oux County Journal HE 9 , ' "If? r - ''' i 11' I- ' 1 r t HABmSON-7HEB.. MARCH 5, 1891. IsTO. 25, JX COUNTY The "Hole of Iniquity" is having a ;,od run of jut) work of late and tins ami the fact of railroads having lieen I blockaded by tsnow causes tne t . , . 1isturlK'i" to lie issued a day lute. aitor na rvopru-.or. , & Ma HT AND BOLD j-by the , (X., Security Co., )RISON, NEB. Vcorporatcd.) f Capital $50,000.00 ?o,ooo.oo ' Officers : V. President. jH,icn, 1'ice PrPkident. ,3tkWPS, scrftiiry. ' Veritt, Treasurer, i H T. CONLir, Attorney. W now t m our lists over thirty CEC 3 FARMS in this county i - wt$we can st,H on LONG , ' . and EASY PAY- '4 t MENTS. ' fiic"wWiing to buy or sell should 1 1 sVfo' aDli Comn'"""" "iMlilars descrip f;t)oi the county r ci be nad on ap ration, for dis- ; fcution. ' J JSPONDENCE SOLICITED NEBRASKA SFCVRICY CO. - Harrison, Nebraska. f . E. M. V It. E. Time table. ' rOst. Going East. ixod,.... 10:15 1 No. SB, mixed 4:27 arrival Seivtrf the well !5&gSce March 17th. Rhafer informs us of the rtshv trirl nt the home of J tiid..v." '-je entertainment given by on last Friday evening was 'If. Sutton is now in possession of J y-rty recently purchased ry mm nh of The Journal office, The jamily have moved into the Gal 'Iding, formerly occupied by II, T. as a law office. I ,'Wt first issue of the Youth's Cam &R for March is on our table and is a vme double number filled with "things. This publication is one oi W that can be placed in a family Jot'ds information to both young W. It in almost a family neceeity. V h, Wn rumored for some time in cas a bill wa .passed by the leg ire affording an opportunity for !ns to vote, whether free range or llaw should prevail, the cattle men ded to attempt to induce the pP1' iote for free range, That accom- Wl, Uie next htep was to run in a iter of cattle from other hU.U and B them Uxmw to destroy the proin-rty Jhe grangers and thus force them out ihe county, but it remained for U W. Cdy to divulge the real plan. We i informed that he stated t o ft neighbor Wly that a (soon as the legislature Ci iL M neeearv to provide for a ?B on the question, he Intended to per illy cireolate a petition, get the uisite number of signers and compel V commissioners to call a special elec 0 on the question, Ho was sure free ge would carry and then one of the Wild-be cattle barons was going to go gixas and purchase twenty-flve thou Ta steers and bring thorn to x county. Five hundred were to be t n M Woodv and the whole lot m to be turned loose to roam over the Vnnt. fnr the Durnoso of running tiu Wch out. That is like a great many BM $ tb gang, it may be plewtani d4Hi 0 lhmstlv(i but H w" who recently returned fivim (hadron where he had received treatment for his eve?!, is now suMYiing from kidney trou ble and has l- cn v. vy si U fur some days lie U Home better, and it is liojied he will soon recover. ArraiiKi mi nts are bein;; made for a irmml 1 vr i 1 1 nt Ibirrison on the evening of St. Patrick's Dav, March 1 1 til. 1 lie par ties interested propose to make this the most enjoyable dunce of the season, and bo eiiinv dancimr should not fail to lie present, .1 The ladies of the "W. C. T. U. will Hive a "Chicken Pie" supK;r at the court house on Friday evening, March Cth, from 5 to 7 o'clock, p. m. The time is set so that people may take supper there inste:id of at home anil all are jnvuea to come and a special invitation is extended U all lovers of chicken pie. Supper 2' cents. The V. C. T. U. has received quite :i quantity of supplies of clothing, etc., for distribution to the needy. A com mittee consisting of Mrs. Horick, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jameson, MisaJlinne himtli, Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Simmons has -cn nr.fxnnt.ed to attend to the distribu tion and parties in need should apply to m'emhu-9 of the committee. Rev. Rurick also assists in the work. ' The winter term of school closes this week, which will lie followed by a vacation of one week, after which the spring term will begin. The scliool board elected both the present teachers for the spring term. Miss Connor win receive ftO per month and provide for the janitor work and Mrs. Ohnger receive $3 per month. This makes a decrease in the salary of the former of 'i per month and an increase in that of the latter of $10 per month. V. It. Smith tendered his resignotion as moderator, which was accepted, ami Robert Wilson was appointed to till the vflcanf'V. Since the last issue ot iiik jolkmai thin section has been enjoying a "spell of a.