The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 26, 1891, Image 5
I r mi 3311 TLE lMrtbani, nilioga. f Uer CouiplsiiU, Prom nl in AeUua Jlon from Plnjplra, jreM. Cora every An Excellent liter Do not I L T yin ,h most per taant effect of anj bf DruetUls, or lenu. IRS Klcnnt, KrIUble. half Chicago, III, NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE. T'j3 foi.' bills were reported Lnclt to Hit- house by standing com iiii:tts Willi the recommendation that hey be passed: ... J:. Xo. 272 To provide cheaper n.v. i, j'ii,s una for district ownership. il. L', Tno. 2-A -To govern county tr in vn in the deposit of county and o!lu.-r public moneys U.K. 271 To form a new county mi... u,e r.iioiiraiiized territory lying i.oiiiiof iioit county to be known as i com; J- -i ;-.--X rhotelf Broo rk I ibiuf ihiff iyMr! .wfck' tsain'' wie r' lie. I lliui. ud a scumble . It is the Jiroi jtu going to .New jo (juicy.v filled I herb is i bi crow! k with a most Pin- 'ud gushingly prof- "jprctty gut ot tin jfee known to fain Jtypewrithit, fpu-lty, and iiisiino o ar.d share iu the suns to cast on t!: Instwid, to youi .. 13 a look of wither pray," sin and sharr yourself, jft barbs I ussuali you," ,.3?r;iy hit down JL$ t. w. Buyi aud straighten up scorn iiu'iitic'i hm, buiii," she says., nni yU. .,.tplainncss of the busi! """"STT.tlw he u-lli you tha sUnot( ii(et. shadow of i kCof salary, "you jn::) 'rottrI;.'tlo:rt want it. Yoi Utttim'!!'! all tho wayfron )B the crooliedest road J do not propose foi jtfdo to give yon my face rook -tnC B Hi pother liberties ble intelit-cl." the niiu maj ji low tone, but one Irated edire that it car. Then she 3l bHt(5fc 'on him. Tho ro tf CMUi!iice smiled audibly, fci CrVW.'ended.-Xfcw Yuiii J;rutc. lRt3BBr"iurv4fnizcn of the ice- oaUt;r-Lnd and Labrador "w.. 'lopuH, or hooded WfM'iU.Cv.nly beiLst, often 'UmO O"' Ho lie? in a great TO Met, ji is much the color I '.'i ...1 .... i v.iimi mo cun 13 vQThirr advances. ths ol 11. i co;i!;;i iiltOvil ! l-'i- O'l HI' fibl f ill and asked that it be placed end tile. Jn counties whs-re !. -No. 12s, by S;derman, giving 3 power to prohibit the sale of j honors, which was report h to th'j house by tho committee piivile-fs and .elections without 'Jiii.ii'iiUation, brought out eonsider ' discussion. 1'ort.r favored Hie on gen- saloons IK "aie.eait gave the people a - uice to say w... Ho believed the : la'.L- L-hotild not force saloons o:t coi;n v.hue the were not wanted. resoiutiou Vas adopted inviting I. . rowdeny. grand niasU-r of the ?.':. .i.. ,.r i ..i.. . .. . a ,ji j.,n;i)r, in a i::ress uie Iiouse a:n. ueiiKte in joint convention at 3 p. ni i'.rciYsoii offered a resolution allow- r.i'4 tr:u:sportaIi..ii and other necessary l-XllCilM'S 10 tllO COUlllllttoO Oil ill.t.llio isyian-.s in order to allow the com- ni'.tee an opportunity of viaiting the mate a: ylariw. Miradcr moved to amend by making th( com;iiUe3 consist of only three li;d it waa adopted, '1'he words "other errsary expenses" were stricken out by an almost unanimous vote and the IV.SO.LiUoll was adoiited III limemlo,! Tii. time having arrived for Mr I Wiierly to address the house he was ei orted to the stand and introdit ed by Speaker Klder. His appearance was greeted by applause. lie said his re naiks w.Uld be brief because he knew the members were anxious to continue ! their work. HON. T. V. rOWDERl.EV'i 1K1CCI1. work at home. They are driven awjy from places where they might find something to do and become not only tramps but criminals. To illustrate, a man on his way home to-day, we will say a shoemaker, has a gold watch in his possession which he has earnea by hard work, and someone comes along. He may be a Knight of Labor and he may be a representative, Laughter knocks hira down and robs him. We say it