole.
The ayes and nsys were demanded
1 and the motion to recommit to the
. committee- of the whole vf 8 lost.
S nutor Ktipei raised the point of
nler that the bill could not now be
1 iken uj) out of its regular order.
The chair said that the point of order
would have been well taken it taken in
iiine b..t wa. now too late.
1 The b. 11 was then put upon iU pass
( age, and passed by 11 vote of 24 uvea,
j N-nator Keiper changed bis vote
j from no to aye before the aiinoiinco
' rueiit of the vote and gaid in explana
itiou that he wished at a future time
1 to move n recoiwideratioii.
! H. If.. No. HI, the bill to authorize the
j issuance of state bond for the purpose
J of purchasing seed grain for thcuroutli
j . uflerers of the west, was then read the
; .liird time and put upon its pa.wa;;s.
I Abator uitzler moved to recommit
I hi 1.
I The mot on to recommit w as lost.
1 The ayes and nays were called upon
; he passage of tho bill, and the bill
I iiassed with the emergency clause by a
- ote of 27 ayes.
There were a number of case In the
.tate where men had left their homes
mil taken up their residence in neigh
borin? counties, or in distant parts of
he .state for the purpose of earning a
ivelihood which could riot lie secured
at their homes.
The present hill, while it provides for
those' who remain in indolence upon
their homesteads, excludes thn worthy
cases where men have gone elsewhere
to make a temporary living. This is a
a very serious objection to ih Mil
"i which should be amended so (is to in-
- 1 ...
tho whole for the py
amended. f
Senator Moore iiiquii
or from Lincoln wli.i'j
proposed. ?
N-nntor Steven lavV
vided for exclusive Ui-
N-ualor Moore tho-if
not excessive and aske;
had unon iU Mse.
Tint tnritwut to rwfitr.-?.
the bill was then 1 ass-d v
.. ,. .... , . !
. r. .mi. w, n uiu in njjj-"'
.".'I. of the hessioli la as t' L
, .. ... . m
iimenu section i", nii.r.-
cmde this class of citizens. We hao
already voted 9100,000 to the relief of a
certain section of the stale, and the cit
izens of the eastern portion w ho pity a
laigo proportion of the taxes have out ! Si of chapter c,,n!,"
of their ow n pri ate means contributed Nebraska of l'1. was
compiled statutes of 1-
ricultnre, and to reje
amended, a as read the
N-n.ttor Collins mor
1 snsp'-iided lor tht-
Hiilermg the resolution
him in iorer.0011 grume - F
1 e.e Keoaie 1 ioiiui"j i :r . .a.
Wednesday evening z' 4
'J he mnlion lov.'fariJl
and the resolution uf
wai l Inn carried. tt
S'liat'ir Koiiuts intn.i; jT
tioii which requesti-l jj
state to furnish the cmsi -'-j,
diers' lioims traiisr
neiises t-j Gran 1 Isl iniic "iff
unanimous consent audstV
lulonted. hy
l-l... ..,.lr tlicm U-iif-y MrtiO:..
of the whole for the r -bills
on general lil'-. J
1 he motion j-rev . t&J. r
Seumway was called tn' yfe: $
Senator Keiper inow.1 jt-f -g
71 to 7S, inclusive, te tut ,
der lor next Tiiuriay at t
i'he motion of sH.tir Jtti
vnilwl, i
s. f. x. io: a bin ' yu.
tiou 12-1 of chapter "1 l Sj
litatutes or lW.l;etilitM f-i
senator t'ollius introavfAf
real a letter from '.wOf
ineiuling tno uiu tin 1 1-.
Hue ot the bills. 1 lit)
letter was suddenly eti?
clerk pronounced t)i
hot hewls louim lami
in the senate, bill"
Senator Collins niov
he recotiimended lo p
S. F. No. 81. a bill W '
0.1 ot the session lavtjof-M
proved March 2'.i, !.,
w as n com mended l 1
Ou motion of N-iutK
rules were suspend ;J If
ol con ideriiig 11. 11. Si
nronriation bid for lilt f
culeiiUlI expenss of U4
i'ne bill was read m
to nass.
h. F. Xo. 73, a bill USA
chapter 4;t, compw-a
braskaof 1W.. was n
men-led to Kass.
S. F. Xo. 5, a hill toisj
4 and 11 ol chapter
statutes Of NebrasU
reisieration of v uteri H
k!.;m m-ctions ) aiiin 'i
N-nator Dysait twitH 1
ler, who introduce-! uk i
the bill. , ,,,
si.utr.r Swilzler s.1-0 J
...... I Ml the iCiUe
..riiml. and as li l
..-i...n..i i,liKt of tt:e K'-1
ties legally qnallmed '
have U-eti unable toKJ
1 .. . 1 .,fii tut! hiHrt
The bill wiis recoup
t)n motion of sew.
Xo. 10 was passe.1. I
H. F. Xo. 72. l"J Ll
what msy hanten.
Orand Lursi.,n 1-rnpoKrri.
ALBCQi-iiBQtje, N. M., Fb. 21 -The
constitution and by-laws of the New
Mexican press association have been is
sued and will be distributed be Secre
tary McCnght to the member of the
.agonal once. President Kistler
Jm .ubmifed the proposition for ,
grand press excursion of New Mexico
ed.tors and their wives to the City of
Mextco.nMaytoSeperintendent Dyer
ofth.Sant.Fe, coI
cation wtl, the bead officer, at Top.i
Business waa not paying
A "rl(,u Lurk
Yonng Mr. Forundml (in
(enter)-AWiniyg00d rna
alt have fox-mints head
Native "Nope"
"hat is the maltah
"J'leity o' foxes.
No dogs!
"i'lenty 0' dogs."
"I'lenty 0' horses."
roo!e York Weeklr.
do joi
Xo foxea if"
many thousands of dollars in i!.oiiy,
food and provisions.
: It is neither fair, proper nor in nccor
j dance with the strict letter of the law
, to legislate In favor of any set of per
sons to the exclusion of others equally
worthy. For this reason as well as
; others, while the bill ia in IU present
; form, I shall vote no.
s. F. Xo. DS, a bill to amend section
. ' ."i, of the code of r'vil procedure, by
i.dding thereto after lection 505 the fol
lowing, which shall constitute lection
uu:, was read and pawed by a unani
mous vote.
mf.ttJwl trt TialS
. . . lef
rsentuor nn- --. 4
ilder the ncUon of
. . ... . 1 ...ItfT 11 1
p-liir ni"-"
'ihe motion to rK
committee rise they rri
to the committee i.n 1
rfcnnimelidnliori Ui .
i, ihw et":'
The motion I f"''
henaior Keil- r,010
l reconsider'"-
72Tlie motion was)
bill W
tate normal ' l0W, R
was reat Him . ,"t.Hr
senator tfwitzler called for the read
ing of the numbers of the bills on third
reading in order that the senators could ,l,Ht lh htt
be informed In advance of the reading VTSiJ
The secretary was instructed to k l2igJ2"tllu
I .. .a, . . rJT J
I :iua un general me mown on Ut buije'v"1