-pathor." On Friday it snowed, on Sat- m.,l:iv it snowed, on Sunday it (mowed, ' Mndn.v it snowed. For a change Tuesday passed without any snow fall hut. the retrular routine was again tnlron iiv on Wednesday and more snow fell, and to-day (Thursday) more snow is niiim Th amount tliat has lauen uui- ' . . . . . - ing the past week is from U to J,u incues and the indications are good lor as muci. more. This is the sixth week t he ground has been covered with snow and while it , .i, n Tjj,iti nt. nresent it is a mu ik" t"-"i' i,u,l-i. o-nod crons almost certain. Th Inst isnue of the (.ra.VZ contained a commau'Kation;?) from Montrose, which in th main is a niteous whino to save some people from the results of an in vestigation of the county recoras. n good "deal is said in regard to the inJivid .,,.1 l,rv eirenkited the petition, Jame: Farnum. He is sneeringly referred to localise he pays but little tax. As if a 1. 1.. e t... !... ti ri.rllt man must ue ricn oeiorc u --b---to circulate a petition. Mr. Farnum is also charged with being a striker for The JofRSAL outfit. That is no disgrace for The .loUliNAL and its friends havo always ,.,K.ni,-,l measures in the interests of the people. The article makes a gjeat cry to stop the fight that is going on in Sioux county and with the usual consist ,.,. nr that nnner it urges the mer chants to drive people out 01 men- u.ct and applies a number of "pet" names to individuals and to THE juuk.nai, a.m seek to uphold former ofiiicials in ex penditures they made and admits that they did not comply with the law in all .....,,t The article suggests the name ..p 'P , I n ) sturder lor inn uv-"" and the title of "Hole of Iniquity" .u,a,Mna Tluit is all right. TheJour sal and its friends have had a number of titles applied to them during the past three years, but none have had any ef fect except to increase its popularity m ira'm friends for those who are woriun fr justice and tho advancement 01 me inte'reas or Sioux county. The ixitifion on file in the clerk's office, signed by 92 men will probably have as much weight as an article published in tho Herald as a communication. Iid any one know of the jmn hinting at peace when they had control of everything? It was not many years ago since the same gang that auks the merchants to keep people 0111 01 their stores attempteu 10 m certain inei-chants in Harrison whom they should employ as clerks. The fact is, the records are vnmgs which some do not want examined for the results will not likely be such as to make them happy, and hence they are whining and nocking to divert attention from them. The examination will lie up to the date the work is done anil it mat ters not whether it be former or present otlicials that have gone wrong they should be brought to account. ",iew ' to ; i..t 11... ,i,ii,i. In where thev tna lino anu ,, " ... . " An official whose record is clcur C0MMISSIOSF.KS' BFX'flUD- (OffiHal.l H ABBISO?.-, SIOOX COCKTT, NEB., .. Ko,ir,! met pnruniit to call of clerk. ITe-iit: fonmilslcjitrs Grove aud Knott iiiid cii'rk. . , . ,.r itisr rean aim ui' proved. , , The following official bond wcrt-preaenU J an I approved : l-hillip MoCunn. assessor Hat ( reek pre- id ni t. O.J.Oowey.ju-tiee of the P, Ixiwer lluniiinK Water precinct. Wiliiiun Wx.m, road ovt:rr, district o. 7 M n 'iu J. Fritz, ansfstor, Slierp Creek l".- cin'-t. Kob rt WiiHon, justice of the peai'e, Bow-i-n m- -inct. ( lmr:9 Valnicr, asiwHor, Snake Creek pre Cli ft. . .lo.non it. Story, justice 01 me peae. SK.iomoii R. Story, me inner )u mi,nic eountv. ,,1.1111 1 nfl,"" Statement ot O. C. Tally an road overseer frdiitrictNo.8vriwpreMU.-d and, on mo tion, as ref. rred back to said road oversew utr vBUiu-iiiu". -., thA territory contained in sec r oft i ami 3fi. towiiKhip 82, range .W, be and the same is hereby detached from White Uiver precinct and attacnou u.i tonwood precenct. Oil motion, board adjourned for dinner. AFTERNOOSr SKSSION. Board met as per adjournment. Communication of M.J. Carroll In regard to ro ids running across his land was taken .. ,.,i uiirrlnn consideration, F. W. Knott was, on motion, appointed to Investigate. the records and premUes anil rei)'" i " meeting of hoard. Appieatloiis for seed taken Dyua i.,. . ...,.., i nri (V Tidlv and presented 1J S. M. 1!. Stuart were considered and referrod to the Bioux county relief oomnimoo ami tlie clerk ia hereby instructed to inform and instruct said committee to compare said ) plications with applications tiled with tlic ji ,i nil those in which names aix- lllllCHJIVIl",.'