come to trial in Lincoln and the man who did the robbing is tent tn th Iienitentifl-y as n result of it Maybe the tri.d ii postponed so as to enable the man u ho wir- robbed and behten to hear the trial and give his testimony wnen able to do so. He gives his state rnent and the man h sent to tiie peni- icuuaiy. i ue man h set to work, we will say making shoea. He has heated the other shoemaker and made him unable to do his work and he takes his place and he does the work for one-half less than the man who he has robbed could do if. On the outside he robbed the shoemaker of his watch and of hb money and he beat him so badly he coukt not follow his occupation and then he is placed under the shadow of the state to take the man's place at his own trade at one-half less wages. He robbed him on the outside of his own "August flower occ Ml t Hi. f Dm gh)iiiigKl,!ii. I seen ii tr-i lying so .ja ius p rFpiiaUou of Jed doinl, una Jfc: the hf nt. Thew f-ilie "dog hood," be Ife hood or membrane -Jwrand a tough tia.sue, .,'taclc, which in (lie f tftf8 he can dra.v over i a often sate from all or ,1111,',' shielded all over 7 wnwral inches thick o: . i .i. ...t . i I f5e f.e.d hunttrs' g'ui a parts. The grocr. TBuptiire the pelt of a t experienced hunter jp let thy ugi igly brute Ay everjJdy is down sick til) of knows it "trybody -r it win sinipiy speak ot a lew of them so . i. n far ns tiertaina to the stale of Vn. o n ivem-1 . . . . worst cases of :Z7'TlZ?lr up? Jtl m thC JlCad, the toilers of the ;til fl... ,t r,f IChc, and " COid o men in cities, in towns, in hamlets and villages, on the farm and elsewhere. the right to cast a free and untram melled ballot without interference and without intimidation from anybody eiso ana as your liouso has passed its decree no words of mine are in order except to tnann yon on behalf of tho Knights of Labor for the vote recorded on your books. .auuuier quesuon winci) will come before you is the convict labor ques- hey asked you to J'011, , - uoi h ,. u duis you pobiuye CUlv. ,11:,ke it poss bio for the honest men to stand at least the equal of the convict. Ono system in this country makes it al- ilinc ; thousands niost impossible tor the man who works uirougu me long nours 10 support him self and family. I understand there is n law introduced here that will take more of his wages than tho way it was before. I refer to the garnishment law. 1 think it would bo more iu order to enact a law that would enable him to pay his lione'-t debts. To take what little he does earn nwny from him seems like beginning at tho big end of the horn and working out at the small end. Ten per cent is a big change. J drop this hint in passing and go to the couvict labor question Dishearten ing eflecU coin from this lo men who Mr. speaker and Members of Xeb s,ka Legislature: I feel extremely lankful to you and your house for the kind courtesy extended in lllliiWinr mn o say a few words to you to-day while mg through your city. you are representatives of one of the foremost blatesol (he great west. I feel that this honor is not extended to the imli vidua who is hero, but as a representa tive of organized labor. Iam here to hp(-ak to the representative of the or ganized tillers and toilers of the state of Xt braska. The clouds seem to h breaking away and there se ms to be more recognition of ihe rights of com men nuniaiuty than ever before, and v.lnie the enemies of humanity seem to be more strongly organized than be fore the desire to give to humanity all the rights to which they are entitled seems to be stronger than ever before. I lind in looking before mo these words wn'Ueu upon a paper, "1 cannot toll a lis." I did not write it, but it really seems to be a strange sentiment to lind in a liouso of representatives and espe cially in front of the speaker's s'.and. Laughter. Well, 1 will take it as a happy omen that it maans just what it says and that it applies to every repre on this door, and that it means this: T.'hena man parted from his coiKtin-ency lo come here he told them e wouid legislate juntas they required and when h crmo hi re I suppose he intended to do that, and when ho goes hack to them 1 hope he will take this motto mid say to them, "I Cannot Tell a Lie. Hero is Just What I Have Hone, as You Told Me," and 1 hope he will meet with these encouniijimr words, "Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant." Time forbids me to point to very many oi me important questions. I free will and is ro'ubi ig him on the in side against his will by the authority of the laws of the state of Xeb aska. Should we place a premium on dis honest labor to the detriment of honest labor. The labor of the convict i In be taken out and made to stand side by side with the honest labor. If that is not done it is discriminating in favor of the criminal against the man who desires not to be a criminal. I3 that not plain and fair? Von will have the eight hour law be fore yon for your consideration. ask the members of the legislature to do what you can in behalf of this measure. It does not apply only to men working in mills, factories and workshops, but it is a question that commends its self to every lover of humanity. These men have no time to study the conuiuons mat we are now so rapidly springing up in this nation of ours, no time to study the affairs that take up your time here, or to know whether mey nave the right things brought be fore your body or not. This is not only in me interest of humanity and we ask that the hours of lab jr may be reduced to eight hours per day that they may have time to study these great ques tions and to prepare to meet them. 1 would , ike to speak of other matters, but I know that I have taken up more time than 1 should and I know that yon are prepared to do your work. 1 know there are others here who can ffive their views on these matters, and on all other points relating to the in terests of the Knights of Labor, and they are all as competent to give the information as I. I am grateful fo,- your consideration, and consider it as a compliment to Knights of Labor everywhere; also a courtesy from the state of Xebraska to one of the humole citizens of Pennsylvania. 99 How does ho feel ? lie feels cranky, and is constantly exf.cri uieutin, dieting himself, adopting strange notions, and changing the .-ooking. the dishes, the hours,' aud manner of !ii eating August Flower tho Remedy.' I low doc-, he feel? He fctU nt Uuio a e;:;.tv:i)i.r. voracious, insati able appetite, wiiollv unaccountable. unnatural and unhealthy. -August nuwer ine liemeay. How doos he feel ? He feels no desire to go to the table and a grumbling, fault finding, over-nice ty about what is set before him when he is there August Flower tho Remedy. How does ho feel ? Kc feels after a spell of this abnormal appe tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, and detestation of food; as if "a mouthful would kill him August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He has ir regular bowels and peculiar stools August Flower the Remedy. Wire Pence a A iniara ,o"k TiiO-isiidi oE ti J. A. BAEBEJB, President &BHtert fence msde. lo iwble at a g eat distanca. mOiualH. Htsmi for e rfiiilars nl nr: fWt Jiart) wire. Address Sour Wire Fence Co.. 79.S OP Kit A UOL'SK IU 11. Ill G, CHICAUO J. A. BTKtE'f. Secretary. Wm. BOhDliN'WrJCiv, Xreasurar 13 La it Co: ash Meditne. Recommended bv Plivsiriann Cures where ail else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Lmldren take it without objection. Bydruggista. A GOOD FARM near a County Seat in the Kepublicai