." not duplicated shall be forwarded to tae ,.l4of rAiini,W4l011. a ,ti,(on His-iiml bv n citizens oi siyoj county reipiestini? the board to employ expert accountant to examine in record from the date of oiniii.ation of county to the date of examination waa )in- seated and, on motion, tlie cleric wax aim hereby instructed to correspond with an ex pert accountant in regard to me amount ,.r,i,rtn furniMi to imaranteo a true and correct report ot me cuuuiuu.. county records, and report at next mtet- n mot.inn. allowed account f,o, M4, al lowed August 2Sth, l-.Ki,trj tho Home Insur ance Company, be n-cons-KU.rcd at next meet ing ol board. Communication of T. M. Tliornton m re gard to his inability to nmsn oriupo n Wlitl. Kb-' r precinct 1n timu rcqursed by contract, (fas prcscnti,'-! and, on motion, the time for finishing bri.lifn was exiem. t.ii April 1st, tfiOl. On motion board adjourn. unui .....i...j, aarclt 9th, 1001. (ONhAI) UNIlKMAS, Oounty Clerk. Important to Assessors. Tlie law nrovides that an assessors meeting shall be held at the office of the county clerk on the third luesuay oi March in each year. . Section 40, chapter 77, page 6Wi, of the compiled statutes of 1HS9 reads as follows: "SKC t'X At-SKSHOHB MEKTLNO.j TlllirC shall bft held annually on the third Tuesday of March, at tlie oflice of the county clerk of ,. .. i, mriuUtia of the asscsfors of iid comity for the purpose of consideration In regard to the value of tiio variou kinds and classe of property to lie by them us aoua..,. onrt it shall bo the duty of each as- sensor to attend such meeting, and to call upon and receive from the county clerk the necessary books and blanks for the assess ment of property, and the failure of any . assessor so to do shall be deemed sufficient cause to declare bis olllce vacant, aim ior the appointment of a successor." There are none of what are usually termed minor offices that are of so much morlance as that of assessor, and in all years the meeting of the assessors is a provision of the law which should be strictly lived up to, and. especially is that Uie case this year. - There are , a number of reasons why this is so. One is that a uniform basis of valuation of nrnnert v should be agreed on in accord ance with law and another is the fact that important legislation in regard to assessment of property, failure to com ply with which will make assessors lia ble to severe penalties, is now pending . , ',1 t. ln l Vii, fiuunca- andilpassou win uppij w "o- '-' mentor 191, and as a matter of self- protection, if nothing more, every as- sessor should attend the meeting at uie office of the county clerk on Tuesday, March 17th, in order to inform himseii oi what the law requires him to do and how to do it. Financial Question. Editor Joins al: Our friend, "No Oteuljacker" picks us up quite crankily for quoting official figures and makiug some deductions from the same. He evi dently thinks he is discussing the finan cial ouestion by a rambling aUack upon us. We were (bowing the esultsofour present financial system. A. system which he evidently endorses: if so let him defend it. His article was written to mislead and nothing more, therefore we will notice it. The figures we used were official and therefore must be true. We stated that the money imwer could render this a homeless and propertyless people. He askes, "What of ifr" Oh. nothing at all. It doesn't matter whether the people have homes or not, and of course they should not want money, it is of no use only to bank ers. And besides "wnai win me "uucv power do with all our homos and proper ty?" Do just as they do in every mon archal Government, lease it back to us, and this country will become a tramp strewn land of homeless tenants. "What of iff" That is the purpose of tins sys tm. It. is a treasonable conspiracy in stituted to build up an aristocracy of wealth and destroy the liberties of the rieoule. He would have us forget (.hat the banks not only own all the mon ev hut also have it all, while we owe them a debt in excess thereof and our property is security for its payment Let me illustrate. It A be the people and B the banks. A borrows from B ifluO, which is the whole amount of mon ey in the country, for 10 years at 10 per cent. At tho end of that time, A has naid back the f 100 to A in interest and ol ill owns 1 he tiri nciule. A has val uable property (wealth) but no money. He oilers to turn over to 15, property to settle Hie debt but B says "No, I am a banker and . deal only m money. a tries to sell hut the same power that he owes owns all the money there is to buy with and no purchaser is found. 13 says 'The law shall tike its course," and A sees the wealth produced by many years or hard labor (while 13 was iciie) put up and sold to satisfy the debt but still there is no buyer but those who have the mon ey and to satisfy the debt, they rake in the fruits of A's 10 yeajs of labor. JNOW n i, . oinnnv nnd the nronertv of A. J, nun uiiv. ........