Valley, Xebr., to trade for live stock, o stock of merchandise. A1 Ircss Box 18C, York, Nebr. its maker.' Jisncnsarv IMcd- m of Buffalo. I pay Ssoo to Jn from chronic jjie head rvhom Jure. - I conditions were hcy asked you to a positive cure itate. Here arc 5, with years of thousands a great name and they say re you because thousands like ( can't we'll , pay the knowledge i one whom we Jn i-Jirmc:oiir j a trial?' Isn't rable r catarrh? Tho following bills were reported back to the house by the committees with ihe recommendation that they be passeu: ii. iv, rso. aa a Dill lor an act to provide for a system of steam boiler inspection and to provide for licensing engineers. H.It. Xo. 213, by Mr. Modie-A bil ior an act to nx the minimum rate ol charges for the use, occupancy and fare for upper and lower berths in palace sleeping cars in their transportation in or through the state. II. It. Xo. 212, by Faxon A bill for an act to amend chapter 50, section 1 of the compiled statutes of the state of iNeuraska of 1887 Jn regard to the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in towns and precints. II. . Xo. 125 For the relief of George W. Davis was amended by cut- uiiKuowii uie amount irom 557,000 to if. Jt. Xo. 43, by Faxon For an act conferring upon women the right to vote at city and village elections, was recommended for passage by a major ity submitted a report recommending mm. ii, uc iiiut-uiiitejy posiponeu, ihe There I ll,;e For Us Vet. There is hope for America. 1 adj cooks are beginning to establish theni selves in London. At a recent cookinj exhibition in the Westminster towi hall a class of ladies from the recog nized schools of domestic economi made a display that surprised the cater srs and hotel men. Among the exhib' Itors was Mrs. Jeanette Miller, an Irish lady, who, having taken the highest culinary diploma, has boldly dounec the cap and apron and gono out to th 'adics' houses to dress lunches, dinnen and ball suppers. At the Westminster exhibition six Jtood between a range, and the pantry ind made seed cake, fried cakes lis) lakes and patty cakes with which sin fed the hungry and admiring crowcl Mrs. Miller agrees with the bishop i Chester that the cook's it the most un Jerstoeked profession in the womeu' kingdom. She is, however, very em phatic in stating that to succeed a gir must understand high class cooking which can only be obtained througf ictual pract ce in the kitchen under ai iccomplished cook. It is ho.- opiniot ;hat in five years cooking will be :J adylike a profession as trained nurs tin is today. London Letter. Sjacobs oiiT CUBES SURELY. FUNil r evervbrJc PnvW p.r. Coiiuiitlruiiis. Fortune Trlln,.,. --lc, St-iici 10 rt-nth to U. A. U'AIID, York, Kd. BiTrilX 1-Hwyer and Solicitor, K. T. TH I LH I Ke" W!,-h. WaHlimtrioii, 1. C. Correspondence invited. Aew Vork Herald: Leicju ll.tru scrabble (to passenger requiring thrja seats for himself and baggage) You are from the city. I presume? Mr. .Shout Yes: how did you know it? Deacon Hardxcrabblo ), we butch ered our country hogs three mouths asro. The entire book is ably written, and gives trusty information lor all who grow fruit of any sort or kind. Stark Kros., nurserymen. Louisana, Mo., will send it free to all interested.-- Oranee J udd Farmer. Takes 1000 people to buy Dr. Eae'd Catarrh remedy, at 50 cents a botlie, to make up f.lOO. Ono failure to cure would take the prolt from 4(03 saks. ItBBinkera profefs to cure ' cold in t';e head," and even chronic caatrrh, and if they fail they pay $500 for their over coiitidence. Not in newspaper words hut in hard cash! Think of what confidence it takes to put that in the papers and mean it. Itsmakers believe in the remedy. Isn't it worth a trial? Isn't any triul preferable to catarrh? After all, the mild nfrencios are tho best. Perhaps they work more slowly but they work Hiircly. Dr. Pierce's Pleaeaut Pellets are an active bl'udcv but quiet and mild. They're eugr- uoiueu, easy uj lane, never snoCK nor (1 ranjje the system and half their poer ' is the mild way iu which their work is done. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One a dose. Twenty-five cents a vial. Of all druggists. I Opiui H Or Morphine Habit Dr. H. 18. COI.I.IXS, Original lilscoverer I'aiuWtM Oulviu Antidole. Will enre y:o a' I omp -without any interruption of o:iJitiar- !iiiK!iien. Hool: wnt ftee to sny ad don., hundreds of nrifrirml testimonials of piij-iiici.-ms Hnd otliors f. r inspection atmyof !, liodin Ti KiprB-s building, Mon rofl et.. (Inccen, ill., l. Oi lraw ti'Jl (formerl La l'orli", luu ) fmm MfMnmnhvi , VT2 m IS THE BEST MEDICINE for tin- CenerM Ailim-nis ot li'Tse, Cattle, Umi ;ui(i Slieep. 'lln-y purily llw WimmI, prevent a.ic1 (uie (lisrasp. lioncsl anil reliable, n honest paekaKCd; used and warranted for over twenty .years. ;v-i joiie owiilnsr a horse or cattle sliould Kivcttatrlal. Madeliy KMMKHTPKOMuitlAKy 1. 0., Uaeiio. bold hy all dmuuists. CHILES 1 Cactus creo Cxmm Chapped Hands, Ftcs m JLipa, Tan, Sunburn, Piaplt M akei roug-h skin toft and tmotA without bcinfr sticky or grmsy. Delicately perfamed . Renders facs powder invisible and makes it ad here to the skin, impartinjfatonea s brilliant complexion. Price lie. Mailed to any address on raced pi of price. Send postal note, siWej r stamps. Address plainly. 7lB Chamber of Commerce Caicajr. The largest stock of Artuu cisl Kycs in tlie West. An as sortment oi eyes senttoasrf addresss, allowing purcbaatt to select one or more and r turn the balance thus assuriaa a perfect nt. Office, 163 State Chicago. Ul, 1K. B. A. CAMFIKLIK eonsnltinr and operating surgeon to Uie i C 2 9 SPRAINS. OhioAMIm.Rnltway. Offic President nd General Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio "My toot suddenly turned and gave me rery e verely p rained ankle. The apolicntion of St. JacobOUreiiltedat once In a relief from pain." W.W. Pkabodt, Preit.AGen'IMan'irr. BRUISES. 746 Dolphin Street, Baltimore, Md., Jan'yl8, 1890. ''I was bruised bad ly In hipandsido by a fall and suffered se verely. St. Jacobs Oil completely cured tne." Wm. C. Harden, Member of State Legislature. TNI CHARLES V09ELER CO.. Baltlmora. HI A Neglected Branch. "VVe are taught in school tc reod nn Write but how many of us urs evei lartght how to talk? And if we wished to learn where sliould we seek s suit able teacher? And yet among all th accomplishments which men and Women possess there is not one that can give so much pleasuro as an ability io iam pleasantly and entertainingly, Think how many things go to make u'n KoouiaiK a good voice, well disci plined, "coft and low," one that rests rather than tires, a voice with music in it. 115 -aext, a well stored mind. Kevr i,Ji"rrLtrport Was rejected by vote j possession of the art of putting things OI ul 10 iii. ! f,.- I. i . , , for it IS quite as imrwvfnnr. that Bay a thing right as that you say tha right thing Then to communicate jntormation in such a way iu to maka It appear that you assume the superi pnty. Wendell Phillips, who was per- ....F 1 ucuguiiu: auu cuarming a con versationalist a ltnstnn The Senate. ine committee on privileges and elections reported on the contest case of .Scott vs. Stnrbuck, Tweuty-third senatorial di strict, that there was no grounu ror contest, and the commit tee's report was adopted. The committee ou miscellaneous cor porations brought in two reports on II. H. Xo. Co the bill to repeal the act granting a bounty on Nebraska man ufactured beet sugar. The majority report recommended the passage of the bill as it came from the house, while the minority reported in favor of so amending it as to make it take effect one year from date of Its passage. The committee on judiciary reported as follows: That I. No. 74, a bill rel ative to estates iu dower, do pass. He port adopted. H. . N o. 75- A bill for an net relnii v to estates by the curttsy, do pass, Ite port adopted. b. J'. JNo. dl A bill to amend sec tions 30 and 170 of chanter 23 eom. piled statutes of ism h amended, lieport adopted. S. F. No. 77 A bill to amend section 10 of chapter 30 of the comuiled staf. utes of ISS'.I do pass. Report adopted. 