--J , , And asks, "What will he do wiui ifr Just as he is doing every day; lease it or sell it on au ironclad coiit.i-aet for interest or rent, and A will toil upon the same until the earth closes over him and B revels in luxury. This is the differ ence between the man who has the dol lars fthe medium of exchange) in his con trol aud the one who has the "poker chips." And I again assert that this in famous financial system was instituted for no other purpose thou this: To rob ha tailer and build tin an imperialism of wealth. No, the people do not worship the dollars but they understand that those dollars have the legal debt paying power and can save their homes and pro vwl fond and raiment. What is a dollar? Simply an invention of organized society, as a medium of ex change, issued by the authority of that society (government) and endowed there by with an exclusive and absolute power in its domain, a debt paying power. Its i45iip. rind the control of its volume is the most important function of a peoples government, and villainy is a mild term for the act which placed the power in toe hands of private corporations. Do not suppose that the little debt of $1,970,000,000 is all we owe, reliable re-, ports state that the debts of our people, public and private, is $30,000,000,000, averaire interest at 6 per cent, annual in terest $1,800,000,000, market value of our staple productions wool, cotton, pig iron, railroad bars, wheat, corn and oil, $1,112,20G,SS3 last year which you will nee does not pay 'the yearly interest. These are some of the fruits of the sys tem. Is it a success or a failure)1 Respectfully, H. O. Stewart. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF FLOUR, all standard grades, which will be sold at lowest living prices. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Shoes, Good Quality, $1.25 a pair. ladies' Shoes, WARRANTED, only $1.75 a pair. Mens' felt Boots (55 cents a pair, and others equally cheap. Felt Boots and Ruhters $2.10, CHEAPEST ON EARTH? Good Grade of Prints, 7 cents yard, Overshoes $1.45 a pair. Bargains in Dry Goods and Clothing. Call and be Convinced. Groceries Fresh and Prices Low. jg1" FRESH and SALT MEATS always on hatid- Geo. H. Turner, GAR-LOAD OF N JUST RECEIVED. Oats and Bran Always on hand. WE BEAT CRAWFORD PRICES! Barrel and Rock Salt for Cattle. Come in and see our new lot of TEAS in FANCY BASKETS, only 60 cents a pound. . A New Stock of HATS for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN, just arrived. RELIABLE GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES. RANCH TRADE SOLICITED, PERSONAL. Surveyor Dew was in town this morning. Sam Tebbet was in town Saturday in terviewing the county board, Chas, Biedle called on last Saturday nnd contributed liberally on subscription. xr..o V H Price and children arrived Wednesday from a protracted visit in Iowa. S. R. Story was in from Antelope this morning and called at the "Hole of Ini quity." -'-I.' E. J. Wilcox wan in town on Haturday. Ho says it ha niin b,1Ry s,10Velinl? snow and feeding stock sioce tlie bad weather tegan, WANTED. The consent of 10,000 smokers, to send each, a sample lot of ir,fl'v,,;Ki.E"Cic;ai-sanda 20 year gold filled watch, by Express C. O. D. $5.25 and allow examination. Havana Cwar Co., Winston, in. Nothing equals Ayer's Sarsaparilla for purifying the blood, and as a spring medicine. Ranch Supply House. MacLachlan & Cook, Props. Sole Vestcrn Imgortars 0 Oft DE CYCLES. For Gentlemen or Ladies. With Solid or Cushion Tires, from $85.00 to 33145. The latest and bert product of the World's s Best Cycle Builders. LIGHT, STRONG, EASY RUN NING, SWIFT. Used by hard ridfcrs all over the world. We also carry a full line of American Cycles from $20.00 to $14-5. EASY PAYMENTS WITH MO EXTRA CHARGE. BARGAINS IN JOH LOTS, ALL MAKES AT LOWEST PIUSES Our superior Inducements hrlnrr ua orders from every State and T.itnfu onri aruo r v 11 tho United States and Canada. Ifvouwaiitone.nr one hundred cvclwiwa can do you coed arid save yon niwwy. Catalogue, T Second Hand and liar.wiu 1 it I rcu. Lurt Stock m the United bial.es. ROUSE, HAZARD & CO., 144 C Street, Peoria, III. The Home Magazine, conducted by Mrs. John A. Logan, should find its way into every home in the country. It nrinta nnlv that literature which is help ful to every member in the family and! beneficial to good home influence, ji practicable in all its departments. Every 1 number excels tho puev,otiB one- Jl "'J costs $2.86 a year for The JoTTWAl and Home Mugasine. sSMPJSMMslssMBsMsl ' Tun Journal and the Omaha Week ly Bet for one year for 18.70, cash in advance, It is reported in railroad circles that on April 1st, through trains to Denver will be put on this line. Good prospects of such an arrangement have been re ported at various times in the past, but in each instance it has proven to lie a "fake'but it i hoped tliat the first of next month will see the through, train service an established fact. As a toilet luxury, Ayer's Hair Vigor aanot be equaled, It is highly perfum ed, and kMpi tbe scalp cWaa aud ool. v $ 4ra ciWtt B9Y5 iwiimvw,u,ftH,inw' has no 1M vl n invti5tton