8. F. No. 1H A bill to repeal chapter 57 of session laws of 188U, do puss. He port adopted. i lie committee on finance, ways and means reported as follows: IhatJS. F. No. 51 A bill to retrulate the interpsta of mortgagors and mortifairie. in real estate mortgage bo refened to th judiciary coiuuuttee. The bill was so referred. as Itostnn pvir I, ,! would alwas put it; "You remembel that the SVrntaa . " I. - . harmless fiction and a pleasant oue.i Boston Budirnt ve thousand baskets hold 15,000,000 oyrters. Multiply that by 245, the number of days in the oyster season, and we have tho enormous amount of 3,030,000,000 oysters eaten in the metropolitan district every year Besides this the oystermcn say that the local traffic uses nearly one-third as many clams in the course of a year or 1110000,000.-New York Letter. ' Mrs. "Vandorbilt's Crown. Mr . William K. Va-.uorbilt wore n foyal crown to the opera ou Fr.d evening. Her appearance as a right iown royal queen, instead merely of a uciety queen, attracted immediate at lention and started a buzz of comment. The crown was a real unmistakable frown, not a tiara by any means, and ir, according to her friends' made in exacf jhiplicale of tho British crown. Mrs. Ogden Mills aud Mrs Dr. Sew ard Webb also have crowns, and they did not elicit the unstinted and unquali fied admiration commanded by Mrs. Vanderbilt's queenly showing. Mrs. Vaaderbilt has, indeed, tw; frowns. Tho one made in imitation of 11, w .... IT' L..!.. . liutt.u v ictoria s crown was got up after some patriotic hesitation by a London jeweler. The other one is the crown of a German princes i, purjliiseJ from the one time Teal and legal own er by Mm. Vauderbilt hereof. Tin purchaser Lai every necessary gua-an-Ije of its genuiness. She doad not wear It regularly, bscause the princess was fomen-hat obscure, and the crown does hot fit her as well as the British crown does. It is very well in its way, though, and she kept it in reserve. i tie crown that Mrs. Vauderbilt has p-orn at the opera, and which she baa previously worn at some society affairs, 3 a glorious arrangement in pearis and diamonds, rising in a very slatoiy anj picturesque fashion from the head. 1 j would make half a dozen tiaras, aud it is said to have cost 8300,000. The de fign i3 very graceful. New York World. Eye and Ear College. Patients at a distance InaHd with ud paralleled success and when TiiiUnr UK atf mn provided board and lodging at reasonable tataa, HI Llll IIV mouth by bsnnlns hi r U I rilLllll remedies, ha starring, m ' J WBallWIuoonroiilence. OudOSmS UK. u. w. r. hWinK, tit stio. si., cMMnTm. amci iiuiJUS, a to 5 dailri 6 to 8 Wd . and eUt Kra FreeTrade Prices Bio Prou-ct.ion ' 16 No Moo soIIm) We are now seilia. on Westei-n ImproTed BiBfaa Hcvmx Machine earns a eutr-com plots with all at-lac-amenta mH wnrMn.i for rears for onl tl i.rrnlar and sne fri!1. .'e.,i.i, ',... i.u i.iiior Riyiss to M. A. Seaili. escriptiouof this a Co. m W POSITIVELY POP'S GERMAN I stomach i'owder. Has no equal for the cure of Dyspepsia ud Indigestion. Pi lee 7JS rMti T nA onmoient ior a days treatment address upon receipt of price. Mailed to any Write for tsav POP8 GERMAN STOMACH POWDBKCo, , M W. Polk at. Cbioam. IU C'lii-irtSitits of Chemicals. Certain substances which are deadly n there effects upon man can betaken by animals with impurity. Horses can take large quantities of antimony dogs of mercury, goats of tobacco,' mice of hemlock and rabbits of bella donna without injury. On tho othei hand, dogs and cats are much more sus ceptible to the in.'luenco of chloroform than man and are much sooner killed by it. If this invaluable anaesthetic had been tried first upon animals wc should probably; have never enioved i Its blessing, as it would , have been lound to bo so fatal that its discoverers Would have been afraid to teat its ef lects upon human beings. It is evi dent, then, that an experiment upon an animal can never be the means ot any certain deductions so far as a man Is concerned. No scientist can ever know when trying somo new drug or Komenew operation wdiether or not When he comes to try it upon man the effect will be the same as that upon an uu i Dial. QOKSUMPTION. 1 have a positive remedy for tlie above diseaae : by its use thousands of cases of tho worst kind nd of long standing have boon cured. Indeed bo strong is my faith in itoefflcacy, tlit I will send two bottles FKEE.with a VALUABLE TREATISE on tins dI3oaaotoany8uf. Jsrer who will amid mo their Express and P.O. address. T. A. iSiocuhj, M. C. 181 Pearl St., N. V. 'I ho most complete Jice of Jirfsn ItKiorin (itiods in th north-west. liiCiuditi the ccl brntod and Ufilearti Tvaists, Jwim-as Miliar npooial-tif-s autl Jorst-y Knit Undei wftar. fcerid bt.Hinp lor trL iiluoirated catalocue. M itS. U W. PI K K, "i.i MftdisonBt., (liioago. or deh mm General and KERVOUS SfiBlXirrt Weakness of Body andKind, Useti innEnrL0,,;"?,rEl,,l1.'BO"ymni! J!S?-Sl.l.?."'',tor"1- H" ' lansaa NV.X,P.l':P0"'''!9l''"lTSOFeD" II09IK 1 IIKATS t VT-H.n.Hr. 1. . . 61) 81il.. Md r.relga Cuiitrlfi. Writ. thai. 'kill:?'? ll'i (sesM) lr medic At. co., b'tfaLo, n. ! Sbaolui 3)wrftlv. Boob. VASELINE. pOR ON c DOLL A.B Knt ns by mail, we will c!o WiZfh lTT n ,ch?rK8S- to any pereon in the United t tato.-, h11 i Uie foUowing articles carefall packed iu a neat t-.ox. , One two ou.,ce bottle of rare Vaseline, loots. Unetiv.-i.fl.mco lmttl VasslinB Tornado 15 " (too jar f V m, li,ie Cold Cream is ' One c-fiko i f Vaseline famphor 1c 10 - (Ine cakn of V aseline soap, unscented. . l'J " Uno cake of Vaseline neap, poeted . 25 " uua two-ounce UotUo White Vaseline . '. .' 2o Or for stamps any single artin'o at price Tamed! If yon nav oo.-nnon io nso Vaseline in nny forro be c .ral ul to accept only gennino Roods put np by ns m oriKiiul packaeoH. a o-reHr n,. me trying Ujporouaile buyers f toko Vast-lino pat up b;; tti.-n. Aover yield losuch porauafion.ietha . ucib ho imiKiiion wilUoui value, ..nil willnot N;al Vaseline ,svd by ail dmcrcists at ten oenta. M f g " MBtolaHt.. New ,0rk V'nT T)r. Riitrf. IUm r Mule br all i n-.n r ilS. S, Ilk. Aak your Druawltt to order It Ihr i H30 aisu. I isr. and Sim all r.r,IX f U or at offloa, fe73ts5 Used in Millions of Homes--4o Years die Standard. S WirOlf thoarlrnnwli'drn'l leadlns-remedv for rII tlin unnalural riiiu-hKrirM aha I private diseanesof men. A certain cure for the (IMilll tntlng wealcncsa peculiar HCdmlrkf ' Iprescriuclt-uid feel.sf tvSUHEHm(tna. In rerommendlna 11 U . 0ilciNNTI,0.HrB al sufrerers. U.STONFR.tin.ntMTiiii. In. Bold It ltrnrls:. i'RICli $1,00. ont to lifl flnanAYS. M UursutM4 not to a MUM BUWiaru m it. n. a . i WEET POTATOES S?fo? T. J. ted on prr SklNMl:U. Columbus. Hunan!. shares. No experleme require 1 Direo Address PENSION ? .and and Indian l).nr.a.. Hon Clal ms. ,SiH..-iul than Piokpohd, solicitor of c aim Wnshi'r.dtor.; j f ,MvT?m'' fu iiisi e iu any state, liiaoks and Information frm. i photogrcphj ourm ivppuss ? A 8EET WAUACH & Cft 'J lA 218 Wakaib